FPT User Guide
FPT User Guide
FPT User Guide
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Patent information
Schlumberger ECLIPSE reservoir simulation software is protected by US Patents 6,018,497, 6,078,869 and 6,106,561, and UK
Patents GB 2,326,747 B and GB 2,336,008 B. Patents pending.
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Contact information
Web: www.sis.slb.com
Support: Service Desk
Contents -3-
Revision Record
A (July 1999)
B (March 2001)
Revision B
Original release for Build 24
Revised to reflect PIPESIM
Table of Contents
PROPRIETARY NOTICE .............................................................................. 2
PATENT INFORMATION ............................................................................... 2
SERVICE MARK INFORMATION..................................................................... 2
TRADEMARK INFORMATION ........................................................................ 2
CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................................................ 2
PIPESIM ................................................................................................ 3
CONTENTS ............................................................................................... 4
1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................. 7
DYNAMIC ECLIPSE LINK ............................................................................. 7
LOOK-UP TABLES ...................................................................................... 9
COMPOSITIONAL TANK MODELS ................................................................ 10
SUMMARY OF CAPABILITIES ..................................................................... 11
SUMMARY OF CURRENT LIMITATIONS ........................................................ 12
2 PROGRAM OVERVIEW ................................................................... 15
MAIN SCREEN ........................................................................................ 15
3 THE MAIN MENU COMMANDS ....................................................... 17
FILE MENU ............................................................................................. 17
3.1.1 Open ....................................................................................... 17
3.1.2 Save........................................................................................ 17
3.1.3 Save As................................................................................... 17
3.1.4 Print......................................................................................... 17
3.1.5 Print Preview ........................................................................... 17
3.1.6 Print Setup .............................................................................. 18
3.1.7 Recent models ........................................................................ 18
3.1.8 Exit .......................................................................................... 18
EDIT MENU ............................................................................................ 18
3.1.9 Undo ....................................................................................... 18
3.1.10 Cut .......................................................................................... 18
3.1.11 Copy........................................................................................ 18
3.1.12 Paste....................................................................................... 19
MODE MENU .......................................................................................... 19
BUILD MENU .......................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 General .................................................................................... 19
3.4.2 Reservoir .................................................................................. 19 Eclipse model reservoir specification ..............................................................................................19 Look-up table reservoir specification...............................................................................................20 CASE STUDY MODE ..............................................................................................................21 Compositional Tank model reservoir specification ..........................................................................22
Contents -5-
Chapter 1: Introduction - 7 -
The FPT interface is designed to allow the construction, simulation, and
data post-processing of surface pipeline networks coupled with a
reservoir model to simulate the system performance over time. In
addition complex conditional and/or time events can be executed during
the simulation.
The reservoir can be modelled by either;
1: the GeoQuest Eclipse reservoir simulation program (via the Open
Eclipse link) or
2: a single, or series of, look-up tables or
3: compositional tank models.
The network models are constructed using the Network graphical user
interface and solved using its calculation engine. This is a general
network solver, which performs a rigorous heat balance on the network
and is capable of coping with networks containing loops, pieces of
equipment such as separators, compressors, etc.
An industry standard simulator simulates the reservoir.
Phase flowrates are dependent on current flowrates from all wells and
reservoir history.
Revision B
Chapter 1: Introduction - 9 -
Look-up tables
Reservoir properties are taken
from a table defined in an ASCII
text file, which provide pressure
(and optionally pressure and
watercut) as a function of
cumulative production of oil,
liquid, or gas.
Very fast reservoir modelling as
Cumulative liquid production [mmstb]
no iteration is required unless
Pressure [psia]
GOR [scf/stb]
Watercut [%]
conditional logic in the field
planning demands that a timestep be run again.
Tables can be generated in other packages such as Excel, by Eclipse,
by MBAL etc. and then read into FPT.
This is the easiest form of reservoir modelling to set-up and use.
Everything is included in the FPT package, no third party software is
Phasic flowrate behaviour is NOT dependent on total flowrate.
All wells linked to a decline curve have the same pressure, and also the
same watercut and GLR if that is defined in the table.
Full FPT capabilities are available through look-up table reservoir
Up to 500 look-up tables can be defined containing up to a total of 1500
lines of data.
