Cascaded Transformers:: Figure 1.basic 3 Stage Cascaded Transformer

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Cascaded Transformers:

For voltages higher than 400 KV, it is desired to cascade two or more transformers
depending upon the voltage requirements.
The transformers are usually identical, but transformers of different designs can also be
With this, the weight of the whole unit is subdivided into single units and, therefore,
transport and erection becomes easier.

Figure 1.Basic 3 stage cascaded transformer

Fig.1 shows a basic scheme for cascading three transformers. The primary of the first
stage transformer is connected to a low voltage supply.A voltage is available across the
secondary of this transformer.
The tertiary winding (excitation winding) of first stage has the same number of turns as
the primary winding, and feeds the primary of the second stage transformer.
The potential of the tertiary is fixed to the potential V of the secondary winding as
shown in Fig. 1.
The secondary winding of the second stage transformer is connected in series with the
secondary winding of the first stage transformer,so that a voltage of 2V is available
between the ground and the terminal of secondary of the second stage transformer.
Similarly, the stage-III transformer is connected in series with the second stage
transformer. With this the output voltage between ground and the third stage
transformer, secondary is 3V.
It is to be noted that the individual stages except the upper most must have threewinding transformers. The upper most, however, will be a two winding transformer.
Fig. 1 shows metal tank construction of transformers and the secondary winding is not
divided. Here the low voltage terminal of the secondary winding is connected to the
The tank of stage-I transformer is earthed. The tanks of stage-II and stage-III
transformers have potentials of V and 2V, respectively above earth and, therefore, these
must be insulated from the earth with suitable solid insulation. Through H.T. bushings,
the leads from the tertiary winding and the h.v. winding are brought out to be connected
to the next stage transformer.

Voltage Control in HV Transformers:

The same voltage is not required for all the tests. For some tests like, breakdown voltage
test, variable voltage supply should be available.

To vary the output voltage of HV transformers or of a cascaded set of transformers, the

input voltage has to be changed.
The common method employed for achieving variable voltage is to connect an induction
regulator or a variac on low voltage side.

Resonant Transformer:
In some case, the harmonics present in the test transformers are not desirable and it
could not be given for the test circuits without filtering. On those case, an alternative
method that is more economical and some times technically superior is offered by
resonant circuits.
The resonant transformer consists of air cored primary and secondary coils housed in a
steel tank. The windings are cooled by the forced circulation of Freon gas at a pressure
of 3 to 4 atmospheres. Freon(CCl2F2) has a very high dielectric strength which increases
further at high pressures. Thus Freon acts as coolant as well as an insulating medium
thus preventing corona.
These transformer have been used for supply to X-ray machines, other radiological test
apparatus and some electron accelerating devices.
Parallel resonance:
The addition of parallel reactors either in the primary low voltage circuit or the
secondary high voltage circuit may or completely neutralize the capacitive load current, thus
improving power factor. If motor-alternator is used as the supply source, the risk of self
excitation of the alternator would thus be eliminated. Input power reductions of 10:1 are
feasible, thus reducing drastically the cost of the regulator, reactors and filters.
Series Resonance:
An alternative system is series resonance circuit. By resonating the circuit through a
series reactor L and a test frequency, harmonics are heavily attenuated. The shunt capacitance c
usually represents the high voltage bushing and the test object. Fig 2 shows the equivalent
circuit of the circuit transformer. Since Re>>Le and the voltage V2 is almost in phase with V1.
Thus, V2 = V1

1 2 LeC

As resonance approached, V2>> V1. Thus there is no fixed ratio of primary and secondary
voltage. Therefor the secondary voltage itself should be measured accurately in the tests.

Figure 2. (a). Simplified circuit of resonant transformer, (b). Equivalent Circuit & (c). Phasor Diagram

Advantages of Resonant Transformers:

1. Absence of iron core saves the space required for insulation from the core.
2. Due to the use of a tuned circuit, output waveform is almost sinusoidal. Also the
oscillatory currents are usually very large as compared to the load currents; so the
load neither distorts the waveform nor causes substantial voltage drops.
3. Voltage build up in output circuit is slow, so that surge voltages due to switching of
input or load circuits will not present.

4. Careful design of coil stacks can give a fairly uniform voltage gradient.
The main disadvantage is that the additional variable reactors should withstand the full
test voltage and full current rating.

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