A Project Report On Air Brake System 2 New
A Project Report On Air Brake System 2 New
A Project Report On Air Brake System 2 New
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1 author:
Samriddha Shil
Gargi Memorial Institute of technology
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Air-brake system
Panel brake system
A-9 & sa-9 valves
C.n.c. machine shop
The vast majority of the world's trains are equipped with
braking systems which use compressed air as the force to push
blocks on to wheels or pads on to discs.
These systems are known as "AIR BRAKES" or
"PNEUMATIC BRAKES". The compressed air is
transmitted along the train through a "BRAKE PIPE".
Changing the level of air pressure in the pipe causes a change
in the stage of the brake on each vehicle. It can apply the
brake, release it or hold it "on" after a partial application. The
system is in widespread use throughout the world.
On the basis of type of release, air brake system is classified
1.Direct release air brake system
2.Graduated release air brake system
Both Direct and Graduated release are further available in two
forms viz.
1.Single pipe and
2.Twin pipe
The diagram of air brake system shown below which
illustrates the schematic layout of air brake equipment on the
under frame of freight stock. As shown in figure, the single
pipe graduated release air brake system consist of following
i) Distributor valve
ii) Common pipe bracket with control reservoir.
iii) Auxiliary reservoir.(100 Lits)
iv) Three way centrifugal dirt collector.
v) Isolating cock.
vi) Brake cylinder (355mm diameter).
vii) Cut off angle cock (32mm size on either ends of brake
viii) Air brake hose coupling (32mm for brake pipe)..
ix) Brake pipe (32mm dia).
x) Branch pipes from BP to brake equipment (20mm bore).
xi) Guard emergency brake valve.
xii) Pressure gauges for BP.
Auxiliary Reservoir:
Auxiliary Reservoir feeds brake cylinder through Distributor
Valve in brake application position. 200 lts capacity is
reservoir used for coach brake system.
The operation of the air brake on each vehicle relies on the
difference in pressure between one side of the triple valve
piston and the other. In order to ensure there is always a
source of air available to operate the brake , an "auxiliary
reservoir" is connected one side of the piston by way of the
triple valve. The flow of air into and out of the auxiliary
reservoir is controlled by the triple valve.
Isolating Cock:
Ball type isolating cocks are used to provide facility for
cutting-off of air supply to auxiliary reservoir from feed pipe
as well as isolation of brake cylinder.
MU-2B valve:
The MU-2B Valve is a manually operated, two position and
multi-ported valve arranged with a pipe bracket and is
normally used for locomotive brake equipment for multiple
unit service between locomotives equipped with similar
system in conjunction with F-1 Selector Valve.
Point-to-Point Positioning:
Point-to-point positioning is used when it is necessary to
accurately locate the spindle, or the work piece mounted on
the machine table, at one or more specific locations to perform
such operations as drilling, reaming, boring, tapping, and
The method by which contouring machine tools move from
one programmed point to the next is called interpolation.
There are five methods of interpolation: linear, circular,
helical, parabolic, and cubic. All contouring controls provide
linear interpolation, and most controls are capable of both
linear and circular interpolation. Helical, parabolic, and cubic
interpolation are used by industries that manufacture parts
which have complex shapes, such as aerospace parts and dies
for car bodies.
Linear Interpolation:
Linear Interpolation consists of any programmed points linked
together by straight lines, whether the points are close
together or far apart (Fig). Curves can be produced with linear
interpolation by breaking them into short, straight-line
segments. This method has limitations, because a very large
number of points
would have to be programmed to describe the curve in order
to produce a contour shape.
Circular Interpolation:
The development of MCUs capable of circular interpolation
has greatly simplified the process of programming arcs and
circles. To program an arc (Fig.), the MCU requires only the
coordinate positions (the XY axes) of the circle center, the
radius of the circle, the start point and end point of the arc
being cut, and the direction in which the arc is to be cut
(clockwise or counterclockwise) See. The information
required may vary with different MCUs.
The structure of a NC program written in machine code is
standardized and for a two-axis NC system has the following
Some of the most important program words are as follows:
Sequence numbers (N****):
Sequence numbers are a means of identifying program blocks.
In some systems they are not required although sequence
numbers are needed in most canned cycles (covered later in
this section);
Preparatory functions (also G-codes) (G**):
Preparatory functions are used to set up the mode in which the
rest of the operation is to be executed.
