Annual Review of Fluid Dynamics Vol 1, Goldstein S.
Annual Review of Fluid Dynamics Vol 1, Goldstein S.
Annual Review of Fluid Dynamics Vol 1, Goldstein S.
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the beginning of 1910 Kutta finally published his 1902 dissertation, with
revisions, and toward the end of 1910 Zhukovskii published a note on the
design of airfoil sections, largely devoted to a graphical construction of the
In 1910 also Rayleigh and Taylor showed clearly how dissipative pro
cesses removed infinite gradients but left sharp transitions in shock waves i n
gases. Controversy, mystification, and hesitation were ended. I n the same
year Oseen put forward a "cure" for the "paradoxes" of Stokes and White
Each professional worker and scholar may find fault with the items I
have chosen for my list, but none will fail to recognize the meaning and sig
nificance of those I have included. None can deny that it was a fruitful period.
It is an interesting game to try to guess now what a similar list written in
20 1 8 would contain for the happenings of the first eleven years of the second
half of this century, 1950-1960. But perhaps it is an even more interesting
and certainly more instructive-exercise to ru minate on what the list for
1900 to 1910 would have contained if compiled fifty years ago, in 1 9 1 8.
M uch-very much-would have been missing, for not only was there a
grievous slowness of communication, but much of what is listed was so new
and unfamiliar that it escaped attention or merely induced disbelief or doubt,
except in the cases of rare individuals. It was to' be a few more years after
1 9 1 8-when the first world war was j ust ending-before the new discoveries
were to begin to have their full effect.
For the sake of orientation let us take a brief glance ahead from the end of
1910. I t was in 1 9 1 1 , with further publications in 1 9 1 2 , that Karman pub
lished his first paper on the vortex street i n the wake for two-dimensional
flow past a cylinder and the mechanism of resistance. [Benard had shown
evidence of the vortex street in 1908 ; there had been mention of such vor
tices before that by Mallock in 1907, by Ahlborn in 1902 and M arey in 190 1
(with photographs) , and by Reynolds in 1 883 (with drawings) . M allock
published a second paper in 1910.] Osborne Reynolds lived u ntil 1 9 1 2 ,
Rayleigh until 1 9 1 9 , and Zhukovskii until 1 9 2 1 .
study of mathematical physics. By far the greater part of it is entirely beyond the
range of the books available a generation ago. And the improvement in the style is
as conspicuous as the extension of the matter. My thoughts naturally go back to the
books in current use at Cambridge in the early sixties. With rare exceptions, such
as the notable one of Salmon's Conic Sections and one or two of Boole's books, they
were arid in the extreme, with scarcely a reference to the history of the subject
treated, or an indication to the reader of how he might pursue his study of it . ..
Lamb's textbook was the predominant " high-class" textbook for many
years, certainly in England in the 1920's for students of applied mathematics,
but we were not really happy with it. Rayleigh may have contrasted it with
the "arid" textbooks of the 1 860's, but in the 1920's we were complaining
that it was impossible to remember while reading Lamb that water is wet.
Something of the same dry atmosphere still persists.
By the end of the first half-century there was a stronger and more wide
spread element of physics in thought and research on fluid mechanics than
in the first twenty or thirty years, and this is much more so by now. Several
factors and several research workers contributed to this, but the greatest in
fluence has been the example of G. I. Taylor.
Fluid mechanics is a part of applied mathematics, of physics, of many
branches of engineering, certainly civil, mechanical, chemical, and aeronau
tical engineering, and of naval architecture and geophysics, with astrophysics
and biological and physiological fluid dynamics to be added. Significant
contributions to the theory of airfoils came early in the century, and during
the whole of the first half of the century applied aerodynamics was to be
probably the major incentive, dealing with questions that were important
also in mechanical and civil engineering ; but geophysical q uestions, certainly
not without charm and fascination, received much attention.
Curiosity about at least two of the branches of fluid mechanics and their
applications has a long and distinguished history, for in the Proverbs of
Solomon the son of David, king of Israel, it was stated in the words of Agur
the son of Jakeh that "There be three things which are too wonderful for
me, yea four which I know not," of which two were "The way of an eagle
in the air" and "The way of a ship in the midst of the sea," which I take to
be questions of aerodynamics and naval architecture, questions that con
cern us still.
There is now no dearth of books, some very good and many satisfactory,
on the various branches of our science, in which the details of the work done
u p to 1950 may be read. So I propose not to attempt to be systematic or
even to discuss several significant advances, but to plead, in Lamb's words,
" the inevitable personal equation of the author, which leads h i m to take a
greater interest in some branches of the subject than in others." Let us go
back to 1900.
Probably the outstanding difficulty was still that of accounting for the
resistance of a solid body in motion relative to a fluid in which it is i mmersed.
