Murder On The Merciful - GM Binder
Murder On The Merciful - GM Binder
Murder On The Merciful - GM Binder
In Act II, the PCs explore the ship, interview the crew,
INTRODUCTION gather information, and sort clues. A deadly knife fight
Murder on the Merciful is a fan-made adventure that Only
risks ending their investigation early, but the leads
has been converted for the SW5e roleplaying system. should point them to Cortica-3.
The story centers on the murder of Dr. Inigo Zarander, In Act III, the PCs gain critical new intelligence on High
a Rebel doctor aboard Nebulon-B Medical Frigate the Cortica-3 in the midst of intense trench warfare. On Board
Merciful, and the search for his killer. their return to the Merciful, they must make a final The
Game Masters may use Murder on the Merciful as decision and an arrest - if they can stop the killer’s wild of Co
the start of a new campaign or to continue a Rebel escape! soldie
group’s ongoing adventures. Additionally, a group of into c
fringers, bounty hunters, or Jedi could act as private PREPARATION Ma
investigators in this adventure rather than the The Game Master should read over the adventure in
expected Rebel elite special forces team. preparation for playing, especially taking note of the
The players should start this adventure at 3rd level. finale and who is revealed to be the killer, since one
key role for the GM will be helping the investigation
GAME MASTER ONLY! proceed at the right pace.
Additionally, the GM should create a hook that works
Only the GM should read the rest of this book; it
for the players if it is necessary to get them involved as
contains secrets and surprises for the course
private investigators. Apart from this, the adventure
of the adventure and reading ahead can spoil
requires minimal planning!
the fun!
In Act I, the PCs arrive in the Subterrel sector on To begin the adventure, read the following narrative to
approach to the Merciful orbiting Cortica-3. As they the players:
draw near, they receive orders to intercept and destroy
an Imperial shuttle and its TIE escort before the shuttle
jumps to lightspeed. After the combat, the PCs come
aboard the Merciful and they are shown to the scene
of Dr. Zarander’s murder.
CONNECTIONS The intent of this scene is to give the players a chance
The GM may ask each player if they would like their to think and plan, work together, and practice using
character to have a prior connection to some part of the roleplaying system as they plot their intercept. If
the adventure, and may offer the following: the players are familiar with the Starships of the Galaxy
combat rules, the GM can use the provided stat blocks
Your character has served previously aboard the and run the combat in the standard way. If they aren't,
Merciful, and you have many memories of that time, or if their starship isn't sufficiently outfitted for the
good or bad. fight against the Imperial ships to be balanced, the GM
Your character has a longstanding rivalry with one of can instead simply request a few ability checks and
the NPCs whom you will meet aboard the ship (whom narrate the action as the players attempt to stop the
the GM will decide upon later). shuttle.
Your character is a huge fan of one of the NPCs whom
you will meet aboard the ship.
Your character has a Mon Calamari friend who will be
significant for you in this adventure (the GM can
Tier 2 Medium starship, courier
incorporate this connection at the end of Act I, or in the
midst of Act II, with the character affected whenever a
Mon Calamari organ or bodily fluid is mentioned, Armor Class 14 (deflection)
hinted at, or discovered).
Damage Reduction 3
Hit Points 59 (7d8)
Any other suitable connection.
Shield Points 57 (fortress)
These connections should allow the GM to more Shield Regeneration Rate 5
closely involve the PCs in the adventure’s plot, and Speed 200 ft., turning 250 ft.
foster emotional connection and better roleplaying by
the players. The GM takes on the responsibility of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
involving these connections for the players.
10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
The GM should then read the following: Saving Throws Dex +3, Cha +4
Skills Astrogation +5, Broadcast +6, Probe +3, Scan
As your team’s vessel pulls out of hyperspace in the
Subterrel sector, a blast of light hits you and the
planet fills your vision. As your eyes adjust, you
become aware of the black rock that is Cortica-3, the Double Laser Cannon. Ranged Ship Attack: +3 to hit, range
planet’s tiny moon, and in its orbit a graceful sight: the 800/3200 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (2d4) energy damage.
