A Wearable Mobile Electrocardiogram Measurement Device With Novel Dry Polymer-Based Electrodes

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A Wearable Mobile Electrocardiogram

Measurement Device with Novel Dry Polymerbased Electrodes

Bor-Shyh Lin3*, Shao-Wei Lu2, and Chin-Teng Lin1,2,3
3. Institute of Imaging and Biomedical Photonics,
National Chiao-Tung University,
Tainan, R.O.C.

I-Jan Wang1, Lun-De Liao2, Yu-Te Wang1, Chi-Yu

1. Department of Computer Science,
2. Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Chiao-Tung University,
Hsinchu, R.O.C.
AbstractA Wearable Mobile Electrocardiogram Monitoring
System (WMEMS), which mainly consists of a wearable
Electrocardiogram (ECG) acquisition device, a mobile phone
with global positioning system, and a healthcare server, was
developed in this study. Most of telemedicine systems for longterm ECG monitoring focus on the application of
communication techniques. However, how to monitor longterm ECG state more comfortably in daily life is also an
important issue. In this study, a novel dry foam electrode was
designed and applied for the wearable ECG acquisition device
in our WMEMS. These novel dry foam electrodes without
conduction gels can provide good conductivity to acquire ECG
signal effectively, and can adapt to irregular skin surface to
maintain low skin-electrode impedance and reduce motion
artifacts under movement. Therefore, the wearable ECG
acquisition device is suitable for long-term ECG monitoring in
daily life. Moreover, by combining with wireless
communication technique, our WMEMS can monitor patients
heart rate continuously anywhere in the globe if they are
under the coverage of GSM cellular network. Experiment
results showed that our WMEMS really provides a good
system prototype for ECG telemedicine applications.
Keywords- ECG, Dry foam electrode, Atrial fibrillation



ARDIOVASCULAR Disease (CVD) covers all

diseases and conditions of the heart and blood vessels,
and is one of the main death causes across most of the
world. According to an estimate of World Health
Organization, cardiovascular diseases kill almost seventeen
million people around the globe each year, and about
twenty million people are at a risk of sudden heart failure
[1]. Most countries face high and increasing rates of
cardiovascular disease. In fact, if prompt emergency care
and cardiac surgery can be provided within golden hour,
some of these lives can often be saved. Therefore, real-time
Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring is important for
patients with cardiovascular disease.
In order to enable mobile patients to get their cardiac
health from anywhere at any time, many modern
telemedicine systems were integrated with communication
technology recently [2-3]. Lin et al. used a Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA) with a physiological signal module to
monitor and transmit physiological signals to a remote
central management unit via Wireless Local Area Network
(WLAN) [2]. Rasid and Woodward designed a Bluetooth
telemedicine processor which pre-processed and transmitted
physiological signals to a mobile phone via Bluetooth, and

978-1-4244-6890-4/10$26.00 2010 IEEE

then this mobile phone uploaded physiological information

to a medical healthcare institute via General Packet Radio
Service (GPRS) mobile network [4]. Lee et al. proposed a
role-based intelligent mobile care system with alert
mechanism [5]. If abnormal condition was identified by the
recognition algorithms in the mobile phone, the mobile
phone would send an emergency alert message to back-end
healthcare center, and physicians. Most of the above
mentioned telemedicine systems focus on the application of
communication techniques. However, how to monitor ECG
state more comfortably in daily life is also an important
issue. Here, the conventional wet electrodes, which have the
advantages of simple, light-weight, reliable, and cost
effective, have widely used in the above telemedicine
systems. The gel-coated sponge of the wet electrode was
used to reduce the impedance between the skin and
electrode. However, the major drawback is that conduction
gel inevitably leaves its residues on the skin, which makes
users uncomfortable easily. Moreover, conduction gel
which trends to be drying, is not suitable for long-term
monitoring. In particular, the motion artifact is easily
induced by friction and slipping of the electrode when the
gel-coated sponge becomes dry.
In this study, we proposed a Wearable Mobile
Electrocardiogram Monitoring System (WMEMS). Our
WMEMS mainly consists of a wearable ECG acquisition
device, a mobile phone with Global Positioning System
(GPS), and a healthcare server. Here, the wearable ECG
acquisition device contains three proposed dry foam
electrodes, and an ECG acquisition module. These novel
dry foam electrodes without conduction gels can provide
good conductivity to acquire ECG signal effectively, and
are feasible to be embedded into the wearable ECG
acquisition device. Different from MEMS electrodes, it
does not need to penetrate into the skin, and can adapt to the
skin topography such as curvatures, and guarantees small
relative motion of the skin to electrode because of its
flexibility and cushioning effect. Under the consideration of
long-term ECG monitoring, the ECG acquisition module
was designed as a low-power-consumption and smallvolume module, and also can be embedded into the
wearable ECG acquisition device. By using the wearable
ECG acquisition device, patients can monitor their ECG
states more comfortably in daily life.
Moreover, the mobile phone with GPS in this system
contains an ECG monitoring MIDlet program. The ECG



