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Universit Paris-Sud, Laboratoire GEOPS, UMR8148, Btiment 504, 91405 Orsay, France
CNRS, 91405 Orsay, France
Histoire naturelle de lHomme prhistorique (HNHP, UMR 7194), Dpartement de Prhistoire, Musum national dHistoire naturelle,
Paris, France
Histoire naturelle de lHomme prhistorique (HNHP, UMR 7194), Centre dtudes et de Recherches Prhistoriques (CERP), Tautavel,
Society for Archaeological and Anthropological Research, Chandigarh, India
a r t i c l e
i n f o
Article history:
Received 29 January 2015
Accepted after revision 5 May 2015
Available online 13 August 2015
Handled by Yves Coppens and Anne Dambricourt Malass
Upper Siwalik
Chandigarh anticline
Masol paleonto-archeological site
Clay minerals
Subathu sub-basin
Water divide
a b s t r a c t
The Quranwala zone (Siwalik Range, NW India) is known for its Late Pliocene vertebrates.
Since 2008, cut marks and stone tools have been collected from Masol. The sedimentary
series belongs to the Subathu sub-basin. These sub-Himalayan deposits contain repetitive
sequences (170 m thick) of silt/clays and sandstones corresponding to the cyclical inux
of detrital material in a uvial environment. Particular features of lithological units allow
identication of the stratigraphic position of different paleonto-archeological localities.
A rst pale environmental reconstruction was enabled by analysis of clay and magnetic
minerals. Iron minerals such as haematite and goethite indicate dominant oxic conditions
during and after deposition. Clay minerals are of detrital origin, and were supplied from
Himalaya by rivers. Illite, the result of physical weathering, is dominant. Smectite present
in the lower part of the sequence, was probably supplied from Lesser Himalaya (Suresh
et al., 2004). Its presence suggests that the studied area was still a paleo-drainage area for
major river(s) during the time considered here.
2015 Acadmie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access
article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license (
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Tudryn).
1631-0683/ 2015 Acadmie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. This is an open access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license
r s u m
Mots cls :
Upper Siwalik
Anticlinal de Chandigarh
Site palonto-archologique de Mazol
Minraux argileux
Sous-bassin de Subathu
Ligne de partage des eaux
La zone de Quranwala (Pliocne nal, chane frontale des Siwaliks, Inde) est connue pour
ses Vertbrs fossiles. Depuis 2008, des traces de boucherie et des outils lithiques ont t
rcolts Masol. La srie sdimentaire sinscrit dans le sous-bassin de Subathu. Ces dpts
sous-himalayens renferment une srie de squences rptitives (170 m dpaisseur)
de silt/argile et de sable/grs. Des caractristiques lithologiques identient les localits
palonto-archologiques et leur position stratigraphique. Une reconstitution paloenvironnementale prliminaire a t faite grce des analyses dargiles et de minraux
magntiques. Les minraux de fer hmatite et goethite indiquent des conditions oxiques
dominantes pendant et aprs le dpt. Les argiles sont dorigine dtritique, elles ont t
transportes par les rivires depuis lHimalaya. Lillite, rsultat dune altration physique,
est dominante. La smectite prsente dans la partie infrieure de la squence provient du
bas Himalaya (Suresh et al., 2004). Sa prsence correspondrait alors un palodrainage de
rivire(s) majeure(s) avant linstauration dune ligne de partage des eaux entre deux bassins
(Indus et Gange actuels).
2015 Acadmie des sciences. Publi par Elsevier Masson SAS. Cet article est publi en
Open Access sous licence CC-BY-NC-ND (
1. Introduction
The Siwalik Range, also known as the Siwalik Hills, or
Siwalik Frontal Range (SFR) in Asian prehistory studies,
is the southernmost and geologically youngest WNW-ESE
range of the Himalayan chain. This sub-Himalayan zone
was extensively studied for sedimentology, tectonics, paleoenvironment, fauna, paleoclimate, stratigraphy, etc. (e.g.