No way to change watercut and/or GLR in a compositionally defined
Network model.
Running from look-up tables generally produces results of lower fidelity
than from a dynamically linked Eclipse simulation but generally will
significantly reduces simulation time and will be particularly useful where:
an Eclipse model is NOT available, or
Revision B
User supplied
composition, initial
Here the reservoirs are modelled by defining the geometry of a simple
cylinder containing a user-supplied volume of fluid (either in terms of
liquid or gas). Given a user supplied composition, this tank is then
depleted (equations describing the depletion rate are listed in Appendix
A) via wells mapped to it, hence leading to pressure decline and possible
composition changes. Simple aquifer models and fluid injection options
are also available.
Relatively straightforward to set-up with no third party software.
Full compositional modelling is performed upon the fluid in the reservoir
to obtain the correct pressure.
No way to change the watercut in the tank model without injecting a fluid
stream containing water.
Simple aquifer (influx rate or volume replacement) and fluid injection
options are available.
Product streams can be gas, liquid, or the tank mixture.
Chapter 1: Introduction - 11 -
Aquifer influx does not cause a gradual watering out of the well but a
sharp cut off when the aquifer is deemed to have raised the water level
in the reservoir to the well perforation point.
Simple tank geometry is assumed. A tank is merely a cylinder that does
not account for any pore volume reduction as fluid is taken from the
No facility for blackoil tank modelling at present in FPT.
Summary of Capabilities
Revision B
Chapter 1: Introduction - 13 -
Well efficiencies cannot be used in the Eclipse 100 model as these
are not passed to FPT and will cause discrepancies in the results and
reported cumulative productions between FPT and Eclipse.
Revision B
2 Program Overview
Main Screen
This is how the FPT system will appear when first run with the windows
cascaded. The menu system will usually be worked across from left to
right in building, running, and then analysing the results from a simulation
(see Chapter on Building and Running a Model). All the windows are
scrolled to the bottom of their respective display areas and this is where
any new information will be written.
Revision B
'Field Planning Events' Any events that are defined in the Field Planning
dialog and are performed during a simulation (such as wells turning on
and off) will appear in this window. They are displayed as a description of
the action, the time it occurred at and the iteration (if necessary) at which
it was performed. When Network is re-run at a timestep, all the events
leading up to this timestep will also be displayed in this window. The
Field Planning Events log file (.FPE) contains a complete LOG of all the
information displayed in the window throughout a simulation, so that data
is not lost off the top of the window. This file can be viewed by selecting
Output>Reports>Event Log (.FPE) from the main menu.
option to give the most accurate representation of what the final printed
output will be like.
3.1.6 Print Setup
This option allows the printer settings to be adjusted from the general
Windows Print Settings dialog.
3.1.7 Recent models
This option brings up a dialog containing the last 20 used FPT
model files, the most recently used being at the top of the list.
Clicking on the model file of interest will cause it to be opened and
reloaded. Clicking on OK effectively leaves this dialog without making
any selection.
3.1.8 Exit
Choose the Exit option to terminate FPT. The software will prompt the
user to save any currently loaded model, under the same or a different
name as desired. FPT will then shut down. Note, any information in
Scrap windows (see Windows Menu: New Window) will be lost when
the program shuts down.
Edit Menu
These options all operate on text and graphics in the main FPT windows
and scrap windows.
3.1.9 Undo
This option undoes the last operation made in a window, be it typing text,
resizing a bitmap, pasting a bitmap, deleting a bitmap or text etc.
This option takes the contents of the windows clipboard and puts it
at the current cursor position in the current FPT window. This is
useful for example in pasting Networks into a scrap window.
Mode Menu
This menu allows the selection of the current operating mode of FPT,
e.g. Dynamic Eclipse link, look-up table, or compositional tank model
mode. It should usually be the first thing that is set when building a new
Build Menu
3.4.1 General
This menu item will bring up the general description dialog allowing you
to give a heading for the current model that will be used as the default for
all plot headings. It also allows the specification of a longer description
for the model that will appear whenever the model is loaded.
3.4.2 Reservoir
This option will take you to a screen dependent on which MODE
FPT is currently set-up in. The following sections describe each of
the different reservoir specification screens depending on the mode of
operation: Eclipse model reservoir specification
At present, only one
Eclipse model can be
specified. The location of
the Eclipse input file should
be entered in the field
shown below. It is important to remember that '/' is used under Unix, as
opposed to the '\' in Windows and DOS.
