The Divided Brain
The Divided Brain
The Divided Brain
Brain Hemispheres and Culture
Reclaiming a Life of Quality
Self and Death - Conference Report
March 3rd
April 6th
LONDON - CLAUDIA NIELSEN 0207 431 1177 or email
We meet at 38 Denning Rd NW3 1SU at 7.30 for an
8pm start when parking restrictions are lifted. Nearest tube
station is Hampstead (Northern Line) or Hampstead Heath
(Overground). Cost is 8 for members and 10 for guests.
Please confirm attendance so I can anticipate numbers.
Friends are always welcome. For more comprehensive
information on presentations (to include synopsis and
biographies) plus summaries of past ones, go to the London
Group page of the Network site at
Please note that sometimes talks have to be rescheduled
and information is sent via email
Wednesday 27th Jan Dr. Oliver Robinson - The Case for
a Cosmic Idealism: Seven Steps
to Understanding the Universe
as Mind and the Mind-Dependent
Nature of Things
Tuesday 9th Feb Dr. James Le Fanu - Why Us?
Thursday 18th Mar Dr. Roger Woolger - C. G. Jung:
Scientist, Mystic and Prophet
Thursday 22nd April Anne Baring - The Call of the Cosmos
and the Great Work of Alchemy
Thursday 13th May Dr. Angela Voss - The Four Levels
of Interpretation: from science to
2 Time to Raise our Game A personal view from the Chair John Clarke
1. By E-mail to
Network REVIEW is
published three times a year
by the Scientific & Medical
Network, generally in April,
August and December.
David Lorimer,
Gibliston Mill,
Colinsburgh, Leven,
Fife KY9 1JS Scotland
+44 (0) 1333 340490
Web Site:
(Members may apply to the SMN
Office for password to access the
Members Only area of the web site).
Editorial Board: David Lorimer, Max
Payne, Julian Candy, John Clarke
Printed by: Kingfisher Print &
Design Ltd, Devon
The opinions expressed in Network
are those of individual authors
and not necessarily statements
of general Network views. The
Network is in no way liable for
views published herein.
25 Beyond the Brain VIII: Self and Death
What Survives? Julian Candy
28 Towards a New Renaissance 3:
Harmonising Spirituality, Nature and Health
Berlin, 30 October- 1 November 2009
A Personal Account Claudia Nielsen
30 Science and Imagination - SMN Annual Gathering 3rd - 5th July 2009 - Lindors Country House Hotel
Max Payne
32 Towards an Understanding of the Primacy of
Consciousness James Le Fanu
34 Astrology and Experience Kurt Dressler,
Rudolf H. Smit, Sue Lewis & Phoebe Wyss
34 Fostering the Process of Change George Henson
network news
35 Network news
36 Members News
review section
44 Science-Philosophy of Science
Brain Hemispheres and Culture
Reclaiming a Life of Quality
Self and Death - Conference Report
co n t e n t s
Notice to Contributors
e d it o r ia l
a r t icle s
a r t icle s
There is a mass of evidence that the left hemisphere
things, basic is better attuned to tools, and to whatever is inanimate,
mechanical, or machine-like, and which it has itself made:
such things are understandable in its own terms, because
they were put together by it, piece by piece, and they are
ideally suited to this kind of understanding. In contrast, the
right hemisphere is adapted to dealing with living things,
which are flexible, organic, constantly changing, and which
music(RH) it has not made. The right hemisphere alone appears to
be able to appreciate the organic wholeness of a flowing
structure that changes over time, as in fact all living things
are; and in fact almost all aspects of the appreciation of time
are in the right hemisphere. By contrast, the left hemisphere
sees time as a succession of points, flow as a succession
of static moments, rather like the still frames of a cin film.
Everything, including living wholes, is put together from bits;
and if there are no clear bits, it will invent them.
It is therefore not surprising that the right hemisphere is far
more important than the left for the appreciation of music, an
organic being that flows, which needs to be appreciated as
a whole, and which exists almost entirely in betweenness.
The left hemisphere can appreciate rhythm, as long as it is
simple, but little else: melody, timbre and especially harmony
Projections, are all largely right hemisphere-dependent, and so are
even complex rhythms, with cross-beats and syncopations
(professional musicians are an exception for a number of
from us(LH) possible reasons that are interesting in themselves).
The visual equivalent of harmony could be said to be
depth of the visual field; the sense of depth is also
largely right-hemisphere-dependent, in keeping with the right
hemispheres world being one from which we are not isolated,
Emotions(RH) but with which we stand in an important relationship, whereas
the left hemisphere tends to see things flat, detached from
us, as they would be projected on a screen.
Anger and
While both hemispheres are involved in the expression
and appreciation of emotion, the majority of our emotional
emotions(LH) life depends on the right hemisphere: the one emotion
that is robustly demonstrated to be more associated with
the left hemisphere is anger, though emotions that are
superficial, conscious or willed may be subserved by the left
hemisphere. We express more with the left-side of the face,
emotions in
governed by the right hemisphere, and the left hemisphere
cannot read emotional facial expression or understand or
Recognizin remember emotional material as well as the right. In fact
persons(RH) the recognition of faces, discriminating their uniqueness,
persons(R interpreting their expressions, are all largely dependent on
the right hemisphere. Above all the right hemisphere is more
empathic: its stance towards others is less competitive, and
more attuned to compassion and fellow-feeling. Although it
can deal well with the entire range of emotions, it is far better
attuned to sadness than the left hemisphere; and studies in
children confirm that the capacity for sadness and empathy
are closely related.
The right hemisphere is more interested in what has
personal relevance for me, the left hemisphere in what
is impersonal. But it is still the right hemisphere that is
better able to understand what is going on in other peoples
heads, and to empathise, than the left hemisphere, which in
these respects is relatively autistic. Our sense of our self
is complex, but again the sense of ourselves as beings with
Integral(RH) a past and a future, as single beings with an enduring story
over time, is dependent on the right hemisphere (narrative
is appreciated by the right hemisphere, whereas the left
hemisphere sees a mass of discrete episodes, which it often
gets out of sequence). The sense of ourselves as identified
with our conscious will may be more subserved by the left
Our acts are
result of our
That our embodied nature enters into everything we do,
just our actions, or even our feelings, but our ability to
reason, philosophise or engage in science, is something of
view (LH)
, integral
view (RH)
Moral sense,
its shortcomings,
disinclined to
opinions (LH)
g, primary
LH and RH
are not
'equivalent' or
RH 'analog',
LH 'digital'
a r t icle s
', 'definite' not
ways to think,
rather ways
to be
are not different ways of thinking about the world: they are
different ways of being in the world. And their difference is not
symmetrical, but fundamentally asymmetrical.
In my article in the April Review, I suggested that we
have developed language not for communication, not even
for thinking, but to enable a certain type of functional
manipulation of the world. Language is like the generals
map in his HQ, a representation of the world. It is no longer
present, but literally re-presented after the fact. What it
delivers is a useful fiction.
I believe the essential difference between the right
hemisphere and the left hemisphere is that the right
hemisphere pays attention to the Other, whatever it is that
exists apart from ourselves, with which it sees itself in
profound relation. It is deeply attracted to, and given life by,
the relationship, the betweenness, that exists with this Other.
By contrast, the left hemisphere pays attention to the virtual
world that it has created, which is self-consistent, but selfcontained, ultimately disconnected from the Other, making it
powerful but also curiously impotent, because it is ultimately
only able to operate on, and to know, itself.
You might say, OK, here are two different ways of conceiving
the world: but how do you know that they are not equally valid?
I say that they are both very important both in fact essential
for our ability to lead civilised lives but not equally valid. And
there are many reasons why.
In the first place it is interesting that in the late nineteenth
and twentieth centuries, both mathematics and physics (for
example Cantor, Boltzmann, Gdel, Bohr), and philosophy (I
am here thinking particularly of the American pragmatists,
Dewey & James, and the European phenomenologists,
Husserl, Heidegger, Scheler, Merleau-Ponty and the later
Wittgenstein), though starting absolutely from the premises
of the left hemisphere, that sequential analysis will lead us
to the truth, have ended up with results that approximate
far more closely to which in fact confirm the validity of
the right hemispheres way of understanding the world, not
that of the left. That is in itself a remarkable fact, since
generally speaking the preconceptions with which you start will
determine where you end.
