City Council Meeting Minutes Regular Session: Present Absent
City Council Meeting Minutes Regular Session: Present Absent
City Council Meeting Minutes Regular Session: Present Absent
224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
March 27, 2001
STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, George Stamos, Bill
Blue, Annette Anderson
Mayor Frith called the meeting to order and led those attending the meeting in prayer. Mayor Frith led
the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The secretary then called the roll.
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Mayor Frith X
Mayor Frith noted that Councilmember Scott indicated she would be going to take care of an uncle and
that she may or may not be back in time for the meeting.
AGENDA ITEM (3)…APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: March 13, 2001, Regular Session
After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Cook noted a clarification be made to page five of
the minutes regarding his motion to rename College Street to Veterans’ Drive. Councilmember Cook
said he wanted the minutes to be clarified that he was not apologizing to Councilmember Scott for the
motion, but that he neglected to include her request that Montrose also be renamed. After the noting
the change to be made, Councilmember Cook made a motion to adopt the minutes of March 13, 2001
Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
Ms. Diane McRory, representing the Lady Bulldog Soccer team, addressed the Council to request
approval of a solicitation permit for April 20, 2001. Mayor Frith noted the application specified the
dates of April 20 and May 18, 2001. Ms. McRory explained that, initially, she thought both dates
would be needed but now only the date of April 20, 2001 is being requested. Councilmember
Alexander made a motion to approve the solicitation permit for the date of April 20, 2001. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Cook and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
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Mr. Keith Bradley, Department of Corrections purchasing specialist for the Lake City Service Center,
addressed the Council. Mr. Bradley said the Lake City Service Center includes (purchasing for) the
Taylor County area. Mayor Frith thanked Mr. Bradley for his attendance in response to several local
vendors’ concerns about Taylor Correctional Institute’s purchasing policies. Mr. Bradley explained
that there have been a lot of changes recently and the procedures for purchasing have also changed. In
explaining what local vendors could do, Mr. Bradley suggested they be more aggressive in marketing
their products to the Service Center. Mr. Bradley explained that the Service Center currently does
business with Jim Bassett of Bassett’s Dairy, Weiss Building Center, Inc., and Ragan’s Ace Hardware.
Mayor Frith asked if Mr. Bradley would come back at some later date and address the Chamber of
Commerce and other organizations and bring some written information on the Department’s
purchasing policies. Mr. Bradley said he would ask the department head to come over personally and
talk with local businesses about this issue.
Mr. Bradley explained there are a number of things the Service Centers have no control over. Mr.
Bradley explained they are mandated by Florida Statutes to purchase from state contract and from
minority businesses that can furnish the need. Mr. Bradley said if these cannot furnish the need then
the DOC could look elsewhere to purchase. Mayor Frith asked Mr. Bradley if he knew how much TCI
puts back into the community. Mr. Bradley said he did not know but that payroll is probably around $3
million. Mayor Frith asked Mr. Bradley if he expects purchasing practices to change again in the near
future. Mr. Bradley said he really does not think so. The Council thanked Mr. Bradley for his
attendance and the meeting continued.
Mr. Scott Koons, Director of Local Government Assistance with North Central Florida Regional
Planning Council, told the Council this would be the first of two public hearings for a Community
Development Block Grant (economic development category). Mr. Koons commented that a CDBG
project application filed by the City in fiscal year 1999 was funded and an application for sanitary
sewer (spray field project) is currently still open. Mr. Koons said the City is ineligible to file for a
housing (category) CDBG this fiscal year.
Mr. Koons told the Council the City is eligible to apply for a Community Development Block Grant
(CDBG) in the economic development category. Mr. Koons told the Council the Citizens Advisory
Task Force Committee met at 6:00 p. m. this day to discuss the City’s CDBG application for economic
development, which could provide funding for expansion of sanitary sewer to United Welding, Inc.
City Manager Bill Brynes asked Mr. Koons to discuss availability of grants for demolition projects.
Mr. Koons said this would be in the housing category and would score deemed on the greater need. Mr.
Koons said the City probably would not score high enough to receive funding. Mr. Koons said the
chances of being funded for this economic development project are good. Mr. Koons told the Council
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there would be a second public hearing at the April 10, 2001 Council meeting at which time the
Council would take action for submission of the application to the Department of Community Affairs.
