Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Pustaka
Daftar Pustaka
Yoouurr M
Meennttaall G
Hypnosis is not:
Each person's experience is different and will vary from time to time. Many people expect to feel something
special or different despite the fact that it is a normal state of absorption of the mind that we have all been in many
times. As a matter of fact, it seems so normal to a person that he will often deny that he was in hypnosis. He can
hear everything that is going on around him and often his mind will wander. He has no point of reference to
differentiate this from the waking state (not unlike daydreaming). In general, it is a pleasant feeling of relaxation,
where he feels very little inclination to move or open his eyes, although he could if he really wanted to.
Sometimes a patient will report that he couldn't move or open his eyes or that he didn't hear what was said. This
is similar to having a vivid dream, yet forgetting it immediately upon awakening. The mind and the body respond to
their own innermost needs and experiences. This phenomenon is termed hypnosis amnesia.
Many times people come to their first formal hypnosis session expecting to be made unconscious or totally out
of it. This never happens even though on rare occasions that appears to be the case.
Sometimes a person, who is highly receptive to hypnosis, will experience varying degrees of hypnosis amnesia
during his first formal hypnosis session. That person did continue to receive full benefit from the session even
though he doesnt remember parts or perhaps all of the session. Most people do not have such an experience during
their first formal hypnosis session.
As a person experiences more and more formal hypnosis (either one-to-one with a hypnotherapist or by listening
to recordings of their hypnosis sessions) that person will probably become more and more conditioned to hypnosis
and is likely to experience hypnosis amnesia more frequently and to greater degrees with each such experience.
extreme situations. What used to take months or even years to accomplish now only takes weeks when
hypnotherapy is incorporated into the treatment.
At a formal meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1959, Hypnosis was granted "official
status" of an "adjunctive tool" in medicine. As such, it completed the professional acceptance of Hypnosis and
raised it to a new level. Adding to this, in 1961, the AMA recommended that medical professionals receive 144
hours of training in hypnotherapy. However, this rarely happens.
Hypnosis has, thus, been established as a legitimate subject of scientific inquiry. Research studies have
abounded. Hypnosis is now a thriving topic for both experimentation and clinical application. A growing number
of physicians and surgeons employ the therapeutic effects of Hypnosis with their patients in the areas of pain
management, pre-and post-operative anesthesia, relaxation and control of blood flow.
Added to this, Hypnosis has become represented by numerous professional organizations. In addition, leading
national and international journals have been established for publishing Hypnosis research.
Patients in an Intensive Care setting can benefit with deeper more quality rest speeding up their recovery
process. Cardiac patients are better able to balance their blood pressure, regulate their breathing and heart rate.
Secretions, bleeding and tolerating procedures can be managed more effectively with hypnotherapy.
It helps Oncology patients to reduce stress and anxiety, altering sensory perception to minimize pain, relieves
nausea, vomiting, respiratory distress and even preventing hair loss. In addition, it can offer increased
confidence, self-image and to more easily accept the restrictions of a chronic condition, or to even help manage
end of life transition.
In the Pediatric setting hypnotherapy can be very helpful. Children have amazing imaginations. What better
gift to offer a frightened child than improved control during a time of crisis. What a tremendous advantage it is
to be able to melt away fear and explain procedures and treatments in identifiable terms when the child is
relaxed, comfortable and able to learn and succeed.
Patients in the Obstetric or Gynecology settings can benefit in the areas of increased fertility, minimizing
blood loss, relieving heartburn related to pregnancy, lessening back pain, premenstrual syndrome and
supporting a comfortable natural child birth.
Pre-Surgical patients are able to reduce anxiety and stress. Hypnotherapy reduces bleeding, promotes rapid
healing with an improved immune response and also helps manage post-op pain and nausea, requiring less
medication and the side effects that go with it. It can also distort time so that the process of pre and post surgery
seems to the patient to go by quickly. It can give the surgical patient a sense of control during a time of
Hypnotherapy helps Internal Medicine patients by improving immune response, diminishing inflammation,
relieving tension and migraine headaches. It is also helpful for weight loss, arthritis, Raynauds disease,
anorexia nervosa, gastrointestinal disorders and stress related issues.
