Wound Care Management
Wound Care Management
Wound Care Management
Certifying orgonizations
American Acodemy of Wound Monagement-multidisclplinary board certification,
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society, www.wocn.org
Americon Professional Wound Core Association's Annual Conference: April 19-22,
Philadelphio; www.opwco.org
Symposium on Advanced Waund Core: April 28-May 1, Tompo, Fla.; www.sawc.net
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society Annual Conference: June 9-13, Salt Lake Gty;
Clinical Symposium on Advances in Skin and Wound Care: Oct. 11-14, Nashville;
www.symposiumonwoundcore. com
Wound Care Congress: Oct. 23-27, Dollas; www.waundcorecangress.com
The 24-hour rinsing action rapidly estob-
lishes a clean wound bed, allowing for Journals
active waund healing ta take place. There Advances in Skin and Wound Care, published by Lippincott Willioms ond Wilkins,
is tissue growth, ongiogenesis and cellu- wwwjww.com
lar migratian. Ostomy.^ound Monogement (O/WM), published by HMP Cammunications, www.o-wm.com
WOUNDS, published by HMP Communicotions, www.woundresearch.cam
Source: Wedime Advonced Skin and Wound Core, 2002 Journal of Wound. Ostomy ond Continence Nursing, published by Lippincott Willioms and Wilkins