Merciful, a Nebulon-B class Medical Frigate, Aurelius
Ray commanding. Twin Auto-Blaster. The shuttle unloads on a single target
Your clearance codes transmit, and you hear a within 1000 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 11
pleasant voice on the comm. “Welcome to the sector. Dexterity saving throw or take 5 (2d4) energy damage.
You are cleared to approach.” If the target is more than 250 feet away, it has
Suddenly, out from Cortica-3, an Imperial Lambda- advantage on this saving throw.
class shuttle launches, clearly on a break toward REACTIONS
hyperspace, flanked by four TIE fighters in cover
formation. Emergency Generator (1/Recharge). When the shuttle is
Another voice crackles over the comm. “This is reduced to 0 shield points but not destroyed outright,
Captain Aurelius Ray. Cheers, welcome. Would it can use its reaction to drop to 1 shield point instead.
appreciate if you would engage enemy shuttle and
deny lightspeed at all costs. Over.”
An asteroid belt floats around the planet Subterrel
and by Cortica-3, preventing the Merciful from close
engagement with the TIEs and shuttle, as they use the
asteroid belt for cover on their break for hyperspace.
Your ship is traveling further along the belt a distance
from the Merciful, in the shuttle’s path. You have a
clear chance to intercept! How do you plan to stop the
shuttle and take on the TIEs?
Population: less than 1 million (humanoid clones Ju
known as “shovel-handed miners”)
Tier 1 Small starship, strike fighter Languages: Kaminoan
Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +5 Major Imports: Consumables, mining tech, survival
Skills Probe +2, Scan +4 gear, expendable labor
Senses blindsight 1000 ft.
Trade Routes: Proximate to the Corellian Trade Spine
Flight Computer. The TIE/ln Starfighter can take the and the Hydian Way
Evade, Fly, or Regenerate Shield action as a bonus
action on each of its turns. Special Conditions: Lawless, unsafe conditions
Secret Metals
While the planet of Subterrel is well-known
across the galaxy for its lucrative and
dangerous mining colonies, the tiny moon of
Cortica-3 has remained overlooked for
millennia. Only recently, Imperial excavators
working for Moff Dardano discovered the
moon’s natural resources and began secretly
mining its precious metals. This work is secret
even to the Empire at large, at the Moff’s
Read the following to the players:
“You don’t believe me!” he snarls. “Well, how do you
like that...”
The briefing room has been converted for your use as
a planning and interview area. A great table takes up
much of the room; on it rests a small handheld sound
If they fail, read:
and hologram recorder. A large projector screen
covers the far wall. By the door, a switch dims or “It’s just amazing, right?” he says, leaning in. “I don’t
brightens the fluorescent lights overhead. know why exactly I know it, but I just do.”
Two soldiers stand guard at the entrance to the ship’s Schneid springs up from his chair, his hands free, a
brig, which consists of just a few small cells and a stark small, jagged knife glinting in his right hand.
white interview room, empty except for a table and
Any of the PCs who failed their opposed check are
surprised at the start of combat.
The soldiers are tight-lipped and will not reveal any
information about the prisoner to the PCs; they refer
questions to the Captain. The soldiers are willing to let
the PCs interview the prisoner, but insist that the PCs LIEUTENANT ISTRIS SCHNEID
leave their weapons at the entrance; the prisoner is Medium humanoid (human), lawful dark
valuable and certain parties might wish him
assassinated. The soldiers cannot be persuaded or Armor Class 13 (unarmored)
intimidated into forgoing this precaution, but any PC Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
can attempt a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or Speed 30 ft.
Charisma (Deception) check to smuggle a weapon into
the room.
See the entry for Aurelius for how the brig’s prisoner,
Istris Schneid, might get involved, and see the entry for 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 17 (+3)
Lieutenant Schneid for that involvement.
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +2
LIEUTENANT ISTRIS SCHNEID Skills Deception +7, Insight +2
Lieutenant Schneid is played like a sympathetic war Senses passive Perception 10
hero, but he is extremely dangerous. The GM may Languages Galactic Basic
involve him to thicken the plot with a false allegation Challenge 2 (450 XP)
and a deadly confrontation.