The three known theories were not satisfactory, though there was still con
siderable difference of opinion about the last of them. According to the ideas
of Isaac Newton, the force on a flat plate in a two-dimensional motion would
be wholly normal to the plate, and proportional to the square of the sine of
the angle of incidence, i.e., the angle between the relative velocity of fluid
and solid and the trace of the plate. Later it was held that in an inviscid
liquid, because of the theorems of Lagrange and Kelvin, a motion started
from rest would be irrotational, and then there would be no force on an
isolated body moving at a sufficient distance from any boundaries when the
motion is steady, the influence of the motion of the fluid being completely
allowed for by a modification of the inertia of the solid. The next theory in
volved surfaces of discontinuity of tangential velocity beginning at sharp
corners, and in particular from the edges of a flat plate in a stream. Lamb
writes (pp. 641, 642 of the fifth edition of Hydrodynamics, 1924):
The absence of resistance, properly so called, in such cases is often referred to by
continental writers as the 'paradox of d'Alembert. '
on exact theoretical lines, a result less opposed to ordinary experience is contained
in the investigations of Kirchhoff and Rayleigh relating to the two-dimensional
form of the problem of the motion of a plain lamina. It is to be noticed that the
motion of a fluid in such problems is no longer strictly irrotational, a surface of dis
continuity being equivalent to a vortex-sheet.
Rayleigh's 1 876 paper "On the Resistance of Fluids" begins by observing
that "there is no part of hydrodynamics more perplexing to the student
than that which treats of the resistance of fluids." Lamb's paragraph on the
" Resistance of Fluids" begins by observing that :
This subject is important in relation to many practical questions, e.g. the propul
sion of ships, the flight of projectiles, and the effect of wind on structures. Although
it has recently been studied with renewed energy, owing to its bearing on the prob
lems of artificial flight, our knowledge of it is still mainly empirical.
" Resistance" was a term used for the total force, not the drag force,
which was "the resolved part of the resistance in the direction of the stream."
It is interesting that Rayleigh compared, in part, the results of the theory
for a flat plate at angles of incidence between 100 and 900 with measurements
by Vince published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society in
1798. Vince had measured the "drag," and Rayleigh divided the measured
results by the sine of the angle of incidence to obtain the "resistance," and
compared the ratios of the resistance at an angle of incidence of 900 to the
resistance at other angles (a) down to 10. He then remarked :
The result of Vince's experiments agrees with theory remarkably well and the
contrast with sin2 a is especially worthy of note. The experiments were made with a
whirling machine and appear to have been carefully conducted ; but they were on
too small a scale to be quite satisfactory. The subject might now be resumed with
However, the theory was by no means winning complete acceptance. I n
particular Sir William Thomson, later Lord Kelvin, was quite unconvinced.
Rayleigh wrote :
It was observed by Sir William Thomson in Glasgow that motions involving a
Kelvin seems to have been more and more unconvinced. I n 1894 he pub
lished four notes on the question of resistance in Nature, which are repro
duced in Volu me 4 of his Mathematical and Physical Papers, with a note by
the editor, Sir Joseph Larmor, that "These com m unications formed the sub
j ec t of a prolonged playful controversy between Lord Kelvin and his intimate
friend Sir George Stokes, in a series of letters which have been preserved."
Kelvin showed that the results of the surfaces-of-discontinuity theory for a
flat plate were not in agreement with the experiments of Dines, published in
the Proceedings of the Royal Society in 1 890. The editor of the Mathematical
and Physical Papers enquired from the Director of the National Physical
Laboratory, Dr. T. E. Stanton, about the reliability of Dines's results and
about the results of more recent investigations, before republishing Kelvin's
papers in 19 10. Stanton wrote that, when allowance was made for differ
ences in size of plates, Dines's results compared well with more recent mea
surements at the National Physical Laboratory, and that the excess in the
total resistance over that given by Lord Rayleigh's formula was due to the
suction effect of the eddies on the leeward side.
Levi-Civita's first note on the extension of the surfaces-of-discontinuity
theory to flows past solid bodies with curved boundaries, for which we note
that negative pressures need not enter, was published in 190 1 , and the gen
eral mathematical theory followed in 1906. H e sought to justify the math
ematical investigation by the hope of practical comparisons, for example
to ships, but also by comparison with p ublished experimental results. It is
interesting that the observations to which he referred (by M arey and by
Ahlborn) are among those which have already been mentioned as showing
evidence of vortices in the wake. Levi-Civita in fact remarked that in the
actual wake there are vortical and turbulent motions, and that at a certain
distance from the body the state of motion of the fluid no longer presents any
vestige of discontinuity, but argued that the resistance depends only on the
state of motion in the near part of the wake in contact with the body, and
that this state of motion is perceptibly the same in both the actual wake and
his hypothetical one, so the value of the resistance resulting from his cal
culations should closely approximate the correct value, in spite of the dif
ferences between the actual circumstances and the theoretical model. (This
was essentially Rayleigh's 1876 argument, but Levi-Civita's discussion is
longer and more detailed.) I shall not discuss the applications and further
fluid and a solid body is printed as an appendix at the end of the second
volume of Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics, and what was written
t here will not be repeated. The discrepancies between the actual motions o f
a real fluid o f small viscosity, when laminar, and t h e results calculated for
the irrotational motion of an inviscid fluid arise mainly, in most cases, from
the condition in a real fluid of no slip at a boundary. If a fluid could slip
freely over the surface of a solid body it would be a very different world.
