Sidney Bechet Discography
Sidney Bechet Discography
Sidney Bechet Discography
Mal Collins
June 2011
This is not a discography in the most accepted sense of that word: it does not itemise every commercial release
of the recordings of Sidney Bechet; in fact it does not include much release information at all.
The Recordings here are at the time of writing, June 2011 - almost all free of recording copyright in many
territories: 50 years from the first publication date, recordings may be freely - and legally - used, without paying
royalties to the artist (not the case in the USA, and the situation is changing in Europe). This means that it is
difficult - not to say impossible - to keep track of the many uses of his work: not only of his classic performances
which have been free of this copyright for some time, but also now of his many French recordings, which count
for more than 50% of his output.
So to detail the original release information is of less and less interest (and this has already been done. None of
the original shellac or vinyl releases is available, except as a collectors item; many CD releases are also no
longer available; we are into an era driven by the most popular end of the music market: the digital/download
age.So to itemise ALL commercial releases is a thankless task which serves less & less benefit with every year
that passes.
What this document does do is: to collect together all the known recordings of Sidney Bechet; to clear up a
number of anomalies and uncertainties (others will always remain); to identify all the occasions on which he plays
soprano sax and/or clarinet; and to fully index all sessions by title and performer. All the information on items
commercially released is drawn from the recordings in my own personal collection, although there are a number
of recordings which have been released privately.
The proliferation of releases took many forms: 78 rpm discs (shellac, then vinyl) gave way to vinyl LP's, both 10"
(25cm) and 12" (30cm), and nearly every item below was re-issued in the latter format. Some 1950s items were
originally issued on 45 rpm (7"/18cm) discs and only subsequently on LP or CD. By the 1950's (after Bechet's
last recordings), the 78 rpm disc had been discontinued, and by the 1960's the musicassette had arrived,
although this was exploited almost entirely as a parallel carrier to the LP (i.e. recordings were rarely issued or
packaged only on cassette, which remained an alternative to the [main] LP release). The LP remained the
primary carrier until into the 1980's, when it was overtaken by the Compact Disc; and for 'classic' jazz recordings,
the date was even later. In the 1990's the Digital Compact Cassette and the Mini-Disc arrived (although very few
- if any - Bechet titles were ever issued on either of those two formats), and departed as commercial
configurations. A true discography should take account of all these formats, however very few discographies
have ever contain details of musicassettes - notwithstanding which, there is one title in this discography which I
think may only have been commercially released on a musicassette!. And now you can download a fair number
of Bechet recordings in a digital audio format, and there are a few titles which are only available as downloads.
The same applies to some of the very few video performances of Bechet known to exist: some of these are
available only as downloads or as custom DVDs.
What follows is a catalogue of Sidney Bechet's known recordings, without release details for the most part. It is
not therefore a discography in the sense accepted by many jazz collectors. Those recordings which have never
been released are marked "*". Certain release details are however included where they actually determine what
exists and what does not.
The first discography of Sidney Bechet was written by his friend John D. Reid in "Jazz Information" Volume 2, no.
9 (November 1940). Thereafter the mantle of Bechet discographer passed to David Mylne who produced a first
discography in 1948. For the publication of "Treat it Gentle" (1960), David prepared a new discography
containing all known recordings up to the date of publication; since this was after Bechet's death, the vast
majority of his Vogue recordings (both studio sessions and many of the concert recordings we know to exist)
were included, up to his last studio session in 1958 (most of these were actually released during Bechet's
lifetime). This discography was not updated by the publishers for new editions of the autobiography (and indeed a
further US printing in 2002 still contained the original Mylne 1960 discography!!).
A full discography by Hans J. Mauerer appeared as a separate publication in 1969. This was - and remained for
some time - an excellent guide. Over the years following Mauerer, many 'unreleased' or dubious items have been
cleared up, and of course a number of new (mostly 'live') items have surfaced.
When "Treat it Gentle" was belatedly published in French in 1977 (as "La Musique, C'est Ma Vie"), it contained a
new discography by Alain Tercinet. For the publication of his book on Bechet (see references below), Fabrice
Zammarchi produced a new discography, although no matrix numbers were included. All of these are now
superseded by the work of Guy Demole, whose work on Bechet's "musical activity" contains both a catalogue of
Guy Demole's personal Bechet collection (including many performances not commercially released, as well as
details of Bechet's public performances. My discography hereby admits a great debt to Guy Demole, especially in
respect of details of unreleased material. Bechet is of course also included in the general and amazing
discographies of ALL jazz, by Messrs. Rust, Raben, Bruyninckx, Lord et al
Gradually, some hitherto unreleased items appeared on CD in the chronological seriesfrom the French "Mdia7"
(later "Masters of Jazz" label), but like many projects, including the Vogue Integrale 3LP box sets (COF-21
etc) and the French Classics (CD) series this series was never completed due to financial problems for those
But unissued recordings continue to surface. For example, the "Einbrecher" soundtrack from 1930, two versions
of "I got Rhythm" with Jabbo Smith, extracts from the film: "Moon Over Harlem", A "Panama" (Olympia concert
12/03/52), and the Swiss concert with Braslavsky all appeared for the first time in the age of the Compact Disc
(1992 or thereafter). One or two audiovisual items have appeared in recent years, and the odd alternate take has
also surfaced recently (especially from theMosaic label), adding spice to our appreciation of Bechet, and
confusion even to those among us who try to keep chapter & verse on his output.
So this document may well be out of date when you read it!!!
Discographical Milestones
For many years, well into the era of the LP, only a selection of Bechet's 1920's recordings were generally
available in Europe on the Fontana & CBS labels; in retrospect, these were the best of his 1920's output, but
often titles with Buster Bailey (the first Bechet copyist) replacing Bechet were included. It was not until Fat Cat
Jazz filled out the gaps in the 1980's that all his 1920's sides became available for the first time since their
original release. The FCJ albums were then pre-empted by 'chronological' series on CD on a variety of labels in
the late 1980's and 1990's. Typically therefore, one was then able to buy all the Bechet titles from the 1920's
through now into the mid-1940's on CD. Best in this category were the "Complete" CD editions on the French
label "Mdia7" (later "Masters of Jazz" or Musisoft), which included hitherto unreleased performances. That
series came to an abrupt end without releasing some of the John Reid archive recordings, which it had been
doing up until then.
The 'Victor' recordings ("New Orleans Feetwarmers") appeared in a variety of albums from various RCA (now
Sony/BMG) companies in Europe, USA and Japan. These were definitively researched (including alternate
takes, many issued for the first time) and chronologically compiled by RCA France in their "Jazz Tribune" series,
originally issued as double LP's (PM42409, 43282 & 45728), later as CD's (ND 89760, ND 89759 &
74321155192) and as a CD Box (003562903172). Research by the originating company does not necessarily
mean that they have found everything, but these French re-issues are the source for the entries below on the
relevant recordings. With the exception of V-Disc material, I have considered their research to be definitive.
The Blue Note recordings of Bechet were issued on LP & CD by Mosaic in the 1980's, with extensive research
and sensible/erudite sleeve notes; not only did Mosaic collate together all the known Blue Note recordings which
Bechet made over a period of nearly 15 years, they also unearthed a number of alternate takes at the same time
which had never previously been released anywhere (re-packaging of Blue Note recordings over the years was
not common).One alternate take has now surfaced which was not in the Mosaic collection, but otherwise I have
again considered their research to be definitive.
In 2006 Mosaic also compiled a 3-CD set of all (in fact they missed at least one track) the known recordings
which were at that time under the control of Sony Music (the album carries a P-notice for Sony/BMG 2006) this
included recordings for OKeh, Vocalion and Columbia, amongst other labels.
The 'King Jazz' recordings with Mezzrow comprise a number of sessions over a 3-year period, including many
alternate takes. A good number of alternates were actually issued on 78 rpm by King Jazz or their licensees, and
the Storyville company of Denmark also issued all known takes on a variety of configurations (LP, EP, 7" single
even!) during the 1960's. The Storyville version was not chronological, but it did have an added bonus in the
inclusion of some spoken passages by Mezzrow, and his personal blessing. Storyville re-released all the product
again on vinyl in the 1980's in double albums, again without regard for chronological sequence. Finally they
released all the product on CD in the same (dis)order as the double LP's, again with Mezzrow talking. In fact the
only chronological issues were made on LP by King Jazz (Italy) during the 1960's (KJIT 1002-1007 duly noted in
Mauerer), subsequently re-released in the 1990's on CD (KJ101 FS - KJ104 FS). These should be considered to
be the best available collection of the King Jazz sides (there are 2 or 3 mistakes in the Storyville releases)
By the 1960's we thought we had heard all the best of Bechet. Rumours and scant details were in circulation
regarding a series of recordings Bechet had made during a 1945 residency at the Savoy Cafe in Boston, but that
was all. During the 1980's, a series of 12 LP's was lovingly put together by Fat Cat Jazz, issuing commercially for
the first time all the recordings from that short residency. Hardly any recordings seem to have been lost (only one
broadcast is not accounted for at all, others have only occasional parts missing). This series of releases was not
only a tribute to the dedication and abilities of the Fat Cat team, it is also a quite unique document of a (major
jazz) artist's regular broadcast gigs over a short period of time (given extra spice by Bechet's use - for a variety of
reasons - of three different trumpeters during the residency). The Boston recordings were released on USA CD's
on the Jazz Crusade label in the late 1990's, although these do not seem to contain all the available material as
released on the Fat Cat LP's.
Vogue Records made many recordings of Sidney Bechet both in the studio and at concerts during the period of
his recording contract with them in the 1950's. Over the years since Bechet's death, they released many of the
most popular or interesting sides in a wide variety of configurations and packages, including at one point a 10" 16
r.p.m. disc! One of the reasons for the catalogue which follows not to be a discography (in the accepted sense of
the word) is that keeping track of these (re-)releases has proved impossible. In the early 1980's, Vogue began a
'complete edition' on LP - to include all the recordings made by Bechet during the period of his contract. It is likely
that Vogue had an exclusive contract with Bechet for recordings made in France (although some 'live' or location
recordings made in Switzerland were also released by them); USA recordings (e.g. for Blue Note) were therefore
not included. This complete edition started well (although a few of the 1949 recordings with Braslavsky at the
Paris Jazz Festival and in Geneva - which were known to exist - were not included), but was never completed,
probably for commercial reasons. COF-21 to COF-27 inclusive were all released. Subsequently Vogue issued a
CD box comprising all Bechet's studio recordings (*), but - in general - the 'master takes' only. Other material
issued by Vogue came from the collection of the late Charles Delaunay, including rare examples of Bechet
backed by a full big band. Nevertheless, it is a difficult and thankless task to check every Vogue release to verify
Eventually, in the 1990's, Vogue Records was bought by BMG (who had previously bought RCA/Victor), thus
uniting the 'New Orleans Feetwarmers' sides from as early as 1932 with the vast quantity of material recorded by
Bechet for Vogue in the 1950's. The rights to the 1920s OKeh catalogue passed to Columbia, which eventually
became part of Sony Music. In 2007, Sony and BMG merged their interests, so that one entity effectively now
owns the rights (however limited now, so many years after their original release) to much of the very best of
Bechet did not make as many recordings in total through his life as his undoubted ability suggests. Below is a
count of the studio recordings he made for each year from 1923, excluding alternate takes:
0 (AF of M strike)
3 (V-disc only)
0 (AF of M strike)
The following works have been consulted in the preparation of this document:
1. David Mylne's discography for the original publication of "Treat it Gentle" (USA: Twayne, UK: Cassell, 1960)
2. "A Discography of Sidney Bechet" by Hans J. Mauerer (Knudsen, Denmark 1969)
3. "Clarence Williams" by Tom Lord (Storyville Publications 1976)
4. Alain Tercinet's discography for the French version of "Treat it Gentle" ("La Musique, C'est Ma Vie", Editions
de la Table Ronde, Paris 1977)
5. "Sidney Bechet" by Jean-Roland Hippenmeyer (Tribune Editions, Geneva 1980)
6. "The Eddie Condon Town Hall Broadcasts 1944-45" by Bozy White (Shoestring Records c.1980)
7. "Jazz Records 1897-1942" by Brian Rust (Storyville Publications, 5th edition, 1982/3)
8. "This is Jazz Broadcasts" by Jack Litchfield (Litchfield, 1985)
9. "Jazz Records 1942-1980" edited by Erik Raben (Stainless/Wintermoon Publications, undated) - note that
although this pre-dates Ruppli (see below) in terms of publication date, its information is in some respects more
10. "Eddie Condon on Record 1927-1971" by Giorgio Lombardi (The Black Saint, 1987, new edition 2001 The
Italian Jazz Institute)
11. "Sidney Bechet" by Fabrice Zammarchi (Editions Filipacchi, 1989)
12. "Discographie Vogue Productions tome 1" by Michel Ruppli (avec le concours de Charles Delaunay) (AFAS,
13. "Sidney Bechet - his musical activities from 1907 to 1959" by Guy Demole (Demole 1996, revised 1998 &
14. The Jazz Discography by Tom Lord (CD version various versions over the years)
15. Claude Luter - Saint Germain Dance biography of Luter by Fabrice Zammarchi (editions Favre, France,
... plus correspondence with David Mylne & Guy Demole, and of course innumerable record sleeves & inserts,
some less misleading than others.