Revision B
If an incorrect file name is entered, when the 'Update BOTH well lists'
button in the Eclipse well mapping dialog is pressed, a large list of
'DUMMY' wells will be shown, one for each Network source or SINK,
and all will be marked as 'OFF'.
Revision B
and type modified as detailed below. This process may take a few
seconds for large models. Automatic mapping of the wells will be
attempted by matching names but this should always be checked before
proceeding with a simulation. WARNING: Before pressing this button, it
is advisable to first save all your model building information as , very
occasionally, it is possible to get 'stuck' in this dialog if Eclipse fails to run
Clicking on 'Update Network wells' just obtains the Network
wellnames. This is faster than the above and will always contain a
complete list of sources and sinks. If no wells appear check that you
have edited the network models and exported the files using either
File>Export engine files, or the FPT button on the Toolbar.
Once a well in either or both lists has been selected, the 'Toggle
ON/OFF' button can be pressed. This causes the well(s) in question to
be ignored as far as convergence of the systems is concerned. This has
two purposes. Firstly, some sources and sinks have no mapping to the
reservoir wells e.g. a floating production vessel sink, and must therefore
be ignored as in the example shown above. Secondly, should a well be
causing a lot of problems during convergence the user may wish to
interactively 'forget' about it by simply turning it off in this dialog. As can
be seen, the model index number changes to 'OFF' for a source/sink that
is to be ignored.
In order to enter Eclipse wells that aren't automatically detected or to
view the type etc of well, once a well from the reservoir list is selected,
hitting the 'Edit Eclipse name' button will bring up another dialog in which
the well type and name can be entered/altered.
Finally, selecting a well in each list and clicking on 'MAP WELLS' causes
these wells to be 'connected'.
The information box just gives some short messages on the current
status, e.g. 'wells mapped.' Look-up table well mapping
This dialog allows the look-up tables to be mapped to wells (or sources)
in the Network model(s) selected. Multiple wells can be mapped to a
single table, or each well can be mapped to a separate table.
Revision B
Define Events
which means that these events can occur in any order and/or all at once.
This implies that if multiple events all reliant on a particular condition
being met are defined then, once this condition is met, all the events take
place at once!
Contrast this with events placed in a 'BEAN LIST' numbered 1 to 99 in
the schedule list. Events in these lists can only take place once the
events above them in the list have taken place, even if their condition
may have been met but the condition for an event above it in the list
hasn't. Further, only one event in these lists will be performed at any
single iteration. This allows well schedules to be defined. For example, a
list of wells to be turned on in turn can be defined to meet a specified
production target.
Only events that are in the currently selected schedule bean list (or
NONE) are displayed in the main window.
Events can be sorted by the various parameters listed in this drop down
list box. If events are sorted, it is highly inadvisable to restart the
simulation or re-run Network at a timestep before reloading the restart
data. This is because the events that have been performed at that
timestep are stored by numerical index, NOT by their description.
Therefore the wrong set of events could be performed on the rerun/restart giving invalid results. For similar reasons, events cannot be
sorted during the simulation.
This button first allows the models input file to be saved (so that any
modifications made since the last save are available in the input file that
will then be opened up for editing. An expert user can then modify the
text strings that describe the events at the top of the FPT input file and
then resave it as a text file. If this file is then reloaded, all the new edited
events will be reloaded and checked for validity. INVALID events are
flagged by a ? appearing next to the Type.
Flowrate constraints
This dialog allows the user to specify any flowrate constraints that
they wish to impose upon the wells/sources in the Network
It is also possible to put a flowrate constraint on a sink branch (indicated
by a negative number in the index column of which Network model the
source/sink belongs to). It should be noted that sinks connected to
sources of different
compositions can take
significantly longer to solve
using Network due to the fact
that the changing composition
of the flow out of the sink
leads to a 'moving target' for
the flowrate constraint
Wells can be selected either individually or in groups and then the type of
flowrate restriction to be imposed (LIQUID, OIL, GAS) selected from the
drop down menu. After the flowrate constraints value has been entered
in the box below, this constraint can be imposed upon the selected
well(s) by pressing 'Apply'. Only one type of constraint is allowable per
well and it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that the OIL flowrate constraint
is NOT used when linking to Eclipse.
