Exner Equation A Continuum Approximation
Exner Equation A Continuum Approximation
Exner Equation A Continuum Approximation
1029/2008WR007604, 2009
1. Introduction Jordaan, 2000; Das et al., 2004, Blom and Parker, 2004;
[2] Exner [1925, 1931] proposed that the rate of change Cui and Parker, 2005; Jerolmack and Mohrig, 2005; Zhang
of the local elevation h of the sediment bed of a river can be et al., 2006; Kubatko and Westerink, 2007; Sumer, 2007], to
related to spatial variation of the local depth-averaged analytical models for boundary instability [e.g., Kennedy,
overhead streamwise water velocity U as 1963; Smith, 1970; Richards, 1980; Engelund and Fredsøe,
1982; McLean, 1990; Coleman and Fenton, 2000; Colombini,
2004], to estimates of sediment transport based on the
@h @U movement of sediment waves [e.g., Simons et al., 1965;
þa ¼ 0 or ð1Þ Engel and Lau, 1980; Graf, 1984; Van den Berg, 1987; Ten
@t @x
Brinke et al., 1999; Hoekstra et al., 2004].
[4] Derivations to date of various forms of the Exner
@h @qs equation have implicitly assumed that the sediment-water
þb ¼0 ð2Þ mixture is a continuum, with analyses based on the mass
@t @x
balance for a control volume VCV that includes the bed
where t is time, x is distance in the bed-parallel flow surface (e.g., Figure 1a, where f is an average bed porosity,
direction, a and b are coefficients, a downstream increase in h is the average bed surface level for VCV, and z = h is the
U induces erosion, and the volume rate qs of sediment water surface). These derivations have varying underlying
transport per unit width is taken to increase with fluid intuitive assumptions in regard to scales of consideration
velocity. (streamwise, vertical, and lateral), and respective definitions
[3] The second of these equations is conventionally of bed and basement surfaces, modes and directions of
referred to as the Exner equation and has been presented sediment transport, bed layers and their interactions, particle
and used in various forms since the thirties as a foundation for concentrations, and porosity [e.g., Smith, 1970; Yalin, 1992;
analyses of Earth surface morphodynamics [e.g., Raudkivi, Parker et al., 2000; Blom and Parker, 2004; Paola and
1976; Parker et al., 2000; Dietrich et al., 2003; Paola and Voller, 2005; Parker, 2008].
Voller, 2005; Kubatko and Westerink, 2007; Parker, 2008]. [5] In contrast to intuitively formulating conservation
Example application areas range from numerical modeling equations for sediment-water mixtures as continua, deriving
of erodible boundary development [e.g., Batuca and these equations from spatial averaging of the equivalent
conservation equations for local (point) phase properties can
potentially reveal unexpected terms in the mixture-scale
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of equations. Form-induced (or dispersive) stresses and explicit
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. expressions for form and surface friction drag as revealed by
School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. time and space averaging of the Navier-Stokes equations are
examples of such additional terms [e.g., Nikora et al., 2007].
Copyright 2009 by the American Geophysical Union.
Insight into the natures of intuitively formulated terms at
W09421 1 of 8
Figure 1. Subaqueous sediments: (a) sectional view of sediment bed and flow with conventional control
volume VCV and (b) plan view of thin bed-parallel averaging volume Vo, with the shown differential
equation of solid mass conservation applying at the subparticle scale.
