Observation Report

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Observation/Interview Report

Observation: (50 pts.)

School Information:
1. Briefly describe the school and students.
-Is the school urban, suburban, rural? Elementary, middle, secondary? Public,
private,parochial, charter? What is the schools mission statement?
-Describe the cultural diversity of the students. Are there any ELL students attending
the school? If so, how does the school address linguistic diversity?
-Describe how the school addresses the needs of special education students.
Select one of the classrooms you observed and answer the following questions:
2. Briefly describe the classroom environment.
-How are the desks arranged? Where is the teacher's desk? What do the bulletin
boards look like? What materials are available for student use? Does the physical
arrangement of the room take into account visibility, accessibility, and distractibility?
3. Briefly describe the pedagogy used by the teacher.
-Give one example of general pedagogical knowledge demonstrated by the teacher.
-Give one example of pedagogical content knowledge demonstrated by the teacher.
4. Briefly describe the level of development of the students.
-At what stage of Piagetian development are most of the students? Give an example
of a behavior/skill exhibited by the students that supports your answer.
-Describe one instructional strategy that the teacher used that was cognitively
appropriate and explain why it was appropriate.
-At what stage of Eriksons psychosocial theory of development are most of the
students? Give an example of a behavior/skill exhibited by the students that supports
your answer.
-Describe one instructional strategy used by the teacher that was appropriate for their
level of psychosocial development and explain why it was appropriate.
5. Describe the learning strategies the teacher uses in the lessons.
-Describe one behaviorist learning strategy the teacher used.
-Describe one cognitive learning strategy the teacher used.
-Describe one example of how the teacher used a social constructivist approach in the
-Give one example of how the teacher used observational learning (modeling) in the
-Describe two types of scaffolding the teacher used to help the students master a task
within their zone of proximal development.

6. Describe the questioning techniques the teacher uses.

-What types of questions does the teacher ask (e.g., recall/recognize, compare/contrast,
evaluate)? Give an example.
-How much wait time does the teacher give for the students to respond?
-How does the teacher select students to answer questions? Do all the students
-How does the teacher respond to incorrect answers?
7. Describe how the teacher motivates his/her students.
-Give one example of intrinsic motivation used by the teacher.
-Give one example of extrinsic motivation used by the teacher.
-Describe one technique the teacher uses to keep the students interested and involved
in the lessons.
8. Describe the classroom management techniques used by the teacher.
-Give one example of positive reinforcement used by the teacher.
-Give one example of negative reinforcement used by the teacher.
-Give one example of punishment, if any, that was used.
-Give one strategy that the teacher used to increase student participation.
-Give one strategy the teacher used to maximize instructional time.
Refer to the classroom you observed that included special education students:
9. Describe how the teacher differentiated instruction to accommodate these students.
-What kinds of special needs do students included in this classroom have (learning
disability, speech disorder, ADHD, physical disability, visual or hearing impairment,
-Describe two teaching techniques that the teacher uses to help these students and why
they were effective.
Refer to the classroom you observed that included culturally diverse students:
10. Describe one technique that the teacher used to make his/her classroom culturally
Based on your overall observation experience:
11. Describe one technique/method that you observed that you would consider using in
your future classroom and why you think it would be helpful.

After the observation, write up and submit a report of your experience. The report
should be a summary of the eleven (11) topics and should meet the following

Word-processed, double-spaced, margins not more than 1 inch in width.

Answer each topic in order. Number each topic (1-11) and make sure to answer
all parts in full sentences and use paragraphs where appropriate.
Refer to the evaluation criteria posted with the assignment when preparing your
observation report.
Cover sheet first page of report.
Approximately five to six pages in length (not counting cover sheet).
Use examples from your observation in your descriptions. Try to relate
information learned in class to your summary. Be reflective and use specific
course-related terminology. Remember to protect confidentiality of
information and do not use students or teachers full names in your report.
Interview: (50 pts.) At a mutually convenient time, arrange to interview one teacher.
You might want to tape record the interview (with the teacher's permission). Ask the
teacher, whenever possible, to give you concrete examples of relevant experiences
that he/she has had. Questions 6 and 7 are questions that you should make up that are
of particular interest to you. Question 8 is a personal question to be answered by you.
1. How do you handle individual differences in your classroom such as differences
in ability levels, learning styles, language and cultural differences, gifted and
special needs students?
2. How do you handle classroom management and discipline? What strategies do
you recommend? What pitfalls should be avoided?
3. How do you recommend working with parents? How do you get parents involved
in their child's education?
4. How do you keep yourself and your students motivated?
5. Describe what you feel makes an effective teacher?
6.& 7. Questions selected by you.
8. To be answered by you: What was the most important thing you learned from this
interview and why was it important?

After the interview, summarize the teacher's responses to each of the seven
interview questions and your response to question #8 using the following

Word-processed, double-spaced, margins not more than 1 inch in width.

Answer each question in order. Number each question (1-8), write out the
question and then answer it in full sentences and use paragraphs where
Refer to the evaluation criteria posted with the assignment when preparing your
interview report.
Approximately three to four pages in length. Place the interview report behind
the observation part of the report. Staple together (no paper clips, please).
Do not copy the exact responses given by the teacher. Put in your own words
what the teacher said. (Points will be taken off your score for the interview if you
give a verbatim transcript of the teachers responses. You may include a few
direct quotes but make sure to use quotation marks.)
Dont forget to also answer Question #8.
Use examples given by the teacher in your report. Try to relate information
learned in class to your interview summary. Be reflective and use specific
course-related terminology. Remember to protect confidentiality of
information and do not use students or teachers full names in your report.

Educational Psychology (250)

Classroom Observation/Teacher Interview
Cover Sheet*

Section: __________

Name of School(s): ___________________________________________

Name of Teacher(s) Observed: ____________________________________
Grade Level(s) Observed: ____________________________________________
Dates/Time of Visit (Arrival time Departure time)/Number of Hours:
Number of Hours

Total number of hours observed (minimum of twelve hours required): ___________

Name of the class and teacher with special needs students:
Signature of Teacher(s) observed and their email address or phone #:
To the teacher: Your signature verifies only that the identified student observed in
your class. You are not required to evaluate this student.
*The cover sheet is the first page of the report. Please fill it out completely. Points
will be taken off for incomplete cover sheets.

Evaluation Criteria for Observation and Interview

Observation: The summary of the observation will be worth 50 points. Criteria 1
through 5 will each be given from 1 to 10 points depending on the quality using the
following scale: 10=excellent; 9=very good; 8=good; 7=satisfactory; 6=needs
improvement; 5 and below=poor.
1. Were all the questions in the assignment answered in the observation summary?
2. Were the questions answered thoroughly and accurately? Did the student use courserelated terminology?
3. Was the summary well-organized, clear, and understandable? Were proper grammar,
punctuation, and spelling used in the summary? Were the directions for submission
followed correctly?
4. Did the summary include relevant examples?
5. Were connections made to information learned in class? Did the student show
reflection in his/her responses?

Interview: The interview summary will be worth 50 points. Criteria 1 through 5 below
will be evaluated using the same scale as the observation.
1. Were all the questions answered in the interview summary?
2. Were the questions answered thoroughly?
3. Was the information summarized in a clear, well-organized manner? Were proper
grammar, punctuation, and spelling used? Were the teachers responses
paraphrased or put in your own words and not verbatim? Were the directions for
submission followed correctly?
4. Were relevant examples included?
5. Were connections made to information learned in class? Did the student show
reflection in his/her responses?

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