River Cities Reader - Issue 904 - March 3 - 2016

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River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

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River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Industrial Spot Zoning Would Carry a Hefty

Price Tag for Scott County

very now and then, an issue arises locally

that poses a real threat to our natural
resources and subsequent standard
of living. This time it is in the form of an
amendment to Scott Countys Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) that currently
protects our most precious asset the richest
soil in the world.
Residents will have an opportunity to be
heard on this matter during a public hearing
scheduled for 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, in
the Scott County board room on the first floor
of the Scott County Administration Building
at 600 West Fourth Street in Davenport.
The amendment, called an Industrial Floating Zone and recommended by the county
Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission, would
permit spot zoning for large-scale industrial
operations anywhere in the unincorporated
areas of Scott County (outside city limits). At
a July 2013 meeting, the Planning & Zoning
Commission was told by Planning & Development Director Tim Huey that the Board of
Supervisors was interested in reviewing and
updating the CLUP to better reflect the countys
strategic-plan goals with a focus on language
for commercial and industrial zoning to further
economic-development objectives. This was
in response to losing the $1.4-billion Orascom
fertilizer plant to Lee County because of the
Agricultural Preservation Zoning District that
protects ag land and prevented this industrial
intrusion into dedicated farmland.
A communitys CLUP, at both the city and
county level, provides a blueprint of permissible
land use for the benefit of current and future
property owners, and investors who may be
considering our community for their endeavors.
Currently there exists an agriculture-preservation component of Scott Countys zoning ordinance that disallows the sale of ag property for
anything other than agriculture. In other words,
farmers and rural property owners cannot sell
their farms to industrial operators, commercial developers, etc. Property owners who are
located in the ag-preservation district cant even

build a second home on their own land.

For years, rural property owners have
complied with such limitations relative to their
parcels, understanding that the much bigger
picture of protecting the best, most-productive
soil in the world is far more important. In
addition, all these years ag preservation has
provided a semblance of economic security
to owners that the integrity of use will prevail
through time in Scott County. If the amendment is approved by the Scott County Board of
Supervisors on Thursday, April 7, that security
vanishes with the votes of three out of the five
county supervisors.
Imagine if spot zoning were allowed in or
near your neighborhood, and suddenly an
industrial mega-operation (potentially 1,000
acres or more) was approved close to you. It isnt
just the site itself that is transformed by such
a massive operation, but all the surrounding
properties in a circumference proportional to
the size of the development. Property values
would predictably drop through the floor, and
the environmental impact would be enormous,
regardless of the amount of regulation.
That would then open the door for additional
industrial and/or commercial development
in the area, because new operations could be
shown to conform to similar use in the area, creating a snowball effect. It perpetuates the absurd
any-growth-at-all-costs mentality.
Lets take the attempt three years ago by
the Egyptian company Orascom to site its
$1.4-billion fertilizer facility in Scott County,
with robust enthusiasm from supervisors Tom
Sunderbruch (then the chair of the board)
and Jim Hancock. Never mind that Orascom
partakes in nearly $350 million in tax subsidies
while investing only 5 percent of its own money.
In the end, the only thing that kept that plant
from being built here was our ag-preservation
zoning policy.
The board of supervisors justified its support
for Orascom with the 100-plus new jobs promised, paying median wages of $26 an hour, and
an increase in the tax base and property-tax

revenues. Taxing bodies were projected to

gain more than $26 million in additional
property-tax revenues over 15 years. That is not
chump change to be sure, but there are a lot of
giveaways and associated development costs
borne by taxpayers that need to be accounted
for before that amount can be accurately, let
alone fairly, claimed.
For example, the tax incentives ultimately
given to Orascom monies set aside to attract
just such mega-ventures were $251 million,
of which $133 million was given by Lee County
in the form of property-tax abatement. (There
are an additional $84 million in giveaways to
Orascom under its other name, Iowa Fertilizer Company.) These types of incentives, in
the form of tax credits, rebates, and funds for
training, continue for 10 to 20 years before the
property is actually billed for its full tax obligation. By then, however, the facilitys depreciation
is so significant that it substantially reduces the
original assessment used to sell the project to
the public. While there is an eventual increase in
revenue to the state and county taxing bodies, it
never comes close to the increased tax revenue
promised, especially in future dollars. (See
The more taxpayer-funded incentives given,
the greater the real cost per job. And the number
of jobs and actual wages rarely match the
original promises. Worse, the mechanism for
holding corporations to those terms is largely
nonexistent. At some point, Orascoms jobs
arent worth the cost to bring them to a community, let alone the degradation of the community
both economically and environmentally.
Bigger is not necessarily better with economic
development. Mega-sites are almost always
an unholy alliance between big business and
big government, both heavily subsidized by
taxpayers. The industrial operators, colluding
with the state and county in this case, are the
only meaningful financial beneficiaries. The
public services alone (utilities, sewer, garbage,
fire, police, and regulatory oversight) to support
a mega-site are no small consideration, and are

By Kathleen McCarthy

basically free for the start-up years.

Agriculture accounts for 30 percent of
Iowas revenue, and already this sector receives
taxpayer subsidies. Meanwhile, the largest
employers in Iowa are our small businesses. This
is true nationally, yet there is a distinct bias in
governments economic-development financial
assistance toward the interests of big corporations over those of small business, as evidenced
by a recent in-depth report done by Good Jobs
First (RCReader.com/y/spot2).
The report demonstrates that most of
Iowas economic-development funds go to
the nations largest corporations, who need
the assistance least. In Iowa, there are 63,720
registered businesses, with 1,754 businesses
qualifying as large employers with 500 or
more employees. Comparatively, there are
nearly 62,000 registered businesses with fewer
than 500 employees (RCReader.com/y/spot3).
Yet, according to Good Jobs First, roughly $884
million in subsidies in recent years have been
given to global giants Orascom/Iowa Fertilizer
Company, DuPont, Microsoft, IBM, Rockwell
Collins, Deere, and Nationwide Insurance for
Iowa projects.
Imagine if those same dollars, or even a portion of those funds, went to small businesses for
expansion? How much more bang for our buck
would we realize with this strategy for economic
growth and job creation? How many smaller
businesses could generate 100 jobs with the
same or higher median wages without compromising agricultural land, or requiring expensive
offsetting tax abatements/credits, or consuming
massive resources to operate?
And what of the opportunity costs, such
as the lost acres of premium soil taken out of
production, or the devaluation of the surrounding properties after a mega-site is built? The
infrastructure resources required for such facilities such as water, electricity, roads, rail, and
barge traffic are oftentimes extremely high,
potentially stressing surrounding systems, especially over time. Given that and the industrial
zones currently in place within city limits and
nearer to transportation, efforts should certainly
be directed to existing areas zoned for industrial

Continued On Page 47

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


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River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


By Rich Miller

In Primary Races, Both Sides Used

Madigans Ruthless Playbook

llinois Republicans have long complained

that House Speaker Michael Madigans
campaign organization doesnt just beat
you; it destroys you. Madigan doesnt set
out to merely win; he wants to make sure he
doesnt ever have to deal with you again.
Madigans own Democratic primary
race was a good example. He posted yard
signs all over his district urging his constituents to vote against convicted felon
Jason Gonzales, and his cable-TV and
direct-mail ads ceaselessly pounded home
that very same message. His captains also
reportedly had volunteers holding those
signs at the entrance to voting locations.
Gonzales is, indeed, a convicted felon.
But that happened two decades ago,
and he was pardoned by former Democratic Governor Pat Quinn. To hear the
Madigan campaign tell it, however, youd
think the guy just walked out of prison.
Or take a look at what Madigan did to
Katelyn Hotle. The House speakers operation dropped at least nine negative mailers
on the little-known, lightly funded
candidate in the Quad Cities-area Democratic primary to replace retiring state
Representative Pat Verschoore (D-Milan).
The gist of the attacks was that Hotle, a
Rock Island city-council member, profited
personally from her shoddy government
service, but none of it was true.
They also smeared Hotle in the media
for being a plant of Governor Bruce
Rauner. Why? The only real explanation
is that she was the lone female in a fourway primary, so she could do well on
demographics alone and they had to take
her out. For good.
The Madigan operation reached way
back into the past of Representative Ken
Dunkin (D-Chicago) to find an arrest,
some formal allegations of domestic abuse,
and troubles paying his child support and
then used that against him in his Democratic primary campaign. Dunkin started
the fight by so closely allying himself with
our Republican governor and thumbing his
nose at his fellow Democrats, but he seems
to have personally rehabilitated himself.
Madigan and the people around him didnt
care. Its a matter of public record, and
Dunkin got whacked with it.
But as weve also discovered this year,
Rauners legislative-campaign operation is eerily similar to Madigans. And
while thats making some Republicans
privately uncomfortable, Madigans way
has proven to work far more often than
not over the years.

A good case in point is conservative

activist Dan Profts TV ads against Jim
Acklin in the three-way 102nd House
District GOP primary.
Profts Liberty Principles PAC ran a
blistering TV ad that claimed Acklin,
as a school superintendent, blamed the
victim and did nothing about a sexual
predator in his school system who also
happened to be a family friend. The
ad was based on a failed civil lawsuit a
very thin reed indeed but it was brutal.
Rauner and his pals have pumped sevenfigure contributions into Profts PAC over
the past few months. Theyve clearly been
involved in several races through Proft.
Rauner and his people do not want
Acklin nominated because he is backed
by former Republican Governor Jim
Edgar, a frequent Rauner critic. So
theyre supporting former state Representative Brad Halbrook (R-Shelbyville),
despite the fact that they dont really love
the guy. Keeping Edgars fingers out of
the House has been their priority.
So they launched a second killer TV ad
to build on their theme. The new spot used
Acklins own videotaped comments at a
candidates forum where he claimed to have
acted quickly and decisively to remove the
predator teacher from his school.
But the second Proft ad claimed: In
his own words, it took him four years to
act. Four years. A news clip on the screen
indicates that Acklin said he was aware
of an incident involving [the predator] in
2008. That incident was an allegation
that the teacher was texting a student,
but the student denied at the time that
anything inappropriate was going on. The
teacher was warned, and that was the end
of it until the predators arrest four years
later. The ad concludes: Acklin touts his
judgment. On March 15, make your own.
Acklin raised a decent amount of
money compared to similar races in prior
years, but times have changed. Both sides
in Dunkins race (including Rauners
allies) dumped well over $5 million into
the contest. A Senate Republican primary race in the Springfield area where
the governor opposed the incumbent saw
spending top $3.5 million.
Acklin wasnt able to air a response ad
until a full week after the initial Proft ad
aired, and after hed already been buried
with Rauners money.
Rich Miller also publishes Capitol Fax (a daily
political newsletter) and CapitolFax.com.

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


By Jeff Ashcraft

Food for Thought

The Big Meal, at the QC Theatre Workshop through March 20

efore seeing the March 5 production of The Big Meal, my wife,

youngest son, and I decided to
grab supper. I wanted pizza, but my wife
wanted to try something different, so
we landed at a little restaurant just a few
blocks east of the theatre. As we ate our
hummus and falafel, we chatted about
family, work, the future, and life in general. Little did we know that our simple
meal together would be an almost mirrored precursor to what we were about to
witness on stage.
Written by Dan LeFranc and produced by the QC Theatre Workshop,
The Big Meal is a theatrical metaphor
for one very average yet dysfunctional
familys generational love, heartache,
and essence, as its characters meet at
different stages of their lives for various
meals at favorite restaurants. The rapidfire storyline arcs over 80 years and five
generations in just about 90 minutes, and
as their characters age, eight of the nine
cast members pass their roles on to other
actors as easily as if they were passing
a side dish of peas and carrots at the
dinner table.
The first bite of this Meal comes when
Sam meets Nicole as she waits tables in
a restaurant. The next comes when they
begin a casual relationship. And many
more bites arrive as the play dives into
serious dating, engagement, marriage,
children, detachment, infidelity, grandchildren, reconnection, aging, greatgrandchildren, and death, all seasoned
throughout with varying flavors of
family love. This is a very large feast for
the cast and audience to chew on, and yet
with no intermission, the plot is easily
digested due to the ease with which the
production serves it. (Beware: The menu
does offer up some spicy language that
may not be to every palates liking.)
Under the direction of Workshop veteran (and Reader employee) Mike Schulz,
The Big Meal is served very simply, and
yet with so much texture and depth that,
were it a real restaurant, it would certainly be presented with the prestigious
James Beard Foundation Award. Schulzs
cast delves deeply into their characters
layers through LeFrancs realistic, overlapping dialogue, yet the actors are also
able to find the most intimate moments
in the silences between words.
Although very much an ensemble

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Artists & Explorers who brought the
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April 17 - July 17
Angela Elliott, Michael Carron, Abby Van Gerpen,
and Joshua Pride
piece, the nuclei of the story and cast
are provided by Erin Churchill and
Jordan McGinnis, who play Nicole
and Sam from their pre-marriage and
child-bearing years through the death
of Sams mother, and then slide into the
roles of those characters own children.
Churchill reveals her estimable acting
chops with a beautifully nuanced,
tender, and, at times, salty performance.
McGinnis, meanwhile, goes heart to
heart with Churchill, and is always in
the moment. Whether enacting a young
lover, father, son, or brother, he hungrily
dives into each aspect of his present character, and brings an endearing warmth
and humanity to each ones surface.
Angela Elliott and Michael Carron
play the aging characters throughout
The Big Meal. Elliott is exceptional
about accepting Nicoles character traits
when passed to her, while at the same
time making the role her own, and her
portrayal of Nicoles final years made
me reminisce on my own mothers final
months. As for Carron, he commands
the family dynamic when playing the
politically incorrect patriarch, delivering
some of the scripts funniest moments.
Joshua Pride and Abby Van Gerpen
energetically begin the story, and eventually transition from lovers to bratty
teenagers to betrothed young adults.
Both actors deliver lively performances
in some of the scripts most chaotic
scenes, yet switch from character to
character with the ease of taking another
bite of food from a plate. And the youngest cast members are Laila Haley and
Brody Ford. Keep your eyes on these two
adolescent actors, because they deliver
portrayals every bit as professional as
those of their more senior castmates.
Rounding out the ensemble is Sara

Continued On Page 52

Vol. 23 No. 904

March 17 - 30, 2016
River Cities Reader
532 W. 3rd St.
Davenport IA 52801
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2016 River Cities Reader


5 p.m. Wednesday prior to publication


Todd McGreevy

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Managing Editor:
Jeff Ignatius jeff@rcreader.com
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Since 1993

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

The most comprehensive events calendar in the QC



By Jeff Ashcraft

Die Job

Shear Madness, at the Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse through April 30

ur audience hadnt even realized the

play had started.
The continually in-motion and
always entertaining Bootleggers had
barely concluded their pre-show when the
evenings featured performance quietly
began. As patrons sipped their after-dinner
coffees, and with the house lights fully lit,
the first characters in the Circa 21 Dinner
Playhouses production of Shear Madness
made their way onstage and delivering an
outlandish and amusing show-before-theshow gave our crowd some insight into
what sort of over-the-top, wacky comedy we
were about to see. Between cast members
getting their hair washed and blow-dried in
rhythm to classic pop music to the infinite
number of entrances and exits, it was clear
that this was going to be one wild and
colorful ride.
Shear Madness, written by Paul Prtner
and adapted by Marilyn Abrams and Bruce
Jordan, is a classic comedy/murder mystery
set in a hair salon with the same name as
the shows title. The unseen victim of this
whodunit is a concert-pianist recluse who
owns, and lives on, the second floor of the
building in which Shear Madness operates. The plot is set entirely in the cupcakecolored hairstyling studio (designed by
Susan Holgersson) where the audience is
introduced to all the potential suspects:
the salons flamingly exuberant owner
Tony Whitcomb (Tom Walljasper); Tonys
employee and fellow cosmetologist Barbara
Demarco (Jennifer Poarch); antiques
dealer and straight man Eddie Lawrence
(Brad Hauskins); and hoity-toity socialite
Mrs. Schubert (Carrie Saloutos). The two
remaining cast members are the police
detectives (Jeff Haffners Nick and Tristan
Layne Tapscotts Mikey) who happen to be
staking out the salon and are saddled with
identifying the killer.
The ingenious ingredients of Shear Madness are its hyper-localization and contemporary references freshly injected into the
script for each individual performance. The
story is always set on the day the audience
sees it and in the city where the performance is taking place, and Circa 21s cast
works hard to infuse the dialogue with local

and of-the-minute
mentions. At
Saturdays performance, the audience was treated
to everything
from jokes about
Donald Trump
rallies to references to Whiteys
Ice Cream and
Neckers Jewelers.
Additionally, several Quad Cities
communities are
hilariously roasted
numerous times,
Carrie SaLoutos, Tom Walljasper, Jennifer Poarch, and Brad Hauskins
and whether you
are from Iowa or
Dolly! or, with an insiders wink, referencIllinois, the cast
ing his own local-theatre credits. Poarchs
does not discriminate in its targeting.
Another component that has made Shear portrayal was also somewhat formulaic
with her gum-chomping, wisecracking
Madness an audience favorite around the
beautician Barbara, yet there were several
globe is its ability to completely remove
moments in which her interpretation was
the fourth wall, allowing the audience to
sweet and adorable, making her, ironically,
participate in the story. More than halfway
a prime suspect.
through the first act, the house lights are
Tapscotts nerdy take on Mikey was rollbrought up (to the casts surprise) and the
funny, reminding me of the old
audience is solicited to share with the detecAirplane!
as his character, at times,
tives any potential clues they witnessed
took direction a bit too literally. Saloutos
from the beginning of the plotline. Before
Mrs. Shubert was so on-target that Im
the show concludes, the audience votes
pretty sure Ive seen her dining on seafood
on whom they believe to be the murderer,
fumet at Davenports Bix Bistro. Finally,
which forces the cast, based on the results,
to perform one of four potential finales. Pay Hauskins Eddie was the perfect foil for
much of the farce that took place on stage,
close attention early on, because there are
and his straitlaced portrayal made me very
numerous clues that you can share with the
suspicious of his characters intentions.
detectives to help solve the crime.
Director Sean McCall has put together a
Just like Peyton Manning calling an
sharp cast that shares solid timing, and his
audible in the Super Bowl, Haffner shines
show will no doubt be a new favorite among
as the shows de facto quarterback, his lead
many Circa 21 audiences. Shear Madness
detective facilitating on-target, funny, and
is uproarious, farcical, and fabulous, and
oddball questions and comments from the
you should call for an appointment today;
audience. Deadpanning some the evenings
rumor has it people will be dying for a wash,
most clever repartee with patrons, he kept
the crowd from getting out-of-control while style, and set from this screwball salon.
also keeping the story moving.
Shear Madness runs at the Circa 21 Dinner
Walljaspers clichd incarnation of the
Playhouse (1828 Third Avenue, Rock Island)
gay hair stylist generated many of the
through April 30, and more information and
performances biggest laughs, and his
tickets are available by calling (309)786-7733
limp-wristed sashaying was the most fun
extension 2 or visiting Circa21.com.
when channeling Carol Channing in Hello,

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016


Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

By Jeff Ignatius / Jeff@rcreader.com




Photo by Josh Sisk

Different Types of Dangerous

Yonatan Gat, April 1 at Rozz-Tox

onatan Gat knows dangerous.

As the guitarist for Monotonix
banned in many venues in its native
Israel the peril was physical.
Monotonix ... was dangerous because
you could always get hurt wounded at
the show, Gat said in a phone interview
last week, promoting his eponymous
trios return to Rozz-Tox on April 1. This
band is very dangerous, but because its
musically dangerous.
He later continued that thought: This
is a show that you can close your eyes and
listen to the music. In Monotonix, if you
close your eyes, a trash can would hit your
head. It would be unsafe to close your eyes.
Thats not to say that the current band
composed of Gat, bassist Sergio Sayeg, and
drummer Gal Lazer is in any way sedate.
Your head might be safe from flying trash
receptacles, but an ill-prepared brain
might still be ducking for cover.
Gat, whom the Village Voice named
New Yorks best guitarist in 2013,
answered questions thoughtfully and
thoroughly, and he clearly thinks a great
deal about music. Thats a marked contrast from the groups fusion of the no-net
ethos of improv jazz, a frenetic punk
energy, and influences from world music.
For last years Physical Copy, a twotrack EP recorded and mixed with Steve
Albini in one day, the band took a striking approach.
The songs were really, really fast
and really, really intense, Gat said. So
we couldnt really play them for more
than a minute and a half or two minutes straight. Our drummer would just
collapse after two minutes. So we played

them in two-minute chunks, and then

rest. ... Thats what we did for three or
four hours.
And then they joined a handful of those
largely improvised chunks into larger
compositions in which you can hear the
seams, but they feel of-a-piece. Gat said
the band thought of it like a mixtape, with
different tracks seguing into each other.
This was a radical departure from the
method of the full-length Director also
released last year. That was more of a
mosaic lovingly assembled out of studio
improvs and field recordings through
editing. Physical Copy is a full-on aural
assault for 13 minutes, while Director has
all the niceties one typically associates
with studio albums, full of fine detail: We
were really thinking about the experience
of listening to that record. It tells a story, it
has a narrative, it has a flow.
But dont think its in any way conventional. Rock and roll can be very, very
interesting if you really, really f--- with
the time of the music, Gat explained.
You can have a song start for example
in the middle, where the band is already
playing, like it is the middle of the song.
But the listener only hears that, so for
him its an introduction. That gives you
an ability to build a very, very strange
kind of music.
He emphasized that the band would
leave the studio with, say, 15 hours of raw
material that still needed to be shaped.
The composition process is in editing
afterward, he said.
So, regardless of the recording process,

Continued On Page 49

This swift, vital, sensationally

entertaining film about the global
market crash is frequently riotous,
but the laughs have sobering
edges, and none of director Adam
McKays previous comedies
remotely prepared us for one this
smart and ultimately devastating.
(Same day as DVD.)


A stunningly beautiful,
thunderously moving tale of a
young Irish womans early years in
America, this joyous heartbreaker
by director John Crowley and
author Nick Hornby finds lead
Saoirse Ronan giving as close to a
perfect film performance as I've yet
seen. (Same day as DVD.)


Faithful in spirit and lovely in

execution, this determinedly
old-fashioned animated
entertainment is a 90-minute
onslaught of sheer charm, and for
older viewers, its a thorough
delight that delivers more trips
down Memory Lane than you can
count. (Same day as DVD.)

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Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

Movie Reviews

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

By Mike Schulz mike@rcreader.com

A Goodman Is Hard to Find


If your biggest complaint about a movie

lies with its title, that movie is probably pretty
great, and director Dan Trachtenbergs 10
Cloverfield Lane is pretty great a splendidly
acted, hugely entertaining nail-biter that
continually surprises despite its claustrophobic setting and cast of characters that can
be counted on the fingers of one hand. But
while it may lure fans of 2008s astoundingly
irritating found footage monster mash
Cloverfield, did that title really need to be
baked into this one, effectively establishing
Trachtenbergs outing as some kind of sequel
or prequel? Theoretically, the thrill of 10 Cloverfield Lane lies in our not knowing where
its true threat lies. Its a measure of the films
success that it works despite a title implying
exactly where that threat lies.
It also works because, until its actionpacked final minutes, the movie achieves its
jolts and prolonged terror through unsettling
insinuation and dread; for most of its length,
Trachtenbergs film is like a feature-length
meditation on the T-shirt adage Just because
youre paranoid doesnt mean theyre not
out to get you. Following a late-night traffic
accident, a young woman (Mary Elizabeth
Winsteads Michelle) wakes up attached to an
IV and chained to a wall in an underground
bunker. Her host Howard (John Goodman) explains that he saved her life, and will
continue to keep Michelle safe as long as she
doesnt try to escape. Yet try she does, and
when her attempt is foiled, Howard and bunker-mate Emmett (John Gallagher Jr.) lay out
the situation: The world has been decimated
by some kind of nuclear or viral attack, everyone is dead, and while the sounds Michelle
hears outside A car? A helicopter? may be

transport vehicles, theyre not transporting

Consequently, while Michelle quietly
questions the truth behind everything shes
told, most of 10 Cloverfield Lane unfurls in the
underground shelter that Howard described
by Emmett as a black belt in conspiracy
theory has spent years constructing. The
films humor and creepiness, meanwhile,
stem from the dichotomy between our leads
perilous situation and the 50s-family-sitcom
homeyness of their uncomfortably close
quarters: The jukebox plays I Think Were
Alone Now while faraway banging is heard;
hints of Howards potential psychosis land
in the midst of game night. (Its legitimately
disconcerting when Howard is unable to guess
the answer Little Women while playing Password.) Directing his first feature, Trachtenberg
already displays a masterful talent for juggling
and blending competing tones, and he creates
sequences of subtly teasing suspense, including
a crawl-through-the-air-ducts nod to Alien
that climaxes with an unnerving plot twist. Yet
while the pacing and staging underground are
dynamically effective, and the compositions
impressive even in the overtly, disappointingly
Cloverfield-y climax, Trachtenbergs true gifts
may yet prove to be performance-based if,
that is, hes given future opportunities to elicit
such excellent performances.
At least since her eye-catching turn in
2006s Final Destination 3 one of those rare,
unexpectedly forceful genre-flick portrayals
that made you scan the end credits wondering
Who was that? Winstead has been a nearmiss star too often stuck in films undeserving
of her greatness. With luck, 10 Cloverfield
Lane will finally alter her unfortunate
career trajectory, because shes just perfect;

John Goodman, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, and John Gallagher Jr. in 10 Cloverfield Lane
effortlessly empathetic, Winstead never
makes a showy deal out of Michelles cunning
and buried strength, and worlds of resourceful intelligence can be found in her wary yet
penetrating stares. Gallagher, providing lowkey humor and loads of heart, makes Emmett
an exquisitely endearing meathead, and
continues to suggest that he may be the most
gifted underrated screen actor of his generation. (See also Short Term 12, Margaret, TVs
The Newsroom and Olive Kitteridge ... .)
As for Goodman, this instantly, irrepressibly likable character actor is bone-deep
chilling here and yet, miraculously, still
likable a balancing act that perhaps only
he could pull off. Howards geniality never
an inch or two removed from complete
instability, Goodman here tops even his
most delicious funny/scary turns of the past,
leaving you too breathless to laugh yet too
delighted not to try. Much as I disagree with
the decision, I get why this Goodman showcase is called 10 Cloverfield Lane. If a followup had to be suggested by its title, though, I
wouldve much preferred Barton Fink 2: The
Resurrection of Charlie Meadows.


Just by dint of being a movie reviewer, many

people no doubt think Im a jerk, so I may as

well say something truly jerky regarding the

biblical drama The Young Messiah: The movies
biggest problem is Jesus or rather, the little
kid (Adam Greaves-Neal) playing Jesus. To be
fair, director Cyrus Nowrastehs imagining of
Christs life from ages seven to eight is no great
shakes regardless. This abstractly intriguing
speculation on biblical history is plodding and
repetitive, and while the film (like grimacing
co-star Sean Bean) is undeniably earnest, the
only vitality is provided by Christian McKay
as Jesus ailing uncle and Rory Keenan as a
blond Satan with heavy eyeliner. Its significant
failings, though, may have been ignored had
Greaves-Neal boasted anywhere close to a
divine presence. He doesnt, however, and as
adorable as he and his overbite are, the fidgety
child performer appears sadly out of his depth,
and simply doesnt hold the camera in any way
that would make The Young Messiah more
than a dully serviceable Lenten field trip. Were
meant to be awed by this Jesus preternatural
grace and charity, but unfortunately GreavesNeal inspires less awe than Aw-w-w-w!
For reviews of Zootopia, London Has Fallen, The
Brothers Grimsby, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, and
other current releases, visit RiverCitiesReader.com.
Follow Mike on Twitter at Twitter.com/


River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016


Homegrown Home Run

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

By Frederick Morden

The Quad City Symphony, March 5 at the Adler Theatre

okingly called the bedpost, the bassoon is the most omitted instrument
in the classical solo repertoire. But
the Quad City Symphonys March 5 premiere of Jacob Bancks Dream Variations
was serious musical business a delightful and diverse 22-minute exploration of
all things bassoon that helps fill the void.
Dream Variations for bassoon &
orchestra was a plunge into the technical and musical possibilities of a solo
instrument seldom heard up-front. But
the Adler Theatre concert was also a
showcase for local talent. Bancks is an
Augustana College faculty member, and
his technically acrobatic Dreams was
brought to life by Mark Timmerman,
the principal bassoonist of the New York
Metropolitan Opera but also a Davenport native. And leading a performance
that also included Johannes Brahms
Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn
and Edward Elgars Enigma Variations
was Quad City Symphony Associate
Conductor Benjamin Klemme, a Pleasant Valley High School graduate making
his conducting debut with the orchestra.
Following the success of his Quad
City Symphony commission Rock Island
Line two years ago, Bancks has written
another musical depiction of the familiar. While Rock Island Line explored the
sounds and history of the Quad Cities
community, Variations has a more universal theme: the common experiences
of dreams.
Bancks piece is similar to a motion
picture without images with a narrative
backbone in the musical characterizations suggested and described by the
eight variation titles. Imagine the sound
contrasts between a variation called
Vertigo with its disorientation and
dizziness and the suspense in Haunted
Terrain or the whirling downward
spirals in Falling or the wild, heartpounding and frenzied Hysteria.
Timmerman made good use of this
new addition to the bassoons meager
solo repertoire. Over three octaves of
double-reed adventuring, from the plaintive musical sighs in the opening theme
through the swirling of Airborne and
Falling to the rapid, dry staccato leaping intervals in Hysteria, Timmermans
tone was uniformly singing. Yes, he
could growl that raspy sound in the
lower register but it was always focused
and musically pleasing, not clich.
Dream is constructed with traditional

and recognizable compositional devices

such as phrases built on melodic
sequences that breathe with an ebb and
flow of energy. There are overarching
dramatic gestures and a contemporary
tonal system that functions in traditional
ways, moving from relative consonance
to dissonance to form rhythmic patterns
that feel familiar.
As both a concerto and a guided
musical tour of subconscious nocturnal
events, Dream Variations both awakens
and illuminates the imagination of the
audience to hear for themselves how the
nature of these dreams might sound, a
process that forms a bridge between what
is heard and the subject it represents.
It is the clarity of this relationship that
enables Dream to make a strong connection with the audience as a piece of
contemporary music.

Imagine the sound

contrasts between
a variation called
Vertigo and
the suspense in
Haunted Terrain
or the whirling
downward spirals
in Falling
Bancks modern piece combined with
the programs two warhorses provided
an in-depth look at Klemme in his first
Masterworks concert in front of the Quad
City Symphony. With a flick of his fingers
in the quick, delicate ending of the IV
Variation in Brahms or a full-body swivel
with arms stretched out to draw out the
lush richness of Nimrod in Elgar, it was
evident that Klemme had the capacity to
understand how the music worked and
the ability to show the orchestra what he
wanted them to do with it. Small, precise
stick movements focused the players
into accurate attacks of Bancks intricate
chamber-music sections and guided them
through counter-intuitive cross rhythms
in Elgars Intermezzo.
Klemme demonstrated the traditional

performance practices in the Brahms

and Elgar, but he also revealed a fire for
contemporary musical ideas. Each musical depiction of Bancks Dream Variations was convincing dramatically as well
as distinctly different musically.
In a concert of nonstop changing
meters and tempos, Klemme brought
stylistic clarity to not only the work of
three very different composers, but also
to the musical characterizations between
each variation within the pieces. In Elgar,
for example, the fast off-the-string playing between the first and second violins
in the second variation was distinctly
different in both color and dynamics
from the lyrically broad, thick movement
that preceded it or the jocular Allegretto that followed.
Throughout the concert, Klemmes
control over the technical challenges in
the orchestra with coherent conducting
movements was the rule but with a few
musical blemishes. Brahms was, at times,
a contradiction of inconsistent playing
and articulation. Moments of precision
such as the crisp horn variation were not
matched with consistent articulations
in the following Grazioso. Rhythmic elements between the strings and
woodwinds (dotted 8th, 16th, 8th) were
nuanced differently the woodwinds
snapping off the 16th, the strings connecting it to the following 8th. And without some hint of subdividing the slow,
long beats in both Brahms and Elgar,
Klemme lost some melodic cohesion in
the inner pulses, specifically when the
music was in compound meters (12/8, for
But Klemmes debut overall was strong
and promising, highlighted by another
striking Bancks world premiere by the
Quad City Symphony and Timmermans
masterful performance in it.
Frederick Morden is a retired orchestramusic director, conductor, composer,
arranger, educator, and writer who has
served on the executive board of the
Conductors Guild.
The Quad City Symphony will close its
Masterworks season with performances
April 2 and 3 of Gustav Mahlers Symphony No. 2, featuring soprano Linh
Kauffman, mezzo-soprano Adriana
Zabala, the Handel Oratorio Society, and
Quad City Choral Arts. For more information, visit QCSO.org.

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

2016 Spring Calendar


page 12
page 16
page 20
page 22


page 24
page 24
page 26
page 26


page 28
page 28
page 31
page 33


page 34
page 36
page 36

More Than 300 Family-Friendly Events in the KWQC Family Fun Guide Starting on Page 39

Openings & Gallery Events

Curator Talk for Cameo Stones: Hidden Gems in
the Figge Collection, a fine selection of gems from a

collection of more than 400 cameo and intaglio stones

donated in 1929 by Dr. Clarence T. Lindley will be on
display; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
org, 7pm Thu Mar 17

Third Thursday Event, a special monthly self-guided

tour of downtown Davenports growing shopping scene;

restaurants, and breweries, Downtown Davenport,
Davenport IA, DowntownDavenport.com, 5pm Thu
Mar 17

Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,

discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; with a

screening of the Montford Point Marines film; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5pm Thu
Mar 17 thru Thu Mar 31

Floriani Hands-on Event, see demos and learn tips and

tricks while working on projects; the kits for the projects

will be provided as well as the Janome Horizon MC 15000
embroidery machines you will use for the projects; lunch
will also be provided; $129; for information and to register,
call 563-289-1447, Expressions in Threads, 208 S Cody,
LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com/events.html, 9am Fri Mar 18
thru Sat Mar 19

2016 Young Artists at the Figge Recognition

Ceremony: Moline Schools, annual exhibition of

works by elementary art students, with one student from

each participating school chosen to receive a scholarship
to a Figge class; free; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 12:30pm Sun Mar 20

Artifactorys Art in the Afternoon, a presentation by

Japanese ceramicist and Scattergood Artist in Residence
Shumpei Yamaki; Shumpei will talk about process,
show slides, show actual work, talk about his journey
from doing hip-hop dance to becoming a ceramic artist
rooted in Japanese aesthetics and techniques and
how those things are connected, and he will answer
questions/have a discussion; free; for information and
to register, call 319-338-1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E
Washington St, Iowa City IA, BeadologyIowa.com, 2pm
Sun Mar 20

Opening Reception: Tapestry Innovations,

Augustana College art professor Rowen SchussheimAnderson has been pushing the boundaries of
traditional tapestry weaving for more than three
decades; for information, contact Zaiga Thorson at
thorsonz@bhc.edu or 309-796-5469, Black Hawk College
ArtSpace Gallery, Building 4, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL,
BHC.edu, 4pm Wed Mar 23

River Writers, explore the exhibitions artworks as

authors from the Midwest Writing Center read selected

original works that focus on life along the Mississippi
River; come early to enjoy a cocktail while listening to
musician Ellis Kell from River Music Experience as he
shares the history and music of the Mississippi River; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport
IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 7pm Thu Mar 24

Sounds of the Mississippi, have a cocktail at the

Figge as musician Ellis Kell from River Music Experience

shares the history and music of the Mississippi River; stay
for a series of readings about life on the Mississippi River
by authors from the Midwest Writing Center; free with
$4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5:30pm Thu Mar 24

Final Friday: Womens (Art) History Month, featuring

works by area women artists; free; for information, call

563-424-1210, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Mar 25

Irma Ren Koen: A Modern Painter ReDiscovered, program by art historian Dr. Cynthia

Wiedemann Empen about a woman who grew up in Rock

Island and became a professional artist, writer, and lecturer;
for information, e-mail info@midcoast.org, Midcoast at
Bucktown Gallery, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd
St, Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 7pm Fri Mar 25

Creation Studio Workshop: Basket Weaving,

Free Family Day, dive into the world of The Art of

Architecture with activities, build challenges, movies

and more; guests will also explore the Mississippi River
through special activities featuring the exhibition
Mississippi River Views from the Muscatine Art Center
Collection; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
org, 10am Sat Apr 2

Creation Studio Drop-in: Seed Starting

Containers, well be making seed starters using

different types of biodegradable materials; for

information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Apr 4

Justice!: Alternative Voices and Progressive Themes

in Comics Artist Q & A, for information, call 563-3336444, Catich Gallery - St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines
St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/catich, 3pm Wed Apr 6

Kenneth Cunningham & Tessa Pozzi: Artist Talk,

Fair Play: Art and Social Justice, two-day art

Creation Studio Drop-in: Maker Monday, drop-in

discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; for

information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5pm
Thu Apr 7 thru Thu Apr 28

Community Event for Plantbot Genetics
Presents: The Moth Project, held in conjunction with
Augustanas exhibit of collaborative works by Wendy
DesChene and Jeff Schmuki, whose work combines
activism, research, and social space to foster discussion
and generate action in the area of ecological awareness;
for information, contact Lauren Reid at laurenreid@
augustana.edu or 309-793-7323, Freight House Farmers
Market, 421 W River Dr, Davenport IA, Augustana.edu/
artmuseum, 8am Sat Apr 2

Free Admission to the Grant Wood Studio, on

Saturdays and Sundays; admission to the studio is free

for everyone during regular Studio hours thanks to a
grant from the Esther and Robert Armstrong Charitable
Trust; for information, call 319-366-7503, Grant Wood
Studio, 810 2nd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, noon
Sat Apr 2 thru Sat Apr 30

Adult Coloring Night, relax and create as you color

a wide variety of designs created just for adults; with
refreshments and light music; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library,
401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm
Mon Apr 25

Reception for Justice!: Alternative Voices and

Progressive Themes in Comics, for information, call

Adult Coloring Night, relax and create as you color

a wide variety of designs created just for adults; with
refreshments and light music; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library - Main Library, 401 19th
St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Mon Mar 28

Augustanas exhibit of collaborative works by Wendy

DesChene and Jeff Schmuki, whose work combines
activism, research, and social space to foster discussion
and generate action in the area of ecological awareness;
for information, contact Lauren Reid at laurenreid@
augustana.edu or 309-793-7323, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, Augustana.edu/artmuseum,
6pm Thu Mar 31

works by elementary art students, with one student from

each participating school chosen to receive a scholarship
to a Figge class; free; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 12:30pm Sun Apr 24

Kenneth Cunningham & Tessa Pozzi: Artist Q&A,

563-333-6444, Catich Gallery, St. Ambrose University, 2101

Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/catich, 4pm Wed Apr 6

Special Event & Artist Talk for Plantbot Genetics

Presents: The Moth Project, held in conjunction with

2016 Young Artists at the Figge Recognition

Ceremony: Davenport Schools, annual exhibition of

Justice!: Alternative Voices and Progressive

Themes in Comics Artist Talk, for information, call

members of the Quad Cities Basketry Guild will

instruct participants on how to create a small basket
approximately 7x7x6-inches, perfect for small items or
baked goods; a $10 fee will be charged to help cover
cost of materials; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Sat Mar 26

craft projects geared for the older youth and above

but all are welcome; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Mar 28

the demonstration to watch, ask questions, and learn

about the screen printing process, step by step, from
design to production; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 11am Sat Apr 23

563-333-6444, Catich Gallery, St. Ambrose University, 2101

Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/catich, 5pm Wed Apr 6

for information, call 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery, St.

Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/catich, 3pm Wed Apr 27
for information, call 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/catich, 4pm Wed Apr 27

Kenneth Cunningham & Tessa Pozzi: Reception,

conference; for information, call 563-333-6251, Galvin Fine

Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAUArtDept.
wordpress.com/conference, Wed Apr 6 thru Thu Apr 7

for information, call 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery, St.

Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/catich, 5pm Wed Apr 27

Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,

Final Friday: April in Paris, featuring Impressionistic

art; dress for the occasion, and enjoy French bread and
cheeses with wine; free; for information, call 563424-1210, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Apr 29

ARTery pARTy and Closing Reception, free; for

information, call 563-424-1210, MidCoast Gallery West,
1629 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri Apr 8
2016 Young Artists at the Figge Recognition
Ceremony: Muscatine Schools, annual exhibition of

works by elementary art students, with one student from

each participating school chosen to receive a scholarship
to a Figge class; free; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 12:30pm Sun Apr 10

Creation Studio Drop-in: Maker Monday, drop-in

craft projects geared for the older youth and above but all
are welcome; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Apr 11 thru Mon Apr 25

Reception for In Stitches: Yarn & Thread in

Contemporary Art, for information, call 563-333-

6444, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin Fine Arts Center, St.

Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/catich, 5pm Wed Apr 20

Third Thursday Event, a special monthly self-guided

tour of downtown Davenports growing shopping scene;

restaurants, and breweries, Downtown Davenport,
Davenport IA, DowntownDavenport.com, 5pm Thu Apr 21

Creation Studio Residency: Muddy Water

Press, Alex Groh of Muddy Water Press will be in our

Creation Studio printing posters and demonstrating

the screen printing process; drop in at any time during

May & June

2016 Young Artists at the Figge Recognition
Ceremony: Bettendorf Schools, annual exhibition of

works by elementary art students, with one student from

each participating school chosen to receive a scholarship
to a Figge class; free; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 12:30pm Sun May 1

Free Admission to the Grant Wood Studio, on

Saturdays and Sundays; admission to the studio is free
for everyone during regular Studio hours thanks to a
grant from the Esther and Robert Armstrong Charitable
Trust; for information, call 319-366-7503, Grant Wood
Studio, 810 2nd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, noon
Sun May 1 thru Sun Jun 5
Artist Talk for New Departures 2016: Senior
Studio Art & Graphic Design Exhibition, exhibition

features the Senior Inquiry projects of the Augustana

College studio art and graphic design majors of the
Class of 2016; for information, contact Lauren Reid at
laurenreid@augustana.edu or 309-793-7323, Augustana
Teaching Museum of Art, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/artmuseum, Wed May 4

Thursdays at the Figge, art-themed activities,

discussions, tours, refreshments, and more; for

information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5pm Thu
May 5 thru Thu May 26

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com


Gallery Hop!, demonstrations, performances, works

for sale, and more with local artists at a variety of

different downtown venues; for information, e-mail
info@midcoast.org or call 563-424-1210, The District of
Rock Island, 100 19th St, Suite 109 (office), Rock Island IL,
RIDistrict.com, 6pm Fri May 6

Kinesiology Poster Presentations, from seniors

semester internships at a variety of sport and wellness
businesses; free; for information, contact Suzanne
Wiese at 563-333-5866 or wiesesuzannep@sau.edu,
Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 1:30pm Fri May 6
Opening Reception: Poetic Vision, free; for
information, call 563-424-1210, MidCoast Gallery West,
1629 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri May 6
Beaux Arts Fair, annual outdoor celebration of fine art
and crafts, featuring vendors, live music, food, childrens
activities, and more; free; for information, e-mail
BeauxArtsFair@gmail.com, Figge Art Museum Plaza, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, BeauxArtsFair.com, 10am Sat
May 7 and Sun May 8
2016 Young Artists at the Figge Recognition
Ceremony: Pleasant Valley Schools, annual

exhibition of works by elementary art students, with one

student from each participating school chosen to receive a
scholarship to a Figge class; free; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 12:30pm Sun May 15

Jennifer Nettles April 15

Third Thursday Event, a special monthly self-guided

tour of downtown Davenports growing shopping scene;

restaurants, and breweries, Downtown Davenport,
Davenport IA, DowntownDavenport.com, 5pm
Thu May 19

Closing Reception for New Departures 2016: Senior

Studio Art & Graphic Design Exhibition, exhibition

features the Senior Inquiry projects of the Augustana

College studio art and graphic design majors of the Class of
2016; for information, contact Lauren Reid at laurenreid@
augustana.edu or 309-793-7323, Augustana Teaching
Museum of Art, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.
edu/artmuseum, 12:45pm Sun May 22

Adult Coloring Night, relax and create as you color

a wide variety of designs created just for adults; with
refreshments and light music; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm
Mon May 23
Moonlight on the Mississippi: Futuristic Rhythms,
Currency and Change, Iowa artist Nancy Purington

will share a presentation with images from her new

book; Purington will sign copies of the book, a collection
of paintings and photographs of the Mississippi River,
after her talk; for information, call 563-326-7804,
Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 5:30pm Thu May 26

Final Friday: Fiber Arts, free; for information, call

563-424-1210, Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, MidCoast.org, 6pm Fri May 27
ArtWorks Expo High School Pastel Competition,

free; for information, call 563-424-1210, Bucktown Center

for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St, Davenport IA, MidCoast.org,
11am Sat May 28

Iowa Art Festival Art Fair, features a juried fine-art

show with approximately 100 of the nations best artists
in jewelry, painting, drawing, ceramics, photography,
sculpture, metal, wood, and mixed media; with live
entertainment on three stages, a beverage garden, a
culinary row, childrens activities, and more; Fri. 5-8pm,
Sat. 10am-7pm; Sun. 10am-4pm, Downtown Iowa
City, Iowa City IA, SummerOfTheArts.org, Fri Jun 3
thru Sun Jun 5

Scott & Rock Island Counties
Currently on Display
Mississippi Valley Quilters Guild: Quilters
Favorites, a showcase of 30 award-winning quilts in the
museum lobby; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm,
Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun
Mar 20

Events Adler Theatre / March through May

ooking over the incredible lineup of springtime events at Davenports Adler Theatre, I was knocked out by how many different
genres of music were represented: pop, rock, country, blues, jazz,
gospel, classical, show tunes ... and thats just Joseph & the Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat! But while Andrew Lloyd Webbers and
Tim Rices beloved biblical musical being performed in an April 4
Broadway at the Adler presentation does indeed feature all those
styles in one convenient stage package, there are also ample Adler
opportunities to enjoy each style separately.
2016s spring season starts off with a gift for rock fans in March 24s
evening with Breaking Benjamin, the Pennsylvania-based, multiplatinum-selling artists whose recent Dark Before Dawn debuted at
number one on Billboards Hot 200 album chart, and whose ironically
titled single Failure proved a smash success, spending eight consecutive weeks at the rock charts number-one position. Rock blended with
invigorating Americana will be on hand when Grammy-winning Rock
& Hall of Famer John Mellencamp brings his Plain Spoken Tour to the
Adler on April 5, performing from a four-decade repertoire that boasts
such top-five hits as Jack & Diane, Hurts So Good, Wild Night, and
R.O.C.K. in the U.S.A. Meanwhile, more Grammy-winning rockers
land at the Adler in the May 17 engagement with Halestorm, as lead
singer Lizzy Hale and her ensemble thrill the crowd with hits including
Freak Like Me, Apocalyptic, and Amen, all three of which reached
the number-one spot on Billboards mainstream-rock chart.
If its gospel and jazz youre hunting for, youll get the best of both
in QC Uniteds Quad City Gospel Meets New York Jazz (March 25),
a fundraiser for educational programs and world relief that finds
the gifted gospel musicians of our areas Westbrook Singers joining
forces with internationally acclaimed jazz musician Roy Blue. And
blue, or rather blues, will be the signature colors in the Adlers May 10
concert with Joe Bonamassa, who famously opened for B.B. King at
the tender age of 12 and led Classic Rock Magazine to rave: Theyre
calling him the future of blues, but theyre wrong. Joe Bonamassa is
the present so fresh and of his time that he almost defines it.
As for the state of female-driven country music, youll get a strong
sense of its vitality in April 15s Next Women of Country Tour headlined by Jennifer Nettles, a lead vocalist of Sugarland who has also
amassed eight number-one hits and a number-one-album debut for
2014s That Girl. Nettles will be joined on the Adler stage by ascending
stars Brandy Clark, Lindsay Ell, and Tara Thompson. And six days
after these gifted women perform, the venue will be taken over by
gifted boys to be precise, gifted Newsboys (April 21), the platinumselling, Grammy-nominated contemporary-Christian artists whose
We Believe ... Gods Not Dead Tour will find them thrilling fans with
inspiring numbers from their collective 17 studio albums.

