Seeing Jesus in The Poor

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Seeing Jesus in Poor Persons

Call to Prayer Leader: Lets pause to reflect, as we focus

our hearts and minds on God and on the opportunity we have to see
Jesus in persons living in poverty.

ALL: In the name of the Father and of the Son and

of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Reading God be praised, Ladies, for granting you the grace of

clothing Our Lord in His poor members, most of whom had nothing
but rags to cover them and several children were as naked as the back
of my hand.
Conferences Vincent de Paul Coste, Vol. 13b, C198, page 428


Open My Eyes verses 1-3

Text: Based on Mark 8:22-25. Text and music

1968, 1999, Jesse Manibusan. Published by

Used with permission OCP LicenSing Online #612305

Antiphon All: Jesus, source of grace, bless our efforts to serve You in

Let our love be strong enough to replace our fear and wariness.
Psalm 72: 1-2, 4, 12-17, 19

Side 1 O God, with Your judgment and with Your justice, endow Your leader
who shall govern Your people with justice and your afflicted ones with righteousness.
Side 2 He shall defend those afflicted among the people, saving the children
of those who are poor and crushing the one who oppresses them.
Side 1 For he shall rescue the poor ones when they cry out
and those who are afflicted when they have no one to help them.
Side 2 Your leader shall have pity on persons who are needy and poor.
He shall save the lives of those struggling with poverty.
Side 1 To him, long life and continuous prayers; day by day, shall he be blessed.

Seeing Jesus (cont)

Side 2 Blessed be Your leaders name forever;

his name shall remain as long as the sun.
Side 1 In him, shall all the nations of the earth be blessed;
all nations shall proclaim their happiness.
Side 2 And blessed forever be Your glorious name, O God,
may the whole earth be filled with Your glory. Amen.
adapted from Psalms Anew, Schreck and Leach, pages 102-04

ALL: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the

Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and
ever shall be world without end. Amen.
(Pray antiphon again.)

Reader 1:

in all confraternities, the Servants of the Poor take for patron Our Lord
Jesus and for its aim the accomplishment of His very ardent desire that Christians should
practice among themselves the works of charity and mercy. This desire He makes clear to us
in His own words: ... Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from
the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat I was sick and you
visited me for what you have done to the least of those, you did to me. 1 Coste, 13b, C126, page 9

Reader 2:

The Association of the Charity has been founded to feed all the poor of the
place where it [is] established, to honor Our Lord Jesus in the person of the poor, and to
carry out His commandment that we love one another as He has loved us. Its patron is
Our Lord Jesus Christ, who is Charity personified.
Coste, 13b, C131, pages 40-41

Response: (All)

in serving persons who are poor, we serve Jesus Christ.

God accepts services [we] do for [poor] persons as done to Himself.
Coste, 9, C24, page 199

Reflection Questions:
When have I seen Jesus in my ministry as a Lady of Charity?
How have I grown in my acceptance and care of others through my service?
Response: Open My Eyes verse 4
Prayer: (Pray together.) O glorious St. Vincent, you never lost courage in spite
of the difficulties you encountered in the path of your charitable ministry.
Pray for us and ensure that the love of those living in poverty may never
diminish in our hearts, but continue to increase and at our deaths, we may
find the same mercy from God that the poor people receive from us. May
we merit the eternal happiness of heaven promised by God to those who
have loved poor persons during their lives. Amen.
adapted from MANUAL of the Ladies of Charity of the United States of America, page 27

Prayer Texts


Matthew 17: 1 8
This is my beloved Son Listen to him.
Matthew 25: 34 40 As often as you did it for one of my least, you did it for me.
prepared for the Ladies of Charity by Sr. Carol Schumer, D.C., February, 2014

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