The Evangelical Presbyterian - November-December 2015

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Finishing well (Joshua 24 v29-33)

Page 6

Lord, teach us to pray

Page 8

Spreading biblical truth in Africa

Page 9


(1 Thessalonians 4v3-8)






(Page 4)

Phi lippians 1 v 9-11

The Evangelical Presbyterian is published bimonthly by the

Presbytery of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.
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including details of our various congregations, please visit our
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The views expressed are those of the editor and contributors and
are understood to reflect generally the theological position of the
Evangelical Presbyterian Church, unless otherwise stated.
Unsigned articles are by the editor.
The editor is willing to accept articles for publication on the
understanding that the submission of an article does not guarantee
its publication. Contributors should recognise that all articles are also
liable to editing and alteration without consultation.
No material can be published unless the full name and postal address
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electronically as a Word document.
Theme verses
Philippians 1:9-11

Andy Hambleton

37a Largy Road,

BT29 4RN

Phone: 07828 726130


Sub Editors:
Marcus Hobson
Jeff Ballantine
Heather Watson

First word

Sexual puri ty
(1 Thessalonians 4v3-8)

Finishing well (Joshua 24v29-33)


Book Reviews

Colin Campbell

The Evangelical Book Shop

Phone 028 9032 0529

Subscriptions 2015
Collected 9.00
By post within the UK 11.50
By post outside the UK 16.00
Enquiries to the Evangelical Book Shop
Anyone wishing to help the churchs work may send their gift to the
Finance Committee C/O:
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Printed by Saxoprint.
Design and layout by Derek Johnston


Lord, teach us to pray

Proof Reader:
Julia Grier


Spreading biblical truth in Africa

From the churches

Praise & Prayer

Book reviews

Best of the blogs

I am sure that you will have seen on the news the recent
scandal involving a certain German car manufacturer.
It is thought that around 11 million vehicles worldwide
have been built with so-called defeat devices fitted.
These devices contain software which is able to detect
when the cars emissions are being tested, and then
cheat the tests, making the cars appear to be more
environmentally friendly than they really are. The cars
behave well when they are being monitored, but the rest
of the time they behave far worse!

ecause of the inherent self-righteousness and pride

of the fallen human heart, we are each born with
an inbuilt defeat device like this. When we know we
are being watched by others we put on a show of good
behaviour, but behind closed doors when no one is
watching, the reality can be very different.
Nowhere is this more the case than in the realm of
religious behaviour. In Matthew 6v1, Jesus says to his
followers, Beware of practising your righteousness
before other people in order to be seen by them, for

then you will have no reward from your Father who is

in heaven. Jesus then applies this principle to three
different areas: our giving, our praying and our fasting.
In each case, we are presented with the temptation of
doing these things hypocritically, only to be seen by
others and receive their applause. Our inbuilt defeat
device kicks in and puts on a show of counterfeit
righteousness which masks a heart that is far from God.
Whilst this hypocritical show of righteousness may fool
those around us, it can never fool the God who tests
our hearts. If the reward we seek in our giving, praying,
fasting and so forth is the cheap praise of our fellow
men, we may well get that reward, but that is all we
will get!
Instead, Jesus urges us to seek the far greater reward
that the Father gives, by doing these things in secret in
order to please him, rather than putting on a show to
impress others. And your Father who sees in secret will
reward you.

Editors Note:
From the start of 2016 the Evangelical Presbyterian Magazine will undergo a few changes. The magazine will become
a quarterly, but the number of pages will rise from 16 to 24 per issue. However, the price will remain at 1.50 per issue,
thus reducing the annual subscription from 9 to 6. A bargain!

is making that battle much harder than it was before. But in

these verses, Paul gives us four reasons why, when it comes to
the issue of sex and sexuality, that as Christians we should not
simply wave the white flag and align ourselves with the worlds
standards, but instead we should respond to the Lords call and
seek to please him in how we conduct our sexuality.
a) Gods transforming grace

(1 Thessalonians 4v3-8)

onsider the following statistics, which can be found on the

Covenant Eyes website, a Christian website which provides
accountability for internet usage:
The first exposure to pornography among men is 12 years
old, on average.
20% of 16-year-olds and 30% of 17-year-olds have received a
sext (a sexual image sent via a text message).
1 in every 5 searches on a mobile device is for pornography.
24% of smartphone owners admit to having pornographic
material on their mobile handset.
Make no mistake, in the culture in which we live today there
is a tidal wave of sexualisation. Sadly, all too often Christians
themselves are caught up in it; it is reported that 64% of Christian
men and 15% of Christian women admit that they watch
pornography at least once a month.
If Pauls words in 1 Thessalonians 4v3-8 are relevant to the new
believers in Thessalonica, they are perhaps even more relevant
to us today. Look at verse 3:
For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain
from sexual immorality.
The word for sexual immorality is a comprehensive one. It means
any kind of sexual activity outside of monogamous heterosexual
marriage. So it covers pornography, fornication, adultery and
homosexuality, and anything else which transgresses the
marriage boundaries that God has given us, within which his
good gift of sex is to be enjoyed.
As we all know through our own experience, the call to sexual
holiness and purity is a difficult one, both for those who are
single and for those who are married. The world we live in today