Barnes et al., 2011; Burbank et al., 2012; Delcaillau et al.,
2006; Kumar et al., 2003, 2007; Nanda, 2002; Pilgrim, 1913;
Ranga Rao, 1993; Sanyal et al., 2010; Singh and Tandon,
2010; Thomas et al., 2002; Tripathi, 1986). The Siwalik
Frontal Range is a result of the folding and uplift of the
Siwalik Group, which is a sequence of continental sediments deposited in the Himalayan Siwalik-Ganga-Indus
foreland basin from Middle Miocene to Middle Pleistocene
(Fig. 1a). The Indian plates northward push resulted in
the Himalayan foreland basin uplift, which started in Middle/Late Pleistocene (Barnes et al., 2011). The combined
action of tectonics and monsoons resulted in intense erosion and exhumation of sediment rich in fossils of aquatic
and terrestrial vertebrata from the Masol anticline, NW of
India (Fig. 1b, Fig. 2a). Sediments of this anticline, which is
also known as the Chandigarh anticline (Barnes et al., 2011),
are well known from the literature (e.g. Barnes et al., 2011;
Nanda, 2002; Ranga Rao, 1993). Its older part outcrops in
the core of the anticline and contains a faunal assemblage
belonging to the Tatrot, and more precisely to the so-called
Quranwala Zone (or Quaranwala Zone), which represents
the Late Pliocene, whereas younger sediments belong to the
Pleistocene and represent Pinjor (or Pinjaur) faunal assemblage (Ranga Rao, 1993).
Since 2008, the Siwaliks Indo-French Programme of
Research has been conducted in the Masol anticline area
by the Indian Society for Archaeological and Anthropological Research of Chandigarh and the French Prehistorical
Mission in India from the National Museum of Natural
History, Paris (Dambricourt Malass, 2016). Numerous fossils, including bovid bones with intentional cut marks and
stone tools, have been collected in the core of this anti-
Fig. 1. a) Simplied geologic map of the Himalayan range including the Siwalik Himalayan Foreland Basin, Indian craton and the surrounding area, after
Kumar et al. (2003); b) simplied geologic map of a part of the Himalayan Foreland Basin, the Kangra, Subathu and Dehra Dun sub-basins, after Barnes
et al. (2011). MCT: Main Central Thrust; MBT: Main Boundary Thrust; HFT: Himalayan Frontal Thrust; BT: Bilaspur Thrust; PT: Palampur Thrust; R: river.
Fig. 1. Carte gologique simplie : a) chane Himalayenne, y compris le bassin davant-pays des Siwaliks himalayens, le Craton indien et la rgion
environnante daprs Kumar et al. (2003) ; b) une partie du bassin davant-pays des Siwaliks himalayens, les sous-bassins de Kangra, de Subathu et de
Dehra Dun, daprs Barnes et al. (2011). MCT : Main Central Thrust ; MBT : Main Boundary Thrust ; HFT : Himalayan Frontal Thrust ; BT :
Bilaspur Thrust ; PT : Palampur Thrust ; R : rivire.
Fig. 2. (Color online.) Top left: The Chandigarh anticline, after Barnes et al. (2011); for more details, see Gargani et al. (2016). Bottom left: topographic
map of the Masol village environments; grey square Masol village, small black squares marked M1, M2. . .M13 denote different paleonto-archeological
localities and the black line shows the section of the lithological log presented in Fig. 5. Right: simplied stratigraphy of the Upper Siwalik subgroup,
northwestern part of the Siwalik Range: a) Upper Siwalik subgroup; b) lithological units for Upper Siwalik subgroup distinguished by ONGC (Oil Natural
Gas Commission) in northwest Siwalik (Jammu region, 340 km NW from Chandigarh); the sequence is 2500 m thick in Parmandal (Parmandal Formation),
and the last unit, the Boulder Conglomerate is diachronic; c) magnetostratigraphy: black normal polarity chron, white inverse polarity chron, for more
details see Chapon Sao et al., 2016b, this issue; d) vertebrate faunas assemblages after Pilgrim (1913) in Ranga Rao (1993); e) lithological units after ONGC
close to the Masol village near Chandigarh (Masol Formation); f) vertebrate fauna assemblage in the Masol Formation which denes the Quranwala Zone; g)
biostratigraphic interval zones in the Masol Formation. Numbers indicate ages in Ma. Synthesis after Ranga Rao (1993), Nanda (2002) and authors discussed
in these papers.
