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YES Constitution

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CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

(YES - CLSU Student Chapter)

We, the members of the YOUNG ENTREPRENURS SOCIETY (YES - CLSU Student Chapter),
imploring the guidance of Almighty God, do hereby commit ourselves to uphold and protect the name
of our Organization and the Central Luzon State University, abide the laws, rules and regulations of
the Republic of the Philippines, widen our knowledge and interest in our field of expertise, share our
knowledge to other people, to have a sense of social responsibility through community extension, and
outreach activities, we do hereby bind ourselves to promulgate this constitution.

Section 1.

Name. The Organization shall be called YOUNG ENTREPRENURS SOCIETY (YES

CLSU Student Chapter)

Section 2.

Domicile. The Domicile of the Organization shall be at Central Luzon State

University, Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija.

Section 3.

Nature. The ultimate objective of this organization is to prepare and provide a

working framework geared to the development of entrepreneurial competencies,
skills and talents that are intended to be utilized as versatile tools for students who
are to engage or venture into business enterprise that will eventually lead to the
progress of our nation.

Section 1.

The Organization was created with the following objectives:

1. To inspire and motivate students in becoming entrepreneurs.
2. To impart basic business procedure.
3. To develop and strengthen personal entrepreneurial competencies.
5. To establish contact relationship with government and non- government institutions
involved in small, medium and large - scale industries development.
6. To promote unity and camaraderie among students.
7. To uphold the ideas to which the Central Luzon State University stands for.

Section 1.

The following committee shall be mandated and created by Organization after its
annual election. Each committee has its specific purpose:
a. Committee of Education will create and study educational activities of
b. Committee on Social and Extension will create and study extension and
community activities of Organization;
c. Committee on Recreation, Culture and Sports will create and study activities
related to sports and other recreational or cultural activities needed for
organizational development;
d. Committee on Ways and Means will facilitate the ways and means of each
activities of Organization;

Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

Section 2.

e. Committee in Constitution will facilitate the amendment, revision of constitution

when it is needed.
f. Committee in Election will facilitate the election process for the new set of
Each committee shall have a committee chairman and two members. Any member of
the Organization is qualified to be a chairman/member of the committee.

Section 3.

Each mandated constitutional committee is co- terminus with the elective officers of

Section 4.

Special committees may be created by Organization provided that there is a need

and has the following characteristics:
a. A committee is in dire need of a certain problem e.g. committees on
impeachment, discipline, elections, etc.
The committee is only for the concern unless the Organization prolongs
its existence.
The committees will perform the duties assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).

Section 1.

Qualification: All 2nd year and higher year BS Entrepreneurship Student of Central
Luzon State University are eligible for membership of the Organization.

Section 2.

Application: The applicant shall secure and fill-up an applicants information sheet
and submit it to the Organizations Secretary and duly signed by the President &
Chief Executive Officer(CEO) for inclusion and updating the database of YES, CLSU.

Section 3.

Classification of members:
a. Executive Board
b. Core members (active members).
c. Members
d. Applicants

Section 1.

Every member of the Organization shall have the following rights:

a. To vote and be voted upon provided that the qualifications stated in this
constitution are complied with;
b. To be informed of the activities and financial status of the Organization;
c. To freely express his/her opinions and suggestions with respect to the affairs of
the Organization and;
d. To call for or participate in any assembly called for a purpose.

Section 2.

Every member of that Organization shall have the following responsibilities:

a. To uphold, defend and abide the provisions of the constitution and by - laws of
the Organization;
b. To pay the semestral membership fee, Monthly dues, and other fees as
prescribed in the first meeting of the Executive Board.
c. To actively abide the rules and regulations enacted by the Organization;
d. To attend meetings and actively participate in all the affairs of the Organization;
e. To help in the fulfillment of organizational objectives and activities and;
f. To bring honor and glory to the Organization.


Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

Section 1.

Executive Boards. The Executive Board as the highest governing body of the
Organization, shall be composed of a President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
Vice President for Internal Affairs, Vice President for External Affairs, Executive
Secretary, Chief Finance Officer, Auditor, Chief Communication and Information
Officer, Chief Organizational Development and Learning Officer, (2) Business
Managers and Operation Heads or Coordinators.

Section 2.

Tenure of Office. The Tenure of office of the officers is one (1) school year, until their
successors shall have been elected into office.

Section 3.