Some of examples of G-codes are given in the table:
Dimension words (D****.***),
where D stands for X, Z, U, or W
Dimension words specify the coordinate positions of the
programmed path. X and Z specify the absolute coordinates,
and U and W specify the incremental coordinates (absolute
and incremental programming are explained later in this
Arc center coordinates (D****.***),
where D stands for I, or K
Arc center coordinates specify the incremental coordinate
position of the arc center (I in the direction of X-axis, and K
in the direction of Z-axis), measured from the arc starting
Feed function (F**.**):
Specifies the velocity of feed motion;
Spindle control function (S****):
Specifies spindle rotational speed in revolutions per minute,
or cutting velocity in meter per minute depending on the type
of NC system and machine tool;
Tool calls (F**.**):
The tool call word is used to access the required tool. It also
gives the information for the radial compensation of tool
corner wear for each new run of the program (and each new
Miscellaneous functions (M**):
The M-function perform miscellaneous machine actions such
as these listed in the table:
Structure of a NC program:
A pantograph is a device for collecting an electrical current to
power an electric locomotive, or EMU. The system is
employed to make contact with an electrified overhead wire
(cable). Pantographs in all shapes and sizes depending on the
speed of the loco/trainset, power requirements, power supply
system etc. The basic parts of a pantograph is a lower arm(s)
that pivot against the roof,of a carriage/loco, and is attached to
upper arm(s) that is in-turn attached to a collector 'head' or
The head is the only part of the pantograph to touch the wire
pick up. The current is collected via metalized carbon strips
on the head.
Low-speed pantographs operate below 125 mph (200km/h).
These system use springs and air-pressure to do most of the
operations. When folded down to the roof of the carriage/loco
the 'up' springs are in the stretched positions. The method of
raising the pantograph starts with letting air into a cylinder,
this moves a piston forward, and pulls the control rod and
moving a slotted link to control the process. Then the springs
take over and lift the head (via leverage) to contact with the
wire. The reason for having the air cylinder, is to compress
the 'down' spring. To lower the pantograph, air is exhausted
from the cylinder and the 'down' spring acts on the device to
lower the head to the roof the carriage /loco.
For locomotives or trainsets that have a top-speed above
approximately 125mph (200km/h) a different system is used.
These have no springs (since bouncing is a problem), and
raised by pressurized-air via a regulator. This is set to
maintain a constant force on the overhead wire.
When the height of the overhead wire falls, (such as entering a
tunnel), air is bled from the system, and air is added when the
the train leaves the tunnel and the height of the overhead wire
A. Introduction
The pressure from globalization has made manufacturing
organizations moving towards three major competitive arenas:
quality, cost, and responsiveness.
Quality is a universal value and has became a global issue. In
order to survive and be able to provide customers with good
products, manufacturing organizations are required to ensure
that their processes are continuously monitored and product
quality are improved. Manufacturing organization applies
various quality control techniques to improve the quality of
the process by reducing its variability. A range of techniques
is available to control product or process quality. These
include seven statistical process control (SPC) tools,
acceptance sampling, quality function deployment (QFD),
failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), six sigma, and
design of experiments (DOE).
The purpose of this chapter is to present the implementation
of quality control in four manufacturing companies and
identify the factors that influence the selection of quality
control techniques in these companies. The paper discusses
the reasons for applying quality control techniques, the
techniques used, and problems faced by them during the
implementation.. The application of quality control in each
company is then presented. The motivating factors for
the companies to apply quality control and challenges faced
by companies in implementing quality control are discussed.
B. Quality control
Quality can be defined as fulfilling specification or customer
requirement, without any defect. A product is said to be high
in quality if it is functioning as expected and reliable. Quality
control refers to activities to ensure that produced items are
fulfilling the highest possible quality. Most of tools and
techniques to control quality are statistical techniques. Quality
control techniques can be classified into basic, intermediate,
and advance level, but there is no consensus among
researchers in the classification. The process through which
the standards are established and met with standards is called
control. This process consists of observing our activity
performance, comparing the performance with some standard
and then taking action if the observed performance is
significantly too different from the standards.
The control process involves a universal sequence of steps as
1. Choose the control object
2. Choose a unit of measure
3. Set the standard value
4. Choose a sensing device which can measure
5. Measure actual performance
6. Interpret the difference between actual and standard
7. Taking action.
Pareto charts help prioritize by arranging them in decreasing
order of importance. In an environment of limited resources
these diagrams help companies to decide on the order in
which they should address problems. The Pareto analysis can
be used to identify the problem in a number of forms.
