The automotive sector is currently seeing one of its greatest innovative changes since its inception as the major manufacturers capitalise on the technological advancement in driver aids and autonomous systems.
The automotive sector is currently seeing one of its greatest innovative changes since its inception as the major manufacturers capitalise on the technological advancement in driver aids and autonomous systems.
The automotive sector is currently seeing one of its greatest innovative changes since its inception as the major manufacturers capitalise on the technological advancement in driver aids and autonomous systems.
The automotive sector is currently seeing one of its greatest innovative changes since its inception as the major manufacturers capitalise on the technological advancement in driver aids and autonomous systems.
The automotive sector is currently seeing one of its greatest innovative changes since its inception as the major manufacturers capitalise on the technological advancement in driver aids and autonomous systems. How is this innovation being harnessed to have a positive impact on the safety of our road users? A Tale of Two Theories: Driver assistance vs Autonomy Initially there were two schools of thought on how the experience of driving would change given the rapid integration of technology. Much of the automotive industry looked to driver aids, or tools that augment the driving experience to help make driving safer. During the 1990s Formula 1 proved an incredible development environment for new technology and brought us advancements including ABS and Traction Control. Whilst this development progressed, some industry experts felt the future of transportation was autonomous cars, thereby removing the weakest link the human. Over the past few years we have seen a convergence of these schools of thought, as manufacturers begin to integrate systems, thereby moving from disparate independent driver aids, to integrated computer systems and closer to autonomous transportation. In order to accelerate the development of these systems, fundamental changes have been made to how cars operate, and whilst not always popular amongst driving purists, this has enabled computer focussed automotive innovation to accelerate. Firstly, the automatic gearbox has become the primary transmission choice. If a computer is going to control several aspects of the car, including speed, it must be able to change gear as the engine revolutions demand. This is not possible with a manual gearbox, hence many of the major automotive companies have shifted to an automatic first philosophy, with some declaring particular models will no longer be supplied with a manual gearbox.
Fly-by-wire throttle has replaced regular mechanical
and fluid based systems, and electric power assisted steering has replaced hydraulic power steering. With these changes, manufacturers have been able to use computers to control throttle, braking, steering, and gears, and made incredible leaps forward in automotive innovation and driving aids. Computer Driving Aids (Augmented Systems) The most common driver aids developed by major manufacturers so far have included: Automatic Emergency Braking - appearing on more vehicles all the time, and designed to stop the all too common rear-ending when traffic snarls up. The Computer monitors traffic speed ahead and applies the brakes as needed. Adaptive Cruise Control - introduced within the past few years, building upon established cruise control functionality, but using radar to monitor and maintain the gap between your car and the one in front. Active Lane Assistance - alerts the driver if they stray outside of the lane they are travelling in, and in more advanced cases will steer the car back into the centre of the lane. These systems are all driving aids designed to enhance or protect the driver. So how does this differ to autonomous cars and the systems they use?
Autonomous Cars Systems Integration
Autonomous cars are all about integrating disparate driver aids to allow the computers in the vehicle to make decisions without human intervention. Whilst we often read about Tesla with their Autopilot System, Audis Piloted Driving, BMW Connected Drive, and Volvos Drive Me, in actual fact nearly all major marques are working on these systems right now.
With manufacturers around the globe working at pace
to develop these systems, there needs to be a set of parameters that promotes continuity and a coherent motoring world. Coincidently over 100 years ago the same scenario was faced during the inception of the automotive industry as car companies sprang up across the world and so in 1905 The Society of Automotive Engineers was formed. The SAE began work defining standards to be adhered to by the automotive industry, and still operate in this capacity. SAE International Standard J3016 The SAE have defined a standard outlining different levels of autonomy and the split of responsibility. Level 0 is not really an autonomous level, but more a baseline indicating no driver aided systems beyond familiar ABS and mechanical systems. Level 1 defines Driver Assistance being where the systems of the vehicle are responsible for certain actions during operation. Automatic Emergency Braking is a good example here. The systems monitor particular parameters, and makes conscious decisions based on data gathered to protect the occupants and road users. In the case of AEB, it controls the brakes.
