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12dec00 Min
12dec00 Min
224 S. Jefferson Street
Perry, Florida
December 12, 2000
MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Moore, Shirley Scott, Bill Alexander, Don Cook
STAFF PRESENT: Bill Brynes, Barney Johnson, Wayne Putnal, Billy LaValle, George Stamos, Bill
Blue, Annette Anderson
Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott called the meeting to order. Councilmember Alexander led those
attending the meeting in prayer. Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott led the group in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. The roll was then called by the secretary.
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith X
It was noted that Mayor Richard was unable to attend because of surgery.
After a brief review of the minutes, Councilmember Cook made a motion to adopt the minutes of
November 28, 2000, Regular Session as written; seconded by Councilmember Moore and upon roll
call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
Councilmember Cook made a motion that Ordinance No. 737 be read by title only. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
The secretary read Ordinance No. 737 by title only. Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott opened the
public hearing. There was no one to speak for or against Ordinance No. 737. Councilmember Moore
made a motion to adopt Ordinance No .737; seconded by Councilmember Cook and upon roll call vote
was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
Councilmember Alexander made a motion that Ordinance No. 738 be read by title only. The motion
was seconded by Councilmember Moore and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
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The secretary read Ordinance No. 738 by title only. Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott opened the
public hearing. There was no one to speak for or against Ordinance No. 738. Councilmember Cook
made a motion to adopt Ordiannce No. 738. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Alexander
and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
Mr. Brynes commented that Ordinance No.’s 737 and 738 pertain to the proposed new hospital site.
City Manager Bill Brynes told the Council the City was asked by another municipality to adopt the
resolution. Councilmember Moore made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2000-21. The motion was
seconded by Councilmember Cook and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
Mr. Brynes told the Council he had received a letter from the State Commission on Ethics office
concerning financial disclosures for the City’s newly established Construction Industry and Licensing
Board. Mr. Brynes explained that the Council has the option to require or not to require those board
members to file an annual financial disclosure form. Mr. Brynes said he would recommend the
Council not require those members to file. Mr. Brynes explained the (city) tends to sometimes lose
members when there is a requirement for them to file financial disclosures. Vice
Mayor/Councilmember Scott said since it is not mandatory that the board members file, she would
agree with the city manager. Councilmember Cook agreed and made a motion that the City’s
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Construction Industry and Licensing Board members not be required to file an annual financial
disclosure with the State Commission on Ethics. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Alexander and upon roll call vote was as follows:
Councilmember Cook X
Councilmember Alexander X
Councilmember Scott X
Councilmember Moore X
Mayor Frith ABSENT
Mr. Brynes reminded the Council of a meeting with the County and Doctors’ Memorial Hospital on
Thursday, December 14, 2000 to discuss matters of the proposed new hospital.
On another item, Mr. Brynes discussed the increased cost of natural gas. Mr. Brynes suggested the
Council consider allowing a means of providing some (financial) relief to city gas customers (residents
and businesses). Mr. Brynes said this has been done before. Mr. Brynes said a formula is developed
whereby monthly financial relief could be given starting in January and continuing throughout the
winter season.
Mr. Bynes said the Council needs to be aware that many times the City receives concerns about gas
prices that are charged to Tom’s Foods. Mr. Brynes explained that the City does not provide (natural)
gas to Tom’s Foods, as they have someone else supply gas to them.
Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott asked what happens if customers use up all of their extensions. Mr.
Brynes said there really is no choice but to do everything to help these customers. After further
discussion, Councilmembers agreed and approved of Mr. Brynes’s suggestion to provide financial
relief to customers (residential and business) using a formula and generating a price point that would
meet the city’s budget.
On another issue, Mr. Brynes provided Councilmembers with a packet of information to review before
returning to the next scheduled Council meeting on January 9, 2000. Mr. Brynes briefly reviewed part
of the material, which included staff positions. Mr. Brynes said, over the past 15 years, there has been
one recreation director, one public works director, two fire chiefs, three finance directors, and five
community development directors. Mr. Brynes said he also looked at the amount of construction that
went on in the last two years, which was $10 million. Mr. Brynes briefly reviewed information
pertaining to the qualifications needed for a community development director and the duties that fall
within that position. Mr. Brynes said one qualification is that the individual has ten years experience.
Mr. Brynes said one qualification for a building inspector is that the individual has five years
expericence. Mr. Brynes said this is a real problem in small communities.
Councilmember Moore asked if there were training schools that would supercede these requirements.
Mr. Brynes said there were none at this time. Mr. George Stamos, who recently accepted the position
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of the City’s Community Development Director, gave the Council a background of his own work
experience and qualifications for the position. Mr. Stamos said he was licensed as building inspector
for one and two family residential, which includes electrical, air-conditioning, mechanical, plumbing
and structure plan reviewer in all categories of residential. Mr. Stamos said he is not certified in
commercial electrical and plumbing but is certified in commercial structure. Mr. Brynes said the city
has a unique situation in that Director of Finance Billy LaValle also has certification in everything
except a plan examiner. Mr. Brynes said Mr. Bobby Counce, who is employed with the City, has no
certification but does have the work experience for all these areas and this is something being looked
Mr. Brynes said he has talked with an individual that would contract with the City to do plan reviews.
