EWF Scientific Magazine EWF No2
EWF Scientific Magazine EWF No2
EWF Scientific Magazine EWF No2
Weightlifting has a long tradition
in the development of scientifically
based, sophisticated training
methodology and exercise
techniques. This development has
created the conditions for female
weightlifters to raise weights
once reserved for only the worlds
strongest men.
by Antonio Urso
by Donato Formicola
by Jay R. Hoffman
by Anna Swisher
emale Strength
The first thirty years
of womens weightlifting
1984. Each story carries and conveys a wealth of human feelings, science and conscience, reason and
emotion. This story then, like many others, is rich, intense and above all, experienced through emotions,
sweat, joy and pain, encompassing the full range of
human resources. It all began in 1984, when the IWF
Congress approved the practice of womens weightlifting, including it in its statute and in the technical
regulations of the 1984-1988 Olympic Cycle. Furthermore, the term for men only was abolished at
the IWF Congress in Los Angeles, thus opening the
doors definitively for women in weightlifting. Details
such as weight categories, weigh-in procedures, referees and equipment all had to be resolved before
the official competitions took place.
1986 - The first international tournament
The first IWF international female tournament was
organised in conjunction with the Pannonia Cup in
Budapest, on 21-23 March 1986. A couple of years
prior to this event, women lifters were already very
active at national level. Championships were organised in the USA, China, India, Australia and in various
European countries. The first official competition
organised by the IWF in Budapest, saw the participation of 23 women, representing China, Hungary,
Great Britain, Canada and the USA. Americas Arlys
Kovac, achieved the best technical result, with a 75
N 2 / August-December 2015
From the very beginning. Our body is made up
of 100,000 billion tiny elements, cells, that form
its entire structure. The cells that make up the
human body are not all the same. Groups of cells
that present the same characteristics form what
is called tissue. Groups of similar tissues are
known as systems. The main systems of the body
are the muscular system and the nervous system.
The communication systems that connect all the
body parts are called networks.
N 2 / August-December 2015
N 2 / August-December 2015
Nowadays, living Movement, understanding Movement and interpreting Movement means travelling on the edge of change; a
fast-moving change, sudden and
unpredictable as is the rhythm of
evolution and word of mouth.
A first step: re-interpreting Exercise and Equipment and reintroducing the Body to Movement. Our
reflections lead us along a conceptual line that goes from being able
to move to knowing how to move,
from movement being activated
by a muscular contraction and produced by two articular heads coming together, to the coordinated
sequence of movement designed
to achieve a desired goal. Up until now, the journey that has incited this desire to train has placed
many roads before us, each with
several turning points. Each crossroad can indicate different destinations (energetic, mechanical,
coordiantive). Each road can lead
to a particular type of technique or
method. Techniques and methods
can vary in terms of form (changing
the shape of the body) or function
(improving the functions). There
are few techniques and methods
that change the Shape of the Body,
optimizing its relationship with
the world; there are few technqiues and methods that adapt the
Form of Movement to the Form of
the Function. Still today, whatever
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 1
standardization of the Exercise in 5
levels imitates the natural progression
that guides from
a lying down position to an erect position.
The position is initially stationary and
then locomotory.
1. This saying was originally attributed to the American sculptor, Horatio Greenough; the architect, Louis Sullivan cited it
and thus made it famous in relation to architectural, functional and aesthetical implications in the article The Tall Oce
Building Artistically Considered (Lippincotts Magazine, March 1896).
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 2
The categorisation of
Equipment. Machines
that simulate Real
Diagram no. 1
THE BODY. The first
object of study, or
rather, of comparison,
is the BODY.
may seem a banal subject to address. In truth, on closer examination, the research becomes extremely problematic and open to
various interpretations.
We can say that the primary FUNCTION of the human body (in terms
of Form) is the social life, or rather,
social survival. Relating to people
or things, projecting movement internally or externally; activating
motor sequences aimed at a precise goal, keeping control of ones
comfort zone; this is Function.
Social, daily, occupational or sport
functions are nothing more that
the product of the Kinetic Chain,
in other words, the coordinated,
consecutive and sequential activation of the interconnected and
interdependant segments3, that
contribute to placing the farthest
segment (hand, foot and head) in
the required position, at the necessary speed, with the timing suitable to the set goal.4
The synchronous, simultaneous
and synergic motor wave of acceleration/stabilisation/deceleration
that travels through the links of
the kinetic chain in the segments,
generates a coordinated flow that
transmits force and generates purposeful movement. In this sense
and with such a formal and functional characteristic of the body, Movement can become the enabling
agent and optimise performance,
or else lose the properties of the
element that enables the Function
of the Body, to drive only the di-
N 2 / August-December 2015
We will use them as a sort of geometric map where we can find the
paths of Balance, Relationship,
Purpose and Expansion.
The control of each invisible
structure is entrusted to the mechanisms of an in-depth perception (see Proprioception).
Figure no. 3
The Body is a 4-wheel drive
vehicle. Images from: Alberto
Andorlini, From Prehab
to Rehab: Rehabilitation
and Training National
AIPAC Congress, Florence,
5. Check P, Movement That matters, Publisher: C.H.E.K. Institute, May 15, 2001.
6. Kibler WB, Role of the scapula in the overhead throwing motion. Contemp Ortho. 1991;22:525-532.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 4
The four functions of Movement.
Images from: Alberto Andorlini
From Prehab To Rehab: Form
Ever Follows The Function, XIX
International Congress on Sports
Rehabilitation and Traumatology,
Bologna 10 April 2010.
elements that are changeable, deterministically speaking, yet unalterable in the teleological sense.
Lets try to decipher this concept.
The body seeks balance, a relationship, a purpose, to expand its
comfort zone; during this quest
it alters its alignment and interaction between the various segments that make it up. Movements
are the essential aids to carry out
the function of the body, its social
relationship. If it can guide the
forms of movement towards acquiring Balance, relationship, Purpose and Expansion of its Comfort
Zone, then the Body will better
Diagram no. 2C
2c) The more the Form of the Body adapts
to the Forms of Movement, the more the
Function of the Body and the Function of
the Movement become aligned.
After extensive experience as a Physical Education Teacher, today he is a Sports Trainer
and Rehabilitator. His activity has long been connected to his interest in the evolution of
movement and the development of performance.