Fig. 2. (Couleur en ligne.) En haut gauche : lanticlinal de Chandigarh daprs Barnes et al. (2011) ; pour plus de dtails, voir Gargani et al. (2016). En
bas gauche : carte topographique des environs du village de Masol ; carr gris village de Masol, petits carrs noirs localits palonto-archologiques
depuis Masol 1 jusqu Masol 13, la ligne noire indique la section o a t ralise la coupe lithologique prsente sur la Fig. 5. droite : stratigraphie
simplie de l Upper Siwalik subgroup , au nord-ouest de la chane des Siwalik : a) Upper Siwalik subgroup ; b) units lithologiques distingues par
lONGC au nord-ouest des Siwaliks (rgion du Jammu, 340 km au nord-ouest de Chandigarh) ; pour plus de dtails, voir le texte ; c) magntostratigraphie
: noir priode de polarit normale, blanc priode de polarit inverse ; pour plus de dtails, voir Chapon Sao et al. (2016b) ; d) assemblages de faunes
de vertbrs daprs Pilgrim (1913) in Ranga Rao (1993) ; e) units lithologiques daprs ONGC proches du village de Masol prs de Chandigarh (formation
Masol) ; f) assemblages de faunes vertbres dans la formation Masol, qui dnit la zone Quranwala ; g) zones dintervalle biostratigraphique dans la
formation Masol. Les chiffres indiquent les ges en Ma. Synthse daprs Ranga Rao (1993), Nanda (2002) et les auteurs cits dans ces tudes.
(Bcr), saturation magnetisation (Ms) and remanent magnetisation (Mrs), allow discrimination between different
ferromagnetic materials. The thermomagnetic behaviour
of the sediment allows identication of ferromagnetic minerals through their Curie temperature, the temperature at
which they are demagnetised. Some of these minerals are
unstable on heating, but can still be identied because
of their specic thermomagnetic behavior (maghemite,
goethite). This is the basis of environmental magnetism as
dened by Thompson and Oldeld (1986) and it is used by
many authors.
dry, bulk sediment) with an alternating gradient magnetometer (AGM 2900 Micromag) at the LSCE CNRS/CEA
laboratory at Gif-sur-Yvette, France. A peak-applied eld
of 1 T was used for hysteresis measurements and the
results were corrected for the paramagnetic and diamagnetic contribution of the matrix minerals. After removal of
this contribution, saturation magnetisation (Ms), saturation remanent magnetisation (Mrs) and coercive force (Bc)
were obtained from the hysteresis loop. Remanent coercivity (Bcr) was obtained through step-wise application of
backelds to remove the saturation remanent magnetisation.
Fig. 3. (Color online.) Photographs of sediments exhumed from Chandigarh anticline close to Masol village: a) western part of the site above Masol 6
paleonto-archeological locality where lithological units are marked (for explanation see the text); b) silty/clayish c2 and sandstone/sandy s2 units; c)
sandstone/sandy unit s15, and conglomerate in unit s16; d) part of unit c6: sub-unit c6-1 with laterally changing sandy banks.
Fig. 3. (Couleur en ligne.) Photographies de sdiments de lanticlinal de Chandigarh proximit du village de Masol : a) partie ouest du site, au-dessus de la
localit Masol 6, les diffrentes units lithologiques sont indiques (pour explication, voir le texte). Dtails des diffrentes units : b) units argilo-sableuse
c2 et grso-sableuse s2 ; c) unit grso-sableuse s15 et conglomrat dans lunit s16 ; d) partie de lunit c6 : dtails de la sous-unit c6-1 avec les
changements latraux des bancs de sable.
Fig. 4. (Color online.) Photographs of sediments exhumed from Chandigarh anticline close to Masol village: (a) Masol 6 paleonto-archeological
locality and lithological units from c6 to s8, including characteristic
sequence of sub-units from c6-1 to c6-4; (b) characteristic sequence of
c3-s3-s4; (c) Masol 1, 3 and 5 localities: their stratigraphic position and
corresponding lithological units; (d) Masol 3 locality: its stratigraphic
position and corresponding lithological units.
Fig. 4. (Couleur en ligne.) Photographies de sdiments de lanticlinal de
Chandigarh proximit du village de Masol : (a) localit Masol 6 et units
lithologiques de c6 jusqu s8, y compris une squence caractristique
des sous-units de c6-1 c6-4 ; (b) squence caractristique de c3-s3-s4
; (c) localits Masol 1, 3 et 5 et leur position stratigraphique daprs les
corrlations des units lithologiques ; (d) localit Masol 3 et sa position
stratigraphique, daprs les corrlations des units lithologiques.