It can support Mental Health patients by relieving stress, anxiety, depression, fears, phobias and addictions. It
puts the patient in control and they have the opportunity to play an active role in their own recovery, which
adds to an increased sense of fulfillment, ensuring long-term success.
Hypnotherapy helps Dentistry patients with pain, anticipatory anxiety, distorting time perception speeding up
the procedure, minimizes bleeding, excessive salivation and gagging.
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Numerous clinical studies have been conducted substantiating the effectiveness of the
Hypnotic state in changing individuals' lives and quality of life.
The research studies cited below are some of the thousands of clinical trials that have utilized solid
experimental technique and report reliable, valid findings. These studies report a sample of the
multitude of applications of hypnosis in human living:
Pain, Miscellaneous:
1. Ernest Hilgard (1977) and coworkers: in extensive investigations, using experimental paradigms to induce pain
(typically either a tourniquet cutting off the circulation to a limb or plunging the limb into cold water), they have
demonstrated that various types of pain can be reduced by Hypnotically induced analgesia.
In these studies, 66% of the high susceptibility group, but only 13% of the lower and 17% of the medium
susceptibility groups, were able to reduce their pain by 1/3 or more. Twenty-six percent of the high, 57% of the
medium, and 31% of the low susceptibility groups were able to reduce their pain by 10-32% when compared to
2. Experimentally induced pain, while undeniably noxious, is different from the experience of patients in the
clinical setting. Whereas experimental pain is brief, undergone voluntarily, and can be terminated at any time by the
subject, in the clinical setting, pain is often long-term, comes against the wishes of the individual and is usually
experienced as being outside of personal control. Moreover, it is a part of a disease process that directly alters both
physical and mental functioning.
3. In a neurochemical study of Hypnotic control of pain conducted by Domangue (1985), patients suffering arthritic
pain showed a correlation among levels of pain, anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression were inversely
related to plasma norepinephrine levels. Depression was correlated with dopamine levels and negatively correlated
with levels of serotonin and beta endorphin. Following Hypnotherapy, there were clinically and statistically
significant decreases in depression, anxiety and pain, and increases in beta endorphin-like substances.
4. The relationship between pain and endorphins is a complicated one. In his study, Guerra (1982) found that only
particular forms of the beta endorphins found in peripheral blood during painful experience are associated with the
Hypnotic response.
5. Hilgard (1982) studied children with cancer. He found Hypnosis to be effective in reducing the pain and
discomfort associated with repeated unpleasant medical inventions.
6. Stam (1986) reports that patients with chronic facial pain show a greater responsiveness to suggestion as
measured by the Carleton University Responsiveness to Suggestion Scale (CURSS) than do normal controls.
These patients had higher Hypnotic susceptibility scores than did controls, showing a high susceptibility score to be
a good predictor of response to Hypnotic treatment among such patients.
7. Domangue (1985) conducted a study of 19 patients with a variety of musculoskeletal disorders. He reported
significant reductions of pain and dysphoria following Hypnosis. The reductions were associated with significant
increases in plasma beta endorphin.
8. Barabasz and Barabasz (1989) studied sample of 20 patients with a variety of chronic pain syndromes. They
utilized an Hypnotic technique known as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST). All of the patients
were initially rated as having low Hypnotic susceptibility on the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale (SHSS).
Following exposure to the training technique, the subjects demonstrated significant increases in both SHSS scores
and in pain reduction when compared to controls.
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Headache Pain:
9. Evidence accumulated to date suggests that a number of Hypnotherapeutic approaches are highly effective in the
treatment of patients with chronic migraine headaches. Although no one Hypnotherapeutic technique has been
demonstrated to be most effective, all the methods appear to be superior to a standard treatment relying on
pharmacological approaches alone.
10. In a study conducted by Anderson (1975), migraine patients treated with Hypnosis had a significant reduction in
the number of attacks and in their severity compared to a control group who were treated with traditional
medications. The difference did not become statistically significant until the second six-month follow-up period. In
addition, at the end of one year, the number of patients in the Hypnosis group who had experienced no headaches
for over three months was significantly higher.
