Peer Review Report Phase 2 Implementation of The Standard in Practice
Peer Review Report Phase 2 Implementation of The Standard in Practice
Peer Review Report Phase 2 Implementation of The Standard in Practice
Global Forum
on Transparency
and Exchange
of Information for Tax
Purposes Peer Reviews:
Saudi Arabia 2016
March 2016
(reflecting the legal and regulatory framework
as at December 2015)
Series: Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes Peer Reviews
ISSN 2219-4681 (print)
ISSN 2219-469X (online)
OECD 2016
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Table of Contents
Summary of determinations and factors underlyingrecommendations101
Annex1: Jurisdictions response to the review report 107
Annex2: List of all exchange-of-information mechanisms inforce 109
Annex3: List of all laws, regulations and other material consulted115
Annex 4: Persons interviewed during the on-site visit 117
Executive summary 7
Executive summary
This report summarises the legal and regulatory framework for
transparency and exchange of information in Saudi Arabia, as well as the
practical implementation of that framework. The international standard which
is set out in the Global Forums Terms of Reference to Monitor and Review
Progress Towards Transparency and Exchange of Information, is concerned
with the availability of relevant information within a jurisdiction, the competent authoritys ability to gain timely access to that information, and in turn,
whether that information can be effectively exchanged with its exchange of
information (EOI) partners. The assessment of effectiveness in practice has
been performed in relation to a three-year period: from 1January 2012 to
31December 2014.
Saudi Arabias economy, which is for an important part based on the
oil sector, opened up to foreign investment early in the 21st century, resulting in a significant increase in foreign direct investment in recent years. The
Saudi Arabian tax system is built around an income tax and zakat, which are
complementary. Income tax is levied from non-Saudi citizens while zakat is
levied from Saudi citizens.
Availability of ownership and identity information in respect of
companies is generally ensured by the requirement to keep an up to date
shareholder register. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) verifies
the completeness and the correctness of the register of joint stock companies
on an annual basis. For listed joint stock companies the register is kept up-to
date by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) on a daily basis. Updates are
electronically registered in the Depository and Settlement System in the
Securities Depository Centre at the Saudi Stock Exchange. A transfer of
shares of limited liability companies requires an amendment of the articles of
association, and this can only be done after approval of MCI and the execution before a notary. As the transfer only becomes legally effective after the
completion of the procedure, this ensures that ownership information in
respect of limited liability companies is available with the MCI. Joint stock
companies and partnerships limited by shares have a possibility to issue
bearer shares under the Companies Law, although Saudi Arabia clarified that
registration of these entities would not be accepted in these circumstances
8 Executive summary
and details of all shareholders must be provided to MCI upon incorporation.
No issues in this respect came up in practice. In addition, this possibility is
negated by the obligation of relevant entities and arrangements under tax
and zakat law to identify all owners and submit this information to the tax
authorities with the annual tax return or zakat declaration.
Both partnerships and endowments (waqfs) must be registered with
the authorities in Saudi Arabia. In respect of partnerships, ownership information must be provided upon registration and must be updated regularly. In
respect of supervision and overview, all measures to ensure compliance with
registration, filing and payment requirements by companies apply to partnerships similarly. Identity information on waqfs is kept directly by the Waqf
Administration, which is part of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. The Waqf
Administration registers this information in its electronic database. Field
inspections may take place by the Waqf Administration to ensure compliance
and to keep oversight. Saudi Arabia further explains that major investments
have to be approved separately by the High Waqf Council. As regards resident trustees of foreign trusts, further guidance is needed on what ownership
information should be maintained by the trustee.
An obligation to keep reliable accounting records including underlying documentation for a period of at least five years is generally in place in
respect of companies and partnerships. However, no express requirements
exist for partnerships with a capital of SAR100000 (EUR24159) or less
to keep underlying documentation or to keep documentation for at least five
years. Compliance is reviewed within the course of regular tax proceedings, e.g.during a tax audit by local and regional tax offices. With respect
to waqfs, the accounting records, including underlying documentation, are
generally kept directly by the Waqf Administration.
Compliance with the requirement to maintain accounting records
and underlying documentation by all legal or accounting entities under the
tax law is monitored also by the MCI and the Capital Market Authority. Joint
stock companies, limited liability companies and partnerships limited by
shares are subject to a statutory audit, and they are required to prepare an
annual report, including the auditors report and the financial statements.
Because of this statutory obligation, these entities and arrangements must
have their accounts audited. Furthermore, the approved financial statements
have to be filed with MCI. Nevertheless, compliance with a timely submission to MCI was relatively low during part of the period under review.
Although steps taken by MCI to reduce the number of late filings or nonfilings as well as the recent introduction of a specific database known as
Qawaem seem to have solved this issue, it is recommended that Saudi Arabia
monitors this issue to ensure that reliable accounting records, supported by
underlying documentation, are kept by all the entities and arrangements.
Executive summary 9
The obligations under the AML/CFT legislation ensures that all
records pertaining to the accounts as well as to related financial and transactional information are required to be kept by Saudi Arabian banks. Compliance
by banks in respect of these legal obligations is checked and supervised by the
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). Through their inspections, it has
been established that banks keep the required information on their clients and
The Department of Zakat and Income Tax has broad powers to
obtain information for exchange purposes, irrespective of whether Saudi
Arabia needs the information for their own purposes, where the agreement
contains a provision corresponding to Article26(4) of the OECD Model Tax
Convention. This is because the hierarchy of laws in Saudi Arabia, based on
the Islamic Shariah, places international agreements providing for exchange
of tax information above domestic legislation, once the international agreement is implemented in Saudi Arabian domestic law by Royal Decree. For
the same reason, Saudi Arabian authorities can obtain information from
banks when requested to do so under an information exchange agreement
containing a provision corresponding to Article26(5) of the OECD Model
Tax Convention. However, this is currently only the case for 23 out of 43 of
Saudi Arabias agreements.
Saudi Arabia has the possibility to apply search and seizure powers
in order to obtain information from persons subject to income tax. In addition, zakat payers may be refused a zakat certificate if they refuse to provide
information for EOI purposes. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia introduced some
amendments in 2014 to clarify that a person can be held jointly liable for the
tax due on a Saudi Arabian taxpayer, if this person does not provide information for EOI purposes. All these compulsory powers are, however, not very
well adapted to obtaining information for EOI purposes, and Saudi Arabia
should therefore review its powers for compelling the provision of information for EOI purposes to ensure access to this information.
Saudi Arabia has a network of Double Taxation Conventions covering 43jurisdictions. In addition, Saudi Arabia also signed the Convention on
Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, as amended (Multilateral
Convention) in May 2013. Saudi Arabia ratified the Multilateral Convention
and deposited its instrument of ratification on 17December 2015. The
Multilateral Convention will enter into force on 1April 2016. Once in force,
it will provide Saudi Arabia with an EOI network that covers a total of
102jurisdictions. These agreements, as well as the Multilateral Convention,
all contain provisions that would, in principle, allow the contracting parties
to exchange all relevant information. However, Saudi Arabias domestic law
does not allow it to access bank information, or to obtain information in the
absence of a domestic tax interest unless the information exchange agreement
10 Executive summary
contains provisions corresponding to Articles26(4) and 26(5) of the OECD
Model Tax Convention (which is generally the case for the recent agreements
as well as the Multilateral Convention). Consequently, Saudi Arabia is currently not in a position to exchange information according to the international
standard under 20 out of its 43DTCs. Nevertheless, the entry into force of the
Multilateral Convention will bring EOI with 36 of its 43DTC partners in line
with the standard. However,, it is recommended that Saudi Arabia should be
prepared to enter into agreements for exchange of information (regardless of
their form) with all relevant partners, meaning those partners who are interested in entering into an information exchange arrangement with it.
The designated Competent Authority for exchanging information for
tax purposes under all Saudi Arabian exchange of information instruments
is the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative. The Department
of Zakat and Income Tax (DZIT) has been delegated this task. However,
the function of competent authority was shifted from the International
Economic Relations directorate within the Ministry of Finance to the international operations department within DZIT during the period under review.
It appears that peers had difficulty to clearly identify this change in the contact information for Saudi Arabias competent authority. Requests that were
still being sent to the Ministry of Finance were initially not answered, as it
appears that these requests did not arrive with DZIT. Since June 2015 contact
information for Saudi Arabias competent authority is fully identifiable on the
Global Forum website.
Saudi Arabia has fairly limited experience in EOI but is considered
by its EOI partners to be an important partner. Saudi Arabia has received
nine requests for information over the period of review. From these nine
requests, initially only six requests actually arrived with DZIT. From these
six requests initially only one was replied to. More recently, Saudi Arabia
has communicated with its EOI partners regarding pending requests as well
as requests that were initially not received. As a result, information has been
exchanged in some cases, while in other cases the EOI partner has been
informed of the reason why information could not be exchanged.
It appears that Saudi Arabia only recently implemented organisational processes to ensure effective exchange of information. During the
review period, no clear organisational processes were in place, which led to
EOI requests not being processed in a timely manner. Saudi Arabia should
therefore ensure that it has appropriate organisational processes in place
to process and answer to EOI requests in a timely manner. Saudi Arabia
should also respond to EOI partners in cases where it is not able to respond
to requests and provide status updates in cases where it is not in a position to
meet the 90day deadline.
Executive summary 11
Saudi Arabia has been assigned a rating for each of the 10essential
elements as well as an overall rating. The ratings for the essential elements
are based on the analysis in the text of the report, taking into account the
Phase1 determinations, any recommendations made in respect of Saudi
Arabias legal and regulatory framework and the effectiveness of its exchange
of information in practice. On this basis, Saudi Arabia has been assigned the
following ratings: Compliant for elementsA.1, A.3, B.2, C.1, C.3 and C.4
Largely Compliant for elementsA.2 and B.1, and C.2 Partially Compliant for
elementC.5. In view of the ratings for each of the essential elements taken in
their entirety, the overall rating for Saudi Arabia is Largely Compliant.
A follow up report on the steps undertaken by Saudi Arabia to
answer these recommendations should be provided to the PRG within twelve
months after the adoption of this report.
Introduction 13
Information and methodology used for the peer review of Saudi Arabia
The assessment of the legal and regulatory framework of Saudi
Arabia as well as its practical implementation was based on the international
standards of transparency and exchange of information as described in the
Global Forums Terms of Reference, and was prepared using the Methodology
for Peer Reviews and Non-Member Reviews. The assessment has been
conducted in two stages: the Phase1 review assessed Saudi Arabias legal
and regulatory framework for the exchange of information as at January
2013, while the Phase2 review assessed the practical implementation of this
framework during a three year period (1January 2012 to 31December 2014)
as well as amendments made to this framework since the Phase1 review up
to 23December 2015. The following analysis reflects the integrated Phase1
and Phase2 assessments.
The assessment was based on the laws, regulations and exchange
of information mechanisms in force or effect as at December 2015, as well
as other information, explanations and materials supplied by Saudi Arabia,
information supplied by partner jurisdictions and explanations provided by
Saudi Arabia during the on-site visit that took place from 31May-4June 2015
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. During the on-site visit, the assessment team met a
wide range of officials and representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the
Department of Zakat and Income Tax (DZIT), as well as representatives of
the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry
of Islamic Affairs and representatives of a local Waqf Administration, as well
as representatives of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) and the
Ministry of Foreign affairs, among others.
