Constitution For MSUM Student Org
Constitution For MSUM Student Org
Constitution For MSUM Student Org
University Moorhead. Officers of new organizations are encouraged to adapt this sample to the
unique needs of their organization. New organizations, and organizations submitting a five year
review, should cover each article and section in this sample except for those marked optional.
Required statements are in bold print and must be included verbatim in your constitution. You
do not need to follow this constitution word for word. However, please follow the format provided.
The text in brackets should be specific to your organization. Please use this as a guide on how to
write your organizations constitution.
[Insert organization name] CONSTITUTION
Section A.
1. The name of this organization shall be [State the official name of the student
organization as well as any abbreviations].
Section B.
Section A.
Membership Eligibility
1. Membership shall be open to any and all currently enrolled students at Minnesota
State University Moorhead.
Section B.
Membership Criteria
1. Membership criteria includes:
a. Dues paid [The collection of dues is optional and this statement may be
removed if it does not pertain to the organization].
b. Attendance at meetings.
c. [List other criteria]
Section C.
Non-Discrimination Statements
1. Equal Opportunity Statement:
Minnesota State University Moorhead is committed to a policy of
nondiscrimination in employment and education opportunity. No person shall
be discriminated against in the terms and conditions of employment, personnel
practices, or access to and participation in, programs, services, and activities
with regard to race, sex, color, creed, religion, age, national origin, disability,
marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or
membership or activity in a local commission as defined by law.
2. Exception: [Only social Greek organizations must include this statement.] As
exempted by Federal law, social Greek organizations may omit gender.
Section D.
Section E.
Statement of Non-Hazing
1. Hazing is prohibited by MnSCU Board of Trustees policy. Minnesota State
University Moorhead will investigate all allegations of hazing and will utilize
appropriate judicial, disciplinary and criminal processes in our efforts to
eradicate hazing. The MnSCU Board of Trustees Policy and the MSUM
Student Code of Conduct define hazing as an act which endangers the mental
or physical health or safety of a person, subjects a person to public humiliation
or ridicule, or which destroys or removes public or private property for the
purpose of initiation, admission into, affiliation with, or as a condition for
continued membership in a student group, organization, or athletic team.
Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to sleep deprivation
or causing excessive fatigue; engaging in public stunts, jokes, or degrading
games and activities; compelled ingestion of any substance; forced servitude;
paddling in any form; forced tattooing or branding; or late night activities that
interfere with academic and occupational activities. The express or implied
consent of the victim to any activity covered by the foregoing definition does
not validate or excuse the activity.
Section F.
Affiliations [Please select the statement that applies to the organization. If your
organization is affiliated with a parent organization, one copy of the parent
organizations constitution must be submitted to the Office of Student Activities.]
1. This organization shall be affiliated with [State the official name of parent
organization local, state, or national groups.]. The rules and regulations of
the national constitution shall be followed when not inconsistent with the rules
and regulations of Minnesota State University Moorhead. When
inconsistencies are present, this organization shall adhere to the rules and
regulations of Minnesota State University Moorhead.
2. This organization is not affiliated with any local, state, or national group.
Section G.
2. [Please list and define any other types or categories of membership and their voting
privileges. Non-students, such as such as alumni or honorary (be sure to modify
section A) should be kept to a minimum and may not vote, hold office, or act on the
organizations behalf.].
Section H.
Member Removal
1. Any member may be removed from the organization:
a. For actions which violate the purpose of the organization.
Section I.
Member Appeal
1. If the member wishes to appeal the vote for removal, they must send a written letter
of appeal to the [Insert organization name] advisor within two weeks of the
2. The advisor and the Executive Board will review the appeal and notify the [Insert
organization name] and the member in no more than one week of the decision.
Section A.
Section B.
Election Procedure
1. Voting shall take place after the close of nominations for each office. Officers shall
be elected by a [Insert type of vote such as 2/3 or simple majority] vote of those
[Insert organization name] active members present, provided quorum is met.
Section D.
Term of Office
1. The term of office for each officer shall be [Insert duration of time such as one
Section A.
Officer Qualifications
1. MSU Moorhead requires a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA for each officer.
Section B.
Officer Duties
1. The officers shall consist of a [Insert officer titles (example: president, vice
president, secretary, and treasurer)]. The officers shall be responsible for all
administrative duties of the [Insert organization name]. These officers will be
known as the [State any special names the officers go by such as the Executive
2. The [Insert officer title such as President] shall:
a. Establish and maintain operation procedures of the [Insert organization
b. Call meetings.
c. Vote in all decisions affecting the [Insert organization name].
d. Register the student organization each fall during the annual student
organization registration process.
e. [List other additional responsibilities].
3. The [Insert officer title such as Vice President] shall:
a. Assist the [Insert officer title such as President] with all administrative
duties and assume those duties in the absence of the [Insert officer title such
as President].
b. [List other additional responsibilities].
