This document contains an assignment from the NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology for their EE-401 Microprocessor Based Systems course. The assignment contains 31 questions about microprocessor architecture, memory addressing modes, and instruction types for students to answer. It provides details on submitting the answers including being handwritten or typed, submitting in groups, and the due date of February 24th, 2016 between 12-1pm. The teacher is listed as Engineer Zeeshan Raza.
This document contains an assignment from the NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology for their EE-401 Microprocessor Based Systems course. The assignment contains 31 questions about microprocessor architecture, memory addressing modes, and instruction types for students to answer. It provides details on submitting the answers including being handwritten or typed, submitting in groups, and the due date of February 24th, 2016 between 12-1pm. The teacher is listed as Engineer Zeeshan Raza.
This document contains an assignment from the NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology for their EE-401 Microprocessor Based Systems course. The assignment contains 31 questions about microprocessor architecture, memory addressing modes, and instruction types for students to answer. It provides details on submitting the answers including being handwritten or typed, submitting in groups, and the due date of February 24th, 2016 between 12-1pm. The teacher is listed as Engineer Zeeshan Raza.
This document contains an assignment from the NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology for their EE-401 Microprocessor Based Systems course. The assignment contains 31 questions about microprocessor architecture, memory addressing modes, and instruction types for students to answer. It provides details on submitting the answers including being handwritten or typed, submitting in groups, and the due date of February 24th, 2016 between 12-1pm. The teacher is listed as Engineer Zeeshan Raza.
Which register holds a count for some instructions? The carry flag bit is set by what arithmetic operations? Will an overflow occur if a signed FFH is added to a signed 01H? A number that contains 3 one bits is said to have parity? Which flag bit controls the INTR pin on the microprocessor? Which microprocessors contain an FS segment register? In the real mode, show the starting and ending addresses of each segment located by the following Segment register values (a) EOOOH (b) ABOOH Find the memory address of the next instruction executed by the microprocessor, when operated in the real mode, for the following CS:IP combinations CS = l000H and IP = 2000H Which register or registers are used as an offset address for string instruction destinations in the 80486 microprocessor? Determine the memory location addressed by the following real mode 80386 register combinations: DS = 2000H and EAX = 00003000H Protected mode memory addressing allows access to which area of the memory in the Pentium microprocessor? What is the purpose of the segment register in protected mode memory addressing? For an 80286 descriptor that contains a base address of AOOOOOH and a limit of 1000H, what starting and ending locations are addressed by this descriptor? For a Pentium descriptor that contains a base address of 00280000H, a limit of 000 I OH, and G = 1, what starting and ending locations are addressed by this descriptor? If DS = 0105H, in a protected mode system, which entry, table, and requested privilege level are selected? Which register locates the global descriptor table? . How is the local descriptor table addressed in the memory system? If the microprocessor sends linear address 00200000H to the paging mechanism, which paging directory entry is accessed, and which page table entry is accessed'? List the 16-bit registers used for register addressing What is wrong with the MOV BL,CX instruction? Select an instruction for each of the following tasks: (a) move a 12H into AL (b) nove a 1200A2H into EBX What assembly language directive indicates the start of the CODE segment? Suppose that DS = 0200H, BX = 0300H, and DI = 400H. Determine the memory address accessed by each of the following instructions, assuming real mode operation: (a) MOV AL,[1234H] (b) MOV EAX.[BX] What is wrong with a MOV [BX].[DI] instruction? Suppose that DS = 1000H, SS = 2000H, BP = 1000H, and DI = 0100H. Determine the memory address accessed by each of the following, assuming real mode operation: (a) MOV AL,[BP+DI] (b) MOV CX,[DI] Suppose thai DS = i200ii, "DX = UIUOI:, and S: = 3250II. Determine :he address accessed
NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology, Multan
Department of Electrical Engineering Subject : Microprocessor Based System
28. by each of the following instructions assuming real mode operation:
(a) MOV [IOOH],DL (b) MOV [SI+lOOH],EAX 29. Suppose that DS = 1300H, SS = 1400H, BP = l500H, and SI = 0100H. Determine the address Accessed by each of the following instructions, assuming real mode operation (a) MOV EAX,[BP+200H] (b) MOV AL,[BP+SI-200Hl 30. How many bytes of memory store a far direct jump instruction? What is stored in each of the bytes? 31. What is the difference between an intersegment jump and an intrasegment jump? Note
Assignment should be handwritten or typed but in your own words
Students groups as we have defined will submit this assignment Viva may be expected Submission date is 24-02-16 at 12 pm -01 pm
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