A pair of juniors will also be making music in Davenport this

spring. But dont make the mistake of equating junior with
lesser, given the massive talents of these particular artists: Harry
Connick Jr. (May 11), the genre-defying icon whose prodigious abilities have earned him three Grammys, two Emmys, and two Tony
nods; and Frank Sinatra Jr. (May 19), whose Sinatra Sings Sinatra
Tour finds Ol Blue Eyes son playing tribute to his dad through
stories of Franks life, multimedia projections, and, of course, croonings of everything from New York, New York to My Way.
The Quad City Symphony Orchestra will certainly have a busy
spring at the Adler, as the local musicians have no less than three
concert events booked over the course of one month. On April 2, the
QCSO caps its 2015-16 season with Masterworks VI: The Resurrection, in which conductor Mark Russell Smith leads Mahlers
massive, moving Symphony No. 2 with soprano Linh Kauffman,
mezzo-soprano Adriana Zabala, and members of Quad City Choral
Arts. (The concert will also be performed at Augustana Colleges
Centennial Hall on April 3.) April 9 brings with it the family concert
The Magical Music of Disney, with the QCSO playing music from the
studios early classics and modern smashes while animated images
are synchronized with the scores. And on the following afternoon,
the symphony and its five Quad City Symphony youth ensembles will
collaborate for the Side-by-Side Concert (April 10), the first time all
of these groups will share their gifts on the very same stage.
More classical music will be heard at the Adler when Ballet Quad
Cities delivers two performances of Russian Fairytales (April 30), a
two-act blending of the magical Stravinsky ballets Petrushka and The
Firebird. Meanwhile, really, really classical music like, 5,000-yearold classical will accompany the ethnic and folk dancers of Shen
Yun (April 17) in a celebration of Chinese culture replete with heroic
tales, ancient legends, animated backdrops, and more than 400
period costumes worn by its cast of 100 world-class performers.
Yet for all of these exhilarating events, dont fear music overload at
the Adler this spring, because a pair of touring artists are arriving to
turn your humming into cackling. To be fair, one of them, Rodney
Carrington (March 26), is also a bona fide country singer though it
sounds like observational jokes and big laughs are more on the menu
given that hes appearing in his Here Comes the Truth Tour. And on
May 1, the Adler will host the eagerly awaited return of handyman
humorist Red Green, who famously believes anything is possible if
you use enough duct tape, and who will chat about his life, his loves,
and even his age in his new show titled Im Not Old, Im Ripe! Thats
what I told my young nephew when he said I was old. Then he bit me.
For more on the Adlers springtime lineup, visit
AdlerTheatre.com. Mike Schulz



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Visual Arts / Exhibits / Scott & Rock

Island Counties / Currently on Display

Womens History Month Exhibit, artists featured

in the exhibit include ceramic artist Karen Brinson

of Bettendorf, painter Kay McClure Crain of St. Louis,
mixed-media artist Heidi Hernandez of Davenport,
contemporary nature artist Jacki Olsen of Rock Island,
and sculptural paper artist Dawn Wohlford-Metallo
of Bettendorf; Wed.-Sat. 11am-6pm; for information,
call 563-508-4630, Bereskin Fine Art Gallery &
Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 & 104, Davenport IA,
BereskinArtGallery.com, thru Wed Mar 30

David Hast, Paul Pinzarrone, and Glen

Boyles, for information, contact Carolyn Krueger at

carolynjkrueger@gmail.com, The ARTery, 1629 2nd Ave

in the District, Rock Island IL, MidCoast.org, thru Thu
Mar 31

Michael John and David Herwaldt, exhibit of

paintings by John and photography by Herwaldt; for

information, e-mail info@midcoast.org, MidCoast Centre
Station Gallery, 1200 River Dr, Moline IL, MidCoast.org,
thru Thu Mar 31

Pop Art of Greg Dickinson, art exhibit by Clinton,

Iowas visual artist, muralist, and sign painter Greg
Dickinson; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, thru Thu Mar 31
Janet Checker Barbara Walton, exhibit of oil
paintings by Checker of Galena and encaustic by Barbara
Walton of Ames; free; Tue.-Fri. 10am-5pm, Sat. 11am5pm; free; for information, call 309-793-1213, Quad City
Arts Center, 1715 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, QuadCityArts.
com, thru Fri Apr 1
Plantbot Genetics Presents: The Moth Project,

exhibit of collaborative works by Wendy DesChene and

Jeff Schmuki, whose work combines activism, research,
and social space to foster discussion and generate
action in the area of ecological awareness; noon-4pm
Wed.-Sat. when school is in session; free; for information,
contact Lauren Reid at laurenreid@augustana.edu or
309-793-7323, Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, 3703
7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/artmuseum, thru
Sat Apr 2

Justice League: A Print Portfolio Exchange, for

information, call 563-333-6444, Morrissey Gallery, Galvin
Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St.,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu/morrissey, thru Fri Apr 8
Tapestry Innovations, Augustana College art

professor Rowen Schussheim-Anderson has been

pushing the boundaries of traditional tapestry weaving
for more than three decades; for information, contact
Zaiga Thorson at thorsonz@bhc.edu or 309-796-5469.,
Black Hawk College ArtSpace Gallery, Building 4, 6600
34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu, thru Fri Apr 8

April Jackson, exhibit by the Galesburg-based artist,

whose paintings focus on emotion, memory, sensory

experiences, the metaphysical, the written word, and
applying concepts of abstraction; for information, e-mail
info@midcoast.org, Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery,
Bucktown Center for the Arts, 225 E 2nd St, Davenport IA,
MidCoast.org, thru Sat Apr 9

Quad City Women College Art Teachers, invited

artists include Rowen Schussheim-Anderson, Megan
Quinn, Vickie R. Phipps and Corrine Smith of Augustana
College; Zaiga Thorson of Black Hawk College; and
Kathryn Anderson, Alison Filley and Kristin Quinn of
St. Ambrose University; for information, e-mail info@
midcoast.org, Midcoast at Bucktown Gallery, Bucktown
Center for the Arts, 225 E. 2nd St., Davenport IA,
MidCoast.org, thru Sat Apr 9
Justice!: Alternative Voices and Progressive
Themes in Comics, a survey of contemporary

comic-book art from artists outside the mainstream;

9am-5pm daily; free; for information, call 563-333-6444,
Catich Gallery, St. Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu/catich, thru Sat Apr 16

Karen Austin Douglas Rutzen Michelle Rial,

exhibit of photography by Austin of Camanche, IA,

paintings by Rutzen of Blandinsville, IL, and fueled
glass by Rial of Serena; $1 for parking; for information,
call 309-793-1213, Quad City Arts at the Airport, Quad
City International Airport, 2200 69th Ave., Moline IL,
QuadCityArts.com, thru Sat Apr 30

39th Annual Rock Island Art Guild Fine Arts

Exhibition, this juried guild exhibition is open to artists

within a 150-mile radius of the Quad Cities, and this

years juror is Julie Rodrigues Widholm, the director of
DePaul Art Museum in Chicago; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm,
Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum
admission; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
org, thru Sun May 15

Cameo Stones: Hidden Gems in the Figge

Collection, a fine selection of gems from a collection

of more than 400 cameo and intaglio stones donated in

1929 by Dr. Clarence T. Lindley will be on display; Tue.Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport
IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun May 15

The Art of Architecture: LEGO Sculptures by

Adam Reed Tucker, with Photographs by J. Hunt
Harris II, Adam Reed Tuckers exhibition will include 12

renditions of architectural masterworks, including the

John Hancock Building, the Empire State Building, the St.
Louis Arch, and the 162-story Burj Khalifa in Dubai; Tue.Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport
IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun May 29

Augustana Teaching Museum of Art 2015-16

Exhibit, exhibit of works chosen by Augustana faculty,

this years selections include works that complement

the colleges Augie Reads book, James Baldwins The
Fire Next Time, as well as Native American pottery and
textiles, masks from African cultures, and a number of
paintings and works on paper from the Medieval to
Modern periods; noon-4pm Wed.-Sat. when school is
in session; free; for information, contact Lauren Reid at
laurenreid@augustana.edu or 309-793-7323, Augustana
Teaching Museum of Art, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/artmuseum, thru Tue May 31

A Model Client: Frank Lloyd Wright Designs for

SC Johnson & Son, works resulting from SC Johnson

president Herbert F. Johnson Jr.s decision to commission

Wright to design a modern structure to better serve the
companys administrative staff; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm,
Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum
admission; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
org, thru Sat Jun 4

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

2016; noon-4pm Wed.-Sat. when school is in session;
free; for information, contact Lauren Reid at laurenreid@
augustana.edu or 309-793-7323, Augustana Teaching
Museum of Art, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.
edu/artmuseum, Wed Apr 13 thru Sun May 22

Warren MacKenzie, Clary Illian, Chuck Hindes, and Ron

Meyers; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat.
10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar
Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
CRMA.org, thru Sun Apr 10

In Stitches: Yarn & Thread in Contemporary Art,

Selfie: Self-Portraits from the Permanent

Collection, works by Rembrandt van Rijn, Anthony van

for information, call 563-333-6444, Morrissey Gallery,

Galvin Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101
Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/morrissey, Fri Apr 15
thru Fri May 13

2016 Young Artists at the Figge: Davenport

Schools, annual exhibition of works by elementary

Dyke, Chuck Close, Cindy Sherman, Mauricio Lasansky,

Danny Lyon, and others span the 17th Century to the
present; Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun.
noon-4pm; for information, call 515-277-4405, Des
Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave, Des Moines IA,
DesMoinesArtCenter.org, thru Sun Apr 24

Kenneth Cunningham & Tessa Pozzi, for

Joanne Ribble: Artist and Advocate, this painting

and drawing exhibition celebrates a side of Ribbles life
that she kept private; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503,
Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave. SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Sat Apr 30

art students; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm,

Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, Sat Apr
16 thru Sun Apr 24
information, call 563-333-6444, Catich Gallery, St.
Ambrose University, 2101 Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/catich, Thu Apr 21 thru Fri May 13

2016 Young Artists at the Figge: Bettendorf Schools,

Arts & Letters, the exhibit considers connections

between literature and the visual arts across various
times and cultures; painting, photography, sculpture,
and video are represented; Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat.
10am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for information, call 515277-4405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave, Des
Moines IA, DesMoinesArtCenter.org, thru Sun May 1

2016 Young Artists at the Figge: Pleasant Valley

Schools, annual exhibition of works by elementary

The Concert Singer, view this painted masterpiece

by Thomas Eakins, the American realist widely
acknowledged as one of the most important 19th
Century artists in American history; free; for information,
call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd
Ave SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Sun May 1

annual exhibition of works by elementary art students;

Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, Sat Apr 30 thru Sun May 8

art students; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm,

Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, Sat May
14 thru Sun May 22

Mate Masie: What I Hear I Keep, the exhibit

consists of 10 modular, free-standing photo-text

panels that tell the stories of African Americans whose
accomplishments in a variety of fields have had a lasting,
positive impact on this nation; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, Mon
Jun 6 thru Wed Jun 8

Outlying Areas
Currently on Display

Mississippi River Views from the Muscatine

Art Center Collection, a collection of 60 paintings,

The Versatility of Oil Paintings, artists Brad Krieger,

Legacies for Iowa, the first display of art from the UIMA

Jeffery Byrd: Recycling, exhibit of collage works by

drawings, maps and other river-related works from

the collection of the Muscatine Art Center; Tue.-Sat.
10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free with
$4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Sun Jun 5
at the Figge Art Museum, Legacies for Iowa features some
of the most important paintings in the UIMA collection;
free with $4-7 museum admission; for information,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, thru Wed Jun 8

Living Proof Exhibit, exhibit featuring artworks by

area cancer survivors, with new works on display every

three months; for information, call 309-779-5000, Trinity
Cancer Center, 500 John Deere Rd, Moline IL, UnityPoint.
org, thru Wed Jun 8

Opening This Spring

2016 Young Artists at the Figge: Moline Schools,

annual exhibition of works by elementary art students;

Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm, Sun. noon-5pm; free
with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, Sat Mar 19 thru Sun Mar 27

2016 Young Artists at the Figge: Muscatine

Schools, annual exhibition of works by elementary

art students; Tue.-Sat. 10am-5pm, Thu. 10am-9pm,

Sun. noon-5pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, Sat Apr 2
thru Sun Apr 10

New Departures 2016: Senior Studio Art &

Graphic Design Exhibition, exhibition features

the Senior Inquiry projects of the Augustana College

studio art and graphic design majors of the Class of

Tam Bodkin Bryk, Dena Tollefson, and Steve Barker

discover and share their vision of an age-old material;
Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm, Sat. 10am-5pm, Sun. noon4pm; for information, call 319-338-4442, The Chait
Galleries Downtown, 218 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
ChaitGalleries.com, thru Wed Mar 23

the performance artist based in Cedar Falls; Mon.-Sat.

10am-6pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, thru Sun Mar 27

Grant Wood and Marvin Cone: Barns, Farms, and

Americas Heartland, an exhibition of both artists

work, focusing on the images of barns, farms, and the Iowa

landscape for which they are beloved; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm,
Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call
319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Sun May 15

Peter Fischli & David Weiss: The Way Things Go, an

exhibit in the Single-Channel program dedicated to the

exhibition and interpretation of important single-channel
video by contemporary artists; Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat.
10am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for information, call 515-2774405, Des Moines Art Center, 4700 Grand Ave, Des Moines
IA, DesMoinesArtCenter.org, thru Thu May 26

Graaaficaaa Itaaalianaaa, the exhibit explores

some of Italys contributions to, and its ambivalence
about, art on paper from the early to mid-20th century;
Tue.-Fri. 11am-4pm, Sat. 10am-4pm, Sun. noon-4pm; for
information, call 515-277-4405, Des Moines Art Center,
4700 Grand Ave, Des Moines IA, DesMoinesArtCenter.
org, thru Sun May 29
Art in Roman Life, over 50 works, including coins,

glass vessels, ceramic lamps, marble sculptures, and

more; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am4pm; for information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids
Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.
org, thru Wed Jun 8

Fidencio Martinez: Legalities of Being, currently

an MFA candidate at the University of Iowa, Martinezs

work examines immigration, the drug war, and socioeconomic issues affecting Mexico; Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm,
Sun. noon-4pm; for information, call 319-364-1580,
CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
LegionArts.org, thru Sun Apr 3

Grant Wood: In Focus, culled from the museums

extensive collection of works, this single-gallery installation
serves as a brief overview of the artistic achievements of
this important American painter; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu.
noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call 319-3667503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave. SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Wed Jun 8

Seema Kapur: Rivers and Bridges, exhibit of video

Mauricio Lasansky: Master Printmaker, new takes

Visual Stories: Surface & Play, exhibition of works by

artists Jeffrey Bruce and Joe Conover; for information,
call 563-587-8219, Gallery C, 900 Jackson St, Suite 113,
Dubuque IA, GalleryCM.com, thru Mon Apr 4

The Restless Spirit: American Art from the

Collection, a revolving four-gallery presentation that

installations by the Los Angeles-based filmmaker and

performance artist; Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm, Sun. noon-4pm;
for information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, thru Sun Apr 3

Rose Frantzen: Portrait of Maquoketa, exhibit

featuring 180 oil paintings and an audio collage of those
who posed, along with music inspired by the Maquoketa
landscape; for information, call 515-281-6412, Des
Moines State Historical Building, 600 E. Locust St., Des
Moines IA, thru Sat Apr 9
Living with Pots: Ceramics from the Eric Dean
and Tood Thelen Collection, exhibit of international

works, plus pieces by Midwestern artists including

on the important Iowa City artist; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm,

Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call
319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave.
SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Wed Jun 8

takes in-depth looks at recurring themes in American art;

Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for
information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art,
410 3rd Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, thru Wed Jun 8

Opening This Spring

Diego Lasansky: A Portrait of the Artist as a
Young Man, painting and printmaking exhibit by the

grandson of famed printmaker Mauricio Lasansky; Tue.Sun. noon-4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for
information, call 319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Art, 410 3rd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, Sat Apr
30 thru Wed Jun 8

Ladies of the Club: Female Portraits from the

Collection, exhibit celebrates the female portraits in the

CRMAs collection, from Marvin Cones evocative paintings

of his wife Winnifred, to Mauricio Lasanskys prints of his
wife and daughter, to Andy Warhols iconic images of the
mourning Jackie Kennedy; Tue.-Sun. noon-4pm, Thu.
noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call 319-3667503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, CRMA.org, Sat May 14 thru Wed Jun 8

Rodin: Portraits of a Lifetime. Selections from

the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Collections, exhibition

showcases 20 selections from the collections of Iris &

B. Gerald Cantor, including portrayals of 19th-century
luminaries such as authors Victor Hugo and Honor de
Balzac, and composer Gustav Mahler; Tue.-Sun. noon4pm, Thu. noon-8pm, Sat. 10am-4pm; for information, call
319-366-7503, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd Ave
SE, Cedar Rapids IA, CRMA.org, Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Make & Take: American Legion Edition, an

American Legion volunteer will demonstrate how

to make Poppy flowers; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 10am Sat Mar 26

Figure Drawing/Painting Class, on Thursdays;

with facilitators Jason Frank and Brad Bisbey; $15;
for information, e-mail bereskinartgallery@gmail.
com or call 563-508-4630, Bereskin Fine Art Gallery &
Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 & 104, Davenport IA,
BereskinArtGallery.com, 6:15pm thru Thu Mar 31
Beadology Open Lab, on Thursdays; receive the
benefit of Beadology Iowas experienced staff, and
share techniques, get assistance, and help create the
areas beading community; on the third Thursday of the
month, join Wendy Ford for free soft-glass tutorials from
5:30-7:30pm; free; for information and to register, call
319-338-1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, BeadologyIowa.com, 4pm thru Thu Mar 31
Gyrls Night Out: Branched Fringe Earrings, with
instructor Karen Kubby; this technique uses seed beads
and larger pressed glass pieces to make fringe that
looks like branches on a tree; $58; for information and
to register, call 319-338-1566, Beadology Iowa, 220
E Washington St, Iowa City IA, BeadologyIowa.com,
5:30pm Fri Mar 18
Lampwork Headpins, with instructor Karen
Kubby; using copper wire, add glass to the bottom,
and you have a fancy, handmade, glass headpin; $98;
for information and to register, call 319-338-1566,
Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
BeadologyIowa.com, 10am Sat Mar 19
Pearl Knotting, with instructor Cheryl Weatherford;

everyone needs a classic string of pearls. In this class, you will

learn the secrets of making pearl knotting easy; each person
will leave with a bracelet made with fresh-water pearls and a
sterling-silver clasp; $58; for information and to register, call
319-338-1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St, Iowa
City IA, BeadologyIowa.com, 2pm Sat Mar 19

Hubble Stitch Bracelet through Kirkwood, with

instructor Karen Kubby; learn tips and tricks for holding

your work to be the most successful, and leave with
new skills and the beginnings of a new bracelet; $58;
for information and to register, call 319-338-1566,
Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
BeadologyIowa.com, 5:30pm Tue Mar 22


Funding Your Work, learn how to think creatively

about diversifying your funding streams by exploring

traditional and new models for generating value,
resources, and revenue; a course in the series Work Of
Art: Essential Skills for Artists and Creative Professionals,
Gallery C, 900 Jackson St., Suite 113, Dubuque IA,
DbqStudioWorks.org/classes, 9:30am Wed Mar 23

Metal Work Tutorials, with instructor Leslie Hollis;

tutorials meant to help those wanting to get help
starting or finishing a project, to perfect technique, or
how to better use tools; $15 lab fee; for information and
to register, call 319-338-1566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E
Washington St, Iowa City IA, BeadologyIowa.com, 5pm
Thu Mar 24
Portfolio Toolkit, focus on the essential elements:

sharpening your artist statement, tailoring your artistic

rsums, and selecting and formatting your work
samples; a course in the series Work Of Art: Essential
Skills for Artists and Creative Professionals, Gallery C,
900 Jackson St, Suite 113, Dubuque IA, DbqStudioWorks.
org/classes, 5:30pm Fri Mar 25

Make & Take: American Legion Edition, an

American Legion volunteer will demonstrate how

to make Poppy flowers; free; for information, call
309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 10am Sat Mar 26

Marketing for Artists, define your product, discover

your target audience, make decisions about how you

sell your work, and identify a budget and strategy for
your artistic business; a course in the series Work Of Art:
Essential Skills for Artists and Creative Professionals,
Gallery C, 900 Jackson St, Suite 113, Dubuque IA,
DbqStudioWorks.org/classes, 9:30am Sat Mar 26

Metal Ring with Embellishment, with instructor

Leslie Hollis; create your design, form your ring to
size, and solder your components into place; $78;
for information and to register, call 319-338-1566,
Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
BeadologyIowa.com, 10am Sat Mar 26

Social Media Basics, using Facebook and Twitter

examples, learn core functionality, best practices and

exercises to help you build an online strategy for your
artistic business; a course in the series Work Of Art:
Essential Skills for Artists and Creative Professionals,
Gallery C, 900 Jackson St, Suite 113, Dubuque IA,
DbqStudioWorks.org/classes, 1:30pm Sat Mar 26

Drawing with Colored Pencil, Tuesdays thru Apr.

19; with instructor Denise Mohr; students will learn

multiple techniques, from layering, burnishing and
blending to drawing a dew drop on a leaf; explore ways
to add interest and excitement in a composition using
highlights and shadow to create depth in your pictures;
$95-105; for information and to register, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm Tue Mar 29

Acrylic Painting: Birds Springs Ambassadors,

Wednesdays thru Apr. 27; Allen Holloway will guide

students in an exploration of color, texture, shape and
form; learn basic bird anatomy that will lend lifelike
qualities to your paintings; bring a 4x6-inch (min.)
photo of the bird(s) youd like to paint and learn how
to translate the stillness of a photographic pose to
a painting; $105-115; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm Wed Mar 30

April thru June

Pricing Your Work, discover an analytical approach

to defining key elements that will help you calculate
the costs and prices of your art for a variety of markets;
a course in the series Work Of Art: Essential Skills
for Artists and Creative Professionals, Gallery C, 900
Jackson St, Suite 113, Dubuque IA, DbqStudioWorks.org/
classes, 5:30pm Tue Mar 22

Watercolor: Renewing Your Spirit, Wednesdays thru

May 4; artist Ralph Iaccarino will guide students in an
exploration of color theory, harmony, value, hue, shape,
and form; create paintings that will help you discover
your personal style, refresh your walls, and welcome
spring with vibrant color; students should bring photos
(min. 4x6-inch) of flowers, landscapes, sunsets/sunrises,
etc., they plan to paint; $95-105; for information and to
register, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W
2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm Wed
Apr 6

Business Plan Essentials, learn how to prepare a

simple business plan, in arts-friendly language, to help
you organize all the various aspects of your artistic
practice and make informed business decisions; a course
in the series Work Of Art: Essential Skills for Artists and
Creative Professionals, Gallery C, 900 Jackson St, Suite
113, Dubuque IA, DbqStudioWorks.org/classes, 1:30pm
Wed Mar 23

Anna Pagnucci will supply an image as inspiration for

students to paint a colorful, end-of-winter scene that
opens the door to spring; add your own individual
touches and twists of bright color to make your painting
special; $20; for information and to register, call 563-3267804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
FiggeArtMuseum.org, 6pm Thu Apr 7

Wine & Art: Winter Be Gone! Acrylic Painting,

Janet Jackson June 2

Events i wireless Center / March through June

hall we commence? If youre a staff member at Molines i wireless Center, the only
answer to that question is Heck, yeah, we shall! Because in its season featuring
two-dozen events open to the public, a full 11 of them are commencements, as students
and their families from May 15 to June 5 celebrate graduations from area colleges
(Augustana, Scott, Black Hawk), universities (St. Ambrose, Western Illinois), and high
schools (Rock Island, Pleasant Valley, North Scott, and Davenport North, West, and
Central). Consequently, a bunch of you will already be spending time at the i wireless at
least once this spring. But I urge you to also consider several additional visits, considering how many springtime engagements will leave patrons with the urge to cheer and
throw their hats in the air.
Such enthusiasm will no doubt be in the i wireless air during the final six matches
with our professional minor-league ice-hockey team the Quad City Mallards, who close
out their season by taking on the Indy Fuel (March 20 and April 3), Evansville IceMen
(March 25), Tulsa Oilers (April 1), and Cincinnati Cyclones (April 8 and 9). And the
sounds of arena cheers will be accompanied by the thrilling cacophony of humming
engines, grinding gears, spinning tires, and literally high-octane excitement in the latest
bookings of Monster Jam (April 30 and May 1), the touring motor-sports sensation
showcasing recognizable trucks including Max-D and the intimidating, and intimidatingly named, Grave Digger.
Those seeking affirmation from beyond the grave might just find it when TVs Long
Island Medium returns to the Quad Cities in Theresa Caputo Live! The Experience
(April 15). While sharing personal stories about her life and explaining her gift, the
practicing medium of more than 15 years will deliver healing messages of comfort to
audience members, with video displays ensuring that everyone in the venue enjoys an
up-close-and-personal experience regardless of seat location.
Meanwhile, if you want to get up close and personal with some of the most legendary
names in music, the i wireless should be your go-to destination. Performing locally in
his springtime Hits Deep Tour, six-time Grammy Award winner and multi-platinumselling TobyMac (April 10) will fill the Moline venue with his signature brand of
contemporary-Christian hip hop, appearing on the nights bill alongside Britt Nicole,
Colton Dixon, Building 429, Capital Kings, Finding Favour, and Hollyn. Less than a
week later, two of the most successful, critically acclaimed bands of all time will bring
their Heart & Soul Tour 2.0 to the Quad Cities in a concert with Earth, Wind, & Fire
and Chicago (April 16) the former the recipients of six Grammys, 12 American Music
Awards, and a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; the latter boasting five number-one
albums, 21 top-10 singles, and, as of April 8, induction in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.
Fellow Hall of Famers and recording-artist siblings Ann and Nancy Wilson will
also be rocking the i wireless this spring, as May 17 brings with it the chart-topping
chanteuses of Heart, who will thrill fans with a bevy of hits from their four-decade run
that will no doubt include Crazy on You, Heartless, Barracuda, and Magic Man.
Youll also likely hear magic man albeit in the post-concert rave That was magic,
man! after the June 2 concert with Janet Jackson, the pop and R&B icon and Billboard
Hot 100 record-holder for most consecutive top-10 hits by a female artist.
And for i wireless patrons seeking the final frontier in amphitheater entertainment,
theyll find it in the March 22 booking of Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage, a once-ina-lifetime touring event that finds a live symphony orchestra performing some of the
series most enduring anthems, accompanied by mutlimedia projections of scenes from
Star Trek films and TV episodes. Its sure to be a dazzling, unforgettable experience for
music lovers and sci-fi fans alike. But if you decide to attend the event in Star Trek attire
and feel that aforementioned urge to throw your hat in the air, I beg you to think twice
about wearing a Hirogen headpiece. Those suckers hurt when they land.
For more on the Moline venues springtime schedule, visit iwirelessCenter.com.
Mike Schulz



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Visual Arts / Classes /

April thru June

Figure Drawing/Painting Class, on Thursdays;

with facilitators Jason Frank and Brad Bisbey; $15;
for information, e-mail bereskinartgallery@gmail.
com or call 563-508-4630, Bereskin Fine Art Gallery &
Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 & 104, Davenport IA,
BereskinArtGallery.com, 6:15pm Thu Apr 7 thru Thu
Jun 2
Beadology Open Lab, on Thursdays; receive the

benefit of Beadology Iowas experienced staff, and share

techniques, get assistance, and help create the areas
beading community; on the third Thursday of the month,
join Wendy Ford for free soft-glass tutorials from 5:307:30pm; free; for information and to register, call 319-3381566, Beadology Iowa, 220 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
BeadologyIowa.com, 4pm Thu Apr 7 thru Thu Jun 2

Mosaics: Spring Garden Delights, Apr. 8 & 15, with

instructor Mary Stringer; create a colorful terra cotta pot

mosaic bird bath that will be the highlight of your garden;
$35-45, $25 materials fee; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, noon Fri Apr 8

Dichroic-Fused Glass Jewelry: Beginner

Workshop, with instructor Lu Ann Steffen; students

will learn the basics for combining and layering firey,

multi-colored dichroic glass shapes to achieve beautiful
and dramatic one-of-a-kind pendants, earrings,
bracelets, pins and more; learn the art of glass cutting
and cold working glass pieces after fusing, experiment
with color combinations, and finish off pieces by gluing
bails for hanging on a chain; students will complete 10
or so pieces of jewelry during the workshop; $60-70, $45
materials fee; for information and to register, call 563326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport
IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 10am Sat Apr 16

Make & Take Class and Workshop, $30 includes all

materials and instruction; for information, call 309-7940991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock
Island IL, QCGardens.com, 6pm Tue Apr 19

Portrait Artist Tina Garrett Seminar, $225-250 for

Friday evening, all day Saturday, and Sunday 10am-2pm;

for information and to register, call 563-508-4630 or
e-mail bereskingallery@gmail.com, Bereskin Fine Art
Gallery & Studio, 225 E 2nd St, Suites 102 & 104, Davenport
IA, BereskinArtGallery.com, Fri Apr 22 thru Sun Apr 24

Make & Take Class and Workshop, $30 includes all

materials and instruction; for information, call 309-7940991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock
Island IL, QCGardens.com, 6pm Tue May 17

Calls For Entry

Accepting Applications: Emerging Artist Pavilion,
Summer of the Arts invites high school, college, and
university students from Iowa to participate in this
part of the Iowa Arts Festival, taking place June 4 & 5;
students do not need to attend a college or university in
Iowa; for information, e-mail artfair@summeroftheARTS.
org or call 319-337-7944, Downtown Iowa City, Iowa City
IA, SummerOfTheArts.org, thru Mon Mar 21

Call for Entry: Living Proof Exhibit, seeking entries

for exhibit celebrating cancer survivors, on display Sept.
10-Oct. 16 in the Figges Mary Waterman Gildehaus
Community Gallery; cancer survivors or patients within a
150-mile radius of the Quad Cities are eligible to submit
up to five works for consideration; for information,
call 309-236-1360, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, LivingProofExhibit.org, thru Mon May 2


Scott & Rock Island Counties
Spring Queening Queen Tribute featuring A
Very Special Bowie Tribute, tribute concert featuring

Alan Sweet as Freddie Mercury, Bret Dale as Brian May,

David Abdo as John Deacon, and Erik Wilson as Roger

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Taylor, plus The Dawn delivering a David Bowie tribute;
$15 adv / $18 dos (plus $1.75 in adv / $2 dos); for tickets
and information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
9pm Fri Mar 18

Bucktown Revue, a celebration of Mississippi River

Valley culture through music, storytelling, poetry
and humor; with emcee Scott Tunnicliff and special
guests; $13 at the door; for information and to reserve,
e-mail mgromkey@gmail.com or call Mike Romkey at
563-940-0508, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, BucktownRevue.com, 7pm Fri Mar 18

Toronzo Cannon, a concert in the Blues & Roots Series

with the Chicago-blues, funk, and soul musician, with

an opening set by area teen musicians Juliana & a Soul
Purpose; sponsored by RDA, promotional support
by Alligator Records, and the Mississippi Valley Blues
Society; preceded by a 4pm workshop; $13.75-50; for
tickets and information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone
Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.
org, 8pm Fri Mar 25

Archgoat Valkyrja, concert with the Finland- and

Faculty Recital: Randy Pobanz and Janet Stodd,

Sweden-based black-metal musicians, with sets by

Hellfire Death Cult and Sept of Memnon; $16 advance
tickets; for information, call 309-793-1999, RIBCO, 1815
2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, RIBCO.com, 8pm Sat Mar 26

Faculty Recital: Samantha Keehn, trombone

free; for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu, Centennial

Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Tue Mar 29

guitar and flute recital; free; for information, contact

Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.
edu, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Sun Mar 20
recital; free; for information, contact Lauren Reid at
309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu, Larson
Hall Augustana College, Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts,
Augustana College, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts,
6pm Sun Mar 20

Third Sunday Jazz: The Billy Foster Quartet

featuring Renee Miles-Foster, Polyrhythms hosts

a concert with pianist Billy Foster, vocalist Renee MilesFoster, bassist Bruce Evans, and drummeer Lannie Turner,
preceded by a 3pm Demystifying Jazz workshop;
$10-15 concert, $5 workshop (free for kids); for tickets and
information, call 309-373-0790, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, Polyrhythms.org, 6pm Sun Mar 20

WVIK/QCSO Signature Series IV: Arianna String

Quartet, concert with one of Americas finest chamber

ensembles; for tickets and information, call 563-3227276, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave.,
Rock Island IL, QCSO.org, 2pm Sun Mar 20

Faculty and Guest Artist Recital: Samantha Keehn

and David Earll, trombone and tuba recital; free; for

information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or

laurenreid@augustana.edu, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana
College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 8pm Tue Mar 22

Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage, a live symphony

orchestra and international special solo instruments

perform music from the TV series and movies while
scenes are simultaneously beamed in high definition
on a 40-foot-wide screen; $30-60; for tickets, call 800745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
ButterworthCenter.com, 7pm Tue Mar 22

Voice Seminar, free; for information, contact Lauren

Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu,

Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave, Rock
Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 10:45am Tue Mar 22

Marc Zyla & Benjamin Loeb, French horn and

piano concert in the churchs Silver Anniversary Lenten

Concert Series; for information, call 309-788-9384, Two
Rivers United Methodist Church, 1820 5th Ave., Rock
Island IL, TwoRiversUMC.org, 12:15pm Wed Mar 23

Star & Micey, concert with the Memphis-based

Americana ensemble, with an opening set by The

Multiple Cat; $8 adv / $10 dos (plus fees $1.50 adv / $2
dos); for tickets and information, call 563-326-1333,
The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 7:30pm Wed Mar 23

Breaking Benjamin, concert with the chart-topping,

multi-platinum-selling rockers, with an opening set by

Starset; $34.75-39.75; for tickets and information, call
800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
AdlerTheatre.com, 8:30pm Thu Mar 24

38 Special, concert with the Southern rockers of Hold

Guest Artist Recital: Composer Robert Paterson,

Multicultural Affairs Community Action 7th

Annual Gospel Fest, local singers and choirs from the

Quad Cities share their musical talents at St. Ambrose;

free; for information, contact Ramona Amos at 563-3336023 or interculturallife@sau.edu, Christ the King Chapel,
St. Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 7pm Wed Mar 30

Hailey Whitters, concert with the native Iowan and

Nashville-based singer/songwriter, with an opening
set by Shaniah Paige; $10 adv / $12 dos (plus $1.50 adv
/ $2 dos); for tickets and information, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 7:30pm Thu Mar 31

Jeff Austin Band, concert with the singer/songwriter
and former members of the Yonder Mountain String
Band, with an opening set by The Last Revel; $20 adv
/ $25 dos (plus $2 in adv / $2.50 dos); for tickets and
information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm
Fri Apr 1
Rozz-Tox Five-Year Anniversary, concert celebration
featuring sets by Yonatan Gat, Brilliant Beast, Gosh!,
Olivia Neutron-John, and others; $8-10; all ages; for
information, call 309-200-0978, Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave.,
Rock Island IL, RozzTox.com, Fri Apr 1 and Sat Apr 2
Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI:
The Resurrection, Mark Russell Smith leads Mahlers

massive and moving Symphony #2, with soprano Linh

Kauffman, mezzo-soprano Adriana Zabala, and the
Quad City Choral Arts; $6-48; for tickets and information,
call 563-322-7276, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport
IA, QCSO.org, 8pm Sat Apr 2

Small Time Napoleon, concert with the jazz/rock/pop

musicians based in Louisville, Kentucky; for information,
call 309-517-6444, Milltown Coffee, 3800 River Drive #2,
Moline IL, SmallTimeNapoleon.com, 6pm Sat Apr 2
Terrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience, concert

with the Grammy-winning zydeco musician in a Quad City

Arts Visiting Artists presentation; $11-15; for information,
call 309-793-1213; for tickets, call 563-333-6251, Galvin
Fine Arts Center, St. Ambrose University, 2101 N Gaines St,
Davenport IA, QuadCityArts.com, 7:30pm Sat Apr 2

Quad City Symphony Orchestra Masterworks VI:

The Resurrection, Mark Russell Smith leads Mahlers

massive and moving Symphony #2, with soprano Linh

Kauffman, mezzo-soprano Adriana Zabala, and the
Quad City Choral Arts; $6-48; for tickets and information,
call 563-322-7276, Centennial Hall, Augustana College,
3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, QCSO.org, 2pm Sun Apr 3

on Loosely, Caught Up in You, and Rockin Into the

Night; $40; for tickets, call 800-843-4753, Quad-Cities
Waterfront Convention Center, 2021 State St., Bettendorf
IA, Bettendorf.IsleOfCapriCasinos.com, 7:30pm
Fri Mar 25

John Mellencamp, concert with the Grammy winning

rock and Americana musician and member of the
Rock n Roll Hall of Fame; $39.50-115; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Tue Apr 5

Quad City Gospel Meets New York Jazz, Lora

Student Recital, free; for information, contact Lauren

Adams hosts a fundraising event benefiting QC United

educational programs and World Relief, with the
Quad Cities Westbrook Singers joining forces with
internationally known jazz/blues musician Ray Blue;
with a special appearance by The Crew and by Pete the
Purple Bull, along with his Awesome Posse; $10-60; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St.,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 8pm Fri Mar 25

Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu,

Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock
Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 10:45am Tue Apr 5

Pigeons Playing Ping Pong and The Magic Beans,

concert with the funk, rock, and electronica musicians;
$10 (plus fees $1.50 in adv / $2 dos); for tickets and
information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room,

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
7:30pm Wed Apr 6

tickets; for information, call 309-793-1999, RIBCO, 1815

2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, RIBCO.com, 9pm Fri Apr 15

A Tribute to John Denver, concert of folk and pop

Next Women of Country, CMT presents a concert

classics with tribute artists Chris Collins & the Boulder

Canyon Band; noon plated lunch, 1pm show: $44.41; 6pm
buffet, 7:15pm show: $50.16; for tickets and information,
call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828
3rd Ave., Rock Island IL, Circa21.com, 1pm Thu Apr 7

Flatfoot 56, hardcore-tinged Celtic punk with the

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

information, call 563-322-7276, Davenport Outing
Club, 2109 N. Brady St., Davenport IA, QCSO.org, 2pm
Sat Apr 16

Ascension Ringers Concert, bell-choir concert;

with chart-topping country singer Jennifer Nettles,

with opening sets by Brandy Clark, Lindsay Ell, and Tara
Thompson; $40-75; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler
Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com,
8pm Fri Apr 15

free; for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-7947323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu, Ascension Chapel,
Augustana College, 3701 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 7:30pm Sun Apr 17

Earth, Wind, & Fire and Chicago, concert with the

Augustana Chamber Singers Spring Matinee, free;

Chicago-based musicians; $10 adv / $12 dos (plus $1.50

fee in adv / $2 dos); for tickets and information, call 563326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport
IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Fri Apr 8

legendary, chart-topping pop and rock musicians;

$29.50-99.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com,
7:30pm Sat Apr 16

for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or

laurenreid@augustana.edu, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana
College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 2pm Sun Apr 17

Scott Conklin and Marian Lee, the fifth and final

WVIK/QCSO Signature Series V: Joy of Sextets,

Quad City Music Guild Youth Chorus Concert,

Casual Concert of the year brings violinist Conklin and

pianist Lee; free; for information, contact Terri Flynn at
563-333-6001 or buesing-flynnterrik@sau.edu, Galvin
Fine Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu, 5pm Fri Apr 8

The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13-piece

big band will be playing all your favorites from the
Big Band era; featuring hits from Glenn Miller, Duke
Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan
Kenton; 5pm doors, 6pm show; $13-16; for tickets
and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2,
The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Fri Apr 8

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonias American Music

Recital, free; for information, contact Liam Baldwin

at liambaldwin@augustana.edu, Wallenberg Hall,

Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave, Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 1pm Sat Apr 9

Quad City Symphony Orchestra Family Concert:

The Magical Music of Disney, the program features
musical performances from Disneys animated films,
alongside animated images synchronized with the
music; for tickets and information, call 563-322-7276,
Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, QCSO.org,
2:30pm Sat Apr 9

Nova Singers: Voices of the Prairie, the professional

vocal ensemble presents a concert paired with works of

art by the Midwest Paint Group, featuring Midwestern
composers, songs about the prairie, and the world
premiere of a new piece by Abbie Betinis on a poem by
Carl Sandburg, under the direction of Laura Lane; $2025, students free; for information, call 309-341-7038 or
e-mail nova@knox.edu, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, NovaSingers.com, 4pm Sun Apr 10

QCSO & QCSYE Side-by-Side Concert, QCSYE

musicians and the Quad City Symphony Orchestra

perform a joint concert; for information, call 563-3227276, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, QCSO.
org, 3pm Sun Apr 10

Student Honors Recital, invited students showcase

their talent in this culminating performance; free; for
information, contact Terri Buesing-Flynn at 563-333-6001
or Buesing-FlynnTerriK@sau.edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center,
2101 N. Gaines St., Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 3pm Sun Apr 10
TobyMac, Grammy-winning hip-hop, pop, and
contemporary Christian artist in his Hits Deep Tour,
with guests Britt Nicole, Colton Dixon, Building 429,
Capital Kings, Finding Favour, and Hollyn; $15-69.50; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, ButterworthCenter.com, 7pm Sun Apr 10
Drummer Boy of Shiloh, a musical program by singer/
songwriter Barry Cloyd; free; for information, call 309524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Apr 14

Sean Watkins, concert with the singer/songwriter and

multi-instrumentalist, with an opening set by Anthony
DAmato; $17 adv / $20 dos (plus $2 fee); for tickets and
information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
7:30pm Thu Apr 14

Bucktown Revue, a celebration of Mississippi River

Valley culture through music, storytelling, poetry
and humor; with emcee Scott Tunnicliff and special
guests; $13 at the door; for information and to reserve,
e-mail mgromkey@gmail.com or call Mike Romkey at
563-940-0508, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, BucktownRevue.com, 7pm Fri Apr 15
Gus G., concert with the guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne,

with sets by Drama Major and Battle Red; $13 advance

a special concert featuring principals of the QCSO

and QCSO Music Director Mark Russell Smith on
cello, performing Schoenbergs Verklarte Nacht
and Brahms String Quartet #1; $10-25; for tickets and

ensemble members and students in grades 3-8 perform

music from a variety of musicals of different eras; for
information, contact music director Valeree Pieper at
qcmgyouthchorus@gmail.com, Quad City Music Guild


Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave., Moline IL,

QCMusicGuild.com, 2pm Sun Apr 17

Student Recital, free; for information, contact

Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@

augustana.edu, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College,
3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts,
10:45am Tue Apr 19

Reverend Horton Heat, concert with psychobilly

musicians led by Jim Heath, featuring opening sets by

Unknown Hinson, Nashville Pussy, and Lucky Tubb; $25;
for information, call 309-793-1999, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave,
Rock Island IL, RIBCO.com, 7pm Wed Apr 20

The Way Down Wanderers, roots and Americana

musicians in concert; with opening sets by the Lil

Smokies and the Blackberry Bushes String Band;
$11.50-50; for tickets and information, call 563-3261333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA,
RiverMusicExperience.org, 8pm Wed Apr 20



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Music / Concerts /
Scott & Rock Island Counties / April

24th Annual Black Hawk College Jazz Festival,

featuring New York City-based Latin and modern

jazz saxophonist, composer, and recording artist
Russ Nolan; free; for information, contact Dr. Edgar
Crockett at 309-796-5479 or crockette@bhc.edu,
Black Hawk College Theatre, Building 1, Room
306, 6600 34th Ave., Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm
Thu Apr 21

An Evening With Kim Simmonds and Savoy

Brown, blues and rock musicians in concert; $22; for

tickets and information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone

Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.
org, 7:30pm Thu Apr 21

Newsboys, platinum-selling contemporary-

Christian artists perform in their We Believe

Gods Not Dead Tour; $28-48, with the $48 Premium
tickets including early entry and a pre-show Q&A; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7pm Thu Apr 21

Augustana Percussion Ensemble Concert, free;

for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323
or laurenreid@augustana.edu, Bergendoff Hall of Fine
Arts, Augustana College, 3701 7th Ave, Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Sat Apr 23

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

laurenreid@augustana.edu, Centennial Hall, Augustana

College, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 8pm Sat Apr 30

Lutheran Church, 1330 13th St, Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7pm

Mon May 9

David G. Smith & Julie Christensen, singer/songwriters

will present a variety of songs from the Renaissance

through the early 20th century; for information, contact
Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or palomakij@bhc.edu,
Deere-Wiman Carriage House, 817 11th Ave, Moline IL,
BHC.edu, 7:30pm Mon May 9

perform a co-album release show and fundraiser for the

QC Alzheimers Association Greater Iowa Chapter; $10 (plus
$1.50 fee in adv / $2 dos); for tickets and information, call
563-326-1333, The Redstone Room, 129 Main St, Davenport
IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 5pm Sat Apr 30

Glenview Middle School Mariachi Bands, for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210

41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2pm Sat Apr 30

May & June

Quad City Wind Ensemble Spring Concert,

conducted by Brian L. Hughes; $8-12, free for students thru

12th grade; for information, e-mail info@qcwindensemble.
org, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
QCWindEnsemble.org, 3pm Sun May 1

Black Hawk College Student Piano Recital, for

information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309-796-5478 or

palomakij@bhc.edu, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St,
Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Mon May 2

Black Hawk College Vocal Recital, voice students

The Lettermen, annual concert events with the

internationally-touring pop performers; noon plated

lunch, 1pm show: $51.73; 6pm buffet, 7:15pm show: $58;
for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,
Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 1pm Mon May 9

Student Recital, free; for information, contact Lauren

Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu,

Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave, Rock
Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Tue May 10

Black Hawk College Community Band Concert,

held in Building 4s Hawks Nest; concert by a combination

of college band students and community band
performers; for information, contact director Sean Talbot
at 563-593-0173, Black Hawk College Quad City Campus,
6600 34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Tue May 10

Student Recital, free; for information, contact Lauren

Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu,

Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave, Rock
Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Tue May 3

Joe Bonamassa, concert with the blues-rock guitarist

and singer/songwriter; $79-125; for tickets, call 800745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
AdlerTheatre.com, 8pm Tue May 10

singer/songwriter, with an opening set by Frank F.

Sidneys Western Bandit Volunteers; $8 adv / $10
dos (plus $1.50 fee in adv / $2 dos); for tickets and
information, call 563-326-1333, The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA, RiverMusicExperience.org,
9pm Sat Apr 23

Augustana Flute & Clarinet Choir Concert, free;

Augustana Jazz Combo Concert, free; for

Graves at Sea, concert with the doom-metal quartet,

Building 4, Room 115; free; for information, contact Dr.

