Baseline Programme Narrative - LIS-02 - MED
Baseline Programme Narrative - LIS-02 - MED
Baseline Programme Narrative - LIS-02 - MED
1. Project Data................................................................................................................ 2
2. Project Scope and Site Description.........................................................................2
2.1. Location and General Composition...................................................................2
2.2. Scope of Works..................................................................................................... 3
2.2.1. Roads & Site Clearance................................................................................3
2.2.2. Site access and traffic management..........................................................5
2.2.3. Road Markings and Signs.............................................................................5
2.2.4. Pavements...................................................................................................... 6
2.2.5. Utilities............................................................................................................ 6
2.2.6. Street Lighting............................................................................................... 8
2.2.7. Intelligent Transport System (ITS).............................................................8
2.2.8. Surface water Drainage.............................................................................. 10
2.2.9. Environmental.............................................................................................. 10
Foul Sewerage.......................................................................................... 10
Landscape.................................................................................................. 11
Inspection of Site..................................................................................... 13
1. Project Data
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2.1.1 The City of Doha is experiencing significant growth, and the need for
an efficient, flexible and reliable wastewater management system is
vital. The current pace of growth is posing major challenges for the
existing drainage infrastructure. The Authority is the service provider
2.1.2 To address the need for improvements, the Authority has embarked on
a major
programme of expansion and upgrades that consists of numerous
Contract Duration:
1,169 days
Contract Value:
QR. 824,849,867.62
Maintenance Period:
365 days.
2.1.3 IDRIS is strategic in nature and was developed to convert the foulsewer drainage in the Doha South Catchment from a pumped network
to a gravity sewer network. The IDRIS Programme both supports and
contributes to achieving the Qatari National Vision 2030 to transform
Qatar into an advanced country capable of sustaining its own
development and providing a high standard of living for its people. The
Authoritys vision calls for the delivery of state-of-the-art, sustainable,
world-class buildings and infrastructure that can fulfil this vision.
2. Project Scope and Site Description
Project Background
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level system and transfer them into a new deep-trunk sewer; thereby,
relieving the existing overloaded system. The deep-trunk sewer, known
as the Main Trunk Sewer (MTS), has an internal diameter (ID) ranging
between 3.0 and 4.5 meters (m) and will transfer the flows by gravity
for a distance of over 40 kilometres (km) south to a Terminal Pump
Station (TPS) located at the downstream end of the MTS. The flows will
then be lifted into the New Doha South (NDS) Sewage Treatment Works
Scope of Works
Project Location
(STW) for treatment. The reclaimed Treated Sewage Effluent (TSE) will
metropolitan area.
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substantiated with optimum Resources and fully cost loaded work programme.
(Refer the details in the Baseline Program of this Submission). While each item of
the scope of works will be executed and completed then as built drawing also will
be done in parallel to the Project Progress.
utilities or agencies
E. Installation of flow monitoring equipment to measure all inflows from the
local sewer system to LIS-02 at the following locations: PS W1, PS W2, PS
The Project will be closed out with the snagging after addressing of all snagging
works demobilisation and Handing over will be done.
W5, PS W6 and the connections to the project DS007 and DS016 trunk
4. Construction Approach:
QBC will perform the executions works by drive wise. Were as each drive works
3. Planning Methodology
will start at the same time. Below mentioned network shows the sequence of
QBC will start the work with the submission and approval of necessary pre-
Site Preparation
After receiving the approval of RO, Excavation Permits and the traffic Management
Plan & Road diversions approved by traffic police & other authorities and also with
approval from CH2M Hill, QBC will execute the work without disrupting the traffic
Utility Diversion
flow and temporary diversion will be provided to fulfil the necessary traffic
The Lateral interceptor sewer works are majorly divided in to 4 Drives. Below
mentioned are the details of the Drive.
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levelling and infilling activities (mud, sand, etc.) that are not
Reinstatement works
Figure 1
Site clearance at Drive-1 and Drive-2 are in the residential and densely populated
area, were as Drive-3 and Drive-4 are under development stages. Mostly it is
expected that the requirements for rough grading will effectively remove
vegetation and other superficial surface features. However, it is expected that:
Site clearance
The Contractor will be responsible for removal and translocation of trees and
Site access will be via the existing highway network as shown on the
drawings provided in the tender documents. Local residents must be
notified accordingly and where necessary.