Those, among them Lamb and Levi-Civita, who have asserted in the past
that viscosity cannot be considered a predominant cause of direct resistance,
were correct in this sense in most ordinary circumstances.
In his 1904 lecture to the International Congress of Mathematicians
Prandtl stated briefly but definitely that by far the most important question
in the problem (of the flow of a fluid of small viscosity past a solid body) is
the behavior of the fluid at the walls of the solid body. H e continued (the
original German has been translated) :
The physical processes in the boundary layer (Grenzschicht) between fluid and
solid body can be calculated in a sufficiently satisfactory way if it is assumed that
the fluid adheres to the wans, so that the total velocity there is zero-or equal to
the velocity of the body. If the viscosity is very small and the path of the fluid along
the wall not too long, the velocity will have again its usual value very near to the
wall. In the thin transition layer (Ubergangsschicht) the sharp changes of velocity,
in spite of the small viscosity coefficient, produce noticeable effects.
The results of the theory of flows of inviscid fluids without vorticity were
widely at variance with observation and practice over most of the important
parts of the velocity field for flow past bluff bodies, because the condition of
zero slip at a solid surface was not satisfied. However, the theory was to prove
its worth for fair-shaped streamlined bodies such as airfoils, nacelles, and
airships, though "improvements" were to be desirable for practical applica
tions after the first calculations. But that is another story, which will be
mentioned later. If we assume the existence of vorticity in a diffused form
and thereafter neglect viscosity, the motion of a solid body in a fluid pos
sessing such vorticity is amenable to calculation only in a few cases. One
such case is motion in a u niformly rotating fluid. I n a series of papers on
this subject between 1 9 1 7 and 1923, G. I. Taylor made certain theoretical
predictions and reported certain experiments of great interest and impor
tance, not only for themselves and their applications but because predic
tions were made that either did not depend on the boundary conditions or
that gave no slip at a boundary. These predictions were verified by experi
ment. In his paper on "Experiments with Rotating Fluids" in 1921 G. 1.
Taylor wrote:
It is well known that predictions about fluid motion based on the classic hy
drodynamical theory are seldom verified in experiments performed with actual
fluids. The explanation of this want of agreement between theory and experiment
is to be found chiefly in the conditions at the surfaces of the solid boundaries of the
The classical hydrodynamical theory assumes that perfect slipping takes place,
whereas in actual fluids the surface layers of the fluid are churned up into eddies.
In the case of motions which depend on the conditions at the surface, therefore, no
agreement is to be expected between theory and experiment. This class of fluid
motion, unfortunately, includes all cases where a solid moves through a fluid which
is otherwise at rest.
On the other hand, there are types of fluid motion which only depend to a sec
on dary extent on the slip at the boundaries. For this reason theoretical predictions
about waves and tides, or about the motion of vortex rings, are in much better
agreement with observation than predictions about the motion of solids in fluids.
Some time ago the present writer made certain predictions about the motion of
solids in rotating fluids, or rather about the differences which might be expected
between the motion of solids in a rotating fluid and those in a fluid at rest. The pre
dicted features of the motion did not depend on conditions at the boundaries. It
was therefore to be anticipated that they might be verified by experiment. The
experiments were carried out and the predictions were completely verified.
In view of the interest which attaches to any experimental verification of the-
The paper will certainly prove to be one of the most extraordinary papers of
this century, and probably of many centuries. Of course, to a limited extent
the existence and nature of a boundary layer and its connection with fric
tional drag had been briefly mentioned before (Rankine, 1 864; Froude, 1874;
Mendeleyev, 1 880) , but it had amounted to very little compared with
Prandtl's contribution ; there were no boundary-layer equations and no
explanation of separation. The influence of Prandtl's boundary-layer theory
has been enormous. It has been used to make clear physical phenomena that
were, or would have been, otherwise baffling or at least murky. It formed the
basis for approximate methods of computation of practical utility. The ideas
were applied to sciences other than fluid dynamics and, in fluid dynamics, to
situations other than those involving a small viscosity. After the conclusion
of the half-century it was extended and generalized and transmuted, es
pecially by Kaplun, Lagerstrom, and their co-workers, into the theory of
singular perturbations for the approximate asymptotic solution of differ
ential equations.
