Handout Self Hypnosis Clinician
Handout Self Hypnosis Clinician
Handout Self Hypnosis Clinician
Headache: Cool breeze technique In a moment we will climb the staircase, counting
each step. Afterwards you will be happy that you
Cooling the head helps facilitate have learned self-hypnosis. You will be pleased
vasoconstriction. This is accompanied by because you realize that you can visit this place
imagery of warming the hands which helps when you wish, having the power to influence
reduce pressure and headache pain your condition when needed.
(particularly migraines).
1…As you proceed up the first step, allow
The induction technique mentioned will often the energy to re-enter your body starting at
reduce pain by facilitating relaxation. Further your toes…
time spent on relaxation of the head is 2…And now allow it to flow up your legs…
warranted since tension is often involved in the 3…into your pelvis as you feel it press into
pathogenesis of headaches. the chair
4…traveling to your abdomen, feel your
Feel the muscles in your temples relax. Focus body come alive
your attention on the eyes and forehead and let 5…Take in this energy with each rise of
them relax with each breath out. With each the chest
breath, let the muscles relax more and more. 6…As you feel it travel into your arms
Now follow the muscles through the scalp to the 7…Going up to the shoulders and neck
base of the skull and relax this area. Exhale 8…into the temples, eyes and eyelids
and feel the whole head relax. Imagine walking 9…feel your tongue, jaw and the muscles
along a snowy path in the mountains with a cool of the face energize and allow your eyes to
breeze blowing across your face, cooling your open when you are ready.
head, your face, your eyes. Imagine a cool and 10…
soothing sensation across your forehead and
above each eye. Your hands are tucked in your
Homework for the Patient
pockets, so they are warming. They are warm.
Your hands are warm and comfortable, while a The scenario discussed above should first be
cool breeze and cold air makes your head feel done with the practitioner in the clinic to help
cooler, soothing and relaxing every muscle, show how this process can be done on his or her
releasing any tightness, any stress. Just feel a own. For conditions such as pain, there is no
calm sensation flow through your eyes and limit to the frequency of use. The tool can be
forehead. You are calm and comfortable and used to abort headache, for example.
relaxed. (Repeat if needed)