Fig. 5. (Color online.) Sedimentary sequence from Masol/Chandigarh anticline with simplied lithology and relative hardness of sediments, as well as: a)
different silty/clayish c and sandstone/sandy s units; b) magnetic susceptibility; c) contents of fraction under 63 m (sum of clay and silt); d) mean
grain size of particles; e) Ca and Mg carbonate content; f) smectite and illite contents. Grey color of a), b), c), d), e) and f) symbols indicates measurements
made on sandstone/sandy s units, black color indicates measurements made in silty/clayish c units. On the left of the log, are marked areas rich in fossils
(solid line) and poor in fossils (dashed line) in the sequence and the stratigraphic position of different Masol paleonto-archeological localities.
Fig. 5. (Couleur en ligne.) Squence sdimentaire de lanticlinal de Masol/Chandigarh, avec la lithologie simplie et la duret relative des sdiments, ainsi
que : a) units argilo-silteuses c et grso-sableuses s ; b) susceptibilit magntique ; c) teneurs de la fraction infrieure 63 m, d) taille moyenne
des particules ; e) teneurs en carbonate de Mg et de Ca ; f) teneurs en smectite et en illite. La couleur grise des symboles en a), b), c), d), e) et f) indique
des mesures effectues sur des niveaux des units grso-sableuses s ; la couleur noire indique des mesures effectues sur des niveaux des units argilo
silteuses c . Sur la gauche du log, les couches riches en fossiles (ligne continue), pauvres en fossiles (ligne discontinue) et la position stratigraphique des
diffrentes localits palonto-archologiques de Masol sont indiques.
moment minerals (magnetite or maghemite), hard minerals with weak magnetic moments (haematite, goethite)
must be abundant to cause wasp-waisted magnetic loops.
The hysteresis loop form, low Bc and high Bcr for Ferich concretions from sub-unit c6-3 (Fig. 6c), indicate the
mixture of the soft mineral(s) such as magnetite and/or
maghemite and hard mineral(s) such as haematite and/or
goethite. The hysteresis loop form and Bc and Bcr values in
sample c2 indicate the dominance of high-coercivity minerals such as goethite and haematite.
The thermomagnetic behavior of samples from unit
c2 shows the mixture of a mineral, which undergoes
demagnetisation before 200 C and haematite, with Curie
temperature of 680 C (Fig. 6d). The decrease of the magnetisation until 200 C is probably owed to the presence
of an iron oxyhydroxide, goethite, which loses water in
such temperatures, and is transformed into haematite
(e.g. Tarling, 1983). The concretion from sub-unit c6-3
shows also a small decrease of magnetisation until 200 C
(Fig. 6e). The second total demagnetisation, which occurs
at 400 C, and the irreversible cooling curve suggest the
presence of maghemite (e.g. Tarling, 1983; Thompson and
Oldeld, 1986). This is consistent with magnetic hysteresis
results; the use of these methods allows identication of
Fig. 6. Sedimentary sequence from Masol anticline: a) ternary diagram of illite, chlorite + kaolinite and smectite contents; magnetic hysteresis loop for
sample from; b) unit c2; c) Fe-rich concretion from sub-unit c6-3; d) thermomagnetic curve for sample from unit c2; e) Fe-rich concretion from sub-unit
Fig. 6. Squence sdimentaire de lanticlinal de Masol : a) diagramme ternaire des teneurs en : illite, chlorite + kaolinite et smectite. Cycle de lhystrsis
magntique pour : b) chantillon de lunit c2 ; c) concrtion riche en fer de la sous-unit c6-3 ; d) courbe thermomagntique de lchantillon de lunit
c2 ; e) concrtion riche en fer de la sous-unit c6-3.
by the presence of the ne grey/white c6-2 and thick multicolored c6-4 sub-units (Fig. 4a). Unit s13 constitutes thick,
clear grey sandstone rich in white mica, and it is composed
of second order layers including ne-grained silty layers.
Unit s13 is clearly visible in the landscape as an important cliff (Fig. 3a) above the Masol 6 paleonto-archeological
locality and is present only in this part of the site and to the
southeast of Masol village.