He has worked for Fiorentina F.C., Siena F.C., Al Arabi Sports Club, Chelsea F.C., he was
the Physical Therapist and Sports Trainer for the Italian Womens Football Team. He is currently the
Rehabilitator at Palermo Sports Club. He collaborates with the Florence Training Lab and lectures in
Sports Science and Techniques and Preventative and Adaptive Motor Sciences at the University of Florence.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Courtesy of
How the
Outgrew the
Lady Bar
It has been said that man is fearfully and
wonderfully made.
Wilton M. Krogman, 1951
N 2 / August-December 2015
At the present time the world record in the +75 kg (unlimited weight class) is 193 kg which was set
by 106.21 kg Tatiana Kashirina
(RUS). This weight is 182% of her
bodyweight, i.e., 38 kg more weight
lifted by an athlete with 21 kg less
body mass than the record of 1993!
In 1997 the International Weightlifting Federation decided to introduce the lady bar. The new 15 kg
bar with a smaller diameter grip
became the official bar for female
competitions. By this time the female world record in the clean and
jerk had flat- lined by remaining
the same 155 kg level established
in 1993.
Up until 1997 when the lady bar
debuted on the international
scene, both sexes used the same
equipment. A bar with a smaller
diameter for the smaller hands of
the females, especially the little
girls in the 46 59 kg classes, seemed appropriate. All of the other
specifications of weight and di-
Figure no. 1
The relatively huge bend in the bar for this 190 kg lift is caused by a
number of factors: the proportionally larger working length of the
bar; the smaller diameter of 25 mm grip; the strength of the athlete;
the limited space on the sleeve to load the discs according to the
N 2 / August-December 2015
Furthermore, the distance between the center and end of the lady
bar is 1,005 mm, which, like the
1,100 mm dimension of the male
The working
length of the bar
Because of the differences in relative distance between the center of the bar and outer surface
of the sleeve, the diameter of the
male and female shaft, one would
expect the case hardened steel
constructed lady bar to flex disproportionally more for a given
weight than would be anticipated
of the male bar. The reason is because the first discs loaded on the
sleeve segment are disproportionally further from the center of
the lady bar.
In effect, this would be similar to
loading the first disc on the mens
bar not flush up against the inside
area of the collar but several centimeters further out from its center.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 6
Regardless of differences in a manufacturers discs or collars; there is not enough room left on a lady
bar to prevent excessive oscillation. Here the lady barbell loaded to 193 does not follow the protocol
because the 1.5 kg disc is loaded on the inside. Furthermore, the collar has been expanded, i.e., unscrewed
pushing it further out on the sleeve.
So, a situation where fixing the
collar on the barbell with the least effect on the working length
of the bar would be unexpanded
(a length of 68.22 mm) with a 0.5
kg disc on the outside. Conversely,
circumstances are created with
the largest effect on the working
length would be a fully elongated
collar (93.78 mm) with a 2.0 kg disc
loaded on the outside.
However, if a record attempt, of
say 194 kg, is loaded on a lady barbell, not only is there no room to
expand the collar, but placing the
2.0 kg on the outside will definitely
affect the oscillation of the barbell
and with it, the athletes ability to
control it.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 7
Example of female lifter
increasing the working
length of the bar with narrow
starting position of feet and
normal hand spacing close to
shoulder width.
on the athletes body when she
locks her arms to fix it overhead.
Furthermore, this additional recoil
is magnified with the heavier the
weight, the longer working length
of the 15 kg bar, the narrower the
hand spacing and the narrower
stance. An excessively springy
barbell becomes more and more
difficult to control at the chest, at
full extension of the arms, as well
if the weightlifter struggles out of
the squat with a maximum weight.
An example of an unexpected problem of a too springy bar was the
clean and jerk competition in the
58 kg class at the 2012 Olympics
Figure no. 8
A wider hand spacing will tend to support the bar so that there is less bend. On the other hand a closer
to shoulder width hand spacing will promote more flex in the barbell including the hyper-flexion of the
bar opposite its direction of inertia, i.e., the center is bowed downward with the ends bowing upwards.
Two of the BLR 58 kg girls lifts
were turned down for oscillating
the barbell in the jerk.
The rules stipulate a lifter cannot
purposely move in such a manner
prior to jerking the barbell from
the chest as to make the bar oscillate for additional assistance in
the upward lifting.
In this instance, this lifters hand
spacing for the jerk was very close
to the shoulders. She raised the
barbell off her chest after recovery from the squat to switch to a
thumb-less grip, which the rules
permit. However, in the process
switching to this grip she expanded her grasp such that the base
of her thumbs were brushing up
against her shoulders. Consequently, the 127 and 133 kg barbells she was lifting oscillated a little
more than would be expected had
she retained the original grasp.
Concerning the
pressing need for
alterations to the
female barbell
The obvious problem associated
with an excessive bend (see picture of 190 kg clean) in the lady bar
created by the heavier weights
being raised is an important issue,
but perhaps not the most significant from a safety standpoint.
A hyper bend in the barbell just
before the lifter locks the elbows
in the jerk or multiple, imperceptible to the naked eye, oscillations in
the barbell when a lifter is struggling out of the squat or trying
to become still with a maximum
weight overhead in the jerk pose
bigger threats to safety and performance.
A number of factors have coalesced to create the conundrum of
excessive oscillation with the lady
bar. The following are the most significant factors affecting excessive oscillation of the 15 kg bar:
1) the strength of the female weightlifter;
2) the 1,310 mm dimension of the
grasping area between the inside surface of the collars;
3) the 25 mm diameter of the grip;
N 2 / August-December 2015
It is a quirk of fate that the stagnation of the male world records
which necessitated the change in
weight classes combined with an
unexpected strength of the female lifter is that the strongest lifters
Figure no. 9
Curiously the stormy growth
of the female records and
the stagnation of the male
record has created the
same circumstance with not
enough room at the end of
the bar to safely fit the discs
on according to the current
rule protocols. In all three
pictures the collars are
expanded unnecessarily taking
up the too little space left on
both barbells.
Weightlifting sports scientist
and trainer with a degree in
Exercise Science from Eastern
Michigan University (USA) and
a Masters in Kinesiotherapy
from Toledo University (Spain).
The founder of Sportivny Press
in 1980, Mr. Charniga has also
edited 15 books translated into
Russian and dozens of articles
on weightlifting training,
biomechanics, recovery, etc. He
regularly publishes specialised
articles and translations on the
website: www.sportivnypress.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Biomechanical model
of the basic
The Snatch is the lift of modern Olympic
Weightlifting which involves lifting the barbell
from the ground to an overhead position a single,
continuous movement, showing perfect postural
control with all the central joints of the anatomic
segments in full extension [1].