After discussion, Councilmember Cook made a motion authorizing the North Central Florida Regional
Planning Council to work with city staff in developing the CDBG economic development application.
The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
Councilmember Cook made a motion that Ordinance No. 744 be read by title only. Councilmember
Alexander seconded the motion and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
The secretary read Ordinance No. 744 by title only. Mayor Frith opened the public hearing. There was
no one to speak for or against Ordinance No. 744. Councilmember Cook made a motion to adopt
Ordinance No. 744; seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
Councilmember Alexander made a motion that Ordinance No. 745 be read by title only. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Cook and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
Director of Community Development George Stamos explained this is a parcel of property that has a
non-conforming use, which has existed many years. Mr. Stamos said the property owner has a
business and wants to upgrade. Mr. Stamos said the City’s Planning and Zoning Board has approved
the request for rezoning. Ordinance No. 745 schedule for public hearing at the April 10, 2001 City
Council meeting.
City Manager Bill Brynes told the Council Ordinance No. 746 is a companion ordinance to Ordinance
No. 745. Councilmember Cook made a motion that Ordinance No. 746 be read by title only; seconded
by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
The secretary read Ordinance No. 746 by title only. This ordinance to be brought back for public
hearing at the April 10, 2001 Council Meeting.
With consent of the Council, Mayor Frith called for agenda item 5(G) to be discussed at this time.
a. Street Names:
City Manager Bill Brynes presented the Council with a list of streets that have the same or very similar
names, including some County streets. Mr. Brynes said the Council had recently voted to change the
name of College Street to Veterans’ Drive. Mr. Brynes said there has been discussion and comments
from the public against changing the name of College Street. Mayor Frith said the Council’s vote to
change the name of College Street to Veteran’s Drive may have been a hasty one in that persons living
on that street were not notified before the decision. Mayor Frith said at the last meeting it was the
consensus of the Council to possibly revisit this issue. Councilmember Cook spoke to say that he did
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not support revisiting this at the previous Council meeting and he still does not. Mayor Frith then
stated that the majority of the Council wanted to revisit this issue and the suggestion was made that
perhaps instead of renaming College Street to Veterans Drive, the “Jaycee” Park could be named
Veterans’ Park. Mayor Frith said no decision had been made and the Council has not undone action
taken four weeks ago (Council meeting February 27). Mayor Frith then invited the attending public to
speak. Mr. Marlin Hilson, Veteran Affairs Officer for Taylor County, told the Council it is an
admirable suggestion to name the park Veterans’ Park and hopes the Council moves ahead to do so, but
the veterans also want to see the street name change move forward (from College Street to Veteran’s
Drive). Mr. Hilson noted the several veterans who were in attendance. Mr. Hilson said the location of
the street is the reason for the request for name change. Mr. Hilson said, according to the Post Office,
there are nine residents facing the street east and west and he had asked the Post Office what it would
entail to make the change. Mr. Hilson said the Post Office said nothing was needed regardless of what
street name changed to—they would deliver mail whether it is addressed “College Street” or
“Veterans’ Drive.” Mr. Hilson said (changing the name to Veterans’ Drive) is a small price to pay to
honor the local veterans.
Councilmember Cook said the issue of this coming back up is not the name or remembrance or the
honor that should be given to the veterans. Councilmember Cook said the issue is that the City has
some 42 streets with same or similar names and the concern should be with emergency services to
these streets. Councilmember Cook stated that he wants to proceed with the name change (College
Street to Veterans’ Drive) and go forward with the 42 streets that remain. Councilmember Cook said it
should be addressed as a Council if streets are going to be adjusted where duplicated so that emergency
delivery services can be made quickly. There was discussion of whether to include the west side of
College. City Manager Bill Brynes said it would not take care of the problem of duplicate names if the
entire street were not included.
Councilmember Cook asked if Council could vote to affirm or does the Council’s decision stand unless
Council votes to change it. City Attorney Bill Blue stated that whatever action was taken does stand.
Mr. Blue said, personally, he is in favor of changing College Street to Veterans’ Drive. Councilmember
Cook said he is satisfied with the Council’s action taken at the February 27, 2001, meeting.
Councilmember Alexander stated he was also satisfied with that action. Mayor Frith clarified that
College Street and College Drive (on the west end) combined would become Veterans’ Drive.
Councilmember Cook then made a motion to name the park known as Jaycee Park to Veterans’ Park in
honor of the veterans. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote
was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
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b. Street Striping:
Discussed under Agenda Item (6) City Manager.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2000.
