Sap HR Om User Manual

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User Guide


SAP OM User Guide


About this Manual:


Easy to understand,
Easy to navigate,
With actual SAP screen layouts,
For novice as well as for advance users.

How to read this manual:


Read fully before you start working on the actual SAP system
Take a printout so that you can refer it when you are off-line.

Table of Contents
STARTUP OF THE SAP SYSTEM__________________________________________________________________________________________5
Starting SAP GUI front-end___________________________________________________________________________________________________________5
Logging On to SAP R/3 System________________________________________________________________________________________________________8
The SAP Window Toolbar Functions___________________________________________________________________________________________________10
Help Features_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12

SAP EASY ACCESS_____________________________________________________________________________________________________13

WHAT ARE THE STEPS IN A TYPICAL TASK?____________________________________________________________________________17
Entering Data on a Screen____________________________________________________________________________________________________________17
Canceling All the Data on a Screen____________________________________________________________________________________________________18
Saving the Data on a Screen__________________________________________________________________________________________________________19
Ending a Task_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________19
Finding/Selecting Objects____________________________________________________________________________________________________________22
Using Search Functions_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________23

SAP OM_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________25
Creation of Organizational Unit_______________________________________________________________________________________________________27
Creation of Organizational Unit in Expert Mode__________________________________________________________________________________________30
Creation of Organizational Units & Their Relationships in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance______________________________________________________35
Creation of Positions & Their Relationships in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance_______________________________________________________________40
Assigning of Employees to respective Positions in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance____________________________________________________________43
Account Assignment of Org. Units/Positions in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance_______________________________________________________________45
To Change created Org. Units in Organization and Staffing:_________________________________________________________________________________48
To Change created Org. Units in Expert Mode____________________________________________________________________________________________49
Creation of Jobs, Positions & Relationships:_____________________________________________________________________________________________50
Maintaining Addresses of Organization Units____________________________________________________________________________________________56
Key standard reports in OM:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________59

Creating Favorites__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________63
Managing Favorites________________________________________________________________________________________________________________64


Starting SAP GUI front-end
There are two different options by which you can start SAP system
1. First option is Press START button on your desktop;
Go to ProgramsSAP FrontendSAP Logon and click on it

2. To Select, Move your Mouse
3. Select SAP

4. Click on SAP
1. Click START

Second Option is From your Desktop;

To access the SAP Logon box double click the SAP shortcut icon on the desktop. Select the system you will be working in
(PRODUCTION) and click Logon

Figure 1B: How do I logon to SAP System?

1. Double
click on sap
logon Icon
2. Choose your
Server and

Logging On to SAP R/3 System

The Following four components are necessary for logging on to the SAP system:

Enter your Client ID

User ID

Note: There is no need to enter anything for Language as English is the default language.
Press <Enter> key or you can click on Enter Button (ENTER button on the upper left most corner) as shown in Figure:

1. Enter your
2. Enter your
3. Enter your Password and


Leave this field blank as English is the

Default Language

The SAP Window Toolbar Functions

The SAP window is the user interface to the SAP System. It consists of Screen Header, Screen Banner, Menu Bar, Standard
toolbar, Title bar, Application toolbar, Screen body, Input field(s) and Status bar.

The standard toolbar contains buttons for performing common actions such as Save and Enter.

The functions assigned to the standard toolbar are listed below:





Confirms the data you have selected or entered on the screen. Same function
as the Enter key. Does not save your work.

Command field

Allows you to enter commands, such as transaction codes.


Saves your work. Same function as Save in the Edit menu.


Returns you to the previous screen without saving your data. If there are
required fields on the screen, these fields must be completed first.


Exits the current function without saving. Returns you to the initial screen or
main menu screen.



Exits the current task without saving. Same function as Cancel in the Edit


Prints data from the current screen.


Searches for data required in the current screen.

Find next

Performs an extended search for data required in the current screen.

First page

Scrolls to the first page. Same function as the CTRL + Page Up keys.

Previous page

Scrolls to the previous page. Same function as the Page Up key.

Next page

Scrolls to the next page. Same function as the Page Down key.