Look at verses 4 and 5. Paul says, that each one of you know
how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the
passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;
Paul is saying is that when it comes to the issue of sexual selfcontrol, there ought to be a discernible difference between those
who are Christians, and those who are not.
If someone is not a Christian then they are still a slave to sin, the
bible says. They are not able not to sin, to use the language of
Augustine. Sin has far too much control over their heart for them
to beat it, even if they wanted to. Sin is their master.
For the Christian, that is not the case. Of course, we are still
susceptible to temptation, and we still do sin every day, but that
domineering power of sin over us has been broken through the
death and resurrection of Jesus. It IS possible for us not to sin.
With every temptation that comes our way, the Lord gives us the
way of escape, that we may be able to endure it. And his Spirit is
at work within us, changing us, transforming us, setting us free
from our former slavery to sin, and bringing forth his fruit in our
lives, a part of which is self-control.
How can you fight off sexual temptation and stay pure if youre
a Christian? Because Jesus has set you free from that former
slavery to sin, and because of Gods transforming grace you are
able to control your body in holiness and honour.
b) Gods people
J.B. Priestleys famous play An Inspector Calls tells the story
of a police inspector who interrupts a family dinner party taking
place at the home of a rich businessman. He tells the family
that an impoverished young woman has just committed suicide.
Initially, the family are unsympathetic, but as the inspector
questions them one by one it transpires that the selfish actions
of each member of the family had an impact on this young
woman, which led to her taking her own life. The message of
the play is that our selfishness has consequences in the lives of
others, even when we dont realise it.
In the first half of verse 6, Paul is applying that principle to sexual
matters. He continues, that no one transgress and wrong his
brother in this matter.
What Paul is getting at here is that sexual sin, though it may
be performed in private, never stays private. Sexual sin always
affects other people in one way or another.
Thats true even when you use pornography, because those
depicted are almost invariably the victims of abuse of one kind or
another. The use of pornography perpetuates and facilitates their
abuse. But as well as that, all other kinds of sexual sin are sins
against other people too. At the very least sexual sin involves
using other people as an object for selfish gain. Beyond that,
fornication is a sin against the future spouses of those involved.
Adultery is a sin against the current spouse or spouses of those
involved, as is the use of pornography. Today, over half of all
divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in
pornographic websites.
Paul says, see that no one transgress and wrong his brother in

this matter. Understand that sexual sin is not simply a private

matter; it is a sin against other people, even those who are your
brothers and sisters in Christ.
c) Gods judgment
Paul continues, because the Lord is an avenger in all these
things, as we told you beforehand and solemnly warned you.
If the first half of verse 6 describes the horizontal consequences
of sexual sin (the way that sexual sin is a sin against other
people), then the second half of verse six describes the vertical
consequences of sexual sin (the way that sexual sin is seen by
Quite simply, the Lord hates it. Paul solemnly warns the
Thessalonians, as he did so when he was with them, that the
Lord is an avenger in all these things. He pours out his judgment
on sexual sin. Some of that judgment is experienced now, in
the present, because God gives people over to their sin. Do you
know, one of the most frightening things that God can do to
you is simply to give you what you want? Our sinful hearts want
sexual gratification on our terms, free from Gods safeguards.
And the worst thing that can happen is that God allows that
desire of your heart to be fulfilled, and he gives you over to what
you want. He allows you to see the consequences of your sin.
Not just the guilt and the shame and the feeling of emptiness it
leaves you with, but the other consequences as well. Sexual sin
destroys your marriage, and it damages the upbringing of your
children, and if you contract a sexually transmitted disease, then
it will damage and destroy your body as well. Your sin will find
you out.
Those are just the consequences now, never mind the
consequences of sexual sin in eternity, which are far worse.
Im sure that by now you will all have heard of the notorious
American website, Ashley Madison, which exists to facilitate
adulterous relationships. The tagline for that website is, Life is
short; have an affair. As someone has commented, the bibles
response to that is, eternity is very, very long; remain faithful.
Stay pure because of Gods judgment against sexual sin, which
is experienced both now to some degree, and then ultimately in
d) Gods call
Verses 7 and 8: For God has not called us for impurity, but in
holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man
but God, who gives his Holy Spirit to you.
Earlier on in this chapter, in verse 2, Paul has told the
Thessalonians of the instructions we gave you through the Lord
Jesus. The word for instructions is a military word; it refers
to the commands given to soldiers by their superiors, which
they must obey. It is a word with the ring of authority about it,
and here Paul invests it even with divine authority. The call to
holiness is from the Lord. There is no legitimate alternative to
In verses 7 and 8 Paul reiterates that point. He says that
whoever disregards this call to holiness, particularly in the realm
of sexual ethics, disregards not man, but God. In other words, you
need to understand that if you are ignoring the bibles teaching
on sexual ethics, then you are not dismissing simply a man-made
approach to sex, but actually you are disregarding the Creator
himself. Stay sexually pure for the simple reason that the call to
holiness is Gods call.
These verses show us how high Gods standards are when it

comes to sexual morality. The standard is total abstinence from

any form of sexual immorality, for all of those reasons Paul has
mentioned. It is a million miles from what our culture accepts as
the norm. If we are honest with ourselves, we know that so often
our view of sex and sexuality is influenced by the world. The
battle to stay sexually pure is difficult, and it always has been,
but because of where the culture is at, it is getting more difficult.
As we close, let me end with a couple of applications.
A word to those who are struggling with sexual temptation
The encouragement for you is that youre not on your own in
this. Left to your own devices, you would stand no chance at all
against sexual temptation. But look at what Paul says there at
the end of verse 8. What has God done? He has given his Holy
Spirit to you.
If you are a Christian then Gods own Spirit dwells within you,
and he does his work there, in your heart. He brings forth in your
heart his fruit, a part of which is the self-control that we need in
order to stay pure. He does his ongoing work of sanctification,
shaping your heart and changing your desires, so that your desire
for Christ eclipses your desire for sin.
If youre struggling against sexual temptation, and youre finding
the battle hard, dont be despondent. There is power to change.
God is with you even in the midst of the battle, by his Spirit,
to strengthen you and to equip you as you continue with his
strength to battle against temptation.
A word to those who have fallen to sexual temptation
(Of course, that means all of us, to one degree or another.)
In these verses we have seen how high Gods standards are
when it comes to sexual morality. The standard is absolute
purity. None of us has lived up to that standard. Some of us have
struggled and fallen short. Others of us have not even struggled,
and at times we have just gone along with the worlds approach
to sex. It is very likely that some of those reading these pages are
currently in a fallen state sexually, and have capitulated to sexual
In 1 Corinthians chapter 6, the apostle Paul gives a list of the
kind of people who will not inherit the kingdom of God. That list
includes the sexually immoral, and adulterers, and those who
practise homosexuality. Quite clearly, capitulating to sexual sin
disqualifies you from the Kingdom of Heaven.
But then Paul says this, in verse 11:
And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were
sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ
and by the Spirit of our God.
The wonderful news is that in Christ there is grace to save sexual
sinners! Let me ask you in the privacy of your own heart, have
you fallen into sexual sin, in the past or in the present? Have you
engaged in sexual immorality? Are you tempted by an affair? Are
you visiting pornographic websites?
Come to Christ. Come back to Christ. In him there is grace to
save, and power to change.