ISB Training. Schneid deals one extra die of damage with
If the PCs go to the brig to interview him, read the his weapons (included).
following to the players:
Surprise Attack. If Schneid surprises a creature and hits it
The soldiers lead you into the interview room, where with an attack during the first round of combat, the
Schneid sits on the other side of the plain white table target takes an extra 7 (2d6) damage from the attack.
in the small, uncomfortably bright room. His silver hair ACTIONS
and rugged face indicate years of distinguished
service. Multiattack. Schneid makes two vibrodagger attacks.
“I need to speak with you... alone,” he growls, and
the guards retreat from the door, locking it behind. He Vibrodagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
sits still, glancing furtively at the door and one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) kinetic damage.
meaningfully at each of you, waiting for you to speak. REACTIONS
Parry. Schneid adds 2 to his AC against an attack that
If the PCs ask him for information, or eventually if they would hit him. To do so, Schneid must see the attacker
say nothing, Schneid slowly speaks. and be wielding a melee weapon.
“What I have to say to you is... sensitive, to say the Schneid will fight to the death, but the soldiers return
least. The killer...” he pauses to look again at the door.
and subdue him after three rounds. After the combat,
“The killer is none other than the Ship’s Captain
himself, Aurelius Ray!”
read the following:
Aurelius is shocked at any accusation. He has no time LOADING BAY A If qu
for interrogation and will not grant an interview if alright?
asked; he takes it lightly at first, but he is offended if The main hangar is massive but mostly empty; the she ha
pressed. The PCs might never learn how the knife ship has had to lease its starfighter complement to didn’t a
came to Schneid, but the killer gave it to him through another war zone temporarily. Your ship and the assistin
the kitchen, hidden in a meal. Merciful's RM-09 Alliance Shuttle are the only vessels
If the PCs take up Aurelius's offer to receive parked here currently. A pilot scrubs away at the
treatment in the medical bay, they gain the benefits of shuttle.
a short rest as their wounds are bandaged by a
medical droid. The pilot is Azalyn Kardal (see the Cortica-3 entry).
You step into the galley, and you enter a world of A large, mostly empty bay, like the others. Electricity
chaos and glory - the famous kitchen of Abraxis hums softly in the background; an unusual sound for a
Armada. The Mon Cal moves like a cyclone, his typically busy area. Several crates on wheels stand by
slippery hands both clumsy and artful. His staff chop the wall, something within quietly crackling. The bay is
and stir feverishly, struggling to keep up. They’re doing mostly dark and otherwise clear.
a fine job, though, and the steel racks and white
counters are shining and clean throughout the small
but well-outfitted room. Only the dishes are starting to The PCs may open a crate with a DC 15 Intelligence
back up... (Technology) check digitally or a DC 20 Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) check manually. Both checks may be
attempted. If opened, the crate is filled with strange
After any conversation with Abraxis, the PCs should
internal organs on ice. A DC 20 Intelligence (Lore) or
make a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. If successful,
Wisdom (Medicine) check reveals at least one organ to
the PCs notice the murder weapon hiding in plain sight:
be Mon Cal in origin.
the long knife is placed with the kitchen knives. If the
Any closed-circuit holocam footage of the bay is too
PCs think to attempt it, a DC 20 Intelligence (Lore)
dark for identification, but someone wheeled in the
check reveals that it is a medical knife.
crates at 0100 hours.
If questioned: Abraxis has an airtight alibi: “I wasn’t
there! My entire waitstaff can vouch for me.” He is The loading bay is completely empty except for the
shocked if the PCs discover the murder weapon in his cordoned off and guarded crime scene.
Galley, claiming rightly that it’s not even a kitchen knife
and it’s clearly been washed clean with acid. MEDICAL BAYS
If necessary: Abraxis seeks out the PCs, or else after
they interview him, he shares the following: “I have to
Nurses and orderlies fly about, busily tending to the
tell you: I saw one of our soldiers, Corporal Gentii wounded soldiers back from battle on Cortica-3. You
Dulovic, in a really hot argument with Dr. Zarander just can’t help but nearly be carried through the hallways
last week. I heard him accusing the doctor of murder! I by the energy of everyone working. One of you bumps
think he did it, or he knows something!” Any Officer can into a huge Wookiee in a white lab jacket, who roars
tell the PCs that Corporal Dulovic is on Cortica-3 now mildly at you but continues on with his cart; the badge
since the morning, so he had opportunity, but the PCs reads Lobacca Chode, anesthesiologist. No one seems
to have time for you, except you do see a nurse eyeing
will have to talk to Aurelius and Azalyn Kardal and
you darkly as she helps a patient.
shuttle over to interview him.
