Smart Mattress Topper With Enhanced Hygienic Properties For Ecg Measurement and Detection of Position
Smart Mattress Topper With Enhanced Hygienic Properties For Ecg Measurement and Detection of Position
Smart Mattress Topper With Enhanced Hygienic Properties For Ecg Measurement and Detection of Position
Abstract: The contribution focuses on technical solution and confirmation of functionality of a prototype
of a smart mattress topper with enhanced hygienic properties, designed for monitoring of human bio-
medicinal data in real time. It involves integration of progressive technologies in a form of low-temperature
atmospheric-pressure plasma, application of nanotechnologies in a form of an antimicrobial nanosol and
integrated sensing system for monitoring electrical activity of the heart (ECG) and position of a lying
person. The sensing system consists of a set of active ECG capacitive textile electrodes with incorporated
microelectronics, capacitive sensors for detection of presence and position of a lying person, passive DRL
electrode, data, control and communication elements integrated into construction of the mattress topper
with an own mobile application. Functionality of prototype of the mattress topper will be demonstrated
by measurement of ECG and position of a lying person by means of a patient simulator as well as a real
Keywords: smart topper, antimicrobial nanosol, low-temperature plasma, ECG, position detection.
a) b)
Figure 1 Capacitive curves: a) non-pushed sensor, capacity about 12.4 pF; b) pushed sensor, capacity about 15.1 pF
a) b)
Figure 4 Eight-channel ECG record measured from the cover of the mattress topper: a) raw, b) filtered
The matter of prevention of cardiovascular diseases
Figure 5 Power spectral density (PSD) of the channel is very actual, important and necessary not only
No. 1 in the Slovak Republic but world-wide at present.
The proposed prototype of smart mattress topper
“ECG-SmartSheet“ with enhanced hygienic
The measured signals clearly show visible course properties, designed for monitoring of bio-medicinal
of the ECG signal, suitable for subsequent analysis. human data in real time ensures ECG monitoring
Although not all canals are without disturbing of a patient on capacitive principle in lying position
arfefacts, incidence of these artefacts in some as well as detection of presence and position
canals does not represent any risk from a viewpoint of a lying patient in a bed. It is a conjunction
of determination of diagnosis as the applied of progressive technologies for textile finishing
algorithm selects for the needs of diagnosis only such as plasma treatment and nanotechnologies with
the canal with the best signal quality. application of smart technologies such as smart
A graphical display of results from measurement systems for biodata collection with subsequent
of capacity using colour map (colour squares) was positive impact on socio-health aspects of social and
selected to measure position of a lying person demographic development. The smart topper „EKG-
on a prototype of the mattress topper (Figure 6). SmartSheet“ is a functional system of contactless
and unobtrusive long-term monitoring of human vital
functions in health service establishments or
in the domestic environment. Sensing bio-potentials
using textile electrodes prepared from electro-
conductive textiles is a progressive solution
of measurement of ECG signal without direct contact
with human skin. The method of contactless
measurement of ECG signal becomes an alternative
of common Ag/AgCl electrodes used at present
in health service establishments. The textile
electrodes act as dry electrodes allowing
measurement of ECG signal without electrolyte gel
a) b)
or adhesives. Besides, application of textile material
Figure 6 Detail of colour map of the matrix with antimicrobial nano-coating with plasma
of sensors of position: a) without shielding; b) with application ensures permanently enhanced functional
shielding hygienic properties during the long-term use even
after 20 washing cycles and/or after multiple abrasion
of the surface of electro-conductive textiles
From a viewpoint of monitoring position of a patient in the form of textile sensors and/or ECG electrodes.
it is not necessary to know concrete value of capacity Besides, from a viewpoint of materials used
but only its change. Each square in the map in the construction of mattress topper, health safety
represents one sensor and capacity is represented and maximal protection of consumer health has been
by colouring the square. Unloaded (unpushed) confirmed according to the test methods
sensor is represented by blue colour and loaded of the international association OEKO-TEX®
sensor by yellow colour. Influence of shielding Standard and technical requirements of the standard
on measurement and values of capacities sensed STN 80 0055.
using the sensors is shown in Figure 6a, when
measurement was performed without shielding and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: This work was supported
in Figure 6b, where measurement was performed by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under
with an applied shielding layer. Shielding layer the contracts No. APW-14-0190, No. APW-16-0190
of the electroconductive fabric has been inserted and No. APW-18-0167.
between shell of the mattress topper and the passive
pressure capacitive textile sensors. While from