parameters, with the human only intervening where
the systems run into difficulty. For example, on a motorway where the driving conditions are a constant, the Level 3 systems can take control of throttle, braking, and steering to drive the car. If the system can no longer perform any of these tasks, control is relinquished to the human. Level 3 is where things start to get interesting, and the level most manufactures are currently testing. Systems from Audi, Tesla, BMW and Volvo, are all competent Level 3 systems, and in actuality the are now working on taking these to Level 4. Level 4 or High Automation is where the systems have full responsibility. The driver enters the destination into the navigation system, and the car performs all of the driving. The human is not expected to perform any driving during the trip. Level 5 or Full Automation is seen by some as a contentious level. Here the computer can consciously make the decision to override a humans attempt to take control of a situation if it determines the action will be dangerous for the vehicle occupants or other road users. Achieving Autonomy When we talk about levels of autonomy, the mind tries to comprehend what this actually means, and how the systems integrate to achieve self-driving. In order to build an autonomous car capable of Level 3 and above we need to combine a wide range of sensors that allow detection and response to changing traffic conditions. All manufacturers follow the same basic principles by combining different sensor types to perform the detailed analysis required. Volvo have combined several of these systems in their Drive Me solution, and will perform real-world testing in Gothenburg in 2017.
Level 2 sees Partial Automation, where two systems
combine to further enhance the drivers assistance, or protect in dangerous situations. This could be Adaptive Cruise Control and Lane Centring. Level 3 is classified by SAE as Conditional Automation, and is where the computers are mostly responsible for the vehicle under particular
An overview of the sensors employed can be seen in
their video here (Timestamp 0:24). Hurdles to Autonomy Inevitably there are obstacles to overcome in order to achieve level 3 or level 4 vehicle autonomy. For starters the general condition of many of the road networks across the globe is poor. Pot holes, missing road markings, faded lines, there are many issues with our roads that may cause computers momentary lapses in capability, and hence decision making. Insurance and liability Who is accountable for an accident in a world filled with self-driving cars, or more complicatedly, in a world where both autonomous and manual cars exist? This has been widely discussed, although from a liability perspective Volvo have now stepped forward and released a statement declaring: Volvo will accept full liability whenever one of its cars are in autonomous mode. This appears an incredible commitment, but makes a lot of sense. From an accountability perspective we will know whether the computer or the human was in control of the vehicle at the time of the incident. With all cars contributing to a knowledgebase of situational awareness, the expertise of the computer drivers will develop and improve over time. Legislation This is where the SAE provide a good foundation and continual development of standards and processes. A car travelling between countries will need to be capable of handling changes in law, local signage, language comprehension, road markings, and culturally accepted driving behaviour. The vehicles will need to be able to understand particular nuances of operating within each country they visit. The biggest obstacle unfortunately is human nature It will take a long time for us to accept and relinquish control of the vehicle. There have been several video reports on the autonomous cars, and in many cases the reporters admitted to an inability to take their eyes off the road for long periods of time, or to move their hands away from the steering wheel. It is precisely this hurdle that has caused some industry experts to propose Level 3 is skipped to get to Level 4 and 5. The fear is that Level 3 cars will allow humans to intervene and make decisions the car could
have made better. What we may see is a hybrid of
Level 3 and 4 where the cars operate at high levels of autonomy, but not initially on all roads or conditions. Autonomous Car Testing in the Real World From a market perspective, Boston Consulting Group have assessed the market for driverless cars and all it entails, and believe it could be worth around $42 billion by 2025. Leading up to this date, there will be many tests performed, and details to be worked out. In October 2015 Daimler tested self-driving trucks in Germany with great success. Volvo just completed a 125-mile multi-vehicle convoy where the lead car was driven, with the chase vehicles following autonomously connected over wireless link. The UK have announced a ten truck convoy will be tested on the M6 during 2016. The lead truck will be driven, with the remaining nine in self-drive mode. In 2017 Volvo will hand over one hundred autonomous cars to families in Gothenburg for a long term test. Integrated Systems in Operation Perhaps you have AEB, adaptive cruise control, or lane centring on your current car, but it is rare we witness what happens when these systems are integrated? Hyundai used a test road in the Mojave Desert and six Hyundai Genesis cars to demonstrate this premise.
You can watch the full video here.
Imagine how many rear-end shunts this could prevent, and the reduction in insurance claims. Now think about the number of cyclists and pedestrians avoided. This technology has the potential to dramatically reduce the number of injuries and fatalities on our roads, and at the exponential rate manufacturers are making progress, we will hopefully see these benefits in the very near future.