(a) Analysis of losses by material (number or past number).
(b) Analysis of losses by process i.e., classification of defects
or lot rejections in terms of the process.
(c) Analysis of losses by product family.
(d) Analysis by supplier across the entire spectrum of
(e) Analysis by cost of the parts.
(f) Analysis by failure mode.
Check sheets facilitate systematic record keeping or data
collection observations are recorded as they happen which
reveals patterns or trends. Data collection through the use of a
checklist is often the first step in analysis of quality problem.
A checklist is a form used to record the frequency of
occurrence of certain product or service characteristics related
to quality. The characteristics may be measurable on a
continuous scale such as weight, diameter, time or length.
Fishbone Diagrarm
Often the mean of the data is indicated on the histogram. A
bar chart is a series of bare representing the frequency of
occurrence of data characteristics, the bar height indicates the
number of times a particular quality characteristic was
Control Charts
(A)Chance Causes:
Benefits of TQM:
A. Reactive Maintenance
Reactive maintenance is basically the “run it till it breaks”
maintenance mode. No actions or efforts are taken to maintain
the equipment as the designer originally intended to ensure
design life is reached. Studies as recent as the winter of 2000
indicate this is still the predominant mode of maintenance in
the United States. The referenced study breaks down the
average maintenance program as follows:
>55% Reactive
31% Preventive
12% Predictive
2% Other.
Advantages • Low cost. • Less staff.
Disadvantages • Increased cost due to unplanned downtime
of equipment. • Increased labor cost, especially if overtime is
needed. • Cost involved with repair or replacement of
equipment. • Possible secondary equipment or process
damage from equipment failure. • Inefficient use of staff
Note that more than 55% of maintenance resources and
activities of an average facility are still reactive.
Advantages to reactive maintenance can be viewed as a
double-edged sword. If we are dealing with new equipment,
we can expect minimal incidents of failure. If our
maintenance program is purely reactive, we will not expend
manpower dollars or incur capital cost until something breaks.
Since we do not see any associated maintenance cost, we
could view this period as saving money. The downside is
reality. In reality, during the time we believe we are saving
maintenance and capital cost, we are really spending more
dollars than we would have under a different maintenance
approach. We are spending more dollars associated with
capital cost because, while waiting for the equipment to break,
we are shortening the life of the equipment resulting in more
frequent replacement. We may incur cost upon failure of the
primary device associated with its failure causing the failure
of a secondary device. This is an increased cost we would not
have experienced if our maintenance program was more
proactive. Our labor cost associated with repair will probably
be higher than normal because the failure will most likely
require more extensive repairs than would have been required
if the piece of equipment had not been run to failure. Chances
are the piece of equipment will fail during off hours or close
to the end of the normal workday. If it is a critical piece of
equipment that needs to be back on-line quickly, we will have
to pay maintenance overtime cost. Since we expect to run
equipment to failure, we will require a large material
inventory of repair parts. This is a cost we could minimize
under a different maintenance strategy.
B. Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance can be defined as follows: Actions
performed on a time- or machine-run-based schedule that
detect, preclude, or mitigate degradation of a component or
system with the aim of sustaining or extending its useful life
through controlling degradation to an acceptable level. The
U.S. Navy pioneered preventive maintenance as a means to
increase the reliability of their vessels. By simply expending
the necessary resources to conduct maintenance activities
intended by the equipment designer, equipment life is
extended and its reliability is increased. In addition to an
increase in reliability, dollars are saved over that of a program
just using reactive maintenance. Studies indicate that this
savings can amount to as much as 12% to 18% on the
average. Depending on the facilities current maintenance
practices, present equipment reliability, and facility
downtime, there is little doubt that many facilities purely
reliant on reactive maintenance could save much more than
18% by instituting a proper preventive maintenance program.
While preventive maintenance is not the optimum
maintenance program, it does have several advantages over
that of a purely reactive program. By performing the
preventive maintenance as the equipment designer envisioned,
we will extend the life of the equipment closer to design. This
translates into dollar savings. Preventive maintenance
(lubrication, filter change, etc.) will generally run the
equipment more efficiently resulting in dollar savings. While
we will not prevent equipment catastrophic failures, we will
decrease the number of failures. Minimizing failures translate
into maintenance and capital cost savings.