Edgar Crockett at 309-796-5479 or crockette@bhc.edu,
Black Hawk College Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave,
Moline IL, BHC.edu, 7:30pm Wed May 4

Emmy-winning singer, pianist, and band leader; $45-85;

for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Wed May 11

Black Hawk College Spring Choral Concert, three

big band will be playing all your favorites from the

Big Band era; featuring hits from Glenn Miller, Duke
Ellington, Count Basie, Henry Mancini, and Stan
Kenton; 5pm doors, 6pm show; $13-16; for tickets
and information, call 309-786-7733, extension 2,
The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 6pm Fri May 13

Chicago Farmer, concert with the Americana

with sets by Order or the Owl, Obsidian Sword, and

Crater; $10 advance tickets; for information, call 309-7931999, RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, RIBCO.com,
8:30pm Sat Apr 23

Catfish Jazz Society Tea Party, featuring a

performance by the Kix Orchestra, a salad buffet, and

deli food; $20; for information, e-mail Catfishjazz@
yahoo.com, Radisson Quad City Plaza Hotel, 111 E 2nd St,
Davenport IA, 1pm Sun Apr 24

Faculty Recital: Ben McKay, free; for information,

contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@
augustana.edu, Centennial Hall, Augustana College,
3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 4pm
Sun Apr 24
Local Bands for Music Education Annual
Fundraiser, featuring performances by Jenny Lynn Stacy

& the Dirty Roosters, Modern Mythology, Waking Robots,

VanderVeer, Plot Twist, Winter Blues All Stars 2016, Juliana
& a Soul Purpose, The Blackstones, Concrete Slim & the
Finishers, Sister Wife, Moonshine Run, The Knockoffs, and
Rude Punch; for tickets and information, call 563-326-1333,
RME (River Music Experience), 129 N Main St, Davenport
IA, RiverMusicExperience.org, 1pm Sun Apr 24

QCSYEs Spring Festival Concert, QCSYEs ensembles

will perform a joint concert.; for information, call 563322-7276, Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th
Ave, Rock Island IL, QCSO.org, 3pm Sun Apr 24

for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or

laurenreid@augustana.edu, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana
College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 8pm Wed May 4

Black Hawk College Electronic Music Concert, in

choral ensembles join forces to present a joint concert;

several soloists and instrumentalists will also join the
festivities; for information, contact Jon Palomaki at 309796-5478 or palomakij@bhc.edu, First Congregational
Church, Moline, 2201 7th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu,
7:30pm Thu May 5

Augustana Jazz Ensemble Concert, free; for

information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or
laurenreid@augustana.edu, Centennial Hall, Augustana
College, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 8pm Fri May 6

performs; bring a sack lunch to enjoy during the concert;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, noon Fri Apr 29

Augustana Symphony Orchestra Concert, free;

for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or

Summer Concert Series, on Fayes Field; performers

TBA; free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf

Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Jun 2

Bettendorf Park Band, conducted by Brian Hughes,

with an ice-cream social sponsored by Christs Family
Church; in case of rain, the concert will take place at the
Herbert D. Goettsch Community Center, 2204 Grant
St; free; for information, call 563-332-5190 or e-mail
patannww@gmail.com, Bill Bowe Memorial Bandshell,
Middle Park, Bettendorf IA, 7:30pm Fri Jun 3
QC Flutes Unlimited, free; for information, call 309-

524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,

MolineLibrary.com, noon Fri Jun 3

Outlying Areas
Kathy Mattea, concert with the Nashville-based,
Grammy Award-winning singer; $25-30; for tickets and
information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd
St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Thu Mar 17
The Beggarmen, a St. Patricks Day concert with the Celtic
musicians; $10-15; for tickets and information, call 319-2489370, Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St,
Coralville IA, CoralvilleArts.org, 7:30pm Thu Mar 17

Rick Springfield: Stripped Down, concert with the

Grammy-winning pop superstar; $35-65; for tickets, call

800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Sat Mar 19

Teada, concert with the internationally touring

Irish musicians, with a performance by dancer Brian
Cunningham; $13-25; for tickets and information, call
563-652-9815, Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E Platt St,
Maquoketa IA, OhnwardFineArtsCenter.com, 7pm Sat
Mar 19

Weedeater, concert with the stoner-metal musicians;

Terry Stone, Remember when oldies music; free; for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210

41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, noon Fri May 6

with opening sets by Lacuna Coil and Cilver; $31.50-45;

for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Tue May 17

Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage, held in the theatre;

a live symphony orchestra and international special
solo instruments perform music from the TV series and
movies while scenes are simultaneously beamed in
high definition on a 40-foot-wide screen; $48-75; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm
Sun Mar 20

St. Ambrose University Spring Choir Concert, four

Heart, concert with the chart-topping Rock & Roll Hall

Augustana Four Choirs Concert, free; for

Brown Bag Lunch: Jordan Danielsen, local musician

Augustana Symphonic Band and Concert Band,

chart-topping pop legend in her Unbreakable World

Tour; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201
River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com, 8pm Thu Jun 2

members of the Symphonic Band and Jazz Ensemble

perform in their annual spring concert; free; for
information, contact Terri Flynn at 563-333-6001 or
buesing-flynnterrik@sau.edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101
N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7:30pm Fri May 6

St. Ambrose University Spring Bands Concert,

Voice Seminar, free; for information, contact Lauren

free; for information, contact Lauren Reid at 309794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu, Wallenberg

Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Wed Apr 27

The Manny Lopez Big Band, Lopez and his 13-piece

Janet Jackson, concert with the Grammy-winning,

The Saturday Giant, concert with the one-man

art-rock band Philip Cogley from Columbus, Ohio, with
an set by Lewis Knudsen; 6pm potluck, 6:30pm concert;
$10-20 suggested donation, Ca dZan, 411 South Rd,
Cambridge IL, CadzanMusic.com, 6:30pm Sat Mar 19

Calle Sur, Latino-music concert; for information, call

309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Apr 25

Faculty Recital: Patricia Silva, double-bass recital;

Harry Connick Jr., concert with the Grammy- and

performs; bring a sack lunch to enjoy during the concert;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, noon Fri May 27

year-end performance with the ensembles; free; for

information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or
laurenreid@augustana.edu, Wallenberg Hall, Augustana
College, 3520 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 2pm Sat May 14

university chorus groups perform in this annual spring

concert; free; for information, contact Terri Flynn at 563333-6001 or buesing-flynnterrik@sau.edu, Galvin Fine
Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
7:30pm Sat May 7

Reid at 309-794-7323 or laurenreid@augustana.edu,

Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College, 3520 7th Ave, Rock
Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 10:45am Tue Apr 26

information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or

laurenreid@augustana.edu, Larson Hall Augustana
College, Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts, Augustana College,
Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, 8pm Wed May 11

Brown Bag Lunch: Lewis Knudsen, local musician

information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or

laurenreid@augustana.edu, Centennial Hall, Augustana
College, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 4pm Sun May 8

RiverBend Bronze Handbell Ensemble, concert

with the area musicians; free-will donations accepted;
for information, e-mail riverbendbronze@gmail.
com, Scottish Rite Cathedral, 1800 7th Ave, Moline IL,
Facebook.com/riverbendbronze, 4pm Sun May 8
Black Hawk College Community String Orchestra
Concert, concert by a non-auditioned group of men

and women who enjoy playing an orchestral stringed

instrument; community members from all walks of life
and with advancing ability participate alongside high
school and college students; for information, contact
director Roxanne Croegaert at 309-787-4025, Trinity

$16 advance tickets; for information, call 309-793-1999,

RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL, RIBCO.com, 8pm
Sat May 14

Halestorm, Pennsylvania-based rockers in concert,

of Famers, with an opening set by Lynch Mob; $25-69.50;

for tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River
Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com, 7pm Tue May 17

Frank Sinatra Jr.: Sinatra Sings Sinatra, multi-

media experience in which Frank Sinatra Jr. delivers

first-hand recollections of life on- and off-stage with his
iconic father, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation;
$37-62; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136
E 3rd St, Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Thu
May 19

Bucktown Revue, a celebration of Mississippi River

Valley culture through music, storytelling, poetry
and humor; with emcee Scott Tunnicliff and special
guests; $13 at the door; for information and to reserve,
e-mail mgromkey@gmail.com or call Mike Romkey at
563-940-0508, Nighswander Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, BucktownRevue.com, 7pm Fri May 20
Augustana Music Festival Concert, free; for
information, contact Lauren Reid at 309-794-7323 or
laurenreid@augustana.edu, Centennial Hall, Augustana
College, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/
arts, 8pm Sat May 21

Winter Jam, held in the arena; concert event featuring

King & Country, Matthew West, Crowder, RED, Sidewalk

Prophets, NewSong, KB/Tedashii/Trip Lee, Lauren Daigl,
and evangelist Tony Nolan; $10 suggested donation; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 6:45pm
Sun Mar 20

International String Trio: Violin, Guitar, Bass,

Berklee College of Music alumni perform Gypsy jazz,

Appalachian folk, acoustic world music, virtuosic
classical arrangements, and popular songs from
movies; $20; for tickets and information, call 641-4722787, Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing
Arts, Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield IA,
FairfieldACC.com, 7:30pm Tue Mar 22

That1Guy, concert with indie singer/songwriter Mike

Silverman; $15-18; for tickets and information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Tue Mar 22

Barry Manilow: One Last Time, concert with the

Grammy-, Tony-, and Emmy-winning pop-music
legend; $19.75-169.75; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm Thu Mar 24

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Justin Moore, concert with the chart-topping country
singer; $40-75; for tickets and information, call 877-677-3456,
Riverside Casino Event Center, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA,
RiversideCasinoAndResort.com, 8pm Fri Mar 25
A Tribute to Elvis, concert with tribute musician Bobby

Simkins, the 1st-place winner at the Ultimate Elvis Contest

in Branson; $15-29.50; for tickets and information, call
319-622-6262, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave, Amana
IA, OldCreamery.com, 7:30pm Sat Mar 26

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

$10-20 suggested donation, Ca dZan, 411 South Rd,

Cambridge IL, CadzanMusic.com, 6:30pm Fri Apr 1

tickets and information, call 563-263-3176, Rivers Edge

Gallery, 216 W 3rd St, Muscatine IA, 7:30pm Sun Apr 3

Johnson County Landmark, with guest artist Melvin

Butler; for information, call 319-335-1160, Riverside
Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Hancher.
UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Fri Apr 1

Tyondai Braxton, concert with the experimental

Old Blind Dogs, Scottish roots musicians in their

composer/musician, with an opening set by Dawn of

Midi; $10-15; for tickets and information, call 319-6882653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 7pm Wed Apr 6

third decade of performance; $19-23; for tickets and

information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Fri Apr 1

UI Latin Jazz Ensemble, for information, call 319-3351160, Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City
IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Wed Apr 6

for tickets and information, call 641-472-2787, Stephen

Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts
& Convention Center, Fairfield IA, FairfieldACC.com,
7:30pm Tue Mar 29

The Pines, concert with the Americana and indie-rock

Penny & Sparrow, concert with Austin-based

Jordan Klassen, concert with the chamber-folk

Chad Elliot & Claudia Nygaard, a concert in the

LilFest Music Series; $15 suggested donation; for
information, call 847-256-0000, Uptown Theatre First
Street Community Center, 221 1st St NE, Mt. Vernon IA,
LilFest.org, 8pm Sat Apr 2

Central College A Cappella Choir & the Barhydt

Organ, concert with the 60-member ensemble; $15;

musician; $14-17 for tickets and information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Tue Mar 29

musicians; $20-22; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 7pm Fri Apr 1

Americana musicians Andy Baxter and Kyle Jahnke; $1619; for tickets and information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/
Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.
org, 7pm Thu Apr 7

The Joy Formidable, concert with the alt-rock

musicians, with an opening set by Everything

Everything; $22-25; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Thu Apr 7

The Lone Bellow True Endeavors, concert with

the Brooklyn-based indie-folk trio, with an opening set
by True Endeavors; $20-22; for tickets and information,
call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Tue Mar 29

ensemble; $18-22; for tickets and information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Sat Apr 2

Jeffrey Foucault, concert with the nationally touring

Kim Richey, alt-country concert with the two-time

platinum-selling country-rock musicians; $20-55; for

tickets and information, call 877-677-3456, Riverside
Casino Event Center, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA,
RiversideCasinoAndResort.com, 8pm Fri Apr 8

Lucero and John Moreland, independent musicians

Willy Porter & Carmen Nickerson, indie-folk

concert with the singer/songwriters; $16-20; for
tickets and information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/
Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
LegionArts.org, 8pm Fri Apr 8

singer/songwriter; $15-18; for tickets and information,

call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Wed Mar 30

UI Symphony Orchestra, featuring Beethovens Die

Geschopfe des Prometheus Overture, Symphony No.

8, op. 93, F major, and Piano Concerto No. 5 Emperor,
op. 73, E flat major; conducted by William LaRue Jones;
for information, call 319-335-1160, Iowa Memorial Union
Main Lounge University of Iowa, 125 N Madison St,
Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Wed Mar 30

Acoustic Eidolon, concert with Colorado-based duo Joe
Scott and Hannah Alkire; 6pm potluck, 6:30pm concert;

Hanggai, concert with the Beijing-based six-piece

Grammy-nominated artist; $17-21; for tickets and

information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Sun
Apr 3
playing in the Young Outlaws Tour 2016; with hayrack
rides, vendors, an art gallery, and more; all ages; $25-35,
Codfish Hollow Barn, 5013 288th Ave, Maquoketa IA,
CodfishHollowBarnstormers.com, 7pm Sun Apr 3

Percussion Spectacular, for information, call 319-3351160, Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City
IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 3pm Sun Apr 3

Trapper Schoepp & the Shades, 6:30pm doors,

7:30pm concert; advanced reservations required; for

Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, concert with the multi-

Puccini One Acts: Suor Angelica and Gianni

Schicchi, the University of Iowas opera department
performs the operatic comedy Gianni Schicchi
and the tragic Suor Angelica in a presentation
directed by Bill Theisen and conducted by William
LaRue Jones; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $5-20;
for tickets and information, call 319-335-1160,
Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th
St, Coralville IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, Fri Apr 8 thru
Sun Apr 10


Follies 2016: Im Still Here!, at 2 & 7:30pm; Eastern

Iowas top talent tips its collective hat to some of the
glamorous places that Follies has visited over the years;
$32-37; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre,
123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.
com, Sat Apr 9
Jeff Brown, concert with the indie-folk and alt-rock
musician; 5pm potluck, 6pm concert; $10-20 suggested
donation, Ca dZan, 411 South Rd, Cambridge IL,
CadzanMusic.com, 6pm Sat Apr 9
Nova Singers: Voices of the Prairie, the professional
vocal ensemble presents a concert paired with works of
art by the Midwest Paint Group, featuring Midwestern
composers, songs about the prairie, and the world
premiere of a new piece by Abbie Betinis on a poem
by Carl Sandburg, under the direction of Laura Lane;
$20-25, students free; for information, call 309-3417038 or e-mail nova@knox.edu, Knox Colleges Kresge
Recital Hall, 2 E South St, Knox College, Galesburg IL,
NovaSingers.com, 7:30pm Sat Apr 9

SFJAZZ Collective: The Music of Michael Jackson

& Original Compositions, tribute concert with San
Franciscos all-star international jazz ensemble; a free
30-minute special lecture precedes this performance
at 6:30pm in the Babka Theatre; $15-30; for tickets and
information, call 563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler
Hall, University of Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255
Bennett St, Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter,
7:30pm Sat Apr 9

Vsen, concert with the Nordic folk trio Olov Johansson,

Mikael Marin, and Roger Tallroth; $20-25; for tickets and

information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Sat Apr 9

CNM Composers Workshop, for information, call

319-335-1160, Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr,
Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Sun Apr 10
Kurt Vile & the Violators, concert with the alt-rock
singer/songwriter and multi-instrumentalist and his
ensemble; $22-25; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 7pm Sun Apr 10



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Music / Concerts /
Outlying Areas / April

The Speedbumps, concert with the roots and

Americana musicians; $14-17; for tickets and information,
call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Sun Apr 10
Jive Aces, concert with the U.K.s top jive and swing

band; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre,

123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.
com, 7:30pm Tue Apr 12

Buckets N Boards: A Comedy Percussion Show,

a hilarious and high-energy show which is chock-full of

precise percussion, ridiculous songs, spectacular tap
dancing, inventive instrumentation and unique musical
talent; $20; for tickets and information, call 641-4722787, Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing
Arts, Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield IA,
FairfieldACC.com, 7:30pm Thu Apr 14

Cavani String Quartet, with Navah Perlman on piano

and Elizabeth Oakes on viola; featuring Mozarts String
Quartet No. 2 in C minor K. 406, Towers String Quartet
No. 1 Night Fields, and Dvoraks Piano Quartet No. 2
in A major, Op. 81; for information, call 319-335-1160,
Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Thu Apr 14
UI Symphony Band, conducted by Richard Mark

Heidel, with guest conductor Kevin Kastens and bassoon

player Benjamin Coelho; for information, call 319-3351160, Iowa Memorial Union Main Lounge - University
of Iowa, 125 N Madison St, Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.
edu, 7:30pm Thu Apr 14

Cinderella, Opera Iowa performs Rossinis comic-opera

version of the fairytale classic; $4-15; for tickets and

information, call 563-585-7469, John and Alice Butler Hall,
University of Dubuque Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St,
Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/heritagecenter, 7pm Fri Apr 15

Houndmouth, concert with the indie-folk and -rock

musicians; $26.50; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Sat Apr 16
Peoria Symphony Orchestra: American Classics,

an evening of jazz-inspired classics by composers

Bernstein, Copland, and Antheil; 16-year-old virtuoso
pianist and composer Tengku Irfan makes his
Peoria debut; $9-28; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 8pm Sat Apr 16

Cinderella, Opera Iowa performs Rossinis comic-opera

version of the fairytale classic; $7-15; for tickets and

information, call 319-248-9370, Coralville Center for the
Performing Arts, 1301 5th St, Coralville IA, CoralvilleArts.
org, 7pm Sat Apr 16

Larry Campbell & Teresa Williams, concert with the

married Americana musicians; $18-22; for tickets and

information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd
St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Sun Apr 17

Iowa Brass Quintet, musician perform works from

the Renaissance to Romantic era, and from Broadway
tunes to contemporary classical composers; $15; for
tickets and information, call 641-472-2787, Stephen
Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts
& Convention Center, Fairfield IA, FairfieldACC.com,
7:30pm Tue Apr 19
Keb Mo Band, concert with the three-time Grammywinning musician and his ensemble; $38.50-55; for
tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org,
8pm Wed Apr 20

Laptop Orchestra, final concert of new collaborative

work by UI students; for information, call 319-335-1160,

Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Sat Apr 23

UI Chamber Orchestra & All-University String

Orchestra, featuring Stephans Fantasia on a 17th

Century Tune, Hindemiths Suite Franzosischer,

Rutters Suite for Strings, and Leydens Serenade for
Strings; for information, call 319-335-1160, Riverside
Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Hancher.
UIowa.edu, 3pm Sun Apr 24

UI Symphony Orchestra, featuring Shostakovichs

Festive Overture, Haydns Concerto for Trumpet, E
flat major, and Rachmaninoffs Symphony No. 2, op.
27, E minor; conducted by William LaRue Jones; for
information, call 319-335-1160, Iowa Memorial Union
Main Lounge - University of Iowa, 125 N Madison St, Iowa
City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Wed Apr 27
Eastern Iowa Brass Band, the 35-member ensemble

performs from a repertoire which features original works

for brass band, as well as arrangements of well-known
orchestral and wind band literature; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Fri Apr 29

Loudon Wainwright III, concert with the folk-music

superstar; $30-35; for tickets and information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Fri Apr 29

Scott McCreery & RaeLynn, country-music concert

with the singer/songwriter and winner of American

Idols 10th season, with an opening set by RaeLynn;
$9-28; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center,
201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com,
6pm Fri Apr 29

The Sweet Potatoes, a concert in the LilFest Music Series;

$15 suggested donation; for information, call 847-2560000, Uptown Theatre First Street Community Center, 221
1st St NE, Mt. Vernon IA, LilFest.org, 8pm Fri Apr 29

Matt Andersen & the Bona Fide, concert with the

Maple Blues Award-winning musician, with an opening
set by Lee Harvey Osmond; $15-18; for tickets and
information, call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd
St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Sat Apr 30
Red Cedar Chamber Music, concert with the touring

four-piece ensemble; $15-18; for tickets and information,

call 319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Sat Apr 30

May & June

UI University Band/Concert Band, conducted by Joe

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Kantorei and University Choir, conducted by Patrick
Zubiate and Christopher Nakielski; for information, call
319-335-1160, Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr,
Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Sat May 7

Orchestra Iowa: A Heros Life, featuring a repertoire

of Sibelius, Wagner, Dvorak, and Strauss; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Sat Jun 4

Miles Nielsen & the Rusted Hearts Amasa Hines

The Way Down Wanderers, a Codfish Hollow

Phil Heywood, a concert in the LilFest Music Series; $15

Barnstormers concert with the independent musicians;

featuring artwork by various local artists, vendors from
the tri-state area on hand selling various arts, crafts,
and jewelry, and more; 6pm doors, 7:30pm music,
Codfish Hollow Barn, 5013 288th Ave, Maquoketa IA,
CodfishHollowBarnstormers.com, 7:30pm Sat May 7

Cassie & Maggie MacDonald, Celtic roots music

with the sisters and Nova Scotia natives; 6pm potluck,
6:30pm concert; $10-20 suggested donation, Ca dZan,
411 South Rd, Cambridge IL, CadzanMusic.com, 6:30pm
Sun May 8
Dara Sisterhen, concert with the 18-year-old singer/

songwriter; 6pm potluck, 6:30pm concert; $10-20

suggested donation, Ca dZan, 411 South Rd, Cambridge
IL, CadzanMusic.com, 6:30pm Fri May 13

The Beach Boys, concert with the legendary pop

musicians and Rock & Roll Hall of Famers; $49-85; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW
Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 8pm Fri
May 13
Blue yster Cult and April Wine, concert with

the rock and power-ballad musicians; $29-54; for

tickets and information, call 877-677-3456, Riverside
Casino Event Center, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA,
RiversideCasinoAndResort.com, 8pm Sat May 14

Eric Taylor, a concert in the LilFest Music Series; $15

suggested donation; for information, call 847-256-0000,

Uptown Theatre First Street Community Center, 221 1st
St NE, Mt. Vernon IA, LilFest.org, 8pm Sat May 14

Tommy Emmanuel, concert with the jazz and worldmusic steel guitarist; $32-102; for tickets and information,
call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Sat May 14
Dr. Karen Black, organ recital with the Wartburg

College professor; $15; for tickets and information,

call 641-472-2787, Stephen Sondheim Center for the
Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts & Convention Center,
Fairfield IA, FairfieldACC.com, 7:30pm Tue May 17

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy with Orchestra Iowa, a

Scheivert and Karl Kastens; for information, call 319-3351160, Iowa Memorial Union, 125 N Madison St, Iowa City
IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Mon May 2

high-octane, action-packed program of high-energy

swing; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre,
123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.
com, 7:30pm Sat May 21

Home Free, concert with the a cappella country

The Jayhawks, concert with the alt-country and

musicians and winners of TVs The Sing-Off; $32-102;

for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org,
8pm Tue May 3

Alice Cooper, concert with the legendary shock

Americana musicians, with an opening set by Folk Uke;

$30; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 7pm Sun May 22

Chris Riffle, concert with the folk singer/songwriter;

rocker; $49.50-74.50; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,

Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 8pm Wed May 4

6pm potluck, 6:30pm concert; $10-20 suggested

donation, Ca dZan, 411 South Rd, Cambridge IL,
CadzanMusic.com, 6:30pm Fri May 27

Chris Pureka, concert with the folk singer/songwriter;

The Milk Carton Kids, concert with the alternative and

Readings & Discussions

Writers Studio, a writing critique group for all genres;

free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing

Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.
org, 11am Sat Mar 19

Sins of our Fathers, a 30/31 Book Club Discussion of

Shawn Lawrence Ottos book; all those who have read
the book are welcome to attend; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library 30/31
Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 6:30pm Mon Mar 21
Countdown: Our Last, Best Hope for a Future on
Earth?, a discussion of Alan Weismans book with the

Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call

563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E River Dr, Davenport IA,
RiverAction.org, 7pm Tue Mar 22

The Cherry Cola Book Club, a discussion of Ashton

Lees book with the Southwest Branch Book Club; free;

for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Mar 22

Bioethics and the Humanities Spring Book

Discussion, the spring semester book discussion

of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, led by Lindsay

Schaefer, English Department instructor; for information,
contact Jessica Gosnell, PhD at gosnelljessica@sau.edu,
Christ the King Chapel, St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 1:30pm Wed Mar 23

The Untethered Soul, a discussion of Michael A.

Singers book with the IONS-QC Book Group; for
information, e-mail IONSQC@aol.com or call 563-3327259, Cafe Indigo, 4925 Utica Ridge Rd, Davenport IA,
Noetic.org, 5:30pm Wed Mar 23
The Memory Keepers Daughter, a discussion of Kim
Edwards book with the Last Monday Book Club free; for
information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105
8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon Mar 28

Writers Studio, a writing critique group for all genres;

free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing

Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.
org, 11am Sat Apr 2

$15-18; for tickets and information, call 319-364-1580,

CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
LegionArts.org, 7pm Wed May 4

indie-folk musicians; $25-40; for tickets and information,

call 319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Fri May 27

UI Steel Band II, for information, call 319-335-1160, 150

Music West, 150 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Hancher.
UIowa.edu, 6:30pm Thu May 5

James Taylor, concert with the five-time Grammy-

Pageturners Book Discussion Group, free; for

Camerata and Womens Chorale, conducted

by Lindsey Bruner and Nathan Swartzendruber; for
information, call 319-335-1160, Riverside Recital Hall, 405
N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm
Fri May 6
Orchestra Iowa: Missa Solemnis, the orchestra

winning folk musician and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer;

$68-88; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center,
201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com,
8pm Sun May 29

Justin Payne, concert with the folk and Americana

singer/songwriter; 6pm potluck, 6:30pm concert; $10-20

suggested donation, Ca dZan, 411 South Rd, Cambridge
IL, CadzanMusic.com, 6:30pm Wed Jun 1

premiere of David Gomppers Clarinet Concerto with

guest Michael Norsworthy; for information, call 319-3351160, Riverside Recital Hall, 405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City
IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu, 7:30pm Sun Apr 24

Kris Allen, pop-rock concert with the winner of

American Idols eighth season, with an opening set by
Sean McConnell; $20-25; for tickets and information, call
319-364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Wed Jun 1

Ellis Paul, concert with the Boston-based singer/

UI Semi-annual Last Chance Percussion Concert,

the Music on the Village Green series; bring lawn chairs

or ground blankets; free; for information, call 319-6432541, Herbert Hoover National Historic Site, off I-80 at
exit 254, West Branch IA, NPS.gov/heho, 7pm Thu Jun 2

songwriter; $16-19; for tickets and information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, 7pm Sun Apr 24


The Borrower, a discussion of Rebecca Makkais book

with the Alpha Book Club; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm
Mon Apr 4

performs one of Beethovens supreme achievements

alongside the Simpson College Chamber Singers,
the Simpson College Choir, and the Des Moines
Vocal Arts Ensemble; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Fri May 6

Center for New Music Concert, featuring the

suggested donation; for information, call 847-256-0000,

Uptown Theatre First Street Community Center, 221 1st
St NE, Mt. Vernon IA, LilFest.org, 8pm Sat Jun 4

for information, call 319-335-1160, Riverside Recital Hall,

405 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu,
6:30pm Fri May 6

Tom Yates, Native American and world flute concert in

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210

41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Tue Apr 5

Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a fun,

casual book discussion; free; for information, call 563-3267832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 7
Bagels & Books, travel, explore and discover passions
with the librarys newest on-site book discussion group;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Sat Apr 9
Michael McCarty, local authors signing for the
vampire books Bloodless and Bloodlust, plus
Bride of the Two-Headed Poetry Monster, Modern
Mythmakers, Conversations with Kreskin, and
more; for information, call 563-355-2310, The Book
Rack Davenport, 4764 Elmore Ave., Davenport IA,
TheBookRackQC.com, 1pm Sat Apr 9

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

The Dinosaur Feather, a discussion of S.J. Gazans
book with the Mystery Book Discussion Group, led by
Mary Daniels; free; for information, call 563-344-5705,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 9:30am Sat Apr 9
See YA, an adult book club with a teen-book twist;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Mon Apr 11
Short & Sweets, discuss short stories while eating

yummy sweets; all registrants receive a complimentary

copy of the story; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon Apr 11

The Man in the High Castle, a discussion of Philip K.

Dicks novel in the Get Lit series; free; for information,
call 563-344-4179 or e-mail cwalters@bettendorf.
org, Dunn Bros. Coffee, 787 Middle Rd, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Apr 12
Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and
non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Apr 13
Scott County Reads Together: Playing with the
Enemy, author Gary W. Moore will talk about How

Read Local with Misty Urban, an evening with the

author A Lesson in Manners presented by the library
and the Midwest Writing Center; free; for information,
call 563-324-1410, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, MWCQC.org, 7pm
Wed Apr 27
Carl Sandburg College Poetry Awards Ceremony,

readings from poems that were judged in three

categories: elementary, (grades 1-5), intermediate (grades
6-12) and adult; all winning poems will be published in a
booklet that will be distributed at the awards ceremony;
for information, contact Carol Petersen at 309-341-5416 or
cpetersen@sandburg.edu, Carl Sandburg College Student
Center, 2400 Tom L. Wilson Blvd, Galesburg IL, Sandburg.
edu, 6:30pm Thu Apr 28

The Girl on the Train, a discussion of Paula Hawkinss
book with the Alpha Book Club; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library,
401 19th St., Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm
Mon May 2
Pageturners Book Discussion Group, free; for
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Tue
May 3

Reading Positively Impacts Your Life as well as discuss

his book Playing with the Enemy about his fathers
early life as a baseball catcher poised to join the major
leagues; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Apr 13

Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a

fun, casual book discussion; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Thu May 5

Writers Studio, a writing critique group for all genres;

free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing

Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.
org, 11am Sat May 7

free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing

Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.
org, 11am Sat Apr 16

Pigs Cant Swim, the Rock Island libraries host a

discussion of Helen Peppes book with the Last Call Book

Club; free, drinks available for purchase; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Icons Martini, 124 18th St, Rock Island
IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 7pm Tue Apr 19

West End Book Club Discussion, discuss

contemporary fiction and non-fiction books with

this fun group; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Apr 19

Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death,

and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity, a discussion of

Katherine Boos book with the Contemporary Books

Discussion Group, led by Augustana College professors
Mamata and Chris Marme; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm
Wed Apr 20

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a discussion

of Rachel Joyces book with the Contemporary Books
Discussion Group; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Apr 20
Last Monday Book Club Discussion, a book
discussion with refreshments based on the theme of
the book; free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis
Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,
6:30pm Mon Apr 25
Carl Sandburg Festival, annual celebration of the
local literary master and namesake of Carl Sandburg
College, featuring readings, contests, celebrations,
and more at a number of area venues; for information,
contact Carol Petersen at 309-341-5416 or cpetersen@
sandburg.edu, Carl Sandburg College, 2232 S Lake
Storey Rd, Galesburg IL, Sandburg.edu, Mon Apr 25 thru
Sat Apr 30
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom,
Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants,
a discussion of Robin Wall Kimmerers book with the
Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call
563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E River Dr, Davenport IA,
RiverAction.org, 7pm Tue Apr 26

A Lesson in Manners, a discussion of Misty Urbans

book in the Read Local series; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm
Wed Apr 27

Writers Studio, a writing critique group for all genres;

See YA, an adult book club with a teen-book twist;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Mon May 9
Short & Sweets, discuss short stories while eating

yummy sweets; all registrants receive a complimentary

copy of the story; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Mon May 9

Books and Brews at Great River Brewery, enjoy

snacks, readings, book talks, and a book sale along with
Great Rivers on-site crafted beers available for purchase;
readings start at 7pm; free; for information, call 563-3241410, Great River Brewery, 332 E 2nd St, Davenport IA,
MWCQC.org, 3pm Tue May 10
My Real Children, a discussion of Jo Waltons novel in

the Get Lit series; free; for information, call 563-344-4179

or e-mail cwalters@bettendorf.org, Dunn Bros. Coffee,
787 Middle Rd, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
7pm Tue May 10

Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and

non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
- Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed May 11
Bagels & Books, travel, explore and discover passions
with the librarys newest on-site book discussion group;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N. Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Sat May 14
Jar City, a discussion of Arnaldur Indridasons book
with the Mystery Book Discussion Group; free; for
information, call 563-344-5705, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 9:30am Sat May 14
Emily Dickinson Poetry Discussion, recognizing the
anniversary of the death of Dickinson, Dr. Bea Jacobson
leads a discussion of her poetry; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm
Mon May 16
Museum of Extraordinary Things, a discussion of
Alice Hoffmans book with the 30/31 Book Club; all those
who have read the book are welcome to attend; free;
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St., Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6:30pm Mon May 16


Comedies and Dramas

March through June

nfidelity, murder, sacrilege, severed hands,

incessant sloppiness ... . Were you a prudish
theatre-goer, you might say that our areas
springtime season of stage comedies and
dramas is one of gross indecency. Heck, the
season even begins with literal gross indecency or rather, with Augustana Colleges
student-produced Gross Indecency: The Three
Trials of Oscar Wilde, playwright Moiss
Kaufmans historical drama that runs in the
schools black-box theatre March 18 through
20. But amidst all that theoretical depravity,
youll also find stinging drama and euphoric
comedy, plus a few titles that you can safely
bring your kids to without scheduling a postshow trip to the therapist.
A Behanding in Spokane
Mining killings for giggles are the latest
May 13-21 @ the District Theatre
interactive comedies by the improvisational
maestros of Its a Mystery!, with dinnerand-a-death events taking place at Rock Islands Skellington Manor in Craig Michaels
and Scott Naumanns Rock into Murder (March 19, April 15, and May 13) and Patti
Flahertys Hunt for Murder (April 9 and May 7). Flaherty herself acts opposite James
Driscoll, Jenny Winn, and Jonathan Grafft in the District Theatres take on Edward
Albees Tony-lauded dramatic marital comedy Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (April
1 through 16). And the District will follow that production with even darker laughs in
Martin McDonaghs A Behanding in Spokane (May 13 through 21), a Tony-nominated
comedy by the author of The Pillowman, In Bruges, and Seven Psychopaths. So you know
those laughs are re-e-e-eally dark.
From there, though, things go from lighter to a lot lighter at a couple of area venues.
St. Ambrose University follows the student-directed Orphans (March 31 through April
2) Lyle Kesslers dramedy about troubled-brother kidnappers with the Tony-winning
high jinks of Michael Frayns Noises Off (April 15 through 13), an on-stage and backstage slapstick directed by Daniel Rairdin-Hale. Davenports QC Theatre Workshop,
meanwhile, will precede the three-man zaniness of director Brent Tubbs The Bible: The
Complete Word of God [abridged] (April 15 through May 1) with two staged readings
in the companys environmentally themed RiverStages Play Reading Series collaboration with River Action: a Midwest Writing Center presentation of R.L. Richards Sylvan
Slough (April 8) and, at the Workshop itself, Anton Chekhovs classic The Cherry
Orchard (March 26).
On that note: How did our area get so lucky regarding how much Chekhov or
near-Chekhov were getting this spring? Davenports New Ground Theatre opens its
2016 season with director Chris Jansens and Tony-nominated playwright Lee Blessings
debuting Uncle (April 29 through May 8), an updating (of sorts) of Chekhovs Uncle
Vanya. And that surname also appears in the title of the Richmond Hill Barn Theatres
late-spring comedy, as Tom Sharkeys romantic fantasy Amys Wish (April 7 through
17), directed by Dana Skiles, will be followed by director Jennifer Kingrys Vanya &
Sonia & Masha & Spike (June 2 through 12), the Tony-winning comedy of manners by
satirist extraordinaire Christopher Durang.
And talk about lucky: Were also getting two Durangs this spring! Scott Community
College and director Kevin Babbitt will present the authors Baby with the Bathwater
(April 22 through 30), the black-comedy riot from 1983 thats all about a boy called Daisy.
A Woman Called Truth (May 13 through 22), meanwhile, might be Bathwaters polar
opposite: a musical drama about abolitionist and womens rights advocate Sojourner
Truth that director Fred Harris Jr. will direct for the Playcrafters Barn Theatre.
A grab bag of genres, themes, and presentational styles will no doubt be on-hand in
Augustanas Quad City Playwrights Festival (May 14), the annual collection of staged
readings of 10-minute works featuring talk-backs with the casts, directors, and authors. The
Clinton Area Showboat Theatres summer-stock season springs to life with the ne plus ultra
of platonic opposites-attract comedies: Neil Simons The Odd Couple (June 2 through 12).
And for the kids, therell be another summer-stock kick-off when Mt. Carrolls
Timber Lake Playhouse begins its 2016 season with The Prince & the Pauper (May 10
through 14), a show that opens just two days after the close of Davenport Junior Theatres
2015-16 season-ender: director Jessica Sheridans student-performed stage adventure
The Magical Lamp of Aladdin (April 30 through May 8). If I had my mitts on a genies
lamp, I think Id wish for more seasons of stage productions as thrillingly disparate as
this one. Or a Bentley. Whichever.
For more on the areas lineup of comedies and dramas, visit the Theatre section of the
Spring Guide events calendar beginning on page 22. Mike Schulz




2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Literary Events /
Readings & Discussions / May

In the Shadow of the Banyan, the Rock Island

Writers Studio, a writing critique group for all genres;

free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing

Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.
org, 11am Sat Jun 4

libraries host a discussion of Vaddey Ratners book

with the Last Call Book Club; free, drinks available for
purchase; for information, call 309-732-7323, Icons
Martini, 124 18th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 7pm Tue May 17

Read for the Win!, thru July 30; summer reading

West End Book Club Discussion, discuss

Summer Reading Program, thru July 30; summer

reading program at all Rock Island libraries thru
July 16; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
RockIslandLibrary.org, Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

contemporary fiction and non-fiction books with

this fun group; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Tue May 17

Persepolis, a discussion of Marjane Satrapis book

with the Contemporary Books Discussion Group; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed May 18

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, a discussion

of Rachel Joyces book with the Contemporary Books

Discussion Group; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Wed May 18

Writers Studio, a writing critique group for all genres;

free; for information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing

Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.
org, 11am Sat May 21

Cows Save the Planet: And Other Improbable

Ways of Restoring Soil to Heal the Earth,

a discussion of Judith Schwartzs book with the

Environmental Book Club; free; for information, call
563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E River Dr, Davenport IA,
RiverAction.org, 7pm Tue May 24

Wicked Appetite, a discussion of Janet Evanovichs

book with the Southwest Branch Book Club; free; for

information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Tue May 24

Last Monday Book Club Discussion, a book

discussion with refreshments based on the theme of
the book; free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis
Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,
6:30pm Mon May 30

program and prizes for children, young adults, and

adults; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Summer Reading Program: On Your Mark,

Get Set, Read, thru July 30; annual program at all

Davenport libraries with reading challenges, prizes,

and more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
DavenportLibrary.com, Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Between the Lines, discuss contemporary fiction and

non-fiction at this lively book discussion group; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 7pm Wed Jun 8
Little Red Wolf, a discussion of Paul Schumachers

book in the Read Local series; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm
Wed Jun 8

Workshops & Classes

Publishing Panel, join several traditionally and

self-published authors to have all of your publishing

questions answered in this informal panel-style
workshop; free; for information, call 563-324-1410,
Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303,
Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 1pm Sat Mar 19

Young Emerging Writers Open Workshop, for

writers ages 15-19; participants are welcome to bring

writing to share for discussion, or just to listen and
discuss other participants work; free; for information,
call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St
Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 11am Sat Mar 26

QC Writers Social Mixer, the Midwest Writing

Books on Tap, the Davenport Public Libraries host a
fun, casual book discussion; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm
Thu Jun 2

Center sponsors an event designed for writers to

spend time with each other, swap stories and tips, and
spread goodwill among their fellow writers; writers of
any genre, skill, or experience level are invited; free;
for information and to register, call 563-324-1410,
Bennigans, 226 17th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
5:30pm Thu Mar 31

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

USA VETS Writers Studio, led by Jodie Toohey; writing
veterans or active military members talk about writing, do
some writing, and share some writing with people who
understand one another; free; for information, call 563324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303,
Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 1pm Thu Apr 7

Young Emerging Writers Open Workshop, for

writers ages 15-19; participants are welcome to bring

writing to share for discussion, or just to listen and
discuss other participants work; free; for information,
call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St
Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 11am Sat Apr 9
thru Sat Apr 16

Brown Bag Lunch Presentation with Gary W.

Moore, the author of Playing with the Enemy will

be presenting on a fool-proof formula on how to start

writing your book and finish it; free; for information,
call 563-326-7804, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, noon Tue Apr 12

QC Writers Social Mixer, the Midwest Writing

Center sponsors an event designed for writers to
spend time with each other, swap stories and tips, and
spread goodwill among their fellow writers; writers of
any genre, skill, or experience level are invited; free;
for information and to register, call 563-324-1410,
Bennigans, 226 17th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
5:30pm Wed Apr 27

May & June

USA VETS Writers Studio, led by Jodie Toohey; writing
veterans or active military members talk about writing, do
some writing, and share some writing with people who
understand one another; free; for information, call 563324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303,
Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 1pm Thu May 5

Young Emerging Writers Open Workshop, for

writers ages 15-19; participants are welcome to bring

writing to share for discussion, or just to listen and
discuss other participants work; free; for information,
call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St
Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 11am Sat May 14
thru Sat May 28

QC Writers Social Mixer, the Midwest Writing

Center sponsors an event designed for writers to

spend time with each other, swap stories and tips, and
spread goodwill among their fellow writers; writers of
any genre, skill, or experience level are invited; free;
for information and to register, call 563-324-1410,
Bennigans, 226 17th St, Rock Island IL, MWCQC.org,
5:30pm Wed May 25

USA VETS Writers Studio, led by Jodie Toohey;

writing veterans or active military members talk about

writing, do some writing, and share some writing
with people who understand one another; free; for
information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center,
225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, 1pm
Thu Jun 2

Calls For Entry

Young Emerging Writers Internship, featuring

intensive experiences on poetry, narrative prose,

collaborative writing, magazine design, layout, and
copy-editing, culminating in the literary journal The
Atlas; 10-12 interns will be selected and will receive a
small stipend, free full registration to the David R. Collins
Writers Conference, one-year MWC membership, and
three copies of The Atlas; the internship runs Monday
through Wednesday evenings June 6 to July 20; for
information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center,
225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, thru
Thu Wed May 18

Seeking Applicants: Great River Writers Retreat,

Kevin Smith @ Englert Theatre - April 9


Scott & Rock Island Counties
Now Playing
Spring Awakening, bi-annual presentation of
Broadways Tony-winning musical smash, directed
by Dino Hayz; Fri. & Sat. 7pm; $15; for tickets and
information, call 563-940-1956, The Center for Living
Arts, 2008 4th Ave, Rock Island IL, CenterForLivingArts.
org, Fri Mar 18 and Sat Mar 19
Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar
Wilde, a black-box production of Moises Kaufmans

drama about Oscar Wildes three trials concerning his

relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,
Sun 1:30pm; $5; for information, call 309-794-7306,
Augustana College Black Box Theatre, Bergendoff Hall,
3701 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Fri Mar
18 thru Sun Mar 20

Mama Wont Fly, Southern road-trip comedy by Jessie

Jones, Nicholas Hope, and Jamie Wooten, directed by
Aaron Lord; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun 3pm; $13; for tickets
and information, call 309-762-0330, Playcrafters Barn
Theatre, 4950 35th Ave, Moline IL, Playcrafters.com, Fri
Mar 18 thru Sun Mar 20

The Big Meal, Dan LeFrancs dramatic comedy

following four generations of family, directed by Mike
Schulz; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm; pay what its worth
ticket pricing; for information, call 563-650-2396, QC
Theatre Workshop, 1730 Wilkes Ave, Davenport IA,
QCTheatreWorkshop.org, Fri Mar 18 thru Sun Mar 20
Shear Madness, interactive mystery-comedy by Paul
Portner, directed by Sean McCall; Fri., Sat., & Wed. 6-7pm
buffet, 7:15pm pre-show, 7:45pm show; Sun. 4-5pm
buffet, 5:15pm pre-show, 5:45pm show; Wed. matinee
11:45am-12:45pm plated lunch, 1pm pre-show, 1:30pm
show; $42.50-48; for tickets and information, call 309-7867733 ext. 2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock
Island IL, Circa21.com, Fri Mar 18 thru Sat Apr 30

Opening in March & April

Rock into Murder, dinner and an interactive murdermystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written
by Craig Michaels and Scott Naumann; $35 includes
dinner and show; for information and to reserve, call
563-344-9187, Skellington Manor Banquet & Event
Center, 420 18th St, Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.
com, 6pm Sat Mar 19

The Cherry Orchard, staged reading of Anton

Chekhovs tragicomedy in the RiverStages Play Reading

Series, directed by Corinne Johnson; donations
encouraged; for information, call 563-322-2969, QC
Theatre Workshop, 1730 Wilkes Ave, Davenport IA,
RiverAction.org, 7:30pm Sat Mar 26

I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of

Girls, performance of the play written by award-winning

author and activist Eve Ensler; $5-8; for information,

contact Katy Strzepek at 563-333-6113 or StrzepekKatyA@
sau.edu, Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7pm Wed Mar 30

Orphans, student-directed production of Lyle Kesslers

kidnapping dramedy; Thu. & Fri. 7:30pm, Sat. 3pm; $6;

for tickets, call 563-333-6251, St. Ambrose University
Studio Theatre, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu/theatre, Thu Mar 31 thru Sat Apr 2

My Favorite Year, Tony-winning musical comedy

about the 1950s Golden Age of live TV, directed by John

Weigandt; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $11-16; for tickets
and information, call 309-762-6610, Quad City Music
Guild Prospect Park Auditorium, 1584 34th Ave, Moline
IL, QCMusicGuild.com, Thu Mar 31 thru Sun Apr 3

one person will be chosen to spend a week at the Benet

House Retreat Center in Rock Island September 3-9; for
information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center,
225 E. 2nd St. Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org/
contests/writers-retreat, thru Thu Jun 8

Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Edward Albees

Susan K. Collins Chapbook Contest Open for

Submissions, thru Sept. 30; one poetry chapbook will

Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat,

be selected for publication; for information, call 563324-1410, Midwest Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303,
Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30

Tony-winning exploration of two marriages; Thu.-Sat.

8pm, Sun. 2pm; $20; for tickets and information, call 309235-1654, The District Theatre, 1724 4th Ave., Rock Island
IL, DistrictTheatre.com, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 16

Andrew Lloyd Webbers and Tim Rices beloved biblical

musical, in a Broadway at the Adler presentation; $37-57;
for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.com, 7:30pm Mon Apr 4

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Sylvan Slough, staged reading of St. Ambrose
University professor R.L. Richards new play in the
RiverStages Play Reading Series, directed by Tyson
Danner; also featuring a reading from the novel The
Sylvan Slough by local author Chuck Oestreich; Bereskin
and Boho Chic Galleries will be open downstairs starting
at 6:30pm with wine and hors doeuvres; donations
encouraged; for information, call 563-322-2969, Midwest
Writing Center, 225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA,
RiverAuction.org, 7:30pm Fri Apr 8

Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,

Circa21.com, Wed May 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Princeton Players Talent Show, featuring

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Craig Michaels and Scott Naumann; $35 includes
dinner and show; for information and to reserve, call
563-344-9187, Skellington Manor Banquet & Event
Center, 420 18th St, Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.
com, 6pm Fri May 13

performances by community members of all ages; Sat.

7pm, Sun. 2pm; for information, e-mail skyereding@
gmail.com, Princeton Community Center, 428 South
River Dr, Princeton IA, Sat Apr 9 and Sun Apr 10

Hunt for Murder, dinner and an interactive murdermystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written
by Patti Flaherty; $35 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.com, 6pm Sat Apr 9
Rock into Murder, dinner and an interactive murdermystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written
by Craig Michaels and Scott Naumann; $35 includes
dinner and show; for information and to reserve, call
563-344-9187, Skellington Manor Banquet & Event
Center, 420 18th St, Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.
com, 6pm Fri Apr 15

Hunt for Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $35 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.com, 6pm Sat May 7

Rock Into Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

A Behanding in Spokane, Martin McDonaghs

Tony-nominated black comedy; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.

2pm; $20; for tickets and information, call 309-2351654, The District Theatre, 1724 4th Ave., Rock Island IL,
DistrictTheatre.com, Fri May 13 thru Sat May 21

A Woman Called Truth, musical drama about

abolitionist and womens-rights advocate Sojurner

Truth, directed by Fred Harris Jr.; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
3pm; $13; for tickets and information, call 309-762-0330,
Playcrafters Barn Theatre, 4950 35th Ave, Moline IL,
Playcrafters.com, Fri May 13 thru Sun May 22

directed by Daniel Rairdin-Hale; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.

3pm; $9-13; for information, call 563-333-6251, Galvin
Fine Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu/theatre, Fri Apr 15 thru Sun Apr 17

Quad City Playwrights Festival, staged readings of

10-minute works by local authors, followed by a reception
and talk-back with the actors, directors, and playwrights;
for information, call 309-794-7306, Augustana College
Black Box Theatre, Bergendoff Hall, 3701 7th Ave, Rock
Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Sat May 14

The Bible: The Complete Word of God (abridged),

Ballet Under the Stars, Ballet Quad Cities annual

Noises Off, Michael Frayns Tony-winning slapstick,

three-man comedic retelling of The Good Book, directed

by Brent Tubbs; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm; pay what
its worth ticket pricing; for information, call 563-6502396, QC Theatre Workshop, 1730 Wilkes Ave, Davenport
IA, QCTheatreWorkshop.org, Fri Apr 15 thru Sun May 1

Junie B. Jones: The Musical, family musical based on

Barbara Parks beloved book series, directed by Kimberly
Furness; scheduled performances Tue., Thu., Fri., & Sat.;
$8.50; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave, Rock Island
IL, Circa21.com, Tue Apr 19 thru Sat May 21
Baby With the Bathwater, absurdist comedy by

Christopher Durang, directed by Kevin Babbitt; Fri. & Sat.

7pm; $7 at the door; for information, contact director
Babbitt at kdbabbitt@eicc.edu or 563-441-4339, Scott
Community College, 500 Belmont Rd, Bettendorf IA,
Facebook.com/ScottTheatre, Fri Apr 22 thru Sat Apr 30

Sweeney Todd, Stephen Sondheims Tony-winning

musical classic, directed by Jerry Jay Cranford, in a copresentation with Opera @ Augustana; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,
Sun 1:30pm; $10-14; for tickets and information, call
309-794-7306, Potter Theatre Augustana College, 3701
7th Ave, Rock Island IL, Augustana.edu/arts, Fri Apr 29
thru Sun May 8
Uncle, New Ground Theatre presents a debuting play
by Tony-nominated Lee Blessing; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,
Sun. 2pm; for information and tickets, call 563-3267529, Village Theatre, 2113 E 11th St, Davenport IA,
NewGroundTheatre.org, Fri Apr 29 thru Sun May 8
Russian Fairytales, Ballet Quad Cities presentation

of Stravinskys Petrushka and The Firebird, with live

accompaniment by Orchestra Iowa; at 1:30 & 7:30pm; $1031; for information, call 309-786-3779, Adler Theatre, 136 E
3rd St, Davenport IA, BalletQuadCities.com, Sat Apr 30

The Magical Lamp of Aladdin, student-performed

adaptation of popular legend, written by Tim Kelly,

directed by Jessica Sheridan; Sat. 1 & 4pm, Sun. 2pm;
$6-8 at the door; for information, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.org, 1pm Sat Apr 30 thru
Sun May 8

Opening in May & June

Sister Act: The Musical, Tony-nominated musical

comedy based on the hit Whoopi Goldberg comedy; Fri.,

Sat., Wed., and May 5: 6-7pm buffet, 7:15pm pre-show,
7:45pm show; Sun. 4-5pm buffet, 5:15pm pre-show,
5:45pm show; Wed. matinee 11:45am-12:45pm plated
lunch, 1pm pre-show, 1:30pm show; $42.50-48; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,

outdoor presentation of dance vignettes; donations

encouraged; for information, call 309-786-3779, Lincoln
Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island IL, BalletQuadCities.
com, 8pm Fri Jun 3 thru Sun Jun 5

Outlying Areas
Opening in March & April
Lost in Yonkers, Neil Simons Pulitzer Prize-winning

dramatic comedy, directed by Nate Sullivan; Fri. & Sat.