However, for some years after it was published Prandtl's lecture was
almost, if not completely, unnoticed. Perhaps this is not surprising. It was
so very short, and it was published where no one who was likely to appreciate
lows the surface for some distance on each side, the motion of the fluid on either
hand being fairly smooth and regular. At a certain stage, however, the stream-line
in question appears to leave the surface, and can no longer be definitely traced, the
space between its apparent continuation and the cylinder being filled with eddies...
An able attempt to trace this phenomenon mathematically has been made by
Prandtl. The region in front of the solid is regarded as made up of two portions, viz.
(1) a thin stratum in contact with the solid, with a rapid variation of relative
(tangential) velocity in the direction of the thickness, and
an outer region in
i ty
Approximate solutions of
the equation
these two regions, and continuous with one another at the common boundary. The
calculations are necessarily elaborate, but the results, which are represented
graphically, are interesting.
treatment in 1927 , and with Lamb's own contribution to the use of the
Karman-Pohlhausen approximate method.
In the late 1920's and early 1930's there was eagerness to use and study
boundary-layer theory, so it was appropriate to print as the motto of
Modern Developments in Fluid Dynamics an extract from the essays of Sir
Francis Bacon ( 1 612) : "For when propositions are denied, there is an end
of them, but if they bee allowed, it requireth a new worke."
With u nderstanding of boundary-layer separation, coupled with knowledge
that when a motion of a solid body is started from rest the fluid does its best
to make the initial motion irrotational without circulation (with a vortex
sheet wrapped round the surface of the solid body) , and also with some
understanding of the rolling-u p of vortex-sheets, the way was clear for
considerable insight into much that was not clear before-the origin of a
large part of the resistance, the process of vortex formation behind a bluff
obstacle, and the origin of the circulation round a lifting airfoil.
Karman pointed olit that a theoretical determination of the velocity
and spacing of the vortices in a vortex street would require an investigation
of the process of vortex formation, and referred to Prandtl's theory of the
motion of fluids with small viscosity for an explanation of the formation of
vortices even in a fluid of vanishingly small viscosity.
I n 1 9 1 2 Zhukovskii had considered the formation of vortices. There was
first the problem of the singularity in the solution at the leading edge of an
airfoil of zero thickness, such as a circular-arc airfoil. Zhukovskii believed
this would simply lead to a vortical thickening. Kutta had also thought a
disturbance arising from the leading edge would not be important. More
generally, there was agreement on the desirability of a rounded nose, and
there does not appear to have been any widespread u neasiness. On the other
hand, Zhukovskii pointed out that vortices could also separate from the
trailing edge, and thought that the main cause of all resistances is to be found
in such separations.
Meanwhile, in 1 9 10, ideas about resistance had been clarified in reports
by Kutta's teacher, Finsterwalder, and by Prandtl himself. Finsterwalder,
in a lecture actually delivered the previous year, had discussed Prandtl's
theory and mentioned the difficulties, but pointed out that from the theory it
could be deduced that i n the case of an airship it is not so much the form of
the nose that matters as the shape of the tail. Prandtl introduced the idea of
the drag being due to two causes, which are not independent of one another,
giving rise to surface resistance (skin-friction) and vortex or form drag.
(Cf. Stanton's reply to Larmor in connection with the publication of Kelvin 's
papers) . Prandtl stated flatly that the form of the after part of a body has in
many cases more importance for drag than the forward part. By suitably
forming the after part the drag of an airship hull could be reduced, so that it
came near to the theoretical value of zero. Prandtl continued that all theories
that try to base drag on what happens in the front must lead to wrong
results, and must be rejected. Moreover, he says, the greater or less turbu
lence of the air is of great importance for the values of the drag.
The concern with the design of airship hulls at that ti m e is important.
Also noteworthy is the reference to turbulence, which will be mentioned later.
Exact, or even rough, calculations, were not possible, and the whole
process was not completely understood, but some time later the theory
began to have considerable influence on design. In fact by the late 1920's and
early 1930's "streamlining" was a fashionable word, even if rather completely
misunderstood by nonprofessionals. Many things, no matter what their
shape in relation to the technical meaning of the term, were referred to as
streamlined-for example, fast motor cars, fast railroad trains, and, accord
ing to advertisers, agreeable young women at any speed if equipped with the
right foundations. The slang use of the term died out, partly perhaps for
sociological reasons, but partly perhaps because of the airship disasters of
1933 to 1937, but the art, science, and technology of streamlining in its tech
nical meaning remained of primary importance, at any rate until science
fiction started to become engineering fact.