mixture scales can also be gained from spatial averaging of where rs is the sediment-particle solid density, and usi =
the governing equations for local (point) phase properties; (us, vs, ws) is the instantaneous local velocity in direction
e.g., the Coleman and Nikora [2008] discussion of the xi = (x, y, z) (Figure 1). Spatial averaging of this equation
Shields entrainment function and its dependence on scales across a fluid-sediment mixture (e.g., Figure 1b) requires
of consideration and flow and sediment properties. use of two averaging theorems [e.g., Whitaker, 1999]
[6] Recognizing the potential benefits given by spatial ZZ
averaging of local (point) descriptions, a general form of the @qs 1 @fs hqs i 1
¼ qs uIi ni dS and ð4Þ
macroscopic (mixture-scale) Exner equation of sediment @t fs @t Vs
continuity is explicitly derived in Section 2 from spatial SI
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husii) and solid density res = rs hrsi, where in general, res can and temporal (e.g., u0si) fluctuations in sediment velocity and
be nonzero for a spatially varying sediment density. solid density for sediments with varying rs, where usi =
usi + u0si = husi i + uf 0 0
es +
si + u si, rs = rs + r s = hrs i + r
2.2. Double-Averaged (in Time and Space) Mass 0
rs, hhrs ihusi ii = hrs ihusi i for well-behaved flow variables,
and thus
[10] Double-averaged (in time and space) versions of (6)
and (7) may be required where rapid fluctuations occur in
the variables, or for consistency with equations adopted for @fst hrs i @fst hrs usi i @fst hrs i @fst hrs ihusi i
associated fluid flows. Application of the double-averaging þ ¼ þ
@t @xi @t @xi
theorems (adapted from Nikora et al. [2007])
@fst hres uf
si i @fst r0s u0si
þ þ ¼0 ð12Þ
@xi @xi
* + D E
ZZ s
@qs 1 @fsm ft qs 1 1
ft ¼ qs uIi ni dS 2.3. Continuum Interfaces and Vertically Integrated
@t fsm @t fsm Vo
SI Mass Conservation
ð8Þ [11] The Exner equation can be viewed as a vertically
integrated equation of mass conservation. Desired integra-
and D E tion limits can be defined using varying isosurfaces z = hn
* + ZZ
@qs 1 @fsm ft qs 1 1
s (x, y, t) for sediment properties, on which
ft ¼ þ qs ni dS ð9Þ
@xi fsm @xi fsm Vo
Gn ðx; y; z; t Þ ¼ g g n ¼ 0 ð13Þ
to average (3) in time and space gives (for usi = uIi on the where g n is the value of the variable g that is used to
interface SI) characterize the nth surface. As will be seen, the following
equations explicitly require sediment concentration to be
D E constant on each surface. Other sediment properties, e.g.,
s +
@rs @ ðrs usi Þ @fsm hft rs i @fsm ft ðrs usi Þ density hrs i or double-averaged mass transport rate per unit
þ ¼ þ ¼0 normal area Fsi = fsthrs usi i, can be used to define g for
@t @xi @t @xi
s surfaces within regions of constant concentration. A
ð10Þ condition of fst ! 0 can be adopted to define a clearwater
flow bed surface, for example. Alternatively, a reference
value of fst or Fsi can be used to distinguish between bed
where an overbar indicates time averaging; ‘‘s’’ together and suspended sediment loads, or Fsi tending to zero can be
with an averaging operator indicates ‘‘superficial’’ aver- used to define the base level of sediment in motion.
aging in time or space over the total averaging domains of Importantly, such isosurfaces are not necessarily tied to
quantities To or Vo (rather than the phase-specific alternatives physical objects, but can move relative to the sediment
Ts or Vs used in the ‘‘intrinsic’’ averages of (4) and (5), as by particles and are thereby ‘‘permeable.’’ Figure 2 illustrates
Nikora et al. [2007]); qs = ft q; hqsis = hft qis = fsmhft qi; this principle for a sediment bed surface defined by fst ! 0
ft = Ts/To = the time analog of fs = Vs/Vo; To is total at times t1 and t2.
averaging time interval including periods when the spatial [12] When averaging over temporal fluctuations in sedi-
points are intermittently occupied by fluid and sediment ment properties, e.g., because of individual particle move-
phases (e.g., by moving bed particles); Ts is averaging time ments that are much smaller than mean transport scales, the
interval equal to the sum of time periods when a spatial starting point for analyses is the double-averaged descrip-
point under consideration is occupied by the sediment phase tion of (11), where volume concentrations fst are assumed
3 of 8
Figure 2. Example movement relative to individual sediment particles of a sediment bed surface
defined by fst ! 0.
to vary at time scales much larger than the temporal surface in direction xi; hn is a double-averaged level (i.e., a
averaging period To. Alternatively, the equations for spa- moving average); the material derivative DFn/Dt = @Fn/@t +
tially averaged instantaneous variables should be used with uni @Fn/@xi = 0 for the surface z = hn (x, y, t) defined by Fn =
fst replaced by fs, as indicated by comparison of (11) and hn z = 0, with (8) and (9) giving
(6) above. Integrating (11) between respective lower and
upper interfaces of z = h1 and z = h2 (Figure 3a) gives * + " #
Z @Fn @Fn @ Fn @ Fn
@ h2
@gsx @gsy þ uni ¼ fst þ huni i
ðfst hrs iÞdz þ þ @t @xi @t @xi
@t h1 @x @y
@fst @f
@ F2 þ Fn þ huni i st ¼ 0 or ð15Þ
fst2 hrs usi i2 hrs i2 hu2i i @t @xi
@ F1
þ fst1 hrs usi i1 hrs i1 hu1i i ¼0 ð14Þ @ Fn @ Fn
@xi þ huni i ¼0 ð16Þ
@t @xi
where the first term is the time rate of change of sediment
massRin a layer between h1 and h2 (per unit area); gsx,y (x, y, Note that fst = fshfti remains unchanged on the moving
t) = h 2 (fsthrs usx;y i) dz is the double-averaged solid mass interface (refer to the discussion above regarding interface
flux in a layer between h1 and h2 (per unit width) in the definition); uni are uncorrelated with gradients in Fn;
respective directions x and y (including potential fluctuation @hFn i/@t = @hn/@t; and @hFn i/@xi = (@hn/@x, @hn/@ y , 1).