N 2 / August-December 2015
The upward trajectory that the
barbell completes during the execution of the Snatch generates
great interest from the scientific
literature that deals with sports
biomechanics, as it is a demonstration of how it is possible to
develop specific motor strategies
that can lift a load, which, in the
specific case of this movement,
can reach almost two and a half
times the body weight (Liu Xiaojun, 2013 world record holder,
who lifted 176 kg in the Snatch,
about 2.3 times his body weight
of 76.4 kg). The trend of the barbell trajectory is represented by a
characteristic S shape [2] and is
delineated by the mechanical contribution of the joint levers that, in
altering their spatial disposition
during the entire evolution of the
movement, mainly generate three
propulsive periods [3]:
1) the pull, characterised by the
action of the lower limbs and
the rearward displacement of
the barbell; 2) the thrust, which
involves raising the pelvis and
a forward displacement of the
barbell; 3) the push, when the
shoulders are fully raised with
the simultaneous extension of
the lower limbs to allow the barbell to reach maximum height [4].
In the modern evolution of the technique, aimed at improving the
mechanical efficiency of lifting
increasingly heavier loads producing increasingly faster actions,
the trajectory of the barbell tends
to assume a less curved trends.
Two examples of technical variations of this type are (1) the changes that are occurring in the dou-
The anthropomorphic biomechanical model used for the study
was carried out by integrating the
data collected from the literature
regarding the biomechanical [17]
and anthropometric [18] components. The shapes and the masses
of the body of a virtual athlete have
been simplified in the association
of six anatomical regions (foot,
leg, thigh, torso, arms, head) represented by the same number of
coplanar linear segments that originate from their centre of mass
and end in their distal and proximal joints. The use of a two-dimensional anthropomorphic model
of this type is supported by the
total contralateral symmetry that
N 2 / August-December 2015
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 2
Basic phases of the Snatch Technique.The multi-segment biomechanical
model represents the distinct solutions of ten postural positions
that characterise the Snatch technique. The univocity of the spatial
layout of the model was reached by respecting the articular ranges of
the different body segments and the two basic principles of postural
stability: maximum proximity of the centres of gravity in relation to
the vertical line of the movement and the projection of the centre of
mass of the athletes body which falls in the centre of the midfoot. The
ordinate values are expressed in model units (fractions of height of
the anthropomorphic model).
First Pull. In this first motor action
the centres of mass of the foot, the
barbell and the tibia are aligned in
a straight line and perpendicular
to the support plane that intersects the shoulder joint in order
to make the direction of the barbell ascent vertical (Figure 2, Phase 1). Therefore, by knowing the
position of the knee and the horizontal component of the shoulder,
the hip can be placed in the plane
of the anthropomorphic model
(also called the homographic plane) at the point of intersection articular radii of the torso and thigh.
The two coordinates of the hip and
the shoulder height (three unknown) therefore constitute the
only solution of a system of three
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 3
Angular Ranges. The articular ranges (in degrees) are illustrated for
each of the ten phases of the Snatch: sole of the foot in relation to the
support surface with vertex on the metatarsophalangeal joint (in red);
ankle (in purple); knees (in dark blue); hips (in light blue); shoulder (in
The ten phases defined in the qualitative biomechanical analysis of
the Snatch in Figure 2, show two
particular motor strategies that
make up the overall movement.
The first is achieved by a rotatory
movement of the torso, which first
tilts the pelvis backwards (Phase 1
and 2) and then moves it forward
until it comes into contact with the
barbell (Phases 3, 4 and 5), with
the aim of transferring to the latter a sufficient quantity of motion
to continue its ascent even when
there is no longer any contact
(Phases 6 and 7). The second motor strategy, which is performed
at the same time as the first, is the
Figure no. 4
Vertical Displacement of the Joints. The ten phases of the Snatch have
been characterised by the vertical component of five joints: ankle (in
red), knee (in purple), hips (in dark blue), shoulder (in light blue), hand
(in orange). The hands centre of mass intersects the main axis of the
barbell. The ordinate values are expressed in model units (fractions of
height of the anthropomorphic model).
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 5
Barbell trajectories. The graph
shows the trajectories of the
athletes centre of mass (black)
and that of the barbell (orange) in
model units (fractions of height
of the anthropomorphic model), in
the seven phases (points 1-7 on the
trajectories) that make up the five
key motor actions of the technical
movement of the Snatch.
The search for a technique Lifting Weights high level
Efficiency is the key objective of all the biomechanical analysis studying the gestures Raise the Olympic
sports. Currently the specific literature presents bio-
The biomechanical model presented anthropomorphic in this study was developed through average values of anthropometric parameters and ergometric
of male subjects, but its total integration makes it
scalable for any condition subjective. The mathematical approach used can therefore be applied to anthropometry and ergonometry of individual athletes or a
group specific athletes, and can help identify postural
structures that characterize the phases of the Snatch
technique, referring exclusively to anatomical limitations. Eluding conditions athletic of individuals, as
imbalances district muscle strength and elongation of
the muscle-tendon, is it possible to quantify the criticality of different postures that must be overcome for
improve the overall efficiency of technical movements.
Collect anthropometric data of an athlete, beginner or
expert, and then create a model mathematician of his
biomechanics, can help technicians to quantify individual goals of a training program, such as amplitudes
reach particular joint and postural certain structures,
with the aim of improving the technical efficiency of
the Olympic Alzate.
Masters Degree
in Sports Science,
Techniques and Training.
Dr. Formicola
specialises in biomechanical models to
assess motor and sports skills based
on motion capture systems.
He is currently a lecturer in Motor
Sciences at the Turin Graduate School.
He is a IV Level CONI European Coach,
FIPE Master of Weightlifting and
member of the National FIPE Scientific
Vision and Image Understanding 104 (2
3):90-126. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.