We always
see the whole
before the
parts 1. RH,
2. LH
RH, thought
The emissary
and the
a r t icle s
Brian Goodwin
This article by Brian Goodwin summarises his views on the importance of a science
of qualities, to which he devoted much thought. It has an interesting resonance with
the previous article and could readily be translated into these terms.
See also his last book, Natures Due.
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Dynamic Indicators of
Wholeness and Health
I take the position that there is a property of health of
the whole organism that cannot be described in terms of
the functioning and interactions of the constituent organs or
tissues or molecules - whatever level of parts one wishes to
consider. Furthermore, this property of the whole influences
the functioning of the parts in identifiable ways; that is,
it has causal efficacy. The absence of such a conception
from mainstream biology and medicine is evident from the
fact that there is no theory and practice of health taught
a r t icle s
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I am grateful to Stuart and Elisabeth Kauffman for
inspiration, assistance and hospitality during the writing
of this essay, and to Franoise Wemelsfelder for useful
Bergson, H. (1911) Creative Evolution. Trans. A. Mitchell. New
York: Henry Holt and Co.
Berrill, N.J. (1972). Developmental Biology. New York: Sinauer
Griffin, D.R. (1998). Unsnarling the World Knot: Consciousness,
Freedom, and the Mind-Body Problem. Berkeley: University
of California Press.
Hartshorne, C. (1972). Whiteheads Philosophy: Selected
Essays, 1935-1970. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Ivanov, P. Ch., Rosenblum, M.G., Peng, C-K, Mietus, J., Havlin,
S., Stanley, H.E., and Goldberger, A. L. (1996). Scaling
behaviour of heartbeat intervals obtained by wavelet-based
time-series analysis. Nature 383, 323-327.
Kauffman, S.A. (1999). Investigations. Oxford: Oxford University
Maturana, H., and Varela, F. (1987). The Tree of Knowledge.
Boston: Shambala.
Poon, C-S., and Merrill, C.K. (1997). Decrease of cardiac chaos
in congestive heart failure. Nature 389, 492-495.
de Quincey, C. (1999). Past matter, present mind; a
convergence of worldviews. J. Consc. Studies 6, 91-106.
Silberstein, M. (1998). Emergence and the mind-body problem.
J. Consc. Studies 5, 464-482
Waddington, C.H. (1956). The Principles of Embryology.
London: Allen and Unwin.
Webster, G. and Goodwin, B. (1996). Form and Transformation;
Generative and Relational Principles in Biology. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Wemelsfelder, F., Hunter, E.A., Mendl, M.T., and Lawrence,
A.B. (1999). The spontaneous qualitative assessment of
behavioural expressions in pigs: first exploration of a novel
methodology for integrative animal welfare measurement.
Applied Animal Behaviour Science.
Whitehead, A.N. (1929). Process and Reality. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Steve Taylor
Here Steve explores the nature of spiritual experiences, following on the work of
Sir Alister Hardy and others. He concludes that we dont have to suffer in order
to have spiritual experiences or become enlightened and that there is a middle
way between extreme suffering and a life of attachment. He recommends that we
should try to make sure that were always partly rooted inside ourselves, so that
we never give ourselves completely away to the world.
Permanent Transformation
As well as one of the most common, these states of
turmoil may be the most powerful trigger of awakening
experiences, in the sense that the experiences they give rise
to are usually of a very intense kind. The experiences are
sometimes so powerful that they lead to permanent change
of being, and even a permanent state of enlightenment.
A recent student of mine a senior lady told me how,
30 years ago, she was in a very distraught state due to the
breakdown of her marriage. As a church-going Christian,
she felt that she had let herself and God down badly,
and felt extremely guilty. She rang the rector of her local
church to ask for help and he told her, You are claiming
your rights! She was not quite sure what he meant, but
suddenly her guilt and pain dissolved away and she had
a powerful mystical experience which is still very vivid:
There was a spinning sensation in my head and the top of
my head seemed to open up I felt a sense of being one
with the universeThere was silence between me and the
rector but I felt that He [God] was there. She feels that
this experience changed her permanently, that she has
never been the same person since. As she describes it,
A change had taken place in me. I was on a high which
has lasted the honeymoon stage gradually faded but I
was no longer the person I was. That person is still within
me and carries me through life with a wisdom which still
surprises me. (Her italics)
As a part of my research for a new book, I have found
many examples of this permanent transformation: an
alcoholic who reached rock bottom and lost everything
but then became liberated; a woman who has lived in a
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Encountering Death
This is also why encountering death is such a powerful
trigger of spiritual experiences. Like states of despair and
depression, facing death may occasionally induce a state of
detachment, in which the individual spontaneously releases
herself from psychological attachments. The German Zen
Buddhist Karlfried von Durckheim experienced this during
the First World War, when being surrounded by death
made him aware of that there was a part of his being
which transcended physical extinction. Later, he collected
reports of similar experiences during the Second World War,
and found that they were surprisingly common. He found
examples amongst soldiers who believed they were about to
die on the battlefield, inmates of concentration camps who
had lost all hope or survival, and people who were convinced
they were about to die in bombing raids. 6
Such realisations can also occur after a person is
diagnosed with a fatal illness, and is told they only have
a certain amount of time left to live. Initially he or she
experiences feelings of bitterness and despair, which may
give way to a sense of serenity and acceptance and a new
spiritual perception. When, in 1994, the English playwright
Dennis Potter discovered he was dying of prostate cancer he
paradoxically became happier and more at peace with the
world than he had ever been before, and also developed an
intense awareness of the nowness of his experience and the
beautiful is-ness of the world. As he said during an interview
shortly before he died:
e forget that life can only be defined in the present
tense. It is is is. And it is now only
That nowness becomes so vivid to me that in a perverse
sort of way Im serene. I can celebrate life...The nowness
of everything is absolutely wonderful...The fact is that if
you see, in the present tense boy, can you see it; boy,
can you celebrate it. 7
Many people who return from encounters with death either
because a threat passes or they make a miraculous recovery
undergo a permanent spiritual shift. Of course, this is one
the most significant features of near-death experiences.
Most of those who undergo the experience gain a new
spiritual outlook, becoming less materialistic and egotistical
and more compassionate, more concerned with helping and
a r t icle s
1. Hardy, A. (1979). The Spiritual Nature of Man. Oxford:
Clarendon Press.
2. Tolle, E. (1999). The Power of Now. London: Hodder And
Staughton, p.2.
3. Ibid.
4. In Walsh, R. (ed.) (1993.) Paths beyond Ego, New York:
Tarcher, pp.146.
5. Ibid., pp.146-7.
6. Watts. A. (1973). In my own Way. London: Cape.
7. Fenwick, P. & E. (1995). The Truth in the Light. London:
Headline, p.201.
8. see Fenwick, op. cit; Grey, M. (1985) Return from Death.
London: Arkana.
9. Underhill, E. (1911/1960) Mysticism. London: Methuen,
10.Meister Eckhart: From whom God Hid Nothing (1996). Ed.
David ONeal. Boston:Shambhala, p.117.
Jorge N. Ferrer
Here Jorge Ferrer discusses the shortcomings of the main forms of religious
pluralism that have been proposed as an antidote to modernism. He introduces
the participatory turn in the study of spirituality and religion, showing how it
can help us to develop a fresh appreciation of religious diversity. He then offers
some practical orientations to assess the validity of spiritual truths and outlines a
participatory critical theory of religion.
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Extracted, with some original passages, from J. N. Ferrer &
J. H. Sherman, eds., The Participatory Turn: Spirituality,
Mysticism, Religious Studies, State University of New
York Press, October 2008 (
The author would like to thank Jacob H. Sherman for his helpful
feedback and editorial advice.
Jorge N. Ferrer, Ph.D. is chair of the Department of EastWest Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies,
San Francisco, and author of Revisioning Transpersonal
Theory: A Participatory Vision of Human Spirituality,
State University of New York Press, 2002. Prof. Ferrer offers
talks and workshops on integral spirituality and education both
nationally and internationally.
a r t icle s
then that, I think, can but be creative and helpful both for
those immediately involved and for the wider world.
Janine: What has been most effective in bringing those of
different faiths together at the centre?
Fergus: My definition of interfaith is faiths in encounter
and the issues raised thereby. In my experience it is not
necessarily the most effective route if the encounters are
about faith. So, for example, we have music events. As a
result of these three young musicians, a Muslim, a Bahai
and a Sikh have met and now work together. On the one
hand they are fully acknowledge each others faith and on
the other each are putting the faith part of their identity into
a wider perspective. One of the dangers of our interfaith
project is that we overplay the faith element in personal
identity. The fact is that there are multiple aspects to our
identity, and having events which are not focussed on interfaith issues helps to redress this balance.