The Terms of Reference (ToR) break down the standards of transparency and exchange of information into 10essential elements and 31enumerated
aspects under three broad categories: (A)availability of information; (B)access
to information; and (C)exchanging information. This review assesses Saudi
Arabias legal and regulatory framework and its application in practice against
these elements and each of the enumerated aspects. In respect of each essential
14 Introduction
element, a determination is made that either: (i)the element is in place; (ii)the
element is in place but certain aspects of the legal implementation of the
element need improvement; or (iii)the element is not in place. These determinations are accompanied by recommendations for improvement where
relevant. In addition, to reflect the Phase2 component, recommendations are
made concerning Saudi Arabias practical application of each of the essential
elements and a rating of either: (i)compliant, (ii)largely compliant, (iii)partially compliant, or (iv)non-compliant is assigned to each element. As outlined
in the Note on Assessment Criteria, an overall rating is applied to reflect
the jurisdictions level of compliance with the standards (see the Summary of
Determinations and Factors Underlying Recommendations at the end of this
The Phase1 and Phase2 assessments were conducted by assessment
teams comprising expert assessors and representatives of the Global Forum
Secretariat. The 2014 Phase1 assessment was conducted by a team which
consisted of two expert assessors and a representative of the Global Forum
Secretariat: Ms. Harizan Hussin, Principal Assistant Secretary (Head of
DTA and Bilateral Unit), Tax Analysis Division of the Ministry of Finance
of Malaysia; Mr. Brian Harrington, IRS Chief Counsel attorney, United
States; and Mr. Mikkel Thunnissen from the Global Forum Secretariat. For
the Phase2 assessment Mr. Thunnissen was assisted by Mr. Boudewijn van
Looij, also from the Global Forum Secretariat, while Ms. Harizan Hussin was
replaced by Mr. Bhaskar Goswami, Additional Commissioner of Income Tax,
India. The assessment team examined the legal and regulatory framework for
transparency and exchange of information and relevant exchange of information mechanisms in Saudi Arabia and their application in practice.
Introduction 15
agriculture make up 41% and 2% respectively.1 Oil forms the basis of the
economy and most importantly the industrial sector, as Saudi Arabia has one
of the largest proven oil reserves in the world and is one of the biggest exporters
of oil. Saudi Arabias main trading partners are the United States, the Peoples
Republic of China (China) and Japan, followed by Korea, India, Germany and
France. The official currency in Saudi Arabia is the Saudi riyal (SAR), which is
pegged to the US dollar. As at 27October 2015, SAR4.14 = EUR1.
Legal system
The system of rule in Saudi Arabia is that of a monarchy. The King is
the Head of State and exercises executive power. The King is also the Prime
Minister and the Crown Prince is the Deputy Prime Minister. The Council
of Ministers assists the King in the performance of his duties and, besides
the King and the Crown Prince, comprises 21other ministers with portfolio
(backed up by government ministries) and seven ministers of state.
In 1992 the Basic Law was ratified. It defines the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia as an Arab and Islamic sovereign state, with Islam as its religion and the
Holy Quran and the Sunnah as its constitution. It also provides that government
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is based on the premise of justice, consultation,
and equality in accordance with the Islamic Shariah (Section8, Basic Law),
making the Shariah the primary body of law in Saudi Arabia. Shariah also
binds the rulers of Saudi Arabia and it therefore serves as a guideline for all legal
matters. In general, Shariah law is derived primarily from the Holy Quran and
secondarily from the Sunnah as noted down in hadith. The third source is Ijma,
the consensus of opinion of Muslim scholars on the principles involved in a specific case. Qias, reasoning by analogy, is the fourth source of Shariah law.
Shariah law is not codified as such. Specific legislation, which must
be based on Shariah law, is adopted by resolution of the Council of Ministers
and then ratified by the King, making it a Royal Decree. The Consultative
Council (Majlis al-Shura), consisting of 150members, usually advises on
legislation and may also propose new or amending legislation. Both the
members of the Council of Ministers and of the Consultative Council are
appointed by the King. International agreements, like domestic legislation,
are implemented in domestic law by Royal Decree. Saudi Arabia recognises a
hierarchy of laws that is based on the principles of the Shariah. One of these
principles is that laws that are directed to the good of humanity in general
shall have precedence over laws applying to specific persons or a specific
group of persons. In this hierarchy, as explained by Saudi Arabia, international agreements generally take precedence over domestic laws as they are
16 Introduction
considered for the larger good of humanity as opposed to domestic laws that
cater to a smaller group.
The main part of Saudi Arabias court system is formed by the
Shariah courts, which have general jurisdiction over most civil and criminal cases. Cases are generally brought to the Courts of the First Instance
(Summary and General Courts), and their decisions may be appealed to the
Courts of Cassation and the Supreme Judicial Council. Supplementing the
Shariah courts is the Board of Grievances, which mainly hears cases that
involve the government. The third part of the Saudi court system consists of
various committees within government ministries that address specific disputes, including tax disputes (dealt with by the Tax Committees). Finally, the
King acts as the final court of appeal and as a source of pardon.
Data drawn from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
(UNCTAD), available on (accessed 23December
Introduction 17
Income tax
The data in this paragraph was drawn from publications available on the website
of the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency:
A person is defined as any natural or corporate person.
Current GCC member states are: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
and the United Arab Emirates.
18 Introduction
Non-residents conducting business in Saudi Arabia through a permanent establishment or having other taxable income from sources
within Saudi Arabia.
Any person engaged in natural gas investment and/or oil and hydrocarbons production in Saudi Arabia.
A company is considered resident in Saudi Arabia if it is either
formed in accordance with the Companies Law or if its central management
is located in Saudi Arabia. The tax base for resident companies includes their
worldwide income. The tax rate is 20% on regular income, 30% on income
from natural gas investment activities and 85% on income from oil and
hydrocarbon production.
Resident individuals are only subject to income tax if they are nonSaudi citizens conducting business in Saudi Arabia.6 The tax rates are the
same as for companies.
Partnerships are considered tax transparent and tax is levied on the
partners directly according to the rules for either individuals or companies,
depending on the legal status of the partner. A non-resident partner in a Saudi
Arabian partnership is considered to have a permanent establishment in Saudi
Arabia. Partnerships are required to file returns of income, even though the
incidence of tax or zakat as the case may be, is upon the partners.
Non-residents are subject to income tax on any income from sources
in Saudi Arabia. With the exception of income attributable to a permanent
establishment in Saudi Arabia, income from non-residents is subject to a
withholding tax, including dividends (except those paid by companies in the
oil and gas sector), loan charges (interest), royalties, management fees, rents
and payments for technical and consulting services. The withholding tax
rates vary from 5% to 20%. Payments for other services are also subject to a
withholding tax of 15% and this includes any work performed for compensation except for the purchase and sale of goods.
Zakat can be characterised as a direct tax on property and income
which is levied in accordance with Shariah from all Saudi citizens and
Saudi companies and partnerships to the extent of the participation of Saudi
citizens. Private waqfs, dedicated to the benefits of certain persons, may also
be subject to zakat. Zakat is levied on the payers capital resources and its
proceeds, receipts, profits and gains. Zakat is levied at a rate of 2.5%.
Excluding the (Saudi and non-Saudi) persons engaged in natural gas investment
and/or oil and hydrocarbons production in Saudi Arabia.
Introduction 19
In respect of companies, the capital contributed by Saudi citizens at
the beginning of the year and the net profits of the company attributable to
the participation of Saudi citizens are subject to zakat. Where a company has
both Saudi and non-Saudi citizens as shareholders, its profits are subject to
zakat and income tax proportionate to the participation of the two groups of
shareholders. This same principle applies to partnerships.
International cooperation
As a member of the G20, Saudi Arabia became a member of the
Global Forum at its restructuring in 2009. Saudi Arabia started concluding
Double Taxation Conventions (DTCs) including a provision on the exchange
of information in 2006. It now has a network of 43DTCs. Exchange of tax
information is delegated to the Department of Zakat and Income Tax.
Recent developments
Saudi Arabia reports that on 9November 2015, the Ministry of
Commerce and Industrial (MCI) announced the new Saudi Companies Law.
The new law will come into force on 2May 2016, being 150days after its
publication in the Official Gazette, which occurred on 4December 2015.
When effective, it will entirely replace the current Companies Law that dates
from 1965.
The new Companies Law represents a significant overhaul and modernisation of the Saudi Companies Law. Some of the key aspects of the new
law include a reduction of the number of corporate Forms. Three of the corporate forms permitted by the current regime, namely Cooperative Companies,
Partnerships Limited by Shares, and Variable Capital Companies, have been
eliminated, and it will no longer be possible to establish such companies.
In respect of Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) the main changes
include the possibility to establish a LLC with only one shareholder, while
under the current law a minimum of two shareholders were required. In cases
where the number of shareholders in an LLC exceeds 50, the company should
be converted to a joint stock company within a one year time period (otherwise the company shall be considered dissolved). Another change relates to
the publication when incorporating and amending articles of association. In
these cases publication on MCIs website will be sufficient instead of publication in the official gazette or a newspaper.
With regard to Joint Stock Companies (JSCs) the number of shareholders required for a Closed JSC will be reduced from five to two shareholders,
although a one-person joint stock company may also be incorporated under
certain (more restricted) circumstances. The minimum capital required for
20 Introduction
JSCs has been reduced from SAR2million (EUR483180) to SAR500, 000
(EUR120795). Furthermore, JSC general meetings may be convened by using
new technology, no longer necessitating the physical presence of everyone
involved. The new law permits a JSC to issue debt instruments and financing
instruments (Sukuks). Furthermore, JSCs are allowed to purchase or mortgage
their shares. Further provisions set out that the external certified auditor can be
appointed for a continuous period of five years. The new law also obliges partnerships and a branch of the foreign company to have its accounts audited by a
licensed external auditor. The new Company Law has no provision for issuance
of bearer shares by any entity.
As noted, Saudi Arabia signed the Multilateral Convention in May
2013. Saudi Arabia ratified the Multilateral Convention and deposited its
instrument of ratification on 17December 2015. The Multilateral Convention
will enter into force on 1April 2016.
A. Availability of information
Effective exchange of information requires the availability of reliable
information. In particular, it requires information on the identity of owners
and other stakeholders as well as information on the transactions carried out
by entities and other organisational structures. Such information may be kept
for tax, regulatory, commercial or other reasons. If such information is not
kept or the information is not maintained for a reasonable period of time,
a jurisdictions competent authority may not be able to obtain and provide
it when requested. This section of the report describes and assesses Saudi
Arabias legal and regulatory framework on availability of information as
well as its application in practice.
Availability of ownership and identity information in respect of
companies is generally ensured by the requirement to keep an up to date
shareholder register. The Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MCI) verifies
the completeness and the correctness of the register of joint stock companies
on an annual basis. For listed joint stock companies the register is kept up-to
date by the Capital Market Authority (CMA) on a daily basis. Updates are
electronically registered in the Depository and Settlement System in the
Securities Depository Centre at the Saudi Stock Exchange. A transfer of
shares of limited liability companies requires an amendment of the articles of
association, and this can only be done after approval of MCI and the execution before a notary. As the transfer only becomes legally effective after the
completion of the procedure, this ensures that ownership information in
respect of limited liability companies is available with the MCI.
Compliance with the requirement to maintain accounting records
and underlying documentation by all legal or accounting entities under the
tax law is monitored also by the MCI and the Capital Market Authority. Joint
stock companies, limited liability companies and partnerships limited by
shares are subject to a statutory audit, and they are required to prepare an
annual report, including the auditors report and the financial statements.