Mr. Brynes said this is something the City might want to do in the short-term. Councilmember Moore
asked if there was anyone with the County who is qualified. Mr. Brynes said there is one person that is
their building official. Mr. Brynes said the City might have to call on their assistance in the short-
On another item, Mr. Brynes told the Council he had received a “recommended order” notice in the
Tedder v. City of Perry case late afternoon. Mr. Brynes said the order recommended “…that the City
of Perry had good and sufficient grounds to discharge John Tedder…and should be upheld.” Mr.
Brynes said this document would be sent to the State of Florida Department of Law Enforcement,
which was stipulated in the agreement.
Councilmember Cook said a resident and businessman who talked to him about certain activity at the
intersection of Highway 98 and U. S. 19 had contacted him. Councilmember Cook said he was told
that women are attempting to flag down motorists. Councilmember Cook said the individual was of
the opinion these women had been arrested by city police officers before. Chief of Police Wayne
Putnal said the women have been arrested every time police officers observe such activity. Chief
Puntal said the officers have to observe them in such activity before they can make an arrest.
Councilmember Cook said whatever is necessary should be done so that they are picked up, even if
they are just loitering. Chief Putnal said it is not loitering if they are on state property.
Councilmember Cook asked what could be done. Chief Putnal said the police department would keep
on doing what it has been doing in regard to this (problem).
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Councilmember Cook mentioned the County and Doctor’s Memorial Hospital (DMH) meeting on
Thursday, December 14. Councilmember Cook said there may be discussion of impact fees for the
hospital and; if so, Councilmembers could inform the County and DMH that the Council plans to
discuss that item at a future workshop. City Attorney Bill Blue said, with respect to the hospital, the
proposed new hospital is the County’s hospital, not the city’s hospital. Mr. Blue said the City
graciously voted to how its 1/3 share (gas tax monies) would be spent. Mr. Blue said the hospital is a
private, non-profit corporation. Mr. Blue said he believes some people make it seem as the hospital
were part of the City’s governmental responsibilities. Mr. Blue stated that no city monies are being
used for the proposed new hospital. Mr. Blue said the money (1/3 gas tax monies) was levied by the
County and is being used by the County. Mr. Blue said he does not see where the City (Council) has
much to say about the goings on with the hospital but thinks it is laudible the County and DMH have
kept everyone aware of what is going on.
Councilmember Alexander asked Mr. Brynes if there has been any response from Pizza Hut. Mr.
Stamos spoke to say that the supervisor at the worksite was told that Pizza Hut does intend to use the
side street for driveway rather than the back street located near the residential area. Mr. Stamos said
they did object to spending additional monies for architectural fees for redrawing of plans and would
hand sketch on the plans if agreeable to the City. Mr. Brynes said the City has not yet received a
confirmation letter about this, but the City did say new plans would not be required. It was the
consensus of the Council that new plans would not be needed.
Councilmember Moore asked about a letter received from the County about speed bumps at the
Tidewater Apartments. Mr. Brynes said this has been discussed many times and stop signs have been
installed in the problem areas but this has not stopped the speeding. Councilmember Scott asked if the
City decided not to put in speed bumps. Mr. Brynes said for liability reasons, speed bumps have not
been put in. Councilmember Alexander said a resident in the Folsom area asked him to bring up the
issue of speed bumps also. Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott asked what type liability there might be
for the City. City Attorney Bill Blue said this could include a couple of things. Mr. Blue explained
there are two types: speed bumps, which have a sharp jarring effect and a speed hump, which is more
gradual and would be effective (in reducing speed). Mr. Blue said he could not say unequivocally that
the City could avoid liability with installation of speed humps but these are preferrable to the speed
Councilmember Moore asked if putting up signs advising of speed bumps/humps would relieve the
City of liability. Mr. Blue said he is not certain but would research the matter and report back to the
Councilmember Moore asked for a followup on a letter from the city’s engineer, William M. Bishop
Consulting Engineers, Inc., concerning stormwater drainage problems at the intersection of State Road
55 and Main Street. Director of Public Works Barney Johnson said the City has completed all work
requested by the engineer and that information has been sent to them.
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Councilmember Moore discussed health insurance and expressed concern that only a few local
physicians had contracted with Great-West (One Health Plan). Mr. Brynes said the insurance company
was to have sent contracts out to physicians last Thursday. Mr. Brynes said he was told if the physician
is willing to accept the contract as is, the physician signs it and returns it. Mr. Brynes said if the
physician wants to negotiate fees, the process will take longer. Councilmember Moore said his
perception, is not what the insurance representatives said when they addressed the Council.
Councilmember Cook suggested calling the physicians to see who might be interested in contracting
with the insurance company. It was also suggested that the information be given to the insurance
broker to call the physicians to see if they need help (with the contract process).
Vice Mayor/Councilmember Scott asked about the “city projects in progress” report, specificially, the
animal control ordinance and city tree ordinance. Mr. Brynes said the Council and staff would
probably need to address some things in these ordinances. Councilmember Moore suggested it would
be a good idea to review the progress report each meeting. Councilmember Moore asked about the
renovation of restrooms at the Dorsett Stadium. Mr. Brynes said work should begin in January 2001.
There being no further business to come before the City Council at this time, the meeting was
adjourned at approximately 8:00 p. m.
_______________________________ _________________________________
William E. Brynes, City Manager Richard Frith, Mayor
___________________________ _________________________________
Annette Anderson, Secretary Date