Janine: What events do you hold which do focus on
interfaith issues?
Fergus: Well, we offer a variety of contexts for meeting
ranging from informal gatherings such as faith neutral
meditations and study groups, to formal conferences and
courses. For example over the last decade we have run three
2-year courses, taught by those of different faiths, giving a
certificate in Interfaith Relations. Many of those attending
had roles in education or society and this course has given
them the confidence to enable greater cross faith interaction
to occur. One representative of a non Christian faith attending
the Centre once said to me we never meet except at your
place. So I have found that events at the centre sometimes
enable different ideological groupings from within one faith
to come together, thus building cohesion. This in turn may
help interfaith relations. Perhaps as much as anything else I
believe that if you designate a space for a particular activity,
that can help legitimise the activity. In one sense creating
the space at the interfaith centre has done just that.
Janine: This comes back to a recurring theme in our
conversation, namely that giving permission to each person
to be true to their own faith actually helps inter-faith
relations, as opposed to trying to ignore or reduce the
difference between religions.
Fergus: Yes, and by way of example on that, a Muslim
friend of mine applied for the post of Deputy Head Teacher
of a Church of England School. After morning assembly,
the Head Teacher apologised for the explicitly Christian
content of the assembly. My Muslim friend said that he was
saddened by this. He had known when he had applied for
the job that it was a Church of England School and expected
them to worship God in the Christian way. He said to me
I could never apologise or deny my faith in that way. On
another occasion, at a gathering where those of other faiths
had been attending, we sang a very explicitly `Christ-as-God`
hymn. When someone enquired later in conversation about
the sensitivity of that, a Muslim colleague replied If that
is what you believe, then sing it. In my experience, lack of
clarity and confidence in your own faith does not help inter
faith relating at the faith level.
Janine: You say on your website that you are might like to
be thought of more as an inter-ideological, than as an inter
faith centre. What do you mean by that?
Fergus: The inter faith impetus in this country emerged
largely from responding to the presence of those of other
faiths, through the pattern of immigration to the UK in the
post war period. But all the other-than-Christian faiths in
the UK put together, account for only about 10% of the
a r t icle s
Janine: I take it from what you say that you are not a
relativist when it comes to religion. By which I mean you
would consider it simplistic to say that all religions are a
version of the same truth?
Fergus: You are right. I am not a relativist as for me that
would suggest there would be a single frame of reference.
I was once asked by a Christian colleague Can Buddhists
be saved? The sense in which the idea of `saved` was
being used may work well in the context of Christianity,
but in my view could be a sort of category mistake outside
such a context. In other words for me this question may not
be the best place to start. There are a number of ways of
accounting for the religions, and we could for a moment look
at three. The first could be described as propositionalist,
namely that religious truths are propositions about ultimate
reality, `handed down from above`. The second could be
described as an experiential-expressive approach. Starting
from inner experience, the forms of religion are taken to
be objectifications of core human feelings and attitudes. I
suspect this may have become the default position of many
Western liberal Christians and thereby the basis for many
of the assumptions of a western inter-faith impetus, as well
indeed as underlying assumptions within current related UK
government policy. But I favour a third approach which may
be described as cultural-linguistic, as outlined by George
Lindbeck in his Nature of Doctrine. This proposes that
each religion could be accounted for as a sort of language,
which thus has its own discrete grammar. Such an account
enables us to work with contradiction, without needing to
find commonality. This would remove the need to explain one
religion in terms of another as each is then accorded its own
integrity as a system.
Janine: There might be an analogy here with science which
originally was seen as a description of actual reality but now
there are many different accounts of its epistemological
status. One is that it is a codification of inter-subjective
experience and another is the social constructionist
interpretation. But just as scientists often find the idea of
science as just a social construction unsatisfactory, do
you not find the idea of Christianity defined by culture and
language inadequate?
Fergus: That is not quite a correct description of what
Lindbeck is saying because for him the languages of religions
are idioms both for constructing reality and living life. I would
be more comfortable with saying that on the one hand I
see Christianity as expressed via culture and language and
the same time not as being limited or wholly encapsulated
by them. There is perhaps a sense in which adherents of
any religion see its insights as existing precisely to help us
break through the limits imposed by culture and language.
Lindbeck`s use of the concept of `cultural-linguistic` allows
us to see by analogy something of how religions `work` and
can be accounted for.
Janine: So the fact that one religious language is different
from another is explicable, and should in theory be less
troubling, because each has as its purpose the construction
of a way of living and each is pointing beyond itself (indeed
beyond the idea of a definable reality). But what does your
experience show is the key to tolerance between those of
different faiths?
Fergus: Were tolerance to mean a sort of `anything
goes` in the sense that being tolerant is to be uninterested
in and indifferent to the other, then its potential for being
constructive could be missed. However when it can mean an
active accommodation of and engagement with difference,
a r t icle s
a r t icle s
In Support of Empirical
and Rational Research
Emma Nattress
a r t icle s
Wassermann, Gerhard D, Shadow Matter and Psychic
Phenomena, Oxford: Mandrake, 1993.
Julian Candy
University of Kent at Canterbury 21 - 23 August 2009
Claudia Nielsen is a
psychotherapist and a Vice-President
of the Network.
Towards an Understanding of
the Primacy of Consciousness
James Le Fanu
co r r e s p o n d e n ce
Attention Members!
Personal Numbers
and Office Procedures
network news
network news
UK - Support
Evolutionary Consciousness
and Contemporary Spirituality:
A call to engage in a new
initiative background taken
together contemporary
spirituality, spiritual emergence
and evolutionary consciousness
express a sense of space and
openness, and also create
a field of activity that can be
contested and dialogued over
as well as experimented with
and researched. The interest
in these three complementary
aspects of the shift in
consciousness that is taking
place has brought Oasis and
its work to a new stage in its thinking.
First, contemporary spirituality: here we have a
useful term that is particularly easy on the ear and not
threatening, which can create a vehicle for many different
kinds of practices, views, beliefs and faiths to travel if
not on the same road then in a similar overall direction.
Secondly, spiritual emergence: is a valuable description
of how meaning-making becomes increasingly important
to people at varying stages in their lives as a result of any
number of events, experience or circumstances. Spiritual
emergence arises out of the search for, and is a way
in which to move towards, evolutionary consciousness.
Frequently the process of spiritual emergence is anything
but easy or takes the form of a smooth transition.
Thirdly, evolutionary consciousness similarly leaves open
to the imagination just what it might mean (though it is
a bit more of a mouthful than contemporary spirituality).
Essentially, if human consciousness is the most evolved
aspect of creation on this planet (dont you just shudder
when you realise that?), then we are it and we had better
get on with it a good deal more seriously than we have.
These themes overlap in a way that Oasis could usefully
contribute towards evolving. There is a role for assisting
people to identify where meaning lies and to help them find
it. I see this as a facilitative contribution.
Oasis would like to respond and to help create a small
team of facilitators who would initiate people into useful
dialogue and exploration about their experience (from a
Whole Person Learning perspective); help them set up
useful experiments to test out their views and to provide
some useful structure to gain deeper experience of some
of the foundation stones for inquiry meditation, chanting
all in a light touch way and as an illustration of the rich
treasure house of what is available.
The British Association for the
Study of Spirituality (BASS) is
in the process of establishing
itself as a collaboration of
existing centres and individual
researchers whose area of
interest is in some aspect of the
study of spirituality. Its intention
is promote interdisciplinary and
inter-professional understanding
in this field; it welcomes
international perspectives and
New Gerson Centre in Hungary
The first Gerson Health Centre in Europe has been opened
in Hungary in a protected area of natural beauty 30 km
outside Budapest. Here two-week residential courses are
being held on the theory and practice of the nutritionbased Gerson Therapy. Accredited by the Gerson Institute
of California, the Centre is of interest to cancer patients
and others suffering from chronic degenerative diseases,
or those wanting to learn about prevention and an optimal
lifestyle. Full details from
network news
network news
Irish Group
JACQUI NIELSEN - +353 (876) 488748
On 12th September Professor Ivor Browne, F.R.C.P.I.,
F.R.C.Psych., M.Sc., D.P.M. , a member of the Network, gave
a talk to the Ireland Group on the subject of Delayed Onset
The central thesis put forward by the speaker was that
When something happens we do not fully experience it
as it happens
The integration of experience is a process, taking place
over time, involving neurophysiological and somatic
There is a common misunderstanding of unresolved
traumatic experience as repressed memory. This leads to
the description of subsequent surfacing of such experience
to consciousness as reliving or remembering when it may
more properly be understood as delayed experiencing for the
first time.