7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $9-17; for tickets and information, call
319-338-0443, Iowa City Community Theatre, 4261 Oak
Crest Hill Rd, Iowa City IA, IowaCityCommunityTheatre.
com, Fri Mar 18 thru Sun Mar 20

Baltimore, a Workshop Series presentation of Kirsten

Greenidges play, directed by Tlaloc Rivas; Thu.-Sat.

8pm, Sun. 2pm; $5, free for UI students with I.D.; for
information, call 319-335-2700, Theatre B University of
Iowa, Theatre Building, 200 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA,
Theatre.UIowa.edu, Thu Mar 24 thru Sun Mar 27

Id Love to Stay, reading of a new play by Alosha

Robinson; free, but ticket required; for information,
call 319-335-2700, University of Iowa Theatre Building
Room 172, 200 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.
UIowa.edu, 8pm Fri Mar 25
SPT Theatre: No Returns, an evening of sketch
comedy and drama, monologue, poetry and live music
provided by SPT and musical guests; with special guest
Greg Smith; $20-25; for tickets and information, call 319364-1580, CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids
IA, LegionArts.org, 8pm Fri Mar 25 thru Sat Mar 26
The Frog & the Princess, Brandon Roberts familytheatre adaptation of The Frog Prince; Saturdays at 1pm
(Apr. 9 at 10am & 1pm); $10; for tickets and information,
call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave,
Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Sat Mar 26 thru Sat Apr 9
Peter & the Wolf, listen to Prokofiefs beloved music
as you watch Peter outsmart the wolf; Eulenspiegel
Puppets use beautifully crafted large tabletop puppets
and rod puppets to tell this favorite tale of a young boy,
his grandfather, his pets, and the creatures that live in
the meadow; for information, call 319-627-2487, Owl
Glass Puppetry Center, 319 N Calhoun, West Liberty IA,
PuppetsPuppets.com, Sun Mar 27
Completely Hollywood [abridged], Tinseltown

satire by Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor; Fri. & Sat.

7:30pm, Thu. & Sun. 2pm; $12-30; for information and
tickets, call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery Studio Theatre,
3023 220th Trail, Middle Amana IA, OldCreamery.com,
Thu Mar 31 thru Sun Apr 17

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Theatre / Performances / Outlying Areas

/ Opening in March & April

Best of Enemies, Mark St. Germains drama about the

volatile relationship between C.P. Ellis, a Grand Cyclops

of the KKK, and Ann Atwater, an African-American
civil-rights activist, directed by Rick Sanborn; Fri. & Sat.
7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $15-16; for tickets and information,
call 319-462-4793, Starlighters II Theatre, 200 E Main St,
Anamosa IA, Starlighters.org, Fri Apr 1 thru Sun Apr 10

Completely Hollywood Abridged, Tinseltown satire

by Reed Martin and Austin Tichenor; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm,

Thu. & Sun. 2pm; $12-30; for information and tickets, call
319-622-6262, Old Creamery Studio Theatre, 3023 220th
Trail, Middle Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Fri Apr 1 thru
Sat Apr 16

Dancing Lessons, autism-themed romantic comedy

by Mark St. Germain, directed by Ron Clark; Thu.-Sat.

7:30pm, Sun. 3pm (Apr. 9 at 3pm); $18-30; for tickets and
information, call 319-338-7672, Riverside Theatre, 213 N.
Gilbert St., Iowa City IA, RiversideTheatre.org, Fri Apr 1
thru Sun Apr 17

National Theatre Live: As You Like It, an HD

screening of Shakespeares pastoral comedy; $15-18;

for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org,
2pm Sun Apr 3

Amys Wish, romantic-comedy fantasy by Tom Sharkey,

directed by Dana Skiles; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 3pm; $12;

for tickets and information, call 309-944-2244, Richmond
Hill Barn Theatre, 600 Hk Robinson Dr, Geneseo IL,
RHPlayers.com, Thu Apr 7 thru Sun Apr 17

Macbeth, the University of Dubuques presentation

of Shakespeares classic tragedy; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.

2pm; $5-15; for tickets and information, call 563-5857469, John and Alice Butler Hall, University of Dubuque
Heritage Center, 2255 Bennett St, Dubuque IA, Dbq.edu/
heritagecenter, Fri Apr 29 thru Sun May 1

The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore, an original

theatre-dance production based on the book by Iowa
Writers Workshop graduate Benjamin Hale, directed by
Sean C. Lewis; $10-25; for tickets and information, call
319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, Englert.org, Fri Apr 29 thru Sun May 1
1776, the City Circle Acting Company of Coralvilles

production of the award-winning history musical,

directed by Pauline Tyer; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. 2pm;
$12-27; for tickets and information, call 319-248-9369,
Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St,
Coralville IA, CityCircle.org, Fri Apr 29 thru Sun May 8

Opening in May & June

Iowa New Play Festival, annual, week-long festival
featuring four productions, seven readings, and
workshops, University of Iowa Theatre Building, 200 N
Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA, Theatre.UIowa.edu, Mon May
2 thru Sat May 7
Ragtime: The Musical, Tony-winning Stephen

Flaherty and Lynn Ahrens musical based on the E.L.

Doctorow novel and Oscar-nominated movie; $15-45;
for tickets and information, call 641-472-2787, Stephen
Sondheim Center for the Performing Arts, Fairfield Arts
& Convention Center, Fairfield IA, FairfieldACC.com,
7:30pm Mon May 9

The Commedia: The Prince & the Pauper, a

Annie, Tony-winning musical comedy based on the

beloved comic-strip character; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria
IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm Tue Apr 12 and Wed
Apr 13

commedia-dellarte family presentation of Mark Twains

beloved story; May 10-13 at 1pm, May 11-14 at 10am; $6;
for tickets and information, call 815-244-2035, Timber
Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road, Mt. Carroll IL,
TimberLakePlayhouse.org, Tue May 10 thru Fri May 13

Annie, Tony-winning musical comedy based on the

Vanya & Sonia & Masha & Spike, Christopher

beloved comic-strip character; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Thu Apr 14

Lady from the Sea, Henrik Ibsens dramatic classic

translated by Rolf Fjelde, directed by Nina Morrison;

Thu.-Sat. 8pm, Sun. 2pm; $5-18; for tickets and
information, call 319-335-1160, The University of Iowas
E. C. Mabie Theatre, 200 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City IA,
Theatre.uiowa.edu, Fri Apr 15 thru Sun Apr 24

Steeple People, Southern-gospel comedy with book

by Benjamin L. Jackson and music by Travis Smith;
Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; Sun., Wed., & Thu. 2pm; $12-30; for
information and tickets, call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery
Theatre, 39 38th Ave, Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Thu
Apr 21 thru Sun May 22
King Midas & the Miraculous Golden Touch, the
Young Footliters presentation of the family comedy,
directed by Jean Grewe; Fri. 7pm, Sat. 2 & 7pm; for
information and tickets, call 319-248-9370, Coralville
Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St, Coralville IA,
YoungFootliters.wordpress.com, Fri Apr 22 and Sat Apr 23
Cock, Dreamwell Theatres production of Mike Bartletts
romantic comedy drama, directed by John Harper; Fri.
& Sat. 7:30pm; $10-13; for information, call 319-4239820, Public Space One, 120 N Dubuque St, Iowa City IA,
Dreamwell.com, Fri Apr 22 thru Sat Apr 30

American Idiot, Tony-winning rock musical based on

the Green Day album, directed by Jaret Morlan; Fri. & Sat.
7:30pm, Sun. 2pm; $11-19; for tickets and information, call
319- 338-0443, Iowa City Community Theatre, 4261 Oak
Crest Hill Rd, Iowa City IA, IowaCityCommunityTheatre.
com, Fri Apr 22 thru Sun May 1

Russian Fairytales, Ballet Quad Cities presentation

of Stravinskys Petrushka and The Firebird, with live

accompaniment by Orchestra Iowa; Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
2:30pm; $19-54; for information, call 309-786-3779,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
BalletQuadCities.com, Sat Apr 23 thru Sun Apr 24

Saturday Night Fever: The Musical, disco musical

based on the classic 1977 dance film with John Travolta;

$15-45; for tickets and information, call 641-4722787, Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing
Arts, Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield IA,
FairfieldACC.com, 7:30pm Thu Apr 28

Durangs Tony-winning dysfunctional-family comedy,

directed by Jennifer Kingry; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
2pm; $12; for tickets and information, call 309-9442244, Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, 600 Hk Robinson Dr,
Geneseo IL, RHPlayers.com, Thu Jun 2 thru Sun Jun 5

The Odd Couple, Neil Simons classic comedy of

warring roommates; Thu.-Sat. 7:30pm, Sun. & Wed. 3pm;
for tickets and information, call 563-242-6760, Clinton
Area Showboat Theatre, 311 Riverview Dr, Clinton IA,
ClintonShowboat.org, Thu Jun 2 thru Sat Jun 4
Gypsy, legendary show-biz musical by Arthur Laurents,

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

The Fantasticks should be prepared to sing a song
from the show that indicates the role for which you feel
you are best suited; for information, call 309-944-2244,
Richmond Hill Barn Theatre, 600 Hk Robinson Dr, Geneseo
IL, RHPlayers.com, 2pm Sat Apr 30 and Sun May 1


March & April
Reed/Strub Thesis Concert, an MFA dance thesis

concert featuring the work of Alvon Reed and Tallis

Strub; Thu.-Sat. 8pm; $6-12; for information, call 319335-1160, University of Iowas Space/Place Theatre, 20
Davenport St, Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.edu/tickets,
Thu Mar 31 thru Sat Apr 2

Lawrence Thesis Concert, an MFA dance thesis concert

featuring the work of Victoria Lawrence; for information,
e-mail dance@uiowa.edu or call 319-335-2228, Johnson
County Fairgrounds, 4261 Oak Crest Hill Rd, Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 8pm Thu Apr 7 thru Sat Apr 9

comedy based on Janet Letnes Martin and Suzann

Nelsons Growing Up Lutheran, directed by Dawn
Marek, Jan Cratsenberg, and Donna Wall, running July
10-17; be prepared to sing and read from the script; for
information, call 319-462-4793, Starlighters II Theatre,
200 E Main St, Anamosa IA, Starlighters.org, 7pm Mon
Apr 11 thru Wed Apr 13

Checkmate and The Fantasticks, auditions for Leslie

Sands comedy whodunit Checkmate, directed by
Joe DePauw (running Jul. 7-17), and Tom Jones musical
romance The Fantasticks, directed by John Donald
OShea (running Aug. 11-21); seeking nine male and four
female adult actors of varying ages; be prepared to read
from the scripts; those auditioning for singing roles in

Studio Series Friday, Fridays at 9:30pm; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17-plus; $5

or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call
309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island
IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Mar 25

ComedySportz, Fri. & Sat. 7pm; interactive comedy

Rock into Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

for information, call 309-794-7306, Centennial Hall,

Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave, Rock Island IL,
Augustana.edu/arts, 7pm Sat Apr 23

Russian Fairytales, Ballet Quad Cities presentation

of Stravinskys Petrushka and The Firebird, with live
accompaniment by Orchestra Iowa; Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
2:30pm; $19-54; for information, call 309-786-3779,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
BalletQuadCities.com, Sat Apr 23 thru Sun Apr 24
Ballet Folklorico, dance performance; free; for
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210
41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 28
Russian Fairytales, Ballet Quad Cities presentation

of Stravinskys Petrushka and The Firebird, with live

accompaniment by Orchestra Iowa; at 1:30 & 7:30pm; $1031; for information, call 309-786-3779, Adler Theatre, 136 E
3rd St, Davenport IA, BalletQuadCities.com, Sat Apr 30

May & June

University of Iowa Department of Dance
Undergraduate Concert, Thu. & Fri. 8pm, Sat. 2pm;

call 319-335-1160, University of Iowas Space/Place

Theatre, 20 Davenport St, Iowa City IA, Hancher.UIowa.
edu, Fri May 13 thru Sun May 15

Church Basement Ladies, auditions for the musical

Scott & Rock Island Counties


Augustana Dance Company Performance,

Million Dollar Quartet, Tony-winning musical about



for information, call 319-335-1160, University of Iowas

Space/Place Theatre, 20 Davenport St, Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, 8pm Thu Apr 14 thru Sat Apr 16

for information, call 319-335-1160, University of Iowas

Space/Place Theatre, 20 Davenport St, Iowa City IA,
Hancher.UIowa.edu, Thu May 5 thru Sat May 7

The Book of Mormon, touring production of the

Tony-winning musical comedy by South Park creators
Trey Parker and Matt Stone; for tickets, call 800-745-3000,
Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm Tue Jun 7 and Wed Jun 8

attended by citizens and police officers from Rock

Island, and surrounding communities; proceeds from
our silent auctions and raffles, will be used to support
our annual Christmas Food Basket Program; 5-7:30pm
dinner, 8-midnight dance with DJ music; for information,
contact Lt. Bill L. Sowards at Crusnmom@aol.com or 309738-4069, Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 25, 4600
Blackhawk Rd, Rock Island IL, 5pm Sat Apr 9

with the areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail
Info@ComedySportzQC.com, The Establishment, 220
19th St, Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Mar
18 thru Sat Mar 26

Chappell/Simonson/Swihart Thesis Concert,

Jule Styne, and Stephen Sondheim; Tue.-Sat. 7:30pm,

Sun. 2pm; $17-25; for tickets and information, call 815244-2035, Timber Lake Playhouse, 8215 Black Oak Road,
Mt. Carroll IL, TimberLakePlayhouse.org, Thu Jun 2 thru
Wed Jun 8

a recording session between Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash,

Carl Perkins, and Jerry Lee Lewis; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; Sun.,
Wed., & Thu. 2pm; $12-30; for information and tickets,
call 319-622-6262, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave,
Amana IA, OldCreamery.com, Thu Jun 2 thru Wed Jun 8

Rock Island Police Benevolent Association Annual

Police Dance and Taco Dinner, the dance will be

UI Youth Ballet and School of Dance Spring

Concert, Fri. & Sat. 7;30pm, Sun. 2pm; for information,

Ballet Under the Stars, Ballet Quad Cities annual

outdoor presentation of dance vignettes; donations

encouraged; for information, call 309-786-3779, Lincoln
Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island IL, BalletQuadCities.
com, 8pm Fri Jun 3 thru Sun Jun 5

Classes & Events

Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes, offering
classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Conditioning,
Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet, for ages 3 to adult;
all classes taught by the companys professional dancers;
for information and to register, call 309-786-2677, Ballet
Quad Cities School of Dance, 617 17th St, Rock Island IL,
BalletQuadCities.com, thru Wed Jun 8
Open Call for the 10th Iowa Dance Festival, an
open call to professional-level artists to create sitespecific performances of 10 minutes or less for venues
that include the Old Capitol Town Center, Vetro Hotel
Lobby, Iowa City Public Library, FilmScene, and the
Iowa City Ped Mall; participants will be provided with
technical support and overnight accommodations and
if needed and stipends will be paid for performances;
for information, e-mail Interdance2015@gmail.com,
Downtown Iowa City, Iowa City IA, IowaDance.org, thru
Sun Mar 20

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Craig Michaels and Scott Naumann; $35 includes
dinner and show; for information and to reserve, call
563-344-9187, Skellington Manor Banquet & Event
Center, 420 18th St, Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.
com, 6pm Sat Mar 19

Studio Series Saturday, Saturdays at 9:30pm; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17-plus; $5
or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call
309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island
IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Sat Mar 19 thru Sat Mar 26
The Blacklist, Saturdays at 9pm; improvisational games
and bar-prov with the area comedians; $10-12; for
tickets and information, call 309-781-9617, The Backroom
Comedy Theater, 1510 N Harrison St, Davenport IA,
BlacklistComedy.com, Sat Mar 19 thru Sat Mar 26
Circumstantial Comedy Show, Sundays at 9pm; for
information, call 563-424-5506, BREW, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee, Sun
Mar 20 thru Sun Mar 27
Comedy Open Mic, on Tuesdays; 7:30pm sign-up,

8:30pm hot mic; for information, call 563-355-0655,

Harley Corins, 1708 State St, Bettendorf IA, Tue Mar 22
thru Tue Mar 29

Comedy Open Mic Night, Wednesdays at 7:30pm;

for information, call 309-781-9617, The Backroom
Comedy Theater, 1510 N Harrison St, Davenport IA,
BlacklistComedy.com, Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Mar 30
The Speakeasy Laugh Hard, an evening with some

of the funniest stand up comedians from across the

Midwest; $3; for tickets and information, call 309-7867733 ext. 2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock
Island IL, TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Mar 25

Rodney Carrington, an evening with the country

singer-songwriter and standup comedian on his
Here Comes the Truth tour; $44.75; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
AdlerTheatre.com, 7pm Sat Mar 26

Studio Series Friday, Fridays at 9:30pm; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17-plus; $5

or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call
309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island
IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Apr 1 thru Fri Apr 29

ComedySportz, Fri. & Sat. 7pm; interactive comedy

with the areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail Info@
ComedySportzQC.com, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock
Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30
Studio Series Saturday, Saturdays at 9:30pm; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17-plus; $5

or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island
IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Sat Apr 2 thru Sat Apr 30

309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island

IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Sat May 7 thru Sat Jun 4

The Blacklist, Saturdays at 9pm; improvisational games

and bar-prov with the area comedians; $10-12; for
tickets and information, call 309-781-9617, The Backroom
Comedy Theater, 1510 N Harrison St, Davenport IA,
BlacklistComedy.com, Sat Apr 2 thru Sat Apr 30

The Blacklist, Saturdays at 9pm; improvisational games

and bar-prov with the area comedians; $10-12; for
tickets and information, call 309-781-9617, The Backroom
Comedy Theater, 1510 N Harrison St, Davenport IA,
BlacklistComedy.com, Sat May 7 thru Sat Jun 4

Circumstantial Comedy Show, Sundays at 9pm; for

Rock into Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

information, call 563-424-5506, BREW, 1104 Jersey Ridge

Rd, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee, Sun
Apr 3 thru Sun Apr 24

Comedy Open Mic, on Tuesdays; 7:30pm sign-up,

8:30pm hot mic; for information, call 563-355-0655,

Harley Corins, 1708 State St, Bettendorf IA, Tue Apr 5
thru Tue Apr 26

Comedy Open Mic Night, Wednesdays at 7:30pm;

for information, call 309-781-9617, The Backroom

Comedy Theater, 1510 N Harrison St, Davenport IA,
BlacklistComedy.com, Wed Apr 6 thru Wed Apr 27

The After Hour, Andrew King hosts a live, late-

night talk show with area guests; $8-10; for tickets

and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 10:30pm Fri Apr 8

Hunt for Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $35 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.com, 6pm Sat Apr 9

Rock into Murder, dinner and an interactive murdermystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written
by Craig Michaels and Scott Naumann; $35 includes
dinner and show; for information and to reserve, call
563-344-9187, Skellington Manor Banquet & Event
Center, 420 18th St, Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.
com, 6pm Fri Apr 15

Show Us Your Pokeballs, a nerd-themed stand-up

comedy show hosted by Nikki Gillette and Joshua Kahn;
$10-12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Sat Apr 23

May & June

Red Green, the handyman comedian returns in his

Im Not Old, Im Ripe! Tour; $52.50; for tickets, call

800-745-3000, Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA,
AdlerTheatre.com, 7pm Sun May 1

Circumstantial Comedy Show, Sundays at 9pm; for

information, call 563-424-5506, BREW, 1104 Jersey Ridge

Rd, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/EastVillageCoffee,
9pm Sun May 1 thru Sun Jun 5

Comedy Open Mic, on Tuesdays; 7:30pm sign-up,

8:30pm hot mic; for information, call 563-355-0655,

Harley Corins, 1708 State St, Bettendorf IA, Tue May 3
thru Tue Jun 7

Comedy Open Mic Night, Wednesdays at 7:30pm;

for information, call 309-781-9617, The Backroom

Comedy Theater, 1510 N Harrison St, Davenport IA,
BlacklistComedy.com, 7:30pm Wed May 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Studio Series Friday, Fridays at 9:30pm; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17-plus; $5

or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call
309-786-1111, The Establishment, 220 19th St, Rock Island
IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri May 6 thru Fri Jun 3

ComedySportz, Fri. & Sat. 7pm; interactive comedy

with the areas long-running improv troupe; $12; for

tickets and information, call 309-786-1111 or e-mail
Info@ComedySportzQC.com, The Establishment, 220
19th St, Rock Island IL, ComedySportzQC.com, Fri May 6
thru Sat Jun 4

Hunt for Murder, dinner and an interactive murder-

mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Patti Flaherty; $35 includes dinner and show;
for information and to reserve, call 563-344-9187,
Skellington Manor Banquet & Event Center, 420 18th St,
Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.com, 6pm Sat May 7

Studio Series Saturday, Saturdays at 9:30pm; sketch

comedy and improvisational games for ages 17-plus; $5

or free with CSz ticket; for tickets and information, call


mystery comedy with the Its a Mystery troupe, written

by Craig Michaels and Scott Naumann; $35 includes
dinner and show; for information and to reserve, call
563-344-9187, Skellington Manor Banquet & Event
Center, 420 18th St, Rock Island IL, SkellingtonManor.
com, 6pm Fri May 13

The After Hour, Andrew King hosts a live, late-

night talk show with area guests; $8-10; for tickets

and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 10:30pm Fri May 13

Outlying Areas
Jerry Seinfeld, at 7 & 9:30pm; concert sets with the

legendary comedian; $49.50-150; for tickets, call 800745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave,
Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, Fri Mar 18

Chris Boom Boom Johnson, concert with the

standup comedian; Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; $12-15; for

information and tickets, call 319-362-8133, Penguins
Comedy Club Cedar Rapids, 208 2nd Ave SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, 7:30pm Fri Mar
18 thru Sat Mar 19

Tom Garlands Catacombs of Comedy Showcase,

Mondays at 10pm; $3-5; for information, call 319-3376464, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA,
IowaCityYachtClub.org, Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Mar 28

Comedy Open Mic, on Wednesdays; 6:30pm sign-up,

7:30pm performances; for information, call 319-3630606, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, Wed Mar 23 thru
Wed Mar 30

Grant Lyon, concert with the standup comedian; Fri.

& Sat. 7:30pm; $12-15; for information and tickets, call

319-362-8133, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, 7:30pm Fri
Mar 25 and Sat Mar 26

Tom Garlands Catacombs of Comedy Showcase,

Mondays at 10pm; $3-5; for information, call 319-3376464, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA,
IowaCityYachtClub.org, Mon Apr 4 thru Mon Apr 25

Comedy Open Mic, on Wednesdays; 6:30pm sign-up,

7:30pm performances; for information, call 319-3630606, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, Wed Apr 6 thru
Wed Apr 27

Marc Maron, an evening with the writer, comedian,

and host of the podcast WTF with Marc Maron; $37.50;

for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org,
7pm Fri Apr 8

Kevin Smith, an evening with the actor, filmmaker,

comic-book writer, comedian, and podcaster; $25-30;
for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653, Englert
Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA, Englert.org,
7pm Sat Apr 9
Buckets N Boards: A Comedy Percussion Show,

a hilarious and high-energy show which is chock-full of

precise percussion, ridiculous songs, spectacular tap
dancing, inventive instrumentation and unique musical
talent; $20; for tickets and information, call 641-4722787, Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing
Arts, Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield IA,
FairfieldACC.com, 7:30pm Thu Apr 14

Kevin McCaffrey, concert with the standup comedian;

Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; $12-15; for information and tickets, call
319-362-8133, Penguin Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, 7:30pm Fri
Apr 15 and Sat Apr 16

Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat April 4 @ the Adler Theatre

Theatre Musicals and Dance / March through June

his springs roster of area musicals and dance productions starts with Quad City
Music Guilds and director John Weigandts My Favorite Year (March 31 through
April 3), the Tony Award-winning adaptation of 1982s film comedy concerning the
Golden Age of Television and the frequently blotto star who threatens to make an ass of
himself on live TV. Were I asked about my personal favorite year, I might just go ahead
and say 2016 if, that is, our impending summer, fall, and winter theatre seasons wind
up as strong and wonderfully varied as springs looks to be.
Working chronologically, My Favorite Year will be followed by a musical smash that
has historically delighted crowds at every time of year: Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (April 4), Andrew Lloyd Webbers and Tim Rices genre-crossing
biblical mash-up that closes the Adler Theatres 2015-16 Broadway at the Adler series.
Another modern musical classic arrives in the Peoria Civic Centers touring production
of the Tony champ Annie (April 12 and 13), while another youthful heroine, minus the
curly red hair, takes over the Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse stage in director Kimberly Furness storybook adaptation Junie B. Jones: The Musical (April 19 through May 21).
One of the 21st Centurys iconic rock recordings will pulse with theatrical life when
the Tony-winning American Idiot (April 22 through May 1) is transformed from a Green
Day album into a stage entertainment courtesy of director Jaret Morlan and the Iowa City
Community Theatre. Well then trade tortured youth for a torturing hairstylist when
director and Broadway veteran Jerry Jay Cranford stages an Augustana College rendition
of Sweeney Todd (April 29 through May 8), composer Stephen Sondheims bloody-great
tale of Englands notorious Demon Barber of Fleet Street. And then its back to America
again to the official beginnings of America, in fact for director Pauline Tyers and the
City Circle Acting Company of Coralvilles 1776 (April 29 through May 8), the historically
minded Tony winner for Best Musical that opened in 1969 and ran for 1,217 performances.
Ballet Quad Cities closes April with a pair of Adler Theatre performances of Russian
Fairytales (April 30), which find the Quad Cities professional dance troupe taking on
a pair of Igor Stravinsky ballets: Petrushka, the story of a puppet who comes magically
to life, and The Firebird, an ancient fable about the reunion of two long-separated lovers.
Meanwhile, lovers of musicals, film comedies, and blends of both are likely eager for the
area debut of the Tony-nominated Sister Act: The Musical (May 4 through July 2), the
Broadway adaptation of Whoopi Goldbergs movie smash that Circa 21 and director Jim
Hesselman will no doubt turn into stage magic ... as is their habit. (Dont groan. Just be
thankful I only tossed in one nun-related pun.)
Sondheim makes another off-stage appearance albeit strictly in his role as lyricist
when composer Jule Stynes legendary musical Gypsy (Jun 2 through 12) takes residence at
Mt. Carrolls Timber Lake Playhouse, with Momma Rose, Louise, Baby June, and the rest
belt show-tune classics such as Everythings Coming Up Roses, If Momma Was Married, and Roses Turn. There wont be vocalized songs, but there will be gorgeous instrumental compositions filling Rock Islands Lincoln Park when Ballet Quad Cities delivers
its annual presentation of dance vignettes in Ballet Under the Stars (June 3 through 5).
And wrapping up our springs lineup of a dozen stage-musical and dance presentations
is the Peoria Civic Centers touring production of The Book of Mormon (June 7 through
12). For those who dont know it, this Trey Parker/Matt Stone/Robert Lopez smash
received nine Tony Awards and a Grammy Award, reached number three on the Billboard
charts the first musical in more than four decades to peak that high and just might be
the most lyrically quotable soundtrack of the millennium, given its ber-catchy song list
that includes Hello, I Believe, Turn It Off, and the priceless Hakuna Matata spoof
Hasa Diga Eebowai. I could tell you the American translation for hasa diga eebowai,
but my potty mouth in Reader articles already gets me in enough trouble.
For more on the areas lineup of musicals and dance presentations, visit the Theatre
and Dance sections of the Spring Guide events calendar beginning on page 22.
Mike Schulz



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org,

2pm Sun Apr 10

Comedy / Outlying Areas /


Germans in the Old West, thru July 17; see how German
heritage influenced cowboy culture; Tue.-Sat. 10am-4pm;
free with $3-5 admission; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, Sun Apr 17 thru Sat Apr 30

Brian Regan, an evening with the renowned comedian

on his springtime tour; $42.50; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7pm Sun Apr 17
Natasha Leggero, an evening with the Los Angeles-

based TV and film actress, writer, and stand-up

comedienne; $25; for tickets and information, call 319688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa
City IA, Englert.org, 8pm Fri Apr 22

Red Green, the handyman comedian returns in his Im

Not Old, Im Ripe! Tour; $52.50; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7pm Mon Apr 25

May & June

Tom Garlands Catacombs of Comedy Showcase,

on Mondays; $3-5; for information, call 319-3376464, Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA,
IowaCityYachtClub.org, 10pm Mon May 2 thru Mon Jun 6

Comedy Open Mic, on Wednesdays; 6:30pm sign-up,

7:30pm performances; for information, call 319-3630606, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, Wed May 4 thru
Wed May 25

Uncle Larry Reeb, concert with the standup comedian;

Fri. & Sat. 7:30pm; $12-15; for information and tickets, call
319-362-8133, Penguins Comedy Club, 208 2nd Ave SE,
Cedar Rapids IA, PenguinsComedyClub.com, 7:30pm Fri
May 6 and Sat May 7
Chonda Pierce: Focus on the Funny Tour, an
evening with the Emmy-nominated and best-selling
comedienne and author; $34-39; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
ParamountTheatreCR.com, 7:30pm Tue May 10
An Evening with David Sedaris, a performance by

the internationally renowned humorist and bestselling

author; for tickets and information, call 309-342-2299,
Orpheum Theatre, 57 S Kellogg St, Galesburg IL,
TheOrpheum.org, 7:30pm Fri May 13

Alaska & The Voyage of Understanding,

exhibited collection of items, photos, mementos,

letters and paintings from a trip that Herbert Hoover
took with President Harding to Alaska; 9am-5pm daily;
for information, call 319-643-5301, Herbert Hoover
Presidential Library & Museum, 210 Parkside Dr, West
Branch IA, Hoover.Archives.gov, thru Sun Mar 27

Crossing the Tracks of Time: Quad City Railroad

History, exhibit featuring a wide range of railroad

memorabilia, artifacts, documents and photos brought

to us largely by dedicated railroad hobbyists in the
community; there will also be an Austrian model railroad
display set up for visitors in our third floor gallery; free
with $3-5 admission; for information, call 563-322-8844
or e-mail kelly.lao@gahc.org, German American Heritage
Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, thru Thu
Mar 31

The Discovery of King Tut, a 14,800-square-foot

touring exhibition featuring nearly 1,000 reproductions

of treasures discovered in Tutankhamuns Egyptian tomb,
audio tours based on Howard Carters diaries, video
documentaries, and extensive texts, and more; $8-19
w/ $7-8 museum admission, $5 add-on for screenings of
Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs; for information, call
563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W
12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, thru Thu Mar 31

Friday Family Night: Starry Night, spend some

quality time with your family and local astronomers;
gaze upon heavenly bodies with an astronomers
telescope, hear stories about the constellations, sit
amongst the stars in the Star Lab, check out the Science
Center, and watch Space Junk 3D on the Giant Screen;
for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, putnam.
org/Calendar/StarryNight, 5pm Fri Mar 18

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

David Sedaris @ Orpheum Theatre - May 13

Eiermarkt Spring Craft Fair, featuring vendors selling

Putnam Museum Guild Monthly Tea, this months

program consists of Alma Gaul discussing Prairie
Flowers, and will be followed by a short meeting of the
Guild and refreshments; free and open to the public;
for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, 1:30pm Thu Apr 28

hand-carved eggs, hot cross buns, hot pretzels, and

spring crafts of all kinds; free admission; for information
and to register, contact Kelly at 563-322-8844 or kelly.
lao@gahc.org, German American Heritage Center, 712 W
2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 10am Sat Mar 19

Scherenschnitte: Session 1, 2D Design, led by

Easter Basket Decorating, featuring tables full of

Scherenschnitte: Session 2, 3D Design, led by

Keith Bonnstetter; make a fun and floral design in honor
of Mothers Day; $15-20; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 11:30am Sat Apr 30

US Railroad Operations During World War I, Dr. Rudy

Daniels of Sioux City presents the story of how American
railroads in France helped the battle for democracy; held in
conjunction with the exhibit Crossing the Tracks of Time:
Quad City Railroad History; free with $3-5 admission; for
information, call 563-322-8844 or e-mail kelly.lao@gahc.
org, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 2pm Sun Mar 20

Scherenschnitte: Session 3, 2D Design, led by

Keith Bonnstetter; make a fun and floral design in honor
of Mothers Day; $15-20; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 1:30pm Sat Apr 30

Easter decorations to bedazzle; choose your own basket

or bring one from home; for information, call 563-2420343, Clinton Sawmill Museum, 2231 Grant St, Clinton IA,
TheSawmillMuseum.org, 1pm Sat Mar 19

Castles of Germany, a scenic look at some of

Germanys finest castles with fun inter-actives for
kids; Tue.-Sat. 10am-4pm; free with $3-5 admission;
for information, call 563-322-8844, German American
Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org,
Sun Mar 20 thru Thu Mar 31
Putnam Museum Guild Monthly Tea, this months
program consists of Elizabeth Carvey discussing Rock
Island Turn of the Century Amusement Park and
will be followed by a short meeting of the Guild and
refreshments; free; for information, call 563-324-1933,
Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St,
Davenport IA, Putnam.org, 1:30pm Thu Mar 31

Lets Talk, join Speech and Language Specialists from
the Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency as they
help get little ones talking; free with $4-7 admission; for
information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@
bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, Fri Apr 1
Crossing the Tracks of Time: Quad City Railroad
History, exhibit featuring a wide range of railroad

memorabilia, artifacts, documents and photos brought

to us largely by dedicated railroad hobbyists in the
community; there will also be an Austrian model railroad
display set up for visitors in our third floor gallery; free
with $3-5 admission; for information, call 563-322-8844
or e-mail kelly.lao@gahc.org, German American Heritage
Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, Fri Apr 1
thru Sun Apr 10

Castles of Germany, a scenic look at some of Germanys

finest castles with fun inter-actives for kids; Tue.-Sat.

10am-4pm; free with $3-5 admission; for information, call
563-322-8844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W
2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30

The Discovery of King Tut, thru Sept. 5; a

14,800-square-foot touring exhibition featuring
nearly 1,000 reproductions of treasures discovered
in Tutankhamuns Egyptian tomb, audio tours based
on Howard Carters diaries, video documentaries,
and extensive texts, and more; $8-19 w/ $7-8 museum
admission, $5 add-on for screenings of Mummies:
Secrets of the Pharaohs; for information, call 563-3241933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St,
Davenport IA, Putnam.org, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30
Supporting Young Scholars: Student History
Presentations, GAHC and the University of Iowa

History Department present three student presentations

on local and regional German-American history
surrounding WWI; free with $3-5 admission; for
information, call 563-322-8844, German American

Keith Bonnstetter; make a fun and floral design in honor

of Mothers Day; $15-20; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 10am Sat Apr 30

Scherenschnitte: Session 4, 3D Design, led by

Keith Bonnstetter; make a fun and floral design in honor

of Mothers Day; $15-20; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 3pm Sat Apr 30

May & June

German Author Karl May, WIU History Professor Dr.

Ute Chamberlain speaks on this author best known for

his adventurous Westerns; free with $3-5 admission;
for information, call 563-322-8844, German American
Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org,
2pm Sun May 1

Castles of Germany, scenic look at some of Germanys

finest castles with fun inter-actives for kids; Tue.-Sat.
10am-4pm; free with $3-5 admission; for information,
call 563-322-8844, German American Heritage Center,
712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, Sun May 1 thru
Sun May 29
Germans in the Old West, see how German heritage
influenced cowboy culture; Tue.-Sat. 10am-4pm; free
with $3-5 admission; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, Sun May 1 thru Wed Jun 8
The Discovery of King Tut, a 14,800-square-foot

touring exhibition featuring nearly 1,000 reproductions

of treasures discovered in Tutankhamuns Egyptian
tomb, audio tours based on Howard Carters diaries,
video documentaries, and extensive texts, and more; $819 w/ $7-8 museum admission, $5 add-on for screenings
of Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs; for information,
call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center,
1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, Sun May 1
thru Wed Jun 8

W.H.D. Doerner and His Art of the Old West, enjoy

this presentation by Mike Kearney on German influences

in the Old West as well as early life in Clinton, IA; free
with $3-5 admission; for information, call 563-3228844, German American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 2pm Sun May 22


wilderness, narrated by Robert Redford; for tickets

and showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, thru Thu Mar 31

11th Annual Environmental Film Fest, the movies

roll at 11am, healthy snacks and drinks will be provided,

and there will be fun, inspirational, five-minute shorts
before the feature films; free; sponsored by the Eagle
View Group of the Sierra Club, Augustana College, and
Radish Magazine, Augustana Colleges F.W. Olin Center
for Educational Technology, 733 35th St, Rock Island
IL, augustana.edu/academics/majors--areas-of-study/
geology/environmental-film-fest, 11am Sat Mar 19

Executive Producers of Mysteries of the

Driftless, an event in the 11th Annual Environmental

Film Festival; biologist, documentary producer, and

former conservation director of the Mississippi Valley
Conservancy George Howe and fellow producer,
filmmaker, conservationist and inspirational speaker Tim
Jacobson will speak after the screening of their film; they
will discuss the ecology, geology, and archaeology of the
Driftless Region of the Upper Midwest, environmental
conservation, and their newest film project; free;
sponsored by the Eagle View Group of the Sierra Club,
Augustana College, and Radish Magazine, Augustana
Colleges F.W. Olin Center for Educational Technology,
733 35th St., Rock Island IL, augustana.edu/academics/
majors--areas-of-study/geology/environmental-filmfest, 1:30pm Sat Mar 19

Just Eat It, a screening in the 11th Annual Environmental

Film Festival; healthy snacks and drinks will be provided,
and there will be fun, inspirational, five-minute shorts
before the feature films; free; sponsored by the Eagle
View Group of the Sierra Club, Augustana College, and
Radish Magazine, Augustana Colleges F.W. Olin Center
for Educational Technology, 733 35th St., Rock Island
IL, augustana.edu/academics/majors--areas-of-study/
geology/environmental-film-fest, 4:15pm Sat Mar 19

Merchants of Doubt, a screening in the 11th Annual

Environmental Film Festival; healthy snacks and drinks

will be provided, and there will be fun, inspirational, fiveminute shorts before the feature films; free; sponsored by
the Eagle View Group of the Sierra Club, Augustana College,
and Radish Magazine, Augustana Colleges F.W. Olin
Center for Educational Technology, 733 35th St, Rock Island
IL, augustana.edu/academics/majors--areas-of-study/
geology/environmental-film-fest, 2:15pm Sat Mar 19

Musicwood, a screening in the 11th Annual

Environmental Film Festival; healthy snacks and drinks

will be provided, and there will be fun, inspirational, fiveminute shorts before the feature films; free; sponsored
by the Eagle View Group of the Sierra Club, Augustana
College, and Radish Magazine, Augustana Colleges F.W.
Olin Center for Educational Technology, 733 35th St., Rock
Island IL, augustana.edu/academics/majors--areas-ofstudy/geology/environmental-film-fest, 11am Sat Mar 19

Mysteries of the Driftless, a screening in the 11th

Annual Environmental Film Festival; healthy snacks

and drinks will be provided, and there will be fun,
inspirational, five-minute shorts before the feature
films; free; sponsored by the Eagle View Group of the
Sierra Club, Augustana College, and Radish Magazine,
Augustana Colleges F.W. Olin Center for Educational
Technology, 733 35th St., Rock Island IL, augustana.
environmental-film-fest, 12:50pm Sat Mar 19

National Parks Collection, a screening in the 53rd

Annual Effigy Mounds Winter Film Festival, with a

special display of photo-contest winners from Silos
& Smokestacks; movies shown on the hour from
10am-3pm on Sat. & Sun., and 1pm on Mon.; free; for
information, call 563-873-3491 ext. 202, Effigy Mounds
National Monument, 151 Hwy 76, Harpers Ferry IA, NPS.
gov/efmo, Sat Mar 19 thru Mon Mar 21

The Ten Commandments, screenings of Cecil B.

DeMilles biblical epic; Sun. & Wed. 2 & 7pm, Rave
Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St,
Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, Sun Mar 20
and Wed Mar 23

Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, Egyptian

edu-documentary on the giant screen; for tickets and
showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, thru Thu Mar 31

Office, musical by Hong Kongs leading genre

filmmaker Johnnie To, with music by Taiwanese pop
composer Lo Ta-yu; for information, call 319-358-2555,
FilmScene, 118 E College St, Iowa City IA, ICFilmScene.
org, 6pm Tue Mar 22

National Parks Adventure 3D, MacGillivray Freeman

Showtime at Silvis, see a recently released movie

Films presents the ultimate off-trail adventure into the

nations awe-inspiring great outdoors and untamed

without paying Redbox fees; join us for the little bald kid,
his beagle, and friends as they handle lifes complications;

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

sponsored by the Silvis Optimist International Club #12322;
free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 2pm Fri Mar 25

The Peanuts Movie, a free screening of the animated

movie and popcorn; for information, call 309-732-7323,

Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 11am Sat Mar 26

Hidden Hawaii, a screening in the 53rd Annual Effigy

Mounds Winter Film Festival, with a special display
of photo-contest winners from Silos & Smokestacks;
movies shown on the hour from 10am-3pm on Sat. &
Sun., and 1pm on Mon.; free; for information, call 563873-3491 ext. 202, Effigy Mounds National Monument,
151 Hwy 76, Harpers Ferry IA, NPS.gov/efmo, 10am Sat
Mar 26 thru Sun Mar 27
Arthaus Film Series: Funeral Parade of Roses,

National Parks Adventure 3D, MacGillivray Freeman

Films presents the ultimate off-trail adventure into the
nations awe-inspiring great outdoors and untamed
wilderness, narrated by Robert Redford; for tickets
and showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30

Met Opera: Madama Butterfly, an HD screening of

Giacomo Puccinis opera, Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd

18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/
theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Apr 2

2001: A Space Odyssey, screenings of Stanley

Kubricks Oscar-winning sci-fi classic; Sun. & Wed.

4:30pm, Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601
E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090,
4:30pm Sun Apr 3 and Wed Apr 6

screening of the Japanese New Wave work by Toshio

Matsumoto, set in the underground gay culture of 1960s
Tokyo; free, ages 17-plus; for information, call 309-2000978, Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL, RozzTox.
com, 8pm Sun Mar 27

A Clockwork Orange, screenings of Stanley Kubricks

Raiders of the Lost Ark, screenings of Steven

Spielbergs Oscar-winning action-adventure; Sun.
2pm, Wed. 2 & 7pm, Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18
+ IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/
theatre-1090, Sun Mar 27 and Wed Mar 30

Met Opera: Madama Butterfly Encore, an HD

screening of Giacomo Puccinis opera, Rave Cinemas
Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed Apr 6

Hidden Hawaii, a screening in the 53rd Annual Effigy

Mounds Winter Film Festival, with a special display of
photo-contest winners from Silos & Smokestacks; movies
shown on the hour from 10am-3pm on Sat. & Sun., and
1pm on Mon.; free; for information, call 563-873-3491
ext. 202, Effigy Mounds National Monument, 151 Hwy 76,
Harpers Ferry IA, NPS.gov/efmo, 1pm Mon Mar 28

discussion afterward; in Spanish with English subtitles,

may contain adult content; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm
Thu Apr 7

Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, Egyptian
edu-documentary on the giant screen; for tickets and
showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30

futuristic classic; Sun. 2pm, Wen. 2 & 7:15pm, Rave

Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St,
Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, Sun Apr 3
and Wed Apr 6

Independent Movie Night, a screening with a

Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, screenings of

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Rediscovering Ancient America, 1 & 7pm screenings
in the museums World Adventure Series, presented by
Gray Warriner; $6.50-10; for tickets and information, call
562-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W
12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, Tue Apr 12

Met Opera: Roberto Devereux, an HD screening of

Gaetano Donizettis opera, Rave Cinemas Davenport

53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.
com/theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Apr 16

Arturo Meijide, screening two in the ALA 500 Years of

Latino American History series; free; for information, call

309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 5:30pm Tue Apr 19

Movie Night, free; for information, call 563-344-4179,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Tue Apr 19
Afternoon Classic Films, relax while Henry Fonda,
Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, Katherine Hepburn, and
some of your all-time favorites deliver the glitter and grit
of yesteryears Hollywood; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
2pm Wed Apr 20
Met Opera: Roberto Devereux Encore, an HD

screening of Gaetano Donizettis opera, Rave Cinemas

Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed Apr 20

On the Waterfront, screenings of the dramatic classic

starring Marlon Brando Sun. & Wed. 2 & 7pm, Rave Cinemas
Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E. 53rd St., Davenport IA,
Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, Sun Apr 24 and Wed Apr 27

the classic road-race comedy; Sun. 2pm, Wed. 2 & 7pm,

Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St,
Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090, Sun Apr 10
and Wed Apr 13

Arturo Meijide, screening three in the ALA 500 Years of

Latino American History series; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 5:30pm Tue Apr 26

Arturo Meijide, screening one in the ALA 500 Years of

Latino American History series; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 5:30pm Tue Apr 12

Met Opera: Elektra, an HD screening of Richard

Strauss opera, Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 +
IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/
theatre-1090, 11:55am Sat Apr 30


May & June

National Parks Adventure 3D, MacGillivray Freeman
Films presents the ultimate off-trail adventure into the
nations awe-inspiring great outdoors and untamed
wilderness, narrated by Robert Redford; for tickets
and showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, Sun May 1 thru Wed Jun 8

Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, Egyptian

edu-documentary on the giant screen; for tickets and
showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, Sun May 1 thru Wed Jun 8
Met Opera: Elektra Encore, an HD screening of

Richard Strauss opera, Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd

18 + IMAX, 3601 E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/
theatre-1090, 6:30pm Wed May 4

River to River: Iowas Forgotten Highway 6,

screening of the documentary by area filmmakers Kelly

and Tammy Rundle; free; for information, call 309-5242470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Wed May 4

Independent Movie Night, a screening with a

discussion afterward; in English and French with
English subtitles, may contain adult content; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library Main Library, 401 19th St. Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu May 5
Ferris Buellers Day Off, screenings of John Hughes
comedy classic starring Matthew Broderick; Sun. & Wed.
2 & 7pm, Rave Cinemas Davenport 53rd 18 + IMAX, 3601
E 53rd St, Davenport IA, Cinemark.com/theatre-1090,
Sun May 15 and Wed May 18
Afternoon Classic Films, relax while Henry Fonda,
Audrey Hepburn, Rock Hudson, Katherine Hepburn, and
some of your all-time favorites deliver the glitter and grit
of yesteryears Hollywood; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
2pm Wed May 18



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Movies /
May & June

Senior Day River to River: Iowas Forgotten

Highway 6, a documentary from award-winning area

filmmakers Kelly and Tammy Rundle, with refreshments

served after; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Thu May 19

Independent Movie Night, a screening with a

discussion afterward; in German with English subtitles, may

contain adult content; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Jun 2

March & April
Quad City Mallards vs. Indy Fuel, minor-league
professional ice hockey; $10-28; for tickets, call 800745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
MyQCMallards.net, 4pm Sun Mar 20
Quad City Mallards vs. Evansville IceMen, minorleague professional ice hockey; $10-28; for tickets, call
800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Mar 25
Quad City Rollers Double-Header, 10th-season

matches with the Quad Cities areas all-female, allvolunteer flat-track roller derby league; 5pm doors, 6pm
matches; $10-12, ages 12 & under free; for information,
e-mail pr.marketing.qcr@gmail.com, Eldridge Skatepark,
400 16th Ave, Eldridge IA, 6pm Sat Mar 26

Quad City Mallards vs. Tulsa Oilers, minor-league

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. South Bend

Cubs, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 11am Wed Apr 27

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. South Bend

Cubs, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Thu Apr 28

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. West Michigan

Whitecaps, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets

and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Fri Apr 29

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. West Michigan

Whitecaps, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets

and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 6pm Sat Apr 30

May & June

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. West Michigan
Whitecaps, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets

and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 1:15pm Sun May 1

Quad City Rollers Double-Header, 10th-season

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Burlington

Bees, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 6pm Sat Jun 4

Quad City Mallards vs. Indy Fuel, minor-league

professional ice hockey; $10-28; for tickets, call 800745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
MyQCMallards.net, 4pm Sun Apr 3

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Burlington

Bees, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Cedar Rapids

Kernels, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 1:15pm Sat Apr 9 and Sun Apr 10

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Kane County

Cougars, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Thu Apr 14

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Kane County

Cougars, minor-league baseball; Scott County Reads

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Tue May 10 and Wed May 11

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Clinton

LumberKings, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets
and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 11am Tue May 17

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Clinton

LumberKings, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets
and information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Wed May 18 thru Thu May 19

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Peoria Chiefs, minorleague baseball; $6-12; for tickets and information, call
563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St,
Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Fri
May 27

Together author Gary W. Moore will be interviewed on

the field 15 minutes after doors open and will throw out
the first pitch; $6-12; for tickets and information, call
563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St,
Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Fri
Apr 15

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-

SPTO Sand Volleyball Tournament, the Student

league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and information, call

563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines
St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 1:15pm
Sun May 29

Physical Therapy Organization will host the 19th-annual

volleyball tournament, St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 9:30am Sat Apr 16

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Kane County

Cougars, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and
information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 1:15pm Sat Apr 16 and Sun Apr 17

The Rumble, the Quad Cities annual weekend disc-golf

competition, Middle Park, Middle Rd, Bettendorf IA,
IronLionDGS.com, Fri Apr 22 thru Sun Apr 24