The above are acknowledged in the text with the following codes:
= Guy Demole
= Jean-Roland Hippenmeyer
= Tom Lord (Clarence Williams)
= Tom Lord Jazz Discography (CD)
= Jack Litchfield
= Giorgio Lombardi
= Hans J. Mauerer
= David Mylne
= Brian Rust
= Erik Raben
= Michel Ruppli
= Alain Tercinet
= Bozy White
= Fabrice Zammarchi (Editions Filipacchi)
= Fabrice Zammarchi (Editions Favre)
The following codes are used to identify instruments in the text:
= arranger
= baritone sax
= banjo
= cornet
= clarinet
= guitar
= piano
= trombone
= trumpet
= violin
Originally recorded for OKeh. First extant recordings of Sidney Bechet. The matrix numbers used are from L.,
and not the 'condensed' versions used previously. The date is from L. and R., and not from other discographers,
who give 30 June. Note the spelling of the trombonist's name, as confirmed by L.
Eva Taylor (vcl), Clarence Williams (pno,vcl on 71747), accompanied by Thomas Morris (cnt), John Mayfield
(tbn), Sidney Bechet (clt), Buddy Christian (bjo).
New York, c.August 11 1923
Originally recorded for OKeh. L. & R. give "Banana", although Eva Taylor clearly sings the plural version.
Originally recorded for OKeh. Not everyone is convinced that this is Bechet - L. not, and Z. discounts it in his
discography, but later re-instates it on the Compact Disc Mdia 7 release produced by him. There is no doubt in
my mind however: no other clarinettist of the period could have performed in this way.
Irresistible Blues
Irresistible Blues
Jazzin' Babies Blues
Originally recorded for OKeh. Both takes of 71910 are said to have been used on copies of the first release: OK
8129, although two different versions have never been appeared on LP or CD. Per My., -C was at best a dub of A. And D. (in his 1998 edition) drops the existence of -C completely. Moreover, Mosaic who research as well
as any other record company, ever include only the known performance on their admirable CD re-issue box:
Mosaic Select MS-022, which gathers together all the OKeh material available, although they call this take C! .
Originally Recorded for OKeh. The Bechet name appears on a record label for the first time.
If I Let You Get Away With It Once You'll Do It All Of The Time
E Flat Blues
Thomas Morris (cnt), ?John Mayfield (tbn), Sidney Bechet (sop), Clarence Williams (pno), Buddy Christian
New York, c November 10 1923
Shreveport Blues
Old Fashioned Love
Originally recorded for OKeh. Some doubts linger about whether the trombonist is Irvis or Mayfield.
Originally recorded for OKeh. Some doubts linger about whether the trombonist is Irvis or Mayfield. L. says
Bechet on soprano & clarinet here, but it's only soprano.
(note: the Virginia Liston session of 7 January 1924 ["I Don't Love Nobody"/"Tain't A Doggone Thing But The
Blues"] is listed by M.[B16], T. and Z. as possible Bechet. However, R., L. & My. do not agree, and Z., having
included it in his discography, later discounts it in the Compact Disc Mdia 7 release produced by him. I think
it's not Bechet)
Originally recorded for OKeh; the original release on OK 8122 gives: "Guitar accomp. by Sidney Bechet". This is
described by Bechet in "Treat it Gentle": he had asked Clarence Williams to put his name on the record label (it
was already on a Rosetta Crawford release - see above), and Williams duly complied, but selected titles not
containing Bechet (see also below re: another Virginia Liston session)! Pops Foster says that Bechet could pick
some guitar. L. suggests Sylvester Weaver, but he was a better guitarist than the one playing here. I only
continue to include it here because there is no positive proof that it is not Bechet.
Foolin' Me
*Pleasure Mad
Originally recorded for Path Actuelle or Perfect. Details of the unreleased track come originally from M., but no
matrix number has been traced; it is of course a Bechet composition (aka "Viper Mad")., and was recorded by
Ethel Waters that same year.
Originally recorded for OKeh. Bechet's first Clarence Williams dates for 11 months represent also the first
recorded collaborations between Bechet & Armstrong.
(note: Bechet is listed on the label of OK 8196 [Virginia Liston: "Night Latch Key Blues"/"Any Day The Sun
Don't Shine"], but does not play on it. Probably a similar example to 240110 above)
(note: The Clarence Williams session of November 6 1924 ["Of All The Wrongs You've Done To Me"/"Everybody
Loves My Baby"] features the first Bechet copyist: Buster Bailey on soprano sax. These titles have been included
in album releases under Bechets name in the past)
(note: The Margaret Johnson session of November 25 1924 listed by M. [B20] and T. does not contain Bechet; in
fact there is no reed at all!)
Originally recorded for Okeh, the session features in all the discographies, and L. is quite certain it's him.
However, Z., having included it in his discography, later discounts it in the Compact Disc Mdia 7 release
produced by him. It's also rejected by D. (who suggests Buster Bailey). Whoever it is, he is struggling against a
rogue soprano sax with a mind of its own. The intonation is not Bechet, who had by now mastered the difficulties
of the soprano better than these performances suggest; however, the tone is more like him. Either it is someone
imitating Bechet (and Buster Bailey would be a possibility here) or it's Bechet in bad form or on a poor quality
instrument. I've decided therefore to leave this entry in, even though it is rejected by other discographers, since it's
not possible to say categorically that its not him.
Originally recorded for OKeh. The only known sarrusophone outing in jazz. It is likely that Bechet had
encountered this instrument while with the Southern Syncopated Orchestra in London, and unlikely that he saw it
for the first time in a pawn shop on the way to the studio for this session (as he sometimes claimed). The
sarrusophone was not unlike the saxophone except that it had a double reed (in fact Adolph Sax had taken the
makers of the sarrusophone to court because he felt the similarities infringed his saxophone patents, but he lost the
case), and I believe also that it had the same or very similar fingering.
Originally recorded for Gennett. Alberta Hunter used her sister's name here.
Originally recorded for Gennett. These recordings retain the sound of the Williams sessions; in fact the only
difference is Lil Armstrong for Williams.
Originally recorded for OKeh. "Suey" is one one of only two Bechet compositions recorded by any Williams
outfit (the other is "Ghost of the Blues", recorded May 16 1924 by Eva Taylor with a Williams group including
Lorenzo Tio on clarinet), although the Clarence Williams Music Publishing Company owned other titles
composed by Bechet, who held the position of 'Professional Manager' with the company.
Originally recorded for OKeh. These two sessions were recorded either on the same or subsequent days; The
cornet player definitely changes between the sessions, although it is less clear who the trombonist is.
Originally recorded for OKeh. The identity of the trombone player is again open to conjecture. Some
discographers list all three reedmen, although Z., having included Bechet in his discography, later discounts him
entirely in the Compact Disc Mdia 7 release produced by him. D. also rejects him entirely. After repeated
listening to CD releases, I have opted for the above split.
Originally recorded for Columbia. The personnel listed is a compilation of various discographers' conjectures.
(note: this is Bechet's last recording session before he began further European travels. The Williams/Eva Taylor
session of October 8 1925 ["Coal Cart Blues"/"Santa Claus Blues"], which was always thought to contain
Bechet, must now be disregarded. This is all the more strange since Armstrong & Bechet were thought to have
're-created' "Coal Cart Blues" for the New Orleans Album on American Decca in 1940 [see 400527].
Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that [as pointed out by John Chilton] Bechet left the USA with the company
of the "Revue Ngre" on board the liner 'Berengaria' on 16 September, and was in Paris when the October
session took place)
(note: for details of Bechet's travels in the period following his appearance in the Revue Ngre until his release
from prison and his departure from France in December 1929 - during which he apparently made no recordings
at all - see D., and articles by Grard Conte in French quarterlies:"Les Cahiers du Jazz" [P.U.F.], which draw
on French police files of the period regarding Bechet)
Kirchstein? (gtr), ?Mike McKendrick (bjo), ?Hans Holdt (bbs), Paul Delvi (dms), Louis Douglas (dance), Greta
Keller, Jo Sargent & other members of cast (vcl).
Berlin June-September 1930
Ich Lass Mir Meinen Krper Schwarz Bepinseln -1, -2
Kind, Dein Mund Ist Musik -1
Originally recorded for the Franco-German Film: "Einbrecher" ("Flagrant Dlit", or "Burglar"), and released in
audio format for the first time on (French) Mdia 7 CD MJCD 14. The film was once thought lost, but was
rediscovered, was released on video (VHS PAL format: BMG (UFA) 4197) in 1995, and later also in DVD.
Details of personnel from Storyville magazine (see below), the Mdia 7 release, H. & D. If the banjoist is indeed
Mike Mckendrick (as identified by Delvi - see H.), this would be strange, since he and Bechet had been involved
in a shooting incident in Paris less than 2 years previously, and both spent a considerable time in prison as a
The recordings are very poor, and are mostly 'background music' to the actors in the film. Bechet does not play on
two other titles from the film: "Lass Mich Einmal Deine Carmen Sein" and "Eine Liebelei, So Nebenblei". See
"Storyville" magazine issue 72 re: this film, and Bechet's activity in Germany at the time; also Doctor Jazz
Magazine (Dutch) number 150 (September 1995) for an article by Ate van Delde on Lex van Spall, who played
music for several UFA films of the time.
And just to complete the story: it is also quite possible that the musicians as seen on the film are not all the same
as those who perform on the soundtrack!
Originally recorded for Brunswick. All discographers agree on the date, except M. (24 January). The band was
named The Georgia Syncopators on the Melotone label and the Missouri Jazz Band on the Supertone label. 36121
remained unreleased until the 1980's when it was released on LP by Fat Cat Jazz. M. and R. go for Pinckney, the
French for Plackney. Bechet played a bass (even perhaps a contrabass?) sax in his early days with Sissle, who had
arrangements in the 'book' which required it, but the sound here lacks the depth that a bass sax would bring; it is
of course debatable whether Bechet could read the saxophone part as scored for the ensemble passages anyway. A
low-pitched saxophone can only be heard in the ensemble. Drummer Freddie Moore, in an interview (?from the
Tulane archives? used in the BBC radio programme Le Silver Bell [1984], stated that Bechet played baritone
with Sissle. So on these 2 counts, I'll go for Bechet on baritone. There is little soprano to be heard except soloing,
since Bechet's soprano intonation does not really fit ensemble work with other saxes.
Originally recorded for Brunswick. However, this session and the previous session do not feature in the Mosaic
Select set (MS-022), which brings together all the material from OKeh, Brunswick & Columbia etc. (all owned by
Sony in 2005), as the Brunswick catalogue up to the end of 1931 belongs to Universal Music, whereas from 1932
it belongs to Sony. Sissle was recording popular songs of the time (the Boswell sisters also recorded Whad Ya
Do and Mississippi in 1931).