When an event takes place we may not fully experience
it as it happens. We do take an impression of the raw
experience, otherwise it would no longer exist within us. But
integration fails to progress beyond this point. This is why
such experiences, if activated years later, are experienced as
happening now.The experience breaks through and causes
flashbacks, nightmares, etc. This triggers painful emotional
responses, which the individual once again tries to suspend,
but now only partially successfully.This then gives rise to the
full-blown syndrome of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Freuds original position was to accept patients accounts
of early sexual abuse as real and to ascribe all cases of
neurosis to such experience in childhood but in the spring
of 1897 he changed his stance owing to the reaction his
theory provoked. His new explanation, already promoted by
Fournier and Brouardel, was to ascribe patients accounts
of childhood sexual abuse to fantasy. This was the genesis
of psychoanalysis and it set back the awareness of the
frequency and serious consequences of sexual abuse by a
In the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual the distinction between acute, chronic and delayed
onset PTSD is now accepted. A long period, often of
many years, may elapse following the trauma, before
the emergence of the acute symptoms of PTSD. During
this latent phase patients may show few symptoms,
only a constricted life pattern, with recurrent episodes of
depression. Activation may occur due to another trauma of
a similar kind e.g. a person who was sexually abused as a
child may in adult life be raped.
But the Activation need not be a further serious traumatic
episode. It can be something as simple as the first night in
the marriage bed, or watching a TV programme about sexual
abuse. This for most people may be entirely normal. But
because this touched the sensitive frozen experience, for
this person, the effect may be catastrophic and unleash fullblown PTSD.
Once Activation has taken place the individual is now in
a dysfunctional state, unable to maintain the freeze so as
to be able to cope, but, on the other hand, unable to fully
experience and integrate the blocked trauma of many years
earlier. When a person is subjected to the same traumatic
experience again, and again. e.g. where there is incestuous
abuse within the family, the child is faced with an impossible
situation. Dissociation is then likely to supervene with a
splitting of the personality. In this way the two dimensions
of the personality continue to learn and develop quite
separately - one visible and available to consciousness, the
other hidden and only likely to appear when activated.
The phenomenon of revictimisation is that many patients
suffering from Post Traumatic Stress seem to be stuck as if
Cambridge Group
HAZEL GUEST 01223 369148
On 11th November Dr Patricia Fara of Clare Collegespoke
onthe topic What is Science?. She started witha
historical summary and then progressed to current
issues,refraining from actually answering the question in
her title butinstead raising a number of related questions.
The discussion was, as usual, lively and focussed.
We meet next on Wednesday 13th January 2010 when
Dr Steve Minett willintroduce the topicFolk Psychology --from Monotheism to Evolutionary Psychology.
The origins of Folk Psychology can be traced to
monotheistic theology, as refined and articulated by
Descartes. It was later radically changed, first by
Nineteenth Century Science and then by Twentieth
Century Neuro-Philosophy. More recent commentators
have identified its influence on early Cognitivism, and
Evolutionary Psychologists and others are now suggesting
that it may have beneficial causal effects.
7.40 for 8pm start in Hazel Guests flat which is
44 Beaufort Place, Thompsons Lane, Cambridge CB5 8AG.
Tel: 01223 369148.
London Group
CLAUDIA NIELSEN 0207 431 1177
The talks below have been recorded and members can hear
or download them from Summaries of Previous Events of the
London Group page of the Networks website.
August - Medicine and Modernity: from Botticelli to Botulus
In his talk Dr. Athar Yawar, a member of the Board of the
SMN, psychiatrist and former senior editor of The Lancet,
expanded on his view that although scientific and medical
knowledge has advanced exponentially over last 200 years,
so has dissatisfaction with medicine. Many rigorously
validated treatments have been developed over the years
but we are sicker than ever. We have worldwide more mental
illnesses, infectious diseases, malnutrition, chronic and
degenerative illnesses etc. Modernity sees science as the
only credible source of knowledge. Just like modern science,
in which we distance ourselves from the object studied,
modern medicine has moved away from the humanity of
the patient. Modernity has left us with a medicine without
soul and without a choice, for it excludes competing
worldviews, and yet, although a body of knowledge can be
coherent and consistent within its own terms it can never be
comprehensive for there are an infinite number of ways to
look at something. Modern medicine is unambiguous in its
view that people are matter and illness happens when the
structure of matter breaks down.
This is an epistemological belief held even in the absence
of evidence for, as Athar pointed out, nobody has ever
proven that the most common mental illnesses are caused
by neurotransmitter imbalances. But we hold this belief as
an article of faith. Athar, on the other hand, acknowledges
that modern medicine has the ability to ease much suffering
with things like anaesthesia, antibiotics, pain killers, etc
network news
network news
Manchester Group
The Manchester Group met in Rawtenstall on Sunday 13th
September 2009. Robert Ginsburg spoke in the morning
on The Medicine of the Future. The presentation gave
an overview of Nikolai Levashovs approach to healing:
a system that uses exclusively the power of the mind to
heal. No drugs or surgery are necessary and distance
between healer and client is immaterial. Three medically
documented case histories were given and followed by a
demonstration of healing on two volunteers. Questions,
answers and discussion followed. Robert Ginsburg
practiced law for twenty years in the USA before becoming
a Levashov student. For more information see Robert
Ginsburgs website
In the afternoon Max Payne reported on the current plans
and directions presented at the SMN AGM and by reference
to the article by Oliver Robinson, John Clarke and David
Lorimer, A Manifesto for Change, in the current Network
Review. A thorough discussion followed.
Scottish Group
DAVID LORIMER 01333 340490
On November 4, the Scottish group gathered for a talk by
Prof Michael Northcott of Edinburgh University based on his
book A Moral Climate in which he discusses environmental
ethics with particular reference to global warming. He began
with an analysis of beliefs around these questions, pointing
out that the Scottish government policy of spending 1
billion on new roads was inconsistent with their stance on
climate change, showing how economic growth currently
trumps ecological concerns. He defined our overall context
in terms of space as well as time, with special emphasis on
intergenerational justice. He also mentioned other factors
network news
network news
Cy Grant (6 pp.)
The dreamer is consciousness itself... To awaken within
the Dream is our purpose now. When we are awake within
the dream a more benign and wondrous dream arise. This
is the new earth. Eckhart Tolle
Four papers by John Rowan:
Meaning and Meaninglessness (8 pp.)
Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy: Self-Deception in
California? (13 pp.)
Transpersonal and Integral in Psychotherapy (13 pp.)
Is it Possible to Work at the Causal Level
in Therapy? (14 pp.)
An Introduction to Deep Memory Process
Simon Heathcote (3 pp.)
The Standing of Sustainable Development in Government
Jonathon Porritt (56 pp.) Trenchant observations from
the retiring Director of the UK Sustainable Development
Adjusting the Language of Authority
to Engender Social Cohesion in Lebanon and Beyond A Vital Role for Educators
Alexandra Asseily (10 pp.) Paper given recently at the
American University of Beirut at the Education for Social
Cohesion Conference.
A Return to Being Human
Hardin Tibbs (16 pp.)
This research paper proposes the concept of the general
ecosystema novel pattern of economic and social
organization based on a holistic reassessment of human
needs and a reintegration of our sense of what it is to be
How the Mind and the Brain Co-Create Each Other Daily:
Mind-Brain-Gene Research on the Foundations of
Consciousness, Creativity, Imagination, and Psychotherapy
Ernest Lawrence Rossi and Kathryn Lane Rossi (33 pp.)
network news
b o o k r e v ie w s
book reviews
Books in this section can be purchased via the Network web site ( from and the Network will receive a 10% commission. In addition, the Network
receives a 5% commission on all other sales if you log on through our web site!
of science
A Distance Between
David Lorimer
b o o k r e v ie w s
Guided Tour
Melanie Mitchell
Oxford University Press, 2009,
$29.95, 347 pp., h/b ISBN 978 0 19 512441 5
Health Care is
Americas Big Moral
Martin Lockley
T. R Reid
Penguin Press, New York, 2009,
277 pp., $ 25.95, h/b ISBN 1 978 1 59420 234 6
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
Shannon Brownlee
Bloomsbury 2007, 350p., $25.95
h/b ISBN-13: 978 1 58234 580 2,
$16.00 p/b
ISBN-10: 978 1 58234 579 6
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
What is Enlightenment?