In the section obtained for lithological log, Masol 6
paleonto-archeological locality occupies unit c6 (Fig. 5).
The lithological characteristics of the sedimentary
sequence allowed the identication of the stratigraphic
position for other Masol paleonto-archeological localities.
Fig. 4a, Fig. 4c and Fig. 4d illustrate Masol 6, Masol
1, Masol 5 and Masol 3 and Fig. 5 summarizes the
identications, which were made. All identied Masol
paleonto-archeological localities are positioned between
units c3 and c6. High fossil contents were found from
unit c3 to unit c7; above unit c7, they became scarce.
Most of the fossils between c3 and c7 were redeposited
and some of them come from upper layers. Nevertheless,
numerous fossils are well preserved (for more details, see
Moigne et al., 2016), and were collected on the slopes of
the layer from which they were exhumed by erosion. That
and the presence of fossils which were found in situ (e.g. in
units c3, s4 and c6; for more details see Chapon Sao et al.,
2016a) highlight recent and local redeposition, which is
the result of a very young erosion. Such erosion related
to high exhumation rate was also pointed out by Gargani
et al. (2016).
5.2. Magnetic and non-magnetic parameters:
preliminary results of the environmental reconstructions
The Himalayan Foreland Basin (HFB) characterized by
the uvial deposits, Siwalik molasse, is subdivided into several sub-basins, including Subathu (our study area is in its
western part), Kangra to the northwest of Subathu, and to
the east Dehra Dun (Fig. 1b). These sub-basins were extensively studied in particular for magnetostratigraphy, the
evolution of the uvial system during Pliocene and the Quaternary, the origin of these uvial deposits and their nature,
including clay and magnetic minerals (Kumar et al., 2003;
Kumaravel et al., 2005, 2010; Ranga Rao, 1993; Ranjan and
Banerjee, 2009; Sangode and Bloemendal, 2004; Suresh
et al., 2004).
Kumar et al. (1999, cited in Suresh et al., 2004) documented transverse trunk drainage owing southwest
between 5.5 Ma and 1.77 Ma, and piedmont drainage owing southeast between 4.8 Ma and 0.5 Ma. The rst was
attributed to the major rivers draining through Higher and
Lesser Himalaya, while the piedmont drainage, tributaries
of major rivers, drained through the Sub-Himalayan region.
Interweaving of different sandy channel deposits was evident, but nevertheless the oodplain deposits of the two
types of drainage were difcult to distinguish.
Our results show the changing sequence of ner and
coarser grain-sized deposits, which reects this uvial
environment. Magnetic susceptibility increases in silty sediments and decreases in sandy sediments. On the whole,
there are lower contents of carbonate in the lower part of
Suresh et al. (2004) shows high proportions of smectite in the eastern part of the Subathu sub-basin. Indeed,
Suresh et al. (2004) identied grey sand/sandstone in the
Upper Siwalik sequence as deposited by trunk drainage,
and sands that they named buff ribbon sandstone bodies
as deposited by piedmont drainage. They found changing
but high contents of smectite in grey sandstones; in buff
ribbon sandstones, illite was largely dominant. Contents
of illite and smectite in mudstone depend on tributaries
or major rivers ooding. The distribution of clay minerals
observed in our study (western part of the Subathu subbasin), and presented in Fig. 5f and in Fig. 6a, is very close to
that obtained by Suresh et al. (2004), including the presence
of the smectite.
Rainverman and Suresh (1997) and Rainverman (2002)
observed higher contents of illite in the older part of the
studied sequence, and smectite in the younger one. They
suggested that illite could be of diagenetic origin. Nevertheless, Suresh et al. (2004) did not conrm this distribution
and identied illite as being of detrital origin, the same
result as that for higher contents of illite in the upper part of
the sequence, which we obtained in this study. As detrital
illite in sediments is caused by physical weathering, and
is usually very abundant in high-relief regions (Chamley,
1989), Suresh et al. (2004) suggested Higher Himalaya was
its source area in the studied region.
Smectite is a result of the chemical weathering of volcanic rocks and of other rocks in warm, contrasting wet/dry
climates (Chamley, 1989). Rainverman and Suresh (1997)
suggested that smectite in the studied sub-basins is a result
of the weathering of volcanic rocks in the Lesser Himalaya;
nevertheless, sediments rich in smectite studied by Suresh
et al. (2004) content only rare volcanic rocks. Another possible source of the smectite could be pedogenesis in situ;
nevertheless, some mudstones studied by Suresh et al.