ANY WELL that has a flowrate constraint imposed upon it must have a
CHOKE added during the NETWORK editing phase in the branch
connected to the well/source. This CHOKE should have its bean size set
to equal to or greater than the diameter of the tubing.
Clicking on remove will remove any constraints imposed on the selected
MINIMUM flowrate constraints can also be set for wells in the same way
by first using the list box to select MINIMUMS rather than MAXIMUMS.
When a source or sink violates this minimum flowrate it will be switched
off at the NEXT timestep.
Select auxiliary
Revision B
Eclipse tolerances
Advanced settings
Revision B
used the engine will slow down considerably and any gains from NOT
loading it each time will be lost.
'Maximum number of timesteps' specifies the maximum number of
timesteps that can be performed in a single simulation. A simulation will
be ABORTED if this maximum is reached.
'Maximum number of iterations per time step' specifies exactly that, and
can be used to control the maximum time taken for a simulation,
particularly if tight pressure and flowrate tolerances are set in the 'Set
Tolerances' dialog. Once this maximum is reached, the simulation
proceeds to the next timestep even if a solution has not been reached.
Convergence at a timestep can be viewed in the 'timestep' display in the
Results Viewer/Processor' dialog.
If the Network restart facility is requested, it may be possible to speed
up simulations. Unfortunately, FPT makes changes to the Network
topology which can mean that using the restart facility might actually
increase simulation time so care must be exercised in it's use therefore
by default it is NOT USED.
3.4.10 Customise output
This dialog allows the user to specify the output they wish to see for
each of the custom settings (1 through 6). Each custom setting has
its own set of settings for sources/sinks, internal junctions, and branches.
Clicking on the
specified type brings
up a list of available
parameters that can
be selected and
deselected by
clicking on them in
the 'Properties' box
and/or the 'Selected
Properties' box.
This box also selects what is placed in the overall .RPT file produced
during a simulation. By clicking on the 'Write to .RPT file' check box, this
informs the system to write out the selected properties for the selected
Revision B
'type' ONLY at intervals specified in the 'Every XXXX days' box. Values
of zero indicate output for both Network and Eclipse, in Eclipse mode
only, results at every available timestep. By default, only pressures and
flowrates for sources and sinks are output.
Selecting 'Branches' activates the 'Auxiliary data' button that can be used
to access the 'Auxiliary properties selection' dialog.
3.4.11 Configuration
This dialog (located under the Build menu option) allows the user to
specify the configuration of their system e.g. the location of
Schlumberger software
on the local PC or
Network, which text
editor to use. The
Browse buttons allow the
user to search through all
attached drives to find
the program they are
looking for. When an
Eclipse link is NOT
required, the FPT/OE
configuration section will
be grayed out as it is
unnecessary to specify
these settings if an
PC/UNIX link is not
For a dynamic Eclipse link, the host name and commands for the
location of the batch files used to communicate with the 'FIVEMAST'
program on the Unix Workstation are required. You need to have
permission on the Unix machine to run executables. The name of the
FIVEMAST executable is the name of the script file required to run the
'FOREMAST.EXE' program on the Unix workstation. Sample files are
supplied upon installation but will probably need to be modified in order
to run the Open Eclipse interface successfully as various environment
variables and paths have to be set up before executing the 'FOREMAST
program'. The password, if used by the batch files, is NOT saved and will
need to be re-entered at each FPT session.
Operations Menu
This option will start an FPT simulation. The user is prompted for a
filename to run the model with. This can be the same filename as a
previous model in which case any existing results will be overwritten, or it
can be a completely new filename. The simulation will then proceed and
its progress can be followed in the Simulation window or through the
Results Viewer/Postprocessor describe later.
An FPT simulation is interactive and the user can use this option to
pause the simulation at the next possible pausing point. This can be
very useful if the user wishes to add many events before the simulation
can proceed to the next timestep or decide that this timestep has
converged successfully. It can also be used so that the output files from
the Network solver can be looked at before the next Network simulation
overwrites them.
