Mathematical Vocabulary: Int X 10 While (X 0) (

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Winter 2016

Handout 08
January 8, 2016

Mathematical Vocabulary
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
- Inigo Montoya, from The Princess Bride

Consider the humble while loop in most programming languages. Here's an example of a while
loop in a piece of Java code:
int x = 10;
while (x > 0) {
x = x - 1;
There's something subtle in this loop. Notice that in the very last iteration of the loop, x will drop to
zero, so the println call will print the value 0. This might seem strange, since the loop explicitly
states that it runs while x is greater than 0.
If you've been programming for a while (pun not intended), you might not think much of this obser vation. Of course, you might say, that's just how while loops work. The condition is only
checked at the top of the loop, so even if the condition becomes false in the middle of the loop, the
loop keeps running. To many first-time programmers, though, this might seem completely counterintuitive. If the loop is really supposed to run while x is greater than 0, why doesn't it stop as soon as
x becomes zero?
The reason this is interesting/tricky is that there's a distinction between the informal use of the word
while in plain English and the formal use of the keyword while in software engineering. The dictionary definition of while can help you build a good intuition for how while loops work in actual
code, but it doesn't completely capture the semantics of a while loop. For that, you need to learn exactly how while loops work and what they mean.
There are analogous concerns that arise in mathematics. Certain words and phrases, like arbitrary,
by definition, and without loss of generality, have very specific meanings in mathematical proofs
that don't exactly match their English definitions. If you aren't aware of the specific concepts that
these words and phrases imply in a mathematical proof, you can end up writing proofs that don't actually say what you think they say just as you can easily write buggy code with a while loop if you
don't fully understand some of the trickier semantics of how while loops work.
This handout contains a list of some common mathematical terms and phrases with very precise
meanings. When you're writing proofs in this course, we recommend consulting this handout to
make sure that everything you're saying means what you think it means.


In mathematics, we commonly write statements like let x be chosen arbitrarily or consider an arbitrary x in the context of proving universal statements. If a variable x is declared to be chosen arbitrarily, it means that the reader of the proof should be able to supply any choice of x they like matching the criteria you've outlined and the proof should still work. For example, a statement of the form
consider an arbitrary natural number n indicates to the reader that any choice of natural number n
will work.
Be careful about using the word arbitrary in other contexts. For example, don't say something like

Choose an arbitrary x = 137.

This statement is problematic because if x really is supposed to be chosen arbitrarily, we should have
a lot of options to pick from, but here, x is defined to be 137. If you want to create a variable x
whose value is 137, that's fine. Just say something like let x = 137. Don't use the word arbitrary,
since that means something else.

In mathematics, you are allowed to assume anything you'd like. You can assume that an integer n is
even number, that a set S contains every natural number, that a player in a game behaves perfectly
rationally, that there is a magic silver bear that rides on a narwhal, etc.. When you make an assumption, you're not arguing that something is true you're just saying hypothetically speaking, let's assume that this is true and see where it goes.
There are many places in mathematics where it's totally normal to make assumptions. If you're proving an implication of the form If P, then Q, you typically would assume that P is true, then show
under that assumption that Q must be true as well. In a proof by contradiction, you assume some
statement is false in order to arrive at a contradiction. In a proof by induction, you assume the inductive hypothesis in the inductive step of the proof.
That said, you should be careful when making assumptions. If you're trying to prove that some result
Q is true and you assume P in the course of doing so, you will ultimately need to justify why exactly
P has to be true. Otherwise, your result (Q) is dangling in the air, held up only by your assumption
(P), which may or may not be on solid ground.
Another weirdness with assumptions is that you're allowed to assume something that's patently false
if you'd like. This is the norm in a proof by contradiction, where you assume something you know
can't be right in order to derive a contradiction from it later on.


