Purely Resistive Circuit - Purely Capacitive Circuit - RC Circuit - Purely Inductive Circuit - RL Circuit - RLC Circuit
Purely Resistive Circuit - Purely Capacitive Circuit - RC Circuit - Purely Inductive Circuit - RL Circuit - RLC Circuit
Purely Resistive Circuit - Purely Capacitive Circuit - RC Circuit - Purely Inductive Circuit - RL Circuit - RLC Circuit
• RC Circuit
• RL Circuit
• RLC Circuit
𝑞 ⅆ𝑞
𝐶= , 𝐶 V =q 𝐼 =
𝑉 ⅆ𝑡
Current across the capacitor, From trigonometric identity , cos t = sin t + 90 0
𝑣 ( 𝑡 ) − =0
Hence, current across the capacitor leads the voltage across the
𝐼 𝐶 = =CV max = cos t capacitor by +90
The value of current will be maximum when sin(ωt ± 90o) = ±1. Therefore, the value of maximum current
Im will be given as:
Imax = Vmax
to ohm’s law: An increase in the amount of current with a fixed amount of voltage
Vmax =
indicates that opposition to the current has decreased. Therefore, the capacitor offers
opposition to current, and that opposition is equal to called Capacitive Reactance and it
varies inversely with frequency)
The impedance of a series RC circuit consists of resistance and capacitive reactance and is the total opposition to
sinusoidal current. Its unit is the ohm. The phase angle is the phase difference between the total current and the
source voltage.
Phase angle,
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – RC CIRCUIT
In ac analysis, both R and Xc are treated as phasor quantities, as shown in the phasor diagram (a) shown
below a with Xc appearing at an angle – 90o with respect to R. This relationship comes from the fact that
the capacitor voltage in a series RC circuit lags the current, and thus the resistor voltage, by -90 o
Impedance Triangle
2 2 2 2
𝑧= √ 𝑅 + 𝑋 = √( 47 𝛺 ) + ( 100 ) =110 𝛺
𝑋𝐶 100
𝜃=tan −1
𝑅 ( )
= tan −1
47( ) = 64.8o
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – PURELY INDUCTIVE CIRCUIT An inductor is a passive element designed to store energy in its
magnetic field. Inductors find numerous applications in electronic
and power systems. They are used in power supplies, transformers,
𝑣 𝐿 radios, TVs, radars, and electric motors
If current is allowed to pass through an inductor, it is found that
the voltage across the inductor is directly proportional to the time
rate of change of the current.
The value of current will be maximum when sin(ωt ± 90o) = ±1. Therefore, the value of maximum current
Im will be given as:
𝑉 𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝑚𝑎𝑥= (Refer to ohm’s law: An increase in the amount of current with a fixed
𝜔 𝐿
amount of voltage indicates that opposition to the current has decreased.
Therefore, the inductor offers opposition to current, and that opposition is
equal to called Inductive Reactance and it varies directly with frequency)
Phase angle,
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – RL CIRCUIT
In ac analysis, both R and are treated as phasor quantities, as shown in the phasor diagram (a) with
appearing at +90o angle with respect to R. This relationship comes from the fact that the inductor
voltage leads the current, and thus the resistor voltage, by +90 o
Impedance Triangle
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – RLC CIRCUIT RLC series circuit is a circuit that contains a combination of circuit
elements: a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor connected in series
across an alternating-voltage source.
• Inductive reactance causes the total current to lag the source voltage.
Capacitive reactance has the opposite effect: It causes the current to lead
the voltage. Thus, and tend to offset each other. When they are equal, they
cancel, and the total reactance is zero. In any case, the total reactance or
equivalence resistance in a series circuit is:
• The term means the absolute value of the difference of the two reactances.
That is, the sign of the result is considered positive no matter which
reactance is greater.
• The phase angle is positive (current leading voltage) when the circuit is
inductive and the phase angle is negative (current lagging voltage) when the
circuit is capacitive.
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – RLC CIRCUIT
Phasors make this
simple to see
Imax XL (VL)
Vmax = Imax XC
V 90o behind I
C Imax R
L Vmax = Imax XL
V 90o ahead of I
Imax XC (VC)
Vmax = Imax R
V in phase with I Always looks the same.
Only the lengths will
ZCT 106/3 : AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
= arctan
ZCT 106/3 AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit
ZCT 106/3: AC circuit – Series RLC circuit