Sweetie Dear -2
I Want You Tonight (BM vcl) -1, -2
I've Found A New Baby (mt) -1
*I've Found A New Baby (am) -1
Lay Your Racket (BM vcl) -1
Maple Leaf Rag -1
Shag (WM vcl) -1
Originally recorded for Victor, now Sony/BMG. The two takes of 73400 are mentioned by most discographers,
although all microgroove and CD releases have the same performance of this title; specifically the RCA Tribune
'Complete' Bechet releases (both LP & CD) do not include a #2.
Originally recorded for American Decca. Bechet is inaudible on the first 2 titles; one wonders whether he is
actually present, although he might have wanted to be present on Creole Moon, on which he is credited as a
Originally recorded for American Decca. Bechet is inaudible on 60888, 60890 & 60892; one wonders whether
he is actually present. And yes, that is a very young Lena Horne on her first recording date.
Originally recorded for Varsity. Per D., the vocal was excluded from all LP & CD issues; it was finally used on
Mosaic Select MS-022 (CD). The vocalist on Southland is Sissle, not Billy Banks per several discographers.
Originally recorded for Varsity. Contrary to my previous opinion, the two takes of 406 are NOT identical. D.
lists the unissued take of 407, but it did not appear in the Mosaic CD box Mosaic Select MS-022.
Originally recorded for American Decca. These wonderful recordings are really the first recordings under the
leadership/control of Bechet, and a significant indication of his skill as a composer. Presumably Bechet
appeared in a small-group setting with the Noble Sissle show. "Sunset" has been voted all-time favourite
Bechet recording by a poll conducted amongst a selection of French musicians.
*Lady Be Good
Freight Train Blues
Trixie's Blues
My Daddy Rocks Me Part I
My Daddy Rocks Me Part II
He May Be Your Man But He Comes To See Me Sometimes
Jack I'm Mellow
*No Good Man
My Unusual Man
Originally recorded for American Decca. 63865/72 have never been found (information in R. of a release is
incorrect); since "No Good Man" was re-recorded by Smith a few weeks later, probably the original recording
was never saved. D. gives "Lady Be Good" as 63872 and does not list "No Good Man"
Coot Grant (Leola B. Wilson) and Kid Wesley 'Sox' Wilson (vcl-duet), accompanied by Charlie Shavers (tpt),
Sidney Bechet (clt), Sammy Price (pno), Teddy Bunn (gtr), Richard Fullbright (bs), O'Neil Spencer (dms).
New York May 26 1938
Uncle Joe
I Am A Woman
Toot It, Brother Armstrong
Blue Monday On Sugar Hill
Originally recorded for American Decca. 63874 remained unreleased for some 40 years, until it appeared on a
Time-Life box set dedicated to Bechet. 63875 also remained unreleased for a similar length of time, except for
a few pressings of the original Decca 78 rpm release (De 7500) where it erroneously replaced 63876. Note that
Bechet plays clarinet only throughout sessions 680526A & B.
What A Dream -1
What A Dream -1
Hold Tight (TF vcl) -2
Hold Tight (TF vcl) -2
Jungle Drums -1
Chant In The Night -1
Originally recorded for Vocalion. Bechet's recordings around this time with Morton, Ladnier etc. place him
firmly in a 'traditional' style, but this highly interesting session - only the second truly under his own leadership
- is quite different and includes the innovative use (for the time) of an amplified guitar, and no 'warhorses'.
Jungle Drums pitches Bechet against Singleton in what is virtually a duet: Artie Shaw & Benny Goodman
sometimes used the same idea for example Shaws Indian Love Call, recorded July 1938 (and?released
before this Bechet session?). Shaw even recorded a title called Jungle Drums in December 1938.
Originally recorded for Bluebird (Victor, now Sony/BMG), and supervised by Hugues Panassi.
Sidney Bechet (sop), Meade Lux Lewis (pno), Teddy Bunn (gtr), Johnny Williams (bs), Sid Catlett (dms).
New York, June 8 1939
Originally recorded for Blue Note. No additional takes were discovered for inclusion in the Mosaic box set.
Most discographers give "Summertime" as #14, however the above is based on research published with the
Mosaic box set. Only one performance is known. Summertime was a minor hit for Blue Note, very early on
the life of that label.
B 582
B 583
Originally recorded for Baldwin; the above information is based on correspondence from My., who had access
to the original Baldwin 'contract sheet'. This is one of the most complex of Bechet's sessions to decipher. The
titles and matrix numbers are those from the Baldwin documentation.
Even the band style is open to conjecture: On Baldwin releases, it is just: "Original Haitian Music"; On the
Varsity label (most of the above were first released on Varsity), it is "Willie (The Lion) Smith - Sidney Bechet
Orchestra (Leo Warney at the drums)". On LP issue on Belfort, it is "Sidney Bechet, Willie The Lion Smith,
Leo Warney & his Orchestre" (sic).
In principle, there are 14 tracks, one of which seems never to have been released, although other matrices in
the above have been released with the title "Danse Ensemble". There are a number of other names/titles
applied to the above matrices, but only 13 different recordings have ever been released. Below (per My.) are
the titles as listed on the Baldwin contract sheet:
B 570-1 Meringue des Centraliers
B 571-1 Mayotte
B 572-1 Rose Rumba
B-573-1 Sous Les Palmiers
B-574 Danse Ensemble
B-575-1 a Pique Haiti
B-576-1 Diane
B-577-1 Nana
B-578 e Nous Mme
B-579 Titte Chatte
B-580 La Belle Germaine
B-581 Ti Ralph
B 582 Meringue D'Amour
B 583 Danses De Chez Nous
A for the music itself, that too is an enigma; Willie "The Lion" Smith said that the session was made because
this type of music was popular at the time. There is little or no improvisation anywhere on any of the titles,
little variety in the ensemble work, and all of Bechet's 1950's Creole tunes would have a very different flavour
from that present on this session. On the other hand, Ernest Borneman (in The Decca Book Of Jazz [1958])
said that this session "constitute(s) in my mind the most important event in the entire history of recorded
Creole jazz".
391125, although John Reid's notes say the opposite. See below re: Indian Summer.
Indian Summer -1
*Indian Summer -1
One O'Clock Jump -2
*One O'Clock Jump -2
Preachin' Blues (WM vcl) -1
Preachin' Blues (WM vcl) -1
Sidney's Blues (SB vcl) -2
Sidney's Blues (SB vcl) -2
Originally recorded for Bluebird (Victor, now Sony/BMG). M. & Z. list the unissued takes, but these did not
figure in the RCA "Jazz Tribune" release of all Bechet's Bluebird/Victor recordings. My. listed unnumbered
alternates as issued on French RCA LP 730.593, but this seems unlikely. The beautiful tune Indian Summer
had been recorded in a hit version by Glenn Miller exactly 3 months earlier.
Originally recorded for Blue Note. No unreleased takes found for inclusion on the Mosaic box set.
Lonesome Blues -2
Dear Old Southland -1
Bechet's Steady Rider -2
Saturday Night Blues -2
Originally recorded for Blue Note. No unreleased takes found for inclusion on the Mosaic box set. Bechet's
second pianoless date (the first was 370416 for Varsity), and there were more to follow......
adept in providing accompaniment in this pianoless setting, but was otherwise fully occupied for several years
in the rhythm section of a much larger ensemble: the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra.
This (in)famous session was originally recorded for American Decca. Most discographers after M. list
unissued alternates: 67817-B, 67818-B, and 67820-B -C and -D. However, the only alternate performance ever
to come to light is on 67819. Note that "Coal Cart" is not - as was often thought - a re-creation of a 1925
recording of Bechet & Armstrong with Clarence Williams, since Bechet was not present on that session
(October 8 1925).
Originally recorded for Bluebird (Victor, now Sony/BMG). "Wild Man Blues" is a favourite recording and
'signature tune' of the world's most famous Bechet fan: film director, actor, author (etc!) Woody Allen.
Sidney Bechet (sop), accompanied by Henry 'Hot Lips' Levine (tpt), Jack Epstein (tbn), Alfred Evans (clt),
Rudy Adler (ten), Mario Janarro (pno), Tony Collucci (gtr), Harry Patent (bs), Nat Levine (dms). Radio
New York, July 28 1940
Shake It And Break It
St. Louis Blues
Blues in Thirds
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). Note that 053432-2 is an instrumental, taken at an entirely
different tempo from #1.
Sidney Bechet (sop), accompanied by Henry 'Hot Lips' Levine (tpt), Jack Epstein (tbn), Alfred Evans (clt),
Rudy Adler (ten), Mario Janarro (pno), Tony Collucci (gtr), Harry Patent (bs), Nat Levine (dms).
New York, November 11 1940
Muskrat Ramble
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). A studio recording (the Levine band was better known for its
radio work).
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). Two other New Orleans veterans and his good friend
Tolliver are present for the recording of the New Orleans traditional slow dance "Egyptia", written by Abe
Olman; see 440604 for a real New Orleans old-time clarinet duet on this title, for which Bechet would claim
the copyright here and on later recordings of the same theme.
Sidney Bechet (sop), accompanied by Henry 'Hot Lips' Levine (tpt), Jack Epstein (tbn), Alfred Evans (clt),
Rudy Adler (ten), Mario Janarro (pno), Tony Collucci (gtr), Harry Patent (bs), Nat Levine (dms). Radio
New York, March 17 1941
*Kerry Dancers
Sidney Bechet (pno).
Items from the John D. Reid collection; "Shim-me" is first released on LP by Vogue Nec Plus Ultra 502013,
the two "Blues" on French CD Mdia7 MJCD 127. "Kerry" is listed in the Reid collection at Arkansas
University, but has not been located.
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). All discographers after M. list the different takes of "Sheik",
although RCA and Mdia7 include only one in their 'Complete' releases. Per D., takes #1-#4 all have the 6
instruments, and takes 3 & 4 are "similar". The ? take of "Blues" was first released on French CD Mdia7
MJCD 127 and contains the first two instruments to be recorded, so the first dubbed take. Studio time ran out,
leaving no time to include bass & drums on the "Blues".
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). M., followed by T. allocates 823 to "I Know..." and 824 to
"Swing Parade". In addition, M., followed by T. & Z., gives a 063825-1, but RCA on their 'Complete' Jazz
Tribune release confirm that this is identical to -2.
New Orleans? Well, there's a young trumpeter from the tight-knit swing ensemble of John Kirby, a New York
stride pianist, and an electric guitarist. Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG).
Strange Fruit
You're The Limit (mt)
You're The Limit (am)
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). Goodwin's vocal contribution is to laugh. Theres a more
commercial, hip feel to this session.
Originally recorded for Victor (now Sony/BMG). The last to be made under the Victor contract, as the
recording ban, a World War, and rapidly changing musical tastes would intervene. "12th Street Rag" was not
released until much later, when Victor needed a quick release to combat Pee Wee Hunt's hit of the same
number. In comparison with the recording sessions of the imminent New Orleans Revival, this is not a bad
session for an old New Orleans man: a commercial ragtime number, plus Duke Ellington, Richard Rodgers,
George Gershwin and Cole Porter.
Sidney Bechet (whistling), unknown (pno), unknown (dms). Private Party at Mrs. Gertrude Englander's house.
Mount Healthy, Ohio, November 13 1943
Haydn's Toy Symphony (part 1)
Haydn's Toy Symphony (part 2)
Haydn's Toy Symphony (part 3)
These & the following Ohio recordings made by John Reid; first release on French Musisoft (formerly Media
7) Masters of Jazz CD MJCD 165.
In fact, the music of the Toy Symphony, formerly ascribed to Joseph Haydn, is now known to have been part
of a longer work by Leopold Mozart (and the addition of the toy instruments may have been the work of
Josephs brother Michael).