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. South Bend

Cubs, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Tue Apr 26

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Burlington

Bees, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Fri Jun 3

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 11am Mon May 9

league professional ice hockey; $10-28; for tickets, call

800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Apr 8 and Sat Apr 9

Breaking Benjamin @ Adler Theatre - March 24

matches with the Quad Cities areas all-female, allvolunteer flat-track roller derby league; 5pm doors, 6pm
matches; $10-12, ages 12 & under free; for information,
e-mail pr.marketing.qcr@gmail.com, Eldridge Skatepark,
400 16th Ave, Eldridge IA, 6pm Sat May 7

professional ice hockey; $10-28; for tickets, call 800745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
MyQCMallards.net, 7pm Fri Apr 1

Quad City Mallards vs. Cincinnati Cyclones, minor-

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and information, call

563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St,
Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 6pm Sat
May 28

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Peoria Chiefs, minor-

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Peoria Chiefs, minorleague baseball; $6-12; for tickets and information, call
563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines
St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.jsp?sid=t565, 5:15pm
Mon May 30

51st Quad Cities Criterium, sponsored by the Quad

Cities Bicycle Club; racing will begin at 9am for racers
aged 9-14, followed by eight amateur races featuring
local and Midwest licensed racers, the 2:30pm Kimberly
Crest Veterinary Hospital Pro Womens race, the 3:30pm,
and a 4pm Healthy Habits Faterium featuring dozens
of fat-tire bicycles; free, Village of East Davenport,
Davenport IA, QuadCitiesCriterium.com/info, 9am Mon
May 30

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Burlington

Bees, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Burlington

Bees, minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen

Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 1:15pm Sun Jun 5

Quad Cities River Bandits vs. Beloit Snappers,

minor-league baseball; $6-12; for tickets and

information, call 563-324-3000, Modern Woodmen
Park, 209 S Gaines St, Davenport IA, MILB.com/index.
jsp?sid=t565, 7pm Tue Jun 7 and Wed Jun 8

Speakeasy Trivia Night w/ Mr. Trivia, $10/person;
5:30pm doors, 6pm trivia; for tickets and information,
e-mail mistertrivia@mchsi.com, The Circa 21 Speakeasy,
1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL, Circa21.com, 6pm Thu Mar
Sand in the Sun Garden, explore the sand island

in the center of their warm tropical Sun Garden;

surrounded by tropical foliage and Koi fish ponds, this
is the perfect winter oasis getaway for the whole family;
free with $2-6 admission; for information, call 309-7940991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock
Island IL, QCGardens.com, thru Thu Mar 31

13th-Annual Henry Farnam Dinner, event

commemorating the 200th anniversary of the
establishment of Fort Armstrong; presenters include
Dr. Samuel Watson, professor of US and military history
at the US Military Academy at West Point who will
outline the US expansion into plains and prairies in
the early 19th century, and Kris Leinicke, director of
the Rock Island Arsenal Museum, who will review Fort
Armstrongs centennial celebration in 1916; displays and
a social hour begin at 5pm, followed by dinner at 6:15pm
and the program at 7:30pm; $40; for information and to
reserve, call 563-322-2969, Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose
University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, RiverAction.
org, 5pm Fri Mar 18
Annual Lenten Fish Fry, menu includes Alaskan
pollack, deep fried or baked, grilled cheese sandwiches,
baked potatoes, french fries, onion rings, coleslaw, and
choice of beverage; $4-10; for information, call 563-3220987, St. Alphonsus Church, 2626 Boies Ave, Davenport
IA, StAlphonsusDav.org, 4pm Fri Mar 18

Bi-State Literacy Council Trivia Night, doors

open at 6pm; bring snacks; beverages must be

purchased; the top three teams get cash prizes, with
a special prize for the team with the best St. Paddythemed table decorations; there also will be a silent
auction, raffles, 50/50 drawing, heads or tails, and
more; proceeds will go toward semi-annual grants to
area literacy providers, awards to literacy volunteers,
and professional development grants to literacy
professionals; for information, call 309-793-4425 or
e-mail jross@wiaaa.org, Davenport Elks Lodge #298,
4400 W Central Park Ave, Davenport IA, BiStateLiteracy.
org/event/2016-03-18/trivia-night-literacy-elks-4400w-central-park-davenport-ia-new-locations, 6pm Fri
Mar 18

March Wine Tasting, sample 8-10 wines with

complimentary hors doeuvres; $20; for information and

to reserve, call 309-762-4700, Bass Street Chop House,
1601 River Dr, Moline IL, BSCHouse.com, 6pm Fri Mar 18

Bottoms Up Quad City Burlesque: Burlesque

Circus, traditional burlesque and vaudeville

entertainment with the area artists and emcee Joshua

Kahn; sandwich baskets and appetizers available for
purchase; $16-18; for tickets and information, call 309786-7733 ext. 2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave.,
Rock Island IL, TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Mar
18 and Sat Mar 19

First Presbyterian Church of LeClaire Trivia Night,

a fundraiser to support the Mission Committees work;

6:30pm doors, 7pm trivia; $10/person; bring snacks
and something to drink; for information and to reserve,
call 563-381-7777, LeClaire Civic Center, 127 S Cody Rd,
LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com, 7pm Sat Mar 19

Night Sky Viewing with the Popular Astronomy

Club, meet in the parking lot for a tour of the early-

spring night sky; we will look for the Orion Nebula,

ET Cluster, Cats Eye Nebula, and other objects; for
information, call 309-797-3120, Niabi Zoo, 13010 Niabi
Zoo Rd, Coal Valley IL, PACAstronomy.50megs.com, 7pm
Sat Mar 19

Puzzle Tournament & Swap, you will receive a

500 piece puzzle to complete in the allotted time;

registration is required; attendees are also welcome
to bring in used puzzles to swap with others; free; for
information, call 563-326-7804, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 1pm Sat Mar 19

Railroad Garden Opening, members of the

Heartland Central Model Railroad Club will be there

running the model trains and giving Little Conductor
lessons; kids can enjoy a day of railroading, train games,
and other activities; free with $2-6 admission; for
information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical
Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL, QCGardens.com,
1pm Sat Mar 19

Trivia Night for Heart of Hope Ministries,

fundraiser for Heart of Hope Ministries Food Pantry, with

a silent auction and door prizes; $10/person; all proceeds

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

will be matched by Modern Woodmen up to $2,500;
for information, call 309-732-0557, Martin Luther King
Center, 630 7th Ave, Rock Island IL, 5:30pm Sat Mar 19

Mechanical Bull Night, on Saturdays; test your riding

endurance; 7pm doors; ages 21-plus; for information, call

309-206-8508, Red Rodeo, 1720 2nd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheRedRodeo.com, 7pm Sat Mar 19 thru Sat Jun 4

Kick Ass Red Lipstick Burlesque Revue, fundraiser

for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society hosted by

Vitality Fitness & Dance Studio and The Va Va Voom!; $25;
for information and tickets, call 319-248-9370, Coralville
Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St, Coralville IA,
CoralvilleArts.org, 8pm Sat Mar 19

Chicago Ethnic Gourmet Bus Trip, led by chef

Stephanie Godke; food enthusiasts are invited to visit

Chicagos finest markets and hidden gourmet shops; $90;
for information and to register, call 309-796-8223, Black
Hawk College Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the Cities,
East Moline IL, BHC.edu/chicagobustrips, 7am Thu Mar 24

Friends of the Silvis Library Bake Sale, have

something to bring or offer for your Easter get-together;

free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 9am Fri Mar 25

Mac Devilles Boylesque Revue: March Madness,

male burlesque show; $15-18; for tickets and information,

call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818
3rd Ave, Rock Island IL, TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm
Sat Mar 26

Annual Mt. Vernon Firemans Breakfast, the

menu will include pancakes, eggs, sausage and coffee,

milk, juice and water; $4-6; for information, e-mail
jennielstoner@gmail.com or call 480-241-6417, Mt.
Vernon Fire Department, 217 1st St NW, Mt. Vernon IA,
VisitMVL.com, 7:30am Sat Mar 26

Eagle Ridge Annual Family Weekend, weekend

events include a Bunny Hop, yard games, Easter crafts, a

Travel Buddy Workshop sponsored by The Bear Factory,
an Easter Egg hunt, brunch. and a visit by the Easter
Bunny himself; for information, call 800-892-2269,
Eagle Ridge Resort & Spa, 444 Eagle Ridge Dr, Galena IL,
EagleRidge.com, Sat Mar 26 and Sun Mar 27

Easter Brunch, $24/person, kids $1/year of age up

to 13 and ages 14 and above pay the adult price; for

information and to reserve, call 309-762-4700, Bass
Street Chop House, 1601 River Dr, Moline IL, BSCHouse.
com, 10am Sun Mar 27

Easter Brunch Buffet, $21.95/adult & $10.95/children 12

& under; for information and to reserve, call 309-782-4372,
Arsenal Island Golf Clubhouse, 1838 Gillespie St, Rock
Island IL, ArsenalIslAndGolf.com, 10:30am Sun Mar 27
Easter Brunch at the Figge Cafe, $25 adults, $12 ages
4-10, under age 4 free; for information and to reserve,
call 563-726-2087, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, 10am Sun Mar 27

Quad Cities Live Month, concerts, plays, Broadway,

dance, comedy and more can be found at more than 90

events taking place at various venues during the month
of April; QuadCitiesLive.com, Fri Apr 1 thru Sat Apr 30

First Friday in LeClaire, featuring fun food and

cocktail sampling at the Mississippi River Distilling Co.,

wine tasting at Wide River Winery, live music, restaurant
specials, and many shops open late, Downtown LeClaire,
LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com, 5:30pm Fri Apr 1

Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-

winning performers from across the Midwest; $10;

for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,
The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Apr 1

Quad City Lip Sync Battle, people compete in a lip

sync contest where the audience votes for the winner;

$10-12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 8pm Sat Apr 2

10th-Annual RUSH Auction, this auction and dinner

features unique items and one-of-a-kind experiences
not offered anywhere else; bidders can participate in
both live and silent auctions as well as raffles; this is the
Tri-Rivers Conservation Foundations largest fund-raising
event and all proceeds go to support conservation
efforts in the Louisa Resource Area; $25/person or $250
for a table of eight; for information, call 319-523-8381,
Delzell Brothers, 13409 State Highway 78, Wapello IA,
LouisaCountyConservation.org, 6pm Sat Apr 2
21st Annual Spring Pheasant Festival, Clinton

County Pheasants Forever presents a night of fun and

fundraising; $15; for information, call Brad Taylor at
563-357-0465, Wheatland Community Center, 107 W
Jefferson St, Wheatland IA, 5pm Sat Apr 2

Family Fun Event, learn some different adaptations

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

iJAG Trivia Night, student fundraiser; 6:30pm doors,
7pm trivia; $10/person with teams of eight; Mulligans
and doublers available; for information, e-mail iJAGQC@
gmail.com, Davenport Central High School, 1120 N Main
St, Davenport IA, 7pm Fri Apr 8
3rd Annual Big Bacon Bonanza 2016, annual

event hosted by Churches United of the Quad City

area featuring vendors, tasting, live music, and bacon
fun for all; for information, contact Meredith Dennis at
563-676-9472 or e-mail mdennis@cuqca.org, Davenport
RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, CUQCA.org, 4pm
Sat Apr 9

Wine Festival Preview Dinner, an elegant evening

with food and wine, the second of three events in the
Wine Festival series; $130 includes a ticket to Mays winetasting event; for information, contact Bobby Harris at
563-333-6290 or HarrisBobbyJ@sau.edu, Rogalski Center,
St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 6pm Sat Apr 9
Squawk the Show, birds will amaze you with their
unusual talents such as painting, mind reading,
performing card tricks, solving math problems, and
more; $15; for tickets and information, call 641-4722787, Stephen Sondheim Center for the Performing
Arts, Fairfield Arts & Convention Center, Fairfield IA,
FairfieldACC.com, Sat Apr 9
Bridal Garage Sale, vendors on-site with gently-used
wedding items for brides and grooms; for information,
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 11am
Sun Apr 10

(Almost) Last Chance Tax Preparation Day, tax

preparation by specially trained volunteers from VITA
Tax Aide/AARP programs working with the United Way;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 3:30pm Thu Apr 14

plants and animals use to fool us and other creatures for

protection and hunting; create your own camouflaged
animal or plant, find our hidden items in the Sun Garden,
and more; free with $4-7 admission; for information, call
309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave,
Rock Island IL, QCGardens.com, 1pm Sun Apr 3

Theresa Caputo Live! The Experience, TLCs Long

Family Night at the Grille, featuring crafts, a Knee

Monster Jam, 12-foot-tall, 10,000-pound machines soar

Island Medium will share personal stories about her

life, explain how her gift works, and deliver healing
messages to audience members; $39.75-89.75; for
tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com, 7:30pm Fri Apr 15

High Buffet for kids only from 4-9pm, and at 5:30pm,

the Rock Island Fire Department will arrive with a fire
truck and ambulance for the kids to go through; for
information, call 309-793-0684, Hy-Vee Market Grille,
2930 18th Ave, Rock Island IL, 11am Tue Apr 5

over and smash through obstacles; Fri. 7:30pm, Sat. 2 &

7:30pm; $18-48; for tickets, call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic
Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.
com, 7:30pm Fri Apr 15 and Sat Apr 16

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

burlesque and vaudeville entertainment with the area

artists and emcee Joshua Kahn; sandwich baskets
and appetizers available for purchase; $16-18; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2, The
Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Apr 15 and Sat
Apr 16

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm Wed Apr 6

Bottoms Up Quad City Burlesque, traditional


Gildas Run for Laughs, featuring a 1-Mile Fun Run

9am and 5K Run/Walk at 9:30am, and a post-race party

at RIBCO featuring Bluz Brother a live tribute band;
presented by UnityPoint Health/Trinity Benefiting
Gildas Club Quad Cities; $25-30 registration; for
information and to reserve, call 563-326-7504 or e-mail
gc@gildasclubqc.org, The District of Rock Island, 100
19th St, Suite 109 (office), Rock Island IL, GildasClubQC.
org, 9am Sat Apr 16

Night Sky Viewing with the Popular Astronomy

Club, meet in the parking lot for a tour of the spring

night sky; we will look for the Eskimo Nebula, La

Superba, the Christmas Tree Cluster, and other objects;
for information, call 309-797-3120, Niabi Zoo, 13010 Niabi
Zoo Rd, Coal Valley IL, PACAstronomy.50megs.com, 8pm
Sat Apr 16

St. Ambrose University Trivia Night, SAU

Criminal Justice Honor Society is hosting its first
trivia night fundraiser; teams of eight, $10/person; for
information, contact Michelle Voelkers at 563-333-6257
or VoelkersMichelleD@sau.edu, Rogalski Center - St.
Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St., Davenport IA,
SAU.edu, 6pm Sat Apr 16
Wine Hop, start at 122 N Cody Road beginning at
3:30pm to purchase your commemorative wine glass,
Downtown LeClaire, LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com/
events.html, 4pm Sat Apr 16
Shen Yun: A Glorious Culture Reborn, heavenly
realms, ancient legends, and modern heroic tales
explored through 100 world-class performers, over
400 sets of hand-made costumes, a unique orchestra
blending East and West, and dazzling animated
backdrops; $63-123; for information, call 800-745-3000,
Adler Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, AdlerTheatre.
com, 7pm Sun Apr 17
Gourmet Appreciation Shopping Trip, led by chef

Stephanie Godke; food enthusiasts are invited to visit

Chicagos finest markets and hidden gourmet shops;
$90; for information and to register, call 309-796-8223,
Black Hawk College Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the
Cities, East Moline IL, BHC.edu/chicagobustrips, 7am
Tue Apr 19

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm
Wed Apr 20

Shen Yun, heavenly realms, ancient legends, and

modern heroic tales explored through 100 world-class

performers, over 400 sets of hand-made costumes, a
unique orchestra blending East and West, and dazzling
animated backdrops; $63-125; for information, call
800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave,
Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm Wed Apr 20



2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Chicago Ethnic
Groceries Bus Trip, led

Other Events /

by chef Stephanie Godke;

food enthusiasts are
invited to visit Chicagos
finest markets and hidden
gourmet shops; $90;
for information and to
register, call 309-7968223, Black Hawk College
Outreach Center, 301
Avenue of the Cities,
East Moline IL, BHC.edu/
chicagobustrips, 7am Wed
May 11

Speakeasy Trivia Night w/ Mr. Trivia, $10/person;

5:30pm doors, 6pm trivia; for tickets and information,

e-mail mistertrivia@mchsi.com, The Circa 21 Speakeasy,
1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL, Circa21.com, 6pm Thu
Apr 21

River Actions Fish & Fire Friend-raiser, the event

will begin at 5:30pm with a social hour, silent auction,

and cash bar; the catfish dinner will be at 7pm, followed
by presentation of the 17th Annual Eddy Awards
for environmental service; $12-40; for information
and tickets, call 563-322-2969 or e-mail riveraction@
riveraction.org, Modern Woodmen Park, 209 S Gaines St,
Davenport IA, RiverAction.org, 5:30pm Fri Apr 22

Victorian Day: Founders
& Builders, spend an

Astronomy Day, hosted by the Popular Astronomy

Club; with moon rocks and meteorites to see

and touch, Star Lab Planetarium shows, displays,
demonstrations, childrens crafts, and safe solar
observing (weather permitting); with special guest
Dr. Paul Sipiera of the Planetary Studies Foundation,
who will give a presentation on meteorites; if you
have a suspected meteorite and would like to have
it identified, bring it for Dr. Sipiera to examine; for
information, call 309-797-3120, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, PACAstronomy.50megs.com,
1pm Sat Apr 23

Community Shred Day, bring in documents for

safe shredding; free; for information, call 309-5242470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 9am Sat Apr 23
St. Ambrose University Trivia Night, $64-80/table;

for information, contact Paige Nagle at 563-333-6285

or NaglePaige@sau.edu, Rogalski Center St. Ambrose
University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 6pm
Sat Apr 23

Walk MS Quad Cities, 8:30am registration, 10am walk;

for information, e-mail FundraisingSupport@nmss.org
or call 855-372-1331, Veterans Memorial Park, 1645 23rd
St., Bettendorf IA, main.nationalmssociety.org/site/
TR?fr_id=27186&pg=informational&sid=13240, 10am
Sat Apr 23
Hardacre Theatre Century Celebration, in the
Matthews Building; this celebration of the theatres
100th building will feature entertainment from the
Chicago-based dueling pianos group Howl 2-Go,
heavy hors doeuvres, a silent auction, trivia and related
contests, door prizes, and a cash bar; attendees are
encouraged to wear costumes reflecting their favorite
movie seen at the Hardacre Theatre; KGAN anchor Scott
Sanborn will serve as the emcee; $30-50; for tickets
and information, call 319-325-3974, Cedar County
Fairgrounds, Tipton IA, TheHardacre.org, 7pm Sat
Apr 23
Community Shred Day, bring up to three standard file

Harry Connick Jr. @ Adler Theatre - May 11

St. Ambrose
University Spring

Monster Jam, 12-foot-tall, 10,000-pound machines

soar over and smash through obstacles; $18-48; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com, 2pm Sun May 1

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm Wed May 4

First Friday in LeClaire, featuring fun food and

cocktail sampling at the Mississippi River Distilling Co.,
wine tasting at Wide River Winery, live music, restaurant
specials, and many shops open late, Downtown
LeClaire, LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com, 5:30pm Fri
May 6

containers of personal papers for secure shredding by

The Shredders out of Des Moines; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.
com, 2pm Fri Apr 29

Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-

Community Shred Day, bring your personal

documents in for secure destruction by The Shredder,
a document destruction truck here for Money Smart
Week Quad Cities; attendees are limited to three
normal-size file boxes of documents per vehicle; free;
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
MoneySmartWeek.org, 10am Fri Apr 29

International Migratory Bird Day: Bird Walk, for

information, call 563-873-3491 ext. 202, Effigy Mounds
National Monument, 151 Hwy 76, Harpers Ferry IA, NPS.
gov/efmo, 11am Sat May 7

Community Shred Day, as part of Money Smart Week,

bring your documents and they will be confidentially
shredded on-site; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
9am Sat Apr 30

Monster Jam, 12-foot-tall, 10,000-pound machines

winning performers from across the Midwest; $10;

for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,
The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri May 6

Menke Observatory Star Party, beginning at

sunset; St. Ambrose University opens its observatory
to the public for a night of stargazing; visitors may
use the observatorys telescopes or bring their
own; for information, contact Robert Mitchell at
MitchellRobertC@sau.edu or 563-333-6141, Wapsi River
Environmental Center, 31555 52nd Ave, Dixon IL, SAU.
edu, Sat May 7
Bikers for Babies Benefit for the March of Dimes
Quad Cities, $15/ride; featuring a silent auction,

soar over and smash through obstacles; $18-48; for

tickets, call 800-745-3000, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com, 7pm Sat Apr 30

a 50/50, a bake sale, prizes, baskets, T-shirts, and

more, East Moline V.F.W., 1810 1st St, East Moline IL,
GetMeRegistered.Com/MolineBikersforBabies, 9pm
Sat May 7

Quad Cities Astronomical Society Open House,

Quad City Lip Sync Battle, people compete in a lip

beginning at dusk; view the skies through a 20-inch

telescope; for information, e-mail dhusna68@mchsi.
com, Jens-Wendt Observatory, Sherman Park, 2776
160th Ave, Calamus IA, QCAS.org, 6pm Sat Apr 30

afternoon walking under

100-year oaks on the
160th anniversary of
the cemeterys official
incorporation, and hear
stories of the history of
Oakdale, Davenport, and
the United States told
by the history makers
themselves as portrayed
by area actors; with
guided tours, periods
music, and more; $5,
ages 12 & under free; for
information, call 563-3245121, Oakdale Memorial
Cemetery, 2501 Eastern
Avenue, Davenport IA,
org, noon Sat May 14

sync contest where the audience votes for the winner;

$10-12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 8pm Sat May 7

Commencement, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,

Moline IL, SAU.edu, 1pm Sat May 14
Western Illinois University Graduation, i wireless
Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.com,
1pm Sun May 15

Scott Community College Graduation Ceremony,

i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.

com, 6pm Wed May 18

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library - Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave.,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm Wed
May 18

Black Hawk College Graduation Ceremony,

i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.

com, 7pm Thu May 19

Bottoms Up Quad City Burlesque, traditional

burlesque and vaudeville entertainment with the area

artists and emcee Joshua Kahn; sandwich baskets
and appetizers available for purchase; $16-18; for
tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,
The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri May 20 and Sat May 21

Augustana College Graduation Ceremony,

i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.

com, 3pm Sun May 22

Rock Island High School Graduation Ceremony,

i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.

com, Sat May 28

The City of Baton Rouge Birthday Party, this

celebration of the 100th Birthday of the Twilights
dock boatwill include historic displays, tours of the
Baton Rouge, commemorative souvenirs, and light
refreshments, LeClaire Levee, Downtown LeClaire,
LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com/events.html, 1pm Sat
May 28
Quad Cities Astronomical Society Open House,
beginning at dusk; view the skies through a 20-inch
telescope; for information, e-mail dhusna68@mchsi.
com, Jens-Wendt Observatory, Sherman Park, 2776
160th Ave, Calamus IA, QCAS.org, 6pm Sat May 28

North Scott High School Graduation Ceremony,

i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL, iwirelessCenter.

com, 3:30pm Sun May 29

Pleasant Valley High School Graduation

Ceremony, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,

iwirelessCenter.com, noon Sun May 29

Tabletop Gaming: Games for Grown-ups, tabletop

games with a twist for classic grown-up gamers; join

the fun and meet some new people, play your favorite
tabletop games, and have the chance to learn a few new
ones; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5:30pm Wed
Jun 1

First Friday in LeClaire, featuring fun food and

cocktail sampling at the Mississippi River Distilling Co.,
wine tasting at Wide River Winery, live music, restaurant
specials, and many shops open late, Downtown LeClaire,
LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com, 5:30pm Fri Jun 3
Viva La Divas Drag Show, featuring award-

winning performers from across the Midwest; $10;

for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext. 2,
The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave, Rock Island IL,
TheCirca21Speakeasy.com, 8pm Fri Jun 3

LeClaires City-Wide Garage Sales, Downtown

LeClaire, LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com, Fri Jun 3 thru
Sat Jun 4
Make-A-Wish Illinois Walk for Wishes, the event

includes the option of a 1-mile and 2-mile fun walk; with

refreshments, music, entertainment, and prizes awarded
for top fundraisers and best youth and adult costumes;
registration opens at 8am; with a brief program and
childrens parade at 9am and the walk starting at 9:30am;
free, Ben Butterworth Memorial Parkway, 3000 River Dr,
Moline IL, WalkRunWish.org, 8am Sat Jun 4

Quad City Lip Sync Battle, people compete in a lip

sync contest where the audience votes for the winner;

$10-12; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, The Circa 21 Speakeasy, 1818 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL,
Circa21.com, 8pm Sat Jun 4

spring night sky; Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn should be

visible, and we will also look for the Cooling Tower
Cluster and other objects; for information, call 309797-3120, Niabi Zoo, 13010 Niabi Zoo Rd, Coal Valley IL,
PACAstronomy.50megs.com, 8:30pm Sat May 21

Menke Observatory Star Party, beginning at

sunset; St. Ambrose University opens its observatory
to the public for a night of stargazing; visitors may
use the observatorys telescopes or bring their
own; for information, contact Robert Mitchell at
MitchellRobertC@sau.edu or 563-333-6141, Wapsi River
Environmental Center, 31555 52nd Ave, Dixon IL, SAU.
edu, Sat Jun 4

St. Ambrose University Wine Festival Wine

Tasting, a beautiful afternoon on campus to enjoy food

Davenport Central High School Graduation

Ceremony, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,

Night Sky Viewing With the Popular Astronomy

Club, meet in the parking lot for a tour of the late-

and wine in an SAU fundraiser for student scholarships;

$45-50; for information, contact Bobby Harris at 563-3336290 or HarrisBobbyJ@sau.edu, St. Ambrose University,
518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 3pm Sat May 21

Vietnam Veterans 50th Anniversary

Commemorative Parade, sponsored by Vietnam

Veterans of America Chapters 776, 669, and 299, and

VFW 828, MAVA Chapter Hero Street; the parade will
end in Veterans Memorial Park; for information, e-mail
FourPaws622@yahoo.com, The District of Rock Island,
100 19th St, Suite 109 (office), Rock Island IL, 10:30am
Sat May 21

iwirelessCenter.com, 5:30pm Sun Jun 5

Davenport North High School Graduation

Ceremony, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iwirelessCenter.com, noon Sun Jun 5

Davenport West High School Graduation

Ceremony, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
iwirelessCenter.com, 2:30pm Sun Jun 5

Chicago Farmers Markets Bus Trip, led by chef

Stephanie Godke; food enthusiasts are invited to visit

Chicagos finest markets and hidden gourmet shops;

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

$90; for information and to register, call 309-796-8223,
Black Hawk College Outreach Center, 301 Avenue of the
Cities, East Moline IL, BHC.edu/chicagobustrips, 7am
Tue Jun 7

Trax from the Stax: 6 Degrees of Brian Eno,

presented by David Otten; explore Enos career from

his early work in glam and rock art to the invention
of ambient music and the work hes done for acts
including U2, Talking Heads, and David Bowie; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Thu Mar 17

Leadercast Lunch & Learn Recap, with guest

Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Wed Mar 30

Justice and Health Care, the annual Wilber

Symposium will be delivered by Carol Taylor,

Georgetown University; free; for information, contact Fr.
Brian Miclot at 563-333-6129 or MiclotBrianJ@sau.edu,
Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 7pm Thu Mar 31

Wilber Symposium on the Christian Tradition

and Non-Violence, an event in the schools Justice

project series; featuring Carol Taylor and Robert Barnet,

Georgetown University; free; for information, contact Fr.
Brian Miclot at 563-333-6129 or MiclotBrianJ@sau.edu,
Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu/justice, 7pm Thu Mar 31


speaker Seth Godin; network, learn, and find new

ways to improve your leadership skills and lives; $15
includes lunch; for information and to reserve, contact
Todd Ashby at 563-322-2065 or todd@resultsimc.com,
Tanglewood Hills Pavilion, 4250 Middle Rd, Bettendorf
IA, Facebook.com/qcleadercast, noon Fri Mar 18

Concert Conversations, learn about the Quad City

Symphony Orchestras Masterworks event with Kai
Swanson, conductor Mark Russell Smith, and special
guests; free; for information, call 563-322-7276, Adler
Theatre, 136 E 3rd St, Davenport IA, QCSO.org, 7pm Sat
Apr 2

Ann Stokes: African-American Civil War Nurse,

What Women Want Expo, explore the many items

our vendors have to offer, get a makeover, sample some
delicious treats, participate in our raffles, and enjoy a day
thats just for the girls; for information, call 515-779-0272,
Community Choice Credit Union Convention Center, 833
5th Ave, Des Moines IA, WhatWomenWantExpos.com,
Sat Apr 2 and Sun Apr 3

presentation with the IHC Road Scholar; free; for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 3pm Sat
Mar 19

Habitat Restoration, Andrew Diallesandro, Private

Lands Biologist, discusses habitat restoration in general,

both for landowners with bigger acreage and those with
smaller acreage or in an urban setting; hell also cover
the Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program from the U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, how that program works with
private landowners, and the resources that are available;
a presentation in the Spring Series of Home Horticulture
Workshops; $5; for information, call 309-756-9978, Rock
Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.
extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 7pm Mon Mar 21

TechKnow Help, learn & ask questions about a variety

of technology-related topics; each session will begin

with a short presentation followed by time where a
librarian will be available to answer questions help
troubleshoot devices; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue Mar 22

World Affairs Council: Cuba Today, presented by

Dr. Bettie Truitt, President of Black Hawk College; free;

for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Mar 22

Pollinators Need Trees & Shrubs, Too!, learn how

pollinators require a diverse mix of wildflowers, grasses
and woody plants throughout the year; led by Debbie
Fluegel from the Field Coordinator & Program Manager
of Trees Forever; a presentation in the Spring Series of
Home Horticulture Workshops; $5; for information, call
309-756-9978, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd
Ave, Milan IL, Web.extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 7pm
Mon Mar 28
6th Annual Saint Ambrose Colloquium, in Ambrose
Hall, Lewis Boardroom; Joseph Norris 12, PhD student at
the Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics at Saint
Louis University, will deliver this years lecture; free, St.
Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu, 3:30pm Tue Mar 29

Leadership Live Series: Conflict Management, in

this interactive session, Randy Richards will introduce
conflict management tools you can put to immediate
use on the job and elsewhere; for information, contact
Cheryl Riley-Hayles at 563-333-5745 or rileycheryla@
sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St,
Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 11:30am Tue Mar 29
Using and Musing: Sylvan Slough, Chuck
Oestreichs new novel will be the subject of a multiphased program and panel discussion examining
the Sylvan Slough; free; for information, call 309-5242470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Tue Mar 29
Celebrating One of Our Own: Charlotte Murray
Russell, Dr. Maryan Wherry will share information

about Russell, and why she ended her successful writing

career to become a Rock Island Library employee;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island

Chris Dunn & Roald Tweet: Stories & Songs of the

Railroad, for information, call 563-322-8844, German
American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
GAHC.org, 2pm Sun Apr 3

Concert Conversations, learn about the Quad

City Symphony Orchestras Masterworks event
with Kai Swanson, conductor Mark Russell Smith, and
special guests; free; for information, call 563-322-7276,
Centennial Hall, Augustana College, 3703 7th Ave, Rock
Island IL, QCSO.org, 1pm Sun Apr 3
Super Sempervivums, learn about these colorful

perennial succulents that are surging in popularity;

sempervivums and close relatives grow rosettes of fat
leaves that store water, enabling them to live in arid/
drought conditions; a presentation in the Spring Series
of Home Horticulture Workshops; $5; for information,
call 309-756-9978, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W
2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 7pm
Mon Apr 4

Gardening Guru Series: Spring Gardening

Chores, this program will help you tackle those spring

gardening chores and show amazing results; free with

$2-6 admission; for information, call 309-794-0991,
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL,
QCGardens.com, 6pm Tue Apr 5

Iowa Baseball Greats, QC Times sports editor Dox

Doxsie discusses the subject and his book Iowa Baseball
Greats: Sixteen Major Leaguers Who Were in the
Game for Life:; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Apr 5
Alison Bechdel, an evening with the internationally
acclaimed cartoonist whose book Fun Home: A Family
Tragicomic was adapted into the Tony-winning musical;
free; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 7:30pm Tue Apr 5
Fair Play: Art & Social Justice Conference, join the
SAU Art Department along with local and regional artists
for two days of inspirational lectures and workshops
exploring the potential behind art and design as a
proactive way to make positive change in society;
free; for information, contact Renee Meyer Ernst at
ErnstReneeM@sau.edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N
Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, Wed Apr 6 and Thu
Apr 7
Bus-eum: At Home in the Heartland, features

displays and video about immigrants to the Midwest;

at noon, Michael Luick-Thrams gives a presentation
that includes information about German prisoners of
war in WWII; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Thu
Apr 7

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Lectures /

Immigrants and German POWs in the Midwest,

presentation by Michael Luick-Thrams; free; for
information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, noon Thu Apr 7

Gildas Club Quad Cities Intimate Conversations

Series featuring Donnie Wahlberg, presented by
Genesis Cancer Care Institute Benefiting Gildas Club
Quad Cities; $55; for information and to reserve, call
563-326-7504, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, GildasClubQC.org, noon Fri Apr 8

Leadership on Tap, join Master of Organizational

Leadership students, alumni and faculty to reconnect
and discuss leadership topics in a casual setting; for
information, contact Stephanie Gronowski at 563-3335822 or MOL@sau.edu, St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 4:30pm Fri Apr 8
Taste of China, Professor Feng from the University
of Illinois will present information about Chinese
culture, along with a traditional Chinese instrument
performance, a demonstration of Chinese calligraphy,
and a Chinese tea and snack tasting; learn to write your
name in Chinese; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Sat Apr 9
Native Plant Success in the Home Landscape,

this presentation is going to explore causes of those

landscaping failures and provide solutions. Beautiful
landscaping consisting principally of native plants is
possible; Scott County Master Gardener Dan Mays will
share his secrets, caveats, and techniques for using
native plants in your own landscape; a presentation in
the Spring Series of Home Horticulture Workshops; $5;
for information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island County
Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.extension.
illinois.edu/hmrs, 7pm Mon Apr 11

Life Along the Mississippi River: Birds Connected

to the Mississippi River, presented by Dick Sayles,

president of the Quad City Audubon Society; this talk will

highlight globally important birding areas, some of the
flyways priority birds, critical habitat needs, and the joy
of birding in the Quad Cities; free with $2-6 admission;
for information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical
Center, 2525 4th Ave., Rock Island IL, QCGardens.com,
6pm Tue Apr 12

Business Conference, a week-long event that will

involve students, faculty and the Quad-Cities business
community; for information, contact Rob Rouwenhorst
at rouwenhorstrobertm@sau.edu, Rogalski Center, St.
Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.
edu, Tue Apr 12 thru Fri Apr 15

Mental Health Justice for Veterans, a panel

discussion in the schools Justice project series; free;
for information, contact Andrew Gates at 563-333-5721
or gatesandrewa@sau.edu, Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose
University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/
justice, 7pm Wed Apr 13
The Rivers Song: Midwestern Waterways in
Story & Song, touring singer, songwriter and multi-

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Margo Jefferson, an evening with the Pulitzer Prizewinning theatre and book critic for Newsweek and the
New York Times; free; for tickets and information, call
319-688-2653, Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St,
Iowa City IA, Englert.org, 7pm Mon Apr 18
Lifelong Learner Lunch: The Life and Crimes
of John Looney, Notorious Early 20th Century
Quad City Gangster, Roger Ruthhart, co-author of

instrumentalist Barry Cloyd traces our history in story

and song, from the original peoples through the arrival
of the French, pioneers, riverboat men and to the rivers
place in the Civil War, early industrial, and modern times;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 7pm Wed Apr 13

Citadel of Sin: The John Looney Story, will discuss the

notorious history of one of the nations biggest crime
bosses; offered in cooperation with the Quad-City Times
Plus 60 Club; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm program; $23; for
information, call 309-796-8223, Hilton Garden Inn &
Suites, 959 Middle Rd, Bettendorf IA, BHC.edu, 11:30am
Tue Apr 19

Fukaokas Magic Seed Balls and Guerilla

Gardening, learn about the indoor technique for

Woodrow Wilson Visiting Fellow Lecture, an event

restorative land development from the countryside to

urban lots, and teachings of Native American agriculture
and how to bring nature into cities; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.
com, 7pm Thu Apr 14

Horticulture Clinic, Master Gardeners from the Iowa

in the schools Justice project series; featuring Maria

Karagianis, executive director of Discovering Justice;
free; for information, contact Lance Sadlek at 563-3336252 or SadlekLanceA@sau.edu, Galvin Fine Arts Center,
2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu/justice, 7pm
Tue Apr 19

Trax from the Stax: The Legacy of the Honking,

Screaming, Tenor Sax, presented by Nervous Neal

State University Extension & Outreach Scott County

office will be on hand to provide answers to questions
regarding home horticulture; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm
Thu Apr 14

Smith; attendees can expect to hear music, stories,

and information about the artist or musical style being
presented; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Thu Apr 21

Justice for People with Disabilities, an event in the

schools Justice project series; the Baecke Endowment
for the Humanities Lecture featuring Martha Nussbaum,
University of Chicago; free; for information, contact
Lisa Powell at 563-333-6045 or PowellLisaD@sau.edu,
Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University, 518 W Locust St,
Davenport IA, SAU.edu/justice, 7pm Thu Apr 14

call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,

Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, noon Fri Apr 22

Leadercast Lunch & Learn Recap, with guest

speaker Rudy Giuliani; network, learn, and find new

ways to improve your leadership skills and lives; $15
includes lunch; for information and to reserve, contact
Todd Ashby at 563-322-2065 or todd@resultsimc.com,
Tanglewood Hills Pavilion, 4250 Middle Rd, Bettendorf
IA, Facebook.com/qcleadercast, noon Fri Apr 15

Birds, Blueberries, Butterflies, & Natural

Gardening, Dick Sayles, president of the Quad City

Audubon Society and Iowa State Extension Master

Gardener, will explain how native plants attract
beneficial insects and birds; invite these small, wild
things into your yard to use as organic pest control and
assist in flower pollination while enjoying the inherent
beauty they bring with them; a presentation in the
Spring Series of Home Horticulture Workshops; $5; for
information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island County
Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.extension.
illinois.edu/hmrs, 7pm Mon Apr 18

James Zahara, weather program; free; for information,

The Magic of Composting, Conza Borders, Vice

President of the QC Food Forest, shows how to make
your own organic compost, build your own composter,
maintain the process and reap the rewards of natures
perfect soil amendment; learn to keep yard waste and
kitchen scraps out of the landfill and use the resulting
compost to produce a great harvest of healthy, vigorous
plants; a presentation in the Spring Series of Home
Horticulture Workshops; $5; for information, call 309756-9978, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave,
Milan IL, Web.extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 7pm Mon
Apr 25
TechKnow Help, learn & ask questions about a variety

of technology-related topics; each session will begin

with a short presentation followed by time where a
librarian will be available to answer questions help
troubleshoot devices; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue Apr 26

World Affairs Council: Living to Die or Dying to

Live, presented by Dr. Hunhui Oh, Assistant Professor

of Masters of Social Work at St. Ambrose University;

free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue Apr 26

Protecting Yourself Against Identity Theft, learn

about how to protect yourself and your information with

this free presentation by the Illinois Comptrollers Office;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St. Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Wed Apr 27

May & June

Gardening Guru Series: Favorite Perennials, this
program introduces you to some of the Garden Gurus
favorite perennials to use in the garden; he will discuss
why these plants are proven winners; free with $2-6
admission; for information, call 309-794-0991, Quad
City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL,
QCGardens.com, 6pm Tue May 3
Life Along the Mississippi River: John Deere
Family Houseboats, presented by Gretchen Small,

Director of Programs and Collections for the William

Butterworth Foundation; this presentation will take a
look into the lives and experiences on the river of these
families, and their boats through pictures and history;
free with $2-6 admission; for information, call 309-7940991, Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock
Island IL, QCGardens.com, 6pm Tue May 10

18th Annual Social Justice Conference, Pamela

Hailey Whitters @ the Redstone Room - March 31

Lightsey, Boston University School of Theology, delivers

the 18th annual Social Justice Conference keynote
address; $25-40; for information, contact Christie

Toronzo Cannon @ the Redstone Room March 25

Holdridge at 563-333-3911, St. Ambrose University, 518 W
Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Thu May 12

2016 Social Justice Conference, an event in the

schools Justice project series; keynote by Pamela
Lightsey, Boston University School of Theology; free; for
information, contact Christie Holdridge at 563-333-3911,
Galvin Fine Arts Center, 2101 N Gaines St, Davenport IA,
SAU.edu/msw, Thu May 12
Creation Studio Workshop: Basic Auto
Maintenance, Tom Arends, Automotive Instructor

at Scott Community College, will walk us through

the basics of automobile maintenance; topics will
include tires, brakes, fluids, batteries and more; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Thu May 12

Lifelong Learner Lunch: The German American

Heritage Experience, explore the German American

heritage that runs deep in the Quad Cities; there will be

a brief historical overview of the center then time to visit
the galleries; offered in cooperation with the Quad-City
Times Plus 60 Club; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm program;
$23; for information, call 309-796-8223, German
American Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA,
BHC.edu, 11:30am Wed May 18

Trax from the Stax: The Music of Paul Simon,

presented by Kerry Tucker; attendees can expect to

hear music, stories, and information about the artist or
musical style being presented; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm
Thu May 19

TechKnow Help, learn & ask questions about a variety

of technology-related topics; each session will begin

with a short presentation followed by time where a
librarian will be available to answer questions help
troubleshoot devices; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue May 24

World Affairs Council: End of Year Celebration,

free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf

Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 7pm Tue May 24

Channel Cat Talk, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9am;

hosted by River Action; subject and location TBA; for

information, call 563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E River
Dr, Davenport IA, RiverAction.org, Tue May 31 thru Tue
Jun 7

Riverine Walk, Wednesdays at 6:30pm and Saturdays

at 9am; hosted by River Action; subject and location TBA;
for information, call 563-322-2969, River Action, 822 E
River Dr, Davenport IA, RiverAction.org, Wed Jun 1 thru
Wed Jun 8
Gardening Guru Series: Tropicals, Annuals, &
Veggies, learn how to add some excitement to your

flower beds or patio containers using tropical, annuals

and veggies, and learn how to mix and match some
creative plant combinations; free with $2-6 admission;
for information, call 309-794-0991, Quad City Botanical
Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL, QCGardens.com,
6pm Tue Jun 7

Lifelong Learner Lunch: Spanning the Mississippi

The History of Our Bridges, look back at the history
of the Quad Cities five bridges the Arsenal Bridge,
Centennial Bridge, Sergeant John F. Baker Jr. Bridge,
Iowa-Illinois Memorial Bridge and Fred Schwengel
Memorial Bridge and learn about the new I-74 bridge;

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

offered in cooperation with the Quad-City Times Plus
60 Club; 11:30am lunch, 12:15pm program; $23; for
information, call 309-796-8223, Hilton Garden Inn &
Suites, 959 Middle Rd, Bettendorf IA, BHC.edu, 11:30am
Wed Jun 8


register, call 309-796-8223, Intouch Adult Day Services,

4011 Avenue of the Cities, Moline IL, BHC.edu, 5:45pm
Wed Mar 23

Junior Preview Visit, high school juniors and families

tour the campus and get important financial aid and
admissions info; free; for information, call 563-3336300 or 800-383-2627, Rogalski Center St. Ambrose
University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8:45am Wed Mar 23

a wide variety of interesting and informative technical,

historical, and human-interest workshops and drop-in
sessions which will appeal to John Deere antique
two-cylinder and New Generation tractor enthusiasts
ranging from the beginner to the most experienced;
$40 registration; for information and to register, call
563-886-7383, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, GatheringOfTheGreen.com, Thu Mar 17
thru Sat Mar 19

Growing Great Blackberries, with Bronwyn Aly,

University of Illinois Extension local food systems
and small farms educator; this Lunch & Learn online
presentation will give small farm producers a look at
how leading practices in production, management,
and marketing enable operations to improve
profitability and sustainability; for information,
contact Andy Larson at 815-732-2191 or andylars@
illinois.edu, University of Illinois Extension Milan, 321
W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.Extension.Illinois.edu, noon
Thu Mar 24

Using Cover Crops on Small Farms, with

HR as Strategic Business Partner, Mar. 25 & Apr. 1;

Gathering of the Green 2016, annual event featuring

Nathan Johanning, University of Illinois Extension

local food systems and small farms educator; this
Lunch & Learn online presentation will give small
farm producers a look at how leading practices in
production, management, and marketing enable
operations to improve profitability and sustainability;
for information, contact Andy Larson at 815-732-2191 or
andylars@illinois.edu, University of Illinois Extension
Milan, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.Extension.Illinois.
edu, noon Thu Mar 17

Canning/Food Preservation Introduction

Session, an introduction to the series on canning,

freezing, storing, food safety, and other food

preservation methods; led by University of Illinois
Extension Nutrition and Wellness Educator Kristin
Bogdonas; for information, call 309-756-9978, Rock
Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL,
Web.extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 5:30pm Fri Mar 18

Creative Customer Problem Solving, session 3 in

the Customer Service Excellence Program; $200-265;
for information and to register, contact Kathy Riley
at 309-277-4186 or at Kathy.Riley@mranet.org, MRA
- Iowa/Western Illinois Division, 3800 Avenue of the
Cities, Suite 100, Moline IL, MRANet.org, 8:30am Fri
Mar 18
Professional Development: Strategic Leadership,
this workshop explores a very interactive process for
stepping back and planning strategically for the future
of your organization; $695; for information and to
register, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or pd@
sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St,
Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Mon Mar 21
and Tue Mar 22

Swim School, Monday and Wednesday thru Apr. 13,

at 5:15, 6:15, or 7:15pm.; designed for ages 4-15; $55; for
information and to register, call 309-796-5603, Black
Hawk College Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th
Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu/swim, 5:15pm Mon Mar 21
Ancestry.com Class, free; for information, call 309-

524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,

MolineLibrary.com, 2pm Tue Mar 22

Beginning Genealogy Class, learn how to get started

researching your family history using the RichardsonSloane Special Collections Center; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321
Main St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Tue
Mar 22
Savor the Flavor, we will begin with a short mindful

eating activity and talk about how you can apply this
concept to your eating habits for a more pleasurable
experience; learn ways to inspire your kids to eat more
mindfully as well; then enjoy some inner peace as you
are led on a guided meditation; $5; for information, call
309-756-9978, University of Illinois Extension Milan,
321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, web.extension.illinios.edu/
hmrs/eb327, 5:30pm Tue Mar 22

Naughty, Nasty, & Simply Annoying Plants, a

course in the Four-Seasons Gardening Skype Series; Tue.

1:30pm, Thu. 6:30pm, University of Illinois Extension
Milan, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.Extension.Illinois.
edu, Tue Mar 22 thru Thu Mar 24

Easter Centerpiece, hop into spring with this festive

Easter arrangement combining the elegance of fresh
flowers in a unique vase; $65; for information and to

session 1 in the HR Business Partner Certificate Series;

$605-805; for information and to register, contact Kathy
Riley at 309-277-4186 or at Kathy.Riley@mranet.org, MRA
Iowa/Western Illinois Division, 3800 Avenue of the Cities,
Suite 100, Moline IL, MRANet.org, 8:30am Fri Mar 25

Supervision Fundamentals, Mar. 29, Apr. 4, & Apr.