God is with you even in the midst of the battle,

by his Spirit, to strengthen you and to equip you as
you continue with his strength to battle
against temptation.

(Joshua 24v29-33)

hese verses draw to a close this wonderful book of Joshua.

There are lots of exciting stories in the book: lots of victories
to rejoice in, numerous examples of faith and obedience for us to
emulate, and a constant reminder of Gods faithfulness to his people
and his promises.
But then we get to this little epilogue with which the book closes.
At first glance you could be forgiven for thinking that this is a slightly
underwhelming and anticlimactic way to end the book. Primarily, this
epilogue is a description of a number of deaths and burials.
We are tempted to skim read this paragraph, to skip over it quickly,
and get to all the juicy bits in the book of Judges as fast as we can.
Instead, let us notice four things which this paragraph shows us;
four things that should be ringing in our ears as we close the pages
of the book of Joshua.
1) The faithfulness of God
Its frustrating and annoying when people go back on their word and
fail to keep their promises, isnt it?
But what the book of Joshua reminds us is that our God is not like
that. He is a God who makes promises, and he is a God who keeps
his promises. We dont need to worry about him going back on
his word and breaking his promises, because he who promised is
About 600 years before these events of Joshua 24, God had spoken
to a man called Abraham, in Genesis chapter 12. He plucked him out
of a background of pagan worship beyond the River Euphrates. He
promised that he would make his family into a great nation, and that
he would be their God. He then took Abraham to the land of Canaan,
and he made another promise to him there, saying to him, To your
offspring I will give this land.
If you know the story of the bible then you will know that God did
not fulfil that promise immediately. To start with, the family of
Abraham only grew very slowly. Even when they did begin to grow
more rapidly into a great nation, they were then in slavery in Egypt.
Even when God had rescued them from that slavery in Egypt, they
then ended up spending forty years in the wilderness, because of
their unbelief.
It was a decidedly bumpy and twisting road from Genesis 12 to
Joshua 24. At times, it felt like God was never going to come good
on his promises. Yet here we are in Joshua 24. Three funerals are
being recorded here, but the point is, where are these funerals taking
place? What is the final resting place for these men of God who
walked in faith and obedience before him? They all end up buried in
the land that God had promised to his people. It is one last reminder
in the book of Joshua that God is faithful to what he has promised.
Over and above everything else, that is the message that the book
of Joshua impresses upon you time and time again. God is faithful to
every last word of all of his promises. It was true for the people of
God back then, and its true for us as Gods people today.
Every promise that he has made to us in the gospel of Jesus Christ
we can trust in, 100%, because he who promised is faithful. Not one
word of all of those good promises that the Lord has made to his

people will fail; all will come to pass.

Christian person, as you follow this God it may at times feel like the
road you are on is bumpy and twisting. At times, it may feel like God
is never going to come good on his promises. This final paragraph of
the book of Joshua is there to remind you, once again, that despite
everything, God keeps his promises. These verses show us the
faithfulness of God.
2) Gods purposes are not yet complete
I wonder if youve ever watched a film or read a book which ends
with an anti-climax. As you approach the last page or the final scene
the anticipation grows, with the prospect of all the loose ends being
tied up. But then the credits roll, and you are left feeling somewhat
dissatisfied; you are left with unanswered questions, and things
have not been finally resolved.
In some ways the ending to the book of Joshua is a bit like that. The
book tells us so many wonderful stories of victories and triumphs
for the people of God. And then we get to the final page, and what
happens? Everybody dies! Yes, they are in the land, but they are dead
in the land. In that sense, the final paragraph is a little bit of an anticlimax, and it leaves us feeling dissatisfied.
However, that is part of the point of this closing section. It is meant
to leave you dissatisfied, because it is reminding us that Gods
purposes are not yet complete.
Consider the three funerals that are recorded here:
The first one is Joshuas funeral. Joshua was of course the leader for
Gods people in that period of history. He was called by God to lead
the people of God into their promised inheritance. And yet where is
Joshua now? He is dead and he is buried in the ground. It leaves us
longing for a better Joshua. A Joshua who can be the leader of the
people of God forever and ever, and whose leadership will not be
curtailed by death.
The second funeral is Josephs funeral. Joseph was a saviour of Gods
people. Though evil men did their worst to him, God intended it for
good so that many lives would be saved. But where is Joseph now?
He is dead and he is buried in the ground. It leaves us longing for a
better Saviour; a saviour who, even when men do their very worst
to him, would not be held by the grave, and who would save Gods
people to the uttermost.
The third funeral is Eleazars. Eleazar was the high priest. He served
at the tabernacle, offering sacrifices before God for the sins of the