Mike King
A Story of Love,
Betrayal and
Healing Former
Students of Andrew
Cohen Speak Out
William Yenner
Epigraph Books, 2009, 170 pp.,
10.37, p/b - ISBN: 098 2453051
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
Chris Lyons
Alister E. McGrath
WJP Press, 262 pp., 26.99, p/b ISBN-10: 0 664 23310 4
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
Reflections on the
God Debate
Terry Eagleton
Yale UP, 2009, 200 pp., $25, h/b
ISBN 978 0300 151 794
Marilyn Mandala Schlitz et al
Noetic Books, 2007, 231 pp.,
$16.95, p/b ISBN 978 1 57724
533 6
Roger Walsh
John Wiley, 1999, 305 pp., $15.95,
p/b ISBN 0 471 39216 2
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
Imagination, Values and
Rowan Williams
Richard House (SMN) and Del
Loewenthal (eds)
Karnac Books, 2009, 254 pp.,
19.99, p/b ISBN 978 1 855
Groundhog Day in
Robert Charman
Science of What
Happens When
You Die
Anthony Peake (SMN)
Arcturus Publishing Ltd, 2007,
416 pp., 9.99, p/b ISBN 978 0 572 03227 2
Guide to Your
Secret Self
Anthony Peake (SMN)
Arcturus Publishing Ltd. 2008,
336 pp., 9.99, p/b ISBN 978 1 84837 079 1
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
The Reality Revolution
David Lorimer
Bringing Learning
to Life
David Lorimer
b o o k r e v ie w s
b o o k r e v ie w s
William Irwin Thompson
Lindisfarne Books, 2009,
157 pp., $20.00, p/b
ISBN 1 978 1 58420 069 7
David Lorimer
Science/Philosophy of Science
Seeing through Illusions
by Richard L Gregory
Oxford University Press 2009, 253 pp., 16.99, h/b.
Written by one of the foremost researchers into the nature of illusions, this
book provides fascinating insights into how the brain perceives the world,
conditioned as we are not only by our own previous experience but also by
the process of evolution itself. Earlier ways of seeing still remain embedded
in the brain, and can be revealed by careful experiments. The scope of the
book includes philosophy and art as well as neuroscience and psychological
case studies. The key lies in our interpretation of the world. Gregory
examines paradigms of perception, blindness, various forms of ambiguity
such as flipping (the Necker tube is a well-known example), and different
types of cognitive distortion. Authoritative and compelling.
This is the third in a series of books (the last two have been reviewed in
earlier issues) about patterns in nature. Branching and interconnection
are found throughout nature, for instance in snowflakes, trees, rivers and
crystals; and many patterns of fractal, recurring at many scales. The book
examines the underlying principles that produce such patterns or moulding
factors that shape the world, revealing striking parallels between different
phenomena. The six chapters discuss different aspects of branching,
beginning with the nature of the snowflake and moving through water, trees,
leaves and web worlds. The result is a fascinating tour. Like the other two
books, I feel that the study could have been produced in a different and
more attractive format with more illustrations in colour and fewer black-andwhite diagrams.
by Nick C. Thomas
Floris Books 2008, 128 pp., 14.99, p/b.
This is a book building on the work of Rudolf Steiner on counterspace,
which formed part of his scientific approach incorporating a deeper level
of perception and based originally on his understanding of the science of
Goethe. In particular, modern science is a science of quantities rather than
quality, and has great difficulty dealing with qualia, which, after all, form
the basis of our everyday experience. The author discusses our experience
of seeing blue as an example, maintaining that this cannot be dismissed
as merely subjective. Quoting Heisenberg on Goethe, it is clear that the
physicist understood that Goethes more direct contact with nature would
have to be foregone in the interests of clearly understanding a wide range of
mathematical relationships. This book probes more deeply and its content
is relatively technical and more easily understood by trained scientists, who
will appreciate the wide range of application of these insights in relation to
gravity, time, chemistry, astronomy and cosmology.
Thinking in Systems
by Donella H. Meadows
Earthscan Ltd 2008, 218 pp., p/b.
Donella Meadows (1941-2001) was a well-known systems theorist who
worked for three decades on the limits of growth agenda. This book
was completed in the mid-1990s and is based on seminars she gave
in universities and elsewhere. It is an excellent introduction to the field,
and one that should be read by politicians around the world. Just as it
suggests in the first chapter, managers do not solve problems, rather they
manage messes -- complex systems of changing problems that interact
with each other. This requires systems thinking if one is not to be caught
up in unintended consequences. There is an important chapter on leverage
points, or places to intervene in a system. Interestingly, Jimmy Carter tried
a systems approach when he was president, but found it difficult to get
across to the public. At the end there is a useful glossary and summary of
systems principles.
The Reconnection - Heal Others, Heal Yourself
by Dr. Eric Pearl
Hay House Publishers 2001, 222 pp., 9.99, p/b.
My Path
Movement Medicine
b o o ks in b r ie f
books in brief
b o o ks in b r ie f
A key theme running through the book is a central role of oxytocin in all
orgasmic and ecstatic states. This is released in normal childbirth, but
not in Caesareans, during sexual arousal and during breastfeeding; so
the decline in natural births and breastfeeding also implies a decline in
bonding between mothers and children, with all which that implies. The
link between transcendence and ecstatic states involves intense activity of
the archaic primitive brain, while the neocortex is put to rest; and the term
peak experience carries its own connotations. After an interesting chapter
on parallels between humans, dolphins and bonobos, Michel discusses
orgasmophobia and its relation to shame, already mentioned above. Here
the thesis touches on that of Riane Eislers Sacred Pleasure. He finishes
with pessimistic and optimistic scenarios about the future of love, putting
forward suggestions for reversing current cultural conditioning, based on his
long first-hand experience. It is no exaggeration when he argues that the
future of civilisation is at stake.
Where is Heaven?
by Charles H Lippy
Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group 2009, 268 pp., 16.99.
An exemplary and highly readable textbook on this topic covering every
conceivable aspect of American religion. It begins with native American
understandings as well as key elements in African tribal religions and
varieties within Christianity. The approach is then historical, tracing the
evolution of religious forms and practices from colonisation through the
revolution, the civil war and into the late 20th century picture of pluralism.
Each chapter is introduced with a summary of the main topics covered
then there are summary boxes throughout the text. Chapters end with
key points you need to know, discussion questions and further reading.
Although Network readers will not need all this information, it does make
the contents of the book easy to absorb.
by Angela Ashwin
Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. 2009, 187 pp., p/b.
I found this a refreshing and indeed disarming book as it is relatively rare to
find a book on the fool written from a Christian perspective. Some readers
will remember that St Paul defined Christianity as a form of folly to the wise,
but the fool is always a subversive figure who draws on a deeper wisdom
and puts us in touch with the spontaneous child. Various themes emerge,
including the value of uselessness (that delight of the fool), the mirage of
perfection, the uncluttered fool who is not attached possessions, and the
vulnerable fool who grows through suffering and may be foolish in generosity
and forgiveness. She also draws on her own everyday experiences as
well as the work of other writers, providing points to ponder at the end of
each chapter. Within a structure of somewhat rigid expectations, this is a
liberating book which many spiritually inclined people will celebrate.
by Thomas Merton
Orbis Books 2004, 165 pp., 16.00, p/b.
It is fitting and a trifle ironic that I am writing this short review on the day
when Barack Obama will receive the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, having
recently committed a further 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. Merton would
surely have objected to this in the strongest possible terms, for the same
reasons that he voiced his opposition to the war in Vietnam. Indeed, his
extraordinary death in a shower in Bangkok in December 1968 may well
have been an accident engineered by the intelligence services in order
to rid themselves of a thorn in their side. Mertons writings on peace are
extraordinarily powerful - he saw them as an expression of his prophetic
mission and his conviction that the vitality of the Church depends precisely
on spiritual renewal, uninterrupted, continuous, and deep. In this context,
he did not believe that monks should be in the rear with the baggage,
but rather part of the advance guard. Needless to say, the nuclear issue
is at the forefront of these essays, but there is much discussion of the
by Alexander Gorbenko
RG Publishing 2009, 150 pp., p/b.
by Arthur Farndell
Shepheard-Walwyn (Publishers) Ltd 2009, 180 pp.,
18.95, h/b.