(2004) are rich in smectite but do not have traces of pedogenesis. Therefore, Suresh et al. (2004) suggested that smectite formed in the Lesser Himalaya from volcanic and other
rocks in the favorable climate and supplied the studied subbasins. This is also suggested by our results, since we found
very high contents of smectite in the sandy unit s3.
Our results and these obtained by Suresh et al. (2004)
indicate the presence of smectite in the Subathu sub-basin,
contrary to the previous studies, and the smectite here
is of detrital origin. Therefore, it had to be supplied from
its source area by a major river system, as indicated by
Rainverman and Suresh (1997) and Rainverman (2002) for
the Dehra Dun and Kangra sub-basins. Since the supply of
smectite was attributed to major river activity, it indicates
that the Subathu sub-basin was still paleo-drainage area
for major river(s) during the Late Pliocene considered in
our study before denitive water division.
The smectite in the Lesser Himalaya and Siwalik is of
major importance for studies on the sediments from the
Indus and Ganga/Brahmaputra deltas. Indeed, in paleoclimate reconstructions, sources of different clay minerals
have to be well recognized. In sediments from the Bay
of Bengal for instance, smectite can reect changes in its
sources (Deccan plateau or Himalaya) or changes in the
weathering conditions (Derry and France-Lanord, 1997,
cited in Suresh et al., 2004).
6. Conclusion
During the eldwork in spring 2014 and 2015, we established a lithological log for the exhumed Late Pliocene
sedimentary sequence, which was rich in fossils in the
Masol (Chandigarh) anticline. Particular features of some
lithological units allowed their recognition in different
Masol paleonto-archeological localities, and the identication of the stratigraphic position of these localities was
made. These localities are concentrated in the narrow band
between the so-called units c3 and c6.
Some fossils were found in situ, others were redeposited, and our results indicate that the redeposition is
recent and local. Consequently, bovid bones with intentional cut marks found among numerous fossils in this
stratigraphic position are older than 2.58 Ma, Pliocene/
Pleistocene limit.
The contents of magnetic particles are quite low on the
whole, but systematically higher in silty/clayish sediment
and lower in sandstones/sand. Independently of the granulometric fraction, the canted antiferromagnetic minerals
haematite and goethite are dominant. In the Fe-rich concretions from a unit with early soil formation maghemite
is also present. The obtained results complement previous studies of magnetic minerals done on soils and parent
rocks (without their differentiation) from the Upper Siwalik Subathu sub-basin (Kumaravel et al., 2010).
The distribution of clay minerals observed in this study,
shows the dominant contribution of illite on the whole.
Smectite, which is absent from the upper part of the
sequence except at one point, is present and even dominant
in some levels of the lower part of the sequence. This result
shows that smectite is not only present in the Late Pliocene
sediment from the eastern part of the Subathu sub-basin
(Suresh et al., 2004) but is also evident in its western
Our results, like these obtained by Suresh et al. (2004),
suggest that clay minerals in the studied sequence are principally of detrital origin, and were thus supplied here by
rivers. Detrital illite in sediments is caused by physical
weathering, and is usually very abundant in the Himalayan
high-relief region as a whole. Suresh et al. (2004) suggested
Higher Himalaya as the principal source area for illite, and
they identied Lesser Himalaya as a source area for smectite as a result of the chemical weathering of various rocks
in a warm, contrasting wet/dry climate.
Some authors (Chaudhri and Gill, 1983; Rainverman,
2002; Rainverman and Suresh, 1997) postulated two independent paleo-drainage systems for Late Pliocene, similar
to the present day Indus and Ganga systems and separated by a water divide along the Subathu sub-basin. Our
results and those obtained by Suresh et al. (2004) show
the presence of detrital smectite in the Subathu sub-basin,
the origin of which is the Lesser Himalaya. Smectite had to
be supplied from its source area by a major river system,
and suggests that the Subathu sub-basin was still paleodrainage area for major river(s) during the Late Pliocene
time considered in our study, before the establishment of
a denitive water divide.
The presence of smectite in the Lesser Himalaya
and Siwalik is of major importance for paleoclimate
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