(note: the next John Reid recordings to be released (by Musisoft) are several sessions later; some of these
recordings are not considered good enough for commercial release)
These were V-Disc recordings, since the AFM ban on all commercial recordings was still in effect (from
August 1 1942); all the Victor re-issues of JP332 exclude a spoken introduction (of the band members) by
Bechet; this was included on UK LP Swinghouse 42 and on French Musisoft [formerly Media 7] Masters of
Jazz CD MJCD 178. The producers of the Bechet "Complete Edition" on Masters of Jazz, considered the
unreleased performance as permanently lost, but this has now been located by D..
Bechet's first New Orleans recordings are on piano! Originally released on American Music CD AMCD-44,
the session was organized by John D. Reid; recordings are from the John Reid collection at Arkansas
University. Bechet replaces Walter Decou (who plays on other titles from this informal session: "Panama",
"Bucket Got A Hole In", "Olympia Rag", "Sister Kate" and "High Society"); apparently he could not yet play
clarinet or soprano, following recent dental work carried out by his brother Leonard. Egyptian Fantasy is
actually Egyptia, written by Abe Olman in 1911, and used by George Baquet during his time with Freddie
Keppard and the Creole Band; But Bechet doubtless collected the mechanical royalties on his recordings of the
tune under the Fantasy title.
St Louis Blues -2
Jazz Me Blues (am) -2
Jazz Me Blues (mt) -2
Blue Horizon -2
Muskrat Ramble -1
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 207-0 was discovered for release on the complete Bechet/Blue Note
recordings on Mosaic. No reference to BN205 in discographies. Many people consider Blue Horizon to be
the most deeply moving of all instrumental blues recordings.
Originally recorded for Black & White. Often re-issued under Bechet's name, and once used to promote petrol!
Bechet is definitely not the vocalist, despite M's assertion. Its Gene Sedric.
contains the above released items, plus a Perdido St. Blues with Bechet on clarinet - this is incorrect, the
announcer (Glenn Riggs) mistakenly introduces Back OTown as Perdido. Details of the unreleased items
from D (presumably Egyptian Fantasy would have been a Bechet feature).
High Society -2
Salty Dog (FM vcl/SB speak) -2
Weary Blues -1
Jackass Blues (am) -1
Jackass Blues (mt) -1
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 218-2 was discovered for release on the complete Bechet/Blue Note
recordings on Mosaic.
Bechet with Stacy, Weiss & Wettling only; same location & date
Don't Get Around Much Any More
Bechet does not play on other titles from this broadcast:"It's Been So Long", "Sweet Lorraine", "Sunday",
"Alice Blue Gown" and "How Long Has This Been Going On". T. gives Jack Lesberg for Weiss.
Milenberg Joys
*Basin Street Blues
Lord, Let Me In The Lifeboat
Days Beyond Recall
Porto Rico
Up In Sidney's Flat
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 227-0 was discovered for inclusion in the the complete Bechet/Blue Note
recordings on Mosaic. BN224 was not found for this release, and is thought no longer to exist (it was Blue
Note policy to destroy unissuable material). Note that Bechet plays clarinet only on all the issued titles.
(450404) INTERVIEW
Sidney Bechet interviewed by Wynne Paris on radio (WCOP Boston) broadcast April 4 1945; subjects
discussed: his career & time in Europe, and the 'One-Man Band' (duration 12 minutes).
Johnny Windhurst (cnt), Sidney Bechet (sop), Ray Parker (pno), George 'Pops' Foster (bs), George Thompson
(dms). WCOP broadcast from The Savoy Caf.
Boston Mass. May 24 1945
Theme In
I Never Knew
Lazy River
Sweet Sue
I Can't Get Started
Struttin' With Some Barbecue
Blues In The Air
Sheik Of Araby
Sweet Georgia Brown
Theme Out
(note: Fat Cat Records were unable to find any trace of a broadcast on 29 May)
(450606) INTERVIEW
Sidney Bechet interviewed by Wynne Paris on radio (WCOP) broadcast June 6 1945; subjects discussed:
Clarence Williams, Johnny Dodds, and the 'One-Man Band' (duration 7 minutes).
(note: Rn. mentions 2 titles (Orys Creole Trombone and one unknown) as released on Transark 1000 (see
450424), which he relates to the Boston sessions. These are not on the Transark LP; there is no trace of
Bechet ever recording Orys Creole Trombone)
House Party
House Party
Perdido Street Stomp
Perdido Street Stomp
Revolutionary Blues, Part 1
Revolutionary Blues, Part 2
Blood On The Moon (HLP vcl)
Originally recorded for King Jazz, and the first of the King Jazz sessions to feature Bechet (matrices KJ 1 to
KJ 11 are from the first King Jazz session of 27 March 1945 which consisted of Sammy Price piano solos, plus
2 Pleasant Joe titles - "Broken Man Blues" and "New Jailhouse Blues" - which have appeared on record
erroneously credited to 'Pleasant Joe with Mezzrow-Bechet').
I have opted for the matrix style KJ12-1, and not KJ-12-1 (per M.) or KJ 12-1 (per T.).
Originally recorded for King Jazz. KJ23-1 from the same date is a piano-drums duet: "Boogin' with Big Sid".
KJ19-2 is also known as "Kickin' Like A Kangaroo". Page recorded as 'Papa Snow White' for contractual
Originally recorded for King Jazz. Daniels is best known for his work with the Spirits of Rhythm.
Old School
Old School
Old School
Gone Away Blues
De Luxe Stomp
Out Of The Gallion
Out Of The Gallion
Out Of The Gallion
Originally recorded for King Jazz. KJ29-1 is also known as "32 Bars of Blues", 29-2 as "Forgotten Harmony"
and 29-3 as "Revolutionary Blues".
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 267-2 was first discovered for release on the complete Bechet/Blue Note
recordings on Mosaic. Note that Bechet plays clarinet on one take of 267, soprano on the other - an unusual
Originally recorded for Disc, and sometimes issued under Bechet's name. The alternates were not originally
issued by Disc, but by Folkways (USA) and Blue Star (France).
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 276-0 was first discovered for release on the complete Bechet/Blue Note
recordings on Mosaic. 279-0 was the original 78 rpm release, but subsequent LP's used 279-2. "Blame it" is
also known as "Quincy Street Stomp" (named after Bechet's home address at the time) and "Blame It On My
Last Affair".
As Long As I Live -1
I'm A Little Piece Of Leather -2
St' Louis Blues -2
Jazz Me Blues -2
Ballin' The Jack -1, -2
I'll Never Be The Same -1
Originally recorded for Disc, and Frankie Newton's last recordings. D285 is West End Blues by Ms. Brooks
(the white Billie Holiday, receiving praise from Billie herself) with Sullivan only. She appeared in a number
of Town Hall concerts around this time, and considered herself a diseuse, rather than a chanteuse. Ld. lists a
Rabbit Foot Blues with no matrix, also with Sullivan only.
Breathless Blues -2
Really the Blues Part I -2
Really the Blues Part I -2
Really the Blues Part II -1
Really the Blues Part II -1
Evil Gal Blues (CG vcl) -2
Fat Mama Blues (CG/WSW vcl) -2
You Got To Give It To Me (CG vcl) -2
Hey Daddy Blues (CG vcl) -2
Whoop This Wolf Away From My Door (CG vcl) -1
Whoop This Wolf Away From My Door (CG vcl) -1
Whoop This Wolf Away From My Door (CG vcl) -1
You Can't Do That To Me (CG/WSW vcl) -1
Groovin' The Minor -1
Groovin' The Minor -1
*Groovin' The Minor -1
Originally recorded for King Jazz. This session is dated September 1947 by M., T.& Z., and there is some
confusion, but I go with the dates used by Storyville, who had access to more information than others
regarding the King Jazz sessions.
KJ42-3 is mentioned by M., T. & D., but is not mentioned on the releases of King Jazz material by the Danish
Storyville company or the Italian King Jazz Company. The former clearly had access to the files of the (US)
King Jazz company, and to Mezzrow himself, so the existence of the third take as an original master must be in
China Boy
Dear Old Southland
"Pops" Foster's bass solo on China Boy and Johnsons piano introduction to Southland are edited out of
some releases.
"Baby" Dodds (dms), Monette Moore (vcl). Same location & date
Marty Marsala (cnt), Wilbur deParis, Eddie Edwards (tbn), Albert Nicholas, Tony Parenti, Jim Moynihan (clt),
Sidney Bechet (sop), Joe Sullivan (pno), George "Pops" Foster (bs), Warren "Baby" Dodds (dms), Tony
Spargo (kazoo), Freddie Moore (vcl). Same location & date
*After You've Gone
Concert organised by Bob Maltz (who also acts as M.C.) as a tribute to Parenti, Dodds & Edwards.The two
issued titles were released with a book: Clarinet Marmalade The Life & Music of Tony Parenti by Derek
Coller, published by the Jazzology Press (CD-9).Bechet is not featured on other titles from this concert:
Original Dixieland One-Step, Fidgety Feet, Grace & Beauty & Clarinet Marmalade. Bechet is heavily
featured on the Blues track, and indeed does play clarinet on Dippermouth.
Concert organised by Paul Eduard Miller, and probably recorded by John Steiner. Originally released on LP on
the US Big Chief Jerollomo label (catalogue number SBBH 1947!!), and subsequently on Austrian CD RST
Records 91.753 (with the credit: licensed from the Fletcher Henderson Fund) in 2002. In both cases, the
recording appears to have been slowed up (or was recorded fast). B Flat is listed as E Flat on the RST
release. Bechet does not play on the Bill Harris features: Mean To Me and I Surrender Dear from this
date. T. gives "Embraceable You/Laura" as unreleased, presumably because it is not mentioned on the LP label
or sleeve (the back of the sleeve - where one might expect to find some notes - is entirely blank!); similarly Rn.
says Blues in B flat is possibly not on the LP; but both titles are definitely present.
(470310) HOOTENANNY!
Collective personnel for the programme:
Pete Seeger (bjo/vcl), Woody Guthrie (gtr/vcl), Cisco Houston (harmonica), Sidney Bechet (sop), Pops
Foster (bs), Sonny Terry (gtr/vcl), Brownie McGhee (harmonica), Hally Wood (Hally Wood Faulk) (vcl),
The Coleman Brothers Quartet (vcl & possibly piano), John Henry Faulk (MC). Radio Broadcast.
New York, March 10 1947
*Theme In/Introduction of performers (all)
*Introduction (JF)/Summertime (SB/PF/u/k pno/HW)
*The Hootenanny Rock (all)
*John Henry (all)
*Theme Out/Programme Close (all)
A rare find, unreleased commercially, featuring some legendary names in an eclectic mix of styles. CBS
radio broadcast: Columbia Broadcasting Systems Newest Musical!, written & directed by Alan Lomax.
The announcer is Bill Rogers and the host/MC is Johnny Faulk from Texas. A mix of country (folk)
music, jazz & gospel, reflecting Alan Lomaxs tastes, I guess. Bechet does not appear on other titles from
the broadcast: Ida Red (Pete Seeger), Its Hard To Love One Who Will Never Love You (Woody
Guthrie et al), Run On For A Long Time (Coleman Brothers), and a ST-BM Blues.
Bechet does not play on "Crazy 'Bout My Baby", "Squeeze Me", "Chocolate Bar" or "I've Got A Feeling I'm
Falling from this broadcast, dedicated to the compositions of Fats Waller (who of course wrote "Wild Cat",
although he never recorded as a disc or even a piano roll), nor on the opening & closing themes (Way Down
Yonder In New Orleans). Both M. & T. give George Brunis vocal on "Blue Turning Grey", but this is not so
(he does sing on "Crazy 'Bout My Baby"). Both also gave 19 April as the date for "Wild Cat", but the above is
"Wolverine Blues" and "California, Here I Come", nor on the opening & closing themes. "Love For Sale" is
sometimes listed as from the 9 August broadcast, but this is not so, Bechet is not present on that date.
Where Am I?
Tommy's Blues (MM/SB speak)
Tommy's Blues (MM/SB speak)
Chicago Function I
Revolutionary Blues I
Chicago Function II
Revolutionary Blues II
Originally recorded for King Jazz. KJ45-1 and 46-1 are also released as "Revolutionary Blues".