If pressed, with a DC 20 Charisma (Intimidation) or QUARTERS
Charisma (Persuasion) check, Shia reveals that she had
been with Dr. Falstom earlier in the evening for dinner, There’s nothing of note here in the crew’s quarters - a
but she had not wanted anyone to know, and Dr. search of rooms reveals nothing - except a few
Falstom told her to say they were in major surgery all nameless crew members stand gossiping by the
evening. The GM should add disadvantage to the check common room caf machine. One might insert oneself
to represent Shia’s intention to remain unwavering in into their petty, loose conversation... or eavesdrop on
her alibi. it.
If necessary: Shia may at any time come to the PCs
and confess to them her false alibi. If the PCs attempt a DC 15 Charisma (Performance)
check to gossip or a DC 20 Dexterity (Stealth) check to
OFFICE (NOT ON MAP) eavesdrop, success may reveal such details as: Dr.
Zarander had been dating First Officer Kass Trobona;
The quiet office of Dr. Phobos Falstom and the late Dr. Nurse Shia was hot for at least one of the doctors;
Zarander is a relief from the busy halls and crowded Corporal Dulovic had been seen recently arguing with
ship bays. Two desks stand across from each other, lit Dr. Zarander; and the Imperial officer in the brig is a
at once by soft-light lamps and the jarring green
screens of desk computers. As you enter, Dr. Falstom
legendary soldier of the Empire. Which of these details
slams his desk drawer and rises quickly. “I’m sorry to are revealed is left to the GM's discretion; use this to
jet,” he says, looking somber. “Any closer to the killer?” cover gaps your players have not explored or to nudge
them in the direction of another clue. The nameless
Dr. Falstom leaves after answering any questions, with crew members should be played as wary, guarded, and
potentially hostile.
seeming openness but admitting to nothing.
Both doctors’ drawers are locked, and a DC 20 OFF TO CORTICA-3
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check is required to open
them. Dr. Falstom’s drawer is empty, but inside of Dr. The players should find that the clues lead them to
Zarander’s is a list of names and species with ailments check out (or rule out) some of the characters on
listed next to them; the names crossed off. Cortica-3. They should be encouraged though not
A DC 15 Intelligence (Technology) check is required forced to make this trip; it is important that the PCs
to break into either computer. Failing this check by 5 or make this choice, because it exposes them to danger.
more should result in getting shut out of the system The GM may need to make it clear that they need more
without a chance at retrying. Dr. Falstom’s drive is proof before charging anyone, even if they do not
wiped clean (passing the check by 5 or more may believe the parties on Cortica-3 are important or
confirm it as intentional), but Dr. Zarander’s drive complicit. Captain Aurelius is great for clarifying this in
reveals a celestial map on the main drive. The map character.
requires a DC 20 Intelligence (Piloting) check to be read The GM may also wish to delay a shuttle to the
helpfully, revealing the map pinpoints the location of moon, since this is a natural transition point from Act II
worlds with major medical facilities. to Act III; this can be done subtly, or openly telling the
players that they should wrap up the bulk of their
DR. PHOBOS FALSTOM investigative work on the Merciful before shuttling to
Phobos is played as serious but sincere, mournful but Cortica-3. Once the PCs return again to the Merciful,
busy, sympathetic but powerful. The players should the adventure should move speedily to its conclusion.
empathize with him but his possible guilt should not be If the PCs ask about a shuttle to Cortica-3, they are
downplayed. encouraged by the Captain to follow this lead. He
If questioned: Falstom is alibied for the time of death schedules a flight with shuttle pilot Azalyn Kardal. Once
by Shia Sunfell. “I was in major surgery that entire the shuttle is ready, the PCs head to the main hangar,
timeframe. You can ask Nurse Sunfell, she was there. and the GM reads the following:
And Dr. Zarander and I, we are - that is, we were - very
close friends.” In the main hangar, the Merciful’s RM-09 Alliance
If Shia’s alibi falls apart, he explains he was Shuttle is ready for take-off. As you come aboard, a
embarrassed by the thought of the gossip that would voice yells back, “Yo! Sorry about the delay, bros. I
hooked my instrument check earlier. This old bucket
spread if people knew about their dinner.
of bolts is barely hanging together. Buckle up, dude!”