monitoring MIDlet program will continuously monitor

patients Heart Rate (HR), and transmit the averages of oneminute HR every two hours to healthcare server via Short
Message Service (SMS) message to completely record the
patients daily HR. Moreover, the ECG monitoring MIDlet
program will send a SMS alert message which contains raw
ECG data and GPS information to the healthcare server and
physicians to provide emergency treatment when abnormal
HR condition is detected. The rest of the paper was
organized as follows. Section II introduced the system
architecture. Section III introduced the system software
design and the abnormal ECG detection algorithm for AF.
In Section IV, the performance of dry electrode and the
accuracy of our WMEMS system for AF detection were
tested. In Section V, the conclusion was drawn.


Fig. 1 illustrated the basic scheme of our proposed

WMEMS system. The system hardware consists of a
wearable ECG acquisition device, a mobile phone with
Global Positioning System (GPS), and a healthcare server.
First, ECG signal obtained by the wearable ECG acquisition
device will be transmitted to patients mobile phone via
Bluetooth. The ECG monitoring MIDlet program in the
mobile phone will continuously monitor patients HR, and
transmit the averages of one-minute HR every two hours to
healthcare server via SMS message anywhere in the globe if
they are under the coverage of Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM) cellular network. If abnormal HR
condition is detected, then the ECG monitoring MIDlet
program will send a SMS alert message which contains raw
ECG data and GPS information to the healthcare server and
physicians to provide emergency treatment. Under longterm ECG monitoring, the occurrence of broken lead, poor
electrode-skin contact, or other problems may cause
judgment fault of recognition algorithm. By using raw ECG
data in the SMS alert message, physicians can understand
the actual state of patients to save the cost of telemedicine
and reduce the workload of physicians caused by judgment

A. .Design of Novel Dry Foam Electrode
A novel dry foam electrode was proposed and applied for
wearable ECG acquisition device. In view of this, the
proposed dry foam electrode, as shown in Fig. 2, was
designed to contact the skin with an electrically polymer
conductive foam with the compression set about 5~10 %,
which was made by urethane material. They were covered
with a 0.2 mm-thick taffeta material made electrically
polymer conductive fabric (conductive about 0.07
ohm/squares) and coating with Ni/Cu on all surfaces to
establish an electrical contact similar to that of the dry silver
electrodes. A 0.2 mm layer of Au was used as an adhesion
layer. The size of our dry foam electrode is 14(L) x 8(W) x
8(H) mm. With the prototypes of our dry foam electrodes
fabricated in hands, ECG measurements are conducted on
the participant. Our dry foam electrode can adapt to the skin
topography, and guarantees small relative motion of the
skin to electrode because of its flexibility and cushioning
The following are major advantages of our dry foam
electrode for long-term ECG measurement: the skinelectrode contact area and skin properties between each
subject are directly related to the skin-electrode impedance.
The contact area should be increased to keep lower
impedance. When the electrodes are attached on the hairy
skin site, the contact area will obviously reduced because
the thickness of hairs will increase the gap between the skin
and electrode. However, the proposed dry foam electrode,
made by the conductive foam, can provide a good softness
property to fit the skull shape. On the hairy site, it can fill
the spacing between the hairs to increase the skin-electrode
contact area. By applied the slight force on the electrode to
ensure the prefect contact of dry foam electrode on the skin,
the effect approaches to the wet electrode on the hairless
skin. Our dry foam electrode can maintain the contact even
under motion, and rubbing and sliding of the electrode on
the skin, to reduce the motion artifact more effectively.