people. In the New Testament, the letter

to the Hebrews tells us about the inbuilt
weaknesses of that old order of priests.
The weaknesses were that the sacrifices
they offered never truly dealt with the
problem of sin, so they had to keep on
offering repeated sacrifices. Also, the
priests kept dying, so they had to keep
on replacing them. The Old Testament
sacrificial system was like a conveyor
belt of countless sacrifices and countless
priests. The funeral of Eleazar is a
reminder of that. It leaves you longing for
a better priest; a Great High Priest who can
be a priest forever, and who can offer one, final,
effective, once and for all sacrifice for sin.
Do you see why the book of Joshua ends with an anticlimax? Do you see why it is dissatisfying? Its because
the purposes of God are not yet complete. The people of God
in those days were looking ahead, in faith, looking for a better
Joshua to lead them into their eternal inheritance, and a better
saviour to save them to the uttermost, and a better priest who
would offer a better sacrifice, to bring them to God.
The purposes of God are not yet complete in Joshua 24 simply
because Jesus had not yet arrived. But when he did, he fulfilled all of
those longings. All of these things were resolved by the first coming
of Jesus.
There is another way in which this closing paragraph shows us that
Gods purposes are not yet complete, because it reminds us that
death still has the human race in its claws. Throughout the book
of Joshua, we have seen that God has given his people victory over
numerous different enemies, but there is one enemy that they have
not been able to lay a finger on, and that is death itself. At the end of
the book, everybody dies.
The apostle Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15 that the last enemy to
be destroyed is death. We know that it will be destroyed in the end,
because Jesus has already been raised from the dead, conquering
death itself on behalf of all of his people, so that the grave cannot
hold onto his people any more than it was able to hold onto him.
At Christs return, Joshua and Joseph and Eleazar, and every other
believer from history who has ever died, will be raised from the dead,
clothed in immortality. That problem of death will be resolved by the
second coming of Jesus.
You see, this final paragraph is in some ways a dissatisfying anticlimax, because it is showing us that the purposes of God are not yet
complete. But every unfulfilled longing in these verses is answered
by either the first or the second coming of Jesus.
3) How to stay faithful as Gods people
Verse 31 tells us that Gods people, the people of Israel, continued to
walk before the Lord in faith and obedience right up until the time of
Joshuas death. After that, they continued to be faithful to God during
the lifetime of all the other elders who outlived Joshua, but who had
seen for themselves all of Gods faithfulness through the events
recorded in the book of Joshua. The question is, what will happen
when this generation who saw all of these things dies out? Will
Gods people remain faithful to him then?
In Judges 2v10, we read this:
And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And
there arose another generation after them who did not know the
Lord or the work that he had done for Israel.
The next generation forgot about all the faithfulness of God that the

previous generation had witnessed. Repeatedly, they turned away

from God and rebelled against him.
Its a stark warning to the church. It tells us that when we allow the
grand story of Gods faithfulness to his people to be forgotten, then
we are already on the way to turning away from God in the way that
we live.
This final paragraph of the book of Joshua shows us how to stay
faithful as Gods people. It shows us that if we want to be faithful to
God in the long haul ourselves, and if we want the next generation
to remain faithful to God as well, then what we need to do is to keep
reminding ourselves and keep reminding them of the story of how
God has been faithful to his people, and has kept his promises to
them through the Lord Jesus. It is through the ordinary means of
grace (Word, sacraments and prayer) that God keeps this story front
and centre in the minds of his people.
4) How to die as Gods people
Verse 32 tells us that the people of Israel took the bones of Joseph,
which they had brought with them all the way from Egypt, and they
buried them at Shechem.
In order to understand the full significance of this event, we need to
turn back to the words of Genesis 50v24-26:
And Joseph said to his brothers, I am about to die, but God will
visit you and bring you up out of this land to the land that he swore
to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. Then Joseph made the sons of
Israel swear, saying, God will surely visit you, and you shall carry
up my bones from here. So Joseph died, being 110 years old. They
embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.
What was on the heart and mind of Joseph as he died? He died
believing in the promises of God, with all his hopes set in the
fulfilment of them. He is on his death bed, surrounded by his family,
the people of God, and, as it were, he has a map of the Middle East
open in front of him and he is pointing to the land of Canaan, the land
promised by God to his people, and Joseph is saying, Even after I am
dead, thats where Im going. Thats where I am going to end up; in
the place where the promises of God are fulfilled.
Its a glorious picture of how to die as Gods people, isnt it?
To die believing in the promises of God, with all your hope set in the
fulfilment of them.
Except in your case, you wont simply have a map of the Middle East
open in front of you on your death bed. Instead, you will have the
bible open in front of you, at Revelation chapter 21, which speaks of
the New Jerusalem. And you will be pointing at those words, saying
to those gathered round, Even after I am dead, thats where Im
going. Thats where I am going to end up; in the place where all the
promises of God are ultimately fulfilled.
Christian person, I hope that you never have to die. I hope that the
Saviour returns before then in order to destroy the last enemy before
you have to face it. But if you do die, die like this. Die believing in the
promises of God, with all your hope set in the fulfilment of them.

Every promise that he has made to us in

the gospel of Jesus Christ
we can trust in,100%,
because he who promised is faithful.



ne time whilst I was visiting a

cathedral a loud speaker came on
and the words of the Lords Prayer were
recited. But people carried on walking
around, engaging in conversation, doing
whatever they were doing before
nothing seemed more removed from
truly praying to God.
I want us to consider that great request
that was made to the Lord Jesus. Now
Jesus was praying in a certain place, and
when he finished one of his disciples
said to him, Lord, teach us to pray, as
John taught his disciples. Luke 11:1.
What can we say about this request?
This disciple may have been speaking for
them all but he saw the need for prayer.
Perhaps having seen Christ praying,
having that example set before him, had
stirred him up to see the need for prayer.
There are a number of occasions where
the gospels record the Lord as praying.
His disciples had spent time with Him,
they saw this often. And if their Lord
was much in prayer then how much did
His disciples need to be? Example can
be very powerful, and none more so than
the example of Christ Himself.
But not only did the disciple see the
need to pray, but also saw the need
to be taught to pray. We soon realise
that prayer is not easy its vital, its
necessary, its a great privilege that God
has given us but it can be difficult;
sometimes it can feel as though the
heavens are like brass. We can be weary

of the scope of these petitions.