I Want Some
I Want Some
I'm Speaking My Mind
I'm Speaking My Mind
I'm Speaking My Mind
Never Will I Forget The Blues
Never Will I Forget The Blues
The Blues And Freud I
The Blues And Freud II
Kaiser's Last Break
Kaiser's Last Break
Bechet's last recording session before the AFM recording ban (1 January to 15 December 1948). Also the last
recordings on the King Jazz label set up by Mezzrow as - in retrospect - a 'showcase' for the talents of Bechet
(not forgetting Mezz himself!). Marshalls last recording session, hence the title of KJ52.
Sister Kate
Tiger Rag
Tin Roof Blues
I've Found a New Baby
Nobody Knows You When You're Down & Out
When The Saints Go Marching In
Originally recorded for Blue Note. No alternate takes were discovered for the release of the complete
Bechet/Blue Note recordings on Mosaic. T. lists an additional take: 352-2, but this is not borne out by the
Mosaic release.
Maryland My Maryland
Careless Love
Egyptian Fantasy
Originally recorded for Jazz Limited's (Chicago club run by Bill and Ruth Reinhardt) own label. Bechet had
played there in 1947 and 3 times in 1948. Strangely enough, he was not actually resident there at the time of
this session.
Jonah Jones (tpt), Cutty Cutshall (tbn), Peanuts Hucko (clt), Sidney Bechet (sop), Joe Bushkin (pno), unknown
(bs) & (dms). TV Broadcast
New York March 5 1949
*Way Down Yonder In New Orleans
*When The Saints Go Marching In/Medley (KC vcl) (+)
*But Not For Me (+)
*Baby Won't You Please Come Home
*Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans (+)
*I Found A New Baby (+)
*Jam Session Blues (+)
Bechet (sop) with the Bob Wilber band
Medley:Muskrat Ramble
Birth Of The Blues
New Orleans
High Society
Bechet might not be present on all unissued titles. The medley is released on Italian LP Queendisc Q 031;
Bechet actually performs on "Muskrat" and "High Society". The (+) titles are not listed by Li., for whom this is
the first show featuring Bechet. However, Li. does include a "But Not For Me" later (see 490416).
D. lists Bechet as present on:"Way Down Yonder" & "Jam Session". Bechet must have brought the very
young (hence Condons reference to permission from their mothers in his intro) Wilber band to the show.
"New Baby" is only listed by Rn.
Just One Of Those Things (Hucko out)
*St. Louis Blues
*Call Of The Wild
*Ol Man River (KC vcl)
*Therell Be Some Changes Made (RC vcl)
*I Know That You Know
*Jam Session
Things is a Bechet feature; he may not be present on any other titles (D. only lists "Things", "Changes" and
"Jam Session"); certainly he is not present on "Runnin Wild" or "As Time Goes By" from this date. The last 4
titles are only listed by Rn. (note that "Ol Man River" and "I Know" are on 490319 per other discographers).
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 355-? was not released in the Mosaic box (the only BN track not to be
included there); its first release was later, on US Blue Note CD 72438212592. M. gives "Joshua" as matrix
Azzi (pno), Claude Philippe (bjo), Roland Bianchini (bs), Franois "Moustache" Galpids (dms). Concert,
Salle Pleyel
Paris May 10 or 13 1949
When The Saints Go Marching In +
*Tin Roof Blues
*Sister Kate
*Black Bottom
Bechets first performance with Frances most successful band of the time in the traditional style, and with
whom he would enjoy so much success. Luter would remain at the forefront of this style for a further 57 years.
And in 2011, Christian Azzi was still leading a band with Poumy Arnaud (who also played with Bechet) and
Olivier (son of Ren see below and playing Bechets own soprano): Sidney Bechet Memory. And here's a
piece of trivia: Mowgli Jospin was the half-brother of former French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin.
For many years, this recording was famous as it supposedly featured Bechet & Parkers only appearance
together (albeit in glorious lo-fi, and for a brief time only), but of course they had already played together
before - see 490221.
Honeysuckle Rose
High Society
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me
Festival Blues
This recording session was shared between two record companies. Four titles (2712, 2715,2717 & 2718) were
released on Charles Delaunay's "Swing" label, and the other four on Eddie Barclay's "Blue Star" label. For the
four Swing-owned recordings, subsidiary matrix numbers were issued:
Festival Blues
(note: Li. lists Bechet on an ECFS from 23 or 28 May, however this cannot be confirmed, and is not listed by
Bolden is a Bechet feature with Moore, Price, Lesberg & Fields. Both Moore & Fields were with Bechet
for his residency at Jimmy Ryan's during August. Bechet might not be present on all other titles (D. lists only
"Bolden" and a "Jam Session Blues"), certainly he is not present on Stompin at the Savoy and Body &
Soul from this date.
Travellin' Blues
Willie The Weeper
Maple Leaf Rag
Panama Rag
Ni Queue Ni Tte
*Bechets Creole Blues
*Struttin' With Some Barbecue
D. gives the most precise date of all the discographers; the first 4 titles are clear, and were released on early
Vogue 78 r.p.m. discs. "Ni Queue" appears in more than one form, and is released in error for other known
recordings (appearing 3 different times on the Vogue Integrale edition, on COF-21, 22 and 24!). According to
D., the performance is actually "Blues in the Cave", however the recording is incomplete (missing a beginning
and end hence, its title ["No Tail, No Head"], and missing the solos by the other musicians), although it was
issued at the time on 78rpm V5089. Details of the unreleased items from D., who also gives a possible "Apple
Blues" from this date (but see 491115).
The above 2 recordings exist, no question. However, another recording has been issued under this title on
Vogue (F) CLVLX 672, Scepter SPM 537 and Vogue (F) DP 11; this is none other than our old friend Ni
Queue, Ni Tte (matrix V3083: see 491003)! Double LP CLVLX 672 is even titled Blues In Paris, but its
a pity Vogue could not have used the correct recording!
Bechet's first studio session for Vogue, to whom he would be under contract for the rest of his life; the session
contains his biggest hit. The matrix numbering used for Vogue releases is taken from Ri., since his
discography is specific to the Vogue label. Original date of 14 October for all titles now revised by Vogue to
14 & 15 as above on CD release 600026, but not consistently so elsewhere! And Ri. lists everything as 14th.
Z2. gives Philippe on trumpet for 3015 & 3018 only; D. Gives Philippe on banjo for 3015, 3016 & 3017 only.
Ridin Easy Blues (actually See See Rider) is definitely released, but for many years only on its first issue Vogue V 5015 (78 r.p.m.) - and maybe some early LPs. At some early date, matrix number V3083 (see
491003) seems to have been linked to the title Ridin Easy Blues, so that all versions of that title on 12" 33
r.p.m. LPs (including the Integrale Box COF-22), and even on CD (notably the CD set Integrale Studio) all
use matrix 3083! Even the otherwise excellent Classics CD series from France failed to release the correct
performance - at least on the first pressing run (Classics 1186). It is not possible to confirm any release of
matrix V3020 on any album from the 1950's until 2001, when Jazz Kings CD album 7243 8508522 finally
featured the 'original' "Ridin' Easy Blues".
"Panther Dance" is none other than "Tiger Rag". However, Rn. & Ri. disagree over which take is which,
juxtaposing all release information. Since Vogue themselves indicate that the master - and most used - take is
#2, in agreement with Ruppli, Ive gone for that.
Originally recorded for Vogue with a number of visiting or resident US musicians, including the vibes payer
from the 391125 session.
Originally recorded for Blue Star (now Barclay). KC introduces Bechet about to swing out; for Bechet, this
is his last record (last side on the session).
Disagreement over matrix numbers abounds here. For the record, here 4 variants:
Wrap Your Troubles
It Had To Be You
Baby, Wont You
Please Dont Talk
Ooh! Boogie
After Youve Gone
Im Going Way Down
Originally recorded for Melodisc. Details of alternate takes from H. & others, although the sides have never
been released; probably they are incomplete/breakdowns. Bechet did not want to listen to the playback,
provided that they finished a take successfully Lyttleton has recounted how Bechet was paid by the side!
Originally recorded for Vogue. Riverboat is sometimes released as Le Bateau Fluvial. In D's opinion,
V4390 must date either from here or a 1949 concert date, since it was released on V5168 much earlier than the
1952 date often allocated to it (although I think the recording quality is too good for an early concert); also
"Apple" could be an alternative take of "Sawmill Blues", because Bechet's solos are quite similar.
*High Society
*Summertime (tpt & tbn out)
*Dear Old Southland (tpt & tbn out)
Details from D.
China Boy
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 378-0 and 379-0 were first released on the Mosaic box set.
Originally recorded for Commodore and produced by Milt Gabler. A4986 was not issued until the 1970's when
it appeared on London records.
Muskrat Ramble +
Basin Street Blues
Blue Lou
St. Louis Blues (1)
Georgia On My Mind
Ad Lib Blues # +
Bugle Call Rag (2) +
Summertime +
Tin Roof Blues (2) +
I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues
The Mooche +
*Struttin' With Some Barbecue (2)
*One O'Clock Jump
*St. Louis Blues (2)
*Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans? (inc)
*Black & Blue
*Jazz Me Blues
*Honeysuckle Rose
(note: "Ad Lib Blues" = the main [blues] theme of "Blues in the Air", and on LDM 30188 [see below] this
performance was issued as "Society Blues")
All these tracks - aside from surely not all being recorded on one night as is always stated on releases - present
several problems. All were released by Vogue on their "Integrale" edition of LP boxes (COF 22,23 & 24),
except for "The Mooche", which was released on a US LP: Jazz Archives JA-37. Before Vogue issued their
"Integrale" edition, they released all the tracks except those marked + on three LP's (CLD 740, CLD 776 and
LDM 30188). For these, they dubbed extra instruments: Yannick Singery (pno) and Georges "Zozo"
d'Halluin (bs) over the sound of Kenny Kersey's 'barely audible' piano on the original tape. Details of the
unissued items from D. The Integrale edition reverted to the original recordings without the overdubbing.
Ri includes only one take of Casey despite noting the re-issue of this session on COF-24. Francis Blues is
dedicated to the mountaineer Francis Aubert, who had recently died in a climbing accident.
Originally recorded for Vogue; these 2 sessions are given as 9 October by M. and either 6 or 9 October by
Vogue (depending which release youre looking at!); Rn. & Ri. also split the titles between the two dates.
Bechet's last studio date on clarinet. There are 2 released takes of "Francis", but inexplicably only one (the
alternate) was included on the "Integrale" edition (COF-24), without a take number. Details of the 2 unreleased
takes of 3100 from Vogue themselves in the notes to their "Integrale" Edition, without explanation as to why
these takes were not included. Rn. says no trombone on Lastic but I can hear him.
the entire band except Derveaux is present; Ri. does the same, except for Rhythm & Fantasy! Info on the
unreleased item from D.
Originally recorded for Vogue. Note the different style of matrix number used by Vogue from 1951, per Rn. &
Ri. "Egyptian Fantasy" is really an old New Orleans number "Egyptia", which Bechet claimed as his own
composition; it is also a clarinet number, but here Bechet plays soprano (all his prior recordings/performances
are on clarinet), allocating the initial breaks to Luter's clarinet, but in the second chorus, taking them himself
on soprano.
Marcel Bornstein (cnt), Jean-Louis Durand (tbn), Claude Luter, Andr Rweliotty (clts), Sidney Bechet (sop),
Yannick Singery (pno), Georges "Zozo" d'Halluin (bs), Michel Pacout (dms).
Paris September 7 1951
Originally recorded for Vogue. Some issues just as et son Orchestre rather than the above more evocative
band style. Bechet & Luter appear as featured artists with Rweliotty; Luter & Rweliotty would also make
some titles together (May 1952), and Luters star was on the rise: he recorded with Mezzrow in October 1951.
Albert Nicholas & Luter recorded with Rweliotty & his band in November 1953. Sidney's wedding day was 3
weeks earlier (17 August) in Antibes.