The notion of a cast-off vortex, with a vortex being formed and detached
in a short time when a (streamlined) airfoil at lift begins to move, so that a
circulation round the airfoil in an opposite sense is left, gave physical sub
stance to the circulation theory of lift. Many striking experiments have been
made in fluid mechanics and aerodynamics, and this notion of the cast-off
vortex led to one of them. I have never forgotten when William Farren
showed me, on a small scale model in a tank with transparent walls, the
cast-off vortices when an airfoil was started and then stopped impulsively
and the vortex pair with opposite rotations appeared rapidly, and moved
sedately downwards perpendicularly to the line joining them, all in accor
dance with theory. Seeing was certainly believing. I think that a description
of the tank, etc., and the experiment apeared in Walker's thesis ( 1932).
The circulation theory of lift was not widely accepted with any rapidity.
In the early 1920's at least one distinguished aeronautical engineer was still
expressing scepticism, which produced the experiment of Bryant & Williams
( 1925) at the National Physical Laboratory. This not only verified the
existence of a circulation but confirmed the Kutta-Zhukovskii formula for
the lift, even for a real fluid with the presence of a wake, if the contour
around which the circulation is taken does not approach the airfoil too
closely and cuts the trailin g wake at right angles to the direction of the un
disturbed relative motion. The problem was then not to explain the lift, but
to explain why the formula was so nearly correct in the presence of a vortical
wake, and this explanation was i mmediately provided by G. 1. Taylor.
There are three ingredients in inviscid, incompressible, two-dimensional
airfoil theory:. the lift formula, the condition at the trailing edge, and the
conformal mapping of the airfoil contour. As time went on, the second was
improved by allowances for the boundary layers and the wake. Two-dimen
sional airfoil theory was extended by Mises and by Karman & Trefftz among
others. I t is noteworthy that the theory of the complex variable was increas
ingly used for design (of course with the desired physical, mechanical, and
geometrical criteria in mind) , cul minating in the work of Lighthill ( 1945).
The method of singularities was also developed for application to airfoil
Prandtl's two classical papers on three-dimensional airfoil theory were
published in 1 9 1 8 and 1 9 19, leading to calculations for airfoils of large but
finite aspect ratio. These papers had been several years in the making, the
ideas dating back in part at least to 1910, with the first published reference in
publications by Foppl in 191 1 . (Foppl also referred to Lanchester's Aero
dynamics, in connection with a pair of trailing vortices which start from the
wing tips and make possible, in simply-connected space, the transition from
flow around the wing.) Prandtl's papers are classical, not only for aerody
namics, but as part of fluid dynamics generally. Moreover, I remember that
when I first read them I formed the strong impression from the way they
were written that Prandtl really knew he was writing classical papers.
M uch research was going on both before and immediately after the
publication of the two papers mentioned above, and anything like a full
description is not possible here. The term "induced drag" appears to be due
to Munk (19 1 8), who also provided what is now known as " M unk's stagger
theorem" ( mentioned also in Prandtl's second paper) and an easier and more
general proof (with generalizations) that wings with elliptic loading have the
smallest possible induced drag. Betz's paper on the screw-propeller with
least energy loss appeared in 1919. Trefftz's method of working in the
"Trefftz plane" and also of using Fourier series appeared in 192 1 .
The first practical triu mph o f the theory was in making sense o f experi
mental results on airfoils of various different aspect ratios.
The news of Prandtl's airfoil theory spread much more rapidly than
the news of his boundary-layer theory. In 1921 the National Advisory
Committee for Aeronautics in the U.S.A. requested and published a report
by Prandtl himself on "Applications of modern hydrodynamics to aero
nautics," and in the same year Pistolesi drew attention to the theory in a
lecture and p ublication in I taly. The same author published a more complete
exposition in the following year. Also in 1922 Roy published a booklet on the
theory in France, and in 1923 the theory was explained, and used, by Glauert
and by Low, and verified experimentally by Fage & Nixon, in England. A
German textbook by Fuchs & Hopf appeared in 1922, and Glauert's text on
The Elements of Aerofoil and Airscrew Theory appeared in England in 1926
and rapidly came into very general use.
An appraisal of the contributions of Lanchester and their influence
would require at least a complete article. Durand , in his " Historical sketch of
are comprised in Lanchester's book, had already occurred to me before I saw the
book. In support of that statement, I should like to point ou t as a matter of fact we
in Germany were better able to understand Lanchester's book when it appeared
than you in England. English scientific men, indeed, have been reproached for the
fact that they paid no attention to the theories expounded by their own country
man, whereas the Germans studied them closely and derived considerable benefit
therefrom . The truth of the matter, however, is that Lanchester's treatment is
difficult to follow, since it makes a very great demand on the reader's intuitive per
ceptions, and only because we had been working on sim ilar lines were we able to
grasp Lanchester's meaning at once. At the same time, however, I wish it to be
distinctly understood that in many part ic u lar respects Lanchester worked on dif
ferent lines than we did, lines which were new to us, and that we were therefore
able to draw many useful ideas from his book. The volume published in 1 9 1 5 . . in
which Lanchester comes to the same conclusion with regard to the induced drag
as we did, was unknown to us until 1926. As it happens the same formula was pub
lished by us in 1914 (by Betz) . . . .