Physician and
other staffs


GSM network


Mobile phone
with ECG monitoring
Healthcare center
GSM modem

Data storage unit

Wearable ECG
acquisition device

Healthcare server

Fig. 1 Basic scheme of our WMEMS system.


of the electrodes to the wearers skin. The developed dry

electrodes are placed at specific body Lead II locations and
integrated into the vest in manner it makes a good contact
with a Velcro strap fixed on the skin surface for long-term
ECG monitoring. The ECG acquisition module is
integrated into the vest in a small box as indicated in Fig. 4.

Fig. 2(a) Top view, (b) Exploded view of our proposed dry foam ECG
electrode. The foam electrode was covered by the conductive fabric on all
surfaces and then paste on a Au layer.

B. ECG Acquisition Module

The ECG acquisition module is a three-lead ECG device,
and consists of Front-End Amplifier (FEA) circuit, Analogto-Digital Converter (ADC), microprocessor, Driven Right
Leg circuit (DRL), and wireless transmission circuit, as
shown in Fig. 3. Here, FEA circuit, which contains a preamplifier and a band-pass filter, was designed to amplify
and filter ECG signal. The gain of FEA circuit was set to
about 112 times with frequency band of 0.05 - 150 Hz.
Microprocessor (TI MSP430) is used to control the ADC to
obtain, pre-process and send ECG data to wireless
transmission circuit. ECG signal will be digitized by a 12bit ADC with sampling rate of 512 Hz. Here, the wireless
transmission circuit contains a Printed Circuit Board (PCB)
antenna and a Bluetooth module which is fully compliant
with the Bluetooth v2.0+ EDR specification. The size of
the ECG acquisition module is about 4 cm 2.5 cm 0.6
cm, and can be embedded into the wearable ECG
acquisition device. This module operates at 31 mA with
3.7-V DC power supply, and can continuously operate over
33 hours with a commercial 1100 mAh Li-ion battery.

Fig. 4 An overview of the whole medical vest for ECG monitoring.

D. Mobile Phone with ECG Monitoring MIDlet Program

A commercial mobile phone (Nokia N85) built-in GPS
module is used as the platform of ECG monitoring. The
ECG monitoring MIDlet program developed on Borland
JBuilder2005 conjunction with wireless development kit
2.2 was installed on the mobile phone to monitor the users
HR variation. If abnormal HR condition is detected, then
the ECG monitoring MIDlet program will send a SMS alert
message to the healthcare server and physicians to provide
emergency treatment.
E. Healthcare Server
The healthcare server mainly consists of a GSM modem,
healthcare center computer, and data storage unit. Here, the
GSM modem (SonyEricsson m600i) was used to receive
and forward SMS alert messages. In the healthcare center
computer, Windows XP was used as the operation system,
and the server program developed on J2SE and JDesktop
Integration Components (JDIC), was designed to control
the GSM modem by using AT-command, and to display
raw ECG, HR, and GPS information.


A .ECG Monitoring MIDlet program in Mobile Phone

The flowchart of the ECG Monitoring MIDlet program
was shown in Fig. 5. In the beginning, the ECG monitoring
MIDlet will call Bluetooth Discovery of BT API to inquiry
the Bluetooth device around here. Here, BT API is one of
Bluetooth application packages used to set connection
between the ECG acquisition module and mobile phone.
When the ECG acquisition module is found,
DiscoveryAgent of BT API will try to create Serial Port
Profile (SPP) to connect mobile phone to ECG acquisition
module. Then, received raw ECG data will be sent to
BUFFER, and displayed in the screen. Here, BUFFER is a
container used to store ECG data. Next, AGLO thread
calculates HR from ten-second ECG data every five second.
After collecting 120 trials of one-minute HR average, DUL
thread will package them into a daily HR message, and
send it to healthcare server every two hour. If abnormal
condition is detected, the ECG monitoring MIDlet will call
GPS API to get GPS information, and then collect

