Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-Machine Power System Using UPFC and SSSC

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International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-5, October 2013

Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-machine

Power System Using UPFC and SSSC
Anu Rani Sam, P.Arul

FACTS controllers can be divided into four categories such

as Series controllers such as Thyristor Controlled Series
Capacitor (TCSC), Thyristor Controlled Phase Angle
Regulators (TCPAR or TCPST), and Static Synchronous
Series Compensator (SSSC); Shunt controllers such as Static
Var Compensator (SVC), and Static Synchronous
Compensator (STATCOM); Combined series-series
controllers such as Interline Power Controller (IPFC) and
shunt series controllers such as UPFC(Unified Power Flow
A Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) is a
series FACTS Device which is connected in series with a
power system. It consists of a solid state voltage source
converter (VSC) which generates a controllable alternating
current voltage at fundamental frequency [4]. When the
injected voltage is kept in quadrature with the line current, it
can emulate as inductive or capacitive reactance so as to
influence the power flow through the transmission line. While
the primary purpose of a SSSC is to control power flow in
steady state, it can also improve transient stability of a power
UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) is a shunt series
FACTS device connected with the transmission line to
increase the power transfer capability, improve transient
stability and reduce transmission losses [5].

Abstract Power systems are subjected to various types of

disturbances which cause the problem of losing stability. The
problem of transient stability is a crucial problem. Transient
stability evaluation of large scale power systems is an extremely
intricate and highly non-linear problem. The main causes of
transient stability may be due to transmission system faults,
sudden fault changes, loss of generating units and line switching.
So the enhancement of transient stability is essential for a secure
power system operation. Transient stability of a system refers to
the stability when subjected to large disturbances such as faults
and switching of lines. Transient stability of the system can be
improved by increasing the system voltage, increasing the X/R
ratio, increasing the number of parallel lines between points and
placement of the FACTS devices. The FACTS controller can
improve the voltage stability, steady-state and transient stability of
a power system.UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller) and SSSC
(Static Synchronous Series Compensator) can improve the
transient stability of the system. Simulation of transient stability
without and with FACTS device was done using MATLAB based
program and the analysis is performed on IEEE 6 bus system.
Index Terms-FACTS, Newton-Raphson method, (SSSC)
Static Synchronous Compensator, Transient Stability, Unified
Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

Modern power systems are at risks of transient stability
problems due to sudden, large disturbances such as
transmission system faults, sudden fault changes, loss of
generating units and line switching [1]. Methods to improve
transient stability are use of breaking resistor, reduction in
system transfer reactance, use of bundled conductors, short
circuit current limiters and the placement of FACTS devices.
The development of power electronics has introduced the use
of Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems
(FACTS) devices in electric power systems. FACTS devices
are capable of controlling the network conditions in very fast
manner [2] .The voltage stability, steady state and transient
stabilities of a complex power system can be improved by
using Facts devices [3]. FACTS devices can control the
various parameters of the power system such as voltage, phase
angle and line impedance in a rapid and effective manner.


A. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
A Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) consists of two
solid state synchronous voltage source converters coupled
through a common DC link as shown in Fig.1. The DC link
provides a path to exchange active power between the
converters [6]. The series converter injects a voltage in series
with the system voltage through a series transformer. The
power flow through the line can be regulated by controlling
voltage magnitude and angle of series injected voltage. The
injected voltage and line current determine the active and
reactive power injected by the series converter. The converter
has a capability of electrically generating or absorbing the
reactive power.
However, the injected active power must be supplied by the
DC link, in turn taken from the AC system through the shunt
The shunt converter also has a capability of independently
supplying or absorbing reactive power to regulate the voltage
of the AC system. When the losses of the converters and the
associated transformers are neglected, the overall active
power exchange between the UPFC and the AC system
become zero. However, both the series and shunt converters
can independently exchange reactive power [7]. UPFC can
improve both steady sate stability, dynamic stability and
transient stability. For the convenience practical of

Manuscript received October, 2013.

Anu Rani Sam, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, India.
Prof.P.Arul, Working as Associate Professor in Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering,Jayaram College of Engineering and


Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-machine Power System Using UPFC and SSSC
application, the series voltage angle of UPFC is kept in
perpendicular with a line current.


A. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)
Consider the configuration of UPFC inserted between bus k
and bus m of power system as shown in Fig 1.[9] UPFC can be
modeled as fictitious active and reactive power injection at
bus k and bus m, respectively as can be seen in Fig 3

Fig.1.TheUPFC basic circuit arrangement

B. Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)
The SSSC is one of the most recent FACTS devices for power
transmission series compensation. It can be considered as a
synchronous voltage source as it can inject an almost
sinusoidal voltage of variable and controllable amplitude and
phase angle in series with a transmission line. The injected
voltage is almost in quadrature with the line current. A small
part of the injected voltage that is in phase with the line
current provides the losses in the inverter [4].The basic
structure of SSSC which basically consists of a capacitor, an
inverter and a coupling transformer. Most of the injected
voltage, which is in quadrature with the line current, provides
the effect of inserting an inductive or capacitive reactance in
series with the transmission line.
The SSSC may have four basic control modes. These are bus
voltage control, line power flow control, line reactance
control and series voltage control. A series capacitor
compensates the transmission-line inductance by presenting a
lagging quadrature voltage with respect to the
transmission-line current [8]. This voltage acts in opposition
to the leading quadrature voltage appearing across the
transmission-line inductance, which has a net effect of
reducing the line inductance. Similar is the operation of an
SSSC that also injects a quadrature voltage V c , in proportion
to the line current but is lagging in phase:
V c jKX c I c
V c the injected compensating voltage

