Set A Goal: What Who

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Set a goal

What are the questions I want to answer? What do I want to learn?

Who is my target populationthat is, who should take my survey?
What demographic groups do I want to look for within my pool of
survey respondents?

When asking a potentially sensitive question like Have you ever

cheated on an exam? make sure to assure respondents that their
responses are completely confiential. It helps to make that clear
in the surveys introduction. You can also help by pointing out that
theyd have plenty of company whether or not they had done the
behavior in question. Heres an example: In talking to people about
cheating on tests, weve found that people often cheated on tests
in school because they were too busy or tired to study. How about
you? Have you ever cheated on a test, or not?

Use phrases like, do you think, do you feel, and in

your opinion, so that your respondents get the sense that
really listening, and that your survey is not a quiz. It will help
share their opinion without feeling like theyre taking a stance
risking being wrong.

Provide a time frame

Avoid: How much do you usually spend on groceries?

Use: In the past week, about how much did you spend on groceries?

And if you dont have a specifi time period in mind, begin

with In general, Overall, or Typically, to be sure
are thinking about their behaviors on average. But be warned:
These general questions can be more diffiult for respondents to
answer, which may yield less precise results.

Write unbiased questions

BEWARE: Leading questions

BEWARE: Loaded questions

Make sure your personal opinions dont sneak into your
BEWARE: Double-barreled questions
Make sure youre only asking one question at a time!
BEWARE: Unbalanced questions
Help your respondents feel comfortable expressing their
opinion by including both sides in your question.

Avoid: Do you like spinach?

Use: Do you like spinach, or not?

You can increase

balance but sacrifie brevitywhich is a good thing when it
comes to question writingby writing a formally balanced
question: Do you like spinach, or do you not like spinach?
BEWARE: Overly broad questions

Closed-ended vs. open-ended questions

When you want results that are easy to quantify, used closedended
When possible, we recommend using closed-ended questions
because the responses from open-ended questions can be diffiult
to analyzewith answers hard to classify. At the same time, we
now have a Text Analysis feature that will help you make the most
out of your open-ended feedback

Try to limit them to one selection

Just like the responses you collect from open-ended questions,
the answers to Select all that apply questions can be diffiult
to interpret. If someone picks three things, are they all equally
important? When in doubt, keep respondents focused (and your
results manageable) by limiting your use of questions that
your respondents to check multiple boxes

Use words, not numbers

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the worst ice cream youve
tasted and 10 being the best, how much did you enjoy our ice
Waitwhat does three mean? People tend to think in words,
numbersso you should ask them to express their opinions
scales that use words

Avoid: Will you visit our ice cream shop again?

O Yes
O No
2 Use: How likely are you to visit our ice cream shop again?
O Extremely likely
O Very likely
O Moderately likely
O Slightly likely
O Not at all likely
A yes/no answer choice is a good thing when youre measuring

Watch your ranges

Its important that you dont include overlapping ranges in your
answer choices.
Dont force your respondents to choose an option thats not a
fi. Include an Other (please specify) option. We advise against
using a none of the above, dont know, or
not applicable option because that may encourage respondents
to use the option to skip answers. Instead, you can get good data
and save them time by using skip logic when someone answers a
question in a way that makes other questions irrelevant.

Randomize answer choices when possible or relevant

Require answers to all questions
Use a natural question flw Ask unrelated questionsor
demographic questionsat the
end of the survey, after a little rapport has been created.
the exception of questions based on a scale or range,
the order of answer choices is a smart way to reduce order bia

Use page breaks (and mile markers) sparingly

We recommend that you dont use progress bars because they
be distracting. Similarly, telling respondents that theyre
there! may cause them to rush through the second half of a
Dont let them focus on the timekeep them focused on
the questions.
Where did your eyes go fist? Were they bouncing around the
grid? Thats a lot of questions to take in all at once! Now
doing this on a smartphone where youd have to scroll around
see all the options. When considering a matrix question, try to
the number of both rows and answer options to be mindful of
respondents interact with the information to form a judgment.
many cases, it will actually be better to ask questions one at a
limiting respondent frustration and encouraging careful
consideration of each of their answers.

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