Because of this statutory obligation, these entities and arrangements must
have their accounts audited. Furthermore, the approved financial statements
have to be filed with MCI (and this would be in the hands of the tax authority). However, compliance with a timely submission to MCI was relatively
low during part of the period under review. And, although compliance with
the accounting requirements is also reviewed within the course of regular tax
proceedings, e.g.during a tax audit by local and regional tax offices, it should
be noted that there is no full overlap between the companies that are registered with MCI and the companies that are registered as tax or zakat payers
with DZIT. The number of companies registered with MCI substantially
exceeds the number companies that are registered with DZIT. Although steps
taken by MCI to reduce the number of late filings or non-filings as well as the
recent introduction of a specific database known as Qawaem seem to have
solved this issue, it is recommended that Saudi Arabia monitors this issue to
ensure that reliable accounting records, supported by underlying documentation, are kept by all the entities and arrangements.
The obligations under the AML/CFT legislation ensure that all records
pertaining to the accounts as well as to related financial and transactional
information are required to be kept by Saudi Arabian banks. Compliance by
banks in respect of these legal obligations is checked and supervised by the
Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA). Through their inspections, it has
been established that banks keep the required information on their clients and
Enforcement provisions are in place in respect of the relevant obligations to maintain ownership and identity information for all relevant entities.
These enforcement provisions are adequately applied in practice and generally ensure that ownership information with regard to the relevant entities is
Companies (ToRA.1.1)
Under section1 of the CL, a company is defined as a contract under
which two or more persons undertake to participate in an enterprise together,
with each contributing a share in the form of money or services, with a view
to dividing any profits or losses (incurred) as a result of such enterprise. This
definition comprises not only the concept of a company, but also that of a
partnership, and the CL governs both types of entities. The term partner
is used to refer to any person participating in the enterprise, whether as a
shareholder or otherwise. The entities that may issue shares are discussed
in this section of the report, as their characteristics are most similar to those
of companies. The other entities governed by the CL are discussed in sectionA.1.3 (Partnerships) of this report.
Joint stock companies: these entities must have at least five shareholders, whose liability is limited to the amount payable on their shares.
The shares in joint stock companies are freely transferable. As at
29April 2015, there were 1098joint stock companies registered.
Limited liability companies (also referred to as limited liability partnerships, but the characteristics of this type of entity are more in line
with those of a company): these entities must have at least two but
not more than fifty shareholders. The shareholders are liable to the
extent of their share in the companys capital, although in practice
the courts generally do not recognise this as it is not supported by the
corporate concepts of Shariah law. Shares are transferred before a
public notary after having obtained the approval of the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry and, if the company has foreign shareholders, the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority. As at 29April
2015, there were 37709limited liability companies registered.
Partnerships limited by shares: an entity which has at least one general partner, who is personally liable for the partnerships debts, and
at least four limited partners, who are liable for the partnerships
debts only to the extent of their shares in the capital of the partnership. The limited partners own shares as proof of their interest in the
partnerships capital. As at 29April 2015, there were no partnerships
limited by shares registered.
It can be noted that the number of registered companies dropped
quite considerably, by approximately 30%, since 2012. In this respect, Saudi
Arabia explains that this relates to the introduction, in 2013, of fees for registration with the Chamber of Commerce. The fees apply both for the initial
registration, as well as the yearly renewal. As a consequence, a significant
number of (mainly inactive) companies where liquidated or merged after
these fees were introduced. Statistics provided by Saudi Arabia demonstrate
that in total 31746 commercial registration certificates (CRs) were issued
during the years 2012-14. This number includes individual businesses that
are not in the form of companies. In 3614cases (around 11%) there was no
renewal of the CR, as Saudi Arabia explains these cases mainly reflect situations where the companies involved did not actually start business operations
after they got their CRs.
Where the companys articles of association or bylaws provide that its
capital may be increased by additional payments made by the shareholders, or
by the admission of new shareholders, or that their capital may be reduced by
withdrawal of shareholders shares from the capital, it is also referred to as a
variable capital company (s.181 CL).
Joint stock companies and limited liability companies may also be set
up as cooperative companies when they have the objective of reducing the
cost, purchase, or sale price of certain products or services by engaging in
the business of producing or brokering (s.189 CL). A cooperative company
remains subject to the provisions governing either the joint stock companies
or the limited liability companies, depending on their form (s.190 CL).Saudi
Arabia reports that, as at 29April 2015, there were no cooperative companies registered.
All companies formed under Saudi Arabian law are required to establish their head office in Saudi Arabia and are deemed to have Saudi Arabian
nationality (s.14 CL).
Registered shares (as opposed to bearer shares, see sectionA.1.2) in
a joint stock company shall be transferred by means of entry in the shareholders register kept by the company. This register must contain the name,
nationality, residence address and occupation of each shareholder, and the
number of shares held by him, with the amount paid up on such shares (s.102
CL). These rules equally apply to partnerships limited by shares (s.155
CL). In regard to joint stock companies, the register is verified annually by
a representative from the MCI who is present during the general assembly
meeting. In respect of listed joint stock companies, Saudi Arabia explains
that the Capital Market Authority (CMA) updates the register daily. Updates
are electronically registered in the Depository and Settlement System in
the Securities Depository Centre at the Saudi Stock Exchange. Regarding
the obligation to keep the shareholders register, Saudi Arabia reports that
Within 15-30days of the decision of the Minister of Commerce to
declare the founding of the company, all company forms are required to be
registered in the Register of Companies that is maintained by the General
Administration of Companies within the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
(s.21, 65, 164 and 200 CL).
Commercial Register
In addition to recording its articles of association with the public
notary and providing certain details to the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, companies must also apply for registration in the Commercial
Register within thirty days of the date on which its articles of association was
recorded at the public notary (s.52 CL and s.3 Commercial Register Law
(CRL)). The following details must be registered:
a. the type of company and its trade name;
b. the companys activity;
c. the companys capital;
d. the date of the companys incorporation and expiration;
e. the names, place and date of birth, address and nationality of the
managers of the company and the signatories on their behalf; and
the address of the head office of the company and its branches and
agencies inside and outside Saudi Arabia.
A copy of the companys articles of association and its bylaws (if
any) must also be provided. The manager of the company shall apply for
registration of any amendment to the information already registered within
thirty days of the occurrence of the amendment (s.4CRL). Non-compliance
with the registration requirements can result in a fine of not more than
SAR50000 (EUR1207510094) (s.15CRL).
In practice
As noted, incorporation of companies includes the involvement of
the Ministry of Justice (public notary) and the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry. In practice, the articles of association of each company are reviewed
by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry before being referred to the public
notary. The public notary will only authenticate the articles of association
after it has certified that these documents have been reviewed by the Ministry
of Commerce and Industry. Following this, the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry in its turn, will not register a company in the Commercial Register
unless it has the articles of association authenticated by the public notary.
According to Saudi Arabia around 77% of return filing done electronically and
payments are done online by accessing an electronic payment system available
at all banks through the payment system that is known as SADDAD.
behind this is to improve the collection of zakat and tax through enhanced
compliance and a reduction in processing time. As a result, zakat and tax
revenues have been increasing at a rate of around 20 percent per year through
the last five years.
To properly administer the income tax and zakat regimes, the Saudi
Arabian tax authorities need full ownership information of companies, as it
depends on the status of the shareholders (Saudi or non-Saudi) to determine
whether the companys income is subject to income tax or zakat, or both (see
also the Introduction). To facilitate this, all companies formed under Saudi
Arabian law should register with the Department of Zakat and Income Tax
(the tax authorities).
In respect of the companies that have one or more foreign shareholders, the obligation to register is found in section57(a) of the Income Tax Law
(ITL). The registration form for companies contains a sheet for filling out
details on all of their shareholders, including their names, addresses, the date
on which the shares were acquired and the ownership percentage. The tax
authorities have stated that they send out a form to all taxpayers at the start of
every year requesting them to submit any changes to the registered details. In
addition, an income tax return must be filed on an annual basis (s.60ITL),
which requires the company to indicate whether changes have occurred in
its ownership and if so, to provide the updated ownership information. Noncompliance with the timely filing of the complete annual income tax return
can result in a penalty of maximum SAR20000 (EUR4830) or between 5%
and 25% of unpaid tax (s.76ITL).
In total there are 280455 taxpayers and zakat payers in Saudi Arabia
as of 29April 2015. Statistics from DZIT further show that this number is
composed as follows:
Companies had to register separately with DZIT during the three
year review period and fill out a subscription form on-line and submit a
number of documents, including the companies Commercial Registration.
Upon registration, DZIT allocates a TIN to the requesting company, as well
as a registration certificate that is valid for one year.8
Registration, filing, payment and certification procedures are the same for all entities, whether taxpayers or zakat payers. If the mixed company is a capital company,
it is considered one legal entity regardless of its shareholders. If the mixed company
General partnerships
As these statistics demonstrate, the number of registration penalties
generally dropped by 30% to 50% since 2012. However, it should also be noted
that the number of registered companies dropped in this period as well. As Saudi
Arabia explains a considerable number of inactive companies got cancelled and
were removed from the Chamber of Commerce registration, following a sharp
increase of the (initial and yearly) registration fees in 2013 (see section above). A
closer look at the number shows that the decrease in the number of registration
penalties keeps abreast with the number of registered entities and arrangements
in Saudi Arabia, as there was a comparable decrease in the same period.
A similar pattern can be noted in respect of the filing penalties
that DZIT imposed for non-timely or non-complete filing of the annual tax
returns, as can be demonstrated with the following statistics that were provided by Saudi Arabia.
Filing penalties issued by DZIT in respect of tax payers
Type of entity
General partnerships
Limited Partnerships
is a partnership, the partnership itself is not subject to tax but it is required to file
information return, and each partner is required to file its own return showing the
result of all its activities including its share from the partnership.
Companies that only have Saudi citizens as shareholders are not
subject to income tax (see also Introduction). However, these companies
are subject to zakat (s.2 Royal Decree on Zakat Regulations and s.1 Zakat
Regulations). This requires them to file an annual declaration to the tax
authorities (s.8 Zakat Regulations). If not already registered, the tax authorities register the company upon its first zakat declaration. The tax authorities
confirmed that the same details as for companies subject to income tax are
registered, and this information is updated annually following the same procedure as for such companies, including the annual submission of a zakat
While there are no monetary or criminal penalties for failure to register as a zakat payer or for failure to file the annual zakat declaration (which
includes ownership information), this will result in the denial by the tax
authorities to issue a zakat certificate. The zakat certificate is issued annually to certify that a person has complied with its duties to pay zakat, and is
required for a person to bid for contracts and obtain licenses to do business.
Moreover, Government agencies do not provide services nor make payments
to a party unless that party presents such a clearance certificate from DZIT.
According to the Saudi Arabian authorities it would be very difficult if not
impossible to (commercially) operate in Saudi Arabia without a valid zakat
Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is a significant difference
in the number of companies registered with the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, which amounts to approximately 40000, and with DZIT, where
approximately 25000companies are registered. As Saudi Arabia explains,
the main reasons for this gap are primarily inactive companies that dont
trigger any zakat liability because they dont start any business activities.
However, there are no cases where the availability of relevant ownership and
identity information would solely depend on a registration of company with
DZIT.9 In addition it can be noted that monitoring in respect of the requirements to keep and update ownership information takes place primarily by the
MCI (see also A.1.6 below). This issue is therefore not likely to have influence on the availability of ownership information if an EOI partner would so
Full ownership information in respect of limited liability companies and partnerships is available with the MCI. The same information regarding joint stock
companies is included in the shareholder register that is kept by the company
itself (for listed joint stock companies this information is kept with the Capital
Market Authority.