This option, after asking for confirmation from the user, stops any
currently running simulation at the next possible time. This may take
a few moments if, for example, FPT is waiting for the Network solver to
finish solving.
Revision B
Output Menu
Results Viewer/Postprocessor
This dialog is the main data analysis dialog, which enables data to
be reloaded, viewed, manipulated, output to custom files etc.
The many options available using the buttons located at the top of the
dialog are described below.
Well data
Well mapping
Sets the display mode to show source and sink data for
either the reservoir or Network. For either of the
two buttons listed below, the Network/Eclipse
switches are obviously unavailable.
Edit CSF
Revision B
Update CSF
Re-run Net
The custom buttons merely cycle up and down through the 6 custom
settings available for viewing data. For example, setting one may show
oil, water, and gas flowrates, setting two may show cumulative flows, and
setting three watercuts and gas-liquid ratios etc.
This option allows the main output report, the contents of which can
be customised from the Customise Output dialog, to be viewed
and edited in text editor.
This option allows the user to see and edit the Custom Summary File
which is produced from the Results Viewer/Postprocessor dialog and
enables reports to be built up to the users requirements and which can
be imported quickly into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
This menu item allows the Events Log to be viewed and/or edited. This
file contains the exact contents of the Field Planning Events window
during the entire FPT simulation, thus overcoming the limited size of this
window and enabling all events to be seen throughout the entire
Customise output
Re-run Network
Revision B
This dialog merely allows the user to enter the minimum timestep to be
used in reloading previously calculated data held in the .LOG file. The
FPT interface can only store a finite number of timestep data (dependent
on the version of the program bought and the computer memory
available). Simulations can have many more timesteps, particularly when
Eclipse is taking very small timesteps initially in a simulation. This data is
stored in the .LOG file and can be read in
e.g. every 6 months, every year, every day
A minimum timestep of zero means 'try to
read in every available timestep' until the
maximum storage capability is reached.
As FPT can only store a finite number of
timesteps in memory, it may be advisable to keep reloading with
increasing minimum timesteps until the timespan of interest is completely
Applications Menu
This option lists the applications that have been run from FPT. This may
include the Network editor, the plotting utility PSPLOT etc. More
importantly, during a simulation, this option may list several operations
being performed under FPTs control such as running the OpenEclipse
control program on the UNIX machine, running the Network solver etc.
Window Menu
New Window
These are standard windows operations that operate on all the available
FPT windows.
Revision B
Help Menu
FPT Help
About FPT
Setting the configuration of the system, i.e. the name of the host Unix
workstation where the Eclipse simulator resides.
Once the model has been built, the simulation can be performed using
the options in the 'Operations' menu item :
'Run simulation' asks the user for a filename to run the simulation using.
A new name can be supplied if old results are to be kept. The simulation
is then started and it's progress can be monitored in the 'Simulation
progress' window and also some of the options in the 'Output' menu item
can be selected to interactively view the simulation results. When the
simulation is completed, a 'Simulation complete' message will appear in
the message and simulation progress windows. If for any reason,
including the user specified abort simulation occurs, a message
'Simulation aborted' will appear, and possibly the 'Errors and warnings'
window will contain information as to why the simulation aborted.
'Pause simulation' pauses the simulation at the next convenient point at
which the message 'Simulation successfully paused' will appear in the
message window. This is useful for two reasons: i. It stops the simulation
progressing to another timestep before the user can alter tolerances or
change the system in any way, e.g. new flowrate limits could be
imposed; ii. It stops the Network engine from being re-run before
changes are made to the system (because the Network engine is
given as much CPU time as possible, when it is running there may be
delays to other processes).
'Restart simulation' has two functions: i. If the simulation is not already
running, this will start a simulation in the same way as 'Run simulation'
except from a selected timestep or; ii. if the simulation is running and has
simply been paused this command 'restarts' it. In Eclipse link mode, if the
Eclipse input file has been modified to start from a time other than 0
days, the FPT system will recognize this, keep all previous data up to
the restart time, and continue the Eclipse simulation from this point.
'Abort simulation' stops the simulation at the next suitable point and
shuts down Eclipse if running in the dynamic Eclipse mode.
