Design of Guidance Laws For Lunar Pinpoint Soft Landing
Design of Guidance Laws For Lunar Pinpoint Soft Landing
Design of Guidance Laws For Lunar Pinpoint Soft Landing
As the Earth's closest celestial body, the Moon is recognized as one of the most important destinations for space science and exploration. From the 1950s onwards, various lunar landing missions were carried out by spacecraft such as Surveyor (US), Apollo (US) and Luna (former
USSR). Recently, with the rapid growth of the earths population, energy and resources are becoming increasing scarce. Since the Moon could possibly serve as a new and tremendous supplier
of energy and resources for humanity, the exploration of lunar resources has received increasing
attentions, and various lunar landing missions have been proposed again by many countries, such
as Return to the moon (US), the Lunar Logistics Lander (ESA), SELENE-B (Japan), ChangE2/-3 (China) and many others. Several organizations such as the X-Prize Foundation have also
initiated activities for lunar soft landing. Some of these missions aim to safely reach landing sites
containing hazardous terrain features, or to broaden the range of scientific outputs, which ask for
the capability to perform precise Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) to the selected landing
sites on the lunar surface. However, up to this date, lunar landings have only achieved kilometerlevel precision. Therefore, the GNC technology for pinpoint soft landing is essential for future
lunar missions.
This paper studies the guidance issues for the lunar pinpoint soft landing problem, where pinpoint soft landing aims to guide a lander to a given target on the surface with an error of several
meters (in the worst case). The primary contribution of this paper is the design of descent guidance laws based on the Pontryagin maximum principle.
The remains of this paper are organized as follows. Part 1 describes a lunar pinpoint soft landing mission in detail. The preliminary design of a low-cost and robust GNC system is presented
Researcher, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Kluyverweg 1, 2629 HS Delft, The
PhD Researcher, Surrey Space Center, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, United Kingdom.
for a miniaturized lander spacecraft, and the preliminary landing strategy is proposed. Part 2 investigates the powered descent pinpoint soft landing guidance problem. A polynomial guidance
law is designed, based on the Pontryagin maximum principle. In part 3, the numerical simulations
are implemented, and suggestions on improving the proposed lunar pinpoint soft landing strategy
are provided according to the simulation results.
The proposed lunar exploration mission aims to land a miniaturized spacecraft on the preselected lunar site for the purposes of technology validation and scientific studies. After the tradeoff between costs, launch opportunity, lifetime, mass and many other factors, an overall mission
scenario consisting of four stages, i.e. Launch and Early OPerations (LEOP), earth-moon transfer,
lunar capturing and parking, and lunar soft landing, is proposed as in Figure 1.
In the LEOP stage, the small spacecraft will be launched into a Geostationary Transfer Orbit
(GTO) as piggyback. Then a Phasing Loop Transfer Orbit (PLTO) is selected for earth-moon
transfer. The main drivers of using PLTO are from saving propellant and providing higher orbit
precision. When the spacecraft approaches the moon, it will be captured and circle around on the
moon parking orbit. After the in-orbit test, the lunar lander will be separated from the orbiter and
soft land on the expected site.
This paper will only focus on the GNC problem in the soft landing stage, which will be discussed in details below.
The Soft Landing Strategy
One of the most important questions regarding the soft landing is: what is the procedure to
land on the expected lunar site?
To answer this question, a preliminary soft landing strategy to minimize the propellant consumption is proposed as shown in Figure 2. This strategy is composed of three phases. The first
phase is a Hohmann transfer phase that decreases the altitude from the lunar parking orbit
(around 100km height) by providing a V at the tangential direction. The second phase is a powered descent phase, which decreases the altitude and velocity using continuous burning of the
main thruster. At the end of the powered descent phase, ideally both the velocity and the horizontal distance (to the expected landing site) of the lander will approach zero, and the height of
the lander is around 1-5m. Then the last phase, i.e. free descent phase starts by shutting off and
main thruster, and the lander descends as a free fall until reach the lunar surface.