Saudi Arabia states that it envisages to significantly reduce the gap further. As
Saudi Arabia explains this is a combined effort by all agencies concerned, and
DZIT is working closely with MCI to close this gap. Saudi Arabia notes that
although MCI has no powers to strike off a company just for being inactive, it is
empowered to suspend services to companies that fail to comply with statutory
requirements, such as a failure to renew the Commercial Register or to submit
financial statements. Failures that can typically be associated with inactive
companies. In this respect Saudi Arabia further reports that to date, MCI has
suspended services to a total of 26143companies. In respect of 13132companies this was related to issues concerning the expiry of CR and non-filing of
financial statements, in the remaining 13011cases it was related to a non-filing
of financial statements. Saudi Arabia stresses that DZIT is working closely with
MCI to close the remaining gap.
AML-related supervision on company service providers, including
accountants, is exercised by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry. Oversight
on the performance of auditing activity takes place by the Saudi Organisation
for Certified Public Accountants (SOCPA). SOCPA oversees accountants and
auditors, both with respect to their AML obligations, as well as the quality
of the review. All auditors are subject to independent monitoring and review
through desk audits and on-site inspections by SOCPA. In addition, there is
a joint Committee of MCI and SOCPA, chaired by MCI, to look at malpractices by accountants in respect of AML. In this respect, Saudi Arabia reports
that, to date, there has been no malpractice reported nor any fines or penalties
imposed. Supervision of lawyers is in the hands of the follow-up administration of the Ministry of Justice. The inspections could be targeted and sudden
(for instance in case of a complaint), or at random taking into account a variety
of factors. During inspections checks take place regarding license, contracts,
clients, staff and office signs to ensure that this information corresponds fully
with the license information of the concerned attorney office (Name, qualification, classification). Regarding the frequency of the inspections Saudi Arabia
explains that audit offices are reviewed based on an annual desk-audit. For
this purpose all audit offices are required to submit specified information to
SOCPA. In addition to these annual desk-audits field audits take place. All
audit offices are subject to field-audits by SOCPA. Large audit offices that are
licensed to audit stock companies will be subject of a field audit once every
three years. The other offices will be subject to such an audit every five years.
In addition SOCPA also conducts Sudden Field Inspections. Saudi Arabia
reports that SOCPA makes sudden field inspections of all audit offices at
least once a year to ensure compliance with specified procedures. The Joint
Investigation Committee looks at malpractices of auditors and accountants
reported by any party, such as SOCPA, individuals, Capital Market Authority,
DZIT and the Audit Bureau. Over the last two years more than 500 lawyer
offices were inspected Kingdom-wide including Riyadh, Makkah, Jeddah,
Dammam, Al-Khobar, Al-Ehsa, Al-Madina, Hail and Tabouk. As a result of
the inspections, it was found that that the major cases of non-compliance were
mainly related to cases of persons impersonating lawyers (95cases in 2014).
These cases were referred to the Prosecutor General. Apart from this, Saudi
Arabia explains that no major issues came up and inspections would confirm
that required information is generally available.
Foreign companies
In general, foreign companies need a license to carry on business
in Saudi Arabia. As at June 2015, there were 5932companies wholly owned
by foreigners licensed to carry on business in Saudi Arabia. Any foreign
company that is licensed to open a branch or an office in Saudi Arabia must
register with the Commercial Register (s.6LCR). However, this registration
Nominee shareholdings are not expressly regulated under Saudi
Arabias commercial laws, but nothing prevents shares from being held by
a nominee, although it is unclear what legal status a nominee contract has.
In any case, under the AMLL service providers must verify the identity
of their clients and also determine whether a client is acting on behalf of
another person, and if so, verify the identity of that other person (s.5 AMLL
and Regulation 4-4 AMLL). Service providers covered by these obligations
include financial institutions, lawyers, accountants and persons providing company services (s.1 AMLL and Regulation 1-2 AMLL). It may be
expected that providing nominee shareholding services is regarded a company service, although the term company services is not defined. In any
case, persons who would be expected to act professionally as a nominee
shareholder are generally covered by the obligations under the AMLL to
identify the person they are acting for. Non-compliance with these obligations
can lead to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and (or) a fine
not exceeding SAR500000(EUR120757) (s.20 AMLL).
Nominee shareholders that are not service providers covered by the
AMLL do not have a specific legal obligation to retain identity information
on the person for whom they act as the legal owner. It may be expected that
such nominees do know who their client is in order to correctly perform their
duties as a nominee. In addition, these nominees might establish a relationship with a financial institution in Saudi Arabia (e.g.opening a bank account
to receive dividends on the shares they hold) and, as explained in the previous
paragraph, in that case the financial institution is required to verify the identity of the person for whom the nominee acts as a legal owner, and to retain
this information. In any case, the group of nominee shareholders not covered
by the AMLL would primarily consist of persons performing services gratuitously or in the course of a purely private non-business relationship and
is therefore likely to be limited. As to this, Saudi Arabia reports that ownership details of nominee shareholders that are not service providers will be
available at local financial institutions and are obtainable by the competent
authority to be exchanged with a partner under an effective treaty nominees
not acting by way of business which are not covered by AML obligations.
In practice peers did not flag any issues regarding professional
or non-professional nominees during the period under review. The Saudi
Arabian competent authority, from its end, confirms that it did not encounter
any requests for this type of ownership information or any other practical
difficulties in this respect either.
a joint stock company which had issued bearer shares, while representatives
of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry attend the shareholder meetings
of all joint stock companies on an annual basis (Article84 of the company
Law provides that companies are legally obliged to hold a general assembly
meeting every year). At these meetings, the representative of the Ministry of
Commerce and Industry must establish that the quorum (50%) is met and if
not, the meeting cannot take place. For this purpose, the representative checks
the capital and voting structure of the company, which includes a check of
the register of shareholders and other documentation relevant to determine
the percentage of shares and voting rights kept by each shareholder. In addition, the identity of the attendees or their proxies is checked. This means that,
whether or not all shareholders attend the meeting, the comprehensive checks
done by the representative of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry give a
decisive answer as to whether all the shares are in registered form and all the
shareholders are included. The checks performed by the representative of the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry are based on Article83 of the CL and
the MCI Operating Procedures.
Notwithstanding the reference in the CL to bearer shares, joint stock
companies must also comply with tax and zakat law. As mentioned above
under A.1.1, the Saudi Arabian tax authorities need full ownership information of companies, as it depends on the status of the shareholders (Saudi or
non-Saudi) whether the companys income is subject to income tax or zakat,
or both. For that reason, ownership information must be furnished to the tax
authorities upon registration and with the annual income tax return or zakat
declaration. In order to meet these obligations, joint stock companies need
to be able to identify their shareholders at all times and bearer shares would
therefore not be issued, which is further ensured through the comprehensive checks on all joint stock companies by the Ministry of Commerce and
Industry as described in the previous paragraph. In addition, compliance
with these requirements is checked by DZIT through desk and field audits in
respect of all zakat and income tax payers and is further secured by penalties
that have been applied in practice.
100. Finally, it is noted that in respect of companies the shares of which
are traded on the stock exchange, section27 of the Capital Market Law
requires the registration of ownership records. According to the Saudi Arabian
authorities, this means that no bearer shares can be traded on the Saudi Stock
Exchange. As at July 2015, 171companies are traded on the Saudi Stock
101. It can be concluded that it is not possible for limited liability companies to issue bearer shares. Joint stock companies and partnerships limited
by shares may have a possibility to issue bearer shares under the Companies
Law, but registration of such entities would not be accepted in these
Partnerships (ToRA.1.3)
102. In Saudi Arabia, partnerships are governed by the same law as companies, the CL, and the definition of the term company of section1 CL (see
above) also applies to partnerships. The CL sets out rules for the following
types of partnerships:
111. All partnerships formed under Saudi Arabian law are registered
with the tax authorities. Partnerships with one or more foreign partners as
well as foreign partnerships carrying on business in Saudi Arabia through
a permanent establishment must register according to section57(a) of the
Income Tax Law (ITL). The registration form for partnerships is the same as
for companies (partnerships are often referred to as personal companies in
Saudi Arabia) and contains a sheet for filling out details on their shareholders
(= partners), including their names, addresses, the date on which the shares
were acquired and the ownership percentage. The tax authorities indicated
that they send out a form to all taxpayers at the start of every year requesting
them to submit any changes to the registered details. In addition, an income
tax return must be filed on an annual basis (s.60ITL), which includes an
attachment containing information on the partners. Non-compliance with the
timely filing of the complete annual income tax return can result in a penalty
of maximum SAR20000 (EUR4830) or between 5% and 25% of unpaid
tax (s.76ITL).
112. Partnerships that only have Saudi citizens as partners are not subject
to income tax (see also Introduction). However, these partnerships are subject
to zakat (s.2 Royal Decree on Zakat Regulations and s.1 Zakat Regulations).
This requires them to file an annual declaration to the tax authorities (s.8
Zakat Regulations). If not already registered, the tax authorities register the
partnership upon its first zakat declaration. The tax authorities confirmed
that the same details as for partnerships subject to income tax are registered,
and this information is updated annually following the same procedure as
for such partnerships including the annual submission of a zakat declaration.
113. Regarding supervision, Saudi Arabia explains that all measures
described above to ensure compliance with registration and filing requirements by companies also apply to partnerships.
Trusts (ToRA.1.4)
116. In Saudi Arabia, the concept of trusts does not exist. However, there
is nothing in Saudi Arabias laws that would prevent a person from acting as
a trustee or trust administrator of a trust formed under foreign law.
117. A fiduciary concept, similar to endowments, known as waqf exists.
A waqf is formed if one person, the waqif, brings assets under the control of
another person, in Saudi Arabia called a nadr. In general, waqf is seen as a
voluntary act of benevolence, which means that it cannot be established for the
benefit of rich people alone, and the waqifs wishes must be respected to the
letter unless they violate Islamic law. The concept of waqf is generally used
to provide public charitable services. These are directed to the use of a property or asset towards common good and benefit to the public at large, and the
vast majority of the waqfs falls into this category. It is also possible to form a
private waqf, which still must adhere to the general principle of benevolence.
118. A waqf is in principle also established forever. This means that the
assets in a waqf are often real estate or other assets with a certain level of perpetuity. The assets generally become inalienable and the proceeds are spent
for the benefit of the beneficiaries or, if no specific beneficiaries exist, for a
philanthropic purpose. The perpetuity of waqf means that the assets proceeds
fall either to the benefit of a string of beneficiaries or a (general) philanthropic
purpose. However, recipients can only be Saudi nationals and the proceeds of
the waqf are restricted to the geographical area (often the town or province)
where the waqf was established. Where the (string of) beneficiaries are no
longer alive, the revenues of the assets of the waqf will be allocated to a philanthropic purpose as close as possible to the initial purpose.11
The general information on the concept of waqf is mainly taken from http://
120. After receiving a court order validating the waqf or validating changes
to the waqf instrument, every waqf is required to register with the Waqf
Administration belonging to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Waqf (s.9 Waqf
Regulations). The Waqf by-law provides that a copy of each waqf deed is to be
provided by the concerned court to Ministry of Islamic Affairs. For this purpose
the court will issue a specific certificate (the waqf deed) that states that the
court validates the waqf or the changes to the waqf instrument. As at November
2015, there were 8570 waqfs registered. These waqfs are public waqfs or they
become public after the decease of beneficiaries. The Waqf Administration has
local offices administering or supervising all waqfs. In respect of public charitable waqfs the Waqf Administration keeps a copy of the waqf deed identifying
the waqif, the endowed property or asset and the purpose of the waqf. Public
charitable waqfs are directly managed by the Waqf Administration in the town
where the assets are located (s.2 Waqf Regulations).