Last page

Scrolls to the last page. Same function as the CTRL + Page Up key.

Create session

Creates a new SAP session. Same function as Create session in the System

Create shortcut

Allows you to create a desktop shortcut to any SAP report, transaction, or task
if you are working with a Windows 32-bit operating system.

F1 Help

Provides help on the field where the cursor is positioned.

Layout menu

Allows you to customize the display options.


Help Features
For General Help:
To see what commands are available in a particular screen, you can

click the right mouse button to display a pop-up window of commands

On-Line Documentation:
To access more detailed help, you can go to HELP on your menu bar.
From there you can go to any of the listed choices.

Application Help will take you into the R/3 on-line documentation relevant to the topic you are working in.

R/3 Library will take you to the complete list of applications available.

Glossary will take you into the SAP Glossary relevant to your topic.



This is a SAP Easy Access Menu. On the left, there is a tree structure and by Clicking on triangle shaped icons, you can expand
or collapse the Tree structure. The tree structure is a Menu, from which you can access various data entry screens and reports

SAP Easy

Triangle Shaped Tree Icons.

Left arrow (Head down)
Tree Expanded,
Right arrow (Head right)
Tree Collapsed



To make SAP Easy Access settings, choose Extras Settings.

Here, you can specify whether:
Your favorites should appear before or after the menu
Only your favorites, and not the menu, should appear
Technical names of menu options should appear in the workplace menu
The SAP Easy Access graphic should appear on the right-hand side of the screen
A further Easy Access setting specifies whether a user or an SAP standard menu should appear. To make this setting, choose
either Menu User menu or Menu SAP standard menu.
The new SAP Easy Access user menu is the user-specific point of entry into the SAP System. A typical user menu (here, in
the R/3 System) is shown below:


New session

Expanded Menu

User Menu
Box shaped Icon indicates
an Application


To open an application in the workplace menu:

Double-click its node, or

Choose Enter, or
Choose Edit Execute

To run an application in a new session, choose Edit Run in new window.



In the SAP System, a task consists of one or more screens on which you enter data. Some typical tasks might be creating
applicant master records, processing applicants, or completing administrative tasks for applicants.
To perform a task in the SAP System, you typically:
1. Choose the task that you want to work on.
2. Enter data on the initial screen of your task.
Each screen contains input fields in which you enter data. Some fields require entries, others do not.
3. Go to the next screen.
When you go to the next screen, the SAP System temporarily stores the data you have just entered.
4. Enter data on the next screen of your task.
You can:
Return to previous screens to make changes
Skip screens that are not required
Go to a related task to get information or to complete additional screens
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all the screens that make up your task are completed.
6. Save your data for the entire task.
The system saves the data from all the screens you have completed

Entering Data on a Screen



Most of the tasks you perform in the SAP System involve data entry on a screen.
To enter data on a screen:
1. Enter data in all of the appropriate input fields on the screen.
2. To have the system check the entries and proceed to the next screen in the task, choose Enter.
The system checks your entries. If the system finds any errors, for example entries whose format is incorrect, it displays
a message in the status bar and places the cursor in the field you need to correct.
If the system does not find any errors, the next screen appears.
3. If the system found errors, change the incorrect entries.
4. When you are done making changes, choose Enter.
The system checks your entries again. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the system does not find any more errors and the next
screen appears.
At this point, you can either save your data or cancel the task.

Canceling All the Data on a Screen

You may want to cancel, or delete, the data you just entered. For example, you are missing a piece of required data and
cannot proceed until you locate it.
To cancel all the data you just entered on a screen, choose

or choose Edit Cancel.

The system removes the data on your current screen, closes the current screen, and returns you to the previous screen.
Depending on the situation, the system may display a dialog box prompting you to confirm your action.


Saving the Data on a Screen

When you are working in a task that consists of several screens, the system temporarily stores the data that you enter on each
screen. After you complete all the necessary screens in your task, you need to save your data.
To save the data for a task you are working in, choose

or press CTRL + S.

The system processes the stored data and saves it in the appropriate database
If you are doing a task for the first time and you do not know which screen is the last screen, the system prompts you to save
when you reach the last screen. For example, if you are on the last screen of your task and you choose Enter instead of
choosing Save or Post, a dialog box appears. The dialog box prompts you to save your data.

