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Kindergarten 2: Jesus Time Language Math

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Kindergarten 2

Our Classroom Helpers:

Mrs. Naumann M, Th
Mrs. Albrecht T, W
Jesus Time Language Math
God Has a Plan for Joseph This week in Reading and This week we will:
Writing we will: September 27, 2010
be with him. • Write numeral 2
Matthew 28:20 I am with • Focus on the /i/ and • Sort by color Week 5
you always /j/ sound • Graphing
• Fiction, non-fiction • Acting out story prob-
Special points of in-
Sad things happen to us, • Draw Gordo gorilla and lems
but God is always with us. Honey horse • Talk about circles and
Knowing God is in charge ☺ Decorate for fall at home
• Review Captain Capital rectangles
and will not bring things A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H ☺ Let your children help
• Look for shapes in
into our lives to hurt us. with decorating
• ABC order through h buildings
Challenges will come to
☺ Talk about family tradi-
train us to be close to Him. • Write a-j in dry jello
tions at this time
Challenges will come to • We will listen for sylla-
☺ Gather things from the
bring us closer to Him. bles in words. We will
outside that remind you
Take whatever sadness, clap or stomp our feet of fall
frustration, hurt, loneliness to distinguish them.
you have and tell God every ☺ Plan your costume for
Harvest Fest
facet of it. Then, thank
God for what He will do. Inside this issue:
He will only do what is best.

Parent Homework 2

Child’s Homework 2

Music Social Studies/Science Collecting 2

Songs: great time to try and see M, W: Travel to another con-

Parent Resources 3
what you can do IN TIME. tinent, South America
What a great opportunity
we had to sing and praise Concepts: review the musi- T, Th: Fall-what do we see,
Calendar 4
God. Some of the children cal alphabet, rhythm, Ros- hear, taste, smell, touch
were a little shy about go- sini and the William Tell Thursday, bring something
ing up front. I would be Overture, Signal the Alpha- that is awake at night
too. Try again! But no wor- bet F: a.m. Scholastic News
ries. Kindergarten is a Use Rhythm Sticks
Parent Homework u/ to the /g, h/
Other sounds.
• Review your child’s • Look for Captain Capi-
homework tal
• Go hunting for the
sounds in the sentence
strips. Look for
the /g/ as in gorilla
and /h/ as in horse.
Be careful not to add /

Homework to Do With Your Child

Read books to your child if it is fiction or non-
everyday. fiction.

Write 2 in dry jello. Look for circles and rectan-

gles in buildings and in your
Play a game with your child.
Look for I, i, J, j in sto-
Bring Thursday: something
that is awake at night
Read stories and talk about

For the School: Coke Rewards for School for:
Place these items in the People
little wooden basket by Supplies Words
the door.
For the Classroom: Animals
Box Tops for Educational
Cardboard tubes
Old magazines to look

September 27, 2010 Page 2

Helpful Hints from “Resources for Education” www.rfeonline.com

Q&A out.” behavior. Write down when

Telling the truth Kids also lie to avoid embarrassment. she admits to doing something
Q: For the third time this week, Confronting your child about wrong or tells you about what she
my child told a lie. They weren’t eating a cookie without permission has done before you are aware of it.
may prompt her to say a monster Review the list with
big ones, but how can I get her
ate it. Remind her to tell the truth, her, and tell her you’re proud of her
to stop? Why is she doing this?
honesty. ♥
A: Youngsters have vivid even if she’s done something she
imaginations and are learning shouldn’t. “It’s fun to pretend
the difference between fantasy there are monsters, but they aren’t
and fact. Talk with your daughter real. What is our rule about having
about what’s real and what isn’t. snacks before dinner?”
“Do talking purple dinosaurs really ex- Pointing out when your youngster
ist? Let’s look up tells the truth will help build
dinosaurs in the encyclopedia and find honest

Family Games from “Resources for Education” www.rfeonline.com

Examples: up, down, left, right. Practice counting. If your child can
Waiting games Take all the change out of your count to 100, count by 10’s. Say each
Waiting has become a part of our every- number and ask them to repeat it after
pocket and let your youngsters sort it. you.
day lives. The next time you hear,
Then, show them how to count it out. Try an alphabet search. One person
“How much longer?” try one
Count the pennies. Look at the coins. finds an object that begins with the
of these ideas to occupy your children: One side is called the head, it has the
Play word games. Start with a simple head of a former president. The other letter a. The next person finds some-
side is called tails. Play a game and thing beginning with b, and so on.
word like up, and take turns thinking of
have your child call heads or tails. You
opposites or alternative words. flip the coin and have them call it.

Learning Guidelines from “Resources for Education” www.rfeonline.com

When parents get involved in learning, (peeling a banana) and Honey horse sister’s son is also very active, I asked
kids are more successful. Help your (galloping). Show the action that her for some advice. She suggested that
youngsters get off to a good start in they do. Tell me the sound that Amy get as much exercise as possible.
school by creating habits like these at Gordo and Honey say. So, we try to go for a walk or play in
home: • Limit time on electronic game devices. the park almost ever y day. On other
Try to give equal time to developing days, Amy rides her bike or plays run-
• Make time each day to look over ning games with the other kids on our
vocabulary or playing outside.
school papers with your youngsters. block. I’ve noticed that Amy is espe-
Be on the lookout for notes from cially “wired” when she’s overtired, so
their teachers, and mark important My daughter Amy always seemed to I make sure she gets plenty of sleep.
dates on the calendar. be “bouncing off the walls”— at The difference these changes have
• Sharing at dinnertime is helpful. “I home, at school, just about everywhere. made to her behavior is wonderful —
see that you have Gordo gorilla I didn’t know what to do. Since my and I’m calmer, too!

September 27, 2010 Page 3

Our Classroom Helpers:
Mrs. Naumann M, Th
Mrs. Albrecht T, W

Apostles Lutheran School

5828 Santa Teresa Blvd.
Calendar Items
San Jose, CA 95123
Friday, Oct. 1 Midterms
School Phone: 408-578-4800 Saturday, Oct. 2 Sonshine Station
Miss S: lschleusener@apostlessj.org
School & Church: www.apostlessj.org Saturday, Oct. 2 Sonshine Station
WELS (church group) website:
Tuesday, Oct. 5 Drop-In Conference with your
child’s teacher
Friday, Oct. 8 Harvest Festival Join the fun! Vol-
unteer for 1 1/2 hours
Tuesday, Oct. 12 Sweet Tomatoes
r blog at
Look for ou
http//: m

Monday: arrive after Half Day 11:45
Half-day at 11:45
8:00 Full Day 3:00
Full day 3:00
Half-day at 11:45 Chapel money placed in
Thursday: arrive after
Full Day 3:00 basket by the door.
Review folder
P.E. wear running shoes
Tuesday: arrive after
Bring something that
8:00 Full Day
moves around at night.
P.E. wear running shoes
Full day 3:00
Dismissal at 3:00
Friday: arrive after
Wednesday: arrive af- 8:00
ter 8:00
Return Homework in

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