Savage Worlds Old School Fantasy Character Sheet

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Name Sex Age Race


Parry Toughness Wounds Fatigue Encumbrance Pace

-1 -2 -3 -2 -1

What “they” need Head You take a wound when the damage dealt to your hero Make a Vigor roll Heat, cold, hunger, thirst, lack of sleep Unencumbered
to hit you in surpasses your toughness by a raise. Each and every raise to determine the and drowning are all sources of Load Limit is five
melee. Your Arms causes another wound. Wound penalties are applied to results of being fatigue, a downward spiral that can times your St in You can move
parry is equal to your Pace and all trait rolls. incapacitated lead to a character’s death if he lbs. your Pace each
2 + half your You may attempt to not take this damage by making a (SWEX p. 75). doesn’t find a way to recover. Fatigue Each multiple round.
Fighting. Damage needed penalties are applied to your Pace above this you As an action you
Soak Roll (spend a Benny and roll your Vigor).
to shake you in and all trait rolls. suffer a -1 penalty can run, moving
combat. Equal to Healing attemps require 10 mins of work, and must be to St, Ag and your running die
2 + half your make within an hour of receiving the wound. linked skills. extra distance.
Vigor + armor.

Strength Attacks Weapons, Armor, Powers Power Points

Melee damage
Load limit Fighting (Ag)

Shooting (Ag)

Vigor Throwing (Ag)

Soak rolls

Tests of Will
Agility Intimidation (Sp)
Combat ability
Taunt (Sm)

Smarts Skills
Resist Taunt Additional Skills & Languages
Notice (Sm) Arcane skills (Sm / Sp), Boating (Ag), Craft (Sm, Sp, Ag), Driving (Ag), Gambling (Sm), Investigation (Sm), Knowledge
(Sm), Riding (Ag):
Stealth (Ag)
Recover Shaken Lockpicking (Ag)
Resist Intimidate

Climbing (St)

Charisma Tracking (Sm)

Interaction skills
(Cha is +0 unless
Survival (Sm)
you have Edges or
Hindrances that
modify it) Swimming (Ag)

Healing (Sm) Personality Quirks, Hindrances & Permanent Injuries

Interaction (add your Charisma)

Persuasion (Sp)

Streetwise (Sm)

Edges & Advancements


S1 V1 H1

N1 S2 V2 H2

N2 S3 V3 H3

N3 S4 V4 H4


Aim +2 Shooting/Throwing if character does not move | Defend +2 Parry; character may take no other actions | Disarm -2 attack; defender must make a Str roll vs. the damage or drop his
weapon | The Drop +4 attack and damage | Finishing Move Instant kill to helpless foe with lethal weapon | Full Defense No movement or other actions to replace Parry with Fighting roll |
Ganging Up +1 per additional attacker; maximum of +4 | Grapple Opposed Strength roll to grapple; raise causes Shaken | Nonlethal Damage Incapacitated characters are knocked out instead |
Tests of Will Roll Taunt vs Smarts or Intimidate vs Spirit, with situational modifiers; if you win you get +2 on your next action against the opponent in this combat; raise also causes Shaken | Tricks
Describe maneuver then make an opposed Agility / Smarts roll; if you win opponent gets -2 Parry until his next turn, win with a raise and he’s Shaken as well | Two Weapons -2 attack; additional
-2 for off-hand if not Ambidextrous | Unarmed Defender Armed attackers gain +2 Fighting | Wild Attack Player must first describe maneuver, then gains +2 Fighting, +2 damage, -2 Parry until
next action | Withdrawing from Close Combat Adjacent foes each get one free attack at retreating character.

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