Mini project template

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Mini project: database for Northwind

Table of Contents

 List all sections and subsections with page numbers.


 A brief summary of the project, including objectives, methodology, and key


1. Introduction

a. Context

 Describe the context in which the project is being undertaken.

 Explain the problem or need that the database project addresses.

b. Background

 Provide background information, concepts relevant to the project.

 Discuss previous work or existing systems related to the project.

c. System Definition

 Define the goals

 Provide the scope the project.

o Boundaries and limitations of the project.

o State the objectives and deliverables.

1. Analysis

a. User Requirements by Use Cases

 Include use case diagrams and descriptions to describe functional requirements.

 Present use case scenarios to illustrate how users will interact with the database.
b. Data Analysis

 From the description of use cases, explain the data (type of objects and their
properties, relationship, constraints …) the system will manage.

 Present the Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) to illustrate the conceptual


 Discuss the entities, attributes, and relationships depicted in the ERD.

2. Design
a. Logical Design

 Translate the ERD into a conceptual design which

 Define data constraints.

 Define entities, attributes, and relationships in more detail.

 Normalize the tables if necessary.

b. Physical Design

 Describe the physical implementation of the database in a specific RDMBS.

 Discuss indexing, storage considerations, programmable objects (procedures,

functions, triggers), and performance optimization strategies.

3. SQL Implementation

a. Database Creation

 Provide SQL scripts used to create the database schema.

 Include CREATE TABLE statements and any constraints (primary keys, foreign
keys, etc.).

b. Data Insertion

 Provide SQL scripts or procedures for inserting initial data into the database.

 Include INSERT statements with sample data.

c. Queries and Reports

 Present SQL statements corresponding to the functions defined at section 2.a:

o How to perform data manipulation tasks (insert, update, detele data),

o How to retrieve data from the database (for displaying on reports, on


 Discuss any views, stored procedures, or triggers implemented.

d. Testing and Validation

 Describe the testing process used to validate the database design and

 Provide examples of test cases and their results.

 Discuss any issues found and how they were resolved.

4. Conclusion

 Summarize the key findings and results of the project.

 Discuss the significance of the project and its impact.

 Suggest future work or improvements that could be made.

5. References
 List all sources and references used in the report, formatted according to a
specified citation style.

6. Appendices

 Include any additional material that supports the report but is too detailed to
include in the main sections.
 Examples: detailed data models, complete SQL scripts, additional diagrams.

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