13. Ho KWL, Williams MD, Wilson CJ, Meehan
DL (2011) Using three-dimensional kinematics to identify feedback for the Snatch: a case
study. Journal of Strength & Conditioning
Research 25 (10):2773-2780
14. Schwameder H (2007) Issues and challenges of applied sport biomechanics research.
Journal of Biomechanics 40, Supplement 2
(0):S14. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S00219290(07)70013-1
15. Cai Q, Aggarwal JK (1999) Tracking human
motion in structured environments using a
distributed-camera system. Pattern Analysis
and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions
on 21 (11):1241-1247. doi:10.1109/34.809119;
Aggarwal JK, Cai Q (1999) Human Motion
Analysis: A Review. Computer Vision and
Image Understanding 73 (3):428-440. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/cviu.1998.0744
16. Bai X, Wang H, Zhang Xa, Wenting J, Wang C
(2008) Three-dimension kinematics simulation
and biomechanics analysis of snatch technique. Proceedings of 1st Joint International
Pre-Olympic Conference of Sports Science &
Sports Engineering 1 - Computer Science in
17. Winter DA (2009) Biomechanics and Motor
Control of Human Movement. Wiley
18. Tilley AR, Associates HD (2002) The Measure
of Man and Woman: Human Factors in Design.
vol 1, Wiley
19. Ho LK, Lorenzen C, Wilson CJ, Saunders JE,
Williams MD (2014) Reviewing current knowledge in snatch performance and technique:
the need for future directions in applied research. J Strength Cond Res 28 (2):574-586. doi:
20. Liu Y, Chen W (2001) Foot Pressure Study
During Pulling Phase of Snatch Lifting. Paper
presented at the 19 International Symposium on
Biomechanics in Sports, San Francisco, June 26,
N 2 / May-August 2015
ambition or
BY Pasquale Bellotti
N 2 / August-December 2015
Definition 1: Sports training is a
complex pedagogical-educational process put into effect by the
systematic organisation of physical exercise, repeated in such
quantities and with such intensity so as to produce progressively
increasing loads that stimulate
the bodys overcompensating
physiological processes and favour the increase of physical,
psychical, technical and tactical
processes of the athletes, in order to consolidate and enhance
performance in competition.
Definition 2: Sports training is
a complex pedagogical-educational process completed by
the systematic organisation of
physical exercise, repeated in
such quantities and with such
intensity so as to produce progressively increasing loads that
stimulate the bodys overcompensating physiological processes and favour the increase
of physical, psychical, technical
and tactical processes of the
athletes, in order to consolidate
and enhance performance in
The new verb did not simplify
the understanding of the others
(actually, when I started to talk
about it, years later, I found many
people critical, uncertain and irritated precisely for the fact that
it required a series of new lines
of reasoning): the passage was as
follows: in order to be clear and unambiguous, a definition of training must recover (and include) all
the motor skills of man and plant
its roots in practicing movement
from an early age. Training does
not begin a process, it follows it
through. It lays the foundations of
the entire motor activity from an
early age with the aim being - note
carefully - not sport, but life per se.
Only if the basic motor skills are
formed (I have often written and
spoken about, so Ill be brief here)
can training begin. Training is the
completion, the crowning, the in-
N 2 / August-December 2015
night and during any free time between meetings on the very subject of training. Dozens of hours
spent over single words, a verb or
an adverb. At the time it seemed
of vital importance. And today I am
still of the same opinion. It means
laying the foundation stone on
which all else is built.
Definition 3: Sports training is
a complex pedagogical-educational process, which develops
over long periods of time, possibly starting from childhood, and
is completed by the systematic
organisation of physical exercise, repeated in such quantities and with such intensity so
as to produce progressively
increasing loads that stimulate
the bodys biological processes
of adjustment, adaptation and
overcompensation and favour
the increase of physical, psychical, technical and tactical processes of the athletes, in order
to reasonably increase, consolidate and enhance performance
in competition.
Definition 4: : Sports training
is a complex pedagogical-educational process, bioethically
grounded and developed over
long periods of time, possibly
starting from childhood, which
is completed by the systematic
organisation of physical exercise, repeated in such quantities and with such intensity so
as to produce progressively
increasing loads that stimulate
the bodys biological processes
of adjustment, adaptation and
overcompensation and favour
the increase of physical, psychical, technical and tactical processes of the athletes, in order
to reasonably increase, consolidate and enhance performance
in competition.
Definition 5: Sports training is a complex pedagogical-educational process, bioethically grounded
and developed over long periods of time, possibly
starting from childhood, and which - after an initial
and essential phase of development and physical
and psychical initiation - is completed by the systematic organisation of physical exercise, repeated in such quantities and with such intensity so
as to produce progressively increasing loads that
stimulate the bodys biological processes of adjustment, adaptation and overcompensation and
favour the increase of physical, psychical, technical and tactical processes of the athletes, in order
to reasonably increase, consolidate and enhance
performance in competition.
Definition 6: Sports training is a complex pedagogical-educational process, bioethically grounded
and developed over long periods of time, possibly
starting from childhood, and which - after an initial
and essential phase of development and physical and psychical initiation - is completed by the
systematic organisation of physical exercise, repeated in such quantities and with such intensity
and density, based on forms and levels of difficulty
and with degrees of efficacy so as to produce progressively increasing internal loads that stimulate
the bodys biological processes of adjustment, adaptation and overcompensation and favour the increase of physical, psychical, technical and tactical
processes of the athletes, in order to reasonably
increase, consolidate and enhance performance in
One student who had been listening to me became infatuated and took me literally. He did this to make me
realise that I had often spoken during lectures about
N 2 / August-December 2015
Definition 7: Sports training is
a complex pedagogical-educational process, personalised
and bioethically grounded,
which develops over long periods of time, possibly starting from childhood, and which
- after an initial and essential
phase of development and physical and psychical initiation - is
completed by the systematic organisation of physical exercise,
repeated in such quantities and
with such intensity and density,
based on forms and levels of
difficulty and with degrees of
efficacy so as to produce progressively increasing internal
loads that stimulate the bodys
biological processes of adjustment, adaptation and overcompensation and favour the
increase of physical, psychical,
technical and tactical processes
of each athlete, in order to reasonably increase, consolidate.
Definition 8: Sports training is
a complex pedagogical-educational process, personalised and
bioethically grounded, which
develops over long periods of
time, possibly starting from
childhood, and which - after an
initial and essential phase of development and physical and psychical initiation - is completed
by the systematic organisation
of physical exercise, repeated
in such quantities and with such
intensity and density, based on
forms and levels of difficulty
and with degrees of efficacy so
as to produce progressively increasing internal loads, always
diversified but progressively
incremented, that stimulate
the bodys biological processes
of adjustment, adaptation and
real structural transformation
and favour the increase of physical, psychical, technical and
tactical skills of each athlete,
in order to reasonably increase,
consolidate and enhance performance in competition.
complexity (constitutive and interpretive). The same complexity as indicated in the science of
a connection to the motor skills
history of the individual, which
means understanding the legacy, the personality, the vital
action of the environment, the
individual responses of each
athlete, the consequent
indulging the aptitudes and individualisation of the approach;
a practical approach that uses
physical exercise to perfect the
trial and error to measure the
physical exercise and its effects;
the practical aspect (even if of
uncertain interpretation) of
the so-called parameters of the
the professional code of conduct
of the phenomenon in question;
connecting the limits and training ability of the individual.
medical physician and expert in
movement and training, he
currently lectures in Sports
Ethics and Bioethics at the Turin
Graduate School.
