D&D5e Vampire Race

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Ability Score: ​+1 Constitution

Size:​ Medium
Speed:​ 30ft

Age:​ vampires age slowly and can live as long as 1000 years.
Alignment:​ Vampires are culturally seen as Evil but in actuality, they tend to be more
Size:​ Vampires vary in sizes. Some are tall, some short. Some muscular, others are skinny.
Your size is medium.

Darkvision. ​You can see 80ft in dim light and darkness as if it were lit in bright light.

Sunlight Vulnerability.​ You have disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls, and saving
throws when under direct sunlight. Also, for each minute under direct sunlight, you suffer
1d12 radiant damage.
In addition, you are vulnerable to radiant damage.

Vampiric Origin.​ You know ​minor illusion​ as a cantrip. When you reach 5th level, you can
cast the ​Misty Step​ spell 3 times per day. At 11th level, you can cast the ​Greater​ Invisibility
spell once per day. You must finish a long rest in order to cast these spells again. Charisma
is your spell casting ability for these spells.

Vampiric Constitution. ​You are incapacitated when damaged by silver or fire until the start
of the next round. Holy Water for you inflicts 1D4 acid damage.
Each time you die not under direct sunlight.
You must make a Constitution Save against a DC 10+Damage taken. On a success, You
rise back up to 1 Hit Point. On a failure, you are slain and must make a regular Death Save.

The Beast.​ Each time you use a racial trait, feature, or cast a spell of 1st-level or higher, you
must roll a six-sided dice. On a roll of 5 and/or 6, you suffer 1 point of hunger. When you
reach 4 points of hunger, you go into an uncontrollable feral state.
While in this state, you must look for a source to feed fresh blood from. If you fail to do so by
dawn, you die. You must make an attack roll and target the creature closest to you. On a hit,
you choose how much hunger point you want to reduce. The target's then loses 1d6 Hit
Points Maximum permanently for each hunger point reduced.
In addition, your sharp fangs are natural weapons which you can perform a ​Bite​ attack on a
● Bite.​ +(Strength Modifier+Proficiency Bonus) to hit, 2d4+Strength Modifier piercing
damage. 5ft range. DC10 Charisma Saving throw or be turned into a vampire.

Ability Scores:​ +2 Charisma
Proving a Point. ​You have proficiency on Persuasion skill.

Strong Convictions.​ You have advantage on Saves against being frightened or charmed.

Ability Scores:​ +1 Wisdom, +1 Strength, Dexterity or Constitution

Animal Morphing.​ As an action, you can turn into a beast with a CR of ¼ or lower once per
day. The duration of your transformation is 8 hours.

Blood Frenzy. ​At the start of the combat, a creature 5ft from you who does not have all its
Hit Points, ​The Beast​ racial trait automatically activates.

Ability Scores:​ +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma

Lesser Portent.​ After a Long rest, roll 1D20 and record the number rolled. You can replace
any attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made by you. You must choose to do so before
you roll, you can replace a roll this way only once per turn.
A foretelling roll can only be used once. When you finish a long rest, you lose any unused
foretelling roll.

Madness.​ You have disadvantage on Wisdom Perception Checks. Furthermore, you take
one ​Flaw:
1.You are plagued with hallucinations from time to time.
2. You are doubtful of everyone's true intentions.
3. You have rapidly changing moods
4. You have bouts of Delirium
5. You have Suicidal Tendencies.
6. You cannot empathise or sympathise with others.

Ability Scores:​ +2 Strength or Dexterity

Improved Physicality.​ You have proficiency on both Athletics and Acrobatics.

Deformed Form.​ You have disadvantage on Charisma Persuasion Checks.

Ability Scores:​ +1 Dexterity, +1 Charisma

Enthralling Personality.​ You can attempt to charm a humanoid creature once per long rest.
The target must make a Wisdom Saving Throw against a DC10+Charisma modifier.
Weak Fortitude. ​You have disadvantage on Constitution checks and Saving Throws.

Ability Scores:​ +2 Charisma or Intelligence

Blood Magic.​ As a bonus action, you can sacrifice 10 points of your Current Hit Points to
cast a 1st level spell on the wizard spell list.
Sacrificing additional 15 Hit Points increases the spell slot level by 1.
You must cast the spell immediately as your action.

Ability Scores:​ +2 Charisma

White Lies.​ You have proficiency on Deception.

Pride and Prejudice.​ You can cast the Command spell once per day.
DC 12+proficiency bonus.
However, after casting the ​Command​ spell with this trait, you suffer 2 points of exhaustion.

Picky Eater. ​You can't reduce Hunger Points unless you feed on the blood of Virgins.

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