like the disciples asleep in the garden of
Of all of Scripture this may be one part
Gethsemane. We can pray out of habit
that many of us know by heart. But let
but we wonder if were really praying
us not neglect it through over familiarity;
at all. So we need to think more about
there is so much here. Going back to
what were doing when we pray. Do we
the Lords Prayer will help us to have a
ever ask the question how should we
sense of priority and purpose in prayer,
pray? What things ought we to pray for?
and give a breadth to our prayer life. It
How can we pray to God in a way that
will help us to remember those things to
pleases Him?
pray for that we mustnt
This is a good request
forget. And if we pray
to have Lord teach us
Going back to the Lords
according to His will
to pray. Prayer is a vital
Prayer will help us to have we can be sure that He
means of grace. We
hears us (1 John 5:14).
depend upon God, we
a sense of priority and
need to pray, but just
purpose in prayer, and give How are we to use the
Lords Prayer ourselves?
how are we to make the
a breadth to our prayer life. Historically the words
most of it? What are we
of the Lords Prayer
to pray for? This must
have been used as part of worship as
be our request too then Lord teach us
we see from the early Church, from
to pray. And the Lord does teach us, He
the Reformers and the Westminster
helps us to pray by the Holy Spirit the
Directory of Public Worship. Augustine
Spirit helps us in our weakness (Rom
stated this prayer would be said by the
8:26) but He also instructs us through
whole Church till the end of the world.
His word. The Lord is gracious enough to
But we may fear this becomes the sort
teach us if were ready to listen.
of mechanical formality that I described
The whole Bible teaches us about
at the beginning. Prayer should never be
prayer; it teaches us about who God is
thoughtless or mechanical. But we can
to begin with, His glory, His might, and
helpfully use these words in prayer if we
how we can be reconciled to God, both of
do so in a right way.
which are essential to true prayer. And
But aside from actually using the
the Bible gives us many exhortations to
Lords Prayer as a prayer we can use its
pray, and many examples of prayer. But
structure and content to help us in our
the Lord answers this disciples question
own prayer life. Although its a corporate
with what we know as the Lords
prayer Our Father... in the context of
Prayer. And this is particularly important
Matthew 6 Jesus was also speaking
because here we find a more definitive
about personal prayer. Wouldnt it help
and comprehensive summary of prayer
our own prayer lives if we regularly went
than anywhere else in Scripture.
back to what the Lord teaches here and
On two separate occasions the Lord
turned it into our own prayers? Lord
taught this to His disciples. In Matthew
teach us to pray.
6 He says in this manner, therefore,
pray and in Luke 11 when you pray
say. It wasnt His own personal prayer,
the Lord didnt need to ask forgiveness
of sins, but this was the example, the
pattern He teaches His disciples.
We notice how comprehensive it
is. This isnt a prayer just for certain
occasions; many prayers in the Bible are
very specific but this prayer is always
appropriate. Notice the order, how it
begins with God, the first three petitions
have to do with God and His glory, and
Marcus Hobson has been minister
then the second three have to do with
of the Finaghy EPC congregation
our needs, both physical and spiritual.
since May 2014, having previously
The petitions are very full, very broad
served as an assistant in Durham
and were able to see how those
Presbyterian Church. He is married
petitions apply in many different
to Alison, and they have one son,
situations. The Westminster Shorter
Catechism, and the Larger Catechism
even more so, demonstrate something

My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge (Hosea 4:6). This was Gods
diagnosis of his peoples need in Old Testament
times and it was the lament taken up by an African
church leader, Rev Dr Pandang Yamsat when he quoted
this verse at the 2006 opening of Africa Christian
Textbooks (ACTS) HQ and Warehouse in Jos, Nigeria. To Dr
Yamsat and many other church leaders, ACTS represents a
bright hope that ignorance can be dispelled by the publishing
and distribution of Bible-based literature. This is also our
hope and prayer and daily struggle through the ministry
of ACTS.

prosperity gospel. They discovered this false

teaching through American literature flooding
into Africa. They are now propagating it across
Nigeria and the whole continent of Africa
through literature and other media.
Such false teaching is having a
destructive effect on the lives of many
individuals, churches, communities and
nations. It leaves people in darkness and in
bondage to their own selfish desires. There is
no repentance and no discipleship. The churches
may be full now, but how long will this last? The
hungry sheep look up and are not fed. Instead those
who experience suffering are accused of lack of faith.
Many young people have given up on what they see as a
corrupt church. Many have never heard the good news of
salvation by grace alone through Christ alone.
Good books can tackle false teaching
What is the cure? Jesus said, The truth will set you
free (John 8:32). Sound teaching is desperately
needed and this is what Africa Christian Textbooks
(ACTS) is providing. We have books that directly
address various forms of false teaching including
the prosperity gospel. It is even better that several
of them are written by Africans. With Gods help we
can feed hungry minds with his truth. We have an
open door into hundreds of seminaries and Bible
colleges through our well-stocked bookshops as
well as our mobile bookshop. Through low-priced
book sets and Study Bibles, ACTS is reaching many
denominations through their annual conferences of
serving pastors. Readers are leaders. And what they
read they will also preach.

In the absence of sound teaching of the Word of God, false

teaching will flourish. In the seminaries of Africa there are
books and lecturers (I have encountered them) presenting a
liberal pluralist theology that denies fundamental doctrines of
the Christian faith such as the bodily resurrection and miracles
of Christ and the uniqueness of Christ as the only way of
salvation. The Western liberal establishment (in church and
state) is determined to push the African churches (and their
nations) along the road of approving abortion and samesex marriage. Generally African leaders (including church
leaders) resist these pressures but for how long? Unless they
are equipped to answer the critics, they may be persuaded
to yield, especially if they see it as being in their economic
interest to do so.
Meanwhile, five out of the ten richest pastors in the world
today are Nigerians, with Pastor David Oyedepo of Winners
Chapel in Lagos coming top of the list. Not surprisingly they
have many imitators. Several have their own aircraft. One has
recently proposed building his own airport.
They openly describe themselves as preachers of the

By building good relationships with evangelical and reformed

publishers ACTS is able to provide and distribute good books
at bargain prices. Usually the discounts are generous, and
sometimes the books are donated free. With the support of
Crossway and The Gospel Coalition, ACTS has the opportunity
to distribute thousands of ESV Global Study Bibles in Nigeria
and Kenya. We have twelve
bookshops in Nigeria and
are still expanding, though
it is not easy to get these
branches to break-even
point. We also have a
strategic shop in Nairobi
which is reaching out to
more than one hundred
Bible colleges across Kenya
and beyond.
ACTS has over 50 workers
in Nigeria. Pamela Gaiya
(a member of Omagh

EPC) is part of our Management team in Jos and uses her

administrative gifts to serve both ACTS and Mission Africa.
With her warm personality, Pamela gets on well with all the
ACTS staff and
supports the General
Manager, Rev Luka
Vandi. The GM (as
we usually call him)
was my student and
we have worked
together since
the earliest days
of ACTS. He is a
pastor of the Church
of the Brethren
denomination in
Nigeria. This church
(known as EYN) has
been on the front line facing devastating Boko Haram attacks
in north-east Nigeria. Many lives have been lost and about
250 pastors have lost their homes and their libraries. ACTS is
helping them to replace their libraries.
Sound books are vital for a growing church
Good books are vital tools for the training of African pastors
and African missionaries (to reach the millions still unreached).
Good books equip African lecturers and teachers with
classroom textbooks (hence our name). Good books including
sound commentaries and Study Bibles are helping African
pastors with their preaching and teaching.
The devil does not like this work and he makes sure that there
are obstacles to the progress of the work. We need prayer for
ACTS property, projects and people.