He is the author of many
books and articles.
He is also President of Amca
Onlus, an association concerned
with numerous aid and support
projects in Africa (and in Italy):
N 2 / August-December 2015
I read over my old and new definitions and I remember the journey,
the path that over decades has taken me here, the thousands of students who I have met over the years.
I realise that in the final definition I
have taken into account the 10 crucial aspects that a trainer must be
aware of. I will try to list them, to
conclude this short, fragmented
history of an Italian definition of
sports training. I say short, but I do
not wish to make light of it, because
in reality it contains the power of
thoughts that reaches for the light,
that wants to understand and move
forward. This is a trainers life.
Courtesy of
Analysis of
the Snatch
for Lifting
BY Hadi Gkhan; Akku Hasan;
Harbili Erbil
N 2 / August-December 2015
The aim of Olympic weightlifting
competitions is always to lift higher
weights successfully. Lifting higher
weights in snatch lifts requires a
multifactor performance including
technique, power, explosive strength, and flexibility (2,5,9,10,1518,22). When
the snatch technique is analyzed as a
whole, it can be seen that the synchronization and perfection of the system
consisting of the body and barbell
is the key to a successful lift (2,5). The
performance pattern of the snatch
technique requires the barbell to be
lifted from the floor to a straight-arm
overhead position in one continuous
movement (2,5,1518). The first 5 phases (first pull, transition, second pull,
turnover under the barbell, and catch
phase) are considered to be the most
important phases of the snatch lifts,
and increasing the barbell weight
has an important effect on all biomechanical factors during these phases
(1518). Determining the exact effects
of the increased barbell weight on the
barbell and body kinematics might
help to understand the effective technical factors and the biomechanics of
successful lifts of higher weights.
A great majority of the published studies on the biomechanics of weightlifting have usually focused on the
kinematics of the barbell and body
segments of elite weightlifters who
participated in national (1,7,8,10,17,19,24,25)
and international competitions (3,4,6,9)
and world championships (12). The
common aim of those studies was to
determine the biomechanical differences between the different phases
and to evaluate the technical components of snatch lifts. These studies reported that the mechanical work during the first pull was higher than that
Experimental Approach
to the Problem
To determine the changes that the increased barbell weight caused on the
body and barbell kinematics, the kinematic data obtained from the subjects
were studied by 3-dimensional biomechanical analysis. The reason for
the preference for the 3-dimensional
analysis was that other studies reported that 2-dimensional analysis
adversely affected the reliability of
angular kinematics (2).
This study was performed on 7 elite
male weightlifters (Table 1) at different categories of the Turkish weightlifting national team during their preparation camp for the 2007 European
Championship. The subjects were medal-winning weightlifters in previous
international competitions. All the
subjects provided written informed
consent approved by the local ethics
committee of the Selcuk University.
To determine the 3-dimensional kinematic data of the barbell and body
segments during the snatch tech-
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 1
Placement points of reflective markers on the body and barbell.
nique and to digitize the data provided with higher precision, a set of
14 reflective markers were stamped
on tiptoe, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder,
elbow, and wrist on both sides of the
body and 2 markers on the chin and
forehead. The other 2 markers were
placed at the right and left ends of the
barbell. The reflective markers on the
body and the barbell were digitized by
using an Ariel Performance Analysis
System (San Diego, CA, USA). To obtain
a clearer vision of the markers, an illumination source of 500 W of power
was placed on each camera (Figure 1).
Four digital cameras (Sony DCR-TR-
WR (%)
Table no. 1
Characteristics of the subjects and the barbell.
Figure no. 3
Phases of the snatch technique based on the angular
displacement at knee angle. (a) the first pull, (b) the
transition, (c) the second pull, (d) the turnover under the
barbell, and (e) the catch.
Figure no. 2
Top view of the positions of the
cameras recording snatch lifts.
The snatch technique was divided into
5 phases according to the changes in
the knee angle and the vertical position of the barbell as the first pull, the
transition, the second pull, the turnover under the barbell, and the catch
phase (Figure 3).
The linear kinematics of the body and
barbell and the angular displacements of the knee joint were calculated.
The vertical work done on the barbell
during the first pull and the second
Statistical Analyses
Multivariate test Wilks lambda ()
and post hoc test with Bonferroni correction were used for the statistical
analysis of the linear kinematics and
energetics of the barbell. Normality
of data was verified by the Kolmogorov-Simirnov test. The level of statistical significance was set at p 0.05.
No significant differences were found
between the durations of the phases,
except for the first pull (Table 2).
It was indicated that there were significant differences between the
maximum height of the barbell during
60%1RM, 80%1RM, and 100%1RM
snatch lifts (Figure 4) and between the
maximum vertical velocity of the barbell (Figure 5). The maximum height
and vertical velocity of the barbell decreased significantly during 60%1RM,
80%1RM, and 100%1RM snatch lifts,
respectively. Significant differences
were also found in the maximum ver-
Wilks lambda
0.42 0.06
0.40 0.03
0.46 0.04
Transition (s)
0.10 0.01
0.11 0.01
0.13 0.03
0.14 0.03
0.13 0.01
0.12 0.01
0.24 0.03
0.24 0.03
0.23 0.02
Table no. 2
Duration (seconds) of the
phases in snatch lifts.*
Figure no. 4
Trajectories of the barbell in the snatch lifts of TS:
from lift-off to the catch phase.