Ending a Task
After you have completed a task, you will want to end it. Sometimes you may want to end a task without completing it.
To end a task:
1. In the standard toolbar, choose

or press Shift+F3.

If you have already saved the data, or if you have not entered any data, the system ends the task and returns to the
initial screen of your application.


2. If you have entered data while working in this task, but have not saved it yet, the system displays a dialog box prompting
you to save your data.

To save the data and end the task, choose Yes.

To end the task without saving the data, choose No.

To return to the task, choose Cancel.

Working with the Object Manager

The object manager provides you with an easy and user-friendly method of finding and selecting objects over various
transactions and components.
In Recruitment, you use the object manager to find applicants whose data you want to display or edit. The object manager is
connected to the following transactions:

Display Applicant Master Data (PB20)

Maintain Applicant Master Data (PB30)
Applicant Actions (PB40)
Display Applicant Activities (PB50)
Maintaining Applicant Activities (PB60)

The user interface for these transactions is divided into various screen areas, each of which contains specific functions:


Together, the search area and the selection area form the object manager. You perform the transaction-specific functions for
the selected applicants in the work area.

Every time you execute a transaction, an updated list is displayed in the selection area, according to the search
criteria. This also applies if you have saved a search as a favorite.


The following are steps involved in a typical process:
1. In the search area, you search for one or more applicants you want to display or edit.
2. The selected applicants are listed in the selection area. You double-click on an applicant to display him or her in the
work area.
3. You perform the transaction-specific functions for the selected applicants in the work area, for example, creating
applicant activities.

Finding/Selecting Objects
In the Search area you can search for one or more objects that you want to display or edit.
For each object type there are various search functions, for example:

Search Term
Structural Search
Free Search

Objects you are searching for must already exist. Create new objects as required.
The required object types and search functions are set up.


1. In the search area select one of the available search functions and if necessary enter the required selection criteria.
In the selection area the system displays all found objects with the corresponding object type, either as a list or as a
2. Double-click on the required object.

Using Search Functions

The search functions provided for the Applicant object type enable you to search for applicants in various ways.
The search functions are identified with a . A search function can also be incorporated into the Applicant object type. The
Applicant object type is identified with a .

Searching for applicants using the collective search help
1. Choose Collective search help.
A dialog appears, displaying the elementary search help Personal Data.
2. Enter your search criteria in the Last name and/or First name fields. You can also make masked entries (such as M++
+er) or generic entries (such as M*).
3. Choose .


The search result is displayed in the selection area; the display in the overview and detail areas remains unchanged.
5. If required, you can search for more applicants, and add the applicants found to the selection area by choosing


1. Double-click on the required applicant in the selection area.

The selected applicant is displayed in the work area. You can start to edit the applicant data.
Searching for applicants using a search term
1. Choose search term (or Applicants if this object type relates to the function).
The Find Applicant dialog box appears.
1. Enter the applicants name or applicant number. You can also make masked entries (such as M+++er) or generic entries
(such as M*).
2. Choose


The search result is displayed in the selection area. The display in the overview and detail areas remains unchanged.
5. If required, you can search for more applicants, and add the applicants found to the selection area by choosing


Double-click on the required applicant in the selection area. You can start to edit the applicant data.


Organizational Management is based on the concept that each element in an organization represents a stand-alone object with
individual characteristics. These objects are created and maintained separately, then linked together through relationships to
form a network which has the flexibility to handle human resource forecasting and reporting.
Organizational Management enables to get a clear picture of the organization in past, present and future and this information
can be used for human resource planning for future requirements.
Implementation of Organization Management lay down the foundation for successful running of other HR components like PA,
PD, and Compensation Management.


To log into OM:

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management.


Creation of Organizational Unit


Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Organization and Staffing create

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Organization and Staffing create Validity
Period from we have to define.


Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Organization and Staffing create Validity
Period from we have to define Enter the name of the org Unit


Creation of Organizational Unit in Expert Mode


Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Organizational Unit

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Organizational Unit Choose
from Infotype name Object Click Create Icon




Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Organizational Unit Choose
from Infotype name Object Click Create Icon Takes to the next screen


Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Organizational Unit Choose
from Infotype name Object Click Create Icon Takes to the next screen fill object Abbreviation and Object name
Save new Organizational Unit is created The object number is set as Internal number


Enter Object Abbreviation and Object name


Creation of Organizational Units & Their Relationships in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance


3) Create
1) Give Org. Unit Abbreviation &
complete Name.
2) Give Validity period for the Org. Unit


Created Org. Unit

Created Org. Unit

Object ID

Click Create button to create Org. Units

reporting (under) to this Org. Unit.


3) Save

2) Change the
Validity period of
newly created Org.
Unit by clicking this

1) Enter Abbr. & Complete Name

of Org.Unit reporting to the Org.
Unit in Blue i.e. PUOPTETTRW.


Select this Org.

Unit & click Staff

Validity Period can

be different from
the parent Org.


Creation of Positions & Their Relationships in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance

Select this Org. Unit (to

which position will belong)
& click Positions Creation


Enter Abbr. of
created Job or
Create new Job

Enter Abbr. &

complete name of
Position to be
created under
selected Org. Unit


Enter number of
Positions to be

Enter validity of Position. This

period should be in sync with
the Org. Unit under which it is
getting created.


Select any of these

newly created
positions and click
Assign Holder button
to assign Employee
to this Position.

Newly Created


Assigning of Employees to respective Positions in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance

1) Enter Employee ID, Staffing

Percentage and Time period for the
Employee to be assigned to the
selected Position.

2) Save


Newly Assigned Employee

to the Position.


Account Assignment of Org. Units/Positions in Expert Mode-Simple Maintenance

2) Select Account
Assignment function.
1) Select the Org. Unit and
then Goto Menu on Task


1) Select the Org. Unit and

then Account Assignment

2) Enter Validity Period for

Account Assignment,
Company Code, Personnel
Area, and Personnel Sub
Area (to which this Org.
Unit will belong).
This feature is there to
default values while hiring
in info type 0001.


Shows Account
Assignment has already
been done for the
concerned Org. Unit.


To Change created Org. Units in Organization and Staffing:

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Organization and Staffing Change Choose
the org unit and make the necessary Changes


To Change created Org. Units in Expert Mode

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Organizational Unit Choose
from Infotype name Object Click change Icon Takes to the next screen Do the changes Save the Changes


Creation of Jobs, Positions & Relationships:

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Choose Job


Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Click Job it takes to the next
screen Choose the Infotype name Object Click to Create Icon takes to next screen where you have to fill the From
and To Date ,Object abbreviation Object Name and save .




Enter Object Abbreviation

& Object name


Creation of Relationship:
Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Click Job it takes to the next
screen Choose the Infotype name Relationship Click to Create Icon select from the Infotype name Relationship Go
to Change Icon in the field Relationship type \ Relationship choose the relevant relationship Select the type of related
object Give the Object Id and Save .




Select the Relationship

you want to make
Select the Object
& Object ID with
which Relationship
to be made.


Deletion of Object and Relationship:

Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Click Job it takes to the next
screen Choose the Infotype name Object Click to Delete Icon takes to next screen where you can confirm the
deletion of object by choosing the deletion Icon and save .
Sap Easy Access Human Resources Organizational Management Expert Mode Click Job it takes to the next
screen Choose the Infotype name Relationship Click to Delete Icon select from the Infotype name Relationship
where you can confirm the deletion of object by choosing the deletion Icon and save .


Maintaining Addresses of Organization Units

Go to transaction PP01 and select Organization Units under Object type and Organization Unit ID under Object ID. Select
Addresses Info Type for this Org. Unit & press Create button to maintain address.

1) Select the Object

Type as Org. Unit&
Object ID for which
address is to be
3) Click Create
button to create
address for the Org.