Pray for ACTS people:

Sid Garland, Pamela
Gaiya, Luka Vandi
and all ACTS staff,
editors, writers,
partners; and for
those God is calling
to join them. ACTS
need people who love
the Lord, love people,
love books and have
ability in business
marketing, design,
editing, etc.

What can we do?

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6).
ACTS is part of the knowledge industry. And we are recruiting.
We are grateful for all individuals and local churches who
already support us but we need more people who will catch
the vision, get behind us in prayer and perhaps join us in the
work until the day when the earth will be filled with the
knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah
11:9). Our missionary God is searching for workers: Whom
shall I send? And who will go for us? (Isaiah 6:8).
Is God calling you to Nigeria (maybe Lagos)? Is God calling you
to Kenya? Are you willing to answer like Isaiah? Here am I.
Send me!

Pray for ACTS property: HQ Warehouse (protection), the

branch shops, our vehicles, and especially the need for a
warehouse and distribution depot in Lagos. (On this latter
issue, we still need guidance and funds in order to provide a
strategic base in sub-Saharan Africas largest city for ACTS
and for our partners in literature ministry, Revival Movement
Pray for ACTS projects:
the Hausa translation of the
Africa Bible Commentary (and
funds still needed to get this into
print), African Writers Retreat
Centre (Phase 1 is currently
in construction), the book set
projects, the publishing of new
titles for printing in India, the
development of digital resources
(e-books, theological resources)
and online retailing through our
website and social media.

Rev. Dr Sid Garland, a minister of the EPC, serves with Mission

Africa (formerly Qua Iboe Mission). After nine years in our
Finaghy congregation, he and his wife Jean (and their three
children) went to Samuel Bill Theological College in 1987
before transferring to the Theological College of Northern
Nigeria. Since returning to Belfast in 2010, Sid has continued
as Executive Director of Africa Christian Textbooks (ACTS),
regularly visiting both Nigeria and Kenya. He is happy to add
you to his mailing list for regular updates on the work:


OBITUARY - Mr Tommy Quail (Finaghy)

It is with deep sadness that the Finaghy Congregation
records the passing of their long serving and highly
esteemed elder Tommy Quail on 6 August 2015.
In his 25 years as a member of Session, Tommy
provided strong leadership across the full range of
the congregations activities and contributed also as a
member of Presbytery to the greater good of the whole
Evangelical Presbyterian Church. His commitment to,
and passion for, the work was noteworthy in whatever
capacity he served. His faithfulness and diligence in
his long service as Treasurer in the congregation is
particularly praiseworthy.
Tommy had a marked enthusiasm for evangelical
outreach and, although beset by increasing ill health
and infirmity in later years, his love for the Lord
continued to shine. His warm hearted prayers, practical
approach and sincere interest in the Lords work will
live long in the memory, as will our regard for him.
We mourn his passing but rejoice that he has gone
to his reward and received the Well done, good and
faithful servant.
We commend Tommys wife Sally, and sons Martin and
Ivan to your prayers.


The ladies of Groomsport
Evangelical Presbyterian Church
were pleased to welcome
about 80 ladies to their
special meeting on Thursday 3
September when Miss Maud
Kells gave her testimony. Maud
explained how an invitation to
attend a Christian meeting from
a fellow student nurse led to
her becoming a Christian. She
later experienced her call to the mission field while attending
a memorial service for missionaries who had been shot dead
during the 1964 Simba rebellion. Maud felt challenged that
more workers were needed to replace them, even though
missionaries had been evacuated from the Congo because of
the highly dangerous situation and she was advised to think
of somewhere else. By the time Maud had completed further
medical and language studies the Congo was again open to
missionary opportunities.
Maud has served with WEC International in the Democratic
Republic of Congo since 1968. She has used her skills not only
as a nurse and midwife, for Pharmacy and Maternity work,
but also as supervisor for building projects, even learning how
to make bricks from anthills! She has taught in Bible School
and over the years she has had the joy of seeing many people
come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. In recent years Maud has
been based in the small town of Mulita in North-East Congo,
spending half of the year there (October to April) and the other
half back home in Cookstown. At an age when most people
would be happily settled in retirement Maud is still working
hard. Recent projects include organising the making of school
uniforms for more than 360 primary school pupils and laying
the foundations for a new school nursery.
In December 2014 Maud learned that she was to be
honoured with an OBE in the Queens New Year honours list
for dedicating her life to serving the people of the Congo.
However Maud was to experience what she considers to be
a greater honour, to suffer for Christs and the Gospels sake.
On 4 January 2015 she was shot and seriously wounded by
bandits at her home in the Congo, an experience which made
her all the more conscious of Gods peace and the knowledge
that He is in complete control. While convalescing in Northern
Ireland Maud has undertaken many speaking engagements to
share her story so that God might have all the glory.
Groomsport EPC



Here in Finaghy we had our Holiday Bible Club over four
evenings in the last week of August. We had an encouraging
week with around 20 children each night.
We were very glad to have Julie Fenton of CEF come and do the
teaching over the week. Then a number of us from the church
helped with singing, craft, memory verses, games and all the
practical work involved.
The Bible club and afternoon Sunday School are part of our
outreach to the Finaghy area. The children at present are from
outside the church but live locally.