Figure no. 5
The linear vertical velocity of the barbell in the
snatch lifts of TS: from lift-off to the catch phase.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Mean SD
Mean SD
Wilks lambda
1.38 0.09
1.29 0.08
1.18 0.09
0.45 0.04
0.44 0.03
0.43 0.03
2.30 0.18
2.02 0.18
1.79 0.17
21.49 0.16
21.73 0.14
21.97 0.13
0.24 0.07
0.16 0.04
0.13 0.03
Table no. 3
Kinematics of the barbell
and CG during snatch lifts.*
Mean SD
Wilks lambda
389.00 127.98
503.00 154.34
630.85 180.72
446.42 78.02
467.00 84.26
511.14 97.72
835.42 151.13
1,014.28 182.93
1,142.14 217.33
50.71 26.71
55.28 40.47
39.28 32.04
38.14 21.65
44.00 33.11
22.85 18.25
338.85 119.73
337.85 109.13
326.14 104.44
140.42 36.60
132.00 41.88
108.85 25.39
94.57 1.98
95.28 2.81
97.00 2.00
Efficiency (%)
*CG = center of gravity; efficiency = vertical work/total work on barbell; 1RM = 1 repetition maximum.
Significant difference at the p<0.05 level in 80%1RM.
Significant difference at the p<0.05 level in 100%1RM.
Significant difference at the p<0.05 level in 60%1RM.
Table no. 4
Work done by CG, horizontal and vertical work done on the barbell during snatch lifts.*
Wilks lambda
817.71 239.49
1,008.42 231.76
1,081.28 199.27
2,026.71 443.31
2,309.00 462.55
2,595.28 569.45
1,174.28 231.36
1,413.85 239.20
1,467.28 241.09
71.14 35.88
76.42 54.79
48.71 40.40
170.42 89.89
200.57 155.84
126.28 118.70
477.14 182.15
469.14 141.89
417.28 119.90
647.57 239.29
598.71 213.94
558.28 172.81
1,722.57 441.44
1,959.28 422.40
1,933.42 392.29
22.28 2.13
25.85 3.07
25.28 2.98
2,844.57 727.61
3,108.28 804.50
3,279.85 849.77
37.28 4.34
40.28 4.88
42.71 3.03
Table no. 5
Power output during snatch
catch phase and the magnitude of acceleration of the barbell that started
to fall from the maximum height was
higher at 60%1RM when compared
with 80%1RM or 100%1RM (Figure 6).
The most distinctive effect of the increased barbell weight in snatch lifts
in this study was the decrease in the
velocity of the barbell and the vertical
displacement of the barbell and CG
and the increase in the vertical velocity of CG during the turnover under
the barbell. It was reported in the studies of Garhammer (9,11,14) that when
the barbell weight was increased during competition, maximum vertical
displacement values of the barbell
were decreased. In addition, it was
found in one study (17) that maximum
vertical displacement of the barbell
during snatch lifts of elite weightlifters was 1.25 m, although this value
was 1.15 m in another study carried
out by the same authors (15). In this
study, the maximum vertical displace-
Figure no. 6
The linear vertical acceleration of the barbell in the
snatch lifts of TS: from lift-off to the catch phase.
ment of the barbell at 100%1RM was
found to be 1.18 m. The main reason
for the inconsistent results found by
different researchers about the maximum height of the barbell could be
the physical differences of the weightlifters, including the differences
in their height.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Mean SD
2 maximum peaks in the vertical velocity during the pull, and the second
was with 1 maximum peak. In this study, a slight decrease was observed in
vertical velocity during the transition
phase in successful lifts, suggesting
a curve with almost 2 peaks. Although
1 maximum peak in the vertical linear
velocity of the barbell during the pull
was reported to be characteristic of
better weightlifters, successful lifts
by elite weightlifters with 2 maximum
peaks were also reported (2). The deceleration of the barbell during the
transition phase were characterized
by fatigue or higher percentages of
their maximum velocities at the end
of the first pull and might not cause
any notable decrement in performance as long as the loss of the barbells
linear vertical velocity is a small percentage of maximum linear vertical
velocity (18).
Although the maximum vertical velocity of the barbell increased in parallel
to the increase of body weight in categories (2), it was observed to decrease in 1RM in general (9,10). Therefore,
it might be said that increasing the
barbell weight is a factor affecting the
vertical velocity of the barbell directly.
Isaka et al. (21) reported similar resul-
N 2 / August-December 2015
the barbells decreased and the bodys increased kinematics during the
turnover under the barbell. With the
effect of the increased barbell weight, the values of the work done and
power output increased during the
first pull, but during the second pull,
power output increased, whereas the
work done remained unchanged.
The rationale for this study was that
analyzing the effects of increased
barbell weights on the barbell and
body kinematics of elite weightlifters
at different percentages of 1RM (60,
80, and 100%) would facilitate the understanding of the biomechanical demands at each phase in the snatch lift.
The results of this study are consistent with those of previous research studies reporting that the
strength-oriented first pull and the
power-oriented second pull are the
most important phases in the snatch technique and that the explosive
strength during the second pull is
especially important for a successful
turnover under the barbell. The decrease in horizontal power despite the
increases in vertical power observed
in our study indicates that coaches
and practitioners should primarily
focus on designing training programs
for the improvement of the explosive
strength for a better pull. Based on
the result that the power output in
80 and 100% of 1RM were similar, it
is recommended that loads between
submaximal and maximal barbell weights (80 and 100% of 1RM) should be
chosen in training programs designed
for improving strength, preferably loads of 100% of 1RM.
1. Bartonietz, KE. Biomechanics
of the snatch: Toward a higher
training eciency. Strength
Cond J 18: 2431, 1996.
2. Baumann, W, Gross, V, Quade,
K, Galbierz, P, and Schwirtz,
A. The snatch technique of
world class weightlifters at the
1985 world championships.
Int J Sport Biomech 4: 6889,
3. Burdett, RG. Biomechanics of
the snatch technique of highly
skilled and skilled weightlifters. Res Q Exerc and Sport
53: 193197, 1982.
4. Campos, J, Poletaev, P, Cuesta,
A, Pablos, C, and Carratala,
V. Kinematical analysis of the
snatch in elite weightlifters of
different weight categories. J
Strength Cond Res 20: 843
850, 2006.
5. Enoka, RM. The pull in Olympic
weightlifting. Med Sci Sports
11: 131137, 1979.
6. Enoka, RM. Load and skill-related changes in segmental contributions to a weightlifting
movement. Med Sci Sport
Exerc 20: 178187,1988.
7. Garhammer, J. Power production by Olympic weightlifters. Med Sci Sports Exerc 12:
5460, 1980.
