17 - Unit 12 pp170-181
17 - Unit 12 pp170-181
17 - Unit 12 pp170-181
A desert oasis
Key language Do you remember the two men who were in the 4x4?
Materials PB pp116117; poster 12; CD C track 18; word cards for words on the
poster (see poster 12 below or list on p16)
Preparation Make word cards; listen to CD C track 18
Ask the class to think of words to do with a
desert, e.g. sand, sun, hot, rocks, snake, insect.
Poster 12
1Point to the poster. Read out the title.
Give the class a moment or two to look.
2Point to the people and objects. Read the word/s. Show the word
card/s. Class reads and says the word/s.
Use a dictionary to explain new words as necessary.
Check that children understand the following words from the poster. If
you wish, explain them using these definitions and example sentences
as necessary:
camel train
4 T
ell children to look at the picture. Ask them to guess or work out
the answer to these questions:
What does an archaeologist do? digs up old buildings and objects
What does a tourist do? visits places, buys souvenirs
5 Ask children what they can say about deserts. If necessary, prompt:
How much rain is there? How many different animals are there?
Is there any grass? Are there any trees?
Unit 12 Reading
Resource box
PB (p117)
Text questions
How did they hide the hole? the head? with the map /
Jennys scarf
Why did Jenny want to sit down? She was hot and tired.
What did she sit next to? a giant ear
Was it a real ear? No.
What did the head belong to? a statue
What was under the big flat stones? a dark hole
What could Uncle Jim see? tall pots and furniture
Unit 12 Reading
Key language Do you remember the two men who were in the 4x4?
Play the Word mix game (see Games,
page 187). Use vocabulary from Lesson 1.
Read again
Remind children of The lost city.
Play track 18 or read the text to the class. Children listen and follow in their books.
Activity 1
Ask a child to read the first sentence.
Ask Who said it? Elicit an answer. Check with the class. Children may look back to the text to
look for answers if necessary.
Activity 2
The answers to these questions are not found directly in the text.
Children must think and work out an answer.
If necessary, read the appropriate part of the text again.
Ask prompt questions if you wish, e.g. Can you often find big statues in the desert? Did they
want anyone to know about the hole and the room under the stones? Did they want the
men to go away or stay with them?
Activity 3
Ask different children to read out the list of words and the list of definitions.
Give children a few minutes to match. They may find and check definitions a dictionary.
Elicit answers. Help the class to check definitions in a dictionary if they do not agree on
(WB p112)
If children are doing this page for homework, make sure they understand the tasks. You
may wish to read the text in exercise 1 with the class as preparation.
Remind them that they will need their Pupil's Book so that they can read the story
again before they attempt exercise 2.
Exercise 1
Children read the story again.
Children read the sentences and work out the correct order.
They should refer back to the text as much as necessary to complete the task correctly.
Exercise 2
Children match. Tell them to check in a dictionary if necessary.
Prepare a crossword puzzle to revise
vocabulary from the unit.
Resource box
PB answers
Activity 1 1 Jenny 2 Uncle Jim 3 Pete
4 Pete 5 Uncle Jim 6 the first man 7 Jenny
8 Professor Hamid
Activity 2 1 Big pieces of statue are not usually
found in the middle of the desert.
2 They didnt want anyone to know what was
under the stones.
3 She didnt want the men to stay. If she said
Informal everyday expressions Are you sure? I dont believe it! Its true.
Ask the class what happened in Part 5. Which room were they in?
What was in the bag? Was it Alfies bag?
Let them look back at Part 5 if they have forgotten.
Activity 1
Children look at PB page 119. Read the title of Part 6. Ask what they think is happening in
each picture. What are the children doing? Why?
Let children make different suggestions and listen to their ideas.
Tell children to cover the dialogue text and look at the picture.
Play track 19. Children listen.
Activity 2
Children look at the dialogue. Play track 19 again.
Children listen and follow.
Check children understand the new words. Use a dictionary if you wish.
Activity 3
Children close their books. Play track 20. Children listen and repeat in the pauses. Encourage
them to use the same expression and intonation.
Activity 4
Ask questions to check understanding of the story. See Resource box.
Activity 5
Children act the dialogue without their books if possible.
Unit 12 Speaking
Study skills
(WB p113)
Exercise 1
Children write the words in alphabetical order. Remind them of the dictionary skills they
have learned and to watch out for words beginning with the same letter.
Exercise 2
Children match words, definitions and pictures.
Play Hangman using any set
of vocabulary.
Resource box
WB answers
Exercise 2 1 dH 2 eL 3 aK 4 fI 5 bJ 6 cG
Story questions
Is the thief behind the palm trees? No.
Where do the children look? inside the pyramid
Do a Word race with jobs (see Games, page 187).
Activity 1
Activity 1
Activity 2
Children listen to track 22 and
repeat in the pauses.
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Children complete WB
page 114 in class time
or for homework.
Ask children how far they think the camel train is going.