11. In a controlled trial conducted by Olness (1987), self-Hypnosis was shown to be significantly more effective
than either propranolol or placebo in reducing the frequency of migraine headaches in children between the ages of
six and twelve years of age.
12. In a research conducted by Schlutter (1980), Hypnosis was also found to effective in dealing with the relief of
tension headache.
13. Alladin (1988) reviewed the literature on Hypnosis, identifying fully a dozen different Hypnotic techniques that
have been used in the treatment of chronic migraine headaches. Of these, Hypnotic training emphasizing relaxation,
hand warming (which, according to Anderson, 1975) seems the simplest method of establishing increased voluntary
control of the sensitive vasomotor system) and direct Hypnotic suggestions of symptom removal have all been
shown to be effective in reducing the duration, intensity and frequency of migraine attacks during a ten-week
treatment course and at thirteen-month follow-up when compared to controls.
14. A study (Gutfeld, G. and Rao, L., 1992) was conducted on 42 patients suffering from chronic headaches. These
patients, all of whom had responded poorly to conventional treatments, were split into two groups. One received
Hypnotherapy to relieve their daily headaches; the rest acted as a comparison group. The Hypnotherapy group
experienced reduced frequency and duration of headaches, cutting the intensity by about 30%. "These results are
impressive in such a difficult, hard-to-treat group of patients," commented Egilius Spierings, M.D., Ph.D. director
of the headache section, division of neurology at Brigham and Women's Hospital.
15. Speigel and Bloom (1983b) reported that a study of women with metastatic breast cancer showed that patients
who received group therapy with training in Hypnosis over a one-year period were able to reduce their pain
experience by 50% when compared to a control group.
16. In addition, at a 10-year follow-up of these same women, the Hypnosis treatment group had a mean survival
rate of 36.6 months compared to 18.9 months for the controls. This suggests that the intervention may be both
important quantitative and important qualitative effects (Spiegel 1989a).
17.-18. Both adolescent and adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy were reported by Cotanch (1985) and
by Zeltzer (1984), in separate research, to have fewer symptoms of anticipatory nausea and vomiting following
Hypnotic interventions.
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Respiratory Conditions:
28.-29. In studies by Maher-Loughnan (1962, 1970), Hypnosis was shown to alleviate the subjective distress of
patients with asthma. This change was measured either by the number of attacks or the amount of medication that
was needed when compared to supportive therapy.
30. In further study by Maher-Loughnan (1970) asthmatic subjects were randomly assigned to either Hypnosis or
relaxation therapy. The results showed both treatment modalities of benefit to the patients, but the improvement in
the Hypnotherapy group was significantly greater. There was a peak of improvement between the seventh and
twelfth weeks of treatment. In addition, only the Hypnotic subjects showed improvement in physiologic measures
of respiration (forced expiratory volume).
31. Ewer and Stewart (1986) reported a randomized control trial of Hypnosis in patients with moderate asthma.
Patients with a high Hypnotic susceptibility showed a 74.9% improvement in bronchial hyper-responsiveness (to
methacholine challenge), a 5.5% increase in peak expiratory flow rate, a 26.2% decrease in the use of
bronchodilator and a 41% improvement in daily ratings outside of the clinic. Twelve patients with a high Hypnotic
susceptibility score showed a 75% improvement. However, a control group of 17 patients and a second group of 10
patients with a low level of Hypnotic susceptibility showed no change in either objective or subjective measures.
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32. A study by Olness (1985) showed that children trained in self-Hypnosis could significantly alter their tissue
levels of oxygen as measured by transcutaneous PO2 measures.
Intestinal Conditions:
34-35. Whorwell (1984) reported successful treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome using Hypnosis in a controlled
study of a group of patients who had a severe chronic form of the disorder and had not responded to conventional
therapies. Patients were randomly allocated to either psychotherapy or Hypnotherapy groups. The psychotherapy
patients showed a significant improvement in measures of pain, distension and in general well-being despite a lack
of change in bowel habit. In contrast, the Hypnotherapy patients showed a dramatic improvement in all measures
which persisted at a two-year follow-up. (Whorwell, 1987). Hypnotherapy, including suggestions for improved
gastrointestinal function and pain reduction, was significantly better than Hypnosis for simple deep muscle
36. Harvey (1989) reported a similar improvement following Hypnotherapy in 20 of the 33 patients with refractory
Irritable Bowel Syndrome at three-month follow-up.