121. In practice, the court will provide a copy of the waqf deed to the local
office. The waqf Administration registers this information in its electronic
database. A full copy of all relevant information is also available on the
central level. Saudi Arabia further explains that this database will be further
linked to the central database in the near future. Field inspections may take
place by the waqf Administration to ensure compliance and keep oversight.
Saudi Arabia further explains that major investments have to be approved
separately by the High Waqf Council.
122. The Waqf Administration also supervises private waqfs. For that
purpose, the Waqf Administration keeps a copy of the waqf deed of private waqfs as well, and keeps a file identifying the waqif, the nadr, the
endowed property or assets and the beneficiaries (s.7 Waqf Regulations). If
there are no more surviving beneficiaries or upon approval of the nadr or a
court, the administration of a private waqf falls into the hands of the Waqf
Administration and its proceeds will be allocated to a public purpose (s.4
Waqf Regulations). Of the approximately 8500 waqfs registered in Saudi
Arabia only about 1% are managed by private individuals (nadr) and all
others are directly managed by the Waqf Administration. As Saudi Arabia
explains purely private waqfs are overseen by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
For this purpose representatives of the Ministry attend the meetings of the
Waqf board that administers this type of waqfs.
Foreign trusts
124. Any person providing trust services, which would include a trustee
or a trust administrator of a foreign trust, is subject to the requirements under
the AMLL (Regulation 1-2 AMLL). This means that the identity of their
clients must be verified (s.5 AMLL).No specific requirements on which
information must be obtained if the client is a trust are provided for. However,
the AML/CFT Guidelines for banks and money exchangers provides that
where the client is a trustee, the bank must determine the provider of the
funds (settlor), those who have control over the funds (trustees) and the persons who have the power to remove the trustee (paragraph4.5.7 AML/CFT
Guidelines for banks and money exchangers). This implies that where the
trustee itself is the person who must perform customer due diligence, such
information is the minimum that he would have to obtain. However, such
information does not include information on the identity of the beneficiaries.
125. Documentation in respect of the customer due diligence carried out
must be kept by the service provider for at least ten years after completing
the transaction (s.6 AMLL). Failure to carry out customer due diligence
or to keep the documentation for at least ten years can lead to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and (or) a fine not exceeding
SAR500000(EUR120765) (s.20 AMLL). As noted above under the item
Nominee identity information. AML-related supervision on company service providers including accountants is exercised by Ministry of Commerce
and Industry as well as the Ministry of Justice in respect of lawyers.
private waqfs are overseen by the Ministry of Social Affairs. For this purpose representatives of the Ministry attend the meetings of the Waqf board
that administers this type of waqfs. This combination of legal requirements
and oversight ensures the availability of identity information on all waqfs in
Saudi Arabia.
127. Saudi Arabian trustees of foreign trusts are subject to requirements to
identify their client (which is typically the trust and/or the settlor and/or the
beneficiaries) under the AML/CFT legislation. However, no clear guidance is
provided on what information must be obtained by the trustee to satisfy these
requirements. It is therefore recommended that Saudi Arabia ensures that
ownership information on foreign trusts with a trustee or trust administrator
in Saudi Arabia is available in all cases.
Foundations (ToRA.1.5)
128. Foundations exist in Saudi Arabia to the extent that it is possible to
form a legal entity to which assets are transferred by the founder(s), which are
then held for the benefit of a particular purpose. Such entities are referred to
as philanthropic associations. However, it is only possible to form such entities for charitable purposes (ss.3 and 4 of the Implementing Regulations of
By-Law of Philanthropic Associations and Organisations), and therefore they
are of limited pertinence to the exchange of information for tax purposes. The
Ministry of Social Affairs issues licenses to ensure the foundation operation
is in line with the foundations purposes and objectives. The Ministry of
Social Affairs has the jurisdiction to monitor the performance of foundations
including its assets (could be waqfs) consecrated in full or in part for these
foundations. As at 29April 2015, there were 666 philanthropic associations
registered in Saudi Arabia with the Ministry of Social Affairs, which is
responsible for regulating and overseeing their operations. Saudi Arabian
authorities stated that for supervision purposes, the Ministry of Social Affairs
has available up-to-date information on the members of the associations as
well as on the members of the governing body.
136. All waqfs in Saudi Arabia are registered with the Waqf Administration
and are either directly managed or supervised by the Waqf Administration,
which ensures that the Waqf Administration has full identity information
on all waqfs. As noted, the court will provide a copy of the waqf deed to the
local office of the waqf Administration. This includes full identity information regarding the founder and the beneficiaries of the waqf, the waqf
Administration will also include this information in its electronic database. A
full copy of all relevant information is therefore also available on the central
level. In relation to trustees and trust administrators of foreign trusts subject
to AMLL, a failure to identify their client (which may contain identifying the
settlors and/or beneficiaries) can lead to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two years and (or) a fine not exceeding SAR500000(EUR120076) (s.20
AMLL). AML-related supervision on company service providers, including accountants, is exercised by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Supervision of lawyers is in the hands of the follow-up administration of the
Ministry of Justice. Reference can be made to the section regarding AML
supervision of service providers that is included in paragraph86 above.
Registration with DZIT and filing of the annual tax or zakat return
137. Ownership information must also be provided to the tax authorities upon registration and upon filing the annual tax or zakat return. This
applies to all entities and arrangements subject to income tax or zakat, which
includes all companies (including foreign companies effectively managed
from Saudi Arabia) and partnerships. In respect of persons subject to income
tax, a fine not less than SAR1000 (EUR242) and not exceeding SAR10000
(EUR2416) shall be imposed for failure to register (s.57(c) ITL), while noncompliance with the timely filing of the complete annual income tax return
Saudi Arabia should ensure that ownership
information on foreign trusts with a trustee
or trust administrator in Saudi Arabia is
available in all cases.
144. A condition for exchange of information for tax purposes to be effective is that reliable information, foreseeably relevant to the tax requirements of a
requesting jurisdiction, is available, or can be made available, in a timely manner.
This requires clear rules regarding the maintenance of accounting records.
Any manager, director, auditor or liquidator of a company or partnership who knowingly includes false information in the balance sheet
or profit and loss statement, or in the related reports, or who omits
facts from such reports with the intention of concealing the financial
position of the company or partnership.
Commercial books
152. Under the Commercial Books Law (CBL) merchants are required
to keep the commercial books required by the nature and importance of his
trade in a way that shows his exact financial status and the rights and obligations pertaining to his trade. In addition, the merchant shall at least keep an
original journal, an inventory book and a general ledger (s.1 CBL).More specific requirements are that all financial transactions shall be recorded, and a
copy of the annual statement regarding the financial position of the merchant
156. The concept of taxpayer under the ITL is limited and does not include
companies and partnerships with no foreign shareholders or partners (ss.1
and 2 ITL). The obligation to keep accounting records under ITL therefore
only applies to a limited number of entities.
157. Companies and partnerships with Saudi citizens as shareholders or
partners, as well as waqfs which have identified persons as beneficiaries, are
subject to the Zakat Regulations (ZR). This means that they are required to
keep organised books that show capital, receipts and expenditure relevant
to their activity for each year (s.6 ZR). This obligation should ensure that
accounting records are held that correctly explain all transactions (receipts
and expenditure) and enables the entities financial position to be determined with reasonable accuracy (capital). This information should then
allow financial statements to be prepared. No penalties apply for not keeping
accounting records under s.6 ZR. However, it can be noted that DZIT will
not issue a new Zakat certificate if the person or company involved has not
met all relevant requirements.
158. An obligation to keep certain accounting records also applies to
all residents in Saudi Arabia who make payments to a non-resident from
a source in Saudi Arabia that are subject to withholding tax (s.68(a) ITL).
All payments for services provided are subject to withholding tax, as well
as dividends, loan charges (interest) and royalties (s.63 ITL Regulations).
The records to be held are the records relevant to prove compliance with the
withholding tax provisions, and shall at least include the name and address of
the recipient, the type and amount of the payment and the amount withheld
(s.68(b)(4) ITL and s.63(9)(c) ITL Regulations).
159. Another source for the tax authorities to obtain certain accounting
information lies in the obligation for all persons (not only taxpayers) and government bodies to provide them with information on contracts concluded with
the private sector within three months of the date of conclusion of the contract
(s.61(c) ITL). The Saudi Arabian authorities indicate that the private sector
includes all individuals, entities and arrangements that conduct business in
Saudi Arabia. The information shall include the names and addresses of the
parties, the subject of the contract, its value and financial terms and the execution and completion dates. Section58 ITL Regulations further clarifies that
the obligation applies with respect to construction, service and delivery contracts with a value of at least SAR100000 (EUR24159). The tax authorities
also have the right to request a copy of the contract. Any person responsible
for notifying the tax authorities who fails to comply with such obligation shall
be jointly liable with the taxpayer for the tax due on the contract and for any
tax penalties resulting therefrom (s.58(2) ITL Regulations). Saudi Arabia
explains that DZIT makes sure that all contractors are registered. This information is further supplemented with data regarding imports that the Customs
Notes: a. This programme started in 2013. According to information available at its website www. as of August 2015, SOCPA in total has approximately 5000members, divided
over 147 offices.
c. An office that fails to file this information is automatically referred to the SOCPA Investigation
172. During the inspections the adherence to accounting and (international) auditing standards is assessed, as well as the competence of the
individual auditors. During an onsite inspections specialised review groups
review samples of audit files (performed by the office under review) to assure
compliance with laws and professional standards, and with the approved
quality control standards for accounting offices and their elements such
as independence. Both procedural aspects and the quality of the work and
It can be noted that the requirement to be audited is not dependent on whether the
company is active or inactive.
SOCPA was formed by Royal Decree. It is an independent legal entity managed
by a board of directors chaired by Minister of Commerce and Industry, with
members from government agencies, private and academic sectors. As Saudi
Arabia explains SOCPA basically oversees the certified public accountants performance. MCI is the competent authority to monitor compliance with keeping
accounting records requirements.
Phase2 rating
Largely compliant.
Factors underlying recommendations
188. The customer identification obligations and record keeping obligations on all transactions require banking information to be available in Saudi
Arabia for all account holders.
In practice
189. The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) is responsible for
supervision of the compliance with all the requirements stemming from the
AMLL, including the record keeping requirements for banks. SAMA supervises compliance with these requirements, as a part of the general supervision,
but also through targeted on-site inspections focused on AML issues. Within
SAMA the Inspection (on-site) and Supervision (off-site) Departments are
responsible for banking supervision.
190. The supervision model takes into account a combination of on-site
and off-site inspections. Off-site supervision consists of an analysis of the
documents and reports that are submitted by financial institutions on a periodical basis as well as the specific issues that were flagged during onsite
visits. As Saudi Arabia explains, all banks will get a full scope audit by
SAMA each year. Full scope on-site work is usually done by a joint team
of SAMA examiners and staff from an accounting firm (usually a big four
firm). SAMA checks selected institutions on their compliance with Saudi
Arabias anti-money laundering laws, evaluates the adequacy of customer due
diligence (CDD) measures taken and assesses the sufficiency of the implementation of know your customer (KYC) rules, while the accounting firm
will be looking at the financial accounts of the bank involved. In February
2012, SAMA updated the rules of opening bank accounts and the general
rules for their operation which stress that banks shall not conduct any transaction for any customer unless having sufficiently reviewed and verified the
customer identity.