This print on demand book revises and updates some of the authors
previous work on non-Aristotelian thinking based on the work of Count
Alfred Korzybski who argued that creativity is essentially what we would now
call the right hemisphere function, whether one is referring to Einstein or
Rumi. The book ranges widely over themes including ancient and modern
wisdom - there is a good discussion of Seneca, Epictetus and Thoreau - and
enlightenment with Ramana Maharishi and Maharaj. The author also points
out that much of our schooling is based on words and memory, which
bypasses real and immediate insight and experience. The font and layout
of the print on demand format does not make the book easy to read, but
there is plenty to engage the reader interested in the full spectrum of ways
of knowing.
by Lars Berquist
Swedenborg Society 2005, 516 pp., h/b.
by P C Jena
Imprint Academic 2009, 138 pp., 8.99, p/b.
Soul Survivor
Rivers of Time
by Cy Grant (SMN)
Naked Light 2008, 95 pp., 7.00, p/b.
These poems span a period of over 60 years, and are ably introduced by Ian
Dieffenthaller. Some describe his experiences in the air force during the war,
while others reflect wider philosophical concerns, his interests in the Tao
Te Ching and his role as a champion of the dreaming black soul in a white
materialistic culture. Cy makes very creative use of language and rhythm.
Here is the first part of his poem Silence
To say that which is unsaid
is like throwing a pebble
breaking the pool of silence
words alone are as inadequate
as a lack of words;
silence is not a lack of words.
tears dissolve the eyes
as love the senses.
The poems are powerful and evocative, showing how words and their
combination can reach beyond normal explicit meanings.
Lighting a Candle
Many readers will be familiar with the work of Kathleen Raine and Temenos,
whose Review I review every year. This book consists of a series of over
40 tributes to her, along with her own inaugural address at the Temenos
Academy in 1991. Pride of place goes to the eulogy by the Prince of Wales
at the service of Thanksgiving for her life, when he identifies with her own
ambition to reverse the premises of materialism in our culture, which
she referred to as the Great Battle. Among the best-known names in this
collection are Wendell Berry, Thetis Blacker (who writes about her prowess
at cooking and even provides some of her recipes), Keith Critchlow, Satish
Kumar, John Lane, the Bishop of London and Sir Stephen Lamport. As
private secretary to the Prince of Wales it was one of his jobs to arrange a
fortnightly delivery of organic vegetables from Highgrove. The contribution
from Sir John Tavener is a musical score for which a magnifying glass is
required in order to decipher even the dedication. This is a book which
anyone who knew Kathleen will treasure and want to read.
b o o ks in b r ie f
and his influence. The book helps rescue Swedenborg from the margins
of European thought by demonstrating his role as a founding father of
modern esoteric spirituality. His stand-off with Kant (or rather Kants with
Swedenborg) represented a clash in ways of knowing with which we are
now much more familiar. Swedenborgs unique distinction was to combine
his intuitive visionary capacity with his analytical and empirical gifts as
a scientist.
b o o ks in b r ie f
by Aidan Nichols OP
Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. 2009, 209 pp., p/b.
GK Chesterton was one of the leading and most versatile Catholic minds
of the 20th century, one of whose books helped convert CS Lewis to
Christianity. The author is a lecturer at Cambridge University and this book
is based on lectures given at Oxford in memory of John Paul II. As such,
its most immediate appeal will be to Catholic readers but it introduces
Chesterton to the general reader in a wider context with discussions
on the nature of spirituality and secularism. I particularly enjoyed the
quotation from Father Brown that I can believe the impossible, but not the
improbable, which, incidentally he also relates to the incredible.
by Emil Bock
Floris Books 2009, 336 pp., 20.00, p/b.
Emil Bock was a leading light in the early days of the Christian Community,
which is rooted in the teachings of Rudolf Steiner. These studies originally
appeared in a series of newsletters at a time when the author was also
making a new translation of the Gospels from Greek. Rudolf Steiners
perspective those beyond the normal limits of biblical criticism and
materialistic understandings, reinstating the importance of what he called
the supersensible, in the light of which the miracles of Christ can be
understood afresh. Bock examines differences between the consciousness
of the various evangelists, and he uses Steiners scheme of three stages in
spiritual perception, namely imagination, inspiration and intuition as means
of deepening his own understanding. The topics covered are very broad,
including parables, miracles, the Sermon on the Mount, John the Baptist,
Judas and Peter. I found his comments on the Beatitudes especially
interesting in shedding new light on their layers of meaning.
Home Tonight:
Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal
by Henri J M Nouwen
Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. 2009, 137 pp., p/b.
Henri Nouwens original book on the Prodigal Son is one of his best-known
works, and this is a sequel based on workshops he gave when he returned
to his community at LArche in Toronto after a period of breakdown and
soul-searching. He describes the enormous impression made on him
by Rembrandts painting, which hangs in the Hermitage Museum in St
Petersburg. He contemplated its many layers of meaning, especially the
depiction of the magnanimous father and the repentant son, which evokes
enormous tenderness and compassion. Nouwen notes that Rembrandt
himself had suffered enormously in the period before he painted the picture.
The book is beautifully crafted, elaborating the themes of the story and
creating spiritual exercises around them, including the practices of listening,
journaling and communing. Besides the main text, there are some wonderful
apposite quotations, including some from Jean Vanier, which add to the
richness of texture and provide ample material for spiritual reflection.
by Craig Borlase
Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. 2009, 255 pp., 9.99, p/b.
This unusual book outlines the history of Christianity from the perspective
of 150 years hence. The first 12 chapters are in the past and the last
four in the future. The text is highly readable and the originality of the
book consists in its forecast of the future with an accompanying timeline
including such events as a global flu epidemic, droughts and water wars
(not until the 2090s); on the theological side there are schisms firstly in the
Anglican Communion, then in the Catholic Church where the Vatican loses
its independent status. The details of these discussions make stimulating
reading, but perhaps the most surprising forecast is the dramatic
conversion of Richard Dawkins to the Jacobite Syrian Christian Church,
described as an obscure branch of Orthodox Christianity. Needless to say,
his last book charts this religious conversion and is entitled, appropriately,
The Learning Gene.
Sun of gOd
by Gregory Sams
Weiser Publications 2009, 232 pp., $17.95, p/b.
More than 10 years ago, Rupert Sheldrake arranged a meeting in Devon
to ask the question, is the sun conscious? And in 1999, the Sun was
the theme of the Mystics and Scientists conference. This book raises all
these questions again, and its premise is that Sun is a large complex
system with some form of self governing intelligence. It is a living being,
aware of itself and its place in the universe...its power of consciousness
is so far beyond what we enjoy that it should be accorded deity status of
a high order. For millennia, human beings had an animistic outlook on the
world, and many worshipped the sun as the source of light and life. Blake
still understood this, but the modern mechanistic outlook regards the sun
as little more than a molten mass, and would certainly balk at attributing
any intelligence to it. Sams suggests that we need to recover this more
ancient understanding, but in the light of the self-organising consciousness
that underlies everything. And if the sun is in any way conscious, then it is
possible to communicate with it. At the very least, we can be filled with a
sense of gratitude for the life and warmth and sustenance that we gain from
the sun. This is a wide ranging and thought-provoking book.
Patterns of Eternity:
Sacred Geometry and the Starcut Diagram
by Malcolm Stewart
Floris Books 2009, 279 pp., 20.00, p/b.
The front cover of this beautiful and profound book depicts the starcut
diagram, which is a way of demonstrating an internal geometry of the
square by creating triangles from each corner to the opposite apex.
The thesis, which I find persuasive, is that this diagram underlies many
developments of sacred geometry in different parts of the world. The author
takes the reader on a cultural adventure from Pythagoras to the Pyramids,
from the Vedic fire altar to Chinese shamanism, from Sufism to Raphael. All
of this is beautifully illustrated with both diagrams and photographs, so that
the reader is able to understand the subtleties of the geometric patterns as
well and the way in which they have been put into practice. The underlying
harmonic of this shape could contribute a healing presence to our jangled
and fragmented consciousness; the book is an outstanding achievement
and deserves a wide readership.
Angels in my Hair
by Lorna Byrne
Arrow Books 2008, 325 pp., 6.99, p/b.