37. Colgan (1988) reported a randomized trial of 30 patients with frequently relapsing duodenal ulcer disease. The
subjects were treated for ten weeks with either Hypnotherapy or ranitidine or the drug alone. At a twelve-month
follow-up, all of the drug-only patients, but only half of the drug-plus-Hypnotherapy patients, had relapsed.
38. Swirsky-Saccetti (1986) reported on research with hemophiliacs. Over an eighteen-week follow-up, a group of
hemophiliac patients who were taught self-Hypnosis significantly reduced both their level of self-reported distress
and the amount of the factor concentrate they required to control bleeding when compared with a control group of
patients who did not undergo Hypnosis.
39. A 30-month follow-up by LaBaw (1975) with hemophiliac patients demonstrated the effectiveness of group
procedures for self-Hypnosis in reducing distress and the amount of blood products required when compared to
control groups in patients ranging from five to forty-eight years of age.
40. Patients, undergoing head and neck surgery, who were treated with pre-operative Hypnosis had significantly
shorter postoperative hospitalizations than did matched controls (Rapkin, 1988).
41. In a 2002 look at 20 studies on hypnosis and surgical pain, Mount Sinai Hospital researchers found
that adding hypnosis to standard post-surgical care sped recovery almost 90 percent of the time, in terms
of levels of pain, anxiety and the need for painkillers.
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42. Swedish researchers studied 50 women prior to surgery. Twenty-five of the women were assigned to the
experimental group, who were briefly Hypnotized each day for several days before their scheduled operations.
Twenty-five were assigned to a control groups, who were not Hypnotized. While in a Hypnotic state, the women in
the experimental group heard suggestions to relax and feel hungry. After surgery only 10 had nausea (15
experienced no nausea), compared to 17 in the no-Hypnosis control group (8 experienced no nausea).
43. In 1963, Schwartz reported on a study in which Hypnotherapy was used successfully to prolong pregnancy and
prevent premature delivery.
44.-45. Omer (1986a, 1986b, 1987a) found that frequency of physical complaints and the general level of anxiety
were correlated with premature labor and premature contractions. A brief technique emphasizing the use of selfHypnosis was employed as an adjunct to pharmacological treatment. The prolongation of pregnancy was
significantly higher for this group than for the medication-along control group, and infant weight was also
significantly greater.
Weight Control:
46. In a 1995 meta-analysis study by Kirsch and colleagues the prospects for hypnosis appeared to be especially
favorable in the treatment of obesity, where individuals in the hypnosis group continued to lose weight even after
formal treatment had ended. In one study, for example, women who received personally tailored hypnotic
suggestions for specific food aversions, in the context of a traditional self-monitoring and goal-setting treatment,
lost approximately twice as much weight as a comparison group.
This comparison group received the behavioral treatment alone (no hypnotic suggestion). However, the actual
weight lost by the hypnosis group was only about 14 lb. on average. Given that the patients were approximately
50% overweight at the outset, it is not clear that the treatment actually improved their clinical status. Studies that
document the clinical efficacy of hypnosis should pay careful attention to the terms in which outcome is assessed.
While hypnosis may seem to offer an advantage over some other treatments, it is not clear that the statistical
significance or experimental results translates into meaningful clinical significance or real results for individuals.
Miscellaneous Conditions:
47. In a careful single-case controlled study of a patient with Raynaud's disease, Conn (1984) showed a rapid and
dramatic vasodilatation in response to Hypnotic suggestion.
48. In research reported by Spanos (1988), a pair of randomized, carefully designed studies were conducted with a
group of people who had warts. Subjects who were given Hypnotic or non-Hypnotic suggestions were significantly
more likely to achieve wart regression than placebo or no-treatment groups.
