Mini project template
Mini project template
Mini project template
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
a. Context
b. Background
c. System Definition
1. Analysis
Present use case scenarios to illustrate how users will interact with the database.
b. Data Analysis
From the description of use cases, explain the data (type of objects and their
properties, relationship, constraints …) the system will manage.
2. Design
a. Logical Design
b. Physical Design
3. SQL Implementation
a. Database Creation
Include CREATE TABLE statements and any constraints (primary keys, foreign
keys, etc.).
b. Data Insertion
Provide SQL scripts or procedures for inserting initial data into the database.
o How to perform data manipulation tasks (insert, update, detele data),
Describe the testing process used to validate the database design and
4. Conclusion
5. References
List all sources and references used in the report, formatted according to a
specified citation style.
6. Appendices
Include any additional material that supports the report but is too detailed to
include in the main sections.
Examples: detailed data models, complete SQL scripts, additional diagrams.