Play track 23. Children listen and follow the first time.
Read the words with the class. Play track 23. Children join in.
Play track 24. Children sing with the music. They may learn the song, if you wish.
Exercise 1
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Children use their own ideas
to complete sentences. Make
sure they understand there
is more than one way of
completing them correctly.
Exercise 2
Children's own ideas.
Encourage them to think
about what they look like and
what they do. Do an example
sentence about yourself to help
them, if you wish. Children do
the same for a friend.
Exercise 3
Children write their own
ideas about what a friend
is or does. Go through some
ideas with the class before
they write, if you wish.
Resource box
Target words face, race, ice cream, mice, dance, juice, prince, princess, pencil,
city, circle, bicycle
Sing the camel song from PB page 121, track 24.
Activity 1
Ask a volunteer to read the line. Play track 25. Children listen to the conversation and circle
the answer: the desert.
Activity 2
Ask volunteers to name the different objects.
Activity 3
Play track 25 again. Children tick the ones the explorers mention.
Be ready to play the track again for children to listen or check.
Check answers together.
Activity 4
Ask children do use their imaginations to answer the questions.
Hear some of their ideas. Ask if there is anything else they should take.
Point out the box. Tell children to follow in their books and repeat in the pauses. Play the
first part of track 26. Make sure children repeat accurately.
Play the end of track 26. Children listen and follow.
Children say the rhyme. They may learn it, if you wish.
Children open their WBs at page 116. They complete the Phonics page now or for homework.
If it is for homework, make sure they understand the tasks.
Use of English
Move on to WB page 117.
Exercises 1 and 2
Children complete, read
and write the target words.
Exercise 1
Exercise 3
Divide the class into groups and invite them to prepare any of the stories in the book for
retelling. Run a competition if you wish.
Resource box
Audioscript (CD C track 25) Listening
activities 1 & 3 (PB p122)
R: Is it going to be very hot, Uncle Henry?
H: O
h, yes. Very, very hot. So there are lots
of things we must take.
R: Really?
H: W
ell, the sun is very strong so youll need
a hat and a good of pair sunglasses to
protect your eyes.
R: And water, too, I suppose.
H: O
h yes, lots of that. We must take plenty
of water.
R: How about a tent?
H: O
h, I never take a tent into the desert. I
like to sleep under the stars.
R: Really?
PB answers
Activity 3 water, jumper, hat, sunglasses,
sleeping bag
Exercise 2
Tell children to read each
sentence carefully and decide
what punctuation it needs. The
pictures should help them.
WB answers
H: W
ell, it gets very cold in the desert at
Phonics (p116)
R: Really?
H: Wait and see!
R: Will I need a warm jacket, then?
H: N
o, you wont need one of those. A
jumper's fine. And it's not going to rain.
R: R
eally? I wont take my umbrella then.
(Ha, ha, ha.)
Put up poster 12. Remind children of the story The lost city.
Class composition
Activity 1
Read, or ask a child to read the short text.
Explain to the class that the pictures show what happened next. They are going to write the story.
Give them time to look at the pictures. Make sure they realise that they are in the correct order.
Ask different children What happened in picture 1? Elicit, e.g. Professor Hamid found a door. Write
a short note on the board, e.g. 1 found a door. Continue in the same way, e.g. 2 opened the door;
3 saw inside the room; 4 went inside, looked at the objects; 5 found a chest; 6 opened the chest.
Activity 2
Ask different children to read each sentence. Ask the class which one is the most interesting
opening for the story.
Children should recognise that sentence 2 gives more information than sentence 1. Sentence 4
gives the same information as sentence 2, but in direct speech. Sentence 3 gives the least detail.
Agree on an opening. Write it on the board.
Activity 3
Prompt another sentence for the first picture. Ask, e.g. What was the door like?
Ask questions about the other pictures. Use your notes and childrens answers to compose two
sentences for each one.
Remind them to use direct speech sometimes, e.g. What did Professor Hamid say when he went
into the room?
When the story is complete, ask one or more volunteers to read it aloud.
Ask whether any further improvements can be made, e.g. Are there enough adjectives?
Make any changes that you and the class agree to.
Ask volunteers to read it a final time.
Exercise 2
Ask children to read out the
Explain they should choose words
to describe their object.
Exercise 3
Children tick two things that the
professor did. They choose and
tick two adverbs.
Homework task
Children complete Check-up 12, WB
p120. For answers, see p185.
Exercise 4
Children read the questions that
Jenny and Pete asked. They
choose Professor Hamids answers
or write their own ideas in the
space provided.
Exercise 5
Children think of answers to the
questions. If you wish, do this as
a whole class and decide on an
ending together. Alternatively, let
children use their own ideas and
write their own ending.
Resource box
Class composition example writing (p123)
Suddenly, Professor Hamid found a strange
door. There were pictures of beautiful birds
on it.
Professor Hamid opened the door carefully.