By Definition
When you're writing a proof, you'll at some point need to argue that some basic fact is true because
it's clearly true. In some cases, you can do this by calling back to the definition of some term. For
example, suppose that you want to prove that some number n is even. The definition of a number n
being even is that there is some integer k such that n = 2k. Therefore, if you can show that there is an
integer k such that n = 2k, then you can claim, by definition, that n is even. Claiming that something
is true by definition means that if you were to actually look at the definition of the appropriate term
or phrase, you would see that the statement is true because the definition says it is.
We often see people use the term by definition to claim something is true that, while true, isn't re ally true by definition. For example, the following is an incorrect use of the phrase by definition:

By definition, we know that {1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 3, 4}

A good question here is by definition of what? Of the set {1, 2, 3}? Of the set {1, 2, 3, 4}? Or of
the relation? While it's absolutely true that the set {1, 2, 3} is a subset of the set {1, 2, 3, 4}, the
justification by definition doesn't clearly articulate why.
In this case, by definition was supposed to refer to the definition of the relation. That definition
says the following:
A set S is a subset of a set T, denoted S T, if every element of S is also an element of T.
If you have this definition, you can look at the sets {1, 2, 3} and {1, 2, 3, 4} and, after checking that
each element of the first set is an element of the second, can conclude that indeed that the first set is
a subset of the second. However, the reader of the proof still has to put in some extra work to confirm that this is the case. A better way to justify why {1, 2, 3} is a subset of {1, 2, 3, 4} would be to
say something like this:
Because every element of {1, 2, 3} is an element of {1, 2, 3, 4},
by definition we see that {1, 2, 3} {1, 2, 3, 4}.

The word if in mathematics is overloaded (it has several different meanings that differ by context)
and probably causes more confusion than most other terms.
The first context for the word if arises in the context of implications. Many statements that we'd
like to prove are implications. For example:
If n is an even natural number, then n2 is an even natural number.
If A B and B A, then A = B
In this context, if sets up a one-directional implication. The statement If P, then Q means that if
P is true, then Q is true. The implication doesn't necessarily flow backwards it's quite possible that
Q can be true even if P isn't true.
You sometimes see if used in statements like these:
The number p2 is rational if p is rational.
A graph is four-colorable if it's planar.

These statements also set up implications, though the implications flow the opposite direction. The
statement P if Q is equivalent to If Q, then P, meaning that the second part of the statement implies the first. Be careful when reading statements with if in them to make sure that you understand what statement is being articulated!
The confusing part about if is that we use the word if in definitions. For example, here are some
mathematical definitions:
We say that a number n is even if there is an integer k such that n = 2k.
We'll call a graph a planar graph if it can be drawn in the plane with no edges crossing.
A set S is called countably infinite if |S| = ||.
These terms introduce new mathematical definitions by using the word if. This can be a bit confusing because, unlike implications, definitions flow in both directions. For example, if n is even, then I
can write it as 2k for some integer k; independently, if I find a number of the form 2k, then I know
that it's even. Even though as written the definition seems to say if n = 2k, then n is even as if it's
an implication, it's really saying that the term n is even means exactly there is an integer k where
n = 2k. Knowing one of these automatically tells you the other.
So how do you differentiate between these two cases? One simple test you can use is to ask whether
you're working with a brand-new term or whether you're working with a term you've already seen
before. If some new concept or notation is being introduced for the very first time, chances are
you're looking at a definition, so if means is defined to mean. If you see existing terms being
linked together, chances are you're looking at an implication. Not sure which one you're looking at?
Just ask!

No, that's not a typo. The word iff (if you can even call it a word) is a mathematical shorthand
meaning if and only if. Unlike if, which sets up a one-directional implication, iff sets up a
two-way implication. For example, the statement
n is an integer iff n2 is an integer
means if n is an integer, then n2 is an integer, and if n2 is an integer, then n is an integer.
When reading mathematics, be careful to pay attention to whether you're reading if or iff, since
they mean very different things. Also, when writing mathematics, be careful not to write iff when
you mean if. We find that a lot of first-time proofwriters end up using iff where they mean if,
often because iff looks a lot cooler. It's fine to use iff in your proofs just be careful to make
sure that it's the right word for the job!