"insights, and it has lately been pointed out [e.g. in Incompressible A ero
dynamics, edited by Thwaites (1960) and in Ktichemann's " Ludwig Prandtl
M emorial Lecture" ( 1967)] that what Prandtl himself called a lifting-line
theory must be considered an approximate lifting-surface theory in which
the chordwise distances involved are small compared with the spanwise
distances. In such a case it can be proved that the chord wise loading is the
same as in the two-dimensional case and the spanwise distribution of lift is
given by Prandtl's lifting-line theory.
The time came when the influence of the compressibility of air at high
subsonic speeds could not be ignored, and also theoretical considerations of
supersonic flight were taken more and more seriously. Swept wings had to be
considered. I t appears that the first published suggestion of the use of swept
wings was made by Betz in 1940. Slender aircraft became matters of serious
consideration only considerably later, but a theory of pointed wings of very
small aspect ratio--in contradistinction to the theory for large aspect ratios
was published by R. T. Jones in 1946. In all cases trailing vortices were still
with us.
Among other matters exciting the curiosity and attention of investigators
probably the most important were stability, turbulence, and gas dynamics.
Theoretical investigations of stability in the period dealt mainly with
stability to infinitesimal disturbances on a linearized theory. Progress in
considering finite disturbances was not to come until later.
In 1 9 1 6 Rayleigh considered , as a question of stability, the convection
currents in a horizontal layer of fluid heated below, in connection with
observations of Benard in 1900 and 190 1 , mentioned in the 1900 to 1910 list
at the beginning of this article. Rayleigh's discussion is based on the ap
proximate equations of Boussinesq. He remarked that M . Benard did not
appear to be acquainted with a paper by James Thomson in the Proceedings
of the Glasgow Philosophical Society for 1881-1882, where a like structure was
described in much thicker layers of soapy water cooling from the surface. I n
t h e Scientific Papers there appears a note added in 1 9 1 8 about his own work,
that "This problem had already been treated by Aichi (Proc. Tokio Math.
Phys. Soc. 1907) . " The problem was later considered by Jeffreys, Low,
Pellew & Southwell, and others. Harold Jeffreys used to call it the " porridge
problem", for obvious reasons. In addition to the consideration of finite
disturbances, other factors were to be added, such as the influence of surface
tension and its variation with temperature, but . there was nothing about
Rayleigh's stability problem that should be called controversy, and the
investigations could be counted as definitely successful.
In 1922 G. I. Taylor published his classical paper on the "Stability of a
viscous liquid contained between two rotating cylinders." The results of the
theory were definite and correct, in agreement with the experimental re-
surface, the method of support, and protuberances, hooks, or other attach- ments on the surface. In a turbulent boundary layer, because of the more
vigorous interchange of momentum between different strata, the retarded
fluid can make its way into regions of higher pressure before separation, so
that although the friction drag is increased the form drag is considerably
decreased. The phenomenon itself was first demonstrated by Eiffel in Paris
in 1912 for a sphere, and the explanation was given by Prandtl in 1 9 14, who
obtained small drag coefficients even at fairly low Reynolds numbers by
inducing turbulence with a wire hoop fixed on a sphere. M any years later
stories were still being told in Gottingen about great disagreements in the
results experimentally obtained there with those of Eiffel, and how the
research on the cause began.
The search for a satisfactory method of forecasting frictional resistance
with turbulent flows began early. A complete mathematical theory is not to
be expected, and experiments did not deal with high Reynolds numbers.
Coupled with formulae for the resistance coefficient is a formula for the
distribution of velocity near a wall. In 1913 Blasius put forward interpolation
formulae according to which the resistance coefficient varied as the inverse
of the 1 /4th power of the Reynolds number, and the velocity as the 1/7th
power of the distance from the wall. Attempts were made to show that these
formulae had a theoretical basis, but when experiments were made at
Reynolds numbers above 105, it was found that the index 1/7 had to be
diminished progressively to 1/8, 1/9, etc.
In 1925 Prandtl p u t forward what became known as his " mixture- length "
Adams Prize awarded the same year. The equations for the velocity distribu
tion are, in general, different on the momentum-transfer and the vorticity
transfer theories, but, more i mportantly, when there is heat transport,
predicted temperature distributions differ. In an appendix to Taylor's 1932
paper, Fage & Falkner reported on the measured temperature distribution in
the wake of a heated cylinder, and the results on the vorticity-transfer theory
were much closer to the experimental results than those of the momentum
transfer theory. Thereafter many experiments were made in an effort to
assess the relative merits of the two theories.