Mr. Waters presented the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended
September 30, 2000. In reviewing the Report, Mr. Waters told the Council that Governmental
Accounting Standards No. 34 establishes new financial reporting requirements for state and local
governments and will be required after June 15, 2003. Mr. Waters said he recommends that the City
develop some timeline for implementation of this requirement. Mr. Waters briefly reviewed other
areas of the Report.
Councilmember Cook began discussion saying the Council had asked those persons with an interest in
filling the District V Council vacancy to submit their interest to the City Manager, who would then
forward it to the Council in their weekly mail. Councilmember Cook said there was only one
nomination and that was for Doug Everett. Councilmember Cook then made a motion to accept and
appoint Doug Everett as the representative for District V for the time remaining until city election.
Mayor Frith called for a second to the motion. After no response, Mayor Frith called for a second to
the motion a second time. There still was no response and Mayor Frith called for a second to the
motion a third time. After still not hearing a second to the motion, Mayor Frith declared the motion
dead for lack of a second. Councilmember Cook said Council members knew going into this what the
process would be. Councilmember Cook said Council could operate with just four Council members
but why would it choose not to accept the nomination of a person who has served the Council in the
past and is willing to be a representative for his district. Mayor Frith asked Councilmember Cook if he
had received anything from Mr. Everett indicating that he wants to serve. Councilmember Cook stated
“just the nomination and representation from Mr. Everett’s brother.” Councilmember Alexander said
he does not have any thoughts other than he would like to see Mr. Everett come before the Council and
tell the Council as a whole that he is interested and not just receive a letter from someone else.
Councilmember Cook said Mr. Everett authorized his representative to come forward and has not
indicated he is unwilling to serve. Councilmember Cook made mention of two individuals in the
audience who were from Mr. Everett’s district. Ms. Anne Herrington addressed the Council to say that
Mr. Everett has served on the Council before and is knowledgeable of Council business and she would
like to see him serve on the Council.
Mayor Frith said his reason for not passing the gavel and seconding the motion is there is a short time
before the city election. Councilmember Cook said he felt the issue had been discussed outside the
meeting and that Council members had the opportunity to say at the last meeting that they were not
going to accept the nomination for Mr. Everett. Councilmember Cook said he was offended Mayor
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Frith and Councilmember Alexander did not show him the courtesy through a memo or through the
city manager to let him know they were not going to support the nomination for Mr. Everett.
Councilmember Cook commented that Mr. Everett was not aware Councilmember Alexander and
Mayor Frith wanted him to appear before the Council and feels Mrs. Moore’s request is not being
honored. Councilmember Cook said this is not an honorable action on the Council’s part and he is
embarrassed for them as a Council. Both Mayor Frith and Councilmember Alexander said they did not
communicate their decision to anyone.
Councilmember Cook apologized to the residents of District V. Councilmember Cook said he feels the
residents have been dishonored and suggested residents of District V fill the Council room at the next
Council meeting. Councilmember Cook said he thinks this would make members of the Council
uncomfortable with their decision. Mayor Frith commented that he was uncomfortable now.
Councilmember Cook told Mayor Frith it was not an honorable thing he did and that he should be
uncomfortable. After exchange of comments, Mayor Frith carried on with the next item of business.
Mr. Brynes told the Council there are a number of requests for street striping and the City sent out bid
requests. Mr. Brynes said the City could go ahead and start doing some of this (parking). Mr. Brynes
asked the Council if they know of some areas they want striped. Councilmember Cook said the curve
at the intersection of Center Street and Old Dixie Highway needs to be re-striped. Mr. Brynes said he
would update the Council at the next meeting.
On another matter, Mr. Brynes told the Council he had received a request that the city’s old quick
response fire truck be donated to a county volunteer fire department, since the City recently purchased
a new truck. Mr. Brynes said the City has no need of this truck but would remove a siren and a roller
system that guides the fire hoses. Mr. Brynes said he would see if the County wants to accept the
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truck. Councilmember Cook said if this was consistent with past procedure, he had no problem. It
was the consensus of the City to donate the city’s old quick response fire truck to the County if they
wish to accept it.