Vacuously True
A vacuous truth is a statement that is true because it doesn't apply to anything. There are two main
situations in which you see vacuous truths. First, you'll often encounter statements like
Every X has property Y
when there are no objects of type X. In this case, you can claim that the above statement is vacuously true, because there are no X's. For example, the statements every unicorn is pink and every
set S where |S| = |(S)| contains 137 are vacuously true because there are no unicorns (sorry) and
there are no sets S where |S| = |(S)| (thanks, Cantor).
The other case where vacuous truths arise is in statements like
If P is true, then Q is true
when the statement P is never true. These statements are also called vacuously true. For example, the
statement if 2 + 2 = 5, then everyone gets free ice cream is vacuously true because 2 + 2 5, and
the statement if the American flag in 2014 had 54 stars on it, then the universe is on fire is vacu ously true because the American flag in 2014 had only 50 stars on it.
One of the more common classes of mistakes we see in proofs especially in the base cases of in ductive proofs (we'll cover them in a few weeks) is when a proof incorrectly claims that a state ment is vacuously true. For example, consider this statement:
Every set with no elements has cardinality 0.
This statement is indeed a true statement: there's just one set with no elements, the empty set, and
its cardinality is indeed zero. However, it's not a vacuously true statement because there is an empty
set. If a proof were to claim that this statement is vacuously true, the proof would be wrong it's
true, but not vacuously.
We also see a lot of proofs that try to use vacuous truth in places where it doesn't apply. For example, consider this statement:
There is a pink unicorn.
This statement is not vacuously true, nor is it true at all. Instead, this statement is false. Why is this?
Here are two different ways you can see this. First, there's the common sense intuition for this
statement. The statement claims that if you searched far and wide, eventually you'd find a pink unicorn. This isn't true, though: because there are no unicorns, there certainly aren't any pink unicorns.
Therefore, saying that there is a unicorn when there aren't actually any unicorns would be incorrect.
Here's another way to think about this. Let's ask a related question: what is the negation of the above
statement? To determine this, let's look closely at the original statement. The statement there is a
pink unicorn is an existential statement, since it's essentially this statement:
There is a unicorn that is pink.
We can negate this statement using the standard technique for negating existential statements. That
gives us this statement:
Every unicorn is not pink.

This statement, interestingly enough is vacuously true there aren't any unicorns, so it's true that every unicorn isn't pink. Since the negation of the statement there is a pink unicorn is true, it must
be the case that the statement there is a pink unicorn must be false.
More generally, existential statements cannot be vacuously true. Vacuous truth only applies to implications and to universal statements.


Without Loss of Generality

Suppose you come to a step in a proof where you have two numbers p and q and you know for a fact
that exactly one of them is even and exactly one of them is odd. You could write the remainder of
the proof like this:
We now consider two cases.
Case 1: p is even and q is odd. [ some argument ]
Case 2: p is odd and q is even. [ some argument ]
In both cases we see that [ something holds ], so [ we draw some conclusion ]
Depending on the structure of what you're proving, it's quite possible that you need to have totally
separate arguments for the two cases. However, in many cases, you'll find that the argument you're
making is exactly the same, but with the values of p and q interchanged. When that happens, you can
avoid writing out the cases and duplicating your argument by using the magical and wonderful
phrase without loss of generality. For example:
Without loss of generality, assume that p is odd and that q is even. Then
[ some argument ], so [ we draw some conclusion ]
The phrase without loss of generality is a shorthand for there are several different cases that we
need to consider, but they're basically all the same and so we're going to make a simplifying assumption that doesn't miss any cases. You're welcome to use it to collapse structurally identical cases together if you'd like. However, be careful when using it! You can only use without loss of generality
if all the cases really are symmetric and if you don't have any special information that would distinguish the objects under consideration.

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