Schools of Magic For Savage Worlds
Schools of Magic For Savage Worlds
Schools of Magic For Savage Worlds
These spell lists are also useful for GMs who need to quickly generate a Seasoned
spellcasting NPC, complete with a list of known powers and their 1 Wall of air (barrier)
trappings. In this case the known powers can simply be rolled randomly.
2 Guide missiles (farsight – only affects missile weapons)
Conveniently, there are 20 schools of magic, which are numbered for
easy random selection with a d20. Roughly 50% of wizards are 3 Whirlwind (havoc)
specialists who know powers from a single school – simply roll d20 to 4 Air wave (pummel)
find which school, and then roll for the powers known. The other 50%
are generalists, who use powers from many schools – for a generalist Veteran
you can randomly roll a school for each known power.
1 Ride the wind (fly)
Optionally, in campaigns where magic use is more restricted, the GM
may also require player character wizards to randomly select their
starting powers. 1 Gaseous form (intangibility)
3. Alteration
All powers are drawn from the Fantasy Companion, except where noted:
1 Enhance / lower ability (boost / lower trait)
* denotes powers from the Fantasy world builder toolkit
2 Elemental manipulation
** denotes new powers (see later)
3 Open / lock*
*** denotes new options for existing powers (see later)
4 Shape change
7. Earth Novice
1 Flaming arc (bolt)
2 Burning hands (burst)
1 Stoneskin (armor)
3 Wreathe in flame (damage field)
2 Crystal shards (bolt)
4 Protection from heat (environmental protection – effective
3 Burrow
against extreme heat)
4 Elemental manipulation
5 Wave of fire (jet)
5 Earth grasp (entangle)
6 Flickering flame (light)
6 Harden weapon (smite)
7 Smoke cloud (obscure)
1 Shadow form (intangibility) This power can be expanded into a generic meld power, enabling
characters to meld into a chosen element, travel through it, and
reappear at a new location. Suitable elements include: earth (the
18. Sonic
standard), fire, water, shadow, plants, sand. The caster is effectively
invisible and intangible while melded into an element. Air is not a
suitable element for this power, as it encroaches too much on the
1 Sonic shell (armor) territory of invisibility and teleport.
2 Sonic missiles (bolt)
Detect / Conceal Powers
3 Wave of disruption (burst)
A range of powers exist for detecting various things (undead, minds,
4 Projected speech (communication**) emotions, illusions, etc). These work in exactly the same way as detect /
5 Wail of the Banshee (fear) conceal arcana.
Novice: Bird of prey (FC), Dog / wolf (SWEX), Snake, venomous (SWEX),
Swarm of rats (SWEX) Analyze Arcana
Seasoned: Boar (FC), Dire wolf (FC), Snake, constrictor (SWEX) Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 1 - 5
Veteran: Alligator / crocodile (SWEX), Lion (SWEX), Snake, deadly
venomous (SWEX) Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant
Heroic: Bear, large (SWEX), Bull (SWEX), Rhino (Savage Beasts) Trappings: Supernatural senses, Spirit guides, Divination, Arcane
Legendary: Elephant (Savage Beasts) knowledge
Heroic: Black knight (FC), Master of the pit (Savage Beasts) A more detailed analysis of enchantments is possible with this power,
taking 1d4 hours and 5 Power Points. Afterwards the caster knows the
Legendary: Lasher (FC), Torture lord (Savage Beasts) exact function of an enchantment. Command words are not
automatically divined, but further uses of this power will reveal one
command word each.
Novice: Skeleton (FC), Zombie (FC) Communication
Seasoned: Ghoul (FC) (From 77IM)
Veteran: Frozen wight (Savage Beasts) Rank: Novice
Heroic: Guardian mummy (FC), Shadow (Savage Beasts), Spectre Power Points: 2 per target
(Savage Beasts), Wight (FC) Range: Familiarity
Legendary: Vampire, young (FC) Duration: 1 minute (1/minute) or 1 hour (1/hour)
Trappings: Telepathy, radio transmission, projected image, a whisper on
the wind
You can communicate remotely with other creatures. The familiarity
penalty applies to your check; if you get a raise, the duration increases to
Familiarity Modifiers
1 hour. For the duration of the power, you and any of the targets can
A power with a range of "familiarity" can be used over any distance, but communicate freely as if speaking. You can end the power early as a
the caster suffers a penalty based on how familiar he is with the target. free action. Targeting multiple people uses the worst familiarity penalty
Use only the worst penalty. of any of them (multiple penalties don't stack).
Very Familiar (-0): A place where you spend a lot of time (such as your
home or work); a person you have spent a great deal of time with (a Greater Teleport
family member, co-worker, or friend); a place you have studied very
(From 77IM)
carefully (2d4 hours); a place or person you can actually see.
Rank: Heroic
Somewhat Familiar (-2): A place where you have not spent much time
Power Points: 5 per passenger (including the caster)
Torrent creates a damaging area effect the size of a Small Blast Template Once the spell is cast the warded area does not move, even if the caster
which the caster can move around at will. The caster first picks where he leaves its area of protection. Creatures which are inside the area of the
wants to centre the torrent, then makes the appropriate skill roll. Normal ward (including any who are in the area when the spell is cast) suffer no
ranged attack modifiers apply. If the roll is failed, the torrent deviates as ill-effects and can leave the warded area freely.
a launched projectile.
For 2PP this power has a 3 round duration, however a longer lasting
Targets within the area of the torrent suffer 2d4 damage. Unlike other ward can be created for 6PP. The longer duration version also requires
attacks, raises on the attack roll do not add to the damage of area effect longer to prepare – 2d6 minutes.
The caster can move the torrent up to 3” on his turn as a free action. If
the caster spends an action or a Power Point he can move the torrent up