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 419-1, 420-0 and 421-0 discovered for release on the Mosaic box set,
although per Michael Cuscuna's sleeve notes to this release, the alternates ('am' above) were the ones
originally selected for issue by Bechet/Alfred Lion; subsequently 419-0, 420-1 and 421-1 were issued instead.
This is entry E25 in M., purportedly issued on the Jazz Society label AA508. Other discographers follow him,
but release of this record has never been confirmed. D. dropped this session from the third edition of his work.
Jazz Society was a French label (used by Vogue), not to be confused with a Swedish label of the same name;
and to confuse matters totally, there is an album release AA508 on the Swedish label, featuring Benny
Goodman (although this was released in the 1970's, after Mauerer had initially documented the above
"release")! The French Jazz Society label, especially in the AA500 range of numbers seems to have been used
for 78 rpm re-issues of US recordings; Bechet only made one studio recording of "Shim-me-sha-wabble" - for
Blue Note (see 500419) - but it is going too far to suggest that the above might actually be that recording.
Originally recorded for Vogue, the tracks from this session are among the most popular from his French
period, and have been re-released many times. Inexplicably, only one take each of 4204 & 4205 - the alternates
- were included in the Vogue "Integrale" edition (COF-25). Neither Rn. nor Ri. gives these alternates, nor any
take numbers. "Pattes De Mouche" is also known as "Mouche Miel" & "The Count of Monte Bechet" (!!).
"Cafard" is usually released in an edited version without the original trumpet introduction (probably due to an
uncharacteristic mistake by Longnon), which is however present on the earliest releases.
Originally recorded for Vogue. According to their "Integrale" edition, 4178 is an extract from the ballet "La
Nuit Porte Conseil", which must have been an early title for what would eventually become "La Nuit est Une
Sorcire". Above take numbers are from the Integrale box sets (COF 25 & 26); Ri. gives some conflicting
information: original release of 4175 has no take number, alternate is take -?. Original releases of 4180 & 4181
have no take number, alternates are -1.
Campbell does not sing the lyrics to Magic, rather he makes an ecstatic declamation at the beginning and
end of the title.
Petite Fleur has of course been re-issued many times (although the serial re-compilers at Vogue usually
prefer the 1954 concert version see 541208), and it is impossible to say which take of it has been used on all
those re-issues, but in 2006 the French Classics company inexplicably released an alternate of this very
popular title with a different band arrangement, possibly for the first time!
And if Louis can have a band of All-Stars, then Sidney can too.
Originally recorded for Vogue. The titles sequence is from the Integrale edition, as duplicated on the CD reissue of the 'complete' concert. M. lists "High Society" as belonging to March 12 concert; however the
"Integrale" edition and subsequent CD issues list this as a January 31 track. Details of the unissued material
from Rn. & Ri.; however, the Vogue CD release of this concert (Vogue 07266655001), states that it includes
all the material recorded at the concert.
Originally recorded for Vogue. The sequence is that of the original concert, according to the insert of this
concert's release on Vogue CD 660 660504, which contains the first release of the incomplete "Panama". M.
lists "High Society" as belonging to this concert, however the "Integrale" edition and subsequent CD issues list
this as a January 31 track. Those items marked + are listed in the "Integrale" edition as 'first take/version', but
no explanation is offered (maybe there were two concerts with similar material?). "Baby", "Rhythm" and
"Barbecue" were issued as singles by Vogue, with the performance split into two tracks (i.e. two sides of the
original release).
*Casey Jones
*September Song
*Pattes De Mouche
*Royal Garden Blues
Si Tu Vois Ma Mre
Chinatown My Chinatown
Frankie & Johnny
Darling Nelly Gray
Wabash Blues
*St. Louis Blues
*Les Oignons
*As-Tu Le Cafard
*Dippermouth Blues
*Muskrat Ramble
*Marchand De Poissons
*I Got Rhythm
*Dans Les Rues D Antibes
Released recordings from May 31st are from the archives of the late Charles Delaunay, and released on Vogue
LD 6503. Z2. Gives St. Louis Blues frm 31st also released on LD 6503, but this is not so. The May 30th
titles marked +, and all the May 31st titles (except Rhythm and Antibes) were due for release on Vogue
COF-28 in the "Integrale" edition (COF 28 and COF 29 were scheduled but never released), as was take A of
"Milenberg Joys" from the Trio session of October 7.
Limehouse Blues
*Milenberg Joys #1 (am)
Milenberg Joys #2 (mt)
Rockin' Chair #1 (am)
Rockin' Chair #2 (mt)
Big Butter & Egg Man (LH vcl)
My Melancholy Baby #1 (am)
My Melancholy Baby #2 (mt)
Black Bottom (Stomp)
I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues
Blue Room #1 (am)
Blue Room #2 (mt)
Stars Fell On Alabama/Lazy River (LH vcl)
Lazy River (LH vcl)
Baby's Prayer #1 (am)
Baby's Prayer #2 (mt)
Originally recorded by Vogue. 4327-A was due to be released on Vogue's "Integrale" edition COF-28, but this
was never released. All the other alternate takes have been released in some format or another. Per M., matrix
4605 is "Lazy River" and "Baby's Prayer" combined; per Vogue release 500093, which includes the entire
session except the unreleased 4327-A, 4605 = "Stars Fell On Alabama" and "Lazy River" combined. Per
Raben, 4604 is the combined "Alabama"/"Lazy River", and 4605 is the master take of "Babys Prayer". Per
Ri., 4604 is "Alabama", but 4605 is both "Prayer" and "Lazy River"............. etc. etc. Note that there is indeed
a 'medley' consisting of "Alabama" & "Lazy River" which contains a different performance from the standalone "Lazy River" title.
Showboat Medley
*You Rascal You (am)
You Rascal You (mt)
*Le Loup, La Biche Et Le Chevalier (am)
Le Loup, La Biche Et Le Chevalier (mt)
Originally recorded for Vogue. The alternate takes of 4335, 4340 and 4341 were scheduled for release by
Vogue in their "Integrale" edition on COF-29, but this album was never released.
This recording is not noted in Ri., who gives the matrix as unknown, however it is now listed by D. from his
second edition (1998) onwards.
Big Chief
La Complainte Des Infidles (mt)
*La Complainte Des Infidles (am)
Jacqueline (YS celeste)
Pleure Pas Nelly
La Cane de Jeanne/Le Fossoyeur
Brave Margot
Originally recorded for Vogue. Matrices 4597/8 are allocated to a Dizzy Gillespie session (9 Feb 1953).
Jacqueline is also known as Nous Deux. Some discographers suggest that Longnon plays valve-trombone,
replacing Durand, but I go for the above personnel. This is Bechets first studio session with Rweliotty as his
official backing band. There is a less jazzy feel now: a Django Reinhardt composition, but also other French
popular songs, including two from Georges Brassens. Jacqueline was the mother of Daniel Bechet; however,
Elisabeth is it is said - not named for Bechets wife (Elisabeth Ziegler), but for the new Queen of England!
Details of the unreleased title (which has however been broadcast) from D.
All of Me
Ding Dong Daddy
Black & Blue (am)
Black & Blue (mt)
Rose Of The Rio Grande (am)
Rose Of The Rio Grande (mt)
Sweet Georgia Brown
Originally recorded for Blue Note. 519-0 and 521-2 were discovered for release on the complete Bechet/Blue
Note recordings on the Mosaic box set, although per Michael Cuscuna's sleeve notes to this release, the
alternates were the ones originally selected for issue by Bechet/Alfred Lion; subsequently 519-1 and 521-4
were issued instead. Matrix numbers in Rn. are rejected in favour of the above, from the Mosaic box. Jonah
Jones would record again with Bechet, on the other side of the Atlantic (see 540922).
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Originally released on George Wein's 'Storyville' label. Wein deputises for regular pianist on this residency:
Claude Hopkins (who was ?sick).
Originally recorded for Vogue. There is no "Apple Blues" recorded at this session, although when the master
takes of this session were issued (French Vogue LD 219), there was apparently such a track present; for an
explanation of this title, see 491115. Mackie is better known in English as Mack The Knife.
Street" which they date as from here, but it is in fact from 550118 (q.v.).
Crazy Rhythm
Lonesome Road
Somebody Stole My Gal
When You Wore A Tulip (mt)
When You Wore A Tulip (am)
Squeeze Me
Chinatown My Chinatown (mt)
Chinatown My Chinatown (am)
Originally recorded for Vogue. Matrix numbers are from M. & T., but are not listed in Rn. or Ri.
Originally released by Vogue. The date may not be correct, since Bechet was on tour in North Africa until at
least November 22.
American Rhythm
Buddy Bolden Stomp
Montmartre Boogie Woogie
As-Tu Le Cafard
Riverboat Shuffle
When The Saints Go Marching In
Sobbin' & Cryin' (Blues)
Halle Hallelujah
Muskrat Ramble
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Temperamental (Mood)
Petite Fleur
I've Found A New Baby
St. Louis Blues
*Dans Les Rues d'Antibes
*Royal Garden Blues
*Les Oignons
*A Moi DPayer
*Pleure Pas Nelly
Originally recorded for Vogue. Rn. & Ri. say no Bechet on American Rhythm, but this is crazy, since this is
the theme he habitually used to make his theatrical entrance on to the stage. Information about the unreleased
tracks from T & Rn. The matrix numbers above are expressed thus (in parentheses) by Ri., but without
explanation. Z. & D. give "Les Oignons" and A Moi dPayer (as released on Vogue LPs COF.01 and SB
4), as either from here or the March 1955 concert (550308). Thibaud made recordings (including some as a
vocalist) under his own name, and also wrote the French lyrics to the song known in English as "My Way".
Raymond Droz (tbn), Albert Nicholas, Saade Helmy (clts), Sidney Bechet, Claude Aubert (sops), Henri Chaix
(pno), Georges Furrer (bs), Pierre Bourru (dms). Jam finale of concert Palladium (Rue du Stand)
Geneva December 19 1954
*When The Saints Go Marching In
*High Society
*Ive Found A New Baby
Details from D.
Sidney Bechet (sop), Henri Chaix (pno), Eric Brooke (gtr), Raymond Benz (bs), Mike Thvenoz (dms).
Concert, Kongresshaus
Zrich January 18 1955
Royal Garden Blues
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
*St. Louis Blues
"Sunny Side" is erroneously dated 22 March 1954 on its only known release: (Swiss) CD Landscape LS2-901.
As far as I can tell, "RGB" is only commercially released on a UK cassette: Jazz Connoisseur JCC 96.
Pourtant (mt)
Pourtant (am)
Un Ange Comme a (mt)
Un Ange Comme a (am)
South Rampart Street Parade
Blues Dans Le Blues (mt)
Blues Dans Le Blues (am)
A Moi D'Payer (mt)
A Moi D'Payer (am)
Trottoirs De Paris (mt)
Trottoirs De Paris (am)
Originally recorded for Vogue. All titles are 'associated' with the film Srie Noire, in which Bechet also acted
(see 550000), although only the titles of 5044/45/46 were used in the film, and the Vogue studio recordings are
not used on the soundtrack. The 5 alternate masters above were released on CD on Vogue 74321154652.
differently on some releases. A Moi d' Payer and Les Oignons are either from this date or 541208. Bechet
had made the studio recording of A Moi only the month before with Rweliotty (see 550208); besides, he
was no longer playing regularly with the Luter band, who might not have known the tune. So maybe the above
is more likely, at least for A Moi. Note that there is no As-Tu Le Cafard nor Petite Fleur from here,
despite details on some releases; the concert versions of these titles are from 541208.
*Swanee River
*I Ain't Gonna Give Nobody None Of This Jelly Roll
*Dutch Swing College Blues
*When The Saints Go Marching In -1
*Royal Garden Blues
*Indian Summer
*Struttin' With Some Barbecue
Unissued. Firther recordings from this concert feature the DSC without Bechet, but featuring Beryl Bryden
(vcl/washboard): Sensation, Blues in E Flat, Steamboat Stomp, A Good Man Is Hard To Find (BB),
St. James Infirmary (BB), Mama Dont Allow(BB), Weary Blues.