12; $885-1,175; for information and to register, contact
Kathy Riley at 309-277-4186 or at Kathy.Riley@mranet.
org, MRA - Iowa/Western Illinois Division, 3800 Avenue
of the Cities, Suite 100, Moline IL, MRANet.org, 8:30am
Tue Mar 29
Black Hawk College Job Fair, in the gym in Building
3; event featuring more than 75 employers; dress
professionally and bring plenty of rsums; free; for
information, contact Marceia Duhm at 309-796-5191
or duhmm@bhc.edu, Black Hawk College Quad City
Campus, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu/jobfair,
10am Wed Mar 30

ESL Class, free; for information, call 309-5242470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 9:30am Wed Mar 30
Setting Up a Grazing System on a Small Farm, with

Jay Solomon, University of Illinois Extension energy and

environmental stewardship educator; this Lunch & Learn
online presentation will give small farm producers a look
at how leading practices in production, management,
and marketing enable operations to improve profitability
and sustainability; for information, contact Andy Larson
at 815-732-2191 or andylars@illinois.edu, University of
Illinois Extension Milan, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.
Extension.Illinois.edu, noon Thu Mar 31

Junior Preview Visit, high school juniors and families
tour the campus and get important financial aid and
admissions info; free; for information, call 563-333-6300
or 800-383-2627, Rogalski Center, St. Ambrose University,
518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:45am Fri Apr 1
Parent/Tot Swim Lessons, Saturdays thru May 7;
designed to get children ages 6 months to 3 years
comfortable in the water while having fun and bonding
with their caregiver; we will play water games that will
help build trust and teach beginning water movements
to prepare children for group swim lessons; $40; for
information and to register, call 309-796-5601, Black
Hawk College Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th
Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu/swim, 8:30am Sat Apr 2
Swim Lessons, Saturdays thru May 7, at 9:15 & 10:15am;
designed to get children comfortable in the water
through water games that will help build trust and teach
beginning water movements; $40; for information and
to register, call 309-796-5601, Black Hawk College
Community Aquatic Center, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL,
BHC.edu/swim, Sat Apr 2
Professional Development: Decision Making, this
two-day course explores the major theories, concepts
and practices of good decision-making; $495; for
information and to register, contact Stacy Banfield at
563-333-5720 or pd@sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education
Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8:30am Tue Apr 5 and Wed Apr 6
Advanced Floral Design, Wednesdays thru Apr. 27;
this interactive, hands-on class will offer you practical

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


application using line, form, proportion and color;

included will be high-styled designs for a wedding
or any special event as well as bridal work including
brides bouquet, boutonnires and corsages; $200;
for information and to register, call 309-796-8223,
Intouch Adult Day Services, 4011 Avenue of the Cities,
Moline IL, BHC.edu, 5:45pm Wed Apr 6

Junior Preview Visit, high school juniors and families

tour the campus and get important financial aid and
admissions info; free; for information, call 563-3336300 or 800-383-2627, Rogalski Center St. Ambrose
University, 518 W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8:45am Fri Apr 15

Canning/Food Preservation Program, on

prospective students can take the COMPASS placement

test, register for classes, meet faculty members, and
learn about BHC programs and student support
resources; for information, call 309-796-5341, Black Hawk
College Quad City Campus, 6600 34th Ave, Moline IL,
BHC.edu, 9am Sat Apr 16

Saturdays; hands-on learning about canning,

freezing, storing, food safety, and other food
preservation methods; led by University of Illinois
Extension Nutrition and Wellness Educator Kristin
Bogdonas; $15-20; for information, call 309-756-9978,
Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan
IL, Web.extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 1pm Sat Apr 9
thru Sat Apr 23

BHC ESL Family Literacy, free; for information, call

309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 9:30am Wed Apr 13 thru Wed
Apr 27
Professional Development: Leadership
Communication, examine the skills necessary for

effectively communicating within the organization; $495;

for information and to register, contact Stacy Banfield at
563-333-5720 or pd@sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education
Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8:30am Thu Apr 14 and Fri Apr 15

Black Hawk College Open House, new and

Swim School, Monday and Wednesday thru May 11,

at 5:15, 6:15, or 7:15pm; designed for ages 4-15; $55;
for information and to register, call 309-796-5603,
Black Hawk College Community Aquatic Center,
6600 34th Ave, Moline IL, BHC.edu/swim, 5:15pm
Mon Apr 18

Professional Development: Project

Leadership: Embracing Diversity of Opinion,

this session provides knowledge and skills necessary

to lead projects within diverse environments; $395;
for information and to register, contact Stacy Banfield
at 563-333-5720 or pd@sau.edu, SAU Downtown
Education Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite # 140, Davenport
IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Thu Apr 21

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader


The Redstone Room

March and April

f youre like me, this month is the perfect

time to think about doing some spring
cleaning. If youre like others, its the perfect
time to actually do some spring cleaning.
And if youre like staffers at Davenports
River Music Experience, its the perfect time
to present some Spring-Queening. This
Pigeons Playing Ping Pong April 6
celebration of the legendary rockers of Queen
@ the Redstone Room
will feature Alan Sweet as Freddie Mercury,
Bret Dale as Brian May, David Abdo as John
Deacon, and Erik Wilson as Roger Taylor in a night that also boasts The Dawn performing a
tribute to recently departed icon David Bowie a March 18 kickoff to exceptional March and
April headliners at the Redstone Room and Rock Island Brewing Company.
Over on the Iowa side of the Mississippi, the Redstone Room this spring will be filled
with jazz, country, blues, and the unusual sights and sounds of Pigeons Playing Ping
Pong, the Baltimore-based funk rockers whose April 6 concert will include an opening
set by the Colorado natives of The Magic Beans. Prior to that, however, the venues musical magic will take all sorts of different forms.
On March 20, in collaboration with Polyrhythms Third Sunday Jazz Workshop &
Matine Series, Davenport will host an evening with The Billy Foster Quartet featuring
vocalist Renee Miles-Foster, while a fellow Chicago musician, Toronzo Cannon, will
headline a March 25 concert in the new Blues & Roots Series co-sponsored by the River
Development Authority, Alligator Records, and the Mississippi Valley Blues Society.
Country artist Hailey Whitters, an Iowa native currently residing in Nashville,
brings her singing/songwriting talents to the Redstone Room in a March 31 engagement with opener Shaniah Paig. The following night finds the ensemble of a Yonder
Mountain String Band musician taking the stage in April 1s bluegrass concert with The
Jeff Austin Band featuring openers The Last Revel. One-third of the Grammy-winning
Nickel Creek, meanwhile, performs locally in April 14s tour stop with Sean Watkins, a
contemporary-folk event preceded by a set with singer/songwriter Anthony DAmato.
Blues and rock are on tap in April 21s An Evening with Kim Simmonds & Savoy
Brown, in which one of the earliest of British blues bands will perform from a repertoire
that dates back to its first single released almost exactly a half-century ago. A musician residing closer to home returns to the Redstone Room on April 23, when Chicago
Farmer croons from his catalog of Americana alongside openers Frank F. Sidneys Western Bandit Volunteers. And with the month also finding room for concerts by Flatfoot
56 (April 8), The David Mayfield Parade (April 15), Minus Six (April 22), and Family
Groove Company (April 29), Aprils final day brings with it a co-album-release-party
with gifted acoustic musicians David G. Smith and Julie Christensen (April 30) that
also serves as a fundraiser for the QC Alzheimer Greater Iowa Chapter.
Meanwhile, though its performers are much, much cooler than the Osmonds, RIBCO
could advertise its early-to-mid-spring lineup by borrowing the old Donny & Marie
adage Im a little bit country / Im a little bit rock n roll ... though those lyrics would
need to be amended to Im a little bit country / Im a whole lot rock n roll.
The country (and country-rock) arrives via March 19s concert with Brushville, the
five-piece Midwestern ensemble that has been energizing crowds ever since its 2012
Battle for the Saddle victory in Nashville, and that has shared stages with the likes of
Keith Urban, Lady Antebellum, Alan Jackson, Justin Moore, and Brad Paisley. Countryadjacent lands in the form of Carrie Nation & the Speak Easy, the bluegrass and
rockabilly musicians performing in a March 25 concert, and Reverend Horton Heat,
the Dallas-based psychobilly trio whose April 20 area return features sets by Unknown
Hinson, Nashville Pussy, and Lucky Tubbs.
As for RIBCOs other announced acts, they should leave hard-rockin music lovers
with a smile thatll last four weeks long. On March 26, the Rock Island venue delivers a
European two-fer with black-metal sets by Finlands Archgoat and Swedens Valkyrja, a
night of internationally flavored excitement preceded by openers Hellfire Death Cult and
Sept of Memnon. Ozzy Osbourne guitarist Konstantinos Karamitroudis better known
as heavy-metal artist Gus G. brings his solo tour to Rock Island on April 15, performing with guest musicians Drama Major and Battle Red.
And on April 23, RIBCO presents a night with doom-metal musicians Order of the
Owl, Obsidian Sword, Crater, and the nights headliner Graves at Sea, the Portlandbased outfit that will perform from loud-and-proud albums including Documents of
Grief and EPs including This Place Is Poison. Which is exactly what my place will be if I
dont get around to that spring cleaning ... .
More information on the Redstone Rooms springtime lineup is available by calling (563)326-1333 or visiting RiverMusicExperience.org, and more on the Rock Island
Brewing Companys spring can be found at (309)793-1999 or RIBCO.com. Mike Schulz

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com



Courses /

Teen College Prep Night, learn some great tips

for surviving and enjoying college; from financial

aid to budgeting, this program will give you the
important information you need; snacks served; free;
for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Apr 21

May & June

E-mail for Everyone, work at your own pace to learn

about e-mail and get help from a librarian to set up

your own account; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon May 2

Professional Development: Project Leadership

and Professional Responsibility, this course

discusses the difference between leading and managing

in the project environment; $695; for information and to
register, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or pd@
sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St,
Suite #140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Tue May 3
and Wed May 4

Garden Planter, create a beautiful spring planter

combining live plants in a clay container; $70; for

information and to register, call 309-796-8223, Intouch
Adult Day Services, 4011 Avenue of the Cities, Moline IL,
BHC.edu, 5:45pm Wed May 4

Professional Development: Leadership

Essentials, this two-part session will cover the traits,

behaviors and actions of a good leader by delving into

the theories of leadership, including a self-assessment of
leadership styles and traits; $695; for information and to
register, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or pd@
sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St,
Suite #140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Thu May 5
and Fri May 6

Canning/Food Preservation Program, on

Saturdays; hands-on learning about canning, freezing,

storing, food safety, and other food preservation
methods; led by University of Illinois Extension Nutrition
and Wellness Educator Kristin Bogdonas; $15-20; for
information, call 309-756-9978, Rock Island County
Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave, Milan IL, Web.extension.
illinois.edu/hmrs, 1pm Sat May 7 thru Sat May 21

BHC ESL Class, on Wednesdays; free; for information,

call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 9:30am Wed May 11 thru
Wed May 18
Professional Development: Agile Project
Management, a variety of projects can be better

managed by applying agile principles and practices

focusing on skills, communication and community; $395;
for information and to register, contact Stacy Banfield at
563-333-5720 or pd@sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education
Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite #140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu,
8:30am Thu May 12

Interviewing Skills, a BHC Career Center program;

free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
9:30am Tue May 17
Professional Development: Dialogical
Leadership, an interactive, skill-building workshop

using real workplace stories of participants failures to

influence others on the job; $595; for information and to
register, contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or pd@
sau.edu, SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St,
Suite #140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Wed May 18
and Thu Mar 19

Resume Writing Webinar for Alumni, information

on new resume trends; for information and to

register, contact Kim Matteson at 563-333-6342 or
mattesonkimberly@sau.edu, St. Ambrose University, 518
W Locust St, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 5pm Wed May 18

Canning/Food Preservation Program, hands-on

learning about canning, freezing, storing, food safety,

and other food preservation methods; led by University
of Illinois Extension Nutrition and Wellness Educator
Kristin Bogdonas; $15-20; for information, call 309-7569978, Rock Island County Extension, 321 W 2nd Ave,
Milan IL, Web.extension.illinois.edu/hmrs, 1pm Sat Jun 4

Professional Development: Project Management:

Planning, Execution and Control, this course

provides a project-ready tool kit for initiating, planning,

executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing out
projects within a practical system of professional project
management; $695; for information and to register,
contact Stacy Banfield at 563-333-5720 or pd@sau.edu,
SAU Downtown Education Center, 331 W 3rd St, Suite
#140, Davenport IA, SAU.edu, 8:30am Tue Jun 7 and
Wed Jun 8

Weekly & Bi-Weekly
Centering Prayer, on Thursdays; meeting consisting
of experience, education, and sharing, with time for
educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, St. Andrew Church, 333
W Lotte St, Blue Grass IA, 1pm thru Thu Jun 2
Centering Prayer, on Thursdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Maquoketa United
Church of Christ, 206 E Platt St, Maquoketa IA, 7pm thru
Thu Jun 2

Centering Prayer, on Thursdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for
educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, St. Paul Lutheran
Church Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport IA, 6pm
thru Thu Jun 2
Independent Scholars Evening, on Thursdays; a

free-standing, public forum for the support of area

scholars and interested co-learners; refreshments
provided, cash bar available; free; for information, call
309-762-9202 or e-mail institutecht@gmail.com, Moline
Commercial Club, 1530 5th Ave, Moline IL, QCInstitute.
org, 7pm thru Thu Jun 2

Adult Children of Alcoholics, on Saturdays; a

meeting of the 12-step, 12-tradition program of men
and women who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise
dysfunctional homes; for information, contact Ralph at
563-355-4599 or Rcb77@mchsi.com, St. Paul Lutheran
Church - Davenport, 2136 Brady St., Davenport IA, 10am
Sat Mar 19 thru Sat Jun 4
House Church Meeting, on Saturdays; join the a
non-denominational, ecumenical, ecology-minded, allfaith group that supports one another, prays together,
helps one another, and helps the community; for
information, e-mail ecumenicalfellowship@hotmail.com
or e-fellowship@hotmail.com, or call 563-508-1852, Sat
Mar 19 thru Sat Jun 4
Issues Class 2015-2016, on Sundays; discuss Global/
Current issues, ways for Christians to relate and deal
with everyday issues, and more; free; for information,
call 309-786-2631 or e-mail broadway@broadwayqc.
org, Broadway Presbyterian Church, 710 23rd St, Rock
Island IL, BroadwayQC.org, 10:45am Sun Mar 20 thru
Sun Apr 24
Quad Cities Astronomical Society Membership
Meeting, on the first & third Mon. of the month; for

information, e-mail dhusna68@mchsi.com, Bettendorf

Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
QCAS.org, 6:30pm Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6

Centering Prayer, on Mondays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Grace Lutheran
Church, 1140 E High St, Davenport IA, 6pm Mon Mar 21
thru Mon Jun 6

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Centering Prayer, on Mondays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Our Lady of Lourdes
Catholic Church, 1506 Brown St, Bettendorf IA, 9am Mon
Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6

East Moline/Silvis Kiwanis Club, on Mondays; help

celebrate the clubs 60th anniversary of community
service; for information, contact Mike Laufenberg at
malaufenberg@mchsi.com, Genesis Medical Center,
Silvis, 855 Illini Dr, Silvis IL, Kiwanis.org, 6pm Mon Mar 21
thru Mon Jun 6
Womens Bible Study Group, on Mondays; for

information, call 563-324-9560, Downtown Central Perk,

226 W 3rd St, Davenport IA, DowntownCentralPerk.com,
7pm Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6

Centering Prayer, on Mondays; weekly meeting

dedicated to educational enrichment and the Christian

contemplative heritage, with experience-based sharing
on prayer and its effects in daily life; for information,
contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@
gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982,
Christ Episcopal Church Burlington, 623 N 5th St,
Burlington IA, 5:15pm Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6

Centering Prayer, on the second & fourth Tue. of the

month; meeting consisting of experience, education,

and sharing, with time for educational enrichment in
the conceptual background to Centering Prayer, and
ending with experience-based sharing on the prayer
and its effects in daily life; for information, contact Dick
Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@gmail.com,
or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or pastor@
macqc.org, Jesus Christ Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
1105 LaMetta Wynn Dr, Clinton IA, 3pm Tue Mar 22 thru
Tue May 24

Centering Prayer, on the second & fourth Tue. of the

month; meeting consisting of experience, education,

and sharing, with time for educational enrichment in the
conceptual background to Centering Prayer, and ending
with experience-based sharing on the prayer and its
effects in daily life; for information, contact Dick Jensen
at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev.
Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.
org, Prairiewoods Franciscan Center, 120 E Boyson Rd,
Hiawatha IA, 5:30pm Tue Mar 22 thru Tue May 24

Centering Prayer, on Tuesdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for

educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Grace Lutheran
Church, 1140 E High St, Davenport IA, noon Tue Mar 22
thru Tue Jun 7

Fireside Knitters, on Tuesdays; enjoy knitting and

crocheting by the fireside at this fun, weekly event;

volunteers are there to help you learn how to knit, and
supplies are provided; all knitted items are donated
to local charities; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm Tue Mar
22 thru Tue Jun 7

Adult Children of Alcoholics, on Wednesdays; a

meeting of the 12-step, 12-tradition program of men
and women who grew up in alcoholic or otherwise
dysfunctional homes; for information, contact Marcia
563-355-1162 or jensenyetta@gmail.com, St. Paul
Lutheran Church Davenport, 2136 Brady St, Davenport
IA, 6pm Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8
Centering Prayer, on Wednesdays; meeting consisting
of experience, education, and sharing, with time for
educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Christ the King Catholic
Church, 3205 60th St, Moline IL, 9am Wed Mar 23 thru
Wed Jun 8
Centering Prayer, on Wednesdays; meeting consisting
of experience, education, and sharing, with time for
educational enrichment in the conceptual background

to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based

sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Maquoketa Area Family
YMCA, 500 E Summit St, Maquoketa IA, 7:30am Wed Mar
23 thru Wed Jun 8

Centering Prayer, on the second & fourth Wed.

of the month; meeting consisting of experience,

education, and sharing, with time for educational
enrichment in the conceptual background to
Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins
at 563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Maquoketa
United Church of Christ, 206 E Platt St, Maquoketa IA,
6:15pm Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8

Centering Prayer, on Wednesdays; meeting consisting

of experience, education, and sharing, with time for
educational enrichment in the conceptual background
to Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at
563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, St. Mary Monastery,
2200 88th Ave W, Rock Island IL, 1pm Wed Mar 23 thru
Wed Jun 8

Centering Prayer, on the second & fourth Thu.

of the month; meeting consisting of experience,

education, and sharing, with time for educational
enrichment in the conceptual background to
Centering Prayer, and ending with experience-based
sharing on the prayer and its effects in daily life; for
information, contact Dick Jensen at 563-349-2542 or
rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev. Stephanie Haskins
at 563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.org, Holy Family
Catholic Church, 1923 N Fillmore, Davenport IA,
1:30pm Thu Mar 24 thru Thu May 26

Citizens to Reform Animal Control, on the second

and last Mon. of the month; review and discuss the
changing of animal-control laws with Cheryl Draeger;
for information, call 563-508-1852 or 563-676-8956,
or e-mail ecumenicalfellowship@hotmail.com or
e-fellowship@hotmail.com, Hy-Vee, 1823 E Kimberly Rd,
Davenport IA, noon Mon Mar 28 thru Mon May 30
Citizens to Reform the Department of Human
Services, on the second and last Mon. of the month;

review and discuss the DHS with Cheryl Draeger;

for information, call 563-508-1852 or 563-676-8956,
or e-mail ecumenicalfellowship@hotmail.com or
e-fellowship@hotmail.com, Hy-Vee, 1823 E. Kimberly Rd,
Davenport IA, noon Mon Mar 28 thru Mon May 30

Centering Prayer, on the second & fourth Mon. of the

month; meeting consisting of experience, education,

and sharing, with time for educational enrichment in the
conceptual background to Centering Prayer, and ending
with experience-based sharing on the prayer and its
effects in daily life; for information, contact Dick Jensen
at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@gmail.com, or Rev.
Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or pastor@macqc.
org, Mercy Hospital, 500 E Market, Iowa City IA, 7pm Mon
Mar 28 thru May 24

March & April

Mississippi Valley Country & Western Music
Association Dance, bring your instrument, jam with

us, sing your song; for information, contact Robert Kunz

at Alframer@mchsi.com or 309-740-8126, East Moline
American Legion, 829 16th Ave, East Moline IL, 6pm Mon
Mar 21

Centering Prayer, meeting consisting of

experience, education, and sharing, with time

for educational enrichment in the conceptual
background to Centering Prayer, and ending with
experience-based sharing on the prayer and its
effects in daily life; for information, contact Dick
Jensen at 563-349-2542 or rrjensen65@gmail.com,
or Rev. Stephanie Haskins at 563-221-1982 or pastor@
macqc.org, First Baptist Church of Iowa City, 500 N
Clinton St, Iowa City IA, 8:45am Sat Mar 19

Quad Cities Computer Society Meeting, guests can

attend the Beginners SIG (Special Interest Group) which
meets at 5:30pm just before the main meeting; free; for
information, call 309-764-5570 or e-mail joseph85_us@
yahoo.com, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St, Moline IL,
QCS.org, 7pm Mon Apr 4

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

to your Medicare questions from a counselor with
the Senior Health Insurance Information Program;
for individual appointments, call 563-421-1096; for
information, call 563-344-4165, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrtary.com, 9am Wed Apr 6 thru Wed
Jun 1

Meetings /
March & April

Downtown Davenport Neighborhood Watch

Meeting, for information, call 563-324-4705 or e-mail

ecumenicalfellowship@hotmail.com, Downtown Central

Perk, 226 W 3rd St, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/groups/
downtowndav, 4pm Wed Apr 6

Special Events

Quad Cities Photography Club, join photographers

Claim Your Power as a Healer, a presentation by Dr.

Jenna Hobbins; claim your power as an intuitive healer,
and learn how to Energy Scan providing service in a
global business; for information, e-mail drjenna1111@
gmail.com, Be Well QC, 150 16 1/2 St, Rock Island IL, 3pm
Sat Mar 19

in discussing images, helping one another improve, and

socializing; free, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St, Moline
IL, QCPhotoClub.com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 7

Popular Astronomy Club Meeting, visitors and

prospective members welcome; for information, call

Wayland at 563-332-4032 or Alan at 309-797-3120,
John Deere Planetarium, Augustana College, 820 38th
St, Rock Island IL, PACAstronomy.50megs.com, 7pm
Mon Apr 11

Second Mondays Lunch Forum, monthly discussion

group; free program, $8 for catered lunch by At Your
Service; reservations required for lunch; for information
and to reserve, contact Pam Gustafson at 309-781-1210,
Trinity Anglican Church, 1818 6th Ave, Rock Island IL,
11:30am Mon Apr 11
Rock Island County Democratic Women Meeting,

5pm social time, 5:30pm meeting; location TBD; for

information, contact Tammy R. Weikert at 309-781-7584,
5pm Wed Apr 20

ABCs of Non-Violence, a Quad Cities Institute of

Noetic Sciences (IONS-QC) meeting with a presentation
by the Rev. Dean Van Wie; free; for information, contact
Christine at IONSQC@aol.com or 563-332-7259,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, Noetic.org, 6:30pm Thu Apr 14

Quad Cities Parkinson Support Group, on the third

Sat. of the month; the public is welcome; for information,
call 563-549-7890, Ridgecrest Village, 4130 Northwest
Blvd, Davenport IA, 10am Sat Mar 19
Enchanted: A Full Moon Gathering, this unique

John Mellencamp @ Adler Theatre - April 5

Trinity Anglican Church, 1818 6th Ave., Rock Island IL,
11:30am Mon May 9

IONS-QC Meeting, a Quad Cities Institute of Noetic

Sciences meeting with a presentation TBA; free; for

information, contact Christine at IONSQC@aol.com or
563-332-7259, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, Noetic.org, 6:30pm Thu May

Mississippi Valley Country & Western Music

Association Dance, bring your instrument, jam with

Campolo, First Presbyterian Church of Davenport, 1702

Iowa St, Davenport IA, CUQCA.org, Sun Apr 17

us, sing your song; for information, contact Robert Kunz

at Alframer@mchsi.com or 309-740-8126, East Moline
American Legion, 829 16th Ave, East Moline IL, 6pm Mon
May 16

Mississippi Valley Country & Western Music

Association Dance, bring your instrument, jam with

QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group)

Meeting, with a special program/presentation on

Annual Delegate Assembly, with guest speaker Tony

us, sing your song; for information, contact Robert Kunz

at Alframer@mchsi.com or 309-740-8126, East Moline
American Legion, 829 16th Ave, East Moline IL, 6pm Mon
Apr 18

QCMUG (Quad Cities Macintosh Users Group)

Meeting, with a special program/presentation on

Macintosh Applications or hardware, and an Open

Forum Q&A period where members help other
Macintosh users solve problems and improve their
computer skills; $24/year membership, guests welcome,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, QCMUG.org, 6:30pm Tue Apr 19

BLOOM Event for New/Expecting Mothers, for

information, e-mail info@quadcitymomsblog.com, The

Group, 5350 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, 7pm Thu Apr 28

May & June

Quad Cities Computer Society Meeting, guests can
attend the Beginners SIG (Special Interest Group) which
meets at 5:30pm just before the main meeting; free; for
information, call 309-764-5570 or e-mail joseph85_us@
yahoo.com, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St, Moline IL,
QCS.org, 7pm Mon May 2
Downtown Davenport Neighborhood Watch
Meeting, for information, call 563-324-4705 or e-mail

ecumenicalfellowship@hotmail.com, Downtown Central

Perk, 226 W 3rd St, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/groups/
downtowndav, 4pm Wed May 4

Quad Cities Photography Club, join photographers

in discussing images, helping one another improve, and

socializing; free, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St, Moline
IL, QCPhotoClub.com, 6:30pm Thu May 5

Popular Astronomy Club Meeting, visitors and

prospective members welcome; for information, call

Wayland at 563-332-4032 or Alan at 309-797-3120, John
Deere Planetarium, Augustana College, 820 38th St, Rock
Island IL, PACAstronomy.50megs.com, 7pm Mon May 9

Second Mondays Lunch Forum, monthly discussion

group; free program, $8 for catered lunch by At Your
Service; reservations required for lunch; for information
and to reserve, contact Pam Gustafson at 309-781-1210,

Macintosh Applications or hardware, and an Open

Forum Q&A period where members help other
Macintosh users solve problems and improve their
computer skills; $24/year membership, guests welcome,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, QCMUG.org, 6:30pm Tue May 17

Rock Island County Democratic Women Meeting,

5pm social time, 5:30pm meeting; location TBD; for

information, contact Tammy R. Weikert at 309-781-7584,
5pm Wed May 18

Downtown Davenport Neighborhood Watch

Meeting, for information, call 563-324-4705 or e-mail

ecumenicalfellowship@hotmail.com, Downtown Central

Perk, 226 W 3rd St, Davenport IA, Facebook.com/groups/
downtowndav, 4pm Wed Jun 1

Quad Cities Photography Club, join photographers

in discussing images, helping one another improve, and

socializing; free, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St, Moline
IL, QCPhotoClub.com, 6:30pm Thu Jun 2

Quad Cities Computer Society Meeting, guests can

attend the Beginners SIG (Special Interest Group) which
meets at 5:30pm just before the main meeting; free; for
information, call 309-764-5570 or e-mail joseph85_us@
yahoo.com, Butterworth Center, 1105 8th St, Moline IL,
QCS.org, 7pm Mon Jun 6

Weekly & Bi-Weekly
Buddhism Series Class with Meditation, on

Thursdays; find inner peace, reduce stress, and find

solutions to the problems of daily life; includes an
explanation of the benefits of meditation, how to
meditate, and guided meditation; $5-10; for information,
call 563-322-1600, Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center,
502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA, MeditateInIowa.org,
6:30pm thru Thu Jun 2

Genesis Nursing Scholarship Applications

Available, this nursing-student scholarship program

provides $10,000 scholarships for students seeking

admission to an undergraduate baccalaureate

program in nursing; applicants must live in Clinton, Des

Moines, Jackson, Louisa, Muscatine or Scott counties
in Iowa or Henry, Mercer, Rock Island or Whiteside
counties in Illinois to qualify; for information, call
563-421-6867 or e-mail Foundation@genesishealth.
com, Genesis Medical Center, 1227 E Rusholme St,
Davenport IA, GenesisHealth.com/scholarships, thru
Thu Mar 31

The Healing Practice of Taking and Giving, a

Buddhism and meditation series on Thursdays; a
modern and practical approach to the ancient practice
of Taking and Giving will be explained and practiced;
$10/class, $30/series; for information and to register, call
563-322-1600, Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502
1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA, MeditateInIowa.org, 6:30pm
thru Thu Mar 31
Zumba, on Saturdays; Latin-inspired fitness infused
with international beats and the hits of today; an
excellent workout for all ages; $6, Rock Island Fitness and
Activity Center, 4303 24th St., Rock Island IL, Facebook.
com/Tika.Zumba, 9:30am Sat Mar 19 thru Sat Jun 4
Kids Meditation Class, on Sundays; find inner peace,
reduce stress, and find solutions to the problems of
daily life; includes an explanation of the benefits of
meditation, how to meditate, and guided meditation;
$5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, 11am Sun Mar 20 thru Sun Jun 5
Meditation Class, on Sundays; find inner peace,

reduce stress, and find solutions to the problems of

daily life; includes an explanation of the benefits of
meditation, how to meditate, and guided meditation;
$5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600, Lamrim
Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St, Davenport IA,
MeditateInIowa.org, 11am Sun Mar 20 thru Sun Jun 5

Evening Meditation Class, on Tuesdays; find

inner peace, reduce stress, and find solutions to the

problems of daily life; includes an explanation of the
benefits of meditation, how to meditate, and guided
meditation; $5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600,
Quad City Botanical Center, 2525 4th Ave, Rock Island IL,
MeditateInIowa.org, 6:45pm Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Jun 7

Mid-Day Mindfulness Class, on Wednesdays; find

inner peace, reduce stress, and find solutions to the

problems of daily life; includes an explanation of the
benefits of meditation, how to meditate, and guided
meditation; $5-10; for information, call 563-322-1600,
Lamrim Kadampa Buddhist Center, 502 1/2 3rd St,
Davenport IA, MeditateInIowa.org, noon Wed Mar 23
thru Wed Mar 30

NAMI Peer to Peer Class, Saturdays, an experiential

learning program for people living with a serious
mental illness who are interested in establishing
and maintaining their wellness and recoveries; for
information and to register, call 563-322-8870, NAMI
Greater Mississippi Valley, 1706 Brady St Suite #101,
Davenport IA, NAMIgmv.org, 10am Sat Apr 2 thru Sat
Jun 4

Medicare Q&A with SHIIP, on the first & third

Wed. of the month; get information and answers

evening will include: Slow-Flow Yoga to melt the tension

& ignite the creative fire within; Conscious Breathing
to calm & focus the mind; a Full-Moon Meditation; a
discussion on Spring Deities, Folklore & Magick; and a
Magick-infused Spring Craft Project (make & take home);
bring a dish/drink to share so we can fellowship during &
after the craft; we will provide all the craft supplies, the
yoga & meditation, plates/napkins/cups, and the space;
for information, call 309-764-9642, Indigo Wellness
Moline, 1621 5th Ave, Moline IL, IndigoWellnes.info,
6:45pm Wed Mar 23

Stylin Against Breast Cancer Runway Fashion

Show and Luncheon, all proceeds from the annual

event are funneled back into the local community

for breast-cancer support groups, education, and
awareness, i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr, Moline IL,
UnityPoint.org, Thu Apr 14

Quad Cities Parkinson Support Group, the public is

welcome; for information, call 563-549-7890, Ridgecrest
Village, 4130 Northwest Blvd, Davenport IA, 10am Sat
Apr 16
Claim Your Power as a Healer, a presentation by Dr.
Jenna Hobbins; claim your power as an intuitive healer,
and learn how to Energy Scan providing service in a
global business; for information, e-mail drjenna1111@
gmail.com, Be Well QC, 150 16 1/2 St, Rock Island IL, Sat
Apr 16
Claim Your Power as a Healer, a presentation by Dr.
Jenna Hobbins; claim your power as an intuitive healer,
and learn how to Energy Scan providing service in a
global business; for information, e-mail drjenna1111@
gmail.com, Be Well QC, 150 16 1/2 St, Rock Island IL, Fri
Apr 29
Quad Cities Parkinson Support Group, on the third
Sat. of the month; the public is welcome; for information,
call 563-549-7890, Ridgecrest Village, 4130 Northwest
Blvd, Davenport IA, 10am Sat May 21

Weekly & Bi- Weekly
Line Dancing II, on Thursdays; $2-4; for information,
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org,
2:30pm Thu Mar 17 thru Thu Jun 2
New Horizons Band Practice, on Thursdays; $2-4;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 12:30pm Thu Mar 17 thru Thu Jun 2

Zumba Gold, on Thursdays; $3-5; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am
Thu Mar 17 thru Thu Jun 2
Zumba Gold Beginners & Chair, on Thursdays; $2-4;
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Mar 17 thru Thu Jun 2

Euchre, on Thursdays & Fridays; $2-4; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),

1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org,
12:45pm Thu Mar 17 thru Fri Jun 3

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016 Spring Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Seniors /
Weekly & Bi-Weekly

Line Dancing I, on Tuesdays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Tue
Mar 22 thru Tue Jun 7

Billiards, Mon.-Fri.; $1-2; for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 8am
Thu Mar 17 thru Wed Jun 8

Bunco, on Wednesdays; $2-4; for information, call

Low-Impact Exercise, Mon.-Fri.; $2-4; for

Chair Massage with Mary, on Wednesdays;

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Mar 17 thru Wed Jun 8

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 2pm
Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8
20-minute sessions; $15-20; for information, call 563484-4024, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8

More Than 1,400 Events in Our 3-Month Calendars RiverCitiesReader.com

Senior Session, learn about topics that affect seniors

lives; free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public

Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 11am Wed
Mar 30

Low Vision Support Group, for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Thu Apr 7
Poetry Roundtable, $2-4; for information, call

with Janet Latchaw; $20; for information, call 563349-5832, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Thu Mar 17 thru Wed Jun 8

Cribbage, on Wednesdays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1:30pm
Thu Apr 7

Bingo, on Fridays; for information, call 563-386-7477,

CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 12:30pm Fri
Mar 18 thru Fri Jun 3

Energizing Yoga, on Wednesdays; $7-9; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 2pm Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8

Caregivers Support Group, free; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Mon Apr 11

Golden Tones Chorus Practice, on Fridays; $2-4;

Pinochle, on Wednesdays; $2-4; for information, call

Blood Pressure Check, free; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Tue
Apr 12

Personal Reflexology, by appointment only,

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9am Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Jun 3

Senior Theatre, on Fridays; $2-4; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),

1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.
org, 10:30am Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Jun 3

Zumba Toning, on Fridays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 8am
Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Jun 3

Bridge, on Mondays & Fridays; $2-4; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.
org, 12:30pm Fri Mar 18 thru Mon Jun 6

Ceramics I, on Mondays; $7-9; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035

W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org,
9:30am Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6

Drawing, Clay Sculpting, & Acrylics, on Mondays;

$5-6 plus materials; for information, call 563-386-7477,

CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, Mon Mar 21
thru Mon Jun 6

Shuffleboard, on Mondays; $2-4; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors),
1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.
org, 2:15pm Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6

Ugly Quilts, on Mondays; no sewing experience

necessary; free; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 8am Mon
Mar 21 thru Mon Jun 6
Zumba Gold Toning, on Mondays; $3-5; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport
IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:15am Mon Mar 21 thru Mon
Jun 6

Canasta, on Tuesdays; $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Jun 7

Ceramics II, on Tuesdays; $7-11/session, $9-12/all

day; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center

for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport
IA, CASISeniors.org, Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Jun 7

Crocheting & Knitting Volunteer Class, on

Tuesdays; make hats, scarfs, and mittens for children

and the homeless; donations of yarn and other
knitting needs accepted; free; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org,
12:30pm Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Jun 7

Line Dancing Free Lessons, on Tuesdays; for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 8:30am Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Jun 7

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8

TOPS Meeting, on Wednesdays; the Taking Off Pounds

Sensibly Group; 11:30am weigh-in, noon meeting; $1-2;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 11:30am Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8

Tai Chi Chun, on Wednesdays; $24-36/6 weeks;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 10:25am Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8
Zumba Gold, on Wednesdays; $3-5; for information,
call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1pm
Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Jun 8
Bob Ross Painting Class, on Wednesdays; $20-25;

for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Mar 30 thru Wed Apr 27

Senior Day: Civil War Fathers, Tim Pletkovich

presents on his experience writing his book Civil War

Fathers: Sons of the Civil War in World War II; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr. Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Thu Mar 17

Country Music Dance with DJ Don Coker, $7 at the

door; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 7pm Fri Mar 18

Parkinsons Support Group, for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W.Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Sat Mar 19
Barn Quilt Painting Party, at 8:30am & 6pm; $30-35;
for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, Tue Mar 22
Pencil Drawing Class, $20-25; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 3pm Tue
Mar 22

Clay Bead Making Class, $20-25; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Wed Mar 23
Grief Support Group, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed
Mar 23

TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Mar 23

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed
Apr 13

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu Apr 14

Parkinsons Support Group, for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Sat Apr 16

Letters Home from the Prairie, $8 for just lunch, $18

for a bus tour in which local historian Karen Anderson
will take you back through history; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 11am
Wed Apr 20

Senior Day: Visiting Artist T.J. Wheeler, music and

storytelling with the Mississippi Valley Blues Societys
Blues in the School resident; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
1:30pm Thu Apr 21

Money Smart Conference / Fraud Protection,

Low Vision Support Group, for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Thu May 5
Poetry Roundtable, $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1:30pm
Thu May 5

Caregivers Support Group, free; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am
Mon May 9
Blood Pressure Check, on free; for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Tue
May 10
Grief Support Group, for information, call 563-3867477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed
May 11
Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &
Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu May 12

CASI Conference on Aging Blazing the Trail:

Living Younger Longer, for information, call 563-3867477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, Wed May 18

Senior Day: River to River Iowas Forgotten

Highway 6, a documentary from award-winning area

filmmakers Kelly and Tammy Rundle, with refreshments

served after; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1:30pm Thu
May 19

Blood Pressure Screening, Shingles Screening, &

Medication Review, for information, call 563-386-

7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly

Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9am Thu May 19

CASI Trivia Night, $80/table of eight; for information,

call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, Fri
May 20
Parkinsons Support Group, for information, call
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W.
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Sat May 21

Davenport Police Department and AARP will present;

light lunch provided; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 11am Mon Apr 25

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563-3867477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Wed
May 25

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563-3867477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed
Apr 27

TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

Senior Session, learn about topics that affect seniors

Senior Session, learn about topics that affect seniors

TRIAD (Reducing Crime Against Seniors), for

AARP Defensive Driving Class, for information, call

How to Not Outlive Your Money Presented by

Northwest Bank, join us for an informative program

Low Vision Support Group, for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W
Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10am
Thu Jun 2

lives; free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public

Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 11am Wed
Apr 27
information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for
Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Apr 27

that will help you develop a plan that can stand the
test of time; free; for information, call 563-386-7477,
CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road,
Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 10:30am Thu Apr 28

Country Music Dance with DJ Don Coker, $7 at the

door; for information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 7pm Fri Apr 29

May & June

Spring Hat Luncheon, $15; for information, call 563386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, Mon May 2

information, call 563-386-7477, CASI (Center for

Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA,
CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed May 25

lives; free; for information, call 309-755-3393, Silvis Public

Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 11am Wed
May 25
563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035
W Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, Tue
May 31

Poetry Roundtable, $2-4; for information, call

563-386-7477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W

Kimberly Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 1:30pm
Thu Jun 2

Grief Support Group, for information, call 563-3867477, CASI (Center for Active Seniors), 1035 W Kimberly
Road, Davenport IA, CASISeniors.org, 9:30am Wed Jun 8

2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

2016 KWQC Family Fun Guide






Published by





2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader



Geek&Craft, teens can hang out, eat snacks, and make

projects featuring geeky tech; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue Apr 19

Drop-in Crafternoon, well have several simple crafts

Creation Studio Drop-In: Library Laboratory, ages 5

Creation Studio Drop-in: Penny Batteries!, turn

3Doodlers: 3D Printer Pens, for teens; we cover how

available for pre-K to 7 years old, and all the supplies youll
need to get crafty; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 2pm Thu Mar 17

on an L.E.D. using only pennies, lemon juice and a bit

of paper towel; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Mar 21

Tween Minecraft Crafts, for ages 8-12; bring the

game to life with fun, three-dimensional crafts you can

make in real life by building several Minecraft crafts;
free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 5:30pm Mon Mar 21

Craft Break!, bring your imagination and try out a

whole bunch of crafts with your pre-school to 7 year-old;

well have several simple crafts to try and all the supplies
youll need; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Mar 22

Teen Coloring Night, color tons of coloring sheets

& up take part in hands-on science experiments or watch a

science demonstration; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Apr 20
3D printers work, and how the 3Doodler can help you
design objects and have fun; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm
Sat Apr 23

May & June

Toddler Tales: Painting/Art, artistic stories, songs,
and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri May 6
Make a Pinwheel Flower for Spring, a family craft
program; Tue. 6pm, Sat. 10am; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library
Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, Tue May 10 and Sat May 14

from lots of different fandoms, plus hot chocolate;

free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Mar 24

Art Lab, for ages 7-plus; free; for information, call 309-

Creation Studio Drop-in: Maker Monday, drop-in

projects featuring geeky tech; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue May 17

craft projects geared for the older youth and above

but all are welcome; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Mar 28

Free Family Day, dive into the world of The Art of
Architecture with activities, build challenges, movies
and more; guests will also explore the Mississippi River
through special activities featuring the exhibition
Mississippi River Views from the Muscatine Art Center
Collection; for information, call 563-326-7804, Figge Art
Museum, 225 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.
org, 10am Sat Apr 2
Creation Studio Drop-in: Seed Starting Containers,

well be making seed starters using different types of

biodegradable materials; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Apr 4

Creation Studio Drop-In: Early-Out Make-It TakeIt, make a fun make-it take-it craft; best-suited for children
at least 5 years old; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Apr 6

Creation Studio Drop-in: Maker Monday, drop-in

craft projects geared for the older youth and above

but all are welcome; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Apr 11
thru Mon Apr 25

Make a Flower Vase, Card, or a Mothers Day

Frame from Craft Foam, a family craft program; Tue.

6pm, Sat. 10am; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,

Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
6pm Tue Apr 12

Art Lab, for ages 7-plus; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 14

Make a Flower Vase, Card, or a Mothers Day

Frame from Craft Foam, a family craft program; 10am;

free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island

Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10am Sat Apr 16

Creation Studio Drop-in: Mini-Boxes from

Recycled Greeting Cards, ages 8 & up learn how to

transform used greeting cards into beautiful gift boxes;

free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Mon Apr 18

524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,

MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu May 12

Geek&Craft, teens can hang out, eat snacks, and make

Summertime Crafts for Kids, on Tuesdays; grade-

schoolers tap into their creative spirits with these fun

summertime crafts; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
3pm Tue Jun 7

Teens Make a Mug, decorate a mug that reflects your

own special style, and learn some great recipes for fast
mug meals; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 3pm Tue Jun 7

Art in the Middle: Drawing, an art class for middle-

school students; $50-60; for information and to register,

call 563-326-7804, Figge Art Museum, 225 W 2nd St,
Davenport IA, FiggeArtMuseum.org, Wed Jun 8

PBS KIDS Writers Contest, designed to promote

the advancement of childrens literacy skills through

hands-on, active learning; the contest (made possible, in
part, by local financial support from John Deere and the
William Butterworth Foundation) empowers children in
grades K-3 to celebrate creativity and build literacy skills
by writing and illustrating their own stories; children in
the Quad Cities area can submit their entries to WQPT
at: Michael Carton, PBS KIDS Writers Contest, 3300 River
Drive, Moline, IL 61265. WQPT will select local winners and
award prizes in the spring of 2016, WQPT-TV, 3561 60th St,
Moline IL, WQPT.org/storycontest, thru Wed Mar 30

Young Emerging Writers Internship, featuring

intensive experiences on poetry, narrative prose,

collaborative writing, magazine design, layout, and
copy-editing, culminating in the literary journal The
Atlas; 10-12 interns will be selected and will receive a
small stipend, free full registration to the David R. Collins
Writers Conference, one-year MWC membership, and
three copies of The Atlas; the internship runs Monday
through Wednesday evenings June 6 to July 20; for
information, call 563-324-1410, Midwest Writing Center,
225 E 2nd St Suite 303, Davenport IA, MWCQC.org, thru
Thu May 18

Teen Poetry Contest, for grades 6-12; free; for

information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, thru Fri Apr 8
Building with Books Lego Club, ages 4-12 build with
Lego blocks and listen to stories; free; for information,

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Mar 17

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays, for ages 0-5;

stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am thru Thu Mar 31

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays, get ready for

bedtime with stories and activities chosen especially for

your little night owl; pillows, stuffed toys, and jammies
welcome; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport
IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm thru Thu Mar 31

Preschool Storytime, Tuesdays thru Fridays; themed

stories for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am thru Thu Mar 31

Preschool Story Time, on Thursdays; for ages 3-5; free;

for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 10am thru
Thu Mar 31
Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
thru Thu Mar 31

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; ages 0-3 and a caregiver

hear stories, move to music, recite action poems, and
learn finger plays; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm thru
Thu Mar 31

Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Mar 29

Readers Circle, on Tuesdays; help your early readers

expand their skills in a no-stress environment; each week
well focus on a single reading followed by activities
and games that take the story a little deeper; this cross
between a storytime and a book club keeps the reading
enjoyable while helping teach literacy skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Mar 29
Toddler Storytime, on Tuesdays; dancing, singing, and

stories all work together to make learning fun; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Mar 29

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays, for ages

0-5; stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Wed Mar 23
thru Wed Mar 30

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Wed Mar 23 thru Wed Mar 30

Pajama Story Time, ages 4-8 wear their PJs or a

costume and bring their favorite stuffed animal to hear

a few new stories; free; for information, call 309-5242440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Mar 28

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start you and your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed
especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Mar 25

Spartan Writing Club, the PVJH Writing Club meets

in the Elizabeth R Malmros Room; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
6:30pm Mon Mar 28

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; stories, songs, finger

Toddler Tales: Lost & Found, seek what youre

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; hear stories, sing songs,

play, and engage in pre-reading activities; each week
will include a craft designed to help your child develop
basic skills to encourage early school success; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Mar 25

Toddler Tales: Lost & Found, seek what youre

plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Fri Mar 18 thru Fri Mar 25

Tales for Tots!, ages 0-3 and an adult caregiver hear

stories, move to music, recite action poems, and learn

fingerplays; free; for information, call , Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Mar 21

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; themed stories

for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Mar
21 thru Mon Mar 28

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; each event will

looking for at the library with lost & found stories, songs,
and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Mar 29
looking for at the library with lost & found stories, songs,
and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed Mar 30

Teen Poetry Contest, for grades 6-12; free; for
information, call 309-524-2470, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, Fri Apr 1 thru
Fri Apr 8
Toddler Tales: Lost & Found, seek what youre

looking for at the library with lost & found stories, songs,
and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Apr 1

include stories, songs, and a puppet craft; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Mar 28

Baby Bounce, songs, stories, and playtime for ages

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; stories, songs,

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start you and your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed
especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Fri Apr 1 thru Fri Apr 29

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
6:30pm Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Mar 28

Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; ages 0-3 and a caregiver

birth to ages 18 months; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, Fri Apr 1 thru Mon Apr 11

hear stories, move to music, recite action poems, and

learn finger plays; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon
Mar 21 thru Mon Mar 28

Preschool Storytime, Tuesdays thru Fridays; themed

Tales for Tots!, ages 0-3 and an adult caregiver hear

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; stories, songs, finger

stories, move to music, recite action poems, and learn

fingerplays; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Tue Mar 22

stories for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Fri Apr
1 thru Fri Apr 29

plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Fri Apr 1 thru Fri Apr 29

2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

Dance Me a Story: Russian
Folktales, join dancers from

Ballet Quad Cities for an hour of

movement and music; free; for
information, call 309-524-2440,
Moline Public Library, 3210 41st
St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.
com, 2:30pm Wed Apr 6

Toddler Tales: Birds, flutter

into the library for stories,

songs, and a craft; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library
Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Wed Apr 6

Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage @ i wireless Center - March 22

Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; hear stories, sing

songs, play, and engage in pre-reading activities; each

week will include a craft designed to help your child
develop basic skills to encourage early school success;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public
Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Apr 1 thru Fri Apr 29

Tales for Tots!, ages 0-3 and an adult caregiver hear

stories, move to music, recite action poems, and learn

fingerplays; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Apr 4

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; themed stories

for ages 3-5; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Apr
4 thru Mon Apr 25

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; each event will

include stories, songs, and a puppet craft; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Mon Apr 4 thru Mon Apr 25

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
6:30pm Mon Apr 4 thru Mon Apr 25

Tales for Tots!, on Mondays; ages 0-3 and a caregiver

hear stories, move to music, recite action poems, and

learn finger plays; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon
Apr 4 thru Mon Apr 25

Wee Wigglers Toddler Time, on Mondays; for ages

18-36 months at 9:30 & 10:45am; nurture your toddlers

love of books through music, movement, stories, and
art exploration while helping to develop their language,
motor, and social skills; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 9:30am Mon Apr 4 thru Mon Apr 25

Toddler Tales: Birds, flutter into the library for stories,

songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059
30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Tue Apr 5
Preschool Storytime, on Tuesdays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Tue Apr 5 thru Tue Apr 26

Readers Circle, on Tuesdays; help your early readers

expand their skills in a no-stress environment; each week
well focus on a single reading followed by activities
and games that take the story a little deeper; this cross
between a storytime and a book club keeps the reading
enjoyable while helping teach literacy skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Tue Apr 5 thru Tue Apr 26
Toddler Storytime, on Tuesdays; dancing, singing, and
stories all work together to make learning fun; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Apr 5 thru Tue Apr 26

Dance Party Storytime,

Toddler Tales: Michael Carton, WQPT-TVs Carton

joins us to share tips on using PBS programs as an early
childhood learning tool, and will offer fun activities for your
kids; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Wed Apr 13
Toddler Tales: Michael Carton, WQPT-TVs Carton
joins us to share tips on using PBS programs as an early
childhood learning tool, and will offer fun activities for
your kids; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Apr 15
Dance Me a Story: Russian Folktales, join dancers

from Ballet Quad Cities for an hour of movement and

music; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 3pm Sat Apr 16

on Wednesdays, for ages 0-5;

stories and songs are mixed with
movement. yoga, dancing, and
more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Wed Apr 6 thru Wed Apr 27

Tales for Tots!, ages 0-3 and an adult caregiver hear

stories, move to music, recite action poems, learn
fingerplays, and more; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Apr 18