si i and hrs usi i as highlighted in
correlation components hres uf 0 0
In deriving (14), use is made of the Leibniz rule for integrals
(12)); huni i is the double-averaged velocity of the nth
Figure 3. Schematic vertically integrated averaging volumes: (a) for general interfaces z = hn (where
DGsx is the change across Vo in solid mass flux in direction x, GsF2 is the solid mass flux normal to F2,
and Axy is the plan area of the averaging volume Vo); and (b) extending from the water surface to a level
z = h1 below any scour potential within the bed (with the bed surface at z = hbs).
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Figure 4. Schematic variations of sediment concentration fst for patch-scale and dune-scale averaging
volumes Vo. Also shown are potential definitions of the bed surface z = hbs based on these distributions.
with limits of integration (hn) depending on the differential implicit in these equations. In the following, some useful
variable (xi or t); e.g., for t it is written as (similarly for xi) definitions and applications of this equation are discussed,
with (14) briefly compared with alternative formulations
Z h2 Z h2
@f ð x; y; z; t Þ @ @h2 @h based on control volume analyses.
dz ¼ f ð x; y; z; t Þdz f2 þ f1 1
h1 @t @t h1 @t @t 3.1. Transport and Standard Forms of the Exner
ð17Þ Equation
[14] The derivation leading to (14) explicitly shows that
where fn is the value of the variable f on the Rsurface z = hn; the double-averaged sediment mass transport rate (per unit
f, hn and their derivatives are continuous; and h 2 (@f/@z)dz = area) is given by the product of volume concentration, solid
f2 f1 by definition. The last two terms of (14) are solid density, and sediment velocity (relative to the boundary).
mass fluxes normal to the upper and lower interfaces F2 and For constant rs, for example, the solid volume flux in a
F1 (per unit plan area) that arise from relative movements layer between h1 and h2 in direction x (per unit width) is
between the ‘‘permeable’’ interfaces and sediment given by the product
R h of volume concentration and velocity
particles, where the averaged normal solid mass flux as qsx = gsx/rs = h 2 (fsthusx i)dz.
per unit area of Fn is given by fstn(hrs usi in hrs in huni i)nni; [15] The Exner equation is conventionally applied from
nni = (@hFn i/@xi)/k@hFn i/@xik is the averaged unit (down- the water surface (z = h2 = hw) to a level z = h1 below any
ward directed) vector normal to Fn; and the averaged vector potential scour or movement within the bed (husi i1 = hu1i i =
magnitude k@hFn i/@xik defines the ratio of the area of Fn to 0), with the internal bed surface (z = hbs, e.g., of a constant
its area in plan. For the interested reader, a more detailed value of fst) delineating between transport as bed (qsb) and
version of the derivation of (14) from (11) is given in an suspended (qss) sediment (Figure 3b). For constant rs and
electronic supplement to this paper (Figures S1 and S2).1 no sediment flux through the water surface (husi i2 = hu2i i),
(14) becomes
3. Exner Equation Z h2
@ @qsx @qsy
[13] Equation (14) is a general form of the Exner equation ðfst Þdz þ þ ¼ 0 or ð18Þ
@t h1 @x @y
that states that the rate of buildup (per unit plan area) of
sediment mass between the surfaces h1 and h2 is equal to the
sum of the solid mass fluxes across the boundaries; that is, " Z h2
mass is conserved. Equation (14) is derived on the basis of @hbs 1 @
¼ ðfst Þdz
integration of spatially averaged conservation equations for @t fb @t hbs
local (point) phase properties, and it includes the effects of #
@qsbx @qsby @qssx @qssy
correlations between fluctuations in sediment properties þ þ þ þ ð19Þ
within the averaging volume Vo. As shown below, (14) @x @y @x @y
can be readily reduced to give more specific conventional Rh
versions of the Exner equation, revealing the assumptions where @t@ h 2 (fst) dz is the rate of change (per unit plan area)
of suspended sediment volume, sediment concentration in
Auxiliary materials are available in the HTML. doi:10.1029/ the bed is taken to be constant (fb) and equal to that in the
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bed load layer, qsbx = h bs (fbhusx i)dz, and @h1/@t = 0. hrs usi i = hrs ihusi i excluding any potential effects of pos-
Equation (19) represents the standard form of the Exner sible correlations in fluctuations within Vo, unlike the
equation. Various forms of this equation are quoted present analyses. As for the Paola and Voller [2005] analy-
depending upon additional assumptions [e.g., Smith, 1970; ses, (14) can be applied over successive bed layers to incor-
Yalin, 1992; Kubatko and Westerink, 2007; Lanzoni, 2008; porate the respective effects of intralayer changes (e.g.,
Garcı́a, 2008; Parker, 2008], with (2) recovered for no compaction), interfacial movements (e.g., basement uplift
suspended sediment and one-dimensional (1D) bed load or subsidence, bed surface erosion and deposition, etc.), and
