New Weapons & Armor For D&D5e

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Weight Properties
Simple Ranged Weapons
5 sp
1d6 bludgeoning
4 lb.
Ammunition (range 50/200), two-handed
Martial Melee Weapons
Arming Sword
10 gp 1d8 slashing
3 lb.
-Man Catcher
20 gp 1d6 piercing
6 lb.
Heavy, reach, special, two-handed
On a successful attack, a Medium or smaller creature is grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple ends, the
wielder can't use the mancatcher on another target.
Military Flail
20 gp 1d10 blud. or pierc.
6 lb.
Heavy, reach, two-handed
A modified version of the long, heavy agricultural flail, the military flails striking head is reinforced with either
heavy studs (bludgeoning damage) or spikes (piercing damage). A given military flail only does one type of
damage, not both.
20 gp 1d10 bludgeoning
6 lb.
Heavy, reach, two-handed
Pollaxes more reliant on their axe head do slashing damage instead.
10 gp 1d6 piercing
2 lb.
Finesse, light
Martial Ranged Weapons
1 gp
1d4 bludgeoning
2 lb.
Special, thrown (20/60)
This is a length of cord with weighted ends, used to trip foes from a distance. A Large or smaller bipedal or
quadrupedal creature hit with bolas must make a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check or be knocked prone.


Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Climbing Claws (pair) 1 gp special
1/2 lb. More of a climbing aid, climbing claws (tekagi-shuko) are iron bands that wrap around the palms of the hand and
also strap to the wrist. 3-4 short iron claws project from the palm to give the wielder increased purchase on
surfaces. They also enable the wearer to do slashing damage with their unarmed attacks instead of bludgeoning,
but while worn they inflict Disadvantage on most other tasks using the hands beyond striking and climbing.
Fighting Fan
5 gp
1d4 slashing
2 lb.
Finesse, light
An elegant weapon, the fighting fan is a decorative folding fan with sharp-tipped iron ribs. Other fans used to
fight or defend are either clubs designed to resemble folded fans (tessen) or solid, paddle-like open fans (gunbai).
Martial Melee Weapons
Chain Whip
5 gp
1d6 slashing
4 lb.
Finesse, light
A difficult weapon to learn, the chain whip traditionally has seven or nine short, slender, linked iron bars attached
to a short handle and tipped with a slashing metal dart.
Meteor Hammer
5 gp
1d6 blud. or pierc.
4 lb.
Finesse, reach, two-handed
The meteor hammer (liu xing chui) is a length of slender chain around 3-4 yards in length, weighted at one or
both ends with a metal sphere the size of a large egg. The flying weight (shuang tao fei chui) is similar but has a
conical metal bludgeoning head instead. Almost identical is the rope dart (sen biao) except that it replaces the
bludgeoning heads with a heavy metal dart instead, causing it to do piercing rather than bludgeoning damage.
This weapon cannot be used with the Great Weapon Fighter style.
Martial Ranged Weapons
Crossbow, repeating 150 gp 1d8 piercing
7 lb.
Ammunition (range 60/240), special, 2-hand
The repeating crossbow houses 10 bolts in a top-mounted hopper and so does not need loading between shots
until the hopper is empty. It takes one action to load each bolt into the hopper.

Armor Class (AC) Strength
5 gp
--3 lb.
This small steel guard can be donned or doffed in tandem with your movement and action. Wielding a buckler
increases your Armor Class by 1 (this bonus doesn't stack with the AC bonus provided by a shield). You can
benefit from only one buckler at a time.

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