2) Select Address
Info type




OM Standard Reports
All standard reports are available in the main menu of SAP under Information Systems > Human Resources > Reports,


Key standard reports in OM:

1. Existing Organizational Units
2. Staff Functions for Organizational Units
3. Organizational Structure
4. Organizational Structure with Positions
5. Organizational Structure with Persons
6. Existing Jobs
7. Job Index
8. Job Description
9. Task Description for Jobs
10. Complete Job Description
11. Periods When Positions Are Unoccupied per Organizational Unit
12. Existing Positions
13. Staff Assignments
14. Position Description
15. Task Description for Positions
16. Staff Functions for Positions
17. Authorities and Resources
18. Vacant Positions
19. Obsolete Positions


20. Complete Position Description

21. Report Structure Without Persons
22. Report Structure with Persons
23. Existing Objects


Company Code:
The smallest organizational unit for legal and financial statements like balance sheet, P&L accounts.
Organizational Unit:
An organizational unit is the primary object in an organizational plan. It represents any type of organizational entity designated
to perform a specified set of functions within a company. Subsidiaries, divisions, departments, groups, or special project teams
may be considered as organizational units.
Jobs are classifications of functions in an enterprise (Example Maintenance, Administration, and Finance) which are defined by
the assignment of characteristics. Jobs serve as job descriptions that apply to several positions with similar tasks or
Positions are the individual employee assignments or placements within a company. Positions are defined as the designations
held by the staff members occupying those positions.
Infotypes are units of information in the Human Resource Management System. Infotypes are used to group related data fields
together. They provide information with a structure, facilitate data entry, and enable to store data for specific periods.
Relationship with objects:


Relationships between various organizational units form the organizational structure in your enterprise, position to organization,
Job incorporates to position, position to position forms the structure of the enterprise
Without relationships, all you have are isolated pieces of information

Organizational unit with Organizational unit

Organizational unit with Position
Job with Position
Position with Position
Position with Person


Creating Favorites
In SAP Easy Access, you can create a favorites list containing:

Web addresses

Inserting an Item from the SAP Standard or User Menu

Use drag and drop:

1. Select an executable menu item using the mouse, and keep the mouse button pressed.
2. Drag the item to the desired position in your favorites list, and release the mouse button.
3. The new item appears below the position where you dropped it.
Or, use the menu bar:
Select an executable item in the user menu.
1. Choose Favorites -> Add.
2. The new item appears at the end of your list.

Inserting a Transaction
1. Choose Favorites -> Insert transaction.


2. Enter the transaction code, and choose Continue.

3. The new item appears at the end of your list, and is automatically labeled with the transaction name.

Inserting a Web Address or a File

1. Choose Favorites -> Link or file
2. Enter a name and the Web address or file name, and choose Continue.

The Web address should start with http://.. .EXAMPLE:

The file name should have the format: X:\filename\filepath. EXAMPLE: C:\Texts\SAP.doc. You can
only use this function if you can access local files from your Web browser.

Managing Favorites
SAP Easy Access allows you to organize your favorites by:

Creating folders in your favorites list

Moving, renaming, or deleting favorites and folders

Inserting Folders
1. Choose Favorites -> Insert folder.
2. A dialog box appears. Enter a name, and choose Continue.


3. The new folder appears below the currently selected favorite.

Moving Favorites and Folders

To move favorites or folders within a hierarchy level:

1. Select the favorite or folder you want to move.

2. Choose Favorites -> Move -> Up/Down; or choose Move favorites downwards /Move favorites upwards.
3. Repeat this step until the favorite or folder is where you want it.
To move favorites or folders between hierarchy levels, use drag and drop:
1. Select the favorite or folder with the mouse, and keep the mouse button pressed.
2. Drag the favorite or folder to the desired position in the favorites list, and release the mouse button.
3. The favorite or folder appears below the position where you let it go.

Renaming Favorites and Folders

1. Select the favorites or folders you want to rename.
2. Choose Favorites -> Change.
3. A dialog box appears. Enter a new name, and choose Continue.

From the context menu, choose Change favorites. To open the context menu, click the alternate mouse button.

Deleting Favorites and Folders

1. Select the favorites or folders you want to delete.


2. Choose Favorites -> Delete.

From the context menu, choose Delete favorites. To open the context menu, click the alternate mouse button.
When you remove a favorite from your favorites list, you are not actually deleting the respective file, program, or
transaction; you are merely removing a link to that particular item.


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