TSR 3120 - Player's Secrets of Baruk-Azhik PDF
TSR 3120 - Player's Secrets of Baruk-Azhik PDF
TSR 3120 - Player's Secrets of Baruk-Azhik PDF
have occupied this land for untold centuries. To a
Coronation ofthe Oveahane .......................... 2 dwarf of Baruk-Azhik, these ringing halls and
History of the Realm....................................... 4 networked caverns a r e nothing shy of cozy.
Geography ......................................................
Today, this underground domain recognizes a
Culture .......................................................... 2 new leader-your player character.
The Dwarves of Baruk-Azhik ......................... 8
Assets and Holdings ...................................... 4
Rumors, Secrets, and Plots ............................ 8
Strategies .......................................................
This domain sourcebook is designed for use with
the BIRTHRIGHT* campaign setting. In addition to
the Playerk Handbook and the DUNGEON MASER*
are rrgistued *arks awned byTSR Ins. This product i s designed.as an aid for players
who wish.to install a character a s regent of
thereof are k a d d -d by TSR Inc. Bad-Azhik or as a vassal,of the overthane*This
01996 TSR Inc.All Ri& Reserved. Made in the USA.
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ution rights in h e hook bade lor English language producrs of
TSR. lnc. Disrributed to the toy and hobby made by + o d dii-
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KindombyTSRLtd. I
Thi; material is pmtected under th w i g h t Laws of the Uni mysterious, disappearance of Grimm Graybeard.
States ofAmerica. Any repmduaion m unauthorized use It also provides amexamination of the ecology of
material fontained herein is ombibited wihout the emress
t o all citizens.
Dwarves normally attend services dedicated to
remain this way, the new overthane will have few mebhaighl.
worries with regard to the status of guilds in the Currently, no ley lines are known t
-. ... .. -
\ h i s section is designed 1 wide a DM
with ideas for adventures in Baruk.
Azhik, and to provide players with stoq
hreads they would like to follow. Some might be
,hart adventures; others might turn into long
% i p sor open new opportunities or difficul
ir the overthane of Baruk-Azhik
the lost city of I
According to human and dwarven records, a city
named Khrleb-Izhil once existed in Cerilia. I t
y more miserable.
In all likelihood, the overthane of Bar&-Azhik
I1 one day receive a plea for help from Mur-
lad. Rather than dismissing it out of hand, the
overthane will feel obligated to at kastinvesti-
gate the mesage to determine the status of the
;he disruptive pakies out e dwarven lands,
adiudicate their sauabbles. otherwise r-+ .*-
I1I' I
Sometime after the coronation of the new
have no trouble
enlisting the powers
of a wizard (or even
p( .c
ong be4
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its pt
t fiaruK-mniK assumes commana of a migi
1 su erii
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ce hangs in the balance. Only a leader wit1
m guide the
: e o wa
take the role