transport in direction x. horizontal and interlayer fluxes (including soil creep, bed,
suspended and wash loads, and transfers between these). The
3.2. Layers and Layer Interfaces
sources and sinks of sediment mass production and destruc-
[16] In terms of the structure of a sediment bed, ‘‘active- tion (e.g., precipitation or dissolution due to geochemical
layer’’ approaches to mass conservation assume a well- processes) specified in (PV.3) and (PV.13) are not apparent in
mixed active layer of sediments that exchanges mass with (14), but can be readily incorporated in the right-hand-side of
the moving bed load. Beneath this layer is assumed to be an this equation. Equation (14) beneficially highlights the aver-
inactive structured substrate that only influences the sedi- aged (in space and time) nature of variables, and also includes
ment balance as the bed aggrades or degrades. Many active- the effects of variations in properties (e.g., fst, hrs i, hrs usi i,
layer-based formulations of the Exner equation have been and size fractions as discussed below) within the integrated
developed with varying additional assumptions [e.g., Blom control volume.
and Parker, 2004].
[17] Along with such assumed layering, the transport of 3.3. Size Fractions
sediment is commonly apportioned into bed and suspended [20] By considering the properties of a kth size fraction of
loads. By their natures, these modes of transport are defined a sediment mixture (e.g., double-averaged fkst, hrks i and
by their proximity to, or frequency of contact with, the bed hrks uksi i), (6), (11) and (14) can be used to describe the
surface. transport and balance of this fraction [e.g., Parker et al.,
[18] Equation (14) can be readily applied to analyze 2000], where fkst = (Vsk/Vs)fst can be adopted for the volume
individual or successive layers of sediment. For the bed concentration of the kth size fraction. The effects of abra-
surface (of a threshold value of fst) given by z = h2 = hbs sion [e.g., Parker, 2008] can also be incorporated as source/
and no sediment flux through a stationary lower interface of sink terms in the equation for a given size fraction. The
z = h1 within the bed, the bed load balance transport and balance of the total sediment mixture can then
simply be determined by summing the fractional balances
and transport.
Z hbs
@ @qsbx @qsby @ F2 3.4. Scales of Consideration and Sediment and Layer
ðfst Þdz þ þ fst2 husi i2 hu2i i ¼0
@t h1 @x @y @xi Properties
ð20Þ [21] The time-averaging period To and the size of the
averaging volume (e.g., VCV of Figure 1a, or Vo of Figure 3)
is obtained from (14) for constant rs, with the first term of define temporal and spatial scales of consideration for
(20) given by fb @hbs/@t for a constant bed sediment application of the Exner equation (e.g., discussed by Parker
concentration of fb. Sediment is supplied to or entrained et al. [2000] and Paola and Voller [2005]). The conven-
from the bed surface [e.g., Parker et al., 2000; Blom and tional 1D Exner equation of (2) for riverbeds, with sediment
Parker, 2004; Elhakeem and Imran, 2007; Garcı́a, 2008; transport as bed load qsbx (x, t), is thereby limited to a
Parker, 2008] through the relative bed surface and sediment minimum scale of consideration of the channel width, as
velocities of the last term of (20). The equivalent equation for standard 1D hydrodynamic models. The equivalent two-
for the suspended load balance (of z = h1 = hbs and z = h2 = dimensional equation of qsb (x, y, t) = (qsbx, qsby) allows
hw, with no flux through the water surface) contains an consideration of smaller scales. In terms of streamwise
equal and opposite term for loss to or gain from bed scales, the Exner equation is applied at sub-bed form
sediments [e.g., Garcı́a, 2008; Parker, 2008]. As discussed [e.g., Exner, 1925], multidune [e.g., Parker et al., 2000],
in Section 2.3, appropriate definitions of sediment layers or even larger (e.g., basin) scales. The multidune approach
(e.g., the bed surface, active and inactive sediments) and notably utilizes larger control volumes in order to sample a
transport modes (e.g., bed and suspended loads) can be statistically significant range of bed elevations, e.g., over the
made in terms of isosurfaces of sediment concentration fst, passage of a number of bed forms [Blom and Parker, 2004;
and also density hrs i or double-averaged mass transport rate Elhakeem and Imran, 2007]. The spatial scales of consid-
per unit normal area Fsi = fsthrs usi i, within regions of eration for the fully 3D equations of (6), (11) and (14) are
constant fst. determined by the domain of the averaging volume Vo,
[19] Paola and Voller [2005] present general forms of the where this is typically thin in the bed-normal direction and
Exner equation as their equations (PV.3) and (PV.13). The can vary in plan from the scale of a single grain, to bed
present spatial-averaging-derived general equation (14) is form, channel width or reach scales.