Pierre Dervaux, Gilles Thibaud (tpts), Benny Vasseur (tbn), Claude Luter (clt), Sidney Bechet (sop), Claude
Philippe (pno), Roland Bianchini (bs), Marcel Blanche (dms).
combined personnel of both orchestras as above, except Claude Philippe plays bjo.
High Society
Dans Les Rues d'Antibes
Panama Rag
When The Saints Go Marching In
Royal Garden Blues
Originally recorded for Vogue. Details of matrices from Ri., who gives a second matrix (!) for Charleston
(V8301). The re-release on CD of this concert has the wonderful title (for a jazz album) of Le Soir ou lOn
Cassa lOlympia The Night They Smashed the Olympia (Theatre), referring to the somewhat high spirits
of the audience (entry was free......).
Music from the film: "L'Inspecteur Connat La Musique" (also called Blues), originally recorded for Vogue.
The two titles on 5295 are also known as Temperamental and Old Stack OLee Blues respectively, and
5296 as Orphan Annies Blues. This is the film in which Luter kills Bechet; and the Frenchman also
contributed music to the film.
Originally recorded for Vogue. 5433 also known under its French title: Quand arrive le Samedi Soir. There
is no trace of 5434, even in Ri. Rweliotty is not present, even though it's his band. Some issues give "Song
D'Automne", but it's a dream, not a song. Ren Franc was with Braslavsky on the 1949 recordings, and is the
father of Olivier Franc, currently playing Bechets soprano in the Bechet style.
Bonjour Paris
El Doudou (Si Ctait A Refaire)
Laura (mt)
Laura (am)
Willow Weep For Me
Stormy Weather
Stormy Weather
Originally recorded for Vogue. V.5429 also known as "If You Ever Go To Paris". Ri. does not give the take
numbers for 5431.
Originally recorded for Vogue. 5863 is not the well-known Indiana (Hanley-McDonald) as stated in Rn. &
Ri, but a Bechet composition.
Guy Longnon (tpt), Jean-Louis Durand (tbn), Andr Rweliotty (clt), Sidney Bechet (sop), Eddie Bernard
(pno), Georges "Zozo" d'Halluin (bs), Jacques David (dms).
Paris June 26 1956
Jumpin' Jack
Passport To Paradise (mt)
Passport To Paradise (am)
Coquin De Boubou
Haou Haou Cou Cou
Chacun A Sa Chance
Shake Em Up
Originally recorded for Vogue, who have reverted to their original style of matrix numbering. V6022
sometimes spelled "Passeport To Paradise" or "Passeport au Paradis", but it is really an English title (and
recorded by others - e.g. Luter - with the English spelling). Ri. gives an additional (!) matrix number for 60221: (V8787). The spelling of V6024 is taken from it's original release on LD 307, because neither M. nor T.
agrees with that. 6023 also known as The Cotton Ball. M. apparently reversed the matrix numbers for
Shake Em Up and Chacun, as T., Rn. & Ri. all have the above.
Un Coup De Cafard
Sans Vous Fcher, Rpondez-Moi
Le Train Du Vieux Noir (SB vcl)
Le Bidon
Originally recorded for Vogue. V6027 also known as "A Touch Of The Blues". Le Train is better known in
English as Rock Island Line". It seems M. got the matrix numbers wrong here too, the above is agreed by T.,
Rn. & Ri.
*14 Juillet
14 Juillet
Down By The Old Mill Stream (mt)
Down By The Old Mill Stream (am)
J En Ai Marre
J'ai Deux Amours/Ce N'est Que Votre Main Madame (mt)
J'ai Deux Amours/Ce N'est Que Votre Main Madame (am)
Originally recorded for Vogue. T, Rn. & Ri. give all the above as one session and one date; M. gives "Mill
Stream" and "Deux Amours" as 24 February, and the other three as 26 February. Moreover, M. gives Yannick
Singry for Bernard on 26 February, & Ri. gives Singry throughout. Details of the unreleased title from
Rn./Ri. "J'en Ai Marre" better known as: "Moi, J'En Ai Marre".
Au Secours
Premier Bal #1 (mt)
Premier Bal #2 (am)
Pas d'Blague
Amour Perdu
Soprano Blues #1 (mt)
Soprano Blues #2 (am)
Ecoutez Le Trombone
Pas D'Blague
Gypsy Love Song
Originally recorded for Vogue. Bechet's last studio session with either Luter or Rweliotty. Pas d'Blague" as
issued is a splicing of material recorded on both 23 March and 26 June. Ri. has an additional (!) matrix
number for this: (V8788).
Yannick Singry (pno), Georges "Zozo" d'Halluin (bs), Kansas Fields (dms). TV broadcast.
Alhambra, Paris ?1957/1958
St. Louis Blues
This recording is available as a video download from the INA (Institut National de lAudiovisuel). Preceded
by children & adults in medieval costume (!!), Bechet enters the Alhambra stage playing American Rhythm
and goes straight into St. Louis Blues. Actually quite a good piece of video, concentrating on Bechet, and
demonstrating his technique.
Laserdisc: EMI TOLW 3113 and from the INA [Institut National de lAudiovisuel]), and have been rebroadcast on TV in a compilation of Jazz excerpts from French TV, but never issued commercially in audio
form. Bechet is not present on "High Society" from this broadcast, which is a feature for the Claude Bolling
big band, who do not accompany him on the above titles. Z. gives May 17 for "Premier Bal", but it seems to
be from one broadcast programme.
Weary Blues #1 (mt)
Weary Blues #2 (am)
Souvenirs De La Nouvelle-Orlans
Aubergines, Poivrons Et Sauce Tomate #1 (mt)
Aubergines, Poivrons Et Sauce Tomate #2 (am)
Aubergines, Poivrons Et Sauce Tomate #3 (am)
Who's Sorry Now (mt)
Who's Sorry Now (am)
All Of Me (mt)
All Of Me (am)
Blues Festival 58
Ain't Misbehavin' #1 (mt)
Ain't Misbehavin' #2 (am)
Sidney Bechet and his All-Stars (as above) plus Sarah Vaughan (vcl), and The International Youth Band
directed by Marshall Brown: Palle Bolvig, Roger Gurin, Dusko Gojkovic, Jos Manuel Magalhais (tpts),
Christian Kellens, Kurt Jarnberg, Eric Kleenschuster, Albert Mangelsdorff (tbns), Bernt Rosengre, Jan
Wroblewski, Hans Salomon, Wladimiro Bas Zabache, Ronnie Ross reeds), George Gruntz (pno), Gabor Szabo
(gtr), Rudolph Jacobs (bs), Gil Cuppini (dms). Concerts, World Fair.
Brussels August 3 1958
Jam Session Finale
Originally released on Vogue. For contractual reasons, Sarah Vaughan's vocal choruses are edited out of some
Silent Night
Blues Du Papa Nol
Spirit Holiday (SB/KF vcl)
White Christmas
Les Oignons #1
*Les Oignons #2
Originally recorded for Vogue. The vocal effects are 'overdubbed' on "Spirit Holiday". Two takes of "Oignons"
are often mentioned, however it's possible that only one exists, with some releases being edited differently.
Pelletier had just recorded some tango sides for Vogue.....................
580516 (TV broadcast: St. Louis Blues & Premier Bal with Bolling)
580710 Cannes festival: Sweet Georgia Brown & American Rhythm/Ive Found A New Baby
There are also some very short extracts from Eddie Condon TV shows. It is also possible that material is
available on video-sharing sites such as YouTube. There are many instances of Bechet audio being
synchronised with non-Bechet video, but the only way to be sure that nothing is missing from the above list is
to perform an almost infinite search of YouTube (or similar sites) every day........
In addition, there have been several documentaries on Bechet, some of which draw on other video: Bechet
home movies, footage of his wedding on 17 August 1951 (which was in fact released commercially as a short
film: Symphonie Sous Le Ciel), a silent film made by Bernard Wagnire in Switzerland (1953), and other
non-musical video, as well as the above video performances. One of these documentaries has been released
commercially: Treat It Gentle, a Joe Lustig/Tracebridge production for NVC Arts & the BBC (it was shown
on the BBC in Bechets centennial year), and issued by Warner Music Vision as 5-51011-8860-2-7 in 2007.
541100 541200 541208 541219 550118 550000 550208 550308 550317 550600 550903 551019
551030 551205 551224 560201 560300 560516 560626 560629 570226 570300 570312 570323
570527 570617 570626 570717 570900 571230 580000 580224 580515 580516 580629 580704
580707 580710 580729 580803 581212
Bechet, Sidney (clt): 210100 230000 230100 230811 230827 240700 241017A 241017B 241202
300600 310224 310421 320915 340815 360311 370414 370416 380210 380526 381116 381128
381223 390000 390608 391122 391125 391230 400121 400205 400307 400327 400328 400406
400527 400604 400699 400906 410108 410418 410913 411024 431117 431119B 431120 441008
441220 441221 450117 450121 450310 450311 450325 450327 450403 450405 450410 450417
450419 450424 450531 450616 451012 451209 460212 460507 460918 461000 461026 461201
461207 470301 470714 490608 500427 501006 501104
Bechet, Sidney (bar): 310224 310421
Bechet, Sidney (bs): 410418 431119B
Bechet, Sidney (dms) 410418,431119B
Bechet, Sidney (pno): 400699 410317 410418 420827 431115 431117 431119 431120 440614
440624 441099 460700 510504 541200 570900
Bechet, Sidney (sarrusaphone): 241217
Bechet, Sidney (speech): 420824B 431119A 431209 440600 450121 450404 (interview)
450606(interview) 450614 460700 470000 470714 470802 471218 490806 491015 491105 500401
510428 510504 530000 531003 570300 570400 570900 580515(interview) 580516(interview)
Bechet, Sidney (ten): 410418 431119B
Bechet, Sidney (vcl): 391125 400121 400205 400604 420827 441099 490608 501009 501104
560629 570900 581212
Bechet, Sidney (whistling): 431113
Bell, Jimmy (tpt/clt/alt): 300600
Bellest, Christian (tpt): 530299
Benford, Tommy (dms): 490608
Benz, Raymond (bs): 540322 550118
Bernard, Eddie (pno): 490508B 490510 490514 490516 491002 491008 491024 491105 550600
551019 551030 551205 551224 560201 560300 560626 560629 570226 570300 580224 580704
Berry, Emmett (tpt): 560516
Bianchini, Roland (bs): 490510A 491003 491014 491015 491115 491199 501006 501009 501104
501130 501199 501202 510428 510504 520118 520131 520312 520318 520406 520530 520531
521099 521105 521199 521200 530100 530299 541208 551019 580704
Bishop, Wallace (dms); 510907
Blanche, Marcel (dms); 540922 541208 551019 551224 570226 570323 570527 570626 570717
Bland, Jack (speak) 461207
Blareau, Charlie (bs): 530200 530299
Blount, Walter (ten): 390300
Blowers, Johnny (dms): 441216 450303530825
Bocage, Peter (tpt): 440624 450501 450503 450508 450510 450515 450517
Bolling, Claude (pno): 501200 580516
Bolvig, Palle (tpt): 580803
Boone, Harvey (alt): 340815