Fig. 3(a) Block diagram and (b) photograph of ECG acquisition module

C. Mechanical Design of Wearable ECG Vest

This wearable ECG vest is designed to collect ECG
signals from the human body continuously in daily life. Fig.
4 shows an overview of the whole medical vest for ECG
monitoring, consisting of the following components: three
developed dry electrodes, conventional 3-lead standard
placements, and the ECG acquisition module. The vest
itself is made of very elastic fabric to ensure good contact


abnormal ECG data to SMS API to send an alert message

to healthcare server.
B.Abnormal ECG Detection
Monitoring MIDlet Program





A. Performance Evaluation of Dry Foam Electrodes


The proposed dry foam electrode was experimentally

characterized with respect to (1) the signal quality check,
(2) the impedance between electrodeskin interface, (3) the
impact of motion artifacts and (4) the comparison of signals
qualities between dry/ wet electrodes. In addition, in order
to reject power-line interference and other artifacts in ECG
signals, the ECG signal was recorded in a shielded room.
Note that these investigations are based on engineering, not
a clinical approach.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia,

and affects nearly 1% of the population, and its prevalence
increases with age [6]. A typical ECG in AF shows a rapid
irregular tachycardia in which recognizable P waves are
sometimes absent [7]. The ventricular rate in patients with
untreated AF is generally 110 to 180 beats per minute.
However, in elderly patients, ventricular rates in untreated
AF are typically slower. Since an irregular rhythm of the
QRS complexes is the major feature of AF, the R-R
Interval (RRI), defined as the interval of neighboring QRS
complexes, is an ideal parameter to identify AF. The rule
for AF detection was described as follows:
Step 1: QRS detection algorithm marks the R points.
Step 2: Calculates RRI, the duration of adjoined R point.
Step 3: Calculates the variation of consecutive RRI,
defined as RRI.
Step 4: Calculates the standard deviation of RRI (RRIstd)
within each 6 seconds of computation.
Step 5: System alarm as twice of RRI > 150 ms
occurred and RRIstd > 60ms within 6 second.
Here, First Derivative (FDI) approach [8] proposed by
Friesen et al. was used as the QRS detection algorithm to
detect QRS complex wave in this study.

1) Signal-Quality Check
The pre-test experiment for signal-quality check was
illustrated in Fig. 6. The aim of this experiment was to
understand distortion caused by our dry foam electrode
under ECG measurement. First, ECG data was pre-recorded
by using standard wet ECG electrodes, and stored in the
personal computer. Next, the ECG data was fed into a
programmable function generator and passed through a
voltage divider to generate the simulated human ECG
signal. The simulated ECG signal was further fed to our dry
foam electrode, and then amplified by the ECG device.
After recording the amplified ECG signal, it was compared
with the pre-recorded ECG data. From the high correlation
between the pre-recorded ECG and ECG obtained our dry
foam electrode, it can present the cleanness of ECG signal
recorded by our dry foam electrode. Fig. 9 showed the prerecorded ECG signal and its counterparts recorded by our
proposed dry foam electrode. It showed that the correlation
between pre-recorded ECG signal and the signal obtained
by our dry foam electrode is high (99.51 %). The result
confirms the cleanness of our dry foam electrode from

C. Software in Healthcare Server

Fig. 5 is the flowchart of the server program in the
healthcare center computer. When the server program starts
to operate, it will call GUI and ULIST thread to create
graphic user interface, and call STGSM thread to link to
GSM modem. STGSM thread will send an AT command to
check whether the connection between healthcare center
computer and GSM modem is established. If the connection
is established, STGSM will create RECV thread to listen
and wait new incoming messages. When a new message is
coming, RECV thread will call STGSM to handle the new
message and go back to listen new incoming messages.
Next, the server program starts to extract user phone
number, message time, SMSC number, message body and
et al. Here, the message body contains raw ECG data and
GPS information.
mobile phone
Healthcare server


GSM network

Fig. 6 Pre-recorded ECG signal and its counterparts recorded by our

proposed dry foam electrode.