N 2 / August-December 2015
BY Jay R. Hoffman
N 2 / August-December 2015
The Dangers of a
Lack of Understanding of the
Scientific Principles
of Training
The lack of an appropriate appreciation of the importance of applied science has at times resulted
in catastrophic incidents during
the training of competitive athletes. In the 10 years spanning
Relationship of
Science and Sport
The beauty of applied research is
that it provides an applied application for the basic knowledge of
science and explains how it can be
used to understand and enhance
athletic performance. It allows
the coach to maximize athletes
performance, or perhaps as important, understand limitations
of performance. Such information
can assist coaches and athletes in
setting realistic training goals and
performance expectations. It may
also provide assistance in setting
more objective criteria used for
team selection. Applied research
provides tools for the coach to use
to minimize risk for injury, to reduce the risk of fatigue and overtraining and achieve peak performance at the appropriate time.
Most scientists are comfortable
working in laboratories and using
N 2 / August-December 2015
Figure no. 9
Effect of Intensity of Training
on Strength Improvement. * =
significant difference between
groups. Data from Hoffman
and Kang, 2003.
is used in improving athletic performance can be seen in the studies that have emanated from the
Human Performance Laboratory
in the Department of Health and
Exercise Science at The College
of New Jersey. Different training
paradigms for both in-season and
offseason conditioning programs
have been examined over the past
few years. Examples of such studies include the investigation of
linear and nonlinear periodization
techniques in both in-season and
offseason conditioning programs
for football players, comparison
of Olympic and traditional power
lifting training programs in the
off-season conditioning program
of football players, and the effect
of ballistic exercises (i.e. jump
Figure no. 2
Comparisons of number of repetitions performed. * =
significant difference between groups. Sup = Protein group;
PL = Placebo group. Data from Hoffman et al, 2010.
N 2 / August-December 2015
to the success of the research performed by the Human Performance Laboratory has been in the ability to rapidly delineate the results
of these studies to the coaching
staff and athletes. These lines of
communication provide positive
reinforcement for continued research and generate additional
ideas for subsequent study. It also
provides support for continued
cooperation between coaches and
applied scientists.
Sport nutrition is another area
of study that is often examined
by sport scientists that have immediate relevancy to coaches
and athletes. One of the largest
struggles seen in sport today is
the understanding of the efficacy
of various sport supplements that
athletes are confronted with. There are many individuals that simply
want to minimize the use of dietary
supplements, ignoring the potential benefits that they may provide.
1. Casa DJ, Anderson SA, Baker L, Bennett S, Bergeron MF, Connolly D, Courson R, Drezner J, Eichner R, Epley B, Fleck S, Franks R, Guxkiewicz KM, KG
Harmon, Hoffman JR, Holschen JC, Jost J, Kinniburgh A, Klossner D, Lopez
RM, Martin G, McDermott BP, Mihalik JP, Myslinski T, Pagnotta K, Poddar
S, Rodgers G, Russell A, Sales L, Sandler D, Stearns RL, Stiggins C, Thompson
C. The inter-association task force for preventing sudden death in collegiate
conditioning sessions: Best Practices Recommendations. Journal of Athletic
Training. 47:477-480, 2012.
2. Drake DR, Herwaldt L, Hines NW, Kregel KC, Thoman D. Report of the special presidential committee to investigate the January 2011 hospitalization of
university of Iowa football players. March 2011.
3. Gonzalez AM, Hoffman JR, Rogowski JP, Burgos W, Manalo E, Weise K, Fragala MS, and Stout JR. Effect of playing time on performance changes in NBA
basketball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27:611615, 2013.
4. Gonzalez A.M., Hoffman J.R., Scallin-Perez, J., Stout J.S., and Fragala M.S.
Performance changes in NCAA Division I women basketball players during a
competitive season: Starters vs. non-starters. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 26: 3197-3203, 2012.
5. Hoffman JR and Kang J. Strength changes during an inseason resistance
training program for football. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
17:109-114, 2003.
6. Hoffman J.R., M. Wendell, J. Cooper, and J. Kang. Comparison between linear
and nonlinear inseason training programs in freshman football players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 17:561-565, 2003.
7. Hoffman JR, NA Ratamess, CP Tranchina, SL Rashti, J. Kang, and AD Faigenbaum. Effect of Protein Ingestion on Recovery Indices Following a Resistance Training Protocol in Strength/Power Athletes. Amino Acids. 38:771
778, 2010.
8. Jajtner AR, Hoffman JR, Scanlon TC, Wells AJ, Townsend JR, Beyer KS, Mangine GT, McCormack WP, Bohner JD, Fragala MS, Stout JR. Performance
and Muscle Architecture Comparisons between Starters and Non-Starters in
NCAA Division I Womens Soccer. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 27:2355-2366, 2013.
9. Vanholder R, Sever MS, Erek E, Lameire N. Rhabdomyolysis. J Am Soc Nephrol. 11:1553-1561, 2000.
N 2 / August-December 2015
Weightlifting in
the Age of
What can technology do
for a weightlifter and coach?
N 2 / August-December 2015
The level of sophistication in training athletes, including weightlifters, has increased exponentially over the last few decades. An
explosion of tech products, such
as wireless accelerometers, fitness trackers, motion-capture systems, barbell trackers, and apps
for seemingly everything, has given coaches and athletes the ability to measure and track virtually
anything. Now that technology has
opened up what is possible, the
focus must shift towards learning
what is worth tracking and how
it can be integrated into decision
making. Weightlifting coaches are
well versed in weightlifting technique, training, and tactics, but
are often less familiar with sport
technology. As technology in sport
becomes ubiquitous, coaches can
benefit from learning more about
what to consider when selecting
and adopting devices.
Is the technology
reliable and valid?
Reliability can be thought of as
repeatability, meaning that if you
weigh someone on a scale once
every ten seconds for two minutes,
the scale should show the same
mass at each reading.1 If the scale fluctuates by nine pounds over
the twelve readings, the data is
not reliable and therefore is worthless to a coach. Both intra- and
inter-session reliability are critical
when using fitness trackers, force
plates, calipers, accelerometers,
or anything else that tracks data
longitudinally over time to inform
coaches and athletes about the
training state of the athlete.1,2
Coaches can work to enhance reliability by using the average of
multiple trials rather than a single
effort, always testing under the
same conditions (e.g., same time
of day, same level of hydration,
same tester), and using calibrated, quality equipment.1,2
Validity means that the test or
measurement is truly representative of the ability or trait being
measured. For example, a one-rep
max bench press may be a reliable
test, but is not a valid measure of
aerobic endurance. The validity of
new technology is often assessed
by looking at the degree of agre-
N 2 / August-December 2015
What variables/
metrics should be
As big data comes to sport, coaches must grapple with how to
mine meaningful information out
of the mountains of data collected
from new devices. Collecting a lot
of data is relatively easy, but analyzing data and turning it into actionable outputs for a group of lifters
after each training session can be
complex and incredibly time consuming. The human and financial
resources required to run an athlete monitoring program are considerable and perhaps only
widely feasible at the highest levels of sport.2
Specific variables to consider
when monitoring weightlifters include peak barbell velocity, peak
power output, peak rate of force
development, barbell trajectory,
An accelerometer would be hard
pressed to identify when an athlete is burned out by training,
coming down with a cold, or nervous about an upcoming contest.