191. SAMA carried out around 100 on-site targeted inspections annually
relating to AML/CFT in financial institutions regarding the years 2011, 2012
and 2013, as demonstrated in the table below. This included all domestic
banks (12) and all branches of foreign banks (12). Field inspections cover
various programmes. In addition to full scope inspections, SAMA conducts
targeted inspections regarding AML and CFT, UN Security Council resolutions implementation, or fiscal evasion. The same entity could therefore be
inspected several times a year under different programmes. Although Saudi
Arabia did not yet have the numbers for the year 2014, it stated that SAMA
representatives carried out supervisory visits to all banks branches of foreign
banks operating in Saudi Arabia during 2014 and prepared reports risks
related thereof.
Field inspections
192. Regarding the amount of penalties imposed in relation to the breaching of AML/CFT requirements and the number of entities involved, statistics
provided by Saudi Arabia show that the number of entities involved reached
a peak in the year 2012 and fell quite drastically in the year after that. As
Saudi Arabia explains this is related to the AML/CFT programmes that
were carried out mainly during the years 2010 to 2012 and which specifically targeted compliance with customer identification requirements as well
as CDD measures. Supervisory bodies continued during the years 2013 and
2014 to implement inspection programmes and follow up to verify that such
institutions comply. The drop in penalties reflects the improvements that the
supervised entities made in this field following these programmes conducted
in the period 2010-12. Saudi Arabia confirms that the seriousness of the
contravention in 2013 was on average less important than in 2011, explaining
why the average gross amount of penalty in 2013 is considerably lower.
Number of institutions and financial fines that were imposed by SAMA to
the subjected institutions in respect of AML/CFT
No. of entities
193. During the three-year review period, bank information was requested
in at least four cases. Peers indicated that bank information was not provided
in all the cases where they requested for that type of information. Saudi
Arabia explains that in these cases the information exchange agreements
did not contain a provisions corresponding to Articles26(4) and 26(5) of the
OECD Model Tax Convention, and therefore it was not able to provide bank
information in response to EOI requests. However, Saudi Arabia stated that it
would not face any difficulties in obtaining this type of information in cases
where the EOI agreement did contain these provisions. Saudi Arabia explains
that it was able to obtain this type of information for EOI purposes in three
cases. Saudi Arabia further clarifies that it asked for this type of information
in domestic cases, and that the information in these cases was available. They
further explain that in these cases SAMA would be the main source for banking information in cases where this type of information is requested. Saudi
Arabia reports that SAMA provided information to DZIT for domestic purposes in response to (in total) 9 requests from DZIT in 2012, 34 requests in
2013, 31 request in 2014, and 81 requests during the year 2015. Saudi Arabia
explains that these numbers include responses to three EOI requests that were
made in 2014 and 2015.
194. The customer identification obligations and record keeping obligations on all transactions require banking information to be available in Saudi
Arabia for all account holders. Compliance by banks in respect of these legal
obligations is checked and supervised by the SAMA. Through their inspections, it has been established that banks keep the required information on
their clients and transactions.
Determination and factors underlying recommendations
The element is in place.
Phase2 rating
B. Access to information
195. A variety of information may be needed in respect of the administration and enforcement of relevant tax laws and jurisdictions should have the
authority to access all such information. This includes information held by
banks and other financial institutions as well as information concerning the
ownership of companies or the identity of interest holders in other persons
or entities. This section of the report examines whether Saudi Arabias legal
and regulatory framework gives to its competent authority access powers
that cover all relevant persons and information, and whether the rights and
safeguards that are in place would be compatible with effective exchange of
information. It also assesses the effectiveness of this framework in practice.
196. Saudi Arabias competent authority, the Department of Zakat and
Income Tax, has the power to request all types of information from any
person, including other government bodies, irrespective of whether or not
the person is subject to tax in Saudi Arabia. This power can be used for information exchange purposes under a relevant international agreement, such
as a Double Taxation Convention, where the agreement contains a provision
corresponding to Article26(4) of the OECD Model Tax Convention. This is
because the hierarchy of laws in Saudi Arabia, based on the Islamic Shariah,
places international agreements providing for exchange of tax information
above domestic legislation once the international agreement is implemented
in Saudi Arabian domestic law by Royal Decree.
197. Following the same hierarchy of laws, the principle of bank secrecy
is overridden by international agreements containing a provision corresponding to Article26(5) of the OECD Model Tax Convention. In these cases,
the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) will use its own information
gathering powers to obtain information from banks when requested to do so
by Saudi Arabias competent authority.
198. As at July 2015, 23 out of the 43DTCs concluded by Saudi Arabia contain provisions corresponding to Articles26(4) and 26(5) of the OECD Model
203. Under Saudi Arabias DTCs the Minister of Finance or his authorised representative is the designated competent authority. The Department
of Zakat and Income Tax (DZIT) has been delegated this task. DZIT also
exercises the powers to obtain information for information exchange purposes. Since June 2015 contact information for Saudi Arabias competent
authority is fully identifiable on the Global Forum website.
206. In respect of bank information, it is noted that DZIT will not request
the information directly from a bank, but will make a request to SAMA
under section61(a) ITL, which in turn will seek the information from the
banks under the Banking Control Law (BCL). The background to this procedure is that SAMA, like DZIT, is a government authority falling under the
responsibility of the Minister of Finance and any dealings with banks from
the government side should go through SAMA (see further B.1.5). Saudi
Arabia clarified that it has responded on 20September 2015 to a request
for bank information in response to the request sent on 17December 2014.
Regarding the question whether the name of the account holder is required to
obtain bank information, Saudi Arabia clarifies that an IBAN number or any
other unique identifying information is sufficient to obtain the information.
207. Regarding the use of its access powers for domestic purposes, it
can be noted that Saudi Arabia has quite considerable experience with the
employment of its access powers to obtain bank information for domestic
purposes. As noted in the context of elementA.3 above, Saudi Arabia reports
that DZIT obtained bank information for domestic purposes from SAMA in
response to (in total) 31 request in 2014, and 81 requests during the year of
208. Saudi Arabia received a total of 9 requests during the period under
review. However, due to a number of different reasons, which are further
elaborated under this element and elementC.5 below, Saudi Arabia only used
its access powers in a limited amount of cases. The situation is the following:
Two requests were not answered as the EOI agreement lacked provisions similar to art.26, paragraph4 and 5 of the OECD Model DTC,
although in one of these cases it could also not be established whether
the entity actually existed in Saudi Arabia. These issues are further
clarified in sections B1.3 and B.1.5 of the report;
Two requests are still pending and in different stages of being processed. Some of these cases are pending for a longer period of time.
One request (in respect of purchases in relation to companies in the
requesting jurisdiction regarding the years 2007-10 was sent 31July
2013 and sent to one of the branches of DZIT. These cases are further
dealt with underC.5.
213. However, this is different where the international agreement contains a provision corresponding to Article26(4) of the OECD Model Tax
Convention. This provision states that the contracting parties shall use their
information gathering measures irrespective of whether they need such
information for their own tax purposes. Following section35 ITL and the
general hierarchy of law as described above, this means that Saudi Arabia
can and must use its access powers for information exchange purposes under
a DTC or other international agreement, such as a Tax Information Exchange
Agreement (TIEA) or the Multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative
Assistance in Tax Matters, in order to fulfil the obligations under that international agreement, if the agreement contains a provision corresponding to
Article26(4) of the OECD Model Tax Convention.
214. This is supported by an amendment that Saudi Arabia made to its
Income Tax Law Implementing Regulations as of 19March 2014 to further
clarify the applicability of the access powers stipulated in section61(a) ITL.
Following the amendment, section58 (1) of the Implementing Regulations
now clarifies that the scope of DZITs access powers of section61 ITL
includes the power to obtain information it may request relevant to the
administration of Income Tax Law including implementation of tax treaties
to which the Kingdom is a party.16 Although this amendment clarifies that
the access powers stipulated in section61(a) ITL can be used for EOI purposes, it does not extend the use of these powers to situation where the treaty
or agreement lacks a provision corresponding to Article26(4) of the OECD
Model Tax Convention.
215. In practice, this situation materialised in 2012 when Saudi Arabia
received two requests for accounting information from one of its EOI partners. One of the requests also asked for bank information. The peer involved
noted that it did not receive any answer to these requests. In response, Saudi
Arabia explains that the EOI agreement did not include provisions similar
to paragraphs4 and paragraph5 (in respect of bank information) of the
OECD Model Tax Convention, although the EOI requests made reference
to the existence of such provisions. These issues are further clarified in sectionB.1.5 of the report.
16. In this respect Saudi Arabia further explains that any natural and corporate
person, taxpayer or not, who refuses to provide information to DZIT for
exchange of information purposes is considered to be not in compliance with
statutory requirements. This requirement applies to zakat payers as well, being
persons. Saudi Arabia explains that in case of non-compliance, DZIT will use
available means to enforce those who fail to comply with this requirement,
including denying the zakat certificate to zakat payers who refuse to comply with
this requirement.
217. Saudi Arabia was unable to answer two requests for information
during the period under review due to the restrictions under its domestic
law and the applicable EOI agreements. Although the entry into force of the
Multilateral Convention will bring the EOI relationship with 36 of its 43DTC
partners, including its main EOI partners, in line with the standard, it should
be noted that Saudi Arabia still has little practical experience in obtaining
information for EOI purposes in general and in exchanging (bank) information under bilateral EOI agreements which include 26(4) (and 26(5)) for EOI
purposes (see also B.1.5 below). Saudi Arabia should therefore monitor that
it obtains and exchanges information in accordance with the standard under
the EOI agreements that allow Saudi Arabia to obtain information regardless
of a domestic tax interest provided for by Saudi Arabias domestic legislation.
the scope of the power to conduct an audit for information exchange purposes
is very limited.
221. Third, persons subject to zakat only, i.e.Saudi citizens and Saudi
companies and partnerships wholly owned by Saudi citizens, are not subject
to the authorities power to conduct an audit under the ITL. However, the
Saudi authorities indicated that if a zakat payer would refuse to provide information for EOI purposes, as an administrative measure this person would
not be issued a zakat certificate as it would not have complied with all its
obligations. A zakat certificate is required to bid for contracts and obtain and
maintain licenses to do business.
222. Considering the above, Saudi Arabia has the possibility to apply
search and seizure powers in order to obtain information from persons
subject to income tax. In addition, zakat payers may be refused a zakat certificate if they refuse to provide information for EOI purposes. Finally, Saudi
Arabia introduced some amendments in 2014 to clarify that a person can be
held jointly liable for the tax due on a Saudi Arabian taxpayer, if this person
does not provide information for EOI purposes. all these compulsory powers
are, however, not very well adapted to obtaining information for EOI purposes. It is therefore recommended that Saudi Arabia reviews its powers for
compelling the provision of information for EOI purposes to ensure access
to this information, for example by introducing direct monetary penalties for
not complying with section61(a) ITL without linking them to Saudi Arabian
income tax payers.
Bank secrecy
224. The principle of bank secrecy is recognised in Saudi Arabia, and
finds its basis in section19 of the Banking Control Law (BCL). Although
section17 BCL in conjunction with clause 3(1)(G) of Ministerial Decision
no.3/2149, dated 14/10/1406 H (1986) [Rules for Enforcing Provisions of the
Banking Control Law] provides powers to SAMA to obtain any information
from banks, this power seems limited to information necessary for ensuring
the realisation of the purposes of the BCL.
225. Nevertheless, this limitation is lifted where an international agreement is effective which requires Saudi Arabia to provide bank information
to other jurisdictions, following the general hierarchy of laws as explained
of relevant information in accordance with the standard under the EOI agreements that allow Saudi Arabia to obtain information regardless of a domestic
tax interest provided for by Saudi Arabias domestic legislation.