If necessary: Falstom may at any time inform the PCs The pilot, Azalyn Kardal, lifts the shuttle out and
of the following: “I just need to tell you: First Officer away to Cortica-3. The black rock looms larger as you
Kass Trobona, she and Inigo - Dr. Zarander - they were approach, ominous and dark, lit only by the lights of
dating, and, I know it wasn’t always good. I would try to mineral mines bored down into rich veins and
find out what it is she knows.” deposits; and by the flashing lights of laserfire trading
between bunkered-in Rebel troops and besieged
Imperial forces.
You’re dropping into an active war zone, and the
killer may have your six...
In addition to XP gained in combat, players may gain XP As the shuttle lands, read the following:
for any of the following:
Azalyn sticks the landing with expertise. “Yo, you’re
Significant Investigative Work (100-300 XP)
gonna have to make a run for it. Good luck!” She signs
Impressive Storytelling (100 XP) either “peace” or “rock on,” you can’t tell. From the
Impressive Roleplaying (100-200 XP) shuttle ramp to the dark trench is about twenty feet of
open ground, in open view of enemy fire. How do you
ACT III: KILLER'S GAMBIT plan to reach the trench?
This is the final act. In this act, the PCs should hopefully
be able to put together the pieces and determine that The intent of all the combat on Cortica-3, like the space
Dr. Phobos Falstom is the killer. If they arrest the combat in Act I, is to get the PCs working and planning
wrong person, however, they can still redeem together and to provide a few quick heroic or cinematic
themselves, as Dr. Falstom attempts a last-minute moments.
escape and the PCs have the chance to stop him. In order to reach the trench, each PC will have to
make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check with
DROP ZONE disadvantage for the planetary conditions, or another
In Act III, the PCs begin en route to Cortica-3. The GM check if their plan is extraordinary. Failure may result
may remind them of some of the clues they have in taking stray blasts of damage, or worse.
gathered or may invite the players to recall details
themselves. In particular, they should remember the
Once the PCs reach the trench, read the following:
clues leading them here: First Officer Kass Trobona’s
relationship with the deceased and Corporal Gentii
Dulovic’s argument with the same. You reach the trench and drop in. As you make your
way down the line you pass soldier after soldier, some
See the recommended stat blocks in Act II for Azalyn,
of them taking direct blaster shots, others returning
Kass, and Gentii, as needed. fire. Somebody yells out, “Here they come!” and a
If the PCs never gossiped in the Quarters and never squad of Stormtroopers rushes across a field of fire to
spoke to Abraxis, they still need to know about crash the trench.
Corporal Gentii Dulovic. The GM should narrate to the
players how Abraxis came to them just before take-off A number of stormtroopers equal to half the number
and spoke to them about Dulovic. of PCs rounded up are rushing the area of the trench
Also explain to the players that they are gearing up where the PCs are, and the players will have to deal
in-flight in atmospheric suits, since the air on Cortica-3 with them using melee or ranged combat. For the
is light and unbreathable. other stormtroopers targeting other parts of the
Read the following: trench, there's no need to use full combat rules here--
keep things fast and furious by simply describing the
Your pilot, Azalyn, guides the RM-09 Alliance Shuttle stormtroopers' assault and the Rebels repulsing them
closer to Cortica-3 comfortably, as if headed toward a in narrative terms. The Rebels should finish off the last
peaceful field landing, not dropping in on an active of the stormtroopers as the players end their combat
war zone. She wears a brown bomber jacket, bright
with the ones nearest them.
orange pants, and white tank; her straight black hair
only comes down to her shoulders, where her dog
tags dangle as the shuttle rocks and bounces. At her
side hangs a lightsaber, though few would recognize
such a strange weapon. “Dudes, how’s it all going?”
she says. “What’s up with the search? Any closer?”