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories, songs,

songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,

Rock Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Apr 19

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Wed Apr 6 thru Wed Apr 27

Reading Assistance Dogs, children have the

opportunity to practice reading aloud to dogs from Quad

City Canines; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Apr 7

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays, for ages 0-5;

stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Thu Apr 7 thru Thu Apr 28

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays, get ready for

bedtime with stories and activities chosen especially for

your little night owl; pillows, stuffed toys, and jammies
welcome; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 7 thru Thu Apr 28

Preschool Storytime, on Thursdays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Thu Apr 7 thru Thu Apr 28

Tales for Tots!, on Thursdays; ages 0-3 and a caregiver

hear stories, move to music, recite action poems, and
learn finger plays; free; for information, call 563-3444175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu
Apr 7 thru Thu Apr 28

Toddler Tales: Birds, flutter into the library for stories,

songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,

Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Apr 8

Spartan Writing Club, the PVJH Writing Club meets

in the Elizabeth R. Malmros Room; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
6:30pm Mon Apr 11

QC CAN: Reading Assistance Dogs, children read

to canines and get the supervised reading practice

necessary to build vocabulary, increase understanding
of the material, and gain fluency as a reader; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 6:30pm Tue Apr 12

Toddler Tales: Michael Carton, WQPT-TVs Carton

joins us to share tips on using PBS programs as an early

childhood learning tool, and will offer fun activities for
your kids; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Apr 12

YA Book Club, join for the books, snacks and friends,

stay for the certificate of completion signed by State
Librarian Jesse White; free; for information, call 309755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue Apr 12

Toddler Tales: Gardening, come for gardening stories,

Toddler Tales: Gardening, come for gardening

stories, songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch,
9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 10:30am Wed Apr 20
Wee Wigglers Evening Edition, for ages 18-36
months; nurture your toddlers love of books through
music, movement, stories, and art exploration while
helping to develop their language, motor, and social
skills; free; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
6pm Wed Apr 20
Teen Poetry Program and Contest, free; for

information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, Thu Apr 21

Toddler Tales: Gardening, come for gardening stories,

songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Apr 22

Pajama Story Time, for ages 5-8; free; for information,

call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Apr 25

Spartan Writing Club, the PVJH Writing Club meets

in the Elizabeth R Malmros Room; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
6:30pm Mon Apr 25
Toddler Tales: Horses, gallop into the library for horse
stories, songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059
30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am
Tue Apr 26
Toddler Tales: Horses, gallop into the library for horse
stories, songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch,
9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 10:30am Wed Apr 27
Toddler Tales: Horses, gallop into the library for horse
stories, songs, and a craft; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Apr 29

Preschool Storytime, on Mondays; each event will

include stories, songs, and a puppet craft; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Mon May 2 thru Mon May 30

Toddler Tales: Painting/Art, artistic stories, songs,

and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue May 3
Readers Circle, on Tuesdays; help your early readers

expand their skills in a no-stress environment; each week


well focus on a single reading followed by activities

and games that take the story a little deeper; this cross
between a storytime and a book club keeps the reading
enjoyable while helping teach literacy skills; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Tue May 3 thru Tue May 31

Toddler Storytime, on Tuesdays; dancing, singing,

and stories all work together to make learning fun;

free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue May 3
thru Tue May 31

Junie B. Jones at the Library, the title character from

the Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse show reads some favorite

passages from her books and help us out with some
crafts; free; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
6:30pm Wed May 4

Toddler Tales: Painting/Art, artistic stories, songs,

and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch, 9010
Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Wed May 4
Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays, for ages

0-5; stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Wed May 4
thru Wed May 25

Preschool Story Time, on Wednesdays; for ages 3-5;

free; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public
Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2pm
Wed May 4 thru Wed May 25
Reading Assistance Dogs, children have the

opportunity to practice reading aloud to dogs from Quad

City Canines; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Thu May 5

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays, for ages 0-5;

stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Thu May 5 thru Thu May 26

Night Owl Storytime, on Thursdays, get ready for

bedtime with stories and activities chosen especially
for your little night owl; pillows, stuffed toys, and
jammies welcome; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu May
5 thru Thu May 26
Toddler Tales: Painting/Art, artistic stories, songs,
and a craft; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri May 6
Baby Bounce, songs, stories, and playtime for ages

birth to ages 18 months; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, Fri May 6 thru Mon May 9

Baby Storytime, on Fridays; jump-start you and your

childs literacy building skills in this storytime designed
especially for you and your 0-12 month old; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Fri May 6 thru Fri May 27
Preschool Storytime, on Fridays; hear stories, sing

songs, play, and engage in pre-reading activities; each

week will include a craft designed to help your child
develop basic skills to encourage early school success;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri May 6
thru Fri May 27

Spartan Writing Club, the PVJH Writing Club meets

in the Elizabeth R Malmros Room; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com,
6:30pm Mon May 9
Nighttime Stories, stories, songs, and a craft; free;

for information, call 309-732-7323, 30/31 Branch, Rock

Island Public Library, 3059 31st Ave, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue May 10



2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.

com, 1pm Sat Jun 4

Stories /

Family Yoga Storytime, start your week off right with

books and yoga in the library childrens garden; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Mon Jun 6

QC CAN: Reading Assistance Dogs, children read

to canines and get the supervised reading practice

necessary to build vocabulary, increase understanding
of the material, and gain fluency as a reader; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 6:30pm Tue May 10

YA Book Club, join for the books, snacks and friends,

stay for the certificate of completion signed by State
Librarian Jesse White; free; for information, call 309755-3393, Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL,
SilvisLibrary.org, 6pm Tue May 10
Nighttime Stories, stories, songs, and a craft; free; for

information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library

Southwest Branch, 9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Wed May 11

Nighttime Stories, stories, songs, and a craft; free;

for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public

Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri May 13

Wee Wigglers Evening Edition, for ages 18-36

months; nurture your toddlers love of books through
music, movement, stories, and art exploration while
helping to develop their language, motor, and social
skills; free; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
6pm Wed May 18
Pajama Story Time, for ages 5-8; free; for information,
call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon May 23
Preschool Storytime, stories, songs, finger plays, and

action rhymes; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue May 31

Toddler Tales, for ages 0-5; stories, songs, activities,

and a craft to help develop your childs early learning

skills; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island
IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue May 31

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays, for ages

0-5; stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Wed Jun 1
thru Wed Jun 8

Preschool Storytime, on Wednesdays; stories, songs,

finger plays, and action rhymes; free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jun 8

Science Storytime, on Wednesdays, for grades K-3;

each week is a different science topic that we tackle with
picture books, discussion, demonstrations, crafts, and
experiments; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport
IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jun 8
Toddler Tales, on Wednesdays for ages 0-5; stories,

songs, activities, and a craft to help develop your childs

early learning skills; free; for information, call 309-7327323, Rock Island Public Library Southwest Branch,
9010 Ridgewood Rd, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.
org, 10:30am Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jun 8

Dance Party Storytime, for ages 0-5; stories and

songs are mixed with movement. yoga, dancing, and

more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Thu Jun 2

Night Owl Storytime, get ready for bedtime with

stories and activities chosen especially for your little

night owl; pillows, stuffed toys, and jammies welcome;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Jun 2

Preschool Storytime, stories, songs, finger plays, and

action rhymes; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

Preschool Storytime, stories, songs, finger plays, and

Douglas Rutzens Coppery Light @ Quad City

Arts Art at the Airport through April 30
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Thu Jun 2

Reading Assistance Dogs, children have the

opportunity to practice reading aloud to dogs from Quad

City Canines; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Jun 2

Stories in the Park, spread out your picnic blanket and

snacks, sit back, and enjoy stories in the park; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fejervary Park, 1800 W 12th
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 11am Thu Jun 2

action rhymes; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Mon Jun 6

Storyteller Darrin Crow, free; for information, call

563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning

Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 11am
Mon Jun 6

Tales for Tots!, ages 0-3 and a caregiver hear stories,

move to music, recite action poems, and learn finger

plays; free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Mon Jun 6

Preschool Storytime, stories, songs, finger plays, and

action rhymes; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Tue Jun 7

move to music, recite action poems, and learn finger

plays; free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Jun 2

Stories in the Park, spread out your picnic blanket

and snacks, sit back, and enjoy stories in the park;
we meet near the duck pond and conservatory;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Vander Veer
Botanical Park, 215 W Central Park, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 11am Tue Jun 7

Baby Bounce, songs, stories, and playtime for ages

Toddler Storytime, dancing, singing, and stories

Tales for Tots!, ages 0-3 and a caregiver hear stories,

birth to ages 18 months; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 9:30am Fri Jun 3

Baby Storytime, jump-start you and your childs literacy

building skills in this storytime designed especially for you

and your 0-12 month old; free; for information, call 563326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Jun 3

Preschool Storytime, stories, songs, finger plays, and

action rhymes; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am Fri Jun 3

Preschool Storytime, hear stories, sing songs, play,

and engage in pre-reading activities; each week will

include a craft designed to help your child develop
basic skills to encourage early school success; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Fri Jun 3

Toddler Tales, for ages 0-5; stories, songs, activities,

and a craft to help develop your childs early learning

skills; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Fri Jun 3

Summer Reading Program, thru July 30; summer

reading program at all Rock Island libraries thru
July 16; free; for information, call 309-732-7323,
RockIslandLibrary.org, Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Summer Reading Program: On Your Mark,

Get Set, Read, thru July 30; annual program at all

Davenport libraries with reading challenges, prizes,

and more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
DavenportLibrary.com, Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Read for the Win!, thru July 30; summer reading

program and prizes for children, young adults, and

adults; free; for information, call 309-524-2470, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
Sat Jun 4 thru Wed Jun 8

Summer Reading Kickoff of Champions, games,

all work together to make learning fun; free; for

information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library
Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Tue Jun 7

Toddler Tales, for ages 0-5; stories, songs, activities,

and a craft to help develop your childs early learning

skills; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island
IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Tue Jun 7

Lego Club, a morning of free-building with Lego

blocks; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,

Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 11am Thu Mar 17

Teen Advisory Group (TAG), all invited to help

determine library activities, with attendance earning
Service Learning Hours; free; for information, call 563289-4242, LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St,
LeClaire IA, LeClaire.lib.ia.us, 6:30pm Thu Mar 17
Teen Anime Night, enjoy Japanese snacks, learn some
Japanese characters, and pick some anime to watch from
the Crunchyroll streaming site; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library,
401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm
Thu Mar 17
Anime Club, on Thursdays; hang out with other anime &
manga fans while we eat noodles and watch our favorite
series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm thru Thu Mar 31
Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on

Saturdays; best-suited for preschoolers, but all ages

welcome; storytimes, active movement, rhythm with
music and dance, and simple crafts; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.
com, 10am Sat Mar 19 thru Sat Mar 26

free food, bounce house, face painting, balloons,

summer reading registration, special performances,
prizes and more fun for the whole family; free; for
information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public
Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL,
RockIslandLibrary.org, 11am Sat Jun 4

PNG Lego Robotics for Beginners, on Mondays; for

information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Mon
Mar 21 thru Mon Mar 28

Summer Reading Program Kick-Off, celebrate the

Various Video Games!, on Mondays; play your

beginning of the Davenport libraries Summer Reading

Program On Your Mark, Get Set, Read with program
sign-up, games, bounce houses, and more; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,

favorites on the Wii U and Xbox 360; free; for information,

call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.
com, 3pm Mon Mar 21 thru Mon Mar 28

Dungeons & Dragons & Donuts, on Tuesdays;

new and experienced players welcome to join this
teen-led Dungeons & Dragons group; donuts and
snacks provided; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Tue Mar
22 thru Tue Mar 29
Homework Helpdesk, on Tuesdays; stop in for help on
your homework; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm
Tue Mar 22 thru Tue Mar 29
Magic: The Gathering Club, for teens; explore Lego
Mindstorms EV3 and Arduino micro-controllers; free;
for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public
Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 3:30pm Wed Mar 23
Exploratorium, on Wednesdays; an experiment in

S.T.E.A.M.-powered programming for grades K-4; free; for

information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210
41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Mar 23
thru Wed Mar 30

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, and
Wii U, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed Mar 23 thru
Wed Mar 30

Star Wars Program, crafts, games, and even a

Stormtrooper will all be part of the fun; costumes are
welcome but not required; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Mar 24
Teen Tuesday, for grades 6- 12; gather for a relaxing

evening of books, music, and a different activity; snacks

will be provided; free; for information, call 309-755-3393,
Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,
5:30pm Tue Mar 29

Early Release Activities, teens can enjoy space in the

Quad dedicated to board games, card games such as
Magic, and even the occasional video game or movie;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Mar 30

Teen Gaming Night, enjoy snacks and play with our

Xbox 360 and Wii video games as well as classic board
games; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Mar 31

After-School Young Adult Hangout, with

programming including video games, Pathfinder,

coloring for relaxation, crafts, board games, and more;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 3pm Fri Apr 1

Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience, on

Saturdays; best-suited for preschoolers, but all ages

welcome; storytimes, active movement, rhythm with
music and dance, and simple crafts; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.
com, 10am Sat Apr 2 thru Sat Apr 30

Afterschool Mania, ages 5-12 are invited to join us

weekly for Play-Doh sculpting, fun crafts, Lego, and

more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Mon Apr 4

PNG Lego Robotics Advanced, on Mondays; for

information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Mon Apr
4 thru Mon Apr 25

Dungeons & Dragons & Donuts, on Tuesdays; new

and experienced players welcome to join this teen-led
Dungeons & Dragons group; donuts and snacks provided;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Tue Apr 5 thru Tue Apr 26
Homework Helpdesk, on Tuesdays; stop in for help on
your homework; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm
Tue Apr 5 thru Tue Apr 26

Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,

5:30pm Tue Apr 26

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

Xbox 360 and Wii video games as well as classic board

games; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu Apr 28

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, and Wii
U, along with laptops available for online gaming; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 2:30pm Wed Apr 6 thru Wed Apr 27

PNG Makey Makey Session One, free; for information,

call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,

Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Apr 7

Teen Advisory Group (TAG), teen help determine

library programming; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Thu Apr 7

Anime Club, on Thursdays; hang out with other anime &

manga fans while we eat noodles and watch our favorite
series; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Thu Apr 7 thru Thu Apr 28

Teen Gaming Night, enjoy snacks and play with our

Afterschool Mania, ages 5-12 are invited to join us

weekly for Play-Doh sculpting, fun crafts, Lego, and

more; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Mon May 2

PNG Renewable Energy Workshop Session, on

Mondays; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
6pm Mon May 2 thru Mon May 23

Lego Club, a morning of free-building with Lego

blocks; free; for information, call 563-344-4175,
Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 11am Sat Apr 9

Dungeons & Dragons & Donuts, on Tuesdays;

new and experienced players welcome to join this
teen-led Dungeons & Dragons group; donuts and
snacks provided; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Tue May
3 thru Tue May 31

Tech Club: Arduino & Mindstorms, for teens; explore

Lego Mindstorms EV3 and Arduino micro-controllers;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Sat Apr 9

Homework Helpdesk, on Tuesdays; stop in for help on

your homework; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm
Tue May 3 thru Tue May 31

Tween Gaming, play our selection of fun and learning

video games just for tweens on our big screen, and meet
other kids who love gaming, too; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
5:30pm Mon Apr 11

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

Anime Club, for grades 6-12 who love anime, manga,

and all things Japanese; drop by to watch anime, enjoy
snacks, and make new friends; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue Apr 12
STEM-azing: Egg Drop, hands-on science,

technology, engineering, and math learning for schoolage kids; engineer carriers and other systems to see if
you can drop your egg to the ground without breaking
it; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock Island
Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock Island
IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 4pm Wed Apr 13

Exploratorium, on Wednesdays; an experiment in

S.T.E.A.M.-powered programming for grades K-4; free;

for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 2pm Wed Apr
13 thru Wed Apr 27

Play and Grow Time, a structured play group, modeling

early literacy skills and information sharing; toddlers ages
three and under can talk, sing, read, and play their way to
early literacy; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library 30/31 Branch, 3059 30th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 10:30am Thu Apr 14

Geek&Craft, teens can hang out, eat snacks, and make

projects featuring geeky tech; free; for information,
call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm
Tue Apr 19
Early Release Activities, teens can enjoy space in the
Quad dedicated to board games, card games such as
Magic, and even the occasional video game or movie;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed Apr 20

Building with Lego Blocks, free; for information, call

309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu Apr 21
Teen Advisory Group (TAG), all invited to help

determine library activities, with attendance earning

Service Learning Hours; free; for information, call 563289-4242, LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St,
LeClaire IA, LeClaire.lib.ia.us, 6:30pm Thu Apr 21

Teen Tuesday, for grades 6- 12; gather for a relaxing

evening of books, music, and a different activity; snacks

will be provided; free; for information, call 309-755-3393,

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, and
Wii U, along with laptops available for online gaming;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Wed May 4 thru
Wed May 25

PNG Makey Makey Session Two, free; for information,

call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St,
Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Thu May 5

Teen Advisory Group (TAG), teen help determine

library programming; free; for information, call 309524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL,
MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Thu May 5

Anime Club, on Thursdays; hang out with other

anime & manga fans while we eat noodles and watch
our favorite series; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Thu May 5
thru Thu May 26
Exploratorium, on Thursdays; an experiment in

S.T.E.A.M.-powered programming for grades K-4; free;

for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library,
3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 10am Thu
May 5 thru Thu May 26

Mad Hatter Tea Party, enjoy lemonade, yard games,

and more mad fun; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Sat May 7

Tech Club: Arduino & Mindstorms, for teens; explore

Lego Mindstorms EV3 and Arduino micro-controllers;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Sat May 7
Tween Gaming, play our selection of fun and learning
video games just for tweens on our big screen, and meet
other kids who love gaming, too; free; for information,
call 309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main
Library, 401 19th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
5:30pm Mon May 9
Anime Club, for grades 6-12 who love anime, manga,
and all things Japanese; drop by to watch anime, enjoy
snacks, and make new friends; free; for information, call
309-524-2470, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline
IL, MolineLibrary.com, 3:30pm Tue May 10
Early Release Activities, teens can enjoy space in the
Quad dedicated to board games, card games such as
Magic, and even the occasional video game or movie;
free; for information, call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf
Public Library, 2950 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
BettendorfLibrary.com, 1pm Wed May 11

2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader




2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

Dungeons & Dragons & Donuts, new and

experienced players welcome to join this teen-led
Dungeons & Dragons group; donuts and snacks
provided; free; for information, call 563-326-7832,
Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Tue Jun 7

Library Events /

Play and Grow Time, a structured play group,

modeling early literacy skills and information sharing;

toddlers ages three and under can talk, sing, read, and
play their way to early literacy; free; for information, call
309-732-7323, Rock Island Public Library 30/31 Branch,
3059 30th St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org,
10:30am Thu May 12



Geek&Craft, teens can hang out, eat snacks, and make

projects featuring geeky tech; free; for information, call

563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 5pm Tue May 17

Peppa Pigs Big Splash Live, an action-packed live

show based on the hit TV series; $29.50-49.50; for tickets,

call 800-745-3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar
Rapids IA, ParamountTheatreCR.com, 6pm Fri Mar 18

Building with Lego Blocks, for ages 4-12; free; for

information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210

41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6:30pm Thu May 19

The Frog & the Princess, Brandon Roberts familytheatre adaptation of The Frog Prince; Saturdays at 1pm
(Apr. 9 at 10am & 1pm); $10; for tickets and information, call
319-622-6262, Old Creamery Theatre, 39 38th Ave, Amana
IA, OldCreamery.com, 1pm Sat Mar 26 thru Sat Apr 9

Teen Advisory Group (TAG), all invited to help

determine library activities, with attendance earning

Service Learning Hours; free; for information, call 563289-4242, LeClaire Community Library, 323 Wisconsin St,
LeClaire IA, LeClaire.lib.ia.us, 6:30pm Thu May 19

Peter and the Wolf, listen to Prokofiefs beloved music

as you watch Peter outsmart the wolf; Eulenspiegel
Puppets use beautifully crafted large tabletop puppets
and rod puppets to tell this favorite tale of a young boy,
his grandfather, his pets, and the creatures that live in
the meadow; for information, call 319-627-2487, Owl
Glass Puppetry Center, 319 N Calhoun, West Liberty IA,
PuppetsPuppets.com, Sun Mar 27

Teen Anime Night, enjoy Japanese snacks, learn some

Japanese characters, and pick some anime to watch from

the Crunchyroll streaming site; free; for information, call 309732-7323, Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th
St, Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu May 19

Early Release Activities, teens can enjoy space in the

Quad dedicated to board games, card games such as
Magic, video games, and movies; free; for information,
call 563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.
com, 1pm Wed May 25

Teen Gaming Night, enjoy snacks and play with our

Xbox 360 and Wii video games as well as classic board
games; free; for information, call 309-732-7323, Rock
Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St, Rock
Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 6pm Thu May 26

Teen Tuesday, for grades 6- 12; gather for a relaxing

evening of books, music, and a different activity; snacks

will be provided; free; for information, call 309-755-3393,
Silvis Public Library, 105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org,
5:30pm Tue May 31

Teen Gaming, on Wednesdays; our current gaming

systems include PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii, and Wii
U, along with laptops available for online gaming; free; for
information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library,
3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 2:30pm Wed Jun 1 thru Wed Jun 8

Anime Club, hang out with other anime & manga fans
while we eat noodles and watch our favorite series;
free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 4pm Thu Jun 2
PNG Makey Makey Session Three, free; for

information, call 309-524-2440, Moline Public Library,

3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com, 6pm Thu Jun 2

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

Janet Checkers Brazil @ Quad City Arts Center

through April 1

Peppa Pigs Big Splash Live, an action-packed live

show based on the hit TV series; $29.50-39.50; for tickets,
call 800-745-3000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson
Ave, Peoria IL, PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 6pm Wed Mar 30

April & May

People in Motion, family-friendly outdoor games

and activities; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 3pm Thu Jun 2

Annie, Tony-winning musical comedy based on the

Childs Play: Create, Explore, Experience,

Junie B. Jones: The Musical, family musical based on

Barbara Parks beloved book series, directed by Kimberly
Furness; scheduled performances Tue., Thu., Fri., & Sat.;
$8.50; for tickets and information, call 309-786-7733 ext.
2, Circa 21 Dinner Playhouse, 1828 3rd Ave., Rock Island
IL, Circa21.com, Tue Apr 19 thru Sat May 21

best-suited for preschoolers, but all ages welcome;

storytimes, active movement, rhythm with music and
dance, and simple crafts; free; for information, call
563-344-4175, Bettendorf Public Library, 2950 Learning
Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, BettendorfLibrary.com, 10am
Sat Jun 4

PNG By Land! By Air! By Sea!, for information, call

309-524-2440, Moline Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline

IL, MolineLibrary.com, 3pm Sat Jun 4

Minecraft Mondays, connect with other kids as we

play Minecraft in the computer lab; free; for information,

call 563-326-7832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N
Fairmount St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm
Mon Jun 6

Pizza John Club for Teens, hang out with other John
Green fans as we explore his best-selling young adult books,
movies, and popular Youtube videos while eating lots of
pizza; free; for information, call 563-326-7804, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2:30pm Mon Jun 6

beloved comic-strip character; for tickets, call 800-7453000, Peoria Civic Center, 201 SW Jefferson Ave, Peoria IL,
PeoriaCivicCenter.com, 7:30pm Tue Apr 12 and Wed Apr 13

King Midas & the Miraculous Golden Touch, the

Young Footliters presentation of the family comedy,
directed by Jean Grewe; Fri. 7pm, Sat. 2 & 7pm; for
information and tickets, call 319-248-9370, Coralville
Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St, Coralville
IA, YoungFootliters.wordpress.com, Fri Apr 22 and
Sat Apr 23

The Magical Lamp of Aladdin, student-performed

adaptation of popular legend, written by Tim Kelly, directed

by Jessica Sheridan; Sat. 1 & 4pm, Sun. 2pm; $6-8 at the door;
for information, call 563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre,
2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.
org, 1pm Sat Apr 30 thru Sat May 7

Wild Kratts Live!, all-new stage adventure based on

the hit TV series; $29.75-99.75; for tickets, call 800-745-

3000, Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,

ParamountTheatreCR.com, Sat May 7

Acting for Ages 10-12, Mondays thru Aug. 15; this
imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:45pm Mon Jun 6
Acting for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru Aug. 15; this

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic

theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:30pm Mon Jun 6

Acting for Ages 7-9, Mondays thru Aug. 15; this

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic

theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:15pm Mon Jun 6

Broadway for Ages 5-6, Mondays thru Aug. 15; become a

triple threat by learning what it takes to dance, sing, and act;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm Mon Jun 6
Broadway for Ages 7-9, Mondays thru Aug. 15;
become a triple threat by learning what it takes
to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:15pm Mon Jun 6
Creative Theatre Fun for Ages 3-4, Mondays thru

Aug. 15; students explore creative role-play, mime,

imaginary play, basic improvisation, movement,
crafts, and games to develop a healthy and physical
imagination; $108-135; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.
com, 4pm Mon Jun 6

Teen Acting, Mondays thru Aug. 15; a great way to

get professional theatrical training, some onstage

experience, and meet other teens from around
the theatre circuit in the Quad Cities; $108-135;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7pm Mon Jun 6

Acting for Ages 10-12, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; this

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:30pm Tue Jun 7
Acting for Ages 5-6, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; this

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic

theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for

2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:15pm Tue Jun 7

Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport

IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:30pm Wed Jun 8

Acting for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16; this

17; become a triple threat by learning what it takes

to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:30pm Wed Jun 8

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic

theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5:45pm
Tue Jun 7

Advanced Acting for Ages 9-13, Tuesdays thru

Aug. 16; this class deepens the imagination and
technique of storytelling, and uses a variety of tools to
develop new skills while reinforcing old ones; $116-145;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:30pm Tue Jun 7
Broadway Babies for Ages 3-4, Tuesdays thru Aug.
16; explore storytelling through song and dance; this
class develops coordination and social skills through
exercises, movement, crafts, and games; $108-135;
for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm Tue Jun 7
Broadway for Ages 10-12, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16;
become a triple threat by learning what it takes
to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:15pm Tue Jun 7

Broadway for Ages 7-9, Tuesdays thru Aug. 16;

become a triple threat by learning what it takes

to dance, sing, and act; $108-135; for information
and to register, call 563-326-7862, Davenport
Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 5pm Tue Jun 7

Intermediate Acting for Ages 10-13, Tuesdays

thru Aug. 16; build on skills learned in previous courses;

physicality, characterization, and vocalization skills are
expanded; $108-135; for information and to register, call
563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern
Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 7pm
Tue Jun 7

Acting for Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; this

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:45pm Wed Jun 8
Acting for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; this
imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic
theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4pm Wed Jun 8
Acting for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; this

imaginative, high-energy environment provides basic

theatre terminology, improvisation, characterization,
vocal technique, and physical skills; $108-135; for
information and to register, call 563-326-7862,

Broadway for Ages 5-6, Wednesdays thru Aug.

Creative Theatre Fun for Ages 3-4, Wednesdays

thru Aug. 17; students explore creative role-play,
mime, imaginary play, basic improvisation, movement,
crafts, and games to develop a healthy and physical
imagination; $108-135; for information and to register,
call 563-326-7862, Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822
Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.
com, 5:15pm Wed Jun 8
Improv for Ages 10-12, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17;
through a collection of games and exercises, students
develop the ability to think quickly and imaginatively;
$108-135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA,
DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 6:15pm Wed Jun 8
Improv for Ages 7-9, Wednesdays thru Aug. 17; through
a collection of games and exercises, students develop
the ability to think quickly and imaginatively; $108135; for information and to register, call 563-326-7862,
Davenport Junior Theatre, 2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport
IA, DavenportJuniorTheatre.com, 4:45pm Wed Jun 8


Russian Fairytales, Ballet Quad Cities presentation
of Stravinskys Petrushka and The Firebird, with live
accompaniment by Orchestra Iowa; Sat. 7:30pm, Sun.
2:30pm; $19-54; for information, call 309-786-3779,
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA,
BalletQuadCities.com, Sat Apr 23 and Sun Apr 24
Russian Fairytales, Ballet Quad Cities presentation

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays, for ages 0-5;

stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,
dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.
com, 10am Thu Mar 17 thru Thu Mar 31

Dance Me A Story: The Little Engine That Could,

Ballet Quad Cities makes literature come to life through

dance, with a craft activity to follow; presentations
at 11:30am & 1pm; free with $3-5 admission; for
information, call 563-322-8844, German American
Heritage Center, 712 W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org,
11:30am Wed Mar 23

Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays, for ages

0-5; stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Wed Mar 23
thru Wed Mar 30

Dance Me a Story: Russian Folktales, join dancers

from Ballet Quad Cities for an hour of movement and

music; free; for information, call 309-524-2440, Moline
Public Library, 3210 41st St, Moline IL, MolineLibrary.com,
2:30pm Wed Apr 6

Dance Me a Story: Russian Folktales, join dancers

from Ballet Quad Cities for an hour of movement and

music; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Fairmount
Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St, Davenport IA,
DavenportLibrary.com, 3pm Sat Apr 16

May & June

Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes, offering
classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap, Conditioning,
Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet, for ages 3 to adult;
all classes taught by the companys professional dancers;
for information and to register, call 309-786-2677, Ballet
Quad Cities School of Dance, 617 17th St, Rock Island IL,
BalletQuadCities.com, thru Wed Jun 8
Dance Party Storytime, on Wednesdays, for ages

of Stravinskys Petrushka and The Firebird, with live

accompaniment by Orchestra Iowa; at 1:30 & 7:30pm; $1031; for information, call 309-786-3779, Adler Theatre, 136 E
3rd St, Davenport IA, BalletQuadCities.com, Sat Apr 30

0-5; stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Fairmount Street Library, 3000 N Fairmount St,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 10am Wed May 4
thru Wed Jun 8

Ballet Under the Stars, Ballet Quad Cities annual

Dance Party Storytime, on Thursdays, for ages 0-5;

outdoor presentation of dance vignettes; donations

encouraged; for information, call 309-786-3779, Lincoln
Park, 11th Ave & 38th St, Rock Island IL, BalletQuadCities.
com, 8pm Fri Jun 3 thru Sun Jun 5


March & April
Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance Classes,

offering classes in Ballet Pointe, Modern, Jazz, Tap,

Conditioning, Creative Movement, and Adult Ballet,
for ages 3 to adult; all classes taught by the companys
professional dancers; for information and to register,
call 309-786-2677, Ballet Quad Cities School of Dance,
617 17th St, Rock Island IL, BalletQuadCities.com,
thru Sat Apr 30

stories and songs are mixed with movement. yoga,

dancing, and more; free; for information, call 563-3267832, Davenport Public Library Eastern Ave Branch,
6000 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com,
10am Thu May 5 thru Thu Jun 2

Earth Balloon, take off your shoes and experience
the Earth from the inside; Earth Balloon is a 20-foot
diameter model of the Earth made of high resolution
satellite images and true-to-life colors; programs
run approximately 20 minutes every half-hour, last
show begins at 3:30pm; free with $4-7 admission;
for information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail


familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900

Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org,
10am Thu Mar 17

Star Gazing, dress warmly for an evening of star gazing

brought to you in memory of Gary Aronson, a long-time
board member and astronomy enthusiast who donated
his wonderful telescope to the Family Museum; free
with $4-7 admission; for information, call 563-3444106 or e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family
Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 7pm Thu Mar 17

The Discovery of King Tut, a 14,800-square-foot

touring exhibition featuring nearly 1,000 reproductions
of treasures discovered in Tutankhamuns Egyptian
tomb, audio tours based on Howard Carters diaries,
video documentaries, and extensive texts, and more; $819 w/ $7-8 museum admission, $5 add-on for screenings
of Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs; for information,
call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center,
1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, thru Wed
Jun 8
Dan Wardell from IPTV, join us for reading and singing
and silliness with IPTV Kids Club host Wardell; free with
$4-7 admission; for information, call 563-344-4106 or
e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family Museum,
2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.
org, 10:30am Fri Mar 18

Friday Family Night: Starry Night, spend some

quality time with your family and local astronomers;
gaze upon heavenly bodies with an astronomers
telescope, hear stories about the constellations,
sit amongst the stars in the Star Lab, check out the
Science Center, and watch Space Junk 3D on the
Giant Screen; for information, call 563-324-1933,
Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St,
Davenport IA, putnam.org/Calendar/StarryNight, 5pm
Fri Mar 18
Star Wars Day, come in costume and enjoy a

day devoted to Star Wars; meet Darth Vader, make

a pretend lightsaber and R2D2, and learn some
Saber Combat moves through a Mini Jedi Training
Academy; Lightsaber Duel: 10:45am and 1:45pm;
Young Jedi Training: 11am-noon and 2-3pm; Photo
Ops: 10-10:45am, 1-1:45 pm, and 3-4pm; free with $4-7
admission; for information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail
familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.
org, 10:30am Sat Mar 19

Easter Basket Decorating, featuring tables full

of Easter decorations to bedazzle; choose your own

basket or bring one from home; for information, call
563-242-0343, Clinton Sawmill Museum, 2231 Grant
St, Clinton IA, TheSawmillMuseum.org, 1pm Sat
Mar 19

Dance Me A Story: The Little Engine That Could,

Ballet Quad Cities makes literature come to life through

dance, with a craft activity to follow; presentations at
11:30am & 1pm; free with $3-5 admission; for information,
call 563-322-8844, German American Heritage Center, 712
W 2nd St, Davenport IA, GAHC.org, 11:30am Wed Mar 23

Indoor Easter Egg Hunt for Ages 1-3, featuring

some eggs that glow in the dark; for information, call
563-242-0343, Clinton Sawmill Museum, 2231 Grant St,
Clinton IA, TheSawmillMuseum.org, 10:30am Sat Mar 26



2016 Spring KWQC Family Fun Guide Published by the River Cities Reader

More Than 300 Events in Our Kids Calendar RiverCitiesReader.com

Mt. Vernon-Lisbon Easter Egg Dash, free to all
attendees, with more than 3,000 individual plastic eggs
filled with candy and prizes; for information, e-mail
jennielstoner@gmail.com or call 480-241-6417, Mount
Vernon High School, 731 Palisades Rd SW, Mt. Vernon IA,
VisitMVL.com, 10am Sat Mar 26

Museums /

Indoor Easter Egg Hunt for Ages 3-5, featuring

some eggs that glow in the dark; for information, call

563-242-0343, Clinton Sawmill Museum, 2231 Grant St,
Clinton IA, TheSawmillMuseum.org, 11:30am Sat Mar 26

April thru June

Indoor Easter Egg Hunt for Ages 5-8, featuring

Rock Island Arsenals 3rd Annual Youth

Summertime Activities Expo, businesses from all

some eggs that glow in the dark; for information, call

563-242-0343, Clinton Sawmill Museum, 2231 Grant St,
Clinton IA, TheSawmillMuseum.org, 12:30pm Sat Mar 26

over the QC area will have booths to provide information

to parents on what activities they have for youth during
the upcoming summer; participate in the vendor quiz
scavenger hunt to be eligible to win some great prizes
from our sponsors including a $100 gift certificate good for
Girl Scouts Summer Camp at Camp Liberty and a Jumbie
Jam Steel Drum Kit from West Music; for information, call
309-782-3049, Rock Island Arsenal Fitness Center, Bld. 67,
Arsenal Island, Rock Island IL, RIAMWR.com/wp-content/
uploads/YSAE-2016.png, 11am Sat Apr 2

Putnam Programmers Pro III, Mondays thru May 2, for

grades 4-8; participants will build and program the new
EV3Mindstorms Lego kit; at the end of this six week session,
participants will hold their own mini-robotics competition
on a custom Lego competition field; $80; for information,
call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717
W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, 3:45pm Mon Mar 28
Putnam Programmers Pro II, Tuesdays thru May 3,
for grades 4-8; use advanced language in Turtle Art to
create complex designs and a frameable masterpiece;
learn how loops and actions in SCRATCH can make your
programming more user friendly and efficient; build on
your BLOCKY knowledge and program our newest robots
to perform a musical light show; $80; for information, call
563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W
12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, 3:45pm Tue Mar 29
Directors Cut Pro, Thursdays thru May 5, for grades 4-8;

learn about creating a storyboard, how to use a green screen

and adding music to help tell your story; produce, edit and
direct your own short film; at the end of the six-week session
walk the Giant Screen theater red carpet as you premiere
your film to family and friends; $80; for information, call 563324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St,
Davenport IA, Putnam.org, 3:45pm Thu Mar 31

Favorite Stuffed Friend Night at the Family
Museum, bring your favorite stuffed friend to the Family

Museum to play in the galleries, make a special craft, and

eat pizza with you; then at 5pm, you will have to go home,
but your favorite stuffed friend gets to play in the Museum
for the whole night; your stuffed friend will be ready to
go home at 10am on Saturday, and they will have pictures
to show you about all the fun they had; $15/child; for
information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@
bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus
Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, 3pm Fri Apr 1

Egg Drop Kerplop, create a safe and fun ELV (Egg Landing

Vehicle) and we will drop your creation Over the Ledge;

the drop begins at noon; free with $4-7 admission; for
information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@
bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr,
Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, 10am Sat Apr 2

Putnam Explorers Jr., for grades preK-1; hands-on

learning that invites students to dive deep into exciting

concepts; for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam
Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA,
Putnam.org, 9am Sat Apr 2

Putnam Explorers, for grades 2-6; hands-on learning

that invites students to dive deep into exciting concepts;

for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, 1:30pm Sun Apr 3

Tuesday Night Jam!, members of the QC Rock Academy

will come and let kids jam; try some drums, guitar, or play
some notes on our Monster Piano; for information, call
563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org,
Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 5:30pm Mon Apr 4
Special Needs Night, an exclusive event for
families with children who have special needs;
$7; for information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail
familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org,
5:30pm Fri Apr 15
Earth Day Activities Provided by Bettendorf Middle
School Students, fun, hands-on, and interactive Earth

Science activities led by 6th grade Bettendorf Middle

School students; held from 10-11am 11:30-12:30pm,
and 1:30-2:30pm; free with $4-7 museum admission; for
information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@

QCSO Family Music Carnival, join the Quad City

Heart @ i wireless Center - May 17

Symphony Orchestra for a fun day full of music and arts

for the whole family featuring a Palooza Performance
Stage and Fun Zone activities including a musical
instrument petting zoo, create-your-own childhood
time capsule, make-up-a-song, dance-me-a-story,
and more; free, Davenport RiverCenter, 136 E 3rd St,
Davenport IA, QCSO.org, 10am Sat Apr 9

bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr,

Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org, 10am Fri Apr 22

563-324-1933, Putnam Museum & Science Center, 1717 W 12th

St, Davenport IA, Putnam.org, thru Wed Jun 8

Natashas Birthday, a birthday party for the

Teen Dinner and a Movie, eat pizza and watch a retro

movie about an average red-head girl with an unrequited
crush and parents who forget her birthday; Sponsored by
Silvis Optimist International Club #12322, Silvis Public Library,
105 8th St, Silvis IL, SilvisLibrary.org, 5:30pm Tue Mar 22

Niabi Zoo Homeschool Program: Birds, for ages

The Peanuts Movie, a free screening of the animated

movie and popcorn; for information, call 309-732-7323,
Rock Island Public Library Main Library, 401 19th St,
Rock Island IL, RockIslandLibrary.org, 11am Sat Mar 26

Zoo Tots, event for ages 2-4 in which up-close animal

museums resident tortoise; free with $4-7 museum

admission; for information, call 563-344-4106 or e-mail
familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family Museum, 2900
Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA, FamilyMuseum.org,
10:30am Sat Apr 23

Go Birding Day, learn about many of your favorite

birds, build a nest, do the Chicken Dance, and more;

free with $4-7 museum admission; for information, call
563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org,
Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf
IA, FamilyMuseum.org, 10:30am Sat Apr 30

May & June

Putnam Explorers, for grades 2-6; hands-on learning
that invites students to dive deep into exciting concepts;
for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, 1:30pm Sun May 1
Tuesday Night Jam!, members of the QC Rock Academy
will come and let kids jam; try some drums, guitar, or play
some notes on our Monster Piano; for information, call
563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org,
Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 5:30pm Mon May 2
Scratch Cupcakery Truck, these delicious treats

might make the perfect Mothers Day gift; free with $4-7
museum admission; for information, call 563-344-4106
or e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org, Family
Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 11am Sat May 7

Putnam Explorers, for grades 2-6; hands-on learning

that invites students to dive deep into exciting concepts;
for information, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, 1:30pm Sun Jun 5
Tuesday Night Jam!, members of the QC Rock Academy

will come and let kids jam; try some drums, guitar, or play
some notes on our Monster Piano; for information, call
563-344-4106 or e-mail familymuseum@bettendorf.org,
Family Museum, 2900 Learning Campus Dr, Bettendorf IA,
FamilyMuseum.org, 5:30pm Mon Jun 6

Mummies: Secrets of the Pharaohs, an Egyptian
edu-documentary on the giant screen; for tickets and
showtimes, call 563-324-1933, Putnam Museum &
Science Center, 1717 W 12th St, Davenport IA, Putnam.
org, thru Wed Jun 8
National Parks Adventure 3D, MacGillivray Freeman Films
presents the ultimate off-trail adventure into the nations
awe-inspiring great outdoors and untamed wilderness,
narrated by Robert Redford; for tickets and showtimes, call

Friday Movie Matinee, on Fridays; catch some of

your favorite animated movies for a relaxing afternoon

treat; free; for information, call 563-326-7832, Davenport
Public Library Eastern Ave. Branch, 6000 Eastern Ave,
Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Fri Jun 3

Movies at Main, on Tuesdays; join us for kids movies

on the big screen and popcorn; free; for information, call
563-326-7832, Davenport Public Library (Main), 321 Main
St, Davenport IA, DavenportLibrary.com, 2pm Tue Jun 7

WQPTs Imagination Station Event, PBS characters

including Clifford, Arthur, Curious George, Word Girl, Super

Why, Peg + Cat, Daniel Tiger, Cookie Monster and more
will be present, and each PBS character will have their
own stations with activities, stories and career exploration
tracks; sessions at 10am & noon; for information, call
309-764-2400, Western Illinois University Quad Cities,
Riverfront, 3300 River Dr, Moline IL, Sat Mar 19

Easter Playgroup, for information, e-mail info@

quadcitymomsblog.com, Chick-fil-A at Davenport, 2945
E 53rd St, Davenport IA, 9am Tue Mar 22
Homeschool: Fish Shocking and ID, Students will

learn about fish shocking; we will then go out and take a

fish survey and learn how to identify the species found
here; for grades K-9; $6-8; for information, call 563-3235196, Nahant Marsh, 4220 Wapello Ave, Davenport IA,
NahantMarsh.org, 2:30pm Fri Mar 25

Memorial Field Easter Egg Hunt, there will be golden

egg hunts for kids up to 12 years old, free keepsake

pictures with the Easter Bunny, a Teddy Bear Clinic (bring
your favorite stuffed friend for a check-up from the Health
Clinic staff), food & drink, balloon animals by Zany Janie,
and prize drawings including a $50 Toys-R-Us gift card; for
information, call 309-782-3420, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock
Island IL, RIAMWR.com/wp-content/uploads/Easter-EggHunt-2016.png, 10am Sat Mar 26

LeClaire Easter Egg Hunt, with food, live music,

bounce house, photos with the Easter Bunny, and

more; donations encouraged, Hollyhock Park, 500-598
Reynolds St, LeClaire IA, VisitLeClaire.com/events.html,
11am Sat Mar 26

5-12; from beaks to feathers to feet, well discover what

makes these animals so amazing; $7-14; for information,
call 309-799-3482, Niabi Zoo, 13010 Niabi Zoo Rd, Coal
Valley IL, NiabiZoo.com, 9:30am Wed Apr 13

encounters, crafts, and a story make the animal world

come alive; todays subject: the letter H, from hyrax to
hogs; Thu. & Sat. 9:30am; $6-12; for information, call 309799-3482., Niabi Zoo, 13010 Niabi Zoo Rd, Coal Valley IL,
NiabiZoo.com, 9:30am Thu Apr 14

Zoo Tots, event for ages 2-4 in which up-close animal

encounters, crafts, and a story make the animal world
come alive; todays subject: the letter H, from hyrax to
hogs; $6-12; for information, call 309-799-3482., Niabi
Zoo, 13010 Niabi Zoo Rd, Coal Valley IL, NiabiZoo.com,
9:30am Sat Apr 16

eXtreme kids: Nature at Night, for grades 3-5;

explore the night through games, activities, hiking,

and a campfire; $10; for information, call 319-523-8381,
Langwood Education Center, 14001 H Ave, Wapello IA,
LouisaCountyConservation.org, 6:30pm Tue Apr 19

4-H Military Scrapbooking Club, for ages 12-18; at

the Cession Room in Building 60; get your smartphone

or Instagram photos printed off and into a memorable
scrapbook; embellish a unique scrapbook each month
and learn new scrapbook techniques; $20 supply fee;
for information and to register, call 309-756-9978, Rock
Island Arsenal, Rock Island IL, web.extension.illinios.edu/
hmrs/4hpyd, 5:30pm Wed Apr 20

National Junior Ranger Day, for information, call 563873-3491 ext. 202, Effigy Mounds National Monument, 151
Hwy 76, Harpers Ferry IA, NPS.gov/efmo, 10am Sat Apr 23
eXtreme Adventures: Discover Scuba, for grades
6-8; we will be spending time learning about safety and
different practices of diving before we grab our gear and
test our skills in the indoor pool; $30; for information, call
319-523-8381, Louisa County Conservation Office, 12635
County Rd G56, Wapello IA, LouisaCountyConservation.
org, 8:30am Sat Apr 23
Dr. Scott Talks Dinosaurs!, family-themed interactive
presentation on the ins and outs of being a dinosaur
paleontologist with the host of PBS Dinosaur Train;
$25; for tickets and information, call 319-688-2653,
Englert Theatre, 221 E Washington St, Iowa City IA,
Englert.org, 1:30pm Sun May 15
4-H Military Scrapbooking Club, for ages 12-18; at
the Cession Room in Building 60; get your smartphone
or Instagram photos printed off and into a memorable
scrapbook; embellish a unique scrapbook each month
and learn new scrapbook techniques; $20 supply fee;
for information and to register, call 309-756-9978, Rock
Island Arsenal, Rock Island IL, web.extension.illinios.edu/
hmrs/4hpyd, 5:30pm Wed May 18

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Continued From Page 3

Industrial Spot Zoning Would Carry a Hefty Price Tag for Scott County
purposes rather than sacrificing higher best uses
of land presently zoned for other purposes.
There are many unintended consequences
with mega-sites that need little imagination to
conjure. Research shows that newer, more-modernized facilities replace a substantial amount of
labor with robotics. And it is not uncommon for
construction jobs to be imported from out-ofstate rather than using local talent, union or not.
None of this is addressed in the language
authorizing the Industrial Floating Zone, which

is a creative name for spot zoning. The trouble

with this mega-site allowance is that it isnt confined to a specific location. Instead, it opens up
the entire unincorporated area of Scott County,
leaving all rural property owners exposed.
Also problematic is the legality of this
Industrial Floating Zone, because by any other
name it is spot zoning. Prudently, the P&Z
commission requested a legal opinion on the
proposed change to the CLUP. Assistant County
Attorney Robert Cusack obliged with a reasoned

opinion finding that, while the inclusion of the

Industrial Floating Zone in the CLUP is legal, its
implementation will likely give rise to legal challenges. His opinion is based almost exclusively
on the illegality of spot zoning.
An Industrial Floating Zone is an ill-conceived recommendation, and the public needs
to stand with our rural community against the
special interests of county bureaucrats, bankers,
real-estate developers, and the Quad Cities
Chamber and its lobbyists all of whom have


By Kathleen McCarthy

a seat on the P&Z commission, leading to this

recommendation getting unanimous approval.
Members of the commission include Clayton
Lloyd (the retired head of community and economic development for the City of Davenport),
Dan Portes (CEO of Management Resources
Group and chair of Iowa Growth PAC, which
is affiliated with the Quad Cities Chamber),
Tony Knobbe (retired president of Quad Cities
Wells Fargo Bank), Lynn Gibson (who works in
business development for Bush Construction/
Real Estate Development), Carolyn Scheibe
(executive director of the Eldridge-North Scott
Chamber of Commerce), and Marsha Findlay
(the retired vice president of Brenton Bank). The
only rural voice on the commission, by design,
is Hans Schnekloth of Schnekloth Farms. (See
RCReader.com/y/spot4.)Over the past two
years, all commission members who rejected
interfering with ag preservation via re-zoning
mechanisms were replaced with people who
support the change.
Furthermore, County Administrator Dee
Bruemmer has said publicly to the Board of
Supervisors that, as a participant in the Quad
Cities Chambers regional economic-development efforts, she has signed confidentiality
agreements about businesses interested in locating here. She added that while details could not
be shared, the county is falling short of meeting
big companies expectations. But the Board
of Supervisors constituents are Scott County
taxpayers, and board members shouldnt blindly
go along with staff objectives without all the
relevant information.
The public should weigh in with the Board
of Supervisors on this matter at the March 24
public hearing. Let the supervisors know that
they will not be re-elected if they vote to approve
this amendment to the CLUP.
The public needs to remind this board of the
near-unanimous support for ag preservation.
Countywide surveys conducted several years
ago as part of the countys customer outreach
revealed strong support for ag preservation.
With no equivocation, one of the top priorities cited by both urban and rural residents is
preserving our agricultural land due to its
exceptional soil quality. Scott County residents
are well aware that we are singularly blessed as
a community with this precious asset. Trading
down by approving the Industrial Floating Zone
for any portion of Scott County ag land would be
a violation of the communitys trust not just by
our elected supervisors, but also by any county
staff that supports such risk-abundant land use.
Scott Countians need to internalize that
standing against an Industrial Floating Zone in
Scott County is first and foremost about protecting property rights, not objecting to economic
development. Nothing is more central to our liberty, the rule of law, and our way of life. Big business and big government know they have to pay
to play. So the only way regular folks win over
the interests of big business and big government
is to show up. You must be present to win.


