March 15 B
March 15 B
March 15 B
Miss Schleusener
March 22, 2010
408-578-4800 (school)
Writing Math
• Identify left and right
Writing Process • Explore tangrams
Begin sentences with a capital letter. End with a • Write 1-20
punctuation mark . ! or ?. Write with a space • Sort and identify tangrams
between each word. • Cover designs
• Measure using nonstandard (hand,
Group Writing chains) and standard units of measure
Write words with the short /e/ sound as in elephant. (inches)
Listening: We will begin The Littles Go Music and Movement
Exploring by John Peterson. This Wednesday we will be singing“God
to listen to chapters being read, Is So Good” in church. Please have
to expand their vocabulary,
your child come to the classroom at 4:40
to review concepts such as character, setting,
prediction, compare and contrast, to practice with their classmates.
to use their observation skills, Parents may wait outside until we are
to hear complete sentences which help them with done practicing. The parents will take
speaking and writing, and the children to church after practice is
to hear creative expression which helps them to
complete. At some point, Pastor will
read with expression.
Shared Literature: Corduroy invite the children to come forward to
sing to the congregation. When they are
Letter: Ee done singing, the children will return to
Challenge: /sh/ their parents.
Concept: Drawing Conclusions
Music Theory: draw a note down one
Vocabulary: bed, table, chair, lamp, line or space
sofa Listen to the violin story from Vivaldi.
Listen to the “Four Seasons.”
Sight words: one, two, three
Thursday-Full Day
Return the folder
Friday – Chapel
Return folder
Monday: take playing cards and practice adding
Thursday or Friday: talk about what you did as a child for Easter, plan what you will do to prepare for
the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, play a game, bake, or make a craft with your child