Professional privilege
230. The attorney-client privilege in Saudi Arabia is implemented through
the Code of Law Practice (Royal Decree No. M/38, CLP). The first sentence of section23 CLP reads as follows:
A lawyer shall not disclose any confidential information which
has been communicated to him or of which he has become aware
in the course of practicing his profession[], unless such nondisclosure constitutes a violation of a Shariah requirement.
231. The above rule only pertains to confidential information. In addition,
information must only be kept confidential when it has been communicated
to the lawyer in the course of practicing his profession. The definition of law
practice is included in section1 of the CLP, which states:
As herein used, the phrase law practice shall mean representation of third parties before courts of law, the Board of
Grievances, and other committees as may be set up pursuant to
laws, decrees and decisions to consider the cases falling within
their respective jurisdictions. It shall also mean rendering consultancy services based on the principles of Shariah and the rule of
law. Whoever practices this profession shall be called a lawyer.
Any person shall be entitled to litigate for himself.
232. The attorney-client privilege is therefore limited to information
produced in the course of legal proceedings (first sentence of section1 CLP)
and information produced for the purposes of providing legal advice (second
sentence of section1 CLP). It is also clear that any information coming to
the knowledge of a lawyer when acting in a different capacity, such as a
nominee shareholder, a trustee or a company director, is not covered by the
attorney-client privilege. Hence, it may be concluded that the principles of
attorney-client privilege in Saudi Arabia are in line with the international
standard. As Saudi Arabia explained, there was no case during the period
under review where the requested information was covered or might have
been covered by the attorney-client privilege and no issues in this respect
came up in practice.
Phase2 rating
Largely Compliant
Factors underlying
Saudi Arabia was unable to answer
two requests for information due to
the restrictions under its domestic law
and the applicable EOI agreements.
Although the entry into force of the
Multilateral Convention will bring
the EOI relationship with most of
its EOI partners in line with the
standard, it should be noted that
Saudi Arabia has little practical
experience in obtaining information
for EOI purposes in general and in
exchanging banking information for
EOI purposes under bilateral EOI
agreements in particular.
Saudi Arabia should monitor that
it exchanges bank information and
other types of relevant information
in accordance with the standard
under the EOI agreements that allow
Saudi Arabia to obtain information
regardless of a domestic tax interest
provided for by Saudi Arabias
domestic legislation.
233. Rights and safeguards should not unduly prevent or delay effective
exchange of information. For instance, notification rules should permit exceptions from prior notification ( cases in which the information request is
For purposes of this report, unless treatment of tax and zakat payers may vary,
the term taxpayer also refers to zakat payer.
C. Exchanging information
237. Jurisdictions generally cannot exchange information for tax purposes
unless they have a legal basis or mechanism for doing so. In Saudi Arabia,
the legal authority to exchange information derives from its information
exchange agreements, as soon as the agreement is effective and approved by
Royal Decree. This section of the report examines whether Saudi Arabia has
a network of information exchange agreements that would allow it to achieve
effective exchange of information in practice.
238. Saudi Arabia has a network of DTCs covering 43jurisdictions.
However, Saudi Arabias domestic law does not allow them to access bank
information or to obtain information in the absence of a domestic tax
interest unless the information exchange agreement contains provisions corresponding to Articles26(4) and 26(5) of the OECD Model Tax Convention.
Consequently, as of the cut-off date only 23 of its DTCs, of which 10 are
in force, allow Saudi Arabia to fully exchange information according to
the international standard. However, Saudi Arabia ratified the Multilateral
Convention and deposited its instrument of ratification on 17December 2015.
The Multilateral Convention will enter into force on 1April 2016 and will
provide Saudi Arabia with an EOI network that covers a total of 102jurisdictions. The entry into force of this instrument will also bring EOI with 36 of
its 43DTC partners in line with the standard.
239. A number of jurisdictions wish to negotiate an information exchange
agreement with Saudi Arabia. Although these particular jurisdictions are
covered by the Multilateral Convention since 2014, it is nevertheless recommended that Saudi Arabia should be prepared to enter into agreements for
exchange of information (regardless of their form) with all relevant partners,
meaning those partners who are interested in entering into an information
exchange arrangement with it.
240. The confidentiality of information exchanged with Saudi Arabia
is protected by obligations implemented in the information exchange
245. Saudi Arabia has concluded 43DTCs (see Annex2). This section of
the report explores whether these agreements allow Saudi Arabia to effectively exchange information.
This regards the DTCs with Algeria, Ethiopia, FYROM, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan
and Venezuela.
Saudi Arabia clarified that it has responded to this request after the onsite visit
via e-mail on 7June 2015 in which it stated that the requested information relates
to periods prior to the effective date of the Protocol for exchange of information
between the two countries and, therefore, it could not provide the requested
information. In its response the requested jurisdiction stated that it agreed with
the position of the Saudi Arabias competent authority on this request.
In force (ToRC.1.8)
268. Exchange of information cannot take place unless a jurisdiction has
exchange of information arrangements in force. Where such arrangements
have been signed, the international standard requires that jurisdictions must
take all steps necessary to bring them into force expeditiously. International
agreements are approved by the Council of Ministers, after which a Royal
Decree ratifying the agreement is issued. The process is finalised by Saudi
Arabia notifying its treaty partner of the completion of the ratification procedure in Saudi Arabia.
269. Of the 43DTCs concluded by Saudi Arabia, nine are not in force.
This regards eight DTCs that were signed after February 2013 (Algeria,
Ethiopia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Gabon, Morocco,
Portugal, Sweden and Venezuela) as well as the DTC with Kazakhstan (). In
respect of the DTC with Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia has completed its internal
ratification and notified the Kazakhstan authorities. This is also the case
for the DTCs with Algeria and Ethiopia. The remaining six DTCs (Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Gabon, Morocco, Portugal, Sweden and
Venezuela) are still in the process of ratification, which takes on average
10months to complete, according to the Saudi Arabian authorities.
270. In respect of a few of its signed DTCs, Saudi Arabia has not yet taken
all steps necessary on its part to bring those agreements into force. Saudi
Araba ratified the Multilateral Convention and deposited its instrument of
ratification on 17December 2015. Consequently, the Multilateral Convention
will enter into force on 1April 2016.
Phase2 rating
Largely compliant.
C.3. Confidentiality
The jurisdictions mechanisms for exchange of information should have adequate
provisions to ensure the confidentiality of information received.
In practice
284. All officials dealing with information on taxpayers are obliged to
keep all the information confidential. The confidentiality rules are provided mainly in the Income Tax Law (ITL), as well as in the provisions on
confidentiality contained in bilateral agreements. They are also part of the
Multilateral Convention.
285. The requests received by the EOI office are registered in a database,
which is accessible only by authorised officials. All EOI related information
is kept separately and treated as confidential. Paper documents are safely
stored in secure cabinets in the EOI Unit. Access to files is restricted to
authorised officials only. Information obtained from a treaty partner, including the EOI request itself, is never disclosed to the taxpayer.
286. Entry to the premises of DZIT is restricted and guarded. Information
obtained in relation to requests that is kept in the respective taxpayers file
can be accessed only by the authorised assessing officer responsible for the
respective taxpayers assessment. It can be distinguished from information
obtained from domestic sources and is clearly identifiable.
287. DZIT was audited and certified compliant with the international
standard on information security ISO27001:2013. This means that the main
information security risks of DZIT have been identified and brought under
explicit management control. Saudi Arabia explains that monitoring in
respect of data confidentiality takes place at various levels. First, at the level
of the tax authorities, supervision and verification of compliance with work
requirements, including protecting data confidentiality, is part of the internal
control and audit function that is undertaken by a specialised unit within the
tax authorities. This unit reports (directly) to the Director General. In addition, the General Audit Bureau, an official independent entity that reports
to the Council of Ministers, verifies that all official entities and agencies,
including the Tax Authority, are complying with their requirements, including confidentiality requirements for the Tax Authority.
288. As Saudi Arabia explains the information provided to the holder of
information when he/she is asked by DZIT to provide the information which
is requested by a treaty partner is limited to necessary information such as
the reason for request, reference to the relevant DTA and a description of the
information requested.
not arrive with the EOI Unit, have been received after Saudi Arabia contacted
the relevant EOI partners following the on-site visit. Saudi Arabia clarifies
that it has provided the requested information in response to two of these
cases. In the remaining case it reported that it was able to provide parts of the
requested information, and as a result this case is still pending.
296. The following table shows the time taken to send the final response
to incoming EOI requests including the time taken by the requesting jurisdiction to provide clarification (if asked) over the three year period from
1January 2012 to 31December 2014.
Response times for requests sent to Saudi Arabia during the three-year review period
Total Average
Full responseb
> 1year
Notes: a. The Saudi Arabian method of counting requests: Saudi Arabia counts a request in respect of
a single taxpayer where more than one piece of information is requested or where a further
request for information on the same matter where the original request has not yet been fully
satisfied as one request. (e.g.per letter received or per entity involved).
b. The time periods in this table are counted from the date of sending of the request to the date
on which the final and complete response was issued.
297. As the table shows a limited number of nine requests were sent to
Saudi Arabia during the three year period. The number of requests received
was fairly stable throughout the review period, as Saudi Arabia received three
requests per year during the review period. Most requests were sent by three
EOI partners.
298. In practice, Saudi Arabia initially replied to only one of the requests
that it received during the period under review. This request asked for the
address of a taxpayer, and could be answered within 90days with information from the databases that are directly accessible by the Competent
Authority. The peer involved was satisfied with the timeliness of the response
and the information provided.
In three cases (involving accounting information) Saudi Arabia initially didnt provide any feedback or answer to the partners that it
declined the request.
the peer involved eventually noted that it agreed with the position of Saudi Arabias competent authority, also in this case Saudi
Arabia initially didnt provide any feedback or answer to the
partner that it declined the request.
The two remaining cases were pending for a longer time, but the
Saudi Arabian authorities did initially not provide an update on the
status of the request to the EOI partner.
These requests that were sent in 2013 and 2014 were pending
and in different stages of being processed. One request was sent
31July 2013 and sent to one of the branches of DZIT. This case
is still pending. The second request was sent on 25September
2014 and asked for a control of the tax residency of certain
303. During the three-year review period, Saudi Arabia did not send an
acknowledgment of receipt. Moreover, Saudi Arabian authorities did not
provide an update on the status of the request where, for any reason, Saudi
Arabia had not been able to obtain and provide the information requested
within 90days of receipt of the request. The Saudi Arabian authorities report
that their internal procedures (manual) will be updated in this respect. Saudi
Arabia is recommended to provide status updates to its EOI partners within
90days where relevant, including in cases where it declined the EOI request.
DZIT to trace all mails related to the case and specifics regarding
status and time-limits.
As a second step one of the managers will allocate the request to one
of the officials in the EOI team that will be involved. The EOI official
will start with reviewing the request and the specific DTC or agreement to determine the validity of the request.
Saudi Arabia adds that a web service based application between MCI and DZIT
will be launched in March 2016 (latest) to automatically create a TIN for all
newly registered commercial entities.
Once the manager approves the answer, it is signed and sent to the
requesting party by regular mail or electronic mail depending on the
310. Although Saudi Arabia states that it implemented these organisational processes for EOI, it is clear that these processes were not functioning
or monitored during the period under review. In practice, Saudi Arabia did
not provide any feedback or replies in cases where it declined requests.