Advantages • Cost effective in many capital-intensive
• Flexibility allows for the adjustment of maintenance
• Increased component life cycle.
• Energy savings.
• Reduced equipment or process failure.
• Estimated 12% to 18% cost savings over reactive
maintenance program.
Disadvantages • Catastrophic failures still likely to occur.
• Labor intensive.
• Includes performance of unneeded maintenance.
• Potential for incidental damage to components in conducting
unneeded maintenance.
C. Predictive Maintenance
Predictive maintenance can be defined as follows:
Measurements that detect the onset of system degradation
(lower functional state), thereby allowing causal stressors to
be eliminated or controlled prior to any significant
deterioration in the component physical state. Results indicate
current and future functional capability. Basically, predictive
maintenance differs from preventive maintenance by basing
maintenance need on the actual condition of the machine
rather than on some preset schedule. You will recall that
preventive maintenance is time-based. Activities such as
changing lubricant are based on time, like calendar time or
equipment run time. For example, most people change the oil
in their vehicles every 3,000 to 5,000 miles traveled. This is
effectively basing the oil change needs on equipment run
time. No concern is given to the actual condition and
performance capability of the oil. It is changed because it is
time. This methodology would be analogous to a preventive
maintenance task. If, on the other hand, the operator of the car
discounted the vehicle run time and had the oil analyzed at
some periodicity to determine its actual condition and
lubrication properties, he/she may be able to extend the oil
change until the vehicle had traveled 10,000 miles. This is the
fundamental difference between predictive maintenance and
preventive maintenance, whereby predictive maintenance is
used to define needed maintenance task based on quantified
material/equipment condition.
The advantages of predictive maintenance are many. A well-
orchestrated predictive maintenance program will all but
eliminate catastrophic equipment failures. We will be able to
schedule maintenance activities to minimize or delete
overtime cost. We will be able to minimize inventory and
order parts, as required, well ahead of time to support the
downstream maintenance needs. We can optimize the
operation of the equipment, saving energy cost and increasing
plant reliability. Past studies have estimated that a properly
functioning predictive maintenance program can provide a
savings of 8% to 12% over a program utilizing preventive
maintenance alone. Depending on a facility’s reliance on
reactive maintenance and material condition, it could easily
recognize savings opportunities exceeding 30% to 40%. In
fact, independent surveys indicate the following industrial
average savings resultant from initiation of a functional
predictive maintenance program:
Return on investment: 10 times
Reduction in maintenance costs: 25% to 30%
Elimination of breakdowns: 70% to 75%
Reduction in downtime: 35% to 45%
Increase in production: 20% to 25%.
On the down side, to initially start into the predictive
maintenance world is not inexpensive. Much of the equipment
requires cost in excess of $50,000. Training of in-plant
personnel to effectively utilize predictive maintenance
technologies will require considerable funding. Program
development will require an understanding of predictive
maintenance and a firm commitment to make the program
work by all facility organizations and management.
Increased component operational life/availability.
Allows for preemptive corrective actions.
Decrease in equipment or process downtime.
Decrease in costs for parts and labor.
Better product quality.
Improved worker and environmental safety.
Improved worker morale.
Energy savings.
Estimated 8% to 12% cost savings over preventive
maintenance program.
Increased investment in diagnostic equipment.
Increased investment in staff training.
Savings potential not readily seen by management.
Reliability centered maintenance element applications:
Brake is an essential feature in order to retard and stop the
railway vehicle within minimum possible time. That's why
Air Brake is used which is very effective and advantage
operating system in the railway vehicle. So many employees
are working and attach to this Air Brake system. The Air
Brake system itself does new project for up gradation of
technology. Its truly inspiring to watch the work of the
employees every day.
Being a technical course student of Mechanical Engineering,
I have tried to correlate my theoretical knowledge and all that
I have viewed practically. My project contains the articles
which are taken from my daily observation notebook.
It is really wonderful experience to do the training in the
manufacturing company of Air Brake system (Railway) at
This industrial training is very helpful in understanding basic
concept and theory of Air Brake system (function &
I also understand its setup and its working principle of
indivudual valves like A-9, SA-9,C3W Distributor valve etc.
All in all the experience will be very helpful in my future if I
work in a core field or a core company.