Fig.3.Fictitious active and reactive load model of a UPFC

The fictitious active P uki and reactive Q uki load of UPFC at
bus k as shown are given by,
u u
P ki xyV k V m sin km
Q ki I q V uk ab V u cos
The fictitious active P umi and Q umi load of a UPFC at bus m
are given by,
u u
P mi xyV k V m sin km

Q mi xyV k V um cos ukm

x= voltage magnitude from a series converter of a UPFC
= voltage angle from a series converter of a UPFC
I q = shunt current from a shunt converter of a UPFC.
y = susceptance equivalent between bus k and bus m
V k = voltage magnitude at bus k
V m = voltage magnitude at bus m
ukm =Voltage angle difference between bus k and bus m

I c the line current

X c the series reactance of the


transmission line
the degree of series compensation

B. Power System with a UPFC Model

Consider the power system with a UPFC as shown in Fig
4(a). In this Figure, UPFC is represented by its equivalent
circuit of Fig 3.The power system can be represented by
generator voltage behind transient reactance ( ) and reduced
admittance matrix
excluding bus k and bus m [1]. One of
possible way to incorporate the UPFC into power system
model is to convert fictitious active and reactive model to
susceptance model.
The admittance Y uk and Y um as given in figure 4(b) can be
written by,

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of SSSC connected to a

transmission line


International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-5, October 2013

u jQ u
u P ki
P mi jQ mi



Fig.4 Multi-machine power system with a UPFC

(a) Fictitious model of UPFC

Fig 5 (a)Equivalent circuit of the embedded SSSC using

voltage source(b)Representation of the SSSC using
current source(c)The power injection
-model of
embedded SSSC
Z se R se j X se is the impedance of the series coupling
transformer. B c and Z l R l j X l are the charging

susceptance and the impedance of the line respectively. From

Fig.5 (b),

Fig.4 Multi-machine power system with a UPFC

(b) Susceptance model of a UPFC

j C Z se Z l Z l Z se

1 j c Z l

C.Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC)

According to the equivalent circuit, suppose V se V se se .

The voltage of bus k is taken as the reference

vector, V k V k k . The voltage source, V se , is the

Z se Z l

series injected voltage, and it is controllable in both its

magnitudes and phase angles and is also the control variable
of the SSSC. V m V m m is the voltage at bus m[10].

jB C c Z l

Considering the following vectors:

V se V se se
V k V k k

V m V m m


Transient Stability Enhancement of Multi-machine Power System Using UPFC and SSSC
From Fig.4 the real and reactive power injections at the
sending and receiving bus:
P inj , Q inj , P inj , Q inj can be calculated as follows:

S inj V k V se A V k V se se k A

It can be seen from Fig 6 that, without a UPFC, the system is

unstable when fault is cleared in 0.5 sec and the phase angle
increases without limit.





P inj AV k V se cos se k A

Q inj AV k V se sin se k A

A V m V se
* 1
se m A
S inj V m V se

P inj

A V m V se

cos se m A

A V m V se
sin se m A
Q inj

The admittance Y uk and Y um can be written by,

u j Qu
u P ki


P mi j Q mi


V um

However with a UPFC (a=amax and Iq= Iqmin ), the system is

considered as stable when fault is cleared in 0.5sec as shown
in Fig.7.




Fig.8.With UPFC in capacitive mode

(a=amax and Iq= Iqmax)


Fig.7 with UPFC in reactive mode

The effect of SSSC is shown in Fig.9.The system is

considered as stable when fault is cleared in 0.5 sec.

The method of improving Transient Stability by using UPFC

and SSSC is tested on Multi-machine system. The system
consists of 3 generators, 2 transformers and 6 buses [1].

Fig.9 with SSSC

This paper presents the effects of UPFC and SSSC on
transient stability of a multi-machine power system. Transient
stability of the system is compared with and without the
presence of UPFC and SSSC in the event of a disturbance. It

Fig.6 without UPFC


International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-3, Issue-5, October 2013
is clear from the results that, there is a considerable
improvement in transient stability of the system with the
presence of UPFC and SSSC. The performance of the UPFC
for transient stability improvement is better than that of SSSC.
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Anu Rani Sam received her B-Tech degree from Sree

Narayana Gurukulam College of Engineering and Technology, Kolenchery,
Kerala in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and presently doing her
M.E at Jayaram College of Engineering and Technology, Trichy, Tamil
Nadu in Power Systems Engineering. Her areas of interest are Power System
Stability, FACTS Controller.

P.Arul, working as a Associate Professor and Head of

the Department in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Jayaram College
of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu, India. He received his B.E.
degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the Government College
of Engineering, Bargur, India in 2001. He received his M.E (Power System
Engineering) degree from Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India in the
year 2004. He is a research scholar of Anna University, Chennai. He has
published 15 papers in national and international Conferences and journals.
His area of interest includes Power Systems, FACTS, Optimization and Soft
Computing Techniques. He is the member of ISTE.


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