2π/kz , the slot spacing must be tapered as well and equal a circular FEC of radius R in the absence of boundaries,
to βλ, where λ is the free-space laser wavelength. A draw- ΔU ≤ eσp R/20 , or 28.4 keV for R = 0.5 mm. Cathode
ing of the structure is shown in Figure 1(a). operation is therefore a two-stage process: the cathode is
Eq. 1 shows an inherent inefficiency of the structure: the heated to provide the quasi-static DC field, and then illu-
accelerating field increases off-axis, though the degree of minated by the laser pulse to give field emission from the
nonuniformity lessens for larger βγ. However, Eq. 2 does tips. A gap of less than a millimeter between cathode and
not constrain the half-gap spacing a, and for sufficiently acceleration structure will suffice to inject electrons at an
small a the nonuniformity can be minimized. energy high enough for trapping.
reflecting layer
y Focusing
laser light
ebeam (polarized in z) z One can determine, from the Maxwell equations, the
location x field and force components on a charged particle within the
vacuum gap for the x-invariant structure described above.
dielectric ε b While there can be no net force in x due to symmetry, we
find that the force in the y-direction is given to first order
(a) by
βλ qE0 kz y
Fy ≈ sinh sin(kz z), (3)
γ γ
Ferroelectric crystal
(e.g. LiNbO3) that is, the transverse fields are defocusing in y for phases in
Laser pulse
the accelerating bucket, though they vanish in the relativis-
emitter array tic limit. While this first-order effect is unavoidable unless
(e.g. graphite needles)
the transverse symmetry in x is broken, it can be offset for
Heating element relativistic velocities by a second-order (ponderomotive)
focusing force due to the backward-going wave component
Figure 1: Conceptual drawings of (a) the accelerating in this standing-wave structure [5]. The backward wave
structure; and (b) the cathode assembly. Typical dimen- does contribute to the dynamics for the sub-relativistic elec-
sions: a = 0.05–0.1 μm; b = 0.27–0.3 μm; total length 1 trons, as described in the Simulation section below, but for
mm or 1600 structure periods. low values of β (γ ∼ 1) the defocusing still predominates.
For low energies we must introduce field variation in x in
order to address the focusing issue. By shaping the struc-
Cathode ture in the x-dimension, one in effect imposes a nonzero
(real or imaginary) k x . If kx is large enough and imaginary,
The constraint on β mentioned above implies that to be one obtains a structure which is focusing in the y direction
trapped and accelerated, the beam may not start from rest. and defocusing in x.
For example, if the dielectric is silicon or germanium ( r = One possibility for stable acceleration over hundreds of
11.69 for Si), the minimum beam energy for acceleration is periods is the use of a canted structure which maintains
23.4 keV. We propose a dual-function integrated cathode in focusing in the small (y) direction while alternating trans-
which electrons are generated by field emission and then verse kicks in the x direction. (See Fig. 2.) In this scenario,
accelerated in a quasi-DC electric field to at least 25 keV. the coupling slots are rotated by a small β-dependent an-
The cathode design is shown conceptually in Fig. 1(b) gle, in effect using a nonzero transverse velocity to oppose
and consists of a small field-emitting region, such as an ar- the defocusing kick F x . After several structure periods,
ray of graphite needles, deposited onto a ferroelectric crys- when the particle has crossed the centerline, the slot angle
tal (FEC) such as lithium niobate (LiNbO 3 ). FECs gener- is changed to the opposite sign, and the process can con-
ally have pyroelectric properties, that is, when heated or tinue.
cooled they develop a temporary polarization charge σ p
on the crystal surfaces which is proportional to the tem- NUMERICAL RESULTS
perature increase (σ p = γΔT , where γ is the pyroelec-
tric coefficient of the material and ΔT is the temperature The structure described is challenging to simulate in full,
rise in kelvin) [4]. This polarization charge is eventually due to the variety of length scales, large aspect ratios for
neutralized by bulk conduction in the material, but the pro- structure and coupling slots, and open boundary conditions
cess is slow (relaxation time on the order of seconds). For in x. We present only preliminary results here, including
LiNbO3 , γ = 10−8 C cm−2 K−1 , and a temperature in- semi-analytic and numerical approaches.
crease of 10 K is sufficient to produce a surface charge The results of single-particle tracking through analytic
of 10−7 C/cm2 , with a surface field on the order of 10 fields are shown in Figure 3(a) and (b). Energy gain for
MV/m. The total energy gained by an electron acceler- a particle on the axis appears smooth, with output energy
ated in the surface field depends on the size of the FEC; for of 1 MeV reached in just over 1 mm of travel, but for low
03 Linear Colliders, Lepton Accelerators and New Acceleration Techniques A14 Advanced Concepts
3146 1-4244-0917-9/07/$25.00
Proceedings of PAC07, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA THPMS071
4 0
–1x109 V/m
Figure 2: An alternating-angle canted structure which
y [mm]
would be focusing in both x and y, shown viewed from
–2x109 V/m
above (+y). The coupling slots are rotated by a small an- 1
gle from the perpendicular and alternate in sign every few
structure periods. 0
0 5 10 15 20
(a) z [µm]
600 (a).
200 400 600 800 1000
z [µm] A laser-powered micro-accelerator appears to be possi-
ble, according to preliminary investigations. Many ques-
tions remain to be answered, including the particle dy-
namics in full simulated fields, the optimal slot design for
x, y [µm]