TU Delft
ISIS, TU Delft
Radar altimeter
TU Delft
Based on the above criterions, the hardware of the GNC system are selected and listed in
Table 1.
Accordingly the architecture of the GNC system is defined as shown in Figure 3. The Guidance Law block produces guidance commands based on the pre-designed guidance law and the
position information provided by Position Sensor. Then the guidance commands are used for
creating Landing Control Logic. Since the landing thruster requires appropriate thrust direction,
the Attitude Control Logic should be created by coupling the guidance law with the attitude
information provided by Attitude Sensor. In this architecture, Position Sensor consists of
MIMU and radar altimeter, Attitude Sensor stands for CMOS star trackers and miniaturized sun
sensors, and Attitude Actuator implies CMG and attitude control thrusters.
In this paper the primary object of study is the guidance problem, which includes the algorithm embedded in the Guidance Law block, as well as the appropriate conditions for transformations between different landing phases. These topics will be discussed in the following sections.
Most of the landers propellant will be consumed in the powered descent phase; therefore,
the guidance law of this phase is the most important for the overall mission. This section investigates the powered descent pinpoint soft landing guidance problem, whose purpose is to find a
propellant-optimal trajectory that transfers the lander from any given initial state at engine ignition to a desired terminal state without violating propellant limits or any state and control constraint (e.g. actuator saturation) in a gravitational field1,2. A polynomial guidance law is designed,
based on the Pontryagin maximum principle. This guidance law transforms the pinpoint soft landing problem to a two point boundary value problem and then allows finding the propellantoptimal trajectory using the conventional Nonlinear Programming (NLP) algorithm.
Firstly, it is assumed that the lander is a point mass and the descending path is in a vertical
plane. Then the state variables of the lander in the lunar polar coordinate system are shown in
Figure 4, where r is the radial distance from the lunar center, is the azimuth angle, F is the landing thrust force and its vale is constant, and is the attitude angle that is the input variable and
defines the angle between the thrust direction and the radial vector.
According to the definitions of the state variables in Figure 4, the motion equation of the lander can be described as:
r = v
u = sin 2
v = cos 2 +
m = cF
where v is the radial velocity, u is the tangential velocity, m is the mass of the lander, and is the
gravity constant of the moon. Its also assumed that the specific impulse of the thruster is constant.
Therefore, the decreasing rate of mass, cF, is constant.
The Design of the Polynomial Guidance Law
So far the lunar soft landing guidance laws have been validated through the projects of Apollo
in US and Luna in Russia and obtained good results. For a pinpoint landing mission, the powered
descent phase must end not only with a soft landing, but also within a very short distance of the
target. Flying to the target under power can require maneuvering several km over the surface,
significantly increasing propellant requirements compared to those of non-pinpoint landing. Few
results were presented in the context of pinpoint soft landing3,4. However, pinpoint landing capability will allow to reach landing sites, which may contain hazardous terrain features (such as escarpments, craters, rocks or slopes), or to land accurately at select landing sites for the purpose of
achieving high science values.
Before designing the pinpoint soft landing law, two requirements should be considered: 1) The
consumption of propellant must be reduced as low as possible, which means to minimize the period of the descending phase; and 2) Due to the uncertainties on the initial conditions and system
parameters, the guidance law should have excellent robustness.
Figure 5. State Variables for Equations of Landing with Flat Surface Assumption.
The proposed polynomial pinpoint soft landing guidance law is based on the optimal control
theory. In order to avoid large amount of calculation, another two assumptions are made: 1) The
lunar surface close the landing site is flat; and 2) The gravity acceleration is constant. Under these
assumptions, the state variables of the lander in the lunar local coordinate system are defined in
Figure 5, where the coordinate origin is the expected landing site, x indicates the horizontal distances between the lander and the landing site, and y stands for the vertical distance from the lunar center to the lander. Accordingly, the motion of lander is described as:
x = u
y = v
v = cos 2
m = cF
u =
As cF is constant, the acceleration provided by the thrusters can be approximated as a first order function of time t, through Taylor series, i.e.
a0 (1 + )
m cFt + m0
where m0 is the initial mass of the lander before powered descent phase, a0 and TA are constants
obtained through Taylor series.