River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016


Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

By Brent Tubbs

Heres to the Ladies Who Launch

Mama Wont Fly, at the Playcrafters Barn Theatre through March 20

rom the moment you step foot into the

Playcrafters Barn Theatre for its production of Mama Wont Fly a comedy by
the popular team of Jamie Wooten, Jessie
Jones, and Nicholas Hope youll hear
Route 66 cruising music that gets you in the
mood to take a road trip. The show itself
subsequently delivers that trip, plus a few
extra surprises.
When Southern charmer Savannah
Honeycutt (Stephanie Moeller) promises
her brother that shell get their mother to his
California wedding on time simply by flying
her there from Alabama, she has no idea that
Mama has other plans. And Karrie McLaughlin does a fantastic job as Mama Norleen
Sprunt, playing the hard edges of a woman that
her daughter initially despises for meddling
in her business, and the soft tenderness of a
mother who, in the end, really just cares
though maybe too much. McLaughlins performance, which walks a fine line between mean
and loving, has a Roseanne Barr quality to it;
she may appear to merely be a likable eccentric
quick with catty one-liners, but at her center is
someone longing to connect with her daughter.
Mama tells Savannah she has a fear
of flying, and decides instead to drive to
California with Savannah riding shotgun,
much to Savannahs chagrin. To top off this
scenario ripe for disaster, Mamas sons fiance Hayley Quinn shows up to take the trip
with them. Hayley is a ball of energy, laughs,
and a thousand words per minute, and
Sydney Dexter portrays this Southern-belle
bride-to-be with a perfect amount of pep,
smiles, and nerves. During Mama Wont
Flys March 8 preview performance, one of
Dexters shining comedic moments came
with Hayley in the backseat of the car during
a singing montage a bit that proved that
while she may be a Southern belle, Hayleys
singing voice sure doesnt sound like a bell.
After many last-minute bathroom breaks,
the ladies road trip gets underway and
the script plays out like a sketch-comedy
show, taking us to different locations and
having one-liners or punchlines cap the
end of every scene. The fast pacing in each
sequence allows the audience to travel
through a long list of locations including an
Irish cowboy bar, a family reunion in Texas,
a dingy hotel room, a wedding chapel in
Vegas complete with disco ball and bubbles,
and even a bra museum whose curator Essie
is played by Jim Strauss. (Yes, you read that
right. There are a few moments in the show
in which men take on female roles.)

Stephanie Moeller, Sydney Dexter,

and Karrie McLaughlin
Director Aaron Lord and the set designer
(unnamed in the program) did a creative job
of fashioning what seems to be a minimalist set, but ends up featuring rotating walls
that suggest each new location. With so
many location changes involved, this clever
design, along with the actors, did a fine job
of keeping the storyline moving, and Lords
direction was especially great during scenes
that took place in the car, all of which were
mimed. These sequences showcased a lot of
realistic mime work which, being a parttime improviser myself, I greatly appreciated
and I particularly enjoyed Moellers fidgeting with her invisible seat belt and mirrors.
Actually, it was a pleasure watching
Moeller make a full character transformation all throughout the show. At the start,
Savannah is a successful, cute-as-a-button
cosmetics-business owner who seems to have
it all together, even if she cant stand to be
around her mother for very long. Over the
course of the play, we see her slowly pushed
to her limits as she becomes disheveled and
filthy. But we also watch as Savannah begins
to see the love thats behind all of her mothers
actions. By the time she breaks down at the
end, in a truly charming moment, Moeller has
detailed Savannahs character arc like a pro.
Mama Wont Flys story is filled with crazy
characters and roadside antics. But the heart
of the play is about family and not giving up
on them, and may even suggest some road
trips you yourself have had; everything that
happens may seem like the product of bad
luck, but it all turns out exactly the way its
supposed to. While Mama may not fly, this
show certainly does.
Mama Wont Fly runs at the Playcrafters Barn
Theatre (4950 35th Avenue, Moline) through
March 20, and more information and tickets
are available by calling (309)762-0330 or visiting Playcrafters.com.

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016



Featured Images from the

Quad Cities Photography Club
(The River Cities Reader each month will feature an image or images from the Quad
Cities Photography Club.)

lowers are a popular subject for photographers, but close-ups are difficult when
trying to get the entire blossom in focus. There is a special technique that some
photographers use to capture the entire depth of field sharpness all the way
through the image. Lara Grossman used the expanded-depth-of-field technique to
capture her image, which scored very well in a recent monthly competition of the
Quad Cities Photography Club.
Lara used a Canon 6D with a 100-millimeter macro lens on a tripod. It was set at
f/8 for maximum sharpness. She shot 25 images then blended them together to give a
super-sharp three-dimensional feel. Later she used Photoshop to add the background
to match the color of the vase, making the delicate white mums with their lime-green
accents the stars of the image.
Many photographers in the Quad Cities Photography Club also make use of
image-editing software such as Photoshop to execute creative ideas with their
photos. Carolyn Meuer-Pickering did just that for a recent competition with her
Blue Phlox, which was awarded a high score. She captured this image in September at Houmas House Plantation in Louisiana using a Nikon D3000 and a Nikon
18-200-millimeter lens. It was set at f/9, 1/100th of a second, and ISO 200, using
natural light and a tripod. Carolyn explains that with the computer the flowers
were extracted from their natural background and placed upon a soft-blurred-blue
background, then two different textures were blended on top of the flowers, as well
as a vintage French sales bill. All of the blendings were done in layers in Photoshop.
The soft-blue color was my initial inspiration. I really didnt have anything specific
in mind; it just all came together, ideas ebbing and flowing. One thing led to
another until I had what I found visually appealing and pleasing to my eye. That is
what usually works best for me. And it was pleasing to the judges, as well.

Photo by Carolyn Meuer-Pickering

The Quad Cities Photography Club welcomes visitors and new members. The club
sponsors numerous activities encompassing many types and aspects of photography.
It holds digital and print competitions most months. At its meetings, members discuss the images, help each other to improve, and socialize. The club also holds special
learning workshops and small groups that meet on specific photography topics, and
occasionally offers interesting shooting opportunities. The club meets at 6:30 p.m. the
first Thursday of the month September through June at the Butterworth Center, 1105
Eighth Street in Moline.
For more information on the club, visit QCPhotoClub.com.
Photo by Lara Grossman


Continued From Page 8

By Jeff Ignatius

Different Types of Dangerous

the goal is to create something clearly
distinct from the live experience: A
recording can never compete in the same
category with live. ... A recording cant do
the live thing better than the live thing
can. So basically the only thing that you
can try to create in a recording is to try
to match that feeling, that excitement
that music gives you ... using the tools the
studio can give you.
For concerts, Gat said, the band sets

up on the floor, giving the audience an

unusually intimate perspective. Theres
no set list, and anything could happen
at any moment, although patterns have
naturally developed over time starting
with a certain type of song, for example,
and moving through a typical sequence
of moods. Eventually, when you let it, a
structure does emerge, he said.
But as Gat has been putting together
the bands third album, something

unexpected has happened: The editing process has begun to bleed into live
performance. Those things start surfacing at the show, he said. Our playing
starts sounding more and more like the
records, despite the fact that the records
were not meant to imitate our playing.
The records are actually meant to break
our playing.

Yonatan Gat will perform on Friday,

April 1, as part of the five-year anniversary celebration at Rozz-Tox (2108 Third
Avenue, Rock Island; RozzTox.com). The
9 p.m. all-ages show also features Brilliant
Beast, Gosh!, Archeress, and We Also Let
Blood. Admission is $10.
For more information on Yonatan Gat,
visit YonatanGat.bandcamp.com.



River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com



Hi Money, Im Home!

My boyfriend is going to a dinner out of

town to get an award for a film he made, and
he didnt invite me. When I told him I felt
excluded, he said that he was embarrassed
because his parents are paying for his flight
and he has to stay with a friend. I get it; he
does wonderful work, but hes still struggling financially. Still, if the tables were
turned if I were getting an award I would
at least tell him I wish he could come.
There are a lot of things Martin Scorsese
has been known to say, but one of them is
not, I want you by my side at this festival,
and I only have to dig through the trash for
8,234 more cans to make that happen.
It isnt surprising that your boyfriend as
a man is more sensitive about being, as
they say, Broke-ahontas than you would be
if the (awards-dinner) tables were turned. As
I frequently explain, men and women arent
just physically different; they evolved to have
corresponding psychological differences.
A biggie comes out of how there was a far
greater potential cost to an ancestral woman
from any sex act (pregnancy and a kid to
feed) compared with the cost to a man: Gee,
that was a whole teaspoonful of sperm!
So female psychology evolved to push
women to look for providers men with
access to resources and a willingness to share
them. Thats why women go for guys who
show signs of wealth, like a temperaturecontrolled nursery for their sports cars.
Wealth is a cue to the all-important ability to
bring home the bison. But in ancestral times,
we couldnt hang on to stuff including food
because we didnt have refrigerators, let
alone houses to keep them in. There was just
the meat you could eat before it went bad and
your mans ability to hunt it down. So what
does it for a lot of women is potential signs
that a man could soon be, uh, dragging home
tasty dead animals (probably shrink-wrapped,
unless their guy is good with a crossbow).
You seem to be one of those women. (You
get that they dont give out film awards to
just any doof who shoots a cat video on their
iPhone.) If you do believe in your boyfriend,
tell him regularly, in detail. If he gets that
youre proud of him and that youd be happier eating hot dogs on a bench with him
than dining with some corporate drone at Le


Whatever, hes less likely to feel hes failing

you by being under-capitalized. This should
help him be more inclusive in the future at
least emotionally when that historic location where hell be staying is the sagging
love seat where his buddy lost his virginity
in 1992.

Nice Boning Structure

Im 25, and my boyfriend is 29. He is

super-sweet, is a good person, and treats me
really well. However, recently, he told my
roommate that she has nice cheekbones.
I didnt say anything, but I think this was
inappropriate. Its not like I like your shirt
or whatever. Its about another womans
beauty. Can I tell him I dont want him complimenting other women in the future?
It says something when a man notices a
nice view such as, that its only a matter of
time before he and that pretty orange sunset
are sneaking out to his car to have sex.
Okay, its possible that nice cheekbones
is man-speak for Those are some hypnohooters you got there, honey. But maybe
he was just trying to say something nice.
Or maybe he was mesmerized in a bad way
like Whoa are those forceps marks?
and he noticed her noticing and ducked for
verbal cover.
As for why you find this upsetting,
consider that our emotions arent just feelings; they tell us what to do. The disturbing
emotion of jealousy, for example, is what
evolutionary psychologist David Buss calls
a coping device for mate retention an
alarm system that helps us guard against
being cheated on. However, sometimes this
alarm system can be a little oversensitive and
in need of recalibration such as the one at
my parents house that used to go off whenever my uncle cut one in the den.
In deciding whether you should say something, context matters. You describe your
boyfriend as attentive, super-sweet, and a
good person. If he isnt regularly jawing on
about other womens looks, maybe its a little
premature to turn your relationship into a
repressive regime. Model your free speech
policy on that of Iran or North Korea and
its only a matter of time before youre in a
date-night rut: So same old, same old
dinner and a cavity search .

Got A Problem? Ask Amy Alkon.

171 Pier Ave, #280, Santa Monica, CA 90405

or e-mail AdviceAmy@aol.com (AdviceGoddess.com)
2016, Amy Alkon, all rights reserved.

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016


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ARIES (March 21-April 19): Artist

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Steven Spazuk works exclusively with

an unusual medium: soot from
candles and torches. He spreads the stuff across
a blank canvas, then uses various instruments
to sculpt the accidental blobs into definitive
forms. Ive seen the results, and theyre both
well-done and intriguing. What would be the
metaphorical equivalent, in your world, of using
soot to make beautiful and interesting things? I
think youre primed to turn waste into building
blocks, rot into splendor, and lead into gold. (See
Spazuks work at Spazuk.com.)
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Carl
Sagan said that science thrives on two
seemingly contradictory attitudes: an
openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or
counterintuitive, and the most ruthless skeptical
scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. Whether or
not you are a scientist, Taurus, I recommend
that you practice this approach in the coming
weeks. Its the tool thats most likely to keep you
centered and free of both rigidity and illusion.
As Sagan concluded, this is how deep truths are
winnowed from deep nonsense.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Excess
on occasion is exhilarating, said
British author W. Somerset Maugham.
It prevents moderation from acquiring the
deadening effect of a habit. Now would be an
excellent time to take that advice to heart,
Gemini. According to my analysis of the
astrological omens, you not only have a license to
engage in rowdy fun and extravagant pleasures;
its your sacred duty. So get out there and treat
yourself to an orgy of naughty adventures or at
least a celebration of meaningful thrills. You can
return to the rigors of discipline and order once
you have harvested the healthy benefits that will
come from escaping them.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): At one
point in Friedrich Nietzsches book
Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the hero is
having a conversation with himself. You have
wanted to pet every monster, he says. A whiff
of warm breath, a little soft tuft on the paw and
at once you were ready to love and to lure it. If I
were you, Cancerian, I would regard that type of
behavior as forbidden in the coming weeks. In
fact, I will ask you not to pet any monsters at all
not even the cute ones; not even the beasties
and rascals and imps that have slight resemblances to monsters. Its time for maximum
discernment and caution. (P.S.: One of the
monsters may ultimately become a non-monstrous ally if you are wary toward it now.)
LEO (July 23-August 22): On a
social-media site, I posted the
following quote from self-help teacher
Byron Katie: Our job is unconditional love.
The job of everyone else in our life is to push our
buttons. One commenter took issue with this.
Pushing buttons is a metaphor thats long past

up with something fresher? So I did. Here are a

few potential substitutes for push our buttons:
tweak our manias ... prank our obsessions ...
glitter-bomb our biases ... squeeze our
phobias ... badger our compulsions ... seduce
our repressions ... prick our dogmas.
Whichever expression you prefer, Leo, find a
graceful way to embrace your fate: Your current
job is unconditional love. The job of everyone
else in your life is to tweak your manias and
prick your dogmas.
VIRGO (August 23-September 22):
In the coming weeks, you will have
maximum power to revise and
reinvigorate your approach to cultivating
intimate relationships. To aid your quest, I offer
this paraphrased advice from Andrew Boyd:
Almost every one of us seeks a special partner
who is just right. But there is no right person,
just different flavors of wrong. Why? Because
you yourself are wrong in some ways you
have demons and flaws and problems. In fact,
these wrongs are essential components of who
you are. When you ripen into this understanding, youre ready to find and be with your
special counterpart. He or she has the precise
set of problems you need is the person who is
wrong for you in just the right ways. (See Boyds
original quote: TinyURL.com/boydquote.)
LIBRA (September 23-October 22):
In her book The Winter Vault, Anne
Michaels says, We become ourselves
when things are given to us or when things are
taken away. If shes right, does it mean we
should be grateful for those times when things
are taken away? Should we regard moments of
loss as therapeutic prods that compel us to
understand ourselves better and to create
ourselves with a fiercer determination? Meditate
on these possibilities, Libra. In the meantime,
Im pleased to announce that the things-gettingtaken-away period of your cycle is winding
down. Soon youll begin a new phase, when you
can become a deeper, stronger version of yourself
because of the things that are given to you.
SCORPIO (October 23-November
21): Ill make love when the lust
subsides, sings Denitia, one-half of the
electro-pop band Denitia & Sene. That would be
a good motto for you to play around with in the
coming days, Scorpio in both literal and
metaphorical ways. Ill enjoy seeing how your
emotional intelligence ripens as the white-hot
passion of recent weeks evolves into a more
manageable warmth. As fun as the intensity has
been, it has blinded you to some of the
possibilities for collaborative growth that have
been emerging. You may now be ready to explore
and appreciate sweeter, subtler pleasures.
22-December 21): The poems I have
loved the most are those I have


By Rob Brezsny
understood the least, said T. S. Eliot. Im going
to steal and expand upon his idea for the
purpose of giving you an accurate horoscope. In
the coming days, Sagittarius, I suspect that the
experiences you love most will be those that you
understand the least. Indeed, the experiences
you need the most will be those that surprise
and mystify and intrigue you. Luckily, life will
be ingenious in bypassing your analytical
intelligence so as to provide you with rich
emotional stimuli for your soul.
CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19): Capricorn painter Henri
Matisse made the following testimony
about his creative process: At each stage I reach
a balance, a conclusion. At the next sitting, if I
find that there is a weakness in the whole, I
make my way back into the picture by means of
the weakness I re-enter through the breach
and I reconceive the whole. Thus everything
becomes fluid again. I recommend this
approach to you in the coming days, Capricorn.
Youve been making decent progress on your
key project. To keep up the good work, you
should now find where the cracks are, and let
them teach you how to proceed from here.
AQUARIUS (January 20-February
18): We all lead three lives, said
Austrian novelist Thomas Bernhard,
an actual one, an imaginary one, and the one
we are not aware of. I suspect youll get big
glimpses of your third life in the coming weeks,
Aquarius: the one youre normally not aware of.
It might freak you out a bit, maybe unleash a
few blasts of laughter and surges of tears. But if
you approach these revelations with reverent
curiosity, I bet they will be cleansing and
catalytic. They are also likely to make you less
entranced by your imaginary life and better
grounded in your actual life.
PISCES (February 19-March 20):
The greatest illusion is not religion,
says aphorist Michael Lipsey. Its
waking up in the morning imagining how
much youre going to get done today. But even
if thats often true, Pisces, I suspect that you
have the power to refute it in the coming weeks.
Your ability to accomplish small wonders will
be at a peak. Your knack for mastering details
and acting with practical acumen may be
unprecedented. For the immediate future, then,
I predict that youll largely be able to get done
what you imagine you can get done.
Homework: Identify your fondest childhood memory, and re-create in the present
time the feeling you had back then. Testify at
Go to RealAstrology.com to check out Rob Brezsnys


The audio horoscopes are also available by phone at

1-877-873-4888 or 1-900-950-7700


River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016


PET SMART March 17, 2016

1. Poked
7. Collars
11. Perform a scene
16. Fix, as a price
19. Appeal
20. East of _
21. Donnybrook
22. Purpose
23. Start of a quip by 124-Across: 2 wds.
24. Part 2 of quip: 2 wds.
26. Gibbon
27. Attempts
28. Papal crown
29. Nonmetallic element
31. Posted
34. Beers
36. Abbr. in some addresses
37. Depot: Abbr.
40. Stag
42. Everage or Krabappel
43. Cooked
47. Chapeaux
49. Deles undoing
51. Abbr. in citations
53. Treasure _
54. Part 3 of quip: 5 wds.
59. Pied-a- _
60. Baseball teams
61. Assess
62. Print measures
63. Tubb or Rutherford
65. Periods
67. Something for a bartender
70. Attempt
72. Follow
74. _ go bragh!
75. Rank
77. Dido
79. Certain commemorative items
83. Special power
85. Elevator name
87. Turners machine
89. Henri - _ - Benoit Matisse
90. Part 4 of quip: 6 wds.
95. Tinge
96. Lugs
97. Irish river
98. Decomposes

99. Small valleys

101. Beige
104. Binary
106. John Doe and Jane _
107. Greek letter: Var.
108. Sandwiches
110. Yellow water flag
112. Out-of-bounds
117. Polecat cousin
119. _ bouffe
123. Pass
124. Speaker of the quip: 2 wds.
126. End of the quip
127. United
128. _ alia
129. Radiate
130. Formula
131. Eric Formans dad
132. Old rulers
133. Coty or Descartes
134. Bulletins
1. Noisy birds
2. Succulent plant
3. Cerulean
4. Resists
5. Took out
6. EU nation
7. Unmixed
8. Improvise: Hyph.
9. Word in a warning
10. Captured
11. Letters
12. Earns as profit
13. Toward shelter
14. Storage space
15. Mind-reader
16. Hungarian dog
17. Brother of Jacob
18. Bacterium
25. Stood wide open
30. Bete _
32. Promontory
33. Wyoming range
35. Woodland deity
37. Blackboard
38. Umbrias river
39. Embellish

March 3 Answers: right

41. Forgive
43. Actress _ Danner
44. Farmer, sometimes
45. Form of John
46. Algiers rulers
48. Most certain
50. Doctrine
52. Down with: 2 wds.
55. Seed coat
56. Yogi of baseball
57. Ottoman
58. Splits
64. Giant armadillo
66. Plucked instrument
68. Hawks
69. Captivate
71. Flat-top hills
73. Lissome
75. Short time
76. Wife of Rama
78. Beet variety
80. Small-scale
81. Pupil of Socrates
82. Apprehend
83. _ A Sketch
84. Get going!
86. Mole-like creature
88. Boredom
91. Yellows
92. Rule out
93. Money in trust
94. Beloved one
100. Dilates
102. Somewhat
103. Measure of machine reliability
105. A Barrymore
109. Take root: 2 wds.
111. Kind of rack
112. Bouquet
113. Small-grained
114. Nosebag filler
115. _ Kett
116. Brit. money
118. Plexus
120. Arab ruler
121. Wholly absorbed
122. English festivals
125. Twelvemonths: Abbr.
126. Bird genus

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Continued From Page 6

By Jeff Ashcraft

Food for Thought

Bolet as the omnipresent Server. Without
a single word of dialogue, her presence
and appearances are oftentimes harbingers of tragedy; on the rare occasions in
which she serves actual meals on real
plates the rest of the shows props are
mimed we quickly understand that
another character is about to metaphorically pass through to the kitchen.
Where does the time go? is a
common theme throughout the play,
and is illustrated beautifully by Zachary Meyers lighting design. Each scene
here (some of them only seconds long) is
shifted by a brief dimming of the lights,
reminding us that in the blink of an eye,
everything can be suddenly different.
You, too, should try something a little
different. The Big Meal is a deliciously
wonderful serving of area talent, one that
cooks up some of the tastiest acting you
might enjoy this year. Your heart will be
full and your belly (figuratively) satisfied
but make your reservations in advance,
or you may have a difficult time getting
a table.

The Big Meal runs at the QC Theatre

Workshop (1730 Wilkes Avenue,
Davenport) through March 20, and more
information and tickets and available
by calling (563)650-2396 or visiting

March 3 Crossword Answers

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Live Music Live Music Live Music

Email all listings to calendar@rcreader.com Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication



The Beggarmen Coralville Center

for the Performing Arts, 1301 5th St.,
Coralville IA
Corporate Rock Docs Inn Bar & Grill,
985 Avenue of the Cities, Silvis IL
Dan Haughey (6pm) Cool Beanz
Coffeehouse, 1325 30th St., Rock
Island IL
The Holophonics Atlas on Strike
Grandfather Confusion
BareBones Bankshot Rozz-Tox,
2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
Kathy Mattea CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA



Spring Queening Queen Tribute

featuring A Very Special Bowie
Tribute The Redstone Room, 129
Main St, Davenport IA
Avey Davidson Blues Flatted Fifth
Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA
BlackStone RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock
Island IL
Bucktown Revue Nighswander Theatre,
2822 Eastern Ave, Davenport IA
Chuck Murphy Obies West, 3610 173rd
Ave., Maquoketa IA
Corporate Rock 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
The Funnies Murphys Pub, 613 10th St.,
DeWitt IA
Jason Carl & the Whole Damn Band
My Place the Pub, 4405 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Jazz After Five w/ the Saul Lubaroff
Jazz Group (5pm) Benoit Pioulard
Haunter Chris Wiersema (9pm)
The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa
City IA

Jim Ryan River House, 1510 River Dr.,

Moline IL
Mud Morganfield (8pm) Bob Dorr
(9:30pm) Riverside Casino and Golf
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Phyllis & Gary Wethington (6pm)
Hy-Vee Market Cafe - Silvis, 2001 5th
St., Silvis IL
The Problems Flannel Season
Crystal City Iowa City Yacht Club, 13
S Linn St, Iowa City IA
See Through Dresses Gosh! Ronin
Earth Witch Morphine Dream
Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL



Brushville RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock

Island IL
Bugeye Sprite Kellys Irish Pub & Eatery,
2222 E. 53rd St., Davenport IA
Chuck Murphy Drink Slingers, 92 Main
Ave., Clinton IA
Code 415 Purgatorys Pub, 2104 State St,
Bettendorf IA
Corporate Rock Schneids, 205
Washington Ave., Lowden IA
Dan Haughey (10am) Dead Poets
Espresso, 1525 3rd Ave, Moline IL
Doug Brundies Big Acoustic Show
River House, 1510 River Dr., Moline IL
Dunlavin Green Uptown Bills Coffee
House, 730 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
The Funnies Henrys Double K, 834 S
Jackson St., Mt. Carroll IL
Hap Hazard 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Mound St., Davenport IA
Haunter We Also Let Blood Oh
Merde Arizona Landmine
Threshell Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave.,
Rock Island IL
House Arrest Harley Corins, 1708 State
St., Bettendorf IA

Inbred Trash Ghost Bummer Gabes,

330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA
Janiva Magness (8pm) Duke
Tumatoe (9:30pm) Riverside
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184
Highway 22, Riverside IA
Justin Morrissey Governors Pub &
Grill, 3470 Middle Rd., Bettendorf IA
Keith Soko RME Community Stage,
131 W. 2nd St., Davenport IA
Plastic Relations Iowa City Yacht Club,
13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
The Redstone AllStars 60s & 70s
Mixtape The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA
Rick Springfield: Stripped Down
Paramount Theatre, 123 3rd St. SE,
Cedar Rapids IA
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar
The Phoenix Restaurant & Martini
Bar, 111 West 2nd St., Davenport IA
The Saturday Giant Lewis Knudsen
(6:30pm) Ca dZan, 411 South Rd.,
Cambridge IL
Serious Business featuring Matt Fuller
Breezers Pub, 600 Central Ave.,
Dubuque IA
The Snake Chasers The Bernemann
Brothers The Mill, 120 E. Burlington
St., Iowa City IA
Teada Ohnward Fine Arts Center, 1215 E
Platt St., Maquoketa IA
Wild Oatz Desperados, 112 S. Main St.,
Wheatland IA



Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo (2pm) Len

Browns North Shore Inn, 700 N. Shore
Dr., Moline IL
Long Beard Fraternal Twin
Gabriel Dowie Reaches RozzTox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL

Star & Micey The Multiple Cat

The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA

Heather Styka @ Rozz-Tox - March 25

Ron Tegeler Jazz Trio (5pm) Flatted
Fifth Blues & BBQ, 300 Potter Dr.,
Bellevue IA
Star & Micey Eddie Danger
Gabes, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
City IA
Third Sunday Jazz: The Billy Foster
Quartet featuring Renee Miles
Foster (6pm) The Redstone
Room, 129 Main St, Davenport IA
WVIK/QCSO Signature Series IV:
Arianna String Quartet (2pm)
Wallenberg Hall, Augustana College,
3520 7th Ave., Rock Island IL



Mississippi Valley Country & Western

Music Association Dance East
Moline American Legion, 829 16th
Ave., East Moline IL
Pine Travelers Soul Phlegm Gabes,
330 E. Washington St., Iowa City IA



Chris Avey Live My Place the Pub, 4405

State St., Bettendorf IA
The Punknecks Gabes, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City IA
Star Trek: The Ultimate Voyage
i wireless Center, 1201 River Dr,
Moline IL
That1Guy CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St
SE, Cedar Rapids IA


Burlington Street Bluegrass Band

The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa
City IA
Marc Zyla & Benjamin Loeb (12:15pm)
Two Rivers United Methodist Church,
1820 5th Ave., Rock Island IL
Moxie Alli & I Dion Jackson
Gabes, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
City IA





Breaking Benjamin Starset Adler

Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Frogleg Rude Punch Soul Phlegm
Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa
City IA
I See Stars Chunk No Captain Chunk
Exit, Emergency Get Scared
White Noise (5pm) Hooten Hallers
(10pm) Gabes, 330 E. Washington
St., Iowa City IA
Unamused Dave Closet Witch
Anergrams Bankshot Archeress
Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
University of Iowa Jazz: Latin Jazz
and Ritmocano (6:30pm) Frankie
Teardrop Wild Firth Hot Tang
The Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa
City IA

38 Special Quad-Cities Waterfront

Convention Center, 2021 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Back 40 Harley Corins, 1708 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
The BlackStones Acoustic Trio
My Place the Pub, 4405 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Carrie Nation & the Speak Easy
Jones RIBCO, 1815 2nd Ave., Rock
Island IL
Chuck Murphy Main Avenue Pub, 115
Main Ave., Clinton IA

Continued On Page 54


River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com

Live Music Live Music Live Music

Email all listings to calendar@rcreader.com Deadline 5 p.m. Thursday before publication

Continued From Page 53

Dirt Road Rockers Purgatorys Pub,
2104 State St, Bettendorf IA
Egi Live Broadcast In the Attic Iowa
City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City
Funktastic Five 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport IA
The Funnies Fargo Dance & Sports,
4204 Avenue of the Cities, Moline IL
Heather Styka Benjamin Cartel
Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
Jazz After Five w/ the Bob Washut
Trio (5pm) Nato Coles & the Blue
Diamond Band Rational Anthem
& the Starry Nights (9pm) The Mill,
120 E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Jim Ryan (6pm) Hy-Vee Market Grille,
2930 18th Ave., Rock Island IL
Justin Moore Riverside Casino Event
Center, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Justin Morrissey River House, 1510
River Dr., Moline IL
Kerry & Rich Acoustic Duo Bleyarts
Tap, 2218 E. 11th St., Davenport IA
Quad City Gospel Meets New York
Jazz Adler Theatre, 136 E. 3rd St.,
Davenport IA
The Ron Tegeler Jazz Guitar Trio (6pm)
Oculus Sports Bar - Jumers Casino &
Hotel, 777 Jumer Dr., Rock Island IL
Taylor Wiebers (6:30pm) Passion
(8:30pm) Riverside Casino and Golf
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA
Toronzo Cannon Juliana & a Soul
Purpose The Redstone Room,
129 Main St, Davenport IA
Wild Oatz The Rusty Nail, 2606 W.
Locust St., Davenport IA
Zach Zurcher (6pm) Hy-Vee Market
Cafe - Silvis, 2001 5th St., Silvis IL

Brushville @
RIBCO - March 19



Aaron Kamm & the One Drops Iowa

City Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA
Archgoat Valkyrja Hellfire Death
Cult Sept of Memnon RIBCO, 1815
2nd Ave., Rock Island IL
BlackStone Generations Bar & Grill,
4100 4th Ave., Moline IL
Blue N Evil Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ,
300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA
Bugeye Sprite Desperados, 112 S. Main
St., Wheatland IA
Code 415 The Rusty Nail, 2606 W. Locust
St., Davenport IA
The Funnies Fargo Dance & Sports,
4204 Avenue of the Cities, Moline IL
Geoff Muldaur Princeton Coffeehouse,
25 E. Marion St., Princeton IL
Grand Champ Chrash Tambourine
Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
The Greens River House, 1510 River Dr.,
Moline IL
Iowa City Classical Guitar Society
(2pm) Deep Dish Divas (7pm)
Uptown Bills Coffee House, 730 S.
Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
Passion Riverside Casino and Golf
Resort, 3184 Highway 22, Riverside IA

Powell 11th Street Precinct, 1107

Mound St., Davenport IA
The RiverCity 6 Edje Nightclub at
Jumers Casino and Hotel, I-280 & Hwy
92, Rock Island IL
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar The
Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111
West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Serious Business featuring Matt Fuller
My Place the Pub, 4405 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Stone Tattoo Harley Corins, 1708 State
St., Bettendorf IA
Townes Van Zandt Birthday
Celebration The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA
A Tribute to Elvis Old Creamery
Theatre, 39 38th Ave., Amana IA





Wild Child Twinsmith Viva Moxie

Gabes, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
City IA

Digg Gabes, 330 E. Washington St.,

Iowa City IA



Chris Avey Live My Place the Pub, 4405

State St., Bettendorf IA
Jordan Klassen CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA
The Lone Bellow True Endeavors
Englert Theatre, 221 East Washington
St., Iowa City IA


Jeffrey Foucault CSPS/Legion Arts,


THE 3 9 TH

THROUGH MAY 15, 2016
Since 1955, the Rock Island Art Guild, a volunteer-run
organization, has supported the arts in the Quad City region.
Their latest exhibition is on view in the fourth floor gallery
at the Figge Art Museum and features 53 works by artists
within a 150-mile radius of the Quad Cities.
ARTIST TALKS 7 p.m. Thursday, April 14
Participating artists from the exhibition will speak about their
artworks in the gallery for a fun and informative evening.

Sponsored by the Rock Island Art Guild

Davenport, Iowa 563.326.7804


1103 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA

Jennifer Hall Liz Moen Dan DiMonte
& the Bad Assets The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA
What Tyrants Gabes, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City IA




Chuck Murphy Harringtons Pub, 2321

Cumberland Square Dr., Bettendorf IA
Hailey Whitters Shaniah Paige
The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA
Jennifer Hall Mountain Swallower
Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
Rick K & the Allnighters Riverside
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway
22, Riverside IA
Shellac Mono Gabes, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City IA
Two Peace Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S
Linn St, Iowa City IA
University of Iowa Jazz Repertory
Ensemble (6:30pm) The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA

Acoustic Eidolon (6:30pm) Ca dZan,

411 South Rd., Cambridge IL
Chisongwriter DJ Commando
David Isaiah Matt Swisher
Rexyreckie Icon Amarie (8pm)
Teen Naytronix icewater (10pm)
Gabes, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
City IA
Chuck Murphy Hy-Vee Market Cafe Silvis, 2001 5th St., Silvis IL
Cobalt Blue 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Mound St., Davenport IA
Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo (6pm)
Oculus Sports Bar - Jumers Casino &

Hotel, 777 Jumer Dr., Rock Island IL

Jazz After Five w/ James Dreier &
Ritmocano (5pm) The Mill, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Jeff Austin Band The Last Revel
The Redstone Room, 129 Main St,
Davenport IA
Old Blind Dogs CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103
3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids IA
The Pines Englert Theatre, 221 East
Washington St., Iowa City IA
Rick K & the Allnighters Riverside
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway
22, Riverside IA
The RiverCity 6 (4pm) Isle of Capri,
1777 Isle Parkway, Bettendorf IA
RozzTox FiveYear Anniversary:
Yonatan Gat Brilliant Beast Gosh!
Archeress We Also Let Blood
Rozz-Tox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
Steve McFate (6pm) Hy-Vee Market
Grille, 2930 18th Ave., Rock Island IL
Tony Hoeppner & Friends Riverside
Grille, 1733 State St., Bettendorf IA
Vice Squad Harley Corins, 1708 State
St., Bettendorf IA
Zuul Goldblums The Rumours
Skin of the Earth Iowa City Yacht
Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA


Chad Elliot & Claudia Nygaard

Uptown Theatre - First Street
Community Center, 221 1st Street NE,
Mt. Vernon IA
Chuck Murphy Riverside Grille, 1733
State St., Bettendorf IA
Code 415 Hawkeye Tap Sports Bar N
Grill, 4646 Cheyenne Ave., Davenport
Cosmic 11th Street Precinct, 1107
Mound St., Davenport IA

Greg & Rich Acoustic Duo Jims

Knoxville Tap, 8716 Knoxville Rd.,
Milan IL
Hailey Whitters Eric Pettit Lion The
Mill, 120 E. Burlington St., Iowa City IA
Hanggai CSPS/Legion Arts, 1103 3rd St
SE, Cedar Rapids IA
Lynn Allen Purgatorys Pub, 2104 State
St, Bettendorf IA
Project X Harley Corins, 1708 State St.,
Bettendorf IA
Quad City Symphony Orchestra
Resurrection Adler Theatre, 136
E. 3rd St., Davenport IA
Rick K & the Allnighters Riverside
Casino and Golf Resort, 3184 Highway
22, Riverside IA
RozzTox FiveYear Anniversary:
Olivia NeutronJohn The Multiple
Cat Grandfather Confusion The
Pollinators Shutup Kitsch RozzTox, 2108 3rd Ave., Rock Island IL
Russ Reyman Request Piano Bar The
Phoenix Restaurant & Martini Bar, 111
West 2nd St., Davenport IA
Small Time Napoleon (6pm) Milltown
Coffee, 3800 River Drive #2, Moline IL
Terrance Simien & the Zydeco
Experience Rogalski Center - St.
Ambrose University, 518 W. Locust St.,
Davenport IA
The Fritters Uptown Bills Coffee House,
730 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City IA
The Jimmys Flatted Fifth Blues & BBQ,
300 Potter Dr., Bellevue IA
Weedeater Author & Punisher
Today Is the Day Lord Dying
Gabes, 330 E. Washington St., Iowa
City IA
Winterland Art of Ill Fusion Iowa City
Yacht Club, 13 S Linn St, Iowa City IA

River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Jams/Open Mics

Cross Creek Karaoke Central

Avenue Tap, 2604 Central Ave.,
Bettendorf, IA.
DJ Night w/ 90s Music Thirstys on
Third, 2202 W. Third St., Davenport,
Karaoke Night Bier Stube Moline,
415 15th St., Moline, IL.
Karaoke w/ Double Dz Purgatorys
Pub, 2104 State St., Bettendorf, IA.
Open Jam Night Harley Corins,
1708 State St., Bettendorf, IA.
Open Mic Night Uptown Bills
Coffee House, 730 S. Dubuque St.,
Iowa City, IA.
Open Jam Session My Place the
Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf, IA.


Cross Creek Karaoke Firehouse

Bar & Grill, 2006 Hickory Grove Rd.,
Davenport, IA.
DJ Dolla The Smoking Dog Pub,
1800 Second Ave., Rock Island, IL.
DJ K Yung Barrel House Moline,
1321 Fifth Ave., Moline, IL.
Karaoke Night Circle Tap, 1345
West Locust St., Davenport, IA.
Karaoke Night The Grove Tap, 108
S. 1st St., Long Grove, IA.
Karaoke Night Miller Time Bowling,
2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport,
Karaoke Night Roadrunners
Roadhouse, 3803 Rockingham Rd.,
Davenport, IA.
Karaoke Night Thirstys on Third,
2202 W. Third St., Davenport, IA.
Soulshake (Mar. 18) Gabes, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City, IA.


DJ Dolla The Smoking Dog Pub,

1800 Second Ave., Rock Island, IL.
DJ Freeze (Mar. 19) Gabes, 330 E.
Washington St., Iowa City, IA.
Karaoke Night The Grove Tap, 108
S. 1st St., Long Grove, IA.
Karaoke Night Miller Time Bowling,
2902 E. Kimberly Rd., Davenport, IA.
Karaoke Night Roadrunners
Roadhouse, 3803 Rockingham Rd.,
Davenport, IA.
Karaoke Night Thirstys on Third,
2202 W. Third St., Davenport, IA.
Open Mic Night Downtown Central
Perk, 226 W. 3rd St., Davenport, IA.
Tw i s t e d
Entertainment Barrel House
Moline, 1321 Fifth Ave., Moline, IL.
Ukulele Music Session (Mar. 19,
4pm) Uptown Bills Coffee House,
730 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City, IA.


Karaoke Night 11th Street Precinct,

1107 Mound St., Davenport, IA.
Karaoke w/ JB Promotions The
Rusty Nail, 2606 W. Locust St.,
Davenport, IA.


Musicians Jam w/ C.J. Lomas (Mar.

21, 6pm) Theos Java Club, 213
17th St., Rock Island, IL.
Open Mic w/ J. Knight The Mill, 120
E. Burlington St., Iowa City, IA.


Acoustic Jam Night w/ Steve

McFate (Mar. 29) Mr. Eds Liquor


Store & Tap, 127 Fourth St. W.,

Milan, IL.
Acoustic Music Club (4:30pm)
River Music Experience, 129 N.
Main St., Davenport, IA.
Open Mic Night Broken Saddle,
1417 5th Ave., Moline, IL.
Open Mic Night Cool Beanz
Coffeehouse, 1325 330th St., Rock
Island, IL.
Tuesday Blues Jam w/ Mark Avey
& Detroit Larry Davison
Cabanas, 2120 4th Ave., Rock
Island, IL.
Underground Open Mic w/ Kate
Kane Iowa City Yacht Club, 13 S.
Linn St., Iowa City, IA.


Acoustic Jam Night w/ Steve

McFate McManus Pub, 1401 7th
Ave., Moline, IL.
Cross Creek Karaoke Harley Corins,
1708 State St., Bettendorf, IA.
Jam Session & Mug Night Iowa
City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa
City, IA.
Karaoke Night 11th Street Precinct,
1107 Mound St., Davenport, IA.
Karaoke Night Circle Tap, 1345
West Locust St., Davenport, IA.
Karaoke Night RIBCO, 1815 2nd
Ave., Rock Island, IL.
Karaoke Night Thirstys on Third,
2202 W. Third St., Davenport, IA.
Karaoke w/ Most Wanted My Place
the Pub, 4405 State St., Bettendorf,
Open Jam w/ Earth Ascending
Bent River Brewing Company, 512
24th St. Rock Island, IL.
Open Mic Night Boozies Bar & Grille,
114 W. 3rd St., Davenport, IA.



ComedySportz (7pm) The

Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island, IL.
Chris Boom Boom Johnson
(7:30pm) Penguins Comedy
Club, 208 Second Ave. SE, Cedar
Rapids, IA.
Studio Series: Dont Try This
at Home (9:30pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island, IL.



The Blacklist: Shots n Giggles

(9pm) The Backroom Comedy
Theater, 1510 N. Harrison St.,
Davenport, IA.
ComedySportz (7pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island, IL.
Chris Boom Boom Johnson
(7:30pm) Penguins Comedy
Club, 208 Second Ave. SE, Cedar
Rapids, IA.
Rock into Murder (6pm)
Skellington Manor Banquet &
Event Center, 420 18th St., Rock
Island, IL.
Studio Series: Nocturne Falls
(9:30pm) The Establishment, 220
19th St., Rock Island, IL.



The Circumstantial Comedy Show

(9pm) BREW, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport, IA.





Tom Garlands Catacombs of

Comedy Showcase (10pm) Iowa
City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa
City, IA.

Comedy Open Mic (8:30pm)

Harley Corins, 1708 State St.,
Bettendorf, IA.

wednesday 23

The Backroom Comedy Open Mic

Night (7:30pm) The Backroom
Comedy Theater, 1510 N. Harrison
St., Davenport, IA.
Comedy Open Mic (7:30pm)
Penguins Comedy Club, 208
Second Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA.



The Blacklist: Game Show Night

(9pm) The Backroom Comedy
Theater, 1510 N. Harrison St.,
Davenport, IA.
ComedySportz (7pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island, IL.
Grant Lyon (7:30pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids, IA.
St u d i o S e ri e s: B an d w ag o n
(9:30pm) The Establishment, 220
19th St., Rock Island, IL.



The Blacklist: The Blacklist Against

Humanity (9pm) The Backroom

Comedy Theater, 1510 N. Harrison

St., Davenport, IA.
ComedySportz (7pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island, IL.
Grant Lyon (7:30pm) Penguins
Comedy Club, 208 Second Ave. SE,
Cedar Rapids, IA.
Rodney Carrington (7pm) Adler
Theatre, 136 E. Third St., Davenport,
Studio Series: Establishment
Stands Up (9:30pm) The
Establishment, 220 19th St., Rock
Island, IL.







The Circumstantial Comedy Show

(9pm) BREW, 1104 Jersey Ridge
Rd., Davenport, IA.

Tom Garlands Catacombs of

Comedy Showcase (10pm) Iowa
City Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn St., Iowa
City, IA.

Comedy Open Mic (8:30pm)

Harley Corins, 1708 State St.,
Bettendorf, IA.

wednesday 30

The Backroom Comedy Open Mic

Night (7:30pm) The Backroom
Comedy Theater, 1510 N. Harrison
St., Davenport, IA.
Comedy Open Mic (7:30pm)
Penguins Comedy Club, 208
Second Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, IA.


River Cities Reader Vol. 23 No. 904 March 17 - 30, 2016

Business Politics Arts Culture Now You Know RiverCitiesReader.com


Download the catalog &

registration form at:

Register by April 1st and get a
FREE t-shirt, regularly $10.

Summer Camps for Preschool - 8th Grade Students

Morning - 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. | Afternoon - 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Week 1: June 13-17


Outer Space - (Grades PS/JK)

Dinos, Fossils and Mammals - (Grades K-2)
Physical Science - (Grades 3-5)
Harry Potter - (Grades 4-6)
Keeping You & Your Children Safe in a Digital World
- (Adults)


Week 4: July 5-8

Weather Watchers - (Grades PS/JK)

Painting with Music - (Grades K-1)
Lego Robotics - (Grades 2-3)
Jammin with Dance - (Grades 2-4)
Presentations with Pizzazz - (Grades 3-5)

Week 2: June 20-24

Animals - (Grades PS/JK)

Spanish - (Grades K-2)
Painting Like Picasso - (Grades K-3)
Be an Engineer! - (Grades 2-4)
Photography (All Day)* - (Grades 4-8)
Hunger Games - (Grades 6-8)


Dr. Seuss - (Grades PS/JK)

Growing a Green Thumb - (Grades K-1)
Nature Exploration - (Grades 2-3)
Geology - (Grades 3-5)
Computer Construction - (Grades 6-8)
Introduction to Webpage/Media Design - (Adults)

Art and Music - (Grades PS/JK)
Space is the Place - (Grades K-1)
Outdoor Games - (Grades 2-3)
Cooking with Kylo Ren, Rey and Hans Solo (Grades 4-6)
Anatomy and Physiology - (Grades 6-8)
Introduction to Coding - (Adults)

Week 3: June 27- July 1


Eric Carle - (Grades PS/JK)

Coding Craze - (Grades K-1)
Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Beans, Oh my! - (Grades 2-3)
Crazy Candy Chemistry - (Grades 3-5)
Frisbee Disc Golf - (Grades 3-5)
Minute to Win It - (Grades 4-6)
Medieval Times - (Grades 6-8)


Bugs - (Grades PS/JK)

POM/POM - (Grades K-1)
Coding Craze - (Grades 2-3)
Beginning Volleyball - (Grades 3-5)
Frisbee Disc Golf - (Grades 6-8)


Oceans - (Grades PS/JK)

Kids in the Kitchen - (Grades K-1)
Introduction to Microsoft Tools - (Grades 2-3)
Yoga - (Grades 2-3)
Water Games - (Grades 3-5)
Creative Writing - (Grades 4-6)
Photography (All Day)* - (Grades 4-8)


Week 6: July18-22

Food - (Grades PS/JK)

Coding Craze - (Grades K-1)
Clay Sea Creatures (Week 2 of 2)** - (Grades K-3)
Rivermont Masterchef Junior - (Grades 2-4)
Yoga - (Grades 4-6)
Beginning Robotics - (Grades 4-5)


Fairy Tales - (Grades PS/JK)

Habitats - (Grades K-1)
Time Travelers - (Grades 2-3)
Readers Theatre - (Grades 3-5)
Fiber Arts and Weaving - (Grades 4-8)
Intermediate Robotics - (Grades 5-6)
Rivermont Masterchef Junior 2 - (Grades 6-8)

Week 5: July11-15


Superheroes - (Grades PS/JK)

Clay Sea Creatures (Week 1 of 2)** - (Grades K-3)
Coding Craze - (Grades 2-3)
World Drumming - (Grades 3-5)
Historical Minecraft - (Grades 4-6)
Flash Animation - (Grades 5-8)


Week 7: July25-29

All About Math - (Grades PS/JK)

Musical Readers Theatre - (Grades K-2)
Travel the USA - (Grades 2-3)
Spanish - (Grades 3-5)
Iowa Adventures - (Grades 3-5)
Print Making - (Grades 4-8)

If you give a mouse a . . . - (Grades PS/JK)

Carnival of Animals - (Grades K-1)
Who Knew Cursive Could be so Fun!! (Grades 2-3)
CSI Simulation - (Grades 3-5)
Risk - (Grades 5-8)
Advanced Robotics - (Grades 6-8)


Little Engineers - (Grades PS/JK)

Traveling Through the Decades - (Grades K-2)
Hungry for Fun and Games - (Grades 3-5)
Science Fair - (Grades 5-8)
Video Creation - (Grades 6-8)

RME KIDSTOCK (Formerly Rock Camp USA) For Musicians Ages 8 to 18

* Photography (484P) is a full day class. Total cost for a.m. and p.m. is $90.
** Clay Sea Creatures is a two week class. Total cost for both weeks is $120.

Rivermont Collegiate

1821 Sunset Drive, Bettendorf , IA 52722 | (563) 359-1366

Rivermont Collegiate is the Quad Cities only Private College Prep School for Preschool
through 12th Grade

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