This document describes a course on computer communication networks. The course covers fundamental networking principles like the OSI model, TCP/IP, routing, and data link layers. Students will analyze protocols using Wireshark and complete homework, labs, and exams on networking topics.
This document describes a course on computer communication networks. The course covers fundamental networking principles like the OSI model, TCP/IP, routing, and data link layers. Students will analyze protocols using Wireshark and complete homework, labs, and exams on networking topics.
This document describes a course on computer communication networks. The course covers fundamental networking principles like the OSI model, TCP/IP, routing, and data link layers. Students will analyze protocols using Wireshark and complete homework, labs, and exams on networking topics.
This document describes a course on computer communication networks. The course covers fundamental networking principles like the OSI model, TCP/IP, routing, and data link layers. Students will analyze protocols using Wireshark and complete homework, labs, and exams on networking topics.
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Master Course Description
No: CSE 461
Title: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Credits: 3 Coordinator: Ho Viet Viet Goals: Learn fundamental principles of computer communication networks, OSI and TCP/IP protocol layers, reliable data transfer, flow control, congestion control, IP addressing, packet forwarding and routing, MAC addressing, multiple access techniques. Develop skills in analyzing protocols via using the network protocol analyzer. Learning Objectives: After successful completion of the course students should be able to: 1. Become familiar with layered communication architectures (OSI and TCP/IP Networking Model), associated functions of each layer and encapsulation as well. 2. Explain the concept of packet-switching, identify and analyze the different types of packet delay in packet-switched networks. 3. Describe the client/server model and key application layer protocols. 4. Learn sockets programming and how to implement client/server programs. 5. Describe the essential principles of a transport layer protocol (reliable data transfer, flow control, congestion control). 6. Use IP addressing and apply routing algorithms to find shortest paths for networklayer packet forwarding. 7. Describe and Compare data link layer services and multiple access techniques. 8. Compute basic error detection codes such as parity, checksums, and CRC. 9. Use networking tools to observe and analyze behaviors of networking protocols. Textbook: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, 6th edition, James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, Addison Wesley, 2012. The textbook for this course is excellent and we will follow it fairly closely (including lecture notes in power-point files and Wireshark labs). Reference Texts: Computer Networks: A Top Down Approach, 1st edition, Behrouz A. Forouzan and Firouz Mosharraf. Mc. Graw Hill, 2012.
Prerequisites by Topic: 1. Probability and Statistics at the level of MATH/STAT 390
2. Continuous and Discrete-time Signals and Systems (EE235, EE341)
Topics: 1. Network architectures, protocol layers, and their service models: OSI, TCP/IP. 2. Packet Delays in packet-switching networks. 3. Application layer protocols: HTTP, FTP, and SMTP. 4. Reliable and unreliable transport-layer protocols: TCP, UDP. 5. Flow and Congestion Control. 6. Network layer services and protocols: IP. 7. Packet Routing and Forwarding. 8. Routing in the Internet: RIP, OSPF, and BGP. 9. Link layer and local area networks: Error Detection and Error Correction, MAC addressing, Multiple Access Protocols: CSMA, CSMA/CD. Course Structure: This course consists of 3 credits. There are 4 hours of lecture + 1 TA hour every week. There will be a midterm exam and a final exam, 5 lab assignments and 5 homework assignments. Various homework assignments will be assigned every 2 weeks. Generally, these must be submitted in class on due date. All homework assignments and labs are done in groups of 3 students. There will be a 120-minute mid-exam and a 120-minute comprehensive final exam. The schedule for the mid -exam and the final exam will be announced in class and the schedule. All exams are in-class, opened-book. Computer Resources: The course is dependent on use of CoE Windows workstations with Wireshark network protocol analyzer. Laboratory Resources: Computer labs. There will be 5 lab assignments on using Wireshark network protocol analyzer . Students will investigate and simulate key problems in networking through 5 lab assignments: Lab1: Wireshark Lab: Getting Started. Lab2: Wireshark Lab: HTTP. Lab3: Wireshark Lab: TCP.
Lab4: Wireshark Lab: IP.
Lab5: Wireshark Lab: Ethernet and ARP. Grading: 15% Homework, 15% Lab, 30% Mid-Term, 40% Final. Outcome Coverage: (a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. Apply analysis, modeling/simulation and knowledge of network architecture. The course uses some of the skills acquired in EE416 for analysis of network performance. Use of modeling/simulation techniques help validate results from theory. (H) (b) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. Students use discrete-event simulation techniques to assess performance of useful network protocols. (M) (e) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. Homeworks illustrate choice of the key design parameters in network protocols. (H) (h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context. The programming/simulation projects provide experience in writing code for protocol implementation and/or use of simulators for testing. Since networking technology is all-pervasive and continues to grow at a phenomenal rate, the importance of this experience is self-evident. (M) (k) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineerning tools necessary for engineering practice. Use of Wireshark network protocol analyzer. (H) Prepared by: Ho Viet Viet Cite to syllabus prepared by Sumit Roy, University of Washington Last revised: 11/11/2015