4. The [Insert officer title such as Secretary] shall:
a. Keep accurate and detailed records of all meetings and affairs.
b. Send/transmit all official correspondence.
c. Coordinate preparation and distribution of flyers, handouts, and
d. Check the organizations mailbox in the OSA.
e. [List other additional responsibilities].
5. The [Insert officer title such as Treasurer] shall:
a. Receive and distribute [Insert organization name] funds upon the
authorization of the [Insert officer title(s) (example: president and advisor)],
in accordance with the financial rules and regulations of the University.
b. Make financial reports at the regular meetings.
c. Coordinate all fundraising activities.
d. If the student organization receives Student Activity Budget Committee
funding, the treasurer will remain in contact with the Activities
Business Manager.
e. [List other additional responsibilities].
Section C.
Vacancy in Office
1. Vacancies occurring in any of the elected offices other than the President shall be
officially filled during a special election called for by the President.
2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of the President, the [Insert officer title such
as Vice President] will become the President and there will be a special election to
fill the [Insert officer title such as Vice President] office.
3. If the [Insert officer title such as Vice President] declines to succeed, then a special
election shall be held to fill the office of the President for the remainder of the
unexpired term.
4. The election procedure for filling the unexpired term of a vacant office shall be the
same as the normal procedure for elections.
Section D.
Officer Removal
Officer Appeal
1. If the officer wishes to appeal the vote for removal, they must send a written letter
of appeal to the [Insert organization name] advisor within two weeks of the
2. The advisor and the Executive Board will review the appeal and notify the [Insert
organization name] and the officer in no more than one week of the decision.
Section F.
Section A.
Advisor Duties
1. The advisors responsibilities include
a. Attendance at [Insert percentage such as 50%] of the organizations
b. Attendance at the election meeting.
c. [List other duties]
Section C.
Advisor Removal
1.An advisor may be removed from the position:
a. For failure to carry out the responsibilities of that position.
b. For actions which violate the purposes of the organization.
c. For actions which violate University policies.
d. [List other causes].
2. An advisor may be removed by the following process:
a. Written charges by a member are to be presented to the Executive Board.
b. The Executive Board will notify the advisor of an opportunity for the
advisor to respond to charges at the next regular meeting.
c. The meeting must have quorum present and only active members may
participate in the vote.
d. Voting for removal is to be done by secret ballot within [State time lapse
such as two weeks or a month] of the meeting.
e. A [Insert type of vote such as 2/3 or simple majority] vote is required for
f. The advisor must be notified immediately of the outcome of the vote.
Section D.
Advisor Appeal
1. If the advisor wishes to appeal the vote for removal, they must send a written letter
of appeal to the [Insert organization name] Executive Board within two weeks of
the decision.
2. The Executive Board will review the appeal and notify the [Insert organization
name] and the advisor in no more than one week of the decision.
COMMITTEES [Committees are optional and this article may be removed if it does not
pertain to the organization. Remember to change the article Roman numerials if this
article is removed.]
Section A.
Standing Committees
1. The standing committees shall be [Please list standing committees and their purpose
such as fundraising, philanthropy, publicity].
2. The president may form special committees when necessary.
Section A.
Announcement of Meetings
1. The official means of notifying members shall be agreed upon at the first meeting
held after the election of a new [Insert officer title or body (example: President or
Executive Board)].
2. Official notice of the meeting at which the election of officers will take place must
be provided to all members not less than two weeks prior to such meeting.
Section B.
1. Quorum shall be defined as [example: 2/3 of total active membership] of [Insert
organization name].
2. A [Insert type of vote such as 2/3 or simple majority] vote is needed for official
business to take place, unless stated otherwise, provided quorum is met.
Section A.
Section B.
Dues [The collection of dues is optional and this section may be removed if it does not
pertain to the organization. Remember to change the section name if this section is
1. The amount of dues charged for each [Insert duration of time such as one year or
one semester] will be determined at the first meeting of the Fall Semester.
2. Membership dues need to be paid by [Denote time period such as the end of the
first semester] or within three weeks of becoming a member, and will be collected
by the [Insert officer title such as Treasurer].
3. Students who do not pay their membership dues will lose their privileges of
membership, including voting rights.
Section C.
Dissolution of Organization
1. If this group dissolves, all monies allocated by the Student Activity Budget
Committee shall be returned to the Student Activity Budget Committee. Any
other funds will be dispersed as the group sees fit.
Section A.
Proposing Amendments
1. Any active member can propose an amendment to the constitution by submitting a
written request to the Executive Board prior to the last meeting of the year.
Section B.
Amendment Process
1. Once an amendment to the constitution is submitted to the Executive Board, the
amendment must wait until the following meeting to be voted on.
Section C.
Passing an Amendment
1. Amendments to this constitution shall be adopted by [Insert type of vote such as 2/3
or simple majority] vote, provided quorum is met.
Section D.
Section A.
1. This constitution will be ratified by [Insert type of vote such as 2/3 or simple
majority] vote of [Insert organization name], provided quorum is met.