Taylor published his " modified" vorticity-transfer theory in 1935"and
1937 and the application to flow in pipes i n 1937. I cannot be sure of my
recollection, but I believe he unearthed an old manuscript from among
his papers (again part of his Adams Prize essay) when I showed him a
(somewhat unsatisfactory) paper of mine on the generalized vorticity-trans
fer theory, saying that he had previously thought it too speculative to publish.
I am more certain about a paper of Taylor's on another subject, stability i n
stratified fluids with density gradients, which was published in 193 1 . A
manuscript was taken out of storage on my entreaty ; it was part of Taylor's
Adams Prize essay and had been in storage for some considerable time, its
submission for publication having been hindered by the occurrence of the
first world war.
Meanwhile research was proceeding on turbulent diffusion, which had
its genesis in Taylor's 1921 paper in the Proceedings of the London Mathe
matical Society on " Diffusion by continuous movements."
However, a wholly new direction was given to research by the publica
tion in 1935 of Taylor's "Statistical theory of turbulence" in a series of papers
of striking originality, containing many new notions, among them isotropic
turbulence, curves of correlation and energy dissipation, the decay of
turbulence behind a grid, and correlations and energy spectra as Fourier
transforms ( 1938) . Karman introduced the correlation tensor, depending,
in an incompressible fluid, on one scalar function; and derived an equation
for changes in that scalar, which can be used to obtain information about
the rate of decay, with the assumption that the mean values of triple products
of components of velocities at two points could be neglected. Karman pointed
o u t that if this is incorrect the vortex filaments would have a permanent
tendency to be stretched or compressed along the axis of the vorticity, and
believed that this could not be the case. H owever, Taylor showed that it was,
the term neglected being shown from certain measurements in one case to be
three times a term that is not neglected. There is a tendency for the vortex
filaments to be stretched on the average. Turbulence is essentially dispersive.
Later, during the second world war, I remarked to Taylor that an army
general had j ust explained that the reason why information and supplies did
not always arrive at their destination at the planned time was "the friction
of war." " I suppose," replied Taylor, "that supplies are strewn over the
countryside because of the turbulence of war . "
structure by the kinetic theory o f gases also followed later. I n the first half of
the century the work culminated in J. von Neumann's numerical methods.
The early state of affairs may be illustrated by some quotations from the
papers of Rayleigh and Taylor. Rayleigh writes, under the heading "Per
manent regime u nder the influence of dissipative forces, " "The first investi
gation to be considered under this head is a very remarkable one by Rankine
'On the Thermodynamic Theory of Waves of Finite Longitudinal Distur
bance' (Phil. Trans. 1 870) , which (except for a limited part expounded by
Maxwell in his Theory of Heat) has been much neglected. " There is here a
footnote in which Rayleigh says "I must take my share of the blame," but
adds that " Rankine is referred to by Lamb (Hydrodynamics, 1906, p. 466) . "
I n the text h e continues "Conduction of heat i s here for the first time taken
into account and although there are one or two serious deficiencies, not to
say errors, presently to be noticed , the memoir marks a very definite ad
vance." Later he refers to "a long and ably written memoir by Hugoniot"
and after repeating that " Rankine's investigation is expressly based upon
conduction of heat in the gas" remarks that "A wave of this kind is never
possible under the conditions, laid down by Hugoniot, of no viscosity or heat
conduction . . . . A closer examination of the process by which [Equation 85]
was obtained will show that while the first law of thermodynamics has been
observed, the second law has been disregarded . " The remarkable thing was
that both Rankine and Hugoniot ended up with the same equations.
Neither had considered viscosity.
Taylor pointed out that "The possibility of the propagation of a surface
of discontinuity in a gas was first considered by Stokes" ( 1 848) . He later
states flatly that " I t is evident that a plane of absolutely sharp or mathe
matical discontinuity cannot occur in any real gas. " He refers to the kinetic
1 heory
of gases, and continues " This suggests that heat conduction and
viscosity are, in the case of a real gas, the causes of the prod uction of dis
sipative heat; it will be shown that under certain conditions they are also
sufficient to produce permanence of type in the layer of transition. "
The study o f gas dynamics and high-speed aerodynamics proceeded
steadily and at a somewhat increasing pace during, say, the first third of the
century. Some of the most valuable advances were in the provision and de
sign of high-speed wind tunnels and instrumentation. Towards the end of the
1920's the only lectures on gas dynamics I remember being given in Cam
bridge, England were a series of eight lectures by G. I. Taylor.
In 1935 came the Fifth Volta Congress, which was indeed an important
event. The Schneider Trophy context had had its effect on high-speed
aerodynamics, and one of the papers at the Congress was by Wimperis o n
"The British technical preparation for t h e Scl.meider Trophy Contest,
193 1 , " in which he described, as he said, "the combination which achieved
success in the 193 1 Sch neider Trophy Contest." However, in addition,
scientists and engineers were already dreaming of supersonic flight. Among the
papers a t the Congress those that are o f interest here were general lectures
on high-speed flow by Prandtl, Taylor, Karm{m, Busemann, and Pistolesi,
on high-speed wind tunnels and experimental technique by Eastman
Jacobs, Ackeret, Luigi Crocco, and Panetti, on model airscrews at high
speeds by Douglas, and research in France by Villat.
