The Evangelical Presbyterian - November-December 2015
The Evangelical Presbyterian - November-December 2015
The Evangelical Presbyterian - November-December 2015
Page 6
(1 Thessalonians 4v3-8)
(Page 4)
Sub Editors:
Marcus Hobson
Jeff Ballantine
Heather Watson
First word
Sexual puri ty
(1 Thessalonians 4v3-8)
Finishing well (Joshua 24v29-33)
Book Reviews
Colin Campbell
The Evangelical Book Shop
Phone 028 9032 0529
Subscriptions 2015
Collected 9.00
By post within the UK 11.50
By post outside the UK 16.00
Enquiries to the Evangelical Book Shop
Anyone wishing to help the churchs work may send their gift to the
Finance Committee C/O:
Rev J S Roger
16 Huntingdale
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Printed by Saxoprint.
Design and layout by Derek Johnston
Proof Reader:
Julia Grier
From the churches
Praise & Prayer
Book reviews
Best of the blogs
I am sure that you will have seen on the news the recent
scandal involving a certain German car manufacturer.
It is thought that around 11 million vehicles worldwide
have been built with so-called defeat devices fitted.
These devices contain software which is able to detect
when the cars emissions are being tested, and then
cheat the tests, making the cars appear to be more
environmentally friendly than they really are. The cars
behave well when they are being monitored, but the rest
of the time they behave far worse!
Editors Note:
From the start of 2016 the Evangelical Presbyterian Magazine will undergo a few changes. The magazine will become
a quarterly, but the number of pages will rise from 16 to 24 per issue. However, the price will remain at 1.50 per issue,
thus reducing the annual subscription from 9 to 6. A bargain!
(1 Thessalonians 4v3-8)
Look at verses 4 and 5. Paul says, that each one of you know
how to control his own body in holiness and honour, not in the
passion of lust like the Gentiles who do not know God;
Paul is saying is that when it comes to the issue of sexual selfcontrol, there ought to be a discernible difference between those
who are Christians, and those who are not.
If someone is not a Christian then they are still a slave to sin, the
bible says. They are not able not to sin, to use the language of
Augustine. Sin has far too much control over their heart for them
to beat it, even if they wanted to. Sin is their master.
For the Christian, that is not the case. Of course, we are still
susceptible to temptation, and we still do sin every day, but that
domineering power of sin over us has been broken through the
death and resurrection of Jesus. It IS possible for us not to sin.
With every temptation that comes our way, the Lord gives us the
way of escape, that we may be able to endure it. And his Spirit is
at work within us, changing us, transforming us, setting us free
from our former slavery to sin, and bringing forth his fruit in our
lives, a part of which is self-control.
How can you fight off sexual temptation and stay pure if youre
a Christian? Because Jesus has set you free from that former
slavery to sin, and because of Gods transforming grace you are
able to control your body in holiness and honour.
b) Gods people
J.B. Priestleys famous play An Inspector Calls tells the story
of a police inspector who interrupts a family dinner party taking
place at the home of a rich businessman. He tells the family
that an impoverished young woman has just committed suicide.
Initially, the family are unsympathetic, but as the inspector
questions them one by one it transpires that the selfish actions
of each member of the family had an impact on this young
woman, which led to her taking her own life. The message of
the play is that our selfishness has consequences in the lives of
others, even when we dont realise it.
In the first half of verse 6, Paul is applying that principle to sexual
matters. He continues, that no one transgress and wrong his
brother in this matter.
What Paul is getting at here is that sexual sin, though it may
be performed in private, never stays private. Sexual sin always
affects other people in one way or another.
Thats true even when you use pornography, because those
depicted are almost invariably the victims of abuse of one kind or
another. The use of pornography perpetuates and facilitates their
abuse. But as well as that, all other kinds of sexual sin are sins
against other people too. At the very least sexual sin involves
using other people as an object for selfish gain. Beyond that,
fornication is a sin against the future spouses of those involved.
Adultery is a sin against the current spouse or spouses of those
involved, as is the use of pornography. Today, over half of all
divorce cases involve one party having an obsessive interest in
pornographic websites.
Paul says, see that no one transgress and wrong his brother in
(Joshua 24v29-33)
My people are destroyed for lack of
knowledge (Hosea 4:6). This was Gods
diagnosis of his peoples need in Old Testament
times and it was the lament taken up by an African
church leader, Rev Dr Pandang Yamsat when he quoted
this verse at the 2006 opening of Africa Christian
Textbooks (ACTS) HQ and Warehouse in Jos, Nigeria. To Dr
Yamsat and many other church leaders, ACTS represents a
bright hope that ignorance can be dispelled by the publishing
and distribution of Bible-based literature. This is also our
hope and prayer and daily struggle through the ministry
of ACTS.
The sun shone as members and friends from all parts of
the province gathered for the official opening of Knock EPC
new church building on Saturday afternoon, 12 September.
Hearts were encouraged as Rev Robert Johnston gave a
brief narrative of Knock church, beginning with meetings in
a home in 1927 before moving to the existing site where the
first building was erected for the sum of 1131 in 1928. He
spoke of Gods goodness over the following 87 years up to
the present day, and presentations were made to Mr Sam
Thompson (architect) and Mr Andrew Wishart (contractor) in
appreciation of their helpfulness in bringing the new building
to fruition. All who had contributed financially and in other
ways were thanked and Robert prayed that the building,
though only bricks and mortar, would always be a place where
people heard Gods word, believed it, loved it and obeyed it.
Psalm 145 was a fitting opening praise.
Rev Andy Hambleton then read and preached from the last
five verses of the book of Joshua, leaving us with a picture of
the dying Joseph, his finger pointing at a map of the Promised
Land, saying, Thats where Im going. As Gods people, we
die believing the promises of God, our fingers pointing at
Revelation chapter 21, knowing that that is where we are
going. After this glorious thought, the service closed with the
singing of Guide me, O thou great Jehovah.
The Knock ladies had provided a generous afternoon tea and
many stayed to enjoy conversation with acquaintances new
and old.
Over the years the childrens work has built up contact with
a number of families in the community.
It was particularly encouraging this year to see some new
faces and to see the children listening well to Gods word.
On the last night we invited parents in for a short time and it
was good to see their support and appreciation of the week.
We value prayer for our Sunday School, a few new members
have come since the Bible club. Numbers go up and down
each week but were very thankful to have this opportunity
to share the gospel.
Title: Dig Deeper into the Gospels
Authors: Andrew Sach & Tim Hiorns
Publisher: IVP
Published: 2015
Pages: 233 pages
RRP: 9-99 Our Price: 7.99
for our lives. Sach and Hiorns point out that obedience leads to
and expanded upon in Dig Even Deeper, where they were applied
help from a more informed position. The authors have done the
Published: 2015
Dale Ralph Davis has written sufficiently that one can speak
heartily recommend.
Abraham each with their own style and merit, Davis has the
advantage of getting to the heart of the text in an engaging style
without losing anything of the text itself. Over 166 pages and
Publisher: IVP
Published: 2015
called Abraham; God keeps hold of losers; faith faces the facts of
life, etc.
Taking Chapter 11 as an example (What Sodom does to you Gen 19) it is gratifying that Davis unapologetically tells us firstly
of the danger of covenant drifting. The drift began in chapter
Sometimes you end up living the life you never expected. When
Andrew and Rachel found out that one, and then both, of their
children had severe autism, their world was turned on its head.
that Davis knows his Hebrew without flaunting it. It just comes
according to plan. The book tells the story of how they have been
corpus of literature.
unique, circumstances.
to the believers stock of books. Given the bargain price that the
Rev. E. T. Kirkland