Powers and Duties of the Executive Board

1. The Executive Board shall promulgate policies that shall promote the welfare of
the Organization and its members.
2. It shall plan, manage, support and coordinate all activities of the Society.
3. It shall represent the Society in case a General Assembly (G.A.) is not feasible.
4. It shall authorize the representation of the Society by any member/s and/or
officer/s in case the G.A. cannot be convened.
5. It shall report to the General Assembly all proceedings, meetings, promulgations,
contracts, etc., undertaken.
6. It shall perform other duties and have other powers which may be provided for in
separate provisions of this Constitution and/or delegated by the G.A.
7. It shall be accountable to the G.A. for deeds and transactions done by the

Section 4.

Responsibilities of the Officers of the Executive Board

1. The President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)shall be the head and chief
executive of the organization and shall supervise the Organizations affairs and
shall among others:
a. Be the Chairperson of the Executive Board and shall preside over all General
Assembly of the organization and the Executive Board.
b. Prepare the agenda for, call and preside over all meetings and the Executive
Board sessions, in case he/she desires to take part in the debate or discussion
he/she may appoint the Vice-President, or, in the absence of the latter, any
member of the Executive Board to preside over the meeting.
c. Be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and shall coordinate all
their activities.
d. Together with the Executive Secretary, sign the minutes of the Executive Board
and General Assembly meetings, and all other official correspondence.
e. Sign all financial reports, and other financial transactions and documents with
the Chief Finance Officer.
f. Authorize the disbursement/release of funds as he/she deems necessary
subject to the provisions stipulated by this Constitution.
g. Sign all contracts, agreements or treaties and accept all donations in behalf of
the Organization subject to the provisions of this Constitution and/or the
decision of the General Assembly.
h. Call emergency meetings of the General Assembly and/or Executive Board.
i. Vote in the Executive Committee only to break a tie.
j. Appoint a non-executive committee chairperson for the AD HOC Committee
whenever the need arises.
k. Induct new members.
l. Formulate policies designed for the welfare and interest of the Society and its
members, and to present the said policies to the General Assembly for
m. Acquire the reports of Executive Board members and Committee Chairperson,
especially the financial statements of the Chief Finance Officer, and the
Auditors report through the General Assembly and to prepare an annual report
to the General Assembly regarding the status of the Society.
n. Perform other functions which the G.A. and/or any provisions of this
Constitution may provide; or in special cases,
o. Create and or dissolve committee whenever necessary.
2. The Vice-President for Internal Affairs shall:

Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

a. Supervise the constitutional committee;
b. Assume the responsibilities of the President in case of the absence of the
c. Acts as the Chairman of the Membership Committee; and
d. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President & Chief
Executive Officer (CEO)
3. The Vice-President for External Affairs shall:
e. Serve as the liaison officer of the Organization to the Office of Student Affairs
and other related offices;
f. Assume the responsibilities of the President in case of the absence of the
President and Vice President for Internal Affairs;
g. Acts as the Chairman of the Special Projects Committee; and
h. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).
4. The Executive Secretary shall:
a. Keep all records of the Organization;
b. Keep minutes of all the meetings and proceedings of the Executive Board
and General Assembly;
c. Keep the records of attendance of the officers and members in all meetings;
d. Receive and file all papers, records or correspondence of the board and
organization and the institution; and
e. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO)
5. The Chief Finance Officer shall:
a. Be the chief of finance and budget officer of the Organization;
b. Keep all the financial records of the Organization;
c. Prepare the budgetary plan of the Organization;
d. Present all financial report of the Organization; and
e. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).
6. The Auditor shall:
a. Check and certify the correctness of all the financial statements and records
of the Organization;
b. Certify the availability of funds;
c. Recommend necessary measures to prevent unnecessary and extravagant
use of funds; and
d. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).
7. The Chief Communication and Information Officer shall:
a. Assist the President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Executive
Secretary in the preparation and dissemination of information concerning the
Organization (i.e. Schedule of Meetings, Activities etc.);
b. Update the Organization Social Networking sites (i.e., Facebook, Twitter)
about the current activities and concerns of the Organization; and
c. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).
8. The Chief Organizational Development and Learning Officer shall:
a. Be the guide officer in terms of Personality Development and Skills
Enhancement of each members;
b. Recommend Plans on how to enhance the organizational capabilities and to
provide learning tools on how to enhance the entrepreneurial ability of each
members; and
c. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).
9. The Business Managers shall:
a. Be the procurement officer of Organization;
b. Plan and recommend the measures on how to increase the fund of
Organization through Income Generating Projects (IGPs); and
c. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO).

Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

10. The Operation Head or Coordinators shall:
a. Present the concerns of their respective activities in the executive board
and/or general assembly meetings of the Organization;
b. Serve as the manager of the assigned activities, projects and other related
activities; and
c. Perform other duties and functions assigned by the President& Chief
Executive Officer (CEO)
Section 5.

a. Officers of the Organization (Executive Board) shall have their weekly meeting.
Special meetings may be called by the Organization President & Chief Executive
Officer (CEO) if deem necessary.
b. The Organization shall meet twice (2) a month (every 2nd and 4th Week of the
month) through General Assembly upon the decision of the Executive Board.

Two thirds (2/3) of the officers may call for a special meeting even if the
Organization President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) opposes.


Fifty (50) percent + 1 from the total number of members in attendance shall
constitute quorum.

e. The meeting of Organization will be patterned on the parliamentary procedures.

Section 6.

Qualification of Elective Executive Board

1. Any members of the Organization are qualified to vote and be voted upon in any
position of the Executive Board.

Section 1.

The election of the Organization officers shall be held at a plenary of not later than 30
days before the end of class every second semester.

Section 2.

All the members of the Organization shall constitute the electorate.

Section 3.

The election shall be facilitated by the Committee on Elections. There shall be a

chairman and 2 members that shall come from the representative of Organization.

Section 4.

Before the nomination, the duties and responsibilities of the officers in each position
shall be read by the Chief Communication and Information Officer.

Section 5.

Any member of the Organization may nominate a candidate for the position.

Section 6.

The persons nominated for the respective position may be given a maximum of five
minutes privilege speech to express their insights and plans for the Organization

Section 7.

Election in each position will be done through secret balloting. The candidates who
obtained the highest number of vote shall be elected in the position in which he/she is

Section 9.

The chairman of the Committee on Election shall proclaim the winner in the
respective position immediately after election.

Section 10.

An oath taking ceremony for the newly elected officers shall take effect immediately
after the election.

Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

Section 1.

The immediate past President & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Organization
may serve as Junior Adviser.

Section 2.

The Organization may also recommend an Adviser by 2/3 majority votes of the
members present. Subject for approval of the Student Organization Unit, Office of the
Student Affairs.

Section 3.

The Adviser shall be responsible for giving guidance to members and officers and
shall be present at all activities and related matters concerning the Organization.

Section 4.

Responsibilities/roles and functions of the Organization Adviser:

1. Attend meetings and other activities of the organization:
2. Attend meetings, seminars, training to be sponsored by the SOU OSA and offcampus seminars, trainings as requested.
3. Supervise/regulate and manage the election of the officers of the organization.
4. Be responsible for any misconduct committed or any prohibited activity engaged
in by the organizations of the school as well as the Constitution of the
5. Certify as to the correctness of the financial statement and a report of collections
and disbursements of funds of the organization.
6. Work with the Student Organizations Unit under the supervision of the Office of
Student Affairs.

Section 5.

The adviser shall serve for 1 year and may extend upon the recommendation of the
Organization subject for approval of the Student Union Organization, Office of the
Student Affairs.

Section 1.

The fund of the Organization shall come from the semestral membership fee and
monthly dues, and other fund raising activities as approved by the SOU. The funds
shall be collected by the Chief Finance Officer.

Section 2.

The Organization shall create a bank account at the Land Bank of the Philippines
Muoz Branch, Science City of Muoz, Nueva Ecija and all funds generated by the
Organization shall be deposited to this account, in case of bank closure the
organization may transfer from other banking institution provided by a resolution from
the Executive Board.

Section 3.

Funds can be withdrawn through a resolution approved by the Organization and

through a withdrawal slip of which the signatories are the President & Chief Executive
Officer (CEO), Chief Finance Officer and the Auditor.

Section 4.

Financial statements with necessary supporting documents shall always be updated

at least monthly and it shall be open to all members of the Organization for any

Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


CLSU Young Entrepreneurs Society Constitution

Section 1.

All incumbent officers of the Organization shall continue in office until they finish their
term or became incapacitated to discharge the duties of their officer or are remove for
a cause.

Section 2.

All properties, records, supplies, facilities, equipment and other assets of the
Organization shall be transferred to the succeeding officers.

Section 3.

The incoming officers shall continue all projects or activities in progress, under the
supervision of the outgoing officers and the adviser.

Section 1.

Any amendments to or revision of the Constitution and By- Laws may be proposed
a. The Organization, upon a vote of 2/3 + 1 of all its members
b. A constitutional convention

Section 1.

This Constitution and by- Laws shall take effect immediately upon its ratification by
majority of votes cast in or plebiscite held for such purpose.

Dr. Pablo J. Rafael Jr.


Allen Jhay C. Luquias


Anne Maryelle S. Quilalang


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