Regarding the City’s natural gas supply, Mr. Brynes told the Council the City has the opportunity to
release its supply and use only what is needed. Mr. Brynes said the City could proceed to purchase a
base load for November, December, January and February and lock in from the current market price,
which is lower than what the City paid last winter. It was the consensus of the Council that the City
Manager proceed to have the City’s gas supply released and purchase the base load as discussed above.
Mr. Brynes reminded the Council of the meeting with the City’s Planning and Zoning Board on
Monday, April 02, 2001, to discuss a communication towers ordinance.
Mayor Frith informed the Council he had received a letter from a local bank regarding an
encroachment onto city property by St. Peter’s Primitive Baptist Church. Mayor Frith explained that
the church, located in the area behind Tom’s Foods, Inc., has recently added onto the church and there
is an encroachment of about four feet. Mayor Frith said in talking with a local surveyor, a ten-foot
strip along the property where the City has a retention pond would be needed. Mayor Frith said the
property was purchased with Community Development Block Grant funds. Mr. Brynes said he spoke
with Mr. Scott Koons, Director of Local Government Assistance with North Central Florida Regional
Planning Council and was told there would be no problem in providing an easement for that area. Mr.
Brynes said Mr. Koons suggested an agreement with the church that if the City ever needed the
property, the structure would have to be removed.
Councilmember Alexander made a motion to provide the St. Peter’s Primitive Baptist Church an
easement for encroachment on city property with the agreement that if the City should need the
property in the future, the structure would have to be removed. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Cook and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott ABSENT
Mayor Frith X
Director of Community Development George Stamos told the Council Gambro Health Care is planning
to locate on Main Street across from the First Union Bank. Mr. Stamos said it should help reduce
(storm) water in this area where there has been a problem, as there are plans to put in a retention area
on the east side. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson informed the Council Gambro is requesting
that two trees and two grates put in during the Commercial Revitalization project be removed. Mr.
Brynes told the Council Gambro plans to provide approximately 15 high-paying jobs. It was the
consensus of the Council to allow the removal of the two trees and two grates.
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Mr. Johnson said he spoke with the city’s engineer about that intersection and the (storm) water
problems. Mr. Johnson said a different style of inlet would allow water to go down better. Mr. Brynes
said work on this would begin as soon as possible.
Mr. Johnson told the Council that Bob Meissner, engineer, told him Bowden’s Hauling will be adding
to its building and is requesting they be allowed to tie into the City’s storm water system. It was the
consensus of the Council to grant the request.
Mr. Johnson said the county engineer told him the (county) plans to start work in about two weeks on
the paving of El Rancho subdivision. Mr. Johnson said the engineer expressed concerns about water
outlet and plans to enlarge the outlest to make drainage better.
Chief of Police Wayne Putnal requested the department be allowed to use $1,200 of forfeiture funds to
purchase additional equipment for the city’s exercise room. Chief Putnal said there are quite a number
of officers who are now using the facility on a regular basis. It was the consensus of the Council to
allow the use of $1,200 of forfeiture funds for the equipment purchase.
Councilmember Alexander said a streetlight is needed in the area of Glenn Street and trees need to be
trimmed near a streetlight on Kennedy Street. Mr. Johnson told the Council Florida Power has
changed its streetlight policy. Mr. Johnson said if a streetlight is out or damaged, Florida Power will
repair it the first and second time; but the third time the City would have to pay for the repair or
Florida Power would take the light down. Councilmember Cook asked if the City is allowed to replace
the light fixtures. Mr. Johnson replied that he did not think so.
Mayor Frith addressed Councilmember Cook and responded to comments earlier in the meeting
regarding filling the vacancy on the Council seat for District V. Mayor Frith stated that he had spent
four years on the Council with Mr. Everett and Mr. Everett moved outside the city limits and would not
admit it. Mayor Frith said Mr. Everett gave an address on San Pedro Avenue but after checking, he
(Frith) found no utilities at that address. Mayor Frith stated there was nothing preconceived about his
decision and said he thought he could let it go, but he could not. Mr. Frith said as of this afternoon he
had not made up his mind. Mayor Frith said he felt badly that Councilmember Cook thinks he would
go out and try to hire someone to vote his way. Councilmember Cook responded that Mayor Frith
should have had the courage or integrity let it be known at the last Council meeting that he had a
concern with the nomination or the process. Mayor Frith told Councilmember Cook not to speak of his
courage or integrity and with a bang of the gavel, ended the Council meeting.
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There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:45 p. m.
_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard Frith, Mayor
___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date