Soalan Latihan Tambahan Termokimia
Soalan Latihan Tambahan Termokimia
Soalan Latihan Tambahan Termokimia
Excess of zinc powder is added to 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm3 copper(II) sulphate solution. The temperature of reaction
mixture increases by 5C. Calculate the heat of displacement of copper by zinc from copper(II) sulphate solution.
[Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 J g 1 o C1, density of solution = 1 g cm3]
Serbuk zink berlebihan ditambah kepada 50 cm3 larutan kuprum(II) sulfat 0.1 mol dm-3. Suhu campuran tindak balas
meningkat sebanayk 5C. Hitungkan haba penyesaran kuprum oleh zink dari larutan kuprum(II) sulfat.
[Muatan haba tentu bahan larutan = 4.2 J g-1 C-1, ketumpatan larutan = 1 g cm-3]
Answer / Jawapan:
H = 210 kJ mol
Calculate the heat released when 50 cm3 of 1.0 mol dm3 copper(II) sulphate solution reacts with excess zinc.
Hitungkan haba yang dibebaskan apabila 50 cm3 larutan kuprum(II) sulfat 1.0 mol dm-3 bertindak balas dengan zink
Answer / Jawapan:
The thermochemical ionic equation below represents the reaction between magnesium powder and iron(II) sulphate
Persamaan ion termokimia di bawah mewakili tindak balas antara serbuk magnesium dengan larutan ferum(II)
Mg(s) + Fe
(aq) Mg
(aq) + Fe(s)
H = 189 kJ mol
Calculate the increase in temperature when excess magnesium powder is added into 80 cm3 of 0.4 mol dm-3 iron(II)
sulphate solution. [Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 J g1 o C1, density of solution = 1 g cm3]
Hitungkan kenaikan suhu apabila serbuk magnesium berlebihan ditambah kepada 80 cm3 larutan ferum(II) sulfat
0.4 mol dm-3.
[Muatan haba tentu bahan larutan = 4.2 Jg -1 C-1, ketumpatan larutan = 1 g cm-3]
Answer / Jawapan:
The thermochemical ionic equation below represents the reaction lead(II) nitrate solution and potassium
sulphate solution.
Pesamaan ion termokimia di bawah mewakili tindak balas antara larutan plumbum(II) nitrat dengan larutan
kalium sulfat.
Pb2+ + SO4 2
H = 50.4 kJ mol1
Calculate the increase in temperature when 25 cm3 of 1 mol dm3 of lead(II) nitrate solution is added
into 25 cm3 of 1 mol dm3 of potassium sulphate solution.
[Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.2 J g1 oC1, density of solution = 1 g cm3]
Hitungkan kenaikan suhu apabila 25 cm3 larutan plumbum(II) nitrat 1 mol dm-3 ditambah kepada 25 cm3
larutan kalium sulfat 1 mol dm-3.
[Muatan haba tentu bahan larutan = 4.2 J g-1 C-1, ketumpatan larutan = 1 g cm-3]
100 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm3 sodium hydroxide solution is added into 100 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm3 ethanoic acid. The
initial temperature for both solutions is 28.0C and the highest temperature is 41.0C. Calculate heat of neutralisation.
[Specific heat capacity of a solution = 4.2 J g1 C1]
100 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida 2.0 mol dm-3 ditambah kepada 100 cm3 of asid etanoik 2.0 mol dm-3. Suhu
awal kedua-dua larutan ialah 28.0 C dan suhu tertinggi ialah 41.0C. Hitungkan haba peneutralan.
[Muatan haba tentu bahan larutan = 4.2 J g C ]
The reaction between 25.00 cm3 of hydrochloric acid and 25.00 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution releases the heat of
2 100 J. What is the temperature change of the mixture?
Tindak balas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik dan 25 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida membebaskan haba sebanyak 2
Answer / Jawapan: