Assignment On Sociology
Assignment On Sociology
Assignment On Sociology
land 2,3544 hectares
fallow land 548 hectares
single crop 29%
double crop 50% and treble crop 39%
land under irrigation 32%
OTHERS 12.34%
1. Poverty
Poverty is the general state of living with the lack of basic human needs like
food, clothing, shelter, sanitation, education, etc. Out of 2.2 billion children
present int he world, almost a billion of them are suffering due to poverty
and 121 million of them are deprived of education. In all countries, poverty
presents a chronic stress for children and families. This in turn, also
interferes with successful adjustment to developmental tasks. Children
raised in low-income families are at the risk of suffering academic and
social problems, as well as poor health and well-being, which can in turn
undermine educational development. Most of the poverty stricken families,
which cannot afford a meal once a day, have no intention of educating their
children and often make them do certain menial jobs for a living, which is
one of the main causes of child labor. A nation is known by its people,
most important of who are the children who comprise our forthcoming
2. Insufficient facilities
Improper, facilities in some countries is one of the most common causes for
illiteracy. Literacy laws, which have been enforced, quite often fail to reach
many villages and remote places. Many of the villages have no schools and
if present, lack basic facilities like infrastructure, proper lighting, desks, etc.
which are required to create an ambient environment conducive to proper
education. The environment in which education is imparted to students
plays a very important role and must be given careful consideration.
Unfortunately, many children filled with the zest to learn lose hope
eventually and drop out due to the scanty availability of basic necessities.
The governments should bear in mind the rate of population growth and try
to develop modern techniques at an equal pace, while also ensuring its
implementation evenly throughout nations and the world.
3. Social Evils
There are a myriad of societies living in our world. Each one has its own
characteristics. However, it should be noted that no society is perfect.
Every society has certain evils and disadvantages associated with it. Even
in todays modern world, certain social evils like corruption, poverty and
crime continue to exist, which brings in social disruption
including disharmony and challenges like illiteracy. The one social evil at its
peak currently is corruption. It is because of corruption that the
money which is provided for the construction of schools and educational
institutions ends up filling pockets of people at each and every level,
depriving many of their right to education. It is very important to curb
corruption; otherwise the rich will keep getting richer and the poor, poorer.
4. Population explosion
5. Gender bias
Gender bias has always been and continues to be an insidious problem in
countries like India, Pakistan and various others. While many people notice
it, few attempts to stand up against it, and even fewer succeed in it. Many
people, often illiterate, have a misconception that a son, being the bread
winner of the family, has the right to education. On the other hand, a
daughter is considered, in many cases, a burden, and is denied many
things, the most important one being education. It was not until the 19th
century that people came up with reforms which had female education as
their main goal. These reforms did have an impact and relieved women of
the abominable restrictions that had been imposed upon them. In spite of
all the reforms which got implemented, and todays modernization, people
still tend to remain ignorant to the fact that when a woman is educated, she
educates her entire family and the society, unlike a man who gets educated
7. Individual Disabilities
The most unfortunate are those whose physical or mental conditions do not
allow them to educate themselves easily. Disabled children find it
exceedingly difficult to read, write, absorb and remember information. For
example, a dyslexic child will find it hard to remember the letters of the
alphabet and to interpret words when they are formed with those same
letters. (Dyslexia is a reading disorder in which individuals, despite having
normal intelligence face problems with reading and comprehension.)
Physical disabilities also inhibit literacy. A blind child will find it difficult to
read without assistance. A child with a disabled arm will find writing a tough
task. Such persons are often neglected and shunned from schools. The
truth is that with proper care and assistance, many of these differentlyabled children can be taught to read and write almost as well as anybody
else. This will not only empower them to overcome their disabilities and
become achievers in life, it will also improve the literacy situation of the
entire country. Such children and adults require special schools where they
can be taught with suitable methods so that their disabilities do not come in
the way of their education. With a little humanity and compassion, we can
change their lives for the best.
8. Backward Thinking
A section of our society has been unable to move with the times, owing to
generations of being ensconced by religious dogma or orthodox family
practices. They reject modern education as a threat to their beliefs and way
of life. Consequently, the children of such households are also deprived of
the opportunity to study in modern schools and free their minds of
meaningless conventions and conservative ideologies. Man has made
religion and tradition integral aspects of his being, but they lose their
purpose if we allow them to constrain our liberties and blind our minds to
the virtues of new learning, innovation and discovery. Such backward
thinking limits the scope of human achievement and is an unfortunate
cause of illiteracy in our country. Spreading awareness and convincing
theses sections of our society to open their eyes to education is the only
way to rid them of such ignorance.
9. Geographical Factors
These contribute too, to the illiteracy rate. If a family lives in a remote
location like deep within the Himalayan forests or in the arid desert lands
of the Thar, they are often cut-off from mainstream civilization and all
convenient facilities of education. This is true especially in the case of
wandering tribes like the Warlis of the West and the numerous forest
communities residing at the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas. These tribes
often follow shifting cultivation as a result of which they have no permanent
dwelling place. Moreover, their culture and practices are so different from
the mainstream that it is difficult to bring them in sync with modern society
and provide them with similar kind of education. There has also been great
the production and solve the unemployment problem and also increase
urbanization, but it is lack of our country.
Government alone cannot cope with such an uphill task of
illiteracy. People themselves should come forward
to perform this national duty so that the literacy drive may come
to the top in a mass movement. Bangladesh is sure to be left far
behind in comparison with other countries in point of socioeconomic improvement unless and until the intelligentsia of the
country think deeply over this cancerous disease of illiteracy.
We can saw Above all, govt., public and private agencies through
their joint efforts should play vital role to remove the illiteracey.
1 .Primary sources: Observation, Questionnaire Interview, etc.
2 .Secondary sources: Book, statistical gazetteers, Internet etc.
My village picture