However, carefully chosen and
implemented sport technology
does have the potential to be a
valuable supplemental source of
information. Just as coaches must
1. Vincent W.; Weir J. Statistics in Kinesiology. 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human
Kinetics; 2012.
2. Stone MH, Stone ME, Sands WA. Principles and Practice of Resistance Training.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2007.
3. McMaster DT, Gill N, Cronin J, McGuigan M. A brief review of strength and
ballistic assessment methodologies in
sport. Sports medicine (Auckland, NZ)
4. Cormie P, McCaulley GO, Triplett NT, McBride JM. Optimal loading for maximal
power output during lower-body resistance exercises. Medicine and science in
sports and exercise 2007;39:340-9.
5. Carlock JM, Smith SL, Hartman MJ, et al.
The relationship between vertical jump
power estimates and weightlifting ability:
a field-test approach. Journal of strength
and conditioning research / National
Strength & Conditioning Association
6. Stone MH, Sands WA, Pierce KC, Carlock
J, Cardinale M, Newton RU. Relationship
of maximum strength to weightlifting
performance. Medicine and science in
sports and exercise 2005;37:1037-43.
7. Crewther B, Cronin J, Keogh J, Cook C.
The salivary testosterone and cortisol response to three loading schemes. Journal
of strength and conditioning research /
National Strength & Conditioning Association 2008;22:250-5.
Suggested Reading
1. McMaster DT, Gill N, Cronin J, McGuigan
M. A brief review of strength and ballistic
assessment methodologies in sport. Sports
medicine (Auckland, NZ) 2014;44:603-23.
2. Stone MH, Stone ME, Sands WA. Principles
and Practice of Resistance Training. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; 2007.
3. Giroux C, Rabita G, Chollet D, Guilhem G.
What is the Best Method for Assessing
Lower Limb Force-Velocity Relationship?
International journal of sports medicine
2015;36:143- 9.
4. Turner, A, Brazier, J, Bishop, C, Chavda, S,
Cree, J, Read, P. Data Analysis for Strength
and Conditioning Coaches: Using Excel to
Analyze Reliability, Differences, and Relationships. Strength Cond. J. 37(1):76-83,
February 2015.
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indicates that the fibres contain the type IIb
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gel electrophoresis). To meet the need for continuity and to reduce confusion on this point,
it is recommended that the Authors use IIx to
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Karsch-Mizrachi I, Champion M, Leinwand L,
and S. Schiano , Type IIx myosin heavy chain
transcripts are expressed in type IIb fibers of
human skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol 267 (6 Pt
1): C1723-1728, 1994).
N 2 / August-December 2015
panish resumenes
manifiesto que los movimientos vertical y horizontal de la barra y del cuerpo en la fase del
tirn de la tcnica de arrancada disminuan a
medida que aumentaba la carga de la barra. La
potencia durante el segundo tirn aument a
pesar de que el trabajo no vari, mientras que
el trabajo y la potencia aumentaron durante la
fase del primer tirn a medida que aumentaba el
peso de la barra. Los resultados de este estudio
indican que los levantadores de pesas deban
realizar ms rpidamente el encaje bajo la barra
y la fase de fijacin, ya que cuando se aumentaba el peso de la barra en el levantamiento mediante arrancada, el movimiento vertical de la
misma disminua.
Jay R. Hoffman
SM (ing), n. 2, ao I, mayo-agosto 2015, pp.62-69
La colaboracin entre el cientfico y el entrenador es una importante relacin simbitica que
tiene la capacidad de aumentar al mximo el
rendimiento deportivo. El uso apropiado de la
ciencia del deporte brinda numerosas posibilidades, entre ellas, elaborar criterios de seleccin
que ayuden a los entrenadores en la construccin del equipo, realizar evaluaciones fisiolgicas encaminadas a supervisar el rendimiento
deportivo y evitar el sobreentrenamiento, diferenciar entre varios paradigmas del entrenamiento y formular recomendaciones basadas
en el estudio cientfico de los complementos
alimenticios. Estos elementos pueden aportar
beneficios importantes, que quizs no garanticen un campeonato, pero que pueden aumentar
al mximo las posibilidades de lograr el potencial pleno.
Anna Swisher
SM (ing), n. 2, ao I, mayo-agosto 2015, pp.70-75
El grado de complejidad alcanzado por el entrenamiento de los deportistas, comprendidos los
levantadores de pesas, ha aumentado exponencialmente en los ltimos decenios. La explosin
de productos tecnolgicos ha concedido a los
entrenadores y los deportistas la capacidad de
medir y registrar prcticamente todo. Teniendo
en cuenta que hoy en da la tecnologa se aplica a
todos los mbitos, ha de prestarse ms atencin
a tratar de aprender qu vale la pena registrar
y cmo puede incorporarse al proceso de toma
de decisiones. Los entrenadores de halterofilia
estn formados en la tcnica, el entrenamiento y la tctica de esta disciplina; sin embargo,
a menudo tienen un menor conocimiento de la
tecnologa deportiva. A medida que la tecnologa aplicada al deporte se torna omnipresente,
los entrenadores pueden beneficiarse de tener
una mayor cantidad de informacin relativa a
los aspectos a tener en cuenta cuando se eligen
y se adoptan determinados dispositivos.
Alberto Andorlini
, ,
( );
( );
, performance ( ).
performance ( ),
, ,
Pasquale Bellotti
( ) (
Donato Formicola
, ,
( ). , -
Jay R. Hoffman
. .
, (performance)
(overtraining), ,
, , .
Hadi, G, Akkusx, H, and Harbili, E.
. ( )
50 . (CG)
Ariel Performance Analysis System.
(p <
0.05) .
(p < 0.05)
(p < 0.05) , ,
pull) .
(2 pull), ,
(1 pull) .
Anna Swisher
, .
. , ,