Railway Braking
Railway Braking
Railway Braking
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 4 Issue01,January-2015
The brakes are used on the coaches of railway trains to
enable deceleration, control acceleration (downhill) or to
keep them standing when parked. While the basic principle
is similar from road vehicle, the usage and operational
features are more complex because of the need to control
multiple linked carriages and to be effective on vehicles left
without a prime mover. In the control of any braking system
the important factors that govern braking action in any
vehicle are pressure, surface area in contact, amount of heat
generation and braking material used. Keeping in view the
safety of human life and physical resources the basic
requirements of brake are:
The brake must be strong enough to stop the vehicle
during an emergency with in shortest possible distance.
There should be no skidding during brake application
and driver must have proper control over the vehicle
during emergency.
Effectiveness of brakes should remain constant even on
prolonged application or during descending on a down
Brake must keep the vehicle in a stationary position
even when the driver is not present.
The brake used in railway vehicles can be classified
according to the method of their activation into following
Pneumatic Brake
Electrodynamic Brake
Mechanical Brake
Electromagnetic Brake
Pneumatic Brake may be further classified into two types
Vacuum Brake
Compressed air brake
The vacuum brake system derives its brake force from the
atmospheric pressure acting on the lower side of the piston
in the vacuum brake cylinder while a vacuum is maintained
above the piston. The train pipe runs throughout the length
of the coach and connected with consecutive coaches by
hose coupling. The vacuum is created in the train pipe and
the vacuum cylinder by the ejector or exhauster mounted on
the locomotive.
Vacuum brake system has following limitations:
Brake cylinder piston takes longer time to release after
each application of brakes because of single train pipe. On
a very long train, a considerable volume of air has to be
admitted to the train pipe to make a full brake application,
and a considerable volume has to be exhausted to release
the brake.
Vacuum brakes are not suitable for high speed trains the
maximum pressure available for brake application is only
atmospheric. The brake power is inadequate for higher
loads and speed.
The practical limit on the degree of vacuum attainable
means that a very large brake piston and cylinder are
required to generate the force necessary on the brake
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Emergency braking
(level track, 65
km/hr speed)
Air Brakes
Vacuum Brakes
632 m
1097 m
No fading
At least by 20%
Weight of
Equipments per
275 kg (Approx)
700 kg (Approx)
Pressure Gradient
difference in air
pressure between
brake van upto
2000 m.
Steep reduction in
vacuum in trains
longer than 600 m.
Preparation time in
Less than
Upto 4 Hrs
Safety on
Very safe
Overall reliability
Very good
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(This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.)
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