STGSM thread

2) Impedance Measurement

GSM Modem

The impedance between the electrodeskin contact

interfaces was analyzed by impedance spectroscopy
(LCR4235, Wayne Kerr Electronics Ltd., UK). The
conventional wet electrodes were attached to the skin of the
participants using their self-adhesive properties. The dry
foam electrodes were attached with a disposable Velcro
strap and exchanged carefully between each measurement
to avoid any change of the skin surface. The skin of the
participant was once cleaned by gently wiping it with a 2-

Connect to GSM modem?

RECV thread

New incoming messages?

mobile phone

Fig. 5 Flowchart of server program in healthcare server.


propanol impregnated cotton pad, which was allowed to

evaporate before applying electrodes. In order to guarantee
reliable and reproducible results, the test signal of
impedance spectroscopy was set to 1 V and the frequency
range from 1 Hz to 10 KHz.
Fig. 7(a) showed the impedance measurement on
standard Lead II sites. Here, the black line denotes the
impedance of our dry foam electrode pair without skin
preparation and conducting gel. Blue and red lines denote
the impedances of conventional wet electrodes without and
with skin preparation respectively. The results showed that
the impedance between the skin and our dry foam electrode
without skin preparation and conducting gel is similar to
that of the conventional wet electrode with skin preparation
and conducting gel used. Therefore, the conduction
performance of our dry foam electrode outperformed the
conventional wet electrode.
In addition, we also traced the impedance changes in the
typically Lead II sites over the course of 10 h to monitor
the long-term ECG performance of developed dry
electrodes. The result is plotted in Fig. 7(b), which showed
the impedance variation for wet and developed dry
electrodes. The impedance variation of the conventional
wet electrode with conduction gel is more obvious lower
than that of our dry foam electrode in the first 2 hours.
After that point, the impedance of the dry electrodes is
significant close to the wet one, even lower. The impedance
variation of the developed dry electrode was observed in
the range from 14 to 24 k ohm, and is in the acceptable
range for normal ECG measurement. Furthermore,
compared to the conventional wet electrode for long-term
ECG monitoring, our dry foam electrode can significantly
provide better stability of the skinelectrode impedance.
This result can be explained by that our dry foam electrode
does not need conduction gel, which is apt to drying.

Fig. 8 Placements and results of ECG measurement by using different

types of electrodes.

4) Influence of Motion Artifacts

For evaluate the ECG performance of the set of
electrodes under test, these electrodes were positioned in a
typical Lead II position, and were close to each other
respectively. A conventional wet electrode was used as the
reference electrode. To evaluate the influence of motion on
ECG measurement, the walking motion was performed.
The participant was instructed to increase the intensity of
the walking motion until the ECG signal measured by the
test electrodes was affected. Experiment results showed
that the influence of motion artifact for our dry foam
electrode is significantly smaller than that of the
conventional wet electrode, especially at the 2~4 and
7.6~9.7 sec. This can be explained by that our dry foam
electrode can maintain the contact effectively, even under
the walking motion. By attaching the dry foam electrode
with a little pressure, its elasticity will stabilize the contact
both horizontally and vertically. Therefore, even if
movement occurs, only parts of the dry foam electrode
move and the overall contact area will hardly change. Wet
electrodes suffered from moving charge artifact more than
dry electrodes [9]. Optimizing the application mechanism
will further improve the properties of our dry foam
electrode. Embedding foam into a rigid cup with a selfadherent surface and fixed at the medical vest, which is
similar to a commercial gel electrode, will enable the
application at constant pressure and avoid the friction
against the skin completely.
B. Evaluation of Accuracy for QRS Detection and Atrial

Fig. 7 (a) frequency characteristic of our proposed dry foam electrodes. (b)
impedance variation of dry foam electrode and conventional wet electrode
under long-term ECG measurement.