Furthermore, two cases are pending with branches of DZIT for more than
two years and no status updates or replies to reminders were sent. During
the onsite visit it was further noted that there is not a clear overview within
DZIT regarding the actual number of requests received and the processing
that takes place in respect of the pending requests. As a result, there was no
follow up in respect of the two requests that were pending for a longer period
of time.
311. As pointed out above, these shortcomings are complemented by various communication issues that impacted an effective and efficient EOI during
the review period. First there is a lack of effective communication following
the change of the Competent Authority contact details. This does not only
regard its communication with EOI partners which were generally not notified about this change, but also the contacts between DZIT and the Ministry
of Finance in respect of forwarding requests that still were being received by
the Ministry after function of the Competent Authority was moved to DZIT.
Moreover there was a lack of communication in respect of the requests that
did arrive with the EOI unit. From the 6cases that Saudi Arabia received only
one was actually responded to and the rest of the cases remained unanswered.
Several peers commented that they did not get any response from Saudi
Arabia in any of their cases. It is therefore recommended that Saudi Arabia
ensures that it has appropriate organisational processes in place to process
and answer to EOI requests in a timely manner.
Overall Rating
Factors underlying
Jurisdictions should ensure that ownership and identity information for all relevant entities
and arrangements is available to their competent authorities (ToR A.1)
The element is in place. Although a general obligation
exists for trustees and trust
administrators of foreign trusts
to identify their client under
AML/CFT legislation, no
clear guidance is provided on
what information needs to be
Phase2 rating:
Jurisdictions should ensure that reliable accounting records are kept for all relevant entities
and arrangements (ToR A.2)
The element is in place. Partnerships with a capital of
SAR100000 (EUR24159)
or less without foreign
partners are not expressly
required to keep underlying
documentation or to keep
documentation for at least
Phase2 rating:
Largely compliant
Factors underlying
With a staff of only 5 persons
and with only half of the
audited accounting documents
being submitted to the MCI
in a timely way during the
period under review, there
were not sufficient safeguards
in place to ensure that
reliable accounting records
in practice were kept for
all relevant entities and
arrangements. Furthermore,
it appears that a significant
number of companies in
Saudi Arabia is not registered
with DZIT, although Saudi
Arabia indicated that the vast
majority of these are inactive.
Therefore, the oversight
that takes place by the tax
authorities in this respect
is only likely to cover part
of the relevant entities and
arrangements that should be
monitored by the MCI. It can
be noted, however, that MCI
already initiated a number of
important steps to enhance its
oversight activities, including
the hiring of an additional
100staff as well as the recent
introduction of a specific
database known as Qawaem,
to reduce the number of late
filings or non-filings.
Saudi Arabia should monitor
the recently introduced
oversight activities to ensure
that reliable accounting
records are kept for all relevant
entities and arrangements.
Factors underlying
Competent authorities should have the power to obtain and provide information that is the
subject of a request under an exchange of information arrangement from any person within
their territorial jurisdiction who is in possession or control of such information (irrespective
of any legal obligation on such person to maintain the secrecy of the information) (ToR B.1)
The element is in
place, but certain
aspects of the legal
implementation of
the element need
Phase2 rating:
Largely Compliant
The rights and safeguards (e.g.notification, appeal rights) that apply to persons in the
requested jurisdiction should be compatible with effective exchange of information (ToR B.2)
The element is in place.
Phase2 rating:
Factors underlying
Phase2 rating:
Largely compliant
The jurisdictions mechanisms for exchange of information should have adequate provisions
to ensure the confidentiality of information received (ToR C.3)
The element is in place.
Phase2 rating:
The exchange of information mechanisms should respect the rights and safeguards of
taxpayers and third parties (ToR C.4)
The element is in place.
Phase2 rating:
The jurisdiction should provide information under its network of agreements in a timely
manner (ToR C.5)
This element involves
issues of practice
that are assessed in
the Phase2 review.
Accordingly no
Phase1 determination
has been made.
Phase2 rating:
Partially compliant
Factors underlying
This Annex presents the jurisdictions response to the review report and shall not
be deemed to represent the Global Forums views.
agreements are willing and cooperative to expedite this up-date process.
We believe that considering all Saudi Laws that are effective, and with the
DTAs and the Multilateral Convention being enacted in the domestic laws
per Royal Decrees, the competent authority of Saudi Arabia has all powers
it needs to have effective exchange of information according to the Forums
standards with other jurisdictions.We look forward to enhancing cooperation
in the transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes with other
Thank you
Type of EOI
Date signed
Date in force
Multilateral Convention
In force in Albaniaa
18 august 2014
Multilateral Convention
Multilateral Convention
In force in Anguillaa
Multilateral Convention
In force in
Multilateral Convention
In force in Arubaa
Multilateral Convention
In force in Australiaa
19March 2006
1June 2007
Multilateral Convention
In force in Austriaa
13May 2014
1May 2015
Multilateral Convention
In force in
4January 2011
1October 2011
Multilateral Convention
28October 2015
20July 2009
1August 2010
Multilateral Convention
In force in Belgiuma
Multilateral Convention
In force in Belizea
Multilateral Convention
In force in Bermudaa
Type of EOI
Date signed
Date in force
Multilateral Convention
British Virgin
Multilateral Convention
In force in British
Virgin Islandsa
Multilateral Convention
26October 2015
Multilateral Convention
In force in
20 Canada
Multilateral Convention
In force in Canadaa
Multilateral Convention
In force in Cayman
Multilateral Convention
Cayman Islandsb
22 Chile
China, Peoples
Republic of
23June 2006
1October 2006
Multilateral Convention
Multilateral Convention
In force in
25 Costa Rica
Multilateral Convention
In force in Costa
26 Croatia
Multilateral Convention
In force in Croatiaa
27 Curaaoc
Multilateral Convention
In force in Curaaoa
28 Cyprus
Multilateral Convention
In force in Cyprusa
25April 2012
1May 2013
Multilateral Convention
In force in Czech
30 Denmark
Multilateral Convention
In force in
29 Czech Republic
Multilateral Convention
32 Estonia
El Salvador
Multilateral Convention
In force in Estoniaa
33 Ethiopia
28February 2013
34 Faroe Islandsd
Multilateral Convention
In force in Faroe
35 Finland
Multilateral Convention
In force in Finlanda
18February 1982
1March 1983
36 France
18February 2011
1June 2012
Multilateral Convention
In force in Francea
Type of EOI
Date signed
Date in force
15 Dec. 2014
17 Dec 2015
Multilateral Convention
39 Georgia
Multilateral Convention
In force in Georgiaa
40 Germany
Multilateral Convention
In force in Germanya
Multilateral Convention
In force in Ghanaa
Multilateral Convention
In force in Gibraltara
19June 2008
1May 2010
Multilateral Convention
In force in Greecea
44 Greenlandd
Multilateral Convention
In force in
45 Guatemala
Multilateral Convention
46 Guernseyb
Multilateral Convention
In force in
Former Yugoslav
Republic of
38 Gabon
43 Greece
48 Iceland
49 India
50 Indonesia
Isle of Manb
53 Italy
54 Japan
55 Jersey
56 Kazakhstan
24March 2014
1May 2015
Multilateral Convention
In force in Hungarya
Multilateral Convention
In force in Icelanda
25January 2006
1November 2006
Multilateral Convention
In force in Indiaa
Multilateral Convention
In force in Indonesiaa
19October 2011
1 Dec. 2012
Multilateral Convention
In force in Irelanda
Multilateral Convention
In force in Isle of
13January 2007
1December 2009
Multilateral Convention
In force in Italy
15November 2010
1September 2011
Multilateral Convention
In force in Japana
Multilateral Convention
In force in Jerseya
7June 2011
Not in force
Multilateral Convention
In force in
Type of EOI
Date signed
Date in force
24March 2007
1December 2008
Multilateral Convention
In force in Koreaa
2December 2014
1October 2015
59 Latvia
Multilateral Convention
In force in Latviaa
60 Liechtenstein
Multilateral Convention
Multilateral Convention
In force in
7May 2013
1September 2014
Multilateral Convention
In force in
31January 2006
1July 2007
4January 2012
1December 2012
Multilateral Convention
In force in Maltaa
65 Mauritius
Multilateral Convention
In force in
66 Mexico
Multilateral Convention
In force in Mexicoa
Multilateral Convention
In force in Moldovaa
68 Monaco
Multilateral Convention
69 Montserratb
Multilateral Convention
In force in
14April 2015
57 Korea
58 Kyrgyzstan
62 Luxembourg
63 Malaysia
64 Malta
Multilateral Convention
13October 2008
1December 2010
Multilateral Convention
In force in
New Zealand
Multilateral Convention
In force in New
Multilateral Convention
In force in Nigeriaa
Multilateral Convention
In force in Norwaya
77 Poland
2February 2006
1December 2006
Multilateral Convention
22February 2011
1June 2012
Multilateral Convention
In force in Polanda
Type of EOI
Date signed
Date in force
8April 2015
Multilateral Convention
In force in Portugala
26April 2011
1July 2012
Multilateral Convention
In force in
11February 2007
1February 2010
Multilateral Convention
In force in Russian
Multilateral Convention
In force in San
Multilateral Convention
In force in the
3May 2010
1July 2011
Multilateral Convention
84 Sint Maartenc
Multilateral Convention
In force in Sint
85 Slovak Republic
Multilateral Convention
In force in Slovak
86 Slovenia
Multilateral Convention
In force in Sloveniaa
13March 2007
1May 2008
Multilateral Convention
In force in South
19June 2007
1October 2008
Multilateral Convention
In force in Spaina
7October 2009
1October 2010
19October 2015
Multilateral Convention
In force in Swedena
Multilateral Convention
13May 2014
1June 2015
80 Russian Federation
San Marino
82 Seychelles
83 Singapore
South Africa
88 Spain
89 Syria
90 Sweden
92 Tajikistan
93 Tunisia
94 Turkey
Turks and Caicos
8July 2010
1April 2013
Multilateral Convention
In force in Tunisiaa
9November 2007
1April 2009
Multilateral Convention
In force in Turks
and Caicos Islandsa
Multilateral Convention
96 Uganda
Type of EOI
Date signed
Date in force
Not yet in force
2September 2011
1 Dec. 2012
Multilateral Convention
In force in Ukrainea
31October 2007
1January 2009
Multilateral Convention
In force in United
Multilateral Convention
100 Uzbekistan
18November 2008
1November 2010
101 Venezuela
11November 2015
10April 2010
1February 2011
98 United Kingdom
99 United States
e. China deposited its instrument of ratification on 16October 2015, and the Multilateral
Convention will enter into force in China on 1February 2016.
f. Footnote by Turkey: The information in this document with reference to Cyprus relates
to the southern part of the Island. There is no single authority representing both Turkish and
Greek Cypriot people on the Island. Turkey recognises the Turkish Republic of Northern
Cyprus (TRNC). Until a lasting and equitable solution is found within the context of United
Nations, Turkey shall preserve its position concerning the Cyprus issue.
Footnote by all the European Union Member States of the OECD and the European Union:
The Republic of Cyprus is recognised by all members of the United Nations with the
exception of Turkey. The information in this document relates to the area under the effective
control of the Government of the Republic of Cyprus.
Commercial laws
Companies Law
Commercial Books law
Commercial Register Law
Implementing Regulations of By-Law of Philanthropic Associations and
Law of Commercial Court (excerpts)
Waqf Organisation By-Law
Taxation laws
Income Tax Law
Income Tax Regulations
Zakat Law
Zakat Regulations
Other laws
Basic Law (Constitution)
Certified Public Accountants Regulations
Code of Law Practice
ISBN 978-92-64-25088-8
23 2016 10 1 P