Temporary traffic management shall be in accordance with the
requirements of the Ashghal Work Zone Traffic Management Guide.
The Contractor will be responsible for excavating and removing from site the
Contractor shall liaise with local residents to plan the works with
other excavations.
survey drawings at the time the survey was undertaken, but the contractor
will be required to make his own assessment of the volume of this material
at the time of tender and arrange for its disposal off site.
the Contractor who should liaise with the relevant authorities, where
upon coordination
with the
concerned Private
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Part 1 of the road with TSE, Foul water drainage & ground water pipeline works
(excavation, pipe laying, and backfilling). Manhole excavation will start after
excavation of pipeline and continue with following activities for manhole (blinding,
tanking, protection, base slab, wall concrete, external tanking, cover slab, DI cover
& backfilling). House connection Guiles excavation work will start after wall of
manholes and follow by (Installation of gullies, backfill and grating). Road
excavation at part 1 side will be follow the excavation of road and continue with
(ducts, kerbs, sub-base up to base course), After completion of base course at part
1, work sequence will shift to Part 2 side of the road starting with surface water,
potable water, electricity works, Foul water house connection works, QNBN works,
gully installation & pipe laying works, street light, ITS & Irrigation works if any,
simultaneously works like sub-base, base-course, wearing course, street lighting,
landscaping works will continue as shown in below picture sequence.
5. Assumptions for the Baseline programme:
QBC assumes that if any scope of the project changes, if any additional works are
incurred it will affect the end date of the project and the client will accept the
time & cost allocation for such works as positive variations, additional
works and time extension for QBC.
Handing Over
For programming and planning purpose each sub division is further divided in to
various levels based on the type of activities involved.
Construction milestone:
The contractual milestones are included based on the conditions of the contract.
The programme of works starts with a start milestone as Project Start Date which
represents the commencement of the project as 28 th June 2015. The finish
milestone project Completion Date represents the completion of the project as
16th February 2017 which includes the demobilization and the handing over. The
Project total duration is 600 days.
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mainly include for Electrical works, Irrigation works, Rebar works, Survey
The Third party insurance, Contractors all risk insurance, Performance bond etc
are considered. The site office setting ups for Engineer and contractor and gradual
fittings, HDPE pipe & fitting, GRP Pipes, RC Pipes, LV, MV & HV cables, Gully
pots & grating, Street light cable, feeder pillar, street light poles & fittings,
Permits/Approvals :
Road Opening Permits, Excavation Permit and MMUP permit and their
Potable water valves, Fire hydrants, interlock & kerbs are included in the
instruction to execute the work for the particular provisional sum items
to complete the project with in stipulated time frame.
General Submittals: All general plans which include Project
Quality Plan, Project Safety Plan, Environment Plan, Project Baseline plan
submission and their respective approvals considered.
Material Submittal & Approval: The materials for all the
programme and their respective, delivery to site etc. are considered in the
6.4.1. Part-1
6.4.2. Part 2
It demonstrates the handing over for entire project to PWA, snagging list and
as built drawings if any.
items such as, DI pipe, VC pipe and HDPE pipe, UPVC pipes & Ducts etc.
will be submitted and will get the approval.
Method Statement Submittal
Working hours:
The calendars considered for the projects, DW013. The official holidays and
construction method statement for all the items are included which are
non-working days as per Qatar Labour Law were considered.. The normal
working hours will be 8 hours throughout the week except Friday as week
works, Civil structure works, Surface water drainage works, Manhole for
all works ( TSE/ Sewer/ Drainage),
Road Crossings
section1 parts, General conditions of contract, clause 8.2.1, the frame work
contract requirement under Vol 2, Schedule 1, Part B, clause 1.18 for
Programme submissions, and Procedure for schedule management for
GEC relevant clauses for construction part).
6.8. Critical Path :
The critical path will be the activities of end stages as per
sequence of work and excavation of ground water pipeline.
Approved electrical
construction in site
Any delay in the approval of water
Dewatering work
7. Risk Assessment:
One way traffic diversion proposed by
Instruction of provisional
sum items
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