In order to obtain the control variable profile, Lagrange multipliers 1, 2, 3, 4, also known as
co-state variables, are introduced. Based on the principles of Pontryagin5, the Hamiltonian is formulated as:
H = 1 x + 2 y + 3u + 4 v
1 =
= 0, 2 =
= 0, 3 =
= 3 , 4 =
= 1
The optimal control angle profile is obtained by minimizing the Hamiltonian at each instant of
time with respect to the control variable, i.e.
= 0 = tan 1 3
The Pontryagins principle requires that the terminal value of a co-state variable corresponding to a non-free state variable is to be a constant at the final moment5. Therefore, the co-states
variables can be expressed as:
1 (t ) = 10 , 2 (t ) = 20 , 3 (t ) = 30 10t , 4 (t ) = 40 20t
= tan 1
30 10t
= tan 1 (c1 +
40 20t
40 20t
= + k2t k1
where is a constant angle that contributes for soft landing, (k2t-k1) stands for precise pinpoint
landing and k1,k2 are constants that will be discussed in following paragraphs.
Combining Eqs.(2), (3) and (9), and expanding triangular functions with first order Taylor series, Eq.(2) can be re-formulated as:
x = u
y = v
u = a0 (1 +
) sin + a0 (1 + ) cos (k2t k1 )
v = a0 (1 +
1 t3
+ a0 (cos k2 + sin k1 cos )
TA 6
cos k2
R2 2
sin k2
+ a0 ( sin k2 + cos + k1 sin ) a0
1 t2
u (t ) u (0) = a0 (sin cos k1 )t + a0 (cos k2 + sin k1 cos )
TA 2
+ a0
cos k2
cos + k1 sin ) a0
sin k2
Given the boundary conditions, , k1, k2, t can be obtained by solving Eq.(11). However, if
a very strict boundary condition, i.e. x(t)=0, is applied, its very possible that there is no solution
for Eq.(11). Therefore the problem of solving a set of linear equations in Eq.(11) is transferred to
the problem of how to obtain a minimum value for the horizontal distance x. This optimization
problem can be described as:
min .
x(t )
u uerror
v verror
lunar y ymax
where uerror, verror are maximum tolerated errors, ymax is the maximal accepted vertical distance
from the lunar center to the lander at the end of the powered descent phase, and ylunar is the radius of the Moon. Using conventional NLP algorithm, the values of , k1, k2, t can be obtained.
In order to investigate the performance of the proposed polynomial guidance law and the conditions for landing phases transformation, it is necessary to implement the simulation for different
situations. In this section, focus is on the conditions of transforming from the Hohmann transfer
phase to the powered descent phase. In total four cases are selected, which cover the conditions from high initial velocity to relative low velocity and from long initial distance to short distance. However for all the four cases, identical GNC hardware, as shown in Table 1, is utilized.
Case 1: Long Initial Distance and High Initial Velocity
For the first case, it is assumed that the lander transforms from the Hohmann transfer phase
to the powered descent phase at a position where the horizontal and the vertical distances to the
desired landing site are 100000m and 10000m, respectively. The lander will not do any orbit maneuver during the transforming procedure, i.e. its velocity at the end of the Hohmann transfer
phase and in the beginning of the powered descent phase will be kept same, assumed to be
1800m/s on the horizontal direction and -100m/s on the vertical direction. Its also expected that
at the end of the powered descent phase, the landers velocity can be reduced to less than 2m/s
on both directions. In addition, according to Table 1, the specifications of the Astrium CHT 400
orbit control thruster are: F=400N, Isp=224s, and the gross mass of the lander is m0=224kg.