49.-50. In a report by David Spiegel in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, the following research was cited: a)
Several controlled experiments have shown that Hypnosis can be effectively used to eliminate warts; and b) Studies
have been done on persons suffering from pseudoseizures, in which they lose consciousness or motor control and
make jerking movements typical of epilepsy (but without the associated brain damage). Such patients have been
taught to limit or eliminate these symptoms by using Hypnosis.
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Psychological Applications
51. In a report by David Spiegel in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, the research was cited that Hypnosis methods
have been used successfully for anxiety associated with medical procedures.
52. Two hundred forty-one patients who were undergoing percutaneous vascular and renal procedures were
randomly tested on three testing regimens, one of which was Hypnosis. Patients rated their pain and anxiety on 110 scales before, every 15 minutes during, and after the procedures. Pain remained flat over the duration of
procedure time in the Hypnosis group; pain increased linearly with procedure time in both other groups. Anxiety
decreased over time in all three groups; the sharpest decrease was in the group that was hypnotized. Procedure
times were significantly shorter in the Hypnosis group. In addition, Hypnosis showed itself to be superior in
improving hemodynamic stability.
Phobic Reactions:
53. In a report by David Spiegel in the Harvard Mental Health Letter, the following research was cited: One sevenyear study showed that 50% of patients afraid of flying were improved of cured after Hypnosis treatment for a fear
of flying.
54. After a fall on a climbing expedition that mangled her ankles, Priscilla Morton, a 48-year-old New
Orleans social worker and mountaineer, discovered that she was afraid to step off the curb and onto the
street, much less climb again.
Using a program of hypnosis, she was able to ascend to the 19,347-foot summit of Mount Cotopaxi in
Ecuador. Self-hypnosis "was the only way I could deal with the fear, the cold, the steepness, the
exhaustion," Morton said.
55. In a neurochemical study of Hypnotic control of pain conducted by Domangue (1985), patients suffering
arthritic pain showed a correlation among levels of pain, anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression were
inversely related to plasma norepinephrine levels. Depression was correlated with dopamine levels and negatively
correlated with levels of serotonin and beta endorphin. Following Hypnotherapy, there were clinically and
statistically significant decreases in depression, anxiety and pain, and increases in beta endorphin-like substances
Case Examples
Case 1
Cerebral angiography showed mild thrombosis in the right posterioinferior cerebellar artery of a 57-year-old
male physician. Intractable hiccups ensued as a recognized complication of a brain lesion; the hiccups did not
respond to therapeutic trials of several medications. Two weeks after the condition began, a 1.5-hour hypnotherapy
session was conducted, immediately after which the hiccups permanently ceased. Although the patient did not
believe he had been hypnotized, he described several psychophysiologic changes that he had never experienced
before the hypnotherapy session: a complex visual hallucination, brief but pronounced sialorrhea, and brief periods
of marked acoustic and olfactory hyperacuity. Three months after the hypnotherapy session, the patient suddenly
realized that he no longer used the bronchodilator and steroid inhalers that he had previously used twice daily for
ten years. I made no suggestions specifically relevant to the physiologic changes he manifested and was not aware
that he had asthma.
At follow-up seven years later, the patient remained free of hiccups and asthma, and the results of pulmonary
function tests were normal.
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Case 2
A 41-year-old obese, chronically depressed female nurse had grown up in an abusive household. She later
married an abusive man whom she repeatedly had the sheriff remove from the home during moments of violence;
after each such episode, she relented and forgave her husband. Once, after completion of such a cycle, the patient
compulsively became unable to dispose of the kitchen garbage and stored this garbage, wrapped in plastic bags, in
the bedrooms of her home. Complaining to her physician that the odor prevented her from inviting anyone into her
home, she stated, "If my house is dirty, then no man will want to come in my house"--but she saw no link between
this statement and the problems with her husband. The patient had three hypnotherapy sessions, during which no
specific hypnotic suggestion was made to her directing that she dispose of the garbage; nonetheless, after the three
sessions, she spontaneously cleaned her house. She saw no link between this change and the sessions.
Case 3
A 65-year-old housewife had been both a war orphan and an inmate of Nazi concentration camps. Over a tenyear period, she generated four volumes of KP medical records, largely describing recurrent, acute inability to
swallow. Multiple esophagoscopy procedures done by two gastroenterologists produced normal results as did
several esophageal dilations; no obstruction was found.
Three hypnotherapy sessions resolved her problem of choking. She recognized some link of this change to the
sessions, stating, "I was liberated from my esophagus." This assertion was reminiscent of an earlier statement she
had made, which referred to events that occurred "... when the Russian soldiers liberated me from [the camp]." I
gave no direct suggestion relating to choking or dysphagia.
Case 4
A 51-year-old successful professional woman who had a highly abusive childhood was seen on an emergency
basis because she was concerned that her plan for suicide that day would interfere with her obligation to give the
keynote address at a national meeting later that afternoon. Suicide was not her problem--it was her solution--but it
interfered with her sense of responsibility. A 90-minute hypnotherapy session enabled the patient to fulfill her
obligations. A few follow-up sessions conducted during the next 18 months relieved her depression substantially.
An interview was conducted with the patient 18 months later and was videotaped. The videotape, titled "I'll Be
Polite Before I Die," is available from the KP San Diego Department of Preventive Medicine. (Contact
Case 5
A middle-aged woman with demyelinating disease was seen for treatment of depression that responded poorly to
antidepressant medication. Unexpectedly after a session of hypnotherapy, the patient almost immediately had
marked improvement in gait that enabled her to give up using Canadian crutches; in addition, her dysarthric speech
improved noticeably, and her depression became less severe. Her physician believes that these improvements
occurred far too abruptly to be attributable to remission of illness. The improvement persisted at a two-year followup.
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Broken Hearts
Career Enhancement: Improve Focus,
Concentration, Decision Making, Motivation,
Control Behavior
Divorce Trauma
Fears, Phobias
Fitness: Enhance Motivation & Performance
Habit Control: Modify Food & Eating Behaviors,
Nail Biting, Procrastination, Smoking and
Substance Abuse
Image Projection: Change how others perceive
Motivation: Academic, Career, Job Performance,
Fitness, Health, Personal Achievement, Sports
Improve speed, comprehension, Performance
Self Confidence
Sex: Dysfunctions, Inhibitions and Mental Blocks,
Increase Pleasure
Sleep: More, Less, and/or Better
Smoking Cessation
Speaking in Public: Speech, Audience Rapport,
Concentration, Memory, Presence of Mind on
Stage, Stage Fright, Communication Apprehension
Sports Performance: Competitiveness,
Sportsmanship, Concentration, Drive, Image,
Rehearsal, Peak Performance, Practice Effects
Stress, Tension: Anxiety Attacks, Hypertension,
Panic Attacks, Relaxation, Stress Management
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As medical science pushes forward so does the need to explore complimentary modalities of support.
Todays medical patients face an overwhelming array of technology. By also considering our own natural
healing abilities and pursuing health and wellness from within, we blend nature and science with dramatically
positive results.
Medical hypnotherapy has quietly placed its foot inside the door of mainstream medicine. More and more
hypnotherapy is perceived as a complimentary treatment with the capacity to support a wide range of physical,
emotional and psychological concerns by empowering the patient with an effective technique they can carry
through life.
Marlene Shiple, PhD has been in private practice for more than 30 years.
She is a Certified Sex Therapist & Sex Counselor, a Certified Hypnotherapist,
a Certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprogramming) Therapist
and a Licensed Professional Counselor.
Dr. Shiple has a Ph.D. Counseling Psych, a M.S. Behavioral Psych and a
B..S. Psychology. She is a member in good standing of the American
Psychologists Association and the American Counselors Association.
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By most standards of measure, Dr. Bernel Sanders has had a rich and varied
career and a pronounced commitment to academic pursuits. Over the past 30
years, he's worked as a CEO for an HMO and a ship chandlers company, an
executive administrator for the Orleans Levee Board, insurance broker/agent,
superintendent for a construction company and deputy director of HANO.
But Sanders, who now operates a counseling clinic, Cognitions, LLC, has spent
the better part of his adult life working to build what could be called a holistic
approach to mental healing.