Lorna Byrne is a contemporary Irish mystic, and this book is her fascinating
autobiography starting from her early childhood where she was already
seeing angels and spirits. At one level, her life is very normal, but her
perceptions make it exceptional. As a girl, she explains the nature of God
to her friend Marian, asking her if she sees the beautiful finch with all its
golden colours, remarking that the bird is like God, encouraging her to look
at it closely and see its beauty and perfection. She recounts an accident
where two boys are killed by a truck, but she sees this from inside, the
boys becoming luminous at the moment of death. She explains that death
for most humans is a continuous flow from one life to another, in perfect
harmony. She receives a beautiful prayer from the Archangel Michael, whom
she perceives as a radiant force beyond our comprehension. At the end of
the book, she entreats Mother Mary to appear more widely in the world. The
message of this book, and many others reviewed in this publication, is that
there are hidden and subtle dimensions to our existence, which enables us
to understand the context of life more deeply and realise that we are not
trapped within a purely physical system.
by James D Proctor
Templeton Foundation Press 2009, 371 pp., h/b.
Cosmic Ordering: the Next Step
by Barbel Mohr
Hay House Publishers 2009, 183 pp., 7.99, p/b.
This book is written on the basis that we are spiritual beings and that
our purpose is to live life fully devoted to God in a spirit of love and
service. The sentence that particular struck me was that we should
always strive to be kinder than necessary because everyone we meet
is fighting some kind of battle. The people who will get most out of
the book are those who share the authors perspective on God; it is
refreshing to see the word virtue used so explicitly and to reflect on
the explanation of 12 natural laws. Interestingly, the book as a whole
is something to the channelled wisdom of Silver Birch, which I have not
read for many years.
by Belinda Joubert
O Books 2009, 178 pp., 9.99, p/b.
Jason Chan is a Tai Chi and Chi Kung master and a lifelong Taoist. His
co-author, Jane Rogers is a former lecturer in social policy, who now
works with him. Her contributions, often at the end of chapters, relate
her own unfolding development as she enters more deeply into Jasons
practice. The book has an authentic ring of genuine experience and
progression, moving through awakening, healing and empowerment to
dynamic surrender. Themes covered include meditation, transcending
emotions, understanding relationships, forgiveness, abundance, trust
and service. The goal is formulated as the return to pure consciousness
and the realisation that we are all one with everything. The rest is
the human journey with its process of awakening and the evolving
understanding of the nature and commitment of a radiant warrior.
by Peter L Benson
Templeton Foundation Press 2009, 120 pp., 8.99, p/b.
A book that evokes the life and work of Sir John Templeton himself as
a visionary embodying a higher purpose. It addresses both the personal
and social, giving guidance on creating ones own personal vision
as a pull towards the future. The book is interspersed with inspiring
quotations, for instance from Gabriel Garcia Marquez who says that it is
not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old. They
grow old because they stop pursuing dreams. He explains how spirit
animates and connects us all, and that love is the unifying force in the
universe, on which we ourselves can draw and express in our lives. An
inspiring little book.
b o o ks in b r ie f
b o o ks in b r ie f
Future Studies/Economics/
by Joanna Yarrow
Duncan Baird Publishers 2009, 128 pp., 7.99, p/b.
A colourful and lively book aiming to present the key ecological issues
in an accessible fashion, with arguments on both sides of controversial
questions: so-called eco-dilemmas. The various sections deal with
resources, population, climate, waste, cities, energy, travel, organic food
and farming and ethical consumption. Statistics show the development of
various trends, and the choices we face are clearly articulated. Pitched at an
introductory level, this is a book we can use to help inform our choices.
by Andrew Simms
Constable & Company Limited 2007, 372 pp., 7.99, p/b.
Andrew Simms is the Director of the New Economics Foundation, and is
ideally placed to have written this eye-opening book. I imagine that nearly
every reader of this review shops, at least occasionally, at Tesco. Readers
are probably not aware that the Tesco capital in Scotland is Inverness,
with three stores already and a further one applied for. Perhaps the central
economic dynamic in the book is the relationship between scale or size
and economic clout. The larger you are, the more power and influence you
have, both economically and politically. In addition, the book documents
the evisceration of local communities and shops all over the world by the
installation of supermarkets. The dynamic of capitalism also encourages
further concentration in market shares, reflecting the global supply chain.
This process is associated with globalisation and the encouragement of
international trade at the expense of local economies.
For developing countries, this means making hard choices between growing
food for their own citizens and for export. If we return to the power issue
already mentioned, then supermarkets are in a position to put pressure
on producers and those who work for them, with the result that many
commodity prices have actually fallen in the last 30 years. This means
that the developed countries cheap food is effectively paid for by poverty
in developing countries. Moreover, this food needs to be transported
around the world -- it takes up a large proportion of air freight and creates
corresponding carbon emissions. The good news is that something can be
done about this and indeed is being done in certain localities, on which
the author reports. There is a great deal more that could be done by way
of regulation, which he spells out, and which many other countries have
implemented. At a local level, campaigns have been organised to oppose
planning permission for new supermarkets. In the long run, we ourselves as
consumers make choices; this is a difficult one, since, for reasons already
outlined, supermarkets can offer the lowest prices every little bit helps.
This book is a real wake-up call to encourage us to support local shops
where we can rather than the supermarket juggernauts, which Tesco is the
largest in Britain, and rapidly expanding abroad.
by Hans Andeweg
Floris Books 2009, 291 pp., 16.99, p/b.
Subtitled holistic healing for plants and land, this book summarises the
work of a Dutch biologist in restoring the vitality of habitats through what
he calls eco-therapy. The two parts deal with diagnosis and therapy,
analysing life force energy in number of places and exploring theoretical
ideas from Sheldrake to Reich and the Huna. Each chapter contains
practical exercises for the reader, including using a pendulum for energy
diagnosis and perceiving at a distance. In the therapeutic section, green
fingers are explained in terms of giving energy to plants, and the use
of music, colours and symbols is elaborated. There is also a separate
chapter on crop circles and one on radionics. This is a difficult book
for the general reader with a great deal of technical detail, and I had
the impression that this kind of material would be easier to absorb
through personal contact. Nevertheless, those interested in healing the
landscape will find much practical advice.
by John Foster
Earthscan Ltd 2008, 170 pp., 19.99, p/b.
There has been much discussion in the press recently about leaked
e-mails from the climate research centre in East Anglia, which has raised
the question about the degree of consensus among climate scientists
about global warming, and the extent to which this has been manipulated.
This book takes a dissenting view from the majority, arguing that the key
computer simulations are flawed and that researchers have fed into the
political process in return for further funding. Taylors own argument is
that the main driver of recent global warming has been an unprecedented
combination of natural events, and that we may be facing a greater threat of
cooling than warming. Sceptics have always argued that natural causes can
account for the data, a contention strongly contested by the majority. Taylor
adduces satellite data as evidence to contradict global warming theory, and
contends that changing patterns in cloud cover can explain the warming,
an argument which he also applies to the Arctic. The second part deals
with the politics, and sheds light on the collective psychology of scientists,
which tends to overrule dissent and brand opponents as heretics. Few
non-specialists have the time to study a 400 page book; indeed one would
need to study several such books in order to be sure of ones ground.
For me, however, whatever the rights and wrongs of the arguments, the
main point is that the human footprint on nature has been excessive, and
that measures need to be taken to restore the earth rather than continue
business as usual. Interested readers can consult
Blessed Unrest
by Paul Hawken
Penguin/Viking Books, 342 pp., $16, p/b.
Readers may recall the commencement address by Paul Hawken printed
in the last issue. When asked if he is pessimistic or optimistic about the
future, he always says that if you look at the science and arent pessimistic,
you dont have the correct data. However, if you meet the people in this
unnamed movement and arent optimistic, you havent got a heart. This
movement he refers to consists of millions of people dedicated to change in
an organic, self organising manner, and together they constitute the largest
social movement in history, which aims to restore grace, justice and beauty
to the world. They represent the World Social Forum rather than the World
Economic Forum: glocalisation rather than the current form of globalisation.
Our greatest resource is our capacity to adapt, leading the author to
conclude that evolution is optimism in action. The first part of the book
describes our overall situation and the areas in which people are working,
while the second, in the form of an appendix, describes in more detail the
activities of NGOs and the number involved. All this makes very encouraging
reading and can be followed up on
by Richard Heinberg
Clairview Books 2009, 208 pp., 12.99, p/b.
This is the latest of a number of books by Richard Heinberg on aspects of
the energy crisis. He concentrates on coal, which fuels more than 30% of
UK electricity production and 50% in the US. Recently, many people have
been turning to coal as a possible solution to our energy problems. Indeed,
the growth of China and India has been largely fuelled by it. Heinberg
focuses on three issues: potential scarcity, cost and quality (including
transport costs), and climate effects. This brings into play the relationship
between the environment and the economy, between pollution and growth.