The 'Output' menu item contains various options to enable analysis and
post-processing of the data from an FPT simulation. The options
available, and when they are available, are listed below:
Revision B
5 Case Studies
Dynamic Eclipse Link case studies
Two case studies are supplied in the DEMOS\FPT\ECLIPSE
subdirectory. One is an oil field case study (ECLOIL), the other a gas
field case study (ECLGAS). The Network model is a very simple three
well gathering system with a pressure specified source. The Eclipse
model is also very simple with three producing wells and two water
Tutorial Exercises
5.1.1 Exercise 1: Building a Compositional Tank model linked to a simple
surface network
The reservoir, named BJA1, initially contains 50000 mmscf of gas at a
pressure of 4000 psia and a temperature of 250F. The top of the
reservoir estimated at a depth of 3800 ft below sea level while the initial
Revision B
Chapter 5: Case Studies - 49 The client requires oil and gas phasic flowrates (only) for all the sources
and sinks at every timestep in the output file and also that the
temperature at the seabed manifold also is available for plotting but
should NOT be put in the main output file. Check your results with the
plot below:
Training Exercise 1
Time (day s)
Revision B
window. Click on BJA1 again and you should see the start of a look-up
table (two columns of data, HCIP gas vs. pressure).
The next step is to write this data out to the custom summary file where it
can be manipulated using a spreadsheet to produce a table suitable for
use as a look-up table decline curve. So click on Update CSF from the
post-processor dialog. You will then be asked Do you wish to Append
this data? to what is already in the custom summary file. You dont at the
moment so click on No. Now press Edit CSF and a text editor should
start up with an image of what was just in the postprocessor window.
You now need to load a spreadsheet such as Excel and load in this .CSF
file, using the Wizard to select a space delimited file. Look-up tables
need a cumulative production column and a static pressure column. You
have a reservoir inventory column and a static pressure column so use
the spreadsheet to manipulate these numbers into the required format
and then save the file in the model directory as a Text file with the name
Go back to FPT and Use the Mode menu item to select look-up tables
and then bring up the reservoir editor. Select an UNUSED table (all of
them are likely to be unused at present) and use the leftmost list box to
select Cumulative gas and Pressure as your column headings. Save
this file using with the name BJA1.TBL and then select Edit. You now
need to use the text editors to copy the numbers from BJA2.TBL into
BJA1.TBL between the TABLEDATA keywords. Save the text files from
the editors and then close the text editors.
Back in FPT, LOAD the table into the table file and the data obtained
from the TANK model reservoir should appear in the columns. You can
now map this look-up table to the Network wells in the same way as
you did for the tanks and run the simulation again with a different name.
Check your results from this simulation with the plot below. If all is well
you should now have a good understanding of how look-up tables work
and the relationship between tanks and tables.
Training Exercise 2
Time (day s)
Network controls the maximum flowrate from the well by choking the
well back. It therefore MUST HAVE a choke to operate in the well
description in the Network model. So select the Network models
dialog and Edit your Network model. Add a CHOKE to each of the
wells at the wellhead.
Exit the Network graphical interface again.
Revision B
Now, well 2 is only going to be turned on if the gas production rate at the
FPSO drops below 21.5 mmscf/day, so select the Event Editor dialog
and delete the event that currently turns on the well after 90 days. Now
add an Event that effectively says Turn ON well 2 when the gas
production rate at the sink drops below 21.5 mmscf/day. Add this to the
events list and then click on OK.
Run this simulation using a different FPT model name and then compare
your plotted source flowrate results with those provided below:
Training Exercise 3
Time (day s)
Gp = G
Un-produced Gas
Gp is the cumulative production expressed at standard conditions
G is the gas initially in place at standard conditions
E is the gas expansion factor after cumulative production Gp
Ei is the gas expansion factor at initially undepleted reservoir conditions
For fields units at standard conditions of p=14.17psia, T=520R and Z=1
E = 35.37
Z Zi
The initial conditions pi, Zi and G are input from the user
Gp can be calculated from the flow rate calculated by Network and
flowing time (time-step) specified.
In the case of multiple wells in the tank Gp is simply the sum of the flow
rates from wells in that reservoir over flowing time.
The p/Z term can now be evaluated and correlations at reservoir
pressure for the specified fluid composition can now be used to evaluate
pressure for the (constant) reservoir temperature and volume.
Revision B
The model assumes that the well flows at a constant rate between each