In the last decade of the half-century, particularly after the end of the
second world war, the pace of publication and advance in knowledge be
came rapid, almost hectic. Reports delivered in one place of what had j ust
been done at another were greeted by remarks that "Yes, we've j ust done
that, too." It was all exciting, and great fun, and of serious use, too,-and
the war was over.
It seems impossible even to list here the highlights of what was done i n
the half-century, apart from the provision o f high-speed wind tunnels and
equipment, b u t let us bring a few to mind : Prandtl-M eyer expansions;
graphical and numerical use of the mathematical theory of characteristics;
linearization for subsonic and for supersonic flow, and higher approximations ;
the Prandtl-Glauert rule; the linearized solution of Karman and Moore for
bodies of revolution ; the clearing-up of the difficulties about the Prandtl
Glauert rule for bodies of revolution, etc. , by Gathert and Sears, and the
appearance of Gathert's rule ; methods of successive approximation , first
Jansen- Rayleigh and later Hantzsche-Wendt; Taylor's electrical analogy,
with the electric field explored in an electrolyte in a shallow tank of variable
depth which could be changed by successive approximations; boundary
layers in gases at high speeds and frictional resistance ; Taylor's calculations
for a vortex and a source, forecasting the troubles of transsonic theory ; the
Taylor- Maccoll nonlinearized solution for supersonic flow past a cone; coni
cal fields, whose study was started by Busemann ; the slender-body theory of
Jones (and earlier of M unk for low-speed flow) and its development by Ward
and others (and l ater by M ac C. Adams and W. R. Sears) ; the development
of Chaplygin's hodograph method and the alteration in his use of an ap
proximate equation of state, leading to the famous Karmfm-Tsien pressure
formula, which was so extensively used in airfoil design for subsonic flight
both during and soon after the second world war, with the theory later ex
tended by C. C . Lin ; the full analytical, mathematical development of
hodograph theory by Lighthill and by Cherry (and also, differently, by
Bergman) in 1947 ; Karman's transsonic similarity rules ; the similarity rules
for hypersonic flow of Tsien and H ayes ; and the work, done independently by
Sedov, Taylor, and von Neumann, on blast waves.
I n his lecture at the Volta Congress, Karman had remarked " I have the
i mpression that the possibilities provided by the hodograph method are
not yet exploited sufficiently and that it can possibly be used for investiga
tion of the mixed cases, i.e., of flows with partly subsonic, partly supersonic
regions. " I n that lecture he also considered flow at very high M ach numbers,
at what he called " ultra supersonic" speeds, and is now called the hyper-
sonic range, and its connection with Newton's conception o f air resistance.
I n 1933 B usemann had studied flow in a shock layer of vanishing thickness
and obtained a formula for the surface pressures at the base of the shock layer.
I n 1949 Lighthill published papers on the diffraction of blast, and on a
technique for rendering approximate solutions to physical problems uni
formly valid. The technique in the latter paper has been rather widely used,
and there has been considerable discussion of its connection with the theory
of si ngul ar perturbations, boundary-layer theory, the theory of "inner" and
"outer" solutions.
Whitham's paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, published i n
1950, on "The behaviour of supersonic flow past a body of revolution, far
from the axis" was first turned down by a referee with a very i nteresting and
rather full discussion of his objection, which, in summary, was the danger of
using isentropic methods to study the decay of a shock wave. This had
previously been done by Friedrichs in the plane case, so, as the referee
pointed out, "Whitham is in good company." The argument of the referee
was serious, and this was the genesis of Lighthill's 1950 paper on "The
energy distribution behind decaying shocks." Whitham's paper was duly
accepted by the Royal Society and published.
Lighthill's first papers were published in 1944, and by 1948 he was in
vited to deliver a general lecture at the Seventh International Congress for
Applied M echanics. The lecture was on " Methods for predicting phenomena
in the high-speed flow of gases. " Lighthill spoke then as an applied mathema
tician or mathematical physicist, and his concluding words are interesting :
In conclusion, I w il l say that our u nderstanding of the high-speed flow of gases
is growing rapidly; as a mathematician I believe that our endeavors in this field are
no waste of effort or of mathematical techniques not only because we are assisting
in a grea t new engineering adventure--supersonic fl ight-but also since we are
getting to grips in this problem with that old bogeyman, the nonlinear partial dif
ferential equation, and smelling out his ways in a manner for which our colleagues,
in the more fundamental parts of physics, may later be grateful.