Based on the above assumptions and conditions, the simulation is implemented and the results
are shown in Figure 6. It can be found that after 208 seconds the pre-defined conditions for shut-
ting down the orbit control thruster are satisfied, and the landers horizontal distance to the expected landing site is less than 3cm. That implies that the proposed polynomial guidance law can
achieve precise pinpoint soft landing, with long initial distance and high initial velocity. The propellant consumption is 37.9kg.
Case 2: Long Initial Distance and Low Initial Velocity
In the second case, it is assumed that the lander has a negative velocity impulse at the end of
the Hohmann transfer phase and, therefore, the initial horizontal velocity of the powered descent phase is reduced to 100m/s. All other assumptions and conditions are remained without
any change.
The simulation results for Case 2 are shown in Figure 7, which exhibits similar performance
as for Case 1. After 278s powered descending, the lander arrives at the expected landing site with
the accuracy of better than 0.7m, and consumes 50.7kg propellant. This means that the proposed
guidance law works well for this case, but with higher propellant consumptions. This is easy to be
understood if looking at the left bottom plot of Figure 7. The initial horizontal velocity is relatively low; therefore much propellant has to be used on accelerating and then on decelerating.
Figure 8 provides the simulation results for this case. Due to the short distance and high velocity, the lander flies over the landing site shortly after powered descending. However, the orbit
control thruster contributes a lot to decelerate the horizontal velocity. After flying over the landing site for almost 57km, the lander flies back and eventually arrives at a location that is 3m away
from the expected landing site. This procedure takes 221s and consumes 40.3kg propellant.
Case 4: Short Initial Distance and Low Initial Velocity
At last, the case of short initial distance and low initial velocity is considered. In other words,
its assumed that the lander still starts its powered descent phase when approaching the expected landing site for less than 5000m, but at the beginning of this phase the landers horizontal
velocity has already been reduced to 100m/s. All other assumptions and conditions are kept same
with other cases.
Figure 9 shows the variations of the landers distance to the landing site and the velocity, on
both the horizontal and the vertical directions. Compared with Figure 8, it can be found that although the lander flies over the landing site again, the excess is only 200m, and eventually the
lander arrives at the landing site with the accuracy of 0.2m after 204s. As less energy is used on
flying back, only 37.2kg propellant is consumed.
This paper studied the GNC issues, especially the guidance aspect, of the lunar pinpoint soft
landing problem. The preliminary design of a low-cost and robust GNC system is presented for a
miniaturized lander spacecraft, and the preliminary landing strategy is proposed. The powered
descent pinpoint soft landing guidance problem is investigated. A polynomial guidance law is
designed, based on the Pontryagin maximum principle. The simulations in this paper proved that
the proposed polynomial guidance law can help to realize precise lunar pinpoint soft landing with
low cost. Furthermore, the results provided useful information to investigate the details of the soft
landing strategy.
For a better understanding, the simulation results of the four cases are summarized in Table 2.
It can be clearly observed that the proposed polynomial guidance law works well for all the four
cases. It also indicates that in order to achieve precise pinpoint soft landing, the better options are
either 1) start powered descending without deceleration at the beginning when the lander is still
far away from the expected landing site; or 2) if a short initial distance is desired then decelerate
the landers horizontal velocity to a relatively small value before the powered descent phase.
Considering about the propellant that is used for deceleration before powered descending, the first
option, i.e. Case 1, is the most appropriate strategy.
Table 2. Summary of Simulation Results of Four Cases.
Initial Conditions
Distance (m)
Velocity (m/s)
Used (s)
Accuracy (m)
Propellant Consumed
During the simulation, its also observed that the proposed guidance law is sensitive to the initial values of the optimization. This is due to the NLP algorithm used for optimization, which always finds the local optimum instead of the global one. Therefore in order to improve the robustness of the proposed guidance law, an appropriate global optimization algorithm is necessary. A
possible candidate is interval analysis, and the relevant investigation is undergoing.
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