The sun shone as members and friends from all parts of
the province gathered for the official opening of Knock EPC
new church building on Saturday afternoon, 12 September.
Hearts were encouraged as Rev Robert Johnston gave a
brief narrative of Knock church, beginning with meetings in
a home in 1927 before moving to the existing site where the
first building was erected for the sum of 1131 in 1928. He
spoke of Gods goodness over the following 87 years up to
the present day, and presentations were made to Mr Sam
Thompson (architect) and Mr Andrew Wishart (contractor) in
appreciation of their helpfulness in bringing the new building
to fruition. All who had contributed financially and in other
ways were thanked and Robert prayed that the building,
though only bricks and mortar, would always be a place where
people heard Gods word, believed it, loved it and obeyed it.
Psalm 145 was a fitting opening praise.
Rev Andy Hambleton then read and preached from the last
five verses of the book of Joshua, leaving us with a picture of
the dying Joseph, his finger pointing at a map of the Promised
Land, saying, Thats where Im going. As Gods people, we
die believing the promises of God, our fingers pointing at
Revelation chapter 21, knowing that that is where we are
going. After this glorious thought, the service closed with the
singing of Guide me, O thou great Jehovah.
The Knock ladies had provided a generous afternoon tea and
many stayed to enjoy conversation with acquaintances new
and old.


Over the years the childrens work has built up contact with
a number of families in the community.
It was particularly encouraging this year to see some new
faces and to see the children listening well to Gods word.
On the last night we invited parents in for a short time and it
was good to see their support and appreciation of the week.
We value prayer for our Sunday School, a few new members
have come since the Bible club. Numbers go up and down
each week but were very thankful to have this opportunity
to share the gospel.

The Paranoid Parent- and how not to be one was the

title of the first talk given by Ann Benton at the ladies
day conference on Saturday 19 September. But this was
much more than a How to... programme for bringing
up children. Ann challenged her listeners to notice how
the concept of parenting has changed over the decades
so that believing parents are now swimming against
the tide, and showed how a secular world view has
contributed to the current crisis in parenting. Against
this background, Ann presented the Bibles view of
parents and children, concluding with her six practical
and Bible-based top tips.
The lunch break provided opportunity to chat about
what had been heard, visit the bookstall and enjoy the
refreshments provided. Its always nice for ladies when
someone else makes the lunch.
Anns second talk on Juggling the Generations was
aimed particularly at those who find themselves looking
after their parents while still bringing up children, but
had a much wider application for anyone with ongoing
responsibility to care for family. Ann spoke from
experience, acknowledging the demands and difficulties
of being like the ham in the middle of the sandwich, but
lifted her hearers eyes beyond the problems to see the
bigger picture of Gods kingdom and to view all tasks as
the road to something beautiful and glorious. To fear
the Lord, she said, was the best advice, along with all that
flowed from such an attitude.
Practical counsel was offered on managing your load
and keeping your sanity.
Common sense, humour and an absolute belief in the
relevance and authority of scripture marked all that Ann
said. Many of those present spoke of the benefit of the
day and left feeling challenged and inspired. Thanks
must go to the Stranmillis ladies for organising the event
and providing the food. Please contact Pat Gibson on 028
92692623 or for recordings of
Anns talks, available at a cost of 2.

Thank God for our Sunday schools

and for each teacher and Sunday
school superintendent.
Pray that every lesson will be useful
in drawing children to Christ and
building them up in their faith.
Pray for Finaghys Sunday school,
that the children will come regularly
and local families will be touched
with the Gospel.
Thank God for the gift of children
and pray that parents will seek to
bring their children up in the fear of
the Lord.
Pray especially for new parents, for
those whose children are ill or have
special needs and for all who carry
heavy responsibility of caring for


Title: Dig Deeper into the Gospels
Authors: Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns
Publisher: IVP
Published: 2015
Pages: 233 pages
RRP: 9-99 Our Price: 7.99

Praise God for His faithfulness

over the years of EPC worship
and witness in Knock and ask
Him to bless the current Knock
congregation with His presence
each Lords Day.

The authors of this book, both members of the ministry team

at St Helens Bishopsgate in London, want to encourage people
to study the Bible. They suggest that this may require some
effort - hence the reference to digging in the title - but provide a
toolkit to help. The tools include - thinking specifically about the
structure, vocabulary, tone and feel of the passage; reflecting on
the genre, context, and authors purpose in writing. We must also
use the so what? tool to consider the implications of Scripture

Pray that good literature will be used

for our lives. Sach and Hiorns point out that obedience leads to

by God to equip pastors in Nigeria

clarity. These tools have been described in an earlier book, Dig

to feed His people and protect them

Deeper by Nigel Beynon and Andrew Sach, also published by IVP,

from false teaching.

and expanded upon in Dig Even Deeper, where they were applied

Use the information in Sidneys

to the study of Exodus. In this volume the authors take us

article to pray for ACTS property,

projects and people.
Praise God for His good hand upon
Maud Kells through the trauma of
shooting and recovery and pray that
He will strengthen her as she returns
to the Congo.
Thank God for the many
opportunities Maud has had to speak
of her Saviour and pray that we will

through the gospel of Mark as a worked example. It encourages

study of the gospel text with thought and reflection and so could
be used for group study or personal devotions. I used this book
for daily readings over a month and found it extremely rewarding,
gaining some valuable new insights. The style is friendly and
conversational, with cultural references from Columbo to
Blackadder, but dont let that fool you: Sach and Hiorns are
careful to keep referring their readers back to Scripture written
under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit rather than focusing on
their book written by a couple of blokes in East London. I would
gladly recommend.
Michael Trimble

all be encouraged to dedicate our

lives in service to Him.
Title: J. Gresham Machen
Author: Sean Michael Lucas
Publisher: Evangelical Press
Published: 2015
Pages: 130 pages
RRP: 6-99 Our Price: 5-25
Dubbed at his death Doctor Fundamentalis, J. Gresham Machen
(18811937) was one of the most significant defenders of


evangelical Christianity in the early twentieth century.

the challenges facing such families in order to be able to offer

Raised in American Presbyterianism, he wrestled deeply with

help from a more informed position. The authors have done the

the challenge of Protestant Modernism and provided some of

church quite a service in writing this helpful and timely book.