If asked about Dr. Zarander, Kass says: “Inigo... We
were dating. Just a little while, but it was going well; it
had its ups and downs, but that’s pretty normal,
especially in close quarters on the ship. And he was
acting strange, lately; he said he was researching
something, that it was dangerous, and I know he was
genuinely troubled by it. That did take a toll on us.
But... now he’s gone.” She turns away. “It hasn’t really
processed yet,” she says.
If pressed, Kass Trobona has no alibi, except just that
she was with the troops, training for their dawn launch
to the war zone on Cortica-3.
If the PCs ask the whereabouts of Corporal Gentii
Dulovic, someone says to them: “I believe Corporal
Dulovic is holed up in the forward bunker on our left
flank. That’s a hell of a run, though. Good luck.”
The PCs should be encouraged to come up with a
STORMTROOPER smart plan for reaching the bunker; they can provide
Medium humanoid (human), lawful dark
extra details to the scene, if necessary. In the end, no
ability check is necessary, unless the GM deems it.
Armor Class 16 (battle armor) Once the PCs reach the bunker, read the following:
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8)
Speed 30 ft.
You slide into the safety of the cold, grey bunker. The
first face to greet you is a yellow Zabrak with a chilling
TICKING CLOCK The GM should allow the players to narrate what, if
anything, the PCs did in those few seconds.
Once the PCs reach the Merciful, read the following: If the PCs did not arrest Dr. Falstom, skip the second
paragraph of the narration above; Lobacca joins
Aurelius hails you as soon as you return. “Right, then, Falstom in the landing bay instead.
come to the bridge as soon as you can, would you?”
On arriving at the bridge, the Captain sits you down. SHOWDOWN!
“I’ve just received a long-range encrypted message If the PCs rush to Landing Bay B, read as follows:
from High Command - they want a prompt arrest.
Where are you at with the investigation?”
As you enter the bay, sparks fly and sirens scream.
The once empty, quiet hangar is filled with smoke and
Once the PCs relate their findings, Aurelius agrees with light. A Firespray-31-class attack and patrol craft is
their making an arrest, or encourages it, as necessary. parked in the center of the bay, its ramp extended,
The GM will need to adjust if the PCs have already multiple nasty-looking thugs surrounding the ship with
make an arrest. After this, read: nasty-looking blasters and vibroweapons. Striding
toward the ship, stopping to look back at you: Dr.
Phobos Falstom.
“Alright, then, chaps,” says Aurelius. “Make your arrest, Several crates litter the bay, in the midst of on-
and bring the suspect to the briefing room. I will meet loading. Smoke and pulsing light obscure vision. But
you there and hear the charges and the evidence you through the smoke and streaks of darkness, Falstom
have to support them. It’s a sorry business, but I’m opens fire...
glad to have had your help. Cheers.”
Falstom’s last words when captured, or over the comm
as he leaves the system, are as follows:
Medium humanoid (human), neutral dark
“Rare body organs fetch a pretty penny and go toward
lifesaving research. It’s a crime not to harvest and sell
Armor Class 14 (fiber armor, light shield generator) them; and to harvest, well, some species need to be
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5) more alive than others when you operate. But Dr.
Speed 30 ft. Zarander got too close and learned too much. I’m
sorry, but he had to go. Research demands it! And the
pay was good...”
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) POSTLUDE
The PCs should have a chance to consider the crime
Saving Throws Dex +4 and its meaning and personal impact on themselves,
Skills Medicine +5, Perception +3, Technology +4 and what their thoughts are as to next steps the team
Senses passive Perception 13 may need to take.
Languages Galactic Basic, Mon Cal, Shyriiwook If the shuttle was not stopped in Act I, it got away to
Challenge 2 (450 XP) warn the Empire, and an Imperial Star Destroyer sent
by Moff Dardano arrives immediately. If it was stopped,
Techcasting. Falstom is a 4th-level techcaster (tech save
the Rebellion likely retakes Cortica-3 and the PCs might
DC 12, +4 to hit with tech attacks, 16 tech points). He
knows the following tech powers:
play a role in achieving that victory.
Medium humanoid (wookiee), lawful dark
Skills Medicine +2
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Shyriiwook, understands Galactic Basic
but can't speak it
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Vibroaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d10+3) kinetic damage.