In order to study the first few meters of beam Figure 2: Quantum efficiency map before (a) and after (b)
propagation, where space charge effects and plasma the laser cleaning procedure.
oscillations dominate the electron dynamics, a new
sophisticate diagnostic tool was installed and Figure 3 shows the beam energy and energy spread
commissioned, the movable emittance-meter [2]. The measured varying the launch phase of the laser pulse. The
SLAC/BNL/UCLA 1.6 cell S-band RF gun was differences between the low and high charge case are due
conditioned up to > 10 MW, corresponding to a field of to longitudinal space charge effects (including the image
charge at the cathode) and to the wakefield effects in the The 1-D pepper pot technique allows not only to
long bellows. The maximum beam energy of 5.65 MeV measure the beam and the Twiss parameters, but also to
corresponds to a peak field in the gun of 120 MV/m, in reconstruct the phase space [7].
complete agreement with RF power measurements. Here in Fig. 5 the phase space reconstruction in
different positions, measured at low charge, 100 pC.
We acknowledge many fruitful exchanges with several
SLAC-LCLS members, and the loan of two SLAC 3 m
S-band sections for the SPARC photoinjector.