the most significant responses to it, particularly his classic book,

Christianity and Liberalism. He pointed the way forward toward
a Christianity that was both intellectually rigorous and spiritually

Title: Faith of our Father: Exposition of Gen 12-25

satisfying, one that was rooted in a trustworthy Bible and in a

Author: Dale Ralph Davis

confessional tradition which in turn produced a genuine faith in

Publisher: Christian Focus

Christ. As a result, Machen continues to provide lessons today for

Published: 2015

those who desire to be valiant for truth in the midst of a hostile

Pages: 166 pages


RRP: 8-99 Our Price: 5-99

This book is the latest in the Bitesize Biographies series and,

as one would expect of a book of 130 pages, doesnt add much
to previous biographies by the likes of Stonehouse and Nichols.
However, in keeping with the rest of the series, it does give the
reader a brief introduction to the life and thought of a giant figure

Dale Ralph Davis has written sufficiently that one can speak

in the history of Presbyterianism. It is an enjoyable read and one I

of vintage Davis. While there are numerous commentaries on

heartily recommend.

Abraham each with their own style and merit, Davis has the
advantage of getting to the heart of the text in an engaging style
without losing anything of the text itself. Over 166 pages and

Title: The Life You Never Expected

17 chapters, the life of Abraham is portrayed. From the very

Author: Andrew & Rachel Wilson

outset we are directed to what the passage actually says without

Publisher: IVP

recourse to theological gymnastics. The chapter titles are in

Published: 2015

themselves impressive; for example - God so loved the world he

Pages: 160 pages.

called Abraham; God keeps hold of losers; faith faces the facts of

RRP: 8-99 Our Price: 6-75

life, etc.
Taking Chapter 11 as an example (What Sodom does to you Gen 19) it is gratifying that Davis unapologetically tells us firstly
of the danger of covenant drifting. The drift began in chapter

Sometimes you end up living the life you never expected. When

13 but it takes 6 chapters before it becomes obvious. Secondly

Andrew and Rachel found out that one, and then both, of their

there is no glossing over the obvious immorality that existed

children had severe autism, their world was turned on its head.

in Sodom. Davis does an excellent job in a single paragraph

In this book, Andrew and Rachel Wilson honestly and openly

demonstrating why alternative ideas dont fit. Another bonus is

share their experience of parenting autistic children, while also

that Davis knows his Hebrew without flaunting it. It just comes

giving some good practical and biblical advice about surviving

across as natural. Finally, he helpfully ends with the chapter on

and thriving, when something we take for granted doesnt go

the rle of intercessory prayer. Given the range of quotations and

according to plan. The book tells the story of how they have been

illustrations it is apparent that he has read widely from the whole

forced to rely on God through their difficult, but by no means

corpus of literature.

unique, circumstances.

Overall a highly recommended volume and an excellent addition

With clarity and biblical insight, they share their experience of

to the believers stock of books. Given the bargain price that the

grief and worship, struggle and hope. As well as reflecting on the

Evangelical Bookshop are selling it at (5.99) best to buy at least

specific challenges of raising children with special needs, they

two and share the blessing around.

speak to broader questions as well: the problem of suffering,

building a marriage under pressure, fighting for joy and trusting

Rev. E. T. Kirkland

in the goodness of God.

This is primarily a book for parents of special needs children,
but is also helpful for friends and family of those with special
needs, as well as those who would like to know more about


Best of the Blogs

A selection of online blogs and articles to challenge and
encourage you in your walk with God and his people

There is no better life (Tim Challies)

Serve the King of Babylon and live (Mark Johnston)

The old catechism says it well: The chief end of man is to

glorify God and enjoy him forever. You and I exist for Gods
glory. In fact, all things exist for Gods glory. We get that. But
how? How do we glorify God? I want to list 4 simple ways
that you can glorify God today and every day.

However tempting it may for the church to despair for the

future at least in its earthly form the future is no less
secure than when Nebuchadnezzar took the Old Testament
church into captivity. We may well be entering a season
during which the church will feel marginalised and oppressed;
but the very regimes, with their moral majorities, that are
treating the church in this way will have their day.
An Introduction to the Gospel: A Covenant Theology Primer
There are two operative principles in the Bible: 1) Do this
and live, and 2) Trust in the Mediator to do for us what we
are unable to do for ourselves. The first principle is often
called the covenant of works and the second the covenant
of grace. The second is possible because the mediator
fulfilled the first. John Calvin once said, The person who
wants to be justified by works must do more than produce
just a few good deeds. He must bring with him perfect
obedience to the Law. And those who have outstripped all
others and have progressed the most in the Law of the Lord
are still very far from this perfect obedience.
4 Principles for the Exercise of Christian Liberty (Sinclair
I was making my way out of our church building some time
after the morning service had ended, and was surprised
to find a small group of people still engaged in vigorous
conversation. One of them turned and said to me, Can
Christians eat black pudding?
Although (as far as I am aware) no theological dictionary
contains an entry under B for The Black Pudding
Controversy, this unusual discussion raised some most
basic hermeneutical and theological issues: How is the Old
Testament related to the New? How is the Law of Moses
related to the gospel of Jesus Christ? How should a Christian
exercise freedom in Christ?


Reformed Snobbery (Mark Johnston)
How we wear our theology says a lot about how well we
have grasped it and to what extent it has grasped us. Paul
puts his finger on it in what he says to the Romans about the
life-transforming power of Gods truth. He says, But thanks
be to God, that though you were slaves to sin, you have
become obedient from the heart to that form of teaching
to which you were committed (Romans 6.17). He is saying,
quite literally, that Gods truth, when it is properly grasped,
reshapes our lives from the inside out.
When I dont feel forgiven (Ian Hamilton)
Nothing and no one can snatch a Christian, even the weakest
Christian, from the strong hands of our omnipotent heavenly
Father (John 10:2930). But this glorious truth does not mean
that our Christian lives cannot be disturbed, even deeply
disturbed by the world, the flesh, and the devil. One of the
most disturbing experiences a believer can face is losing the
felt sense of Gods forgiveness. This desolating experience
has touched the lives of many Christians throughout
the ages.

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