The book is a thorough examination of the use of coal around the world,
and addresses the role of new coal technologies. He finishes by looking at
three potential scenarios, the maximum burn rate (this is the default), the
clean solution involving storage of carbon emissions, and a post-carbon
transition leading to widespread adoption of renewable energies. His takehome message is that we need not have further energy price fluctuations
once we rely on resources that are continually replenished and have
adopted a no-growth economic paradigm. This last option does not look
likely in the short-term so it is more probable that we will go down one of
the first two routes.
b o o ks in b r ie f
b o o ks in b r ie f
This annual publication is the practical guide for who want to farm and
garden biodynamically. There are useful notes for new readers and
a number of special features, including this time the care of bees,
Anthroposophical insights into honey, water management in crop production
and water storage and soil fertility. There is also a recipe for rye bread. The
book is illustrated with a number of small photos as well as charts and is
based on nearly 50 years of search and experience. This year, for the first
time, there is an equivalent for North America.
Dyslexia: Learning Disorder or Creative Gift?
by Cornelia Jantzen
Floris Books 2009, 203 pp., 14.99, p/b.
The books subtitle issues its rhetorical challenge, and invites readers to
revise their understanding of dyslexia. The American Ronald Davis has
been working as a pioneer in the field for over 30 years and articulates
eight abilities shared by dyslexics such as enhanced awareness of the
environment, thinking in pictures, highly developed intuition and vivid
imagination. Interestingly, this correlates with right hemisphere thinking
and is arguably only stigmatised in a left hemisphere dominated society.
It appears that Rudolf Steiner was himself dyslexic and his lectures and
way of thinking shed an interesting light on the field and informed his
own teaching methods, which have been carried forward in the Waldorf
education programmes. No one reading this book will think about dyslexia
in the same way again.
by Jack Petrash
Floris Books 2009, 119 pp., 8.99, p/b.
A Rosslyn Treasury
by P L Snow
Floris Books 2009, 185 pp., 9.99, p/b.
A book about stories and legends depicted in the sculptures of Rosslyn
Chapel near Edinburgh; the place has always been one of pilgrimage,
but more intensively in the last 20 years. The building dates back to the
15th century, with some pieces as early as 1446. The pilgrim will find
much to reflect on within the building. This book gives a brief history
before recounting twenty stories connected with the sculptures. There are
chapters with black-and-white illustrations on the Green Man, Melchizidek,
Elijah, the Three Kings, the Templars, Manis dualism and the legend of the
Holy Grail. The author suggests that this building needs to be understood
at three levels: physical, spiritual and divine; this is the meaning of sacred
art as a way of raising consciousness to the divine by means of physical
Turning Points
by Julia Ogilvy
Lion Hudson PLC 2009, 192 pp., 8.99, p/b.
At the beginning of this book is a quotation from Epictetus: we cannot
choose our circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond
to them. It is a fitting commentary on the eleven life stories and
turning points presented in this searching book. Julia begins with our
own story of transformation from successful businesswoman to social
entrepreneur, in part triggered by the death of a friends child and
being opened up to the tough realities endured by many young people
in Scotland and elsewhere. Turning inwards, she found her faith, as
did a number of the other people featured in the book, the best-known
of whom are the Prime Minister Gordon Brown and Bob Geldof. After
reading Gordon Browns story about the short life and death of his
daughter Jennifer, one understands how pain can be transformative and
galvanise new forms of action. The interview with Geldof is very different,
as he is the only subject to come across as a pretty militant atheist but
driven to do what he could about famine in Africa.
Two of the subjects are young people connected with Julias work with
the volunteering charity Project Scotland, and show how young people
can turn themselves around from grim conditions. Perhaps the most
charismatic story is that of Chris Moon, whose work in various parts of
the world -- including clearing landmines and losing his leg -- has brought
him close to death on a number of occasions. Summarising his two key
turning points and what they have taught him, he comments that we
need to take responsibility for who we are, where we are and work out
where we want to be and how to get there. Secondly, remember that
life is all about people, about loving and being loved and making the
best of life and connecting with like-minded people. Finally, persistence
is key as one needs to keep on getting up when one has fallen over.
Reading this book will cause you to reflect on your own priorities and
sense of direction, and whether there is more you could do in terms of
service, without forgetting the quality of your relationships with those
closest to you.
b o o ks in b r ie f
for the methods of our parents; hence the emphasis on heartfelt discipline.
An intriguing section is headed the complaint department when children
begin to complain about various family obligations, partly as a way of
beginning to assert their independence. If there is bonding, there is also
letting go, which is the other half of love. I was struck by the authors
advice that two key ingredients of raising healthy teenagers are purposeful,
challenging activities and meaningful contact with adults in situations of
responsibility. This makes it more likely that teenagers will feel good about
themselves, and we will feel good about them.
b o o ks in b r ie f
Alchemy is perhaps the most ancient spiritual science, which has been
practised for centuries in different cultures. The authors quest began
with an American called David Hudson, who in 1989 claimed to have
discovered a new form of matter that initially defied scientific assays
but which was eventually found to consist of gold and platinum. He
took this white powder along to the local vet, who injected it into some
terminally ill dogs; they subsequently recovered and were tumour free
within a few weeks. The book explores various traditions of alchemy,
bringing the story right up to date with recent experiments conducted
with Hudsons chemist. He has not yet arrived at the elixir of life,
but gives some substantial clues about the procedure. Traditionally,
alchemists never revealed any of their secrets, partly because putting
such power in the hands of humanity as a whole would be a leap of
faith, as, like all other advances, these techniques could fall into the
wrong hands. However, it may not be long before we hear more about
this hidden science, which could provide an antidote to many of the
diseases of civilisation. And with the right intentions, the capacity to
create gold and platinum could give us the opportunity and resources
to help create a new culture.
by Robert E Cox
Inner Traditions International 2009, 193 pp., p/b.
by Robert Macfarlane
Granta Publications Ltd 2007, 340 pp., 8.99, p/b.
Some readers will have read Robert Macfarlanes first book, Mountains
of the Mind, and they will certainly be enthralled by its sequel. The
author set out to ask if there are any genuinely wild places left
in Britain and Ireland. The answer is emphatically positive, as he
evokes in a series of exquisitely delineated journeys into different
landscapes, memories and histories. He sleeps out and swims in
some rugged landscapes, bringing his experiences intensely alive
to the reader. Beginning not far from his home in Cambridge with a
wonderful description of sitting up a beech tree, he travels to some of
the farthest points in our islands, following in the footsteps of other
famous travel writers, to whose ranks he himself now belongs. This is
a book to savour, relishing the rhythm and beauty of the authors prose
and the breadth of his literary reference.
Many Miles to Go
by Brian Tracy
Entrepreneur Press 2007, 292 pp., $19.95, p/b.
Brian Tracy is well known for his personal and professional development
programmes. In the book he tells the epic story the journey he made
with two other friends across the Sahara desert in the mid-1960s when
he was in his early 20s. The book is billed as a modern parable from
business and is accompanied by commentary drawing out the lessons
from the various situations in which the young men find themselves.
It is a gripping tale in its own right, of challenges met and difficulties
overcome. One also comes to appreciate the extraordinary hostility of
the desert in the heat of the sun and the absolute necessity of drinking
large quantities of water. The core themes are the development of
character and a sense of responsibility. At the end of the book are
seven principles for lifelong success, which can apply to any situation.
Then there are a series of inspiring quotations, among which are
Aristotle: Wisdom is a combination of experience plus reflection. And
Goethe: to have more, we must first be more. An inspiring read at a
number of different levels.
Fourth edition of what is becoming a classic work in the field the first
to appear since the death of the editor, who compiled the first edition
in 1994. The entries are organised by themes -- 200 of them -- with
over 5,000 quotations in all. These appear in front, with an index of
subjects at the back, thus enabling the reader to navigate around the
book. The book can be opened at any page, for instance telegrams,
where one reads: on arriving in Venice -- streets flooded, please advise.
Or Chestertons appeal to his wife: am in Market Harborough, where
ought I to be? Or Dorothy Parker to Mrs Sherwood on the arrival of her
baby: good work, Mary, we all knew you had it in you. Under Science we
find Arthur C Clarke: if an elderly but distinguished scientist says that
something is possible he is almost certainly right, but if he says that
it is impossible he is very probably wrong. A great collection to dip in
and out of.
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