First, the accuracy of FDI approach for QRS detection

was tested and evaluated. Here, 30-set ECG records in
MIT-BIH database [10] was used to test the reliability of
QRS detection algorithm. The studied anomalies are
arrhythmia and tachycardia atria fibrillation, and the normal
cases will be arranged in a third class. We checked if the
FDI approach can accurately mark R-point of ECG
waveform. Some parameters of binary classification test for
R-point detection were first defined. True Positive (TP)
indicates R-point of ECG correctly detected as R-point.
False Positive (FP) indicates not R-point wrongly identified
as R-point. True Negative (TN) indicates not R-point
correctly identified as nothing. And False Negative (FN)
indicates R-point wrongly identified as nothing. In
information retrieval, accuracy and recall mean positive
predictive value (PPV) and sensitivity respectively.
Experiments results showed that the average accuracy and

3) Comparison of Signals between Dry and Wet

Fig. 8 showed the placements and the results of ECG
measurement by using our dry foam electrode and wet
electrode pairs in the locations of standard Lead II sites.
The correlation between signals obtained by our dry foam
electrode and conventional wet electrode are typically in
excess of 98.21 % in the locations of standard Lead II sites.


sensitivity of the FDI approach for 30-trial ECG records are

98.14% 97.32% respectively. This indicated that the FDI
approach can effectively detect R-point for arrhythmia and
tachycardia atria fibrillation cases.
Next, a total of 20 normal subjects (from 26 to 39
years old) and 25 AF patients (from 26 to 39 years old)
participated the clinical study. All the procedures and
measurements were approved by the Institutional Review
Board (IRB) of CMUH, Taiwan. Comparison and
recommendations of the American National Standard for
ambulatory ECG analyzers (ANSI/AAMI EC38-1994).
Some parameters of binary classification test for AF
detection were defined as follows: True Positive (TP)
indicates AF condition correctly detected as AF condition.
False Positive (FP) indicates not AF condition wrongly
identified as AF condition. True Negative (TN) indicates
not AF condition correctly identified as nothing. And False
Negative (FN) indicates AF condition wrongly identified as
nothing. The diagnostic result was recorded every 15
seconds for a total of 5 minutes. Thus, there were a total of
400 detection trials for the 20 control subjects. The
sensitivity and positive predictive value were both 100%,
suggesting that the detection worked normally on normal
subjects. For AF patients, the diagnostic result was
recorded every 5 seconds for a total of 5 minutes. Thus,
there were a total of 1500 detection trials for the 25 control
subjects. The sensitivity and positive predictive value for
AF patients were 94.56 %, and 99.22 %. In this case, all the
two values were high. This indicated that our system can be
useful for abnormal ECG detection in clinical.


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In this study, we proposed a wearable mobile

electrocardiogram monitoring system for long-term ECG
monitoring. The wearable ECG acquisition device
integrated with dry foam electrodes and the ECG
acquisition module was designed for long-term ECG
monitoring in daily life. Moreover, the ECG acquisition
module is small-volume, wireless and low-power
consumption (long-term ECG monitoring over 33 hours).
By using the wearable ECG acquisition device, patients can
monitor their ECG states more comfortably in daily life.
And based on SMS communication technology, patients
can monitor their ECG anywhere in the globe if they are
under the coverage of GSM cellular network. Finally, our
wearable mobile electrocardiogram monitoring system was
also tested for patients of atrial fibrillation in China
Medical University Hospital, Taiwan. For 25 AF patients,
the sensitivity and positive predictive value of our system
were 94.56 % and 99.22 % respectively. Therefore, our
WMEMS system can effectively monitor ECG, and really
provides a good system prototype for telemedicine
The authors are greatly indebted to the National Science
council, R.O.C. and Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C.
for the support of the research through contracts in Nos. 992221-E-009-180, 98-2220-E-009-039, and 98-EC-17-A-19S1-035 respectively.


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