Bornstein, Marcel (cnt): 510907 530500 530528 530600 530616 540311 571230 580000
Boucher, Marcel (clt): 540308
Bouchety, Jean (bs): 490513
Bourru, Pierre (dms): 541219
Bowen, Billy (alt): 390300
Bowman, Dave (pno): 381116
Bradley, Will (tbn): 490423
Braslavsky, Pierre (sop): 490508B 490510 490514 490515 491002 491008 491024
Braud, Wellman (bs): 390914 400328 400406 400527 400604 410108 410913A 411024 441221
451215 460918 470101
Brereton, Clarence (tpt): 340815 360311 370414 380210
Bret, Alix (bs): 581212
Briggs, Arthur 310224 310421
Brooke, Eric (gtr): 550118
Brooks, Harry (pno): 340815 360311 380210
Brooks, Stella (vcl): 460507
Brown, Joe (bs): 390300
Brown, Marshall (leader): 580803
Brown, Ray (bs): 490423
Brown, Vernon (tbn): 470215 471011
Brun, Philippe (tpt): 530299
Brunies, George (tbn/vcl): 460507 470301 470324 470426 470524
Buck, Jack (tbn): 531003
Hackett, Bobby (cnt) 441216 461012 461207 481019 490319 490416 490521 490625 490827
Hadjo, Georges (bs): 530526
Hall, Edmond (clt) 450203 471004 471011
Hall, Herbie (clt) 560516
Hampton, Lionel (pno) 560119
Hardin, Lil see Armstrong, Lil
Hardwick, Otto (alt) 240700
Harris, Bill (tbn) 470128
Haughton, Chauncey (alt) 360311 370414
Hayes, Clancy (bjo) 531003
Helmy, Saade (clt): 541219
Heywood, Donald (ldr) 390000
Heard, J.C. (dms) 410108,490416 580707
Henderson, Fletcher (pno) 470128
Herbert, Arthur (dms) 410428 470731
Higginbotham, J.C. (tbn) 390608 410108 450117
Higuera, Fred (dms) 531003
Hill, Howard (gtr) 340815
Hines, Earl (pno) 400906 450120
Hobson, Gerard (dms) 420824A
Hodes, Art (pno) 441220 450121 451012 451215 460212 461026 470324 471011 490121 490323
Holdt, Hans (bs) 300600
Hollaender, Friedrich (pno) 300600
Holmes, Harold (bs) 400617
Horne, Ellis (clt) 531003
Horne, Lena (vcl) 360311
Hot, Johnny (pno) 510401
Houston, Cisco (harmonica) 470310
Howard, Charlie (elec-gtr) 391230 400121 400205
Hucko, Peanuts (clt/ten) 471011 481019 490124 490305A 490312 490319 490326 490423 490521
490604 490625 490709 490723
Hug, Roland (tpt) 571230 580000 580224 580629 580710B
Hulin, Bernard (tpt) 530200 530299
Hunter, Alberta (vcl) 241222A 241222B
Rabanit, Claude (tpt) 480510A 520131 520312 520318 520406 520530 520531
Raingo, Grard (pno) 580515
Ray, Guy (bs) 580515
Redman, Don (clt/sop/alt) 250304
Reid, John D. (speech) 431119A 440600
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Girl's Dance (from "La Nuit Est Une Sorcire") (Bechet) 520121
Going Way Down Home (Bechet) 491105
Gone Away Blues (Bechet,Mezzrow) 450830
Gone With The Wind (Magidson,Wrubel) 490604
Got It And Gone (Bechet) 451209
Got The Bench,Got The Park (Lewis,Sherman,Phillips) 310224
Graveyard Dream Blues (Cox) 231011
Green Gal Can't Catch On, A (Martin,C,Williams) 231011
Groovin' The Minor (Mezzrow) 460918
Gypsy Love Song (Bechet) 570626
Halle Hallelujah (Bechet) 541208 550600 551019 551030 551205 580710B
Haou Haou Cou Cou (Bechet) 560300 560626
Happy Feet (Ager,Yellen) 490604
Happy Go Lucky Blues (Bechet) 491020
Harlem's Araby (Grainger,Trent,Waller) 250717
He May Be Your Man (Bradford,Fowler) 380526
Hear That Trumpet (Bechet) 461000
Hey Daddy Blues (Mezzrow,Wilson) 460918
High Society (Steele,Melrose) 210100 390914 450121 450303 450311 450403 450417 450515
470101 490305 490409 490508 490510 490514 490516 490604 491002 500218 500305 500401
500524 501104 501130 511015 520131 520530 530902 540407 541219 551019 551030
Hindustan (Weeks,Wallace) 500427
Hobson St. Blues (...) 490604
Hold Tight (Spottswood,Brandow) 381116
Homeward Bound (?Feather?) 490806
Hommes Sont Gnreux,Les (Bechet,Josipovici,Robineau) 550600 551205
Honeysuckle Rose (Waller,Razaf) 420824 470128 490516 490521 500524 531025 540319 540322
Hootenanny Rock (unknown) 470310
House Party (Mezzrow) 450730
House Rent Blues (DeKoven,Thompson) 231114
Hucklebuck, The (Alfred,Gibson) 490723
Humoresque (Dvorak) 431120
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Lady Be Good (G. & I. Gershwin) 380526 411024 450503 491008 491024 500524 531025
Lady Luck Blues (Webber, C.Williams) 230805
Lastic (Bechet) 501009 501104
Laughin' In Rhythm (Bechet) 411014
Laura (Mercer,Raskin) 461201 470128 470731 471004 490513 500401 510910 560201
Lay Your Racket (Bechet,Maxey) 320915
Layin' My Rules In Blues (Mezzrow,Wilson) 450731
Lazy River (Carmichael,Arodin) 400328 450524 521007
Leilie (Lemel,Dales) 540311
Levee Blues (Mezzrow,Wilson) 450731
Liberty Street Stomp (unknown) 441008
Limehouse Blues (Braham,Furber) 391125 410913 450424 521007
Liza (G. & I. Gershwin,Kahn) 390000
Lonesome....see "Si Tu Vois Ma Mre"
Lonesome Blues (Hardin) 400327
Lonesome Road (Shilkret,Austin) 540922
Lonesome Woman Blues (Peyton) 231005
Lord, Let Me In The Lifeboat (trad) 450310
Louisiana (Razaf,Schafer,Johnson) 490305
Loup, La Biche Et Le Chevalier,Le (Salvador,Pon) 521105
Love For Sale (Porter) 470723 470731 470802 481019 510428 511015
Love Me With A Feeling (Bechet) 490608 570900
Loveless Love (Handy,S.Williams) 310224 340815 450510
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540407 580710A
Sweet Lorraine (Burwell,Parish) 400328 450419 450501 471004
Sweet Patootie (Bogan,S.Williams,Alexander) 380210
Sweet Sue (Just You) (Young,Harris) 400406 450524
Sweetie Dear (Jordan) 320915
Swing Parade (Bechet) 410428
Swing That Music (Armstrong) 490319
Tailgate Ramble (Mercer,Manone) 490323
T'Ain't A Fit Night Out For Man Or Beast (Cahn,Chaplin) 360311
T'Ain't Nobody's Bizness If I Do (Grainger,Robbins,Prince, C.Williams) 231000
Tangerine (Mercer,Schertzinger) 431209
Tea For Two (Youmans,Caesar) 450501
Temperamental (Mood) (Bechet) 540311 541208 560300
Temptation Rag (Lodge) 491115
Texas Moaner Blues (Barnes,C.Williams) 241017 410913
That Old Black Magic (Arlen,Mercer) 520121
That's A Plenty (Pollack,Gilbert) 400406 420824 450303 450417
450510 450612 470301
500524 511105 540307
That's What Love Did To Me (Cahn,Chaplin) 360311
There'll Be Some Changes Made (Higgins,Overstreet) 450217 450510 450522 470101 490312
These Foolish Things (Strachey,Link,Maschwitz) 570312
32 Bars of Blues ....see "Old School"
This Is The Tomorrow That I Dreaded Yesterday (unknown) 420827
Three Little Words (Kalmar,Ruby) 450410
Ti Ralph (trad) 391122
Tiger Rag (Original Dixieland Jazz Band) 210100 240700 450614 490121
Time On My Hands (Youmans) 400699
Tin Roof Blues (New Orleans Rhythm Kings,Melrose) 481026 490121 490510 490514 491002
500218 500305 500524 511015 560516
Titte Chatte (trad) 391122
To-Wa-Bac-A-Wa (Dumaine) 431119A 441099
To You (Dorsey,Shapiro,Davis) 391125
Together (DeSylva,Brown,Henderson) 450508 510907
Tommy's Blues (Mezzrow) 471218
Toot It Brother Armstrong (Wilson) 380526
Toy Symphony (Joseph Haydn) 431113
Train Du Vieux Noir (trad) 560629
Travellin' Blues (Austin) 491003
Trixie's Blues (Smith) 380526
Tropical Mood (trad) 391122
Trottoirs De Paris (Bechet) 550000 550208
Trouble Everywhere I Roam (Thomas,Wallace) 241128
Trouble In Mind (Jones) 450616
Twelfth Street Rag (Bowman,Sumner) 240700 411024 450405 450522 520531 521105
2.19 Blues (Desdume) 400527
Ugly Child (= "You're Some Pretty Doll") (Williams) 450419 450517 470324 470426
Uncle Joe (Wilson) 380526
Under The Creole Moon (Bechet,Sissle,Usera) 340815
Up A Lazy River.... see "Lazy River"
Up In Sidney's Flat (Bechet) 450310
V-Disc Blues... see "Bugle Call Rag" & "Ole Miss"
Vesti la Giubba.... see "Ridi Pagliacci"
Viper Mad (= "Pleasure Mad") (Bechet) 380210 551019
Voodoo Dance (Bechet) 431119A
Wabash Blues (Ringle,Meinken) 520118 520131 520530 520531 521298
Walkin' And Talkin' To Myself (Jackson,Taylor) 441221
Wang Wang Blues (Mueller,Johnson,Wood,Busse) 450403 450510
Waste No Tears (Bechet) 490608
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Way Down Yonder In New Orleans (Layton,Creamer) 451012 470301 470324 471004 490305
Way You Look Tonight, The (Kern,Fields)481109
Weary Blues (Matthews,Green,Cates) 381128 381223 420824 450121 450311 490510
491002 580704
Weary Way Blues (Cox,Austin) 460212
Wha'd Ya Do To Me (Ager) 310421
What A Dream (Bechet) 381116
What Is This Thing Called Love (Porter) 411024
What's New? (Haggart,Burke) 391125
When A Fellow Needs A Friend (Without A Home) (Bechet) 431119A
When I Grow Too Old To Dream (Hammerstein,Romberg) 540311
When It's Sleepy Time Down South (O. & L. Ren,Muse) 410428 450327 450407 491113
When The Saints Go Marching In (trad) 490121 490305 490510 500524 510428 520530
541219 550903 551019 551030 580707 580729
When The Sun Sets Down South....see "Southern Sunset"
When You And I Were Young Maggie (trad) 381128 491199
When You Wore A Tulip (Weinrich,Mahoney) 540922
Where Am I? (Bechet,Mezzrow) 471218
White Christmas (Berlin) 581212
Who (Harbach,Hammerstein,Kern) 490131
Whoop Miss Wolf Away From My Door (Mezzrow,Wilson) 460918
Who'll Chop Your Suey When I'm Gone (Bechet,Simmons,Raskins) 250108
Who's Sorry Now (Kalmar,Snyder,Ruby) 491113 580704
Why Do I Love You (Kern,Hammerstein) 450410
Wild Cat Blues (Rag) (C.Williams,Waller) 230730 470524 490510 490514 551019
Wild Man Blues (Morton,Armstrong) 400604 491199 551019
Willie The Weeper (Melrose,Bloom,Rymal) 450403 450405 491003 491199
Willow Weep For Me (Ronell) 560201
Winin' Boy Blues (Morton) 390914
Without A Home (Bechet) 490608
Wolverine Blues (Morton) 510504
Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey .... see "Bill Bailey"
World Is Waiting For The Sunrise, The (Lockhart,Seitz) 450405 450508 490703
Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams (Moll,Koehler,Barris) 491105 570617
Why Was I Born (Kern,Hammerstein) 490319
Yes! We Have No Bananas (Silver,Cohn) 560516
Yesterdays (Kern,Harbach) 481109
You Can't Do That To Me (Mezzrow,Wilson) 380526 460918
You Can't Live In Harlem (Cahn,Chaplin) 360311
You Got To Give It To Me (Mezzrow,Wilson) 460918
You Rascal You (Theard) 521105
You Took Advantage Of Me (Rodgers,Hart) 381105
You'll Never Know (Warren,Gordon) 450503
You're Lucky To Me (Blake,Razaf) 520121
You're The Limit (Smith) 410913
You've Got The Right Key But The Wrong Keyhole (Green) 241017
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