equivalent to (PV.3) per unit plan area and also (PV.13), [22] The analysis scales that are important, and thereby
where the interfacial fluxes of (PV.13) remain expressed in the size of the averaging volume to be adopted in applica-
terms of relative interface sediment movements (as per tion of the Exner equation, depend on the particular phe-
PV.3) for (14). Note that the Paola and Voller [2005] nomena or problems being studied. The choices of these
equations are in terms of mass per mixture analysis scales inherently govern all definitions and interpretations
volume Vo (i.e., their a, which is (fsthrs i) here), with of macroscopic (mixture-scale) sediment and layer proper-
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ties, e.g., sediment densities (where varying) and volume differential equation of mass conservation. These general
fractions, sediment transport modes and rates, and interfaces expressions include the effects of fluctuations in sediment
and (bed) layers. properties (e.g., density, velocity, and concentration or
[23] To illustrate the potential effects of varying Vo, volume fraction) within analysis volumes, and also enable
example patch-scale and dune-scale averaging volumes calculations in terms of size fractions. The obtained expres-
are shown in Figure 4, along with corresponding schematic sions highlight the averaged nature of variables, with
distributions of fst (z). At the patch scale, fst = (Vs/Vo)hfti is double-averaged sediment mass transport rate (per unit area)
a sediment volume concentration, where fs = 1 f and explicitly shown to be given by the product of volume
f is the local average sediment porosity. In contrast, fst = concentration, solid density, and sediment velocity. The
(Vs/Vo)hfti at the dune scale principally represents the general form of the Exner equation of (14) enables analyses
volume fraction of Vo that is occupied by a bed form. in terms of individual or successive layers, including bed
Averaged husi i for the bed sediments furthermore give and suspended loads, where layer interfaces (e.g., the bed
physically different patch velocities and dune celerities at surface) are shown to be defined on the basis of isosurfaces
the respective scales,
R h and the corresponding averaged trans- of sediment concentration, or other sediment properties
port rates gsi = h 2 (fsthrs usi i)dz represent the different (e.g., densities or transport rates) within regions of constant
mechanisms of transport as patches or as dune bed forms. concentration. This general equation can thereby incorpo-
The impact of averaging scales on definitions of bed surface rate the respective effects on the mass balance of intralayer
and bed and suspended loads are also highlighted in Figure 4. changes, interfacial (e.g., basement and bed surface) move-
It is notable that the bed surface level z = hbs is defined in ments, and horizontal and interlayer fluxes. For appropriate
terms of different characteristic values of fst for the two simplifications, the general form of the Exner equation is
analysis scales of Figure 4. In each case, this double- shown to reduce to give more specific conventional expres-
averaged (shown in relation to (14)) level is constant across sions, revealing the assumptions implicit in these equations.
Vo, and it is apparent that the determined bed surface level The effects of the scales of consideration, which can be
can be dependent on the plan dimensions of the averaging varied over wide ranges, on defining and interpreting
volume, e.g., influencing numerical diffusion in morphody- macroscopic (mixture-scale) sediment and layer properties
namic modeling. The definition of the bed surface in a (e.g., averaged densities, volume concentrations or frac-
hydrodynamic sense is noted by Nikora et al. [2002] to tions, velocities, transport modes and rates, interfaces and
similarly vary with averaging volume size. It is also bed layers) are highlighted.
apparent from Figure 4 that when averaging over larger
extents, e.g., for the dune of Figure 4b, adopting the value [25] Acknowledgments. The writers acknowledge useful and con-
of fst defining z = hbs to also distinguish between bed and structive comments made by the Associate Editor, Stephen McLean, Chris
Paola, Francesco Ballio, and an anonymous reviewer that have acted to
suspended sediment loads will result in some suspended strengthen the paper.
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