While he's had significant success in government and private business-and some rather public
setbacks-his academic portfolio reveals someone who is determined to understand the human psyche.
Starting with a B,A. in psychology and sociology from Dillard in 1962, Sanders has earned no less
than six other degrees and professional certifications since then, including a master's in counseling and
guidance from Loyola, a master's in public health administration from Tulane, an associate's degree in
substance abuse counseling from SUNO and a doctorate in clinical hypnotherapy at the American
Institute of Hypnotherapy at Irvine, CA. He's also been certified in hypnotic anesthesiology and, as of
this writing, is in the process or earning an advanced degree in forensic hypnotherapy.
For Sanders, his personal and professional life seems to have pointed him on his current path helping
addicts achieve a cure. But as an African-American therapist whose clientele, he says, is about 70
percent white, Sanders' observations about addiction are a radical, a sorely need, departure from the
from the traditional12-step program that the therapeutic 12-step program community seems to hold
The only problem, Sanders believes, is the 12-step programs arent working. And theyre especially
inappropriate for African Americans.
"Im a Black therapist whose clientele is mainly white." Sanders says, "And I know the socialization for
whites and African Americans is very different. Whites are more receptive to the idea of working out
their personal problems in a group therapy situation. Blacks - and particularly Black males - are
socialized differently.
As a people, African Americans have long understood that their role in this society is far different from
whites. We've had to fend for ourselves, to train ourselves to work out our own problems. And then
there's the stigma attached to group therapy. It's not unfair for someone to ask themselves, Look,
maybe I used to drink too much, and so on, but I don't now, so I'm supposed to stand up before a group
for the rest of my life and say I'm an alcoholic?' It doesn't make any sense."
Taking Personal Responsibility for Addition: Sanders also disagrees with the 12-step process on
another level, particularly regarding the role of God in a person's addiction. Hypothetically he asks, "If
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you give yourself to God to overcome your addiction, where's your personal responsibility? And where
does the 12-step process really deal with the problem itself? I think it's clear that addiction is always a
symptom. Until you get at what drives you to drink, you're not going to solve your addiction problem."
Sanders thinks he has the solution - and the beginning of the solution is as simple, he thinks, as looking
in the mirror. That's why he's especially excited about a propose grant program he is writing for a pilot
substance abuse program. As a hypnotherapist, Sanders says, "My job is to take you where you need to
go - the goal is to help you learn your capacity for self-sufficiency. Thats why I think hypnotherapy
can be so effective against addiction. Basically, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. What a hypnotherapist
does is help you develop those triggers that will achieve the behavior you want."
Sanders' grant proposal would focus on a hypnosis counseling program using a control group of 200
African Americans over a period of two years. Initially, Sanders would schedule a total of 10 sessions
for each participant, many of whom are on probation or parole from the local criminal justice system
and for whom substance abuse has been a prominent factor in their troubles with the law.
As it stands, Sanders says, the current system using "talk therapy" has about a I 5 percent success rate.
On the other hand, he claims a success rate of 85 percent using hypnosis as the primary therapeutic
tool. He achieves similar results counseling patients with smoking, weight and gambling problems.
Why does he think his program works? Part of the answer, he says, lies in creating positive, achievable
therapeutic goals in partnership with the client. "My philosophy is, I want you to stop. We know from
the beginning of our sessions," he points out, "that it's very hard for people to change their lifestyle
What I do is help you establish what it is that drives you to addiction and learn how to eventually guide
yourself through the process of inner associations that will strengthen your own resolve."
For African Americans, Sanders thinks, the process is ultimately more effective because it addresses a
critical need to resolve a problem in their own way, utilizing personal reserves to attain selfsufficiency-a state, which, after all, is very familiar and comfortable. Sanders goal, in the case of
addicts, is simply to apply a very real socialization pattern in a positive context.
Sanders laughs at the memory of one child who asked him what kind of doctor he was. "I told him the
story of Humpty Dumpty." he smiles. "And then I said, Well, Im the kind of doctor who helps put
Humpty-Dumpty together again. But the reality is, I help people to learn how to put themselves back
together again."
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