An Introduction - VEDIC MATHS
An Introduction - VEDIC MATHS
An Introduction - VEDIC MATHS
Mathematics is the body of knowledge centered on concepts such as quantity, structure, space, and
change, and also the academic discipline which studies them. Vedic Maths is the basis for all modern
concepts of maths so it is the backbone even in astrology and scientific calculations. Well, it gives you
some short cut mantras to perform processes like long division, complex multiplication, finding square
roots, cube roots, etc, etc.
Vedic Maths is more than just a few shortcuts; it is actually another way of solving problems. You can
actually get into deeper concepts like calculus using this. Ancient Mathematicians discovered the
Pythagoras theorem and rudimentary calculus ages before the western world even thought of it. It is
actually an alternate way of solving the problem...
Vedic mathematics
Vedic mathematics is a system of mathematics consisting of a list of 16 basic sutras,
or aphorisms for dealing with different mathematical problems . They are obtained
from Vedas.
They were presented by a Hindu scholar and mathematician, Bharati Krishna Tirthaji
Maharaja, during the early part of the 20th century. These are said to be creative and
useful, and can be applied in a number for calculations.
Vedic mathematics is a gift given to this world by the ancient sages of India. A
system which is far more simpler and enjoyable than modern mathematics.
Tirthaji claimed that he found the sutras after years of studying the Vedas, a set of
sacred ancient Hindu texts However, Vedas do not contain any of the "Vedic
mathematics" sutras.Critics have questioned whether this subject deserves the name
Vedic or indeed mathematics. They point to the lack of evidence of any sutras.
Most important sources for Vedic Mathematics are found in Astronomy, Astrology
and Kalpa (rules for rituals and ceremonies).Evidence is usually in the form of
sutras (a peculiar form of writing which is very concise and often uses a poetic style
to capture the essence of argument or result).
When subtracting from a large power of ten with one can instead subtract rightmost
digit from 10 and each other digit from 9. This formula can be very effectively applied
in multiplication of numbers, which are nearer to bases like 10, 100, 1000, i.e., to the
powers of 10 (eg: 96 x 98 or 102 x 104).
Squaring of Nine
The nearest power of 10 to 9 is 10. Therefore, let us take 10 as our base.
Since 9 is 1 less than 10, decrease it by the deficiency ( 9 - 1 = 8). This is the leftmost
digit of our answer.
On the right hand side put the square of the deficiency, which is 1. Hence, the square
of nine is 81.
This trick helps you to multiply complex numbers easily within just five seconds!
Vedic Method
65 X 65 = 4225
( 'multiply the
previous digit 6
3535 =
= 12,25 and
125125 = ((1212)+12),25 = 156,25
or by the stra, multiply "by one more than the previous one."
itself 7. Than
3535 = ((34),25 = 12,25 and 125125 = ((1213),25 = 156,25
25 )
The latter portion is multiplied by itself (5 by 5) and the previous portion is square of
first digit or first two digit (33) or (1212) and adding the same digit in that figure
(3or12) resulting in the answer 1225.
This is a simple application of
Multiplying by 11
1135= 385
(1) The five in the ones place of the answer is taken from the five in 35.
(2) The eight in the answer is the sum of 35 (3+5=8).
(3) The three in the hundreds place of the answer is taken from the three in 35.
However, if in step #2 the sum is greater than 9, the sum's left digit is added the first
digit of the number multiplied by 11. For example:
1159= 649
(1) The nine in the ones place of the answer is taken from the nine in 59.
(2) The four in the answer is the right digit in the sum of 59 (5+9=14)
(3) The six in the hundreds place of the answer is taken from the sum of the
five in 59 and the digit in the tens place from the sum of 59 (5+9='14) -->
The steps for multiplying a three-digit number by 11 are as follows:
11768= 8448
(1) The 8 in the ones place of the answer is taken from the eight in 768.
(2) The 4 in the tens place of the answer is taken from the sum of 8, in the ones
place of 768, and 6, in the tens place of 768 (8+6=14). As 14 is greater than 9,
the 1 is carried over to step 3.
(3) The 4 in the hundreds place of the answer is taken from the sum of 6, in the
tens place of 768, and 7, in the hundreds place of 768, plus the carried 1 from
step 2 (6+7+1=14). As 14 is greater than 9, the 1 is carried over to step 4.
(4) The 8 in the thousandths place of the answer is taken from the sum of 7, in
the hundreds place of 768, plus the carried 1 from step 3 (7+1=8).
This formula is useful in solution of several special types of equations that can be
solved visually. The word samuccaya here means a term which occurs as a common
factor in all the terms concerned.
A simple example is equation "12x + 3x = 4x + 5x". Since "x" occurs as a common
factor in all the terms, therefore, x = 0 is a solution. Another meaning may be that
samuccaya is a product of independent terms. For instance, in (x + 7) (x + 9) = (x + 3)
(x + 21), the samuccaya is 7 9 = 3 21, therefore, x = 0 is a solution. Another
meaning is the sum of the denominators of two fractions having the same numerical
numerator, for example: 1/ (2x 1) + 1/ (3x 1) = 0 means we may set the
denominators equal to zero, 5x 2 = 0.
Yet another meaning is "combination" or total. This is commonly used. For instance,
if the sum of the numerators and the sum of denominators are the same then that sum
is zero. Therefore,
Therefore, 4x + 16 = 0 or x = 4.
Note that it would not work if both had been "in ratio". For then we have the case of
coinciding lines with an infinite number of solutions.:
6x + 7y = 8
12x + 14y = 16
This formula is easily applicable to more general cases with any number of variables.
For instance
ax + by + cz = a
bx + cy + az = b
cx + ay + bz = c
which yields x = 1, y = 0, z = 0.