Retention Factor Analysis
Retention Factor Analysis
Retention Factor Analysis
2.4 Solvent
Solvent on organic absorption spectra had been deliberated for more than a century. It was known that the photophysical behavior of dissolved dye depends on the nature of its environment and maximum absorption wavelength
of the absorption band of dye in solution depends strongly on the solvent-solute interactions and solvent nature. This
effect was closely related to the nature and degree of dyesolvent interactions [4].
3. Methodology
The researcher conducted an experimental setup to strengthen the study. The materials needed in the
experiment were dropper, test tube, beaker, vial, mortar and pestle, distilled water, filter paper, and garden croton
leaves. For better result, a pair of scissors, ruler, thin cloth, camera, and a weighing scale were used.
In preparation for the dye, fresh garden croton leaves were gathered. 5-gram of the leaves was weighed using
a weighing scale. Using mortar and pestle, the weighed leaves were crashed. 5-ml of the distilled water was obtained
using a test tube. Together with the weighed leaves of garden croton and distilled water, the mixture was poured inside
a beaker. The precipitates of the mixture were left to settle at the top of the surface for 24 hours. Using a piece of thin
cloth, the mixture was strained and was placed in a small vial. Using the dropper, three drops of the extracted dye was
dropped on the filter paper. The same amount of droppings was made for another two trials. The radius of the dye and
the solvent were measured and recorded. Using the data gathered, the researcher calculated the retention factor of the
dye in three trials. The retention factor and other data gathered were analyzed.
Fig.2. The extracted dye of garden croton leaves placed on filter paper.
Table 1. Radius of Dye and Solvent in Three Trials.
Retention Factor
5. Conclusion
In the conducted experiment, the separation of the solvent and dye was seen. Using the technique paper
chromatography, the radius of the solvent and dye were gathered. The retention factor was computed using the
collected data. Results showed that the computed retention factor was below one and was therefore indicated that it
has a low retention factor.
The researcher therefore conclude that the dye extracted from Garden croton leaves was determined to have
a low retention factor.
The researcher would like to express gratitude to Mr. Amante T. Ama, their research teacher for his
supervisions and advices that brought to the success of this work